Warm Talk in the Winter

It was freezing in Selenium. No doubt about it; it was common for the weather to be dry and cold, unbelievably cold. Their streets did reflect on the almost unending winter however, the peasants in Kalmar stayed distant and wary of any foreign influence, while the aristocrats could only be talked with power. Too much of a hassle for him, indeed.
Serenus was not one born with overwhelming wealth, or virtue. Austerity is all he has ever known since he immigrated to Selenium. But there was one thing this man had plenty of. His devotion for Selenium was unquestionable. Had he not been born poor, he would certainly be a priest. But deep inside, he had to thank his upbringing for making his future.
Serenus was in his favorite bar, sitting on his favorite third stool and ordered his favorite drink: a tarasun. In an empty bar, times like these made Serenus forget the burden of being the Father of Democracy.

"This bar isn't one fit for a king, huh, Maurer!" The barman happily slammed his fist against the counter, interrupting his thinking.

"You're damn right! When are you going to clean up this shithole anyway? A brick fell out of the wall and landed almost broke a table!"

"Maybe if you work for me? Forget about this whole political shenenigan, it won't bring you any good."

"No way. Although if you gave me another drink for free, I might just consider."

"Hah! You said that last month!" His good friend snarkly replied.

The entrance door opened with a lively creak. A new figure entered, not one which Serenus recognized; a man with average stature and a small face, dressed with a large dark-colored coat and scarf, and blue pants.

"You know him, Mikael?"

"Can't say I do." He coughed. "But he came here last night and asked for you."

"Huh." Serenus wondered.

The figure sat to his left and faced the ground while Serenus downed his drink. Now he could distinguish his facial features, albeit barely. Forty or so years old, with a rough looking appearance: thick eyebrows with tired eyes, thin nose, almost rosy cheeks with blood-red lips. He was not from Kalmar, that's for sure. Kalmarians have it rougher than that.

"Give me another one, Mikael."

The barman then turned around and grabbed another full bottle.

"You were looking for me, eh? Just who are you?" Serenus said curiously at the man. What could he have wanted with a no one like him? Had he gotten famous with Selenistic security now?

The dark figure broke his silence and turned to face him: "It depends. You're Serenus von Reuental, right? I'm Colonel Sigurd." He grabbed something from his left pocket. A chain of some sort. "Here's my identity badge so you know I'm not bullshitting you."

Serenus reluctantly grabbed the badge. Under some strange numbers, it read: Constantine Sigurd Karl von Stade.
"Just what does he want with me?" The Democrat painfully and quickly pondered. After some quick thoughts, he decided to bite it. What he had to lose anyway?

"Listen. I've been observing your ass for a while. Your movement so far has been so insignificant that even the top brass doesn't acknowledge you." Sigurd pointed at him: "Do you think that's a problem, Mr. Reformer?" He awaited for a response.

The First Reformer finally drank his tarasun in one gulp: "Maybe. Being insignificant helps to keep things under their eyes until it's too late for them."

The Colonel's fingers snapped. "That's where I come in! There's no shortage of conspirators that want to see those snobbish clergymen down, including people like me." He sighed. "They all just need something to rally under, a flag, a movement. A leader. What do you say?"

"What would you gain from this, though?" Serenus tried desperately to remain calm. "How am I supposed to know that you or the Royal Guard isn't gonna bust my ass as soon as you can?"

"Leading two-faced bureaucrats and unwashed plebeian scum isn't my thing. I have more pride than that." He scoffed at the thought. "Hell, I could've killed you as soon as I saw you here. Do you want me in or not?" Sigurd now looked impatient.

"Only if you buy me another tarasun."

"Hmph! Then get me one as well, barman!"

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Pub: 01 Aug 2022 00:51 UTC
Edit: 01 Aug 2022 14:48 UTC
Views: 390