Hotel room

life is… unpredictable
very unpredictable
the current curveball thrown at you was the hedgehog sitting on the hotel bed
now when you think hedgehog you think tiny woodland creature
they don't talk
they don't wear a towel around them like a chick
they aren't blue
they aren't asking you about what there is to do around here for fun
you'd been on the run for a while
after he popped out onto earth you'd had nothing but trouble
and here he was drawing rings with his finger on the bed sheet
"c'mon you can't think of anything fun? I'm dying of boredom here."
you felt like being a smart ass
he'd been damn near uncontrollable
like trying to rein in someone with ADHD
just constantly running circles around you
his enthusiasm would be cute if it wasn't a hazard
he spread his legs in front of you and you remembered his lack of shame
he caught your quick glance and trying to look away
it felt dirtier considering he mostly was naked most of the time
you remembered when you had to enforce at least running shorts when he popped over here
he had picked a pair for girls
but somehow the towel made him lewder at the moment
"I think you know something fun"
you did know
you were ignoring it
did he have to be so damn smug
he had a grin on his face as he made a show of crossing his legs
when you tried to get up and avoid the situation your face was draped in said towel and your pants had vanished, judging by the breeze
oh what the fuck
you threw the towel aside to see Sonic leaning against the bathroom door frame
your underpants were twirled on his finger and he had the biggest goddamn grin on his face
sure enough, pants thrown on the ceiling fan
and your dick was out
now, while you stood about a head or two taller and you could theoretically take him in a fight, he was not exactly easy
super speed was an annoyance when it wasn't saving you
because it only aided in the amount of mischief he could pull off
you figured there was no chance to catch him like this
what if you just didn't play along?
you didn't need your briefs that bad
when you went to pull the pants down from the fan, your shirt was thrown out the window
"don't you feel awkward? showing up in the same birthday suit?"
he was on your bed now, laying on his side with his hand propping up his head
his running gave his sleek legs but very defined hips
and he made sure to show them off
it was then he blew you a kiss and winked
you were being mocked by a scrawny blue hedgehog with his hog out

you knew he was trying to get a rise out of you
some weird Bugs Bunny routine
he couldn't be serious
you asked how he even knew about that stuff
"traveled all over and you don't think I'd know what sex was?"
he saw your dick twitch at that
it was weird to think of this guy like that
he wasn't even from your dimension
wasn't even human
plus the whole guy thing bit that was the least of it
he had a realization flash across his face
he snapped his fingers and vanished
oh no
from your brief experience you knew leaving him out of your sight was a bad idea
he came back through the door in a gust of wind
he threw something at you and you caught it out of muscle memory
a bottle of lube
christ he really did know
"you need a written invitation? c'mon, slowpoke"
he casually hopped onto the bed and thrust his ass up in the air
he wiggled it towards you as a taunt
his white gloved hand smacked his ass
this was everything slamming at you like a freight train
"we don't gotta be alone on a Friday night"
you took it in
his blue fur covered thick thighs and very defined glutes
he had amazing legs and knew it
a pink hole in the center of his ass winked at you
this was really happening
he had fur over his nuts but a pink leaky cock peeked from his sheath
he looked up over his shoulder
clearly he was impatient
his foot slid up and he gently ran over your cock you left exposed
you'd realized you'd been hard this whole time
"I bet it'll be fun. if you're up for it"
again with the taunts
he was trying to get under your skin
you saw the flick of his tiny pointed tail
his foot brushed over your dick
"you don't feel unsure back there."
you really only had one idea running through your mind
it looked inviting
he wanted it
could it be so bad
it was weighing on your mind
his foot moving over your dick made you buck and that got a laugh out of him
he spread on cheek with his hand
"you can bet this feels even better"
he was breaking through your willpower
it was like a gate getting battered down
he was definitely winning
he was a total brat but he knew
you opened the bottle and he actually fist pumped
he'd gotten victory but you were going to make sure he'd pay dearly
after all, if he was going to be a pain in the ass you could play that game too

