ac unknown eforeounteract
iwc, most of us are unstable moodswings
neurodivergent poly-fragmented
tell us if we did something wrong
apathetic, do not expect empathy
ask before venting attachment issues
many mask as the host no motherless jokes
easily overwhelmed some are sensitive
some parts are unable to speak proper english, and will mostly speak other languages we know.
we use reclaimable slurs
some of us make jokes about our trauma
some of us are just haters btw

d onotinteract
basic dni criteria under the age of 13
over the age of 20 (with exceptions)
if you think introjects are their sources
tulpa/endo/non-traumagenic ‘systems’
non consensual reality checkers more, just ask

drusilla harp davit daiyu imaan croía romeo jesse luna milke light jesper ozzie runaway gr4vity server sloppy nd sticky gc flag fuckers server

Pub: 23 May 2024 08:08 UTC
Edit: 02 Jun 2024 16:10 UTC
Views: 299