Ch. 8 ~ Denki's Senior Member
Iroha: Ooohh~ Mito-chan's lunch looks delicious today.
Kamira: Kaah~ This homemade taste learned directly from her grandma is too good.
Rather, in this day and age, having this brown traditional Japanese food has way more soul.
Mito: I recommend the shiitake this time. The dashi has seeped in, so it has a good flavor.
Here you go. Kamira-chan, too.
Iroha: Uuuuu... I'm sorry for making you do this every time, Mito.
Mito: We promised not to talk about that, Sweetie.
Besides, Mito also received lunch from you.
Mito: Mito is the one making a profit here.
Since I can practice making my food taste professional.
Kamira: No, no, you interact with guests at the restaurant,
so you're already a pro, Mitorin.
Iroha: Everyone in my household acknowledges how good Mito-chan's cooking is.
Their hidden spirit of rivalry flares up, and they go all-out in making lunch.
Kamira: That's not hidden at all lol.
Iroha: Now then, I shall thankfully partake of this... Mmmm~ It's so flavorful!
Every time I bite, the flavor of the shiitake fills my mouth like "bam"!
Kamira: Hah~ Love this taste. Makes me glad I was born in Japan~
It feels more like home than my actual home.
Kamira: Ah, right. If Mitorin wants any,
you can take my bread. Choose whatever you want, go ahead.
Mito: Ah, thanks, Kamira-chan—
Iroha: O, oohh...?
Mito: ... Say, Kamira-chan. Don't you think... That's too much bread?
Kamira: Eh?
... Ah~ That's not... True?
Iroha: It certainly is; there's 5 of them!? And they all seem high in calories.
Even if you're planning a stream, they're all super standard choices with no new releases mixed in.
Mito: ... Come to think of it, during the last break...
You were eating a Calorie Friend... Weren't you?
Kamira: Ah~ Ehm... Look. Tests're coming up soon, and practice's been tough as hell.
No matter how much I eat, it's not enough calories. Aha, ahahaha.
Kamira: But still, I may have bought too much.
It's 'kay, don't mind it. Take some, take some. Here, Irocchi, too!
Iroha: A, are you sure...?
Tsubomi: No, it is absolutely not OK.
As proof—
Kamira: — Uhyaaah!?
Tsubomi: To the extent that it can be pinched between the fingers,
the Guilty Spectre (vestiges of gluttony) is haunting you.
Kaname: That's right, you're in a splendidly squishy state. This is evil meat.
The Great King of Terror! The Outbreak of Armageddon!
Kamira: D-d-d-don't massage it, please!
Is it fun to play with peoples' stomachs?
Kaname: Shuddup!
Kamira, reflect on yourself as you get squished!
Kamira: Eeeeeeeeeehhh?
Tsubomi: Hmmm, I can't feel the sharpness in your movements.
For what reason would you...
Tsubomi: P... Perhaps it's the Dark Organization's Black Temptation (sweet corruption)!?
Kuh, so they plan to fatten Akira before performing a Cattle Mutilation on her (sucking her soul out)!?
Mito: Come to think of it... She did mention it was because tests and practice were difficult.
Iroha: In other words, due to the strict quotas of modern society,
Kamira-chan has built up an excess of stress...?!
Kaname: Stop it! If this becomes a matter of managerial responsibility, my alcohol consumption will increase!
Denki is a law-abiding, model theater company; please believe me!
Kamira: W, waitwait hol'up that's not it!
... Ehm~ In regards to this, I was doing my own thinking.
Towa: Thinking, eh? It's totally gonna be some silly reason.
Shall we hear what it is~?
Kamira: Well... Y'see. The Queen in "Alice" is kinda fat, right?
We're getting more attention 'cause of Towa's thing. So I wanted to work a bit harder on getting into character.
Kamira: So I looked into other companies' "Alice"s. And then!
In an interview, one of the actors said, "To match with the role, I put on some weight."
Kamira: It seemed like something I could do, so I figured I just had to do it! —
Towa: You. Idiot.
Kamira: Ugeh, hitting me straight with the harsh stick.
Tsubomi: It is as Motosu says. Nowadays, it is not difficult to change your physique through your makeup and costume.
Denki's makeup division has a high level Shape-Change Skill, so do not worry.
Kamira: Weeell~ But, dignity, is it?
I don't really have much charisma.
Iroha: But your streams are so popular.
I'm sure your listeners would call that charisma!
Kamira: Streams and acting are different. The more I do it, the more I realize I'm lacking.
That's why I wanna do what I can, or something?
Kaname: We'll take that drive. But it would've been nice if you'd discussed it first.
How one displays dignity through their acting is also dependent on the actor's skill.
Tsubomi: That's right. The Dark Organization is massive. There is no need to fight it alone.
All of us are here, are we not?
Towa: I dunno about the Dark Organization, but for a role like a Queen class with a strong personality, it's easy to show your individuality.
Kamira will be fine. Probably.
Costume Person: A dress that's easy to move in, fat, and has dignity!
On the costume division's name, we'll make it perfectly!
Makeup Person: Uhehe, thinking of destroying Kamira-chan's beautiful face and making it ugly...!
I'm getting fired up!
Kamira: Kaname-san, Senpai, Towa... Everyone... Sorry for running off on my own!
I should've discussed this from the start!
Kaname: Well, Denki is a company that honors autonomy, after all.
Thinking about what you can do to make the play better is a good thing.
Kaname: For a certain someone who's become the troupe leader,
I'd want her to learn this forward-facing approach~
Towa: Huuh. It's certainly calming to poke Kamira's stomach.
Squishy squish squish squishysquish.
Kamira: Wai—!? You don't have to mess with it anymore!
My embarrassment capped just now!?
Towa: Kamira's the bad one for getting fat. I'll help you burn off the excess like this,
so you should just obediently give your thanks.
Iroha: Ah, then, please let me touch, too!
Uwoooh, radiation waves~! This is the beginning of Kamira-chan's fat burning!
Mito: Th... Then, Mito, too! Yaah!
Kamira: Unyaaa!?
Kaname: Ah~ Geez~ You girls... Haah.
Tsubomi: You have it rough, too, I see.
Kaname: It's fine, I already know it's this kind of role.