you didn't spare any time
after all that teasing he'd gotten you worked up
so he was in for a shock when you lined up and shoved it in without pause
"fuck," he groaned out into the mattress
well he wanted it he got it
his blue fur felt smooth to the touch
and his ass practically swallowed your length despite his groans and curses
well he wanted you to fuck him
the cocky attitude had melted away almost instantly
it was definitely nowhere to be seen when your hips made contact with his toned ass
his own cock dribbled a constant stream of precum onto the sheets
should you have worn a condom?
the things you only think of when too late
you were trying to pull out when his legs looped back around yours
"don't… don't you dare"
the attitude in his voice was slightly marred by the fact he practically whimpered that
well maybe it was safe to fuck the interdimensional blue talking furry
he did milk at you pretty good, even if he didn't mean to
with his ass up in the air you could thrust down pretty hard
it didn't take long for him to grab a pillow and scream into it
his orgasm making a mess on the bed spread
you replied he really was the fastest thing you'd ever seen
the pillow got tossed over his shoulder into your face
the glare was worth it
especially when you started right back up into pounding him and his hands clawed at the blankets
he took to getting fucked easily
you had to ask
if he had experience like this
in between the whimpers and moans he said he just fingered himself sometimes
so you were slamming it into virgin territory?
"yes, yes, oh fuck yes"
a second oragasm made his body quiver
but you weren't finished
you picked him up and put him in a full nelson
the quills on his head scratched over your skin
but you paid it no mind
you growled into his ear as you thrust up into him
if this was the time waster he imagined it would be
he arched and shot a couple ropes over the bed
his arms and legs were locked in and he was trapped
man, if you knew it was this easy to catch him you'd have done this a while ago
he didn't even touch his dick and he was cumming a fourth time
even if he was a quick shot he seemed to have limitless stamina
he recovered quickly and thrust back into you
"c'mon," he said between gasps, "I know you can go faster"
oh that's how he wanted it?
you turned your back towards the bed and fell onto it
you disregarded the mess on your back and released the full nelson
he was confused and almost protested when you grabbed his narrow waist and started impaling him on your manhood with all the energy and speed you could muster
while the hedgehog had looked alien to you when you first saw him, you had a newfound appreciation for him
his hole gripping onto your dick might be clouding your judgement
that blue coat was like velvet to the touch
the peach color fur of his stomach marking complimented it
his face had a soft roundness to it
not that you could see it now for the quills that made up his head of "hair"
gave him sort of punk look
no way he could match the attitude that style exuded though
not while he was moaning like a girl on your lap
"you… you can… go harder, right?"
oh he was a brat
every thrust down your shaft was met by your hips halfway
you weren't giving him time to pause now
his arms scrambled as his hands tried to find anything to grab
another orgasm
this time you could only tell from his noises and his hole
you'd managed to wring him out like a sponge
that didn't mean you were stopping though
his prostate was getting jackhammered so much he was seeing stars
you felt it was time for another position change
he didn't have time to react before you mating pressed him into the bed
this time you were face to face
his hands went for your shoulders and his legs locked around your back
"don't pull out, you hea-"
he was cut off as you redoubled your efforts
the sentence turned into a drawn out whorish noise
you were so close and you bet he had one or two more in him
without hesitation you crushed your lips to his mouth
his tongue explored your mouth eagerly
when you were right at the edge you hammered in one final thrust that had him writhe in your grip
his body convulsed as you poured that load deep into him
so that was it
that was how you were going to get interdimensional clap or whatever
well hopefully that got that out of his system
he looked you square in the eyes
his green eyes immediately filled with that gleam of mischief that his smile couldn't muster
through ragged breath he finally spoke
"were you that eager to shut me up at the end with that kiss?"
he rolled his hips against yours, like he was trying get that very last drop out of you
"told you that was going to be fun. going to be running funny tomorrow though."
this had to be a one time thing
you had to put your foot down
you tried to break it gently
he was practically a stranger
and you just fucked him into near coma
it wasn't the smartest thing to just do the closest thing to a Craigslist hookup with a furry
there was a trace of disappointment on his face
"was it not good?"
oh dammit
was he playing the puppy dog eyes?
all the while occasionally rolling his hips against yours
it wasn't bad
you couldn't stand the puppy dog eyes
you just worried
"about? I'm pretty sure you can't get me pregnant"
not that
it was just the whole situation was alien
"we had fun. I mean if you want me to stay put I can't really hop off that cock"
grin and a shrug
he used his locked legs to drive your hardening cock deep
he heaved his chest into yours as he arched his back
you were trying your hardest not to concentrate on… everything
"I snagged that cowboy hat from the western bar and you're not even going to let me try that 'cowgirl position'"
very difficult
"if I do 'reverse cowgirl' does that mean I have to make beeping noises during?"
you kissed him

Edit Report
Pub: 02 Jul 2023 20:03 UTC
Edit: 15 Jul 2023 00:14 UTC
Views: 2289