Patient 045. Name: Karl Brenner Disorder: Chronic Insomnia, Severe Addiction, Substance-induced Psychotic Disorder Treatment: Weekly Physical Therapy, Indefinite Residence in a Specialized Cell (details below), Constant Supply of ████████████

A foreigner who is to be seperated from the rest of the facility. 045 was born in Germany, and was a military engineer for his early adulthood. Later, 045 had moved to Russia following the collapse of the Soviet Union, still working in engineering, although not for the military. It is unknown what 045 actually worked on during his time working for the German Military, and it is likewise unknown which companies that he had worked for during his time in the Russian Federation, as his name is not in any available public records, as it was likely scrubbed following 045's descent into madness.

In 20██, mirroring a recently declassified experiment from the 1940s, Russian scientists began an experiment involving a stimulant called ████████████, designed to keep people awake for extended periods of time. Despite protests from senior scientists, the experiment was given the go-ahead by the head of the facility ███████, hoping that the experiment would go much more swimmingly the second time around, being able to learn from the mistakes of the first experiment. Unfortunately, it is reported that in spite of the years that passed since the initial experiment and increased knowledge about human bodily behaviour, the second experiment had ended in a similar way to the first. 045 was one of the 6 men to sign up for the experiment, and it is believed that the researchers specifically targeted people who did not know of the previous experiment when looking for volunteers. Patient 045 and the other 5 men had become addicted to ████████████, and the lack of sleep had caused all of them to experience psychosis. During this time, 045 had harmed himself and the other volunteers, each of the 6 men sustaining usually fatal injuries. Contrasting the first experiment, only two of the men had died, and both were during surgery. 045 was originally meant to be placed in permanent solitary confinement in a Russian institution, but the founder of the asylum had personally reached out and offered to take 045 off of their hands. It is unknown how the founder had come into knowledge of the event, as word had not reached outside the facility at that point. Nevertheless, the offer was accepted, with the Russians claiming that "[they] don't want anything to do with him". 045 was secretly shipped across the pacific ocean days later.

The patient is to be kept within his cell at all times. This cell is seperated from the rest of the facility by an airtight hallway due to the constant supply of ████████████. Patient 045 must also wear solid iron cuffs to prevent him from injuring himself. At no point should these cuffs ever be removed, barring his biweekly bathing. When entering the patient's cell, workers are required to wear hazmat suits in order to not inhale the large amounts of ████████████ in the room. If our supply of ████████████ is running low, contact +7 ███-████-███ to have more shipped. The reason we are keeping 045 on ████████████ is that we hope to slowly make him less reliant on it by slowly decreasing his intake. Immediate withdrawal appears to exacerbate the negative effects that the stimulant has had on him. It should also be noted that 045 is not capable of speaking many words of English, only speaking German and Russian. We are looking to hire more people who speak either of these two languages in order to help treat 045.

Pub: 08 Dec 2022 18:30 UTC
Edit: 08 Dec 2022 18:35 UTC
Views: 229