Patient 311. Name: Henry Morris Disorder: Psychotic Depression, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Mild Amnesia Treatment: Semiweekly Therapy, Antidepressants
A software developer who worked for a big tech company. The specifics of 311's life prior to his employment at EntertainmentStation are foggy. It is believed that his father was abusive and/or neglectful, as the patient is rational on the topic of his mother and uncle, but becomes aggravated whenever his father is brought up. No specific details have been noted, and it is highly unlikely we will receive any. After his graduation, patient 311 moved out of his parents' home to an apartment in Redmond, Washington in order to work at EntertainmentStation, hoping that his greatest dreams about working at the company would come true. 311's fantasies, however, were shattered as his life became "a monotonous slog". Patient 311 was not popular - at least in a positive light - in the workplace, being the center of many rumors among his co-workers. It is believed that he became an alcoholic during this time as a result of his broken dreams.
The tipping point for the patient came when one of his co-workers, Austin Sanders, was promoted. 311 thought of this as unfair, as he had been in the company much longer than Mr. Sanders. Out of envy, patient 311 laced Mr. Sanders' coffee with sedatives, causing him to pass out while in the company's server room. 311 waited out in the building for Mr. Sanders to wake up, binding him to a chair within the room and taping his mouth shut. The patient then reportedly tortured Mr. Sanders, strangling him, punching him, cutting his arms, denailing him, as well as a few other methods. 311 ended the torture session with an ax to the legs, followed by a swing to the neck, killing Mr. Sanders. The patient then proceeded to mutilate Mr. Sanders post-mortem, dissecting him and hacking his body apart. In the end, Mr. Sanders was completely unrecognisable from remains alone, only being identified via his wallet. During the investigation, 311 was questioned and was the prime suspect, but no incriminating evidence could be traced back to him. Sometime later, after the investigation had mostly subsided, the patient had shaved his head completely bald and gone into work extremely drunk, with a smile that his co-workers described as "psychotic". It is unknown how many of his actions that day were because of the influence of alcohol compared to his mental state. Around 4 PM, the patient attempted to commit suicide by electrocuting himself, however, this attempt on his own life was not fatal and had only put him in a comatose state. The patient was immediately rushed to the hospital, and after waking up a month later, he confessed to the murder of Austin Sanders in a mixture of screaming and sobbing. As a result of the trauma, 311 has lost a few of his prior memories. He has also forgotten his own name, believing it to be and asking to be referred to as "Eteled". We are unsure on why he picked this name.
The patient is known to become aggressive at the tip of a hat, and so is to be mostly isolated from other patients both for his and their safety. A member of staff is to be present with 311 at all times when outside of his room, preferably ones whom he has previously been with. 311 is not allowed to hold onto any item that could be used to bring harm to himself or others. During therapy, patient 311 struggles expressing himself, and becomes angry when his vagueness is misunderstood. As a result of poor communication, aggression, and his memory loss, therapy sessions with the patient are very difficult and often end prematurely. The most information we have gotten during therapy are his frequent visions of a hallway, which he fears, and hearing the voice of Austin Sanders in his head taunting him, which infuriates him.