Patient 039 Name: Edger Manseng. Disorder: Superiority Complex, Severe Anterograde Amnesia, Retrograde Amnesia, Pyromania Treatment: Daily Procedural Memory Therapy, Constant Supervision and Caretaking.

A washed up actor who received a resurgence in his career. Originally an actor who performed in theatre, 039 only had concerns with entertaining the audience. No matter what works he threw himself into or the quality of them, he was defined by a need to reach a widespread audience and to be the direct cause of their happiness. His willingness to do any work that was given to him however meant that instead of carefully choosing works that would help bolster his image, his portfolio consisted of works that were chosen because they made the offer first. The lack of recognition because of being in works that were barely marketed or released developed a superiority complex to cope, often lashing out at fans or colleagues who detracted his work and style of method acting. His luck changed however when he auditioned for the main role of a film being produced and developed at the company SEGA. While he wasn't able to secure the leading role, he was instead offered to be the main antagonist of what would turn out to be his star-making movie.

039 became an international star overnight, with offers for work and invitations to parties becoming a bihourly occurrence. He continued to accept work at a much higher rate, usually as the character that made him famous. As he kept doing work that earned him accolades and critical praise, his superiority complex started to become stronger, as his private outbursts started to leak out into the public eye. By the time the spin-off movie came out and production for the third sequel began, his prima donna behaviour and extreme methods of getting into character was now being punished with the introduction of a secondary antagonist to cut his screen time. 039 reacted poorly to the decision, rarely coming out of his trailer aside from when he needed to do his scenes, having his lines be shown to him from cue cards. When production of the movie ended and pre-production began for a reboot series, the decision to recast and change the character to Dr. Ivo Robotnik came easily for the creators. While the people that contacted 039 to tell him of the decision delivered the news as gently as possible, a leaked phone call showed the public what had become of the beloved actor. Blacklisted from filmmakers around the world shortly after, 039 lashed out at anyone who offered sympathies or support as his superiority complex denied him the need to accept help. Eventually the hate and vitriol 039 had was focused on the person who took away the spotlight from him: the actor who portrayed Knuckles. So on the night of 03/18/1994, the patient snuck into a house party the actor was participating in with a jerry can and a box of matches and burned the house down. A total of █ people died in the fire, including the actor who portrayed Knuckles. While the patient was attempting to escape the fire, a member of the party who had caught on fire tried to tackle him to stop his escape. The flames spread to his face and arms, causing the patient to panic and try to run to the backyard where an outdoor pool was placed. While he was able to put out the flames, the smoke inhalation caused him to fall in. While he was rescued by the firefighters who got to him, his brain was irreversibly ruined.

As a result of the carbon monoxide poisoning and hypoxia from the near drowning, the patient suffers from a severe case of Anterograde Amnesia as he is unable to form any new memories. His memory is only able to last at most 15 minutes before he resets and is back to his normal state. Every time he "wakes up", he is in the belief that the year is 1994 and that he has just burned a group of people to death. When he was first admitted, rehabilitation was an issue due to the violent reactions the patient had due to his incarceration and confusion. Thanks to Procedural Memory Therapy however, repetition of activities to create memories in his subconsciousness, his general mood has been one of blissful serenity. The memories he has gained since his arrival to the facility include the following:

  • He is a patient at the facility.
  • His therapist is the Worker 001.
  • Whenever he "wakes up" he is to reach into his coat pocket and read his diary.
  • And that when he need assistance, he is to ring a bell three times.

His superiority complex has been retained however, along with the addition of the delusion that he is the character of Dr. Eggman. Also with his Anterograde Amnesia, 039 also suffers a case of Retrograde Amnesia where he has forgotten a large chunk of his life. The memories he has retained were of him acting as his character, along with flashes of childhood and the last "real" memory was of him escaping a burning building. This combined with his Superiority Complex has made the patient hard to talk to for any of the novice workers that were assigned to him before 001 became his permanent therapist. At times he has also exhibited a need to set things alight, an activity that Worker 001 has granted him to do every week where he is brought into a room and is allowed set a variety of objects on fire. Interactions with the other patients is recommended, particularly with Patient 004 who tends to act out scenarios for 039, him and Patient 093 to participate in.

Pub: 02 Dec 2022 04:53 UTC
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