Patient 166.
Name: Unknown (Nicknamed "Suicide Mouse" by staff)
Age: Unknown (assumed to be in his late 40s)
Disorder: Schizophrenia, Depression, Substance Use.
Treatment: Behavioral therapy, rehabilitation therapy, light doses of clozapine .

Assumed to have been a worker at the Walt Disney World Resort in Florida, Patient 166 was brought in the facility after the incident that accoured at that same resort, he was seen wandering the park streets while with his arms behind his back and his head low while wearing a monochromatic Mickey mouse mascot suit before reportedly attempting suicide in front of a large crowd of guests by shooting himself with a revolver, despite being quickly apprehended by security he still managed to shoot himself in the struggle and had to be quickly moved to a nearby hospital. The details of what happened at the hospital aren't fully known, supposedly 166 miracolously survived with minimal surgery despite shooting himself straight in the temple but was found to be under an extremely heavy dosage of crack cocaine and metamphetamine. After being hospitalized he was quickly questioned by local police but the interrogation was fruitless as 166 seemed entirely delirious and would ignore any questions just to babble and scream nonsense such as "real suffering is not known" (it is important to note that throughout all this 166 never donned off the mascot suit after his surgery, staff at the hospital claim that he would grow increasingly agitated if they tried to remove it while he was awake and would even go as far as to violently slam his head against nearby objects, for his own safety it was decided to keep him in the costume after it was quickly sterilized, any staff members who try to remove 166's costume for any reasons other than bathing him while under supervision will be held accountable for whatever happens to the patient)

166 was swiftly brought into the asylum on account of his obvious mental instability as the local authorities prodded Disney for answers who denied any and all associations with the man and claimed that he was never part of their staff, questioning park goers proved no more useful as outside of a family who tried to ask the wandering 166 to pose with their son for a photo and got promptly ignored no one has seemingly ever seen him before the incident, ultimately all attempts of trying to bring light onto 166's background have been futile as he proved to be just as unresponsive to our staff as he was with the police at the hospital depite acting much calmer, mostly uttering more nonsense words like "chernabog" over and over again, with one of his only coherent phrases being "the sights of hell bring it's viewers back in" in russian which he exclaimed in an therapy session with with Dr ████ before breaking into a sobbing fit.

The patient is to be kept in a padded cell at all times when not undergoing therapy or rehabilitation sessions, and while he never attempted any form of self harm again after the incident at the resort it is still forbidden to supply him with any common utensils that he could use to injure himself. Security at 166's cell is relatively light for the standards of the facility in order to leave more personnel to guard the more dangerous patients as he never tried to escape even once all throughout his stay at the asylum and, despite being one of the most unstable patients currently under our care, has proved to be a danger to no one other than himself.

Pub: 09 Dec 2022 16:28 UTC
Edit: 09 Dec 2022 16:31 UTC
Views: 166