to understand the genocide right now at its fullest, you have to know it's history, starting with how the land was sold to the zionist state. Britain had essentially conquered the land of Palestine, and then sold it to the zionist state because they had made a deal. This deal was made out of antisemitism. neither the USA or Britain wanted to house the Jewish immigrants that were coming to them from the Holocaust. The Jewish state wasn't created out of benevolence and care for Jewish people, it was made out of antisemitism and the need to control oil and affairs in West Asia. You might be surprised to find out that many, many Jews argued against the creation of Israel, including Albert Einstein who said if the land of Israel is given, there will be a genocide and he just couldn't stand for that. You also have to understand the Nakba, which is catastrophe in Arabic. this refers to when the UN tried to set up a two state solution and the Arab world denied it, and it was extremely unfair to Palestine. It gave Israel all the fertile land, and left the people of Palestine in the mountains. This caused Israel to use their militant power, on a people's who have no military. they displaced and killed thousands and with the help of British soldiers Israel was declared its own state.

what is apartheid and how does it apply to Israel?

Apartheid refers to a political agenda where a group of people based on race are segregated and discriminated against systematically. This is a major loss of civil and political rights. This describes the actions of Israel to Palestine. They forced Palestine off their land, control everything that goes in and out of Palestine. They restrict them of food, water, electricity, medical supplies and housing. Those who resist are met with brutal force and torture inside Israeli prisons. Israel's government has spoken over and over again about their dislike of arabs and brown people. Words they have used to describe the Arab population include savage, beast, animal, subhuman, and a cancer. this article goes into more depth on how Israel is an apartheid state.

"But Hamas-"

yes, Hamas is horrible for the actions they've committed, no one is denying that, however it doesn't justify what Israel is doing to the innocent people of Palestine. It doesn't justify what Israel had been doing before Oct. 7th either. This isn't Israel vs Hamas, this a genocide. Israel has dropped the equivalent of 2 nuclear bombs on Gaza. Gaza is smaller than most american cities. The human casualty rate has succeeded far beyond what the UN and Genova convention would consider reasonable defense. Majority of Gaza's population is children. The death toll has now exceeded that of the Nakba. It also doesn't justify the deaths of over 90 journalists, the deaths of over 100 United Nations Relief and Work agents or the deaths of over 8,000 children, the desecration of cemeteries, or the harvesting of dead Palestinian organs

"Is this only Palestine v Israel?"

no! this started with Palestine, and Israel has made it clear this won't end with Palestine either. Israel has bombed Beirut, the Egyptian border, South Lebanon, and Iran. They have time and time again called for the destruction of the Arab peoples. Israel is also one of the largest exporters of Congolese minerals, directly funding the genocide and human trafficking in Congo. Israel is the reason the UN pulled out humanitarian aid from Yemen. Israel, has also sterilized jewish Ethiopian women who immigrated into Israel, along with 1/3 of their Holocaust survivors living below the poverty line.

Will Israel ever be brought to justice?

On January 11th, Israel will be brought to the world court facing charges of genocide and apartheid. The country taking them to ICJ (international court of justice) is South Africa, the country who created the term apartheid. They are backed by over 900+ organizations, and countries including Lebanon, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar and Scotland. 100 Chilean lawyers, have also made a case against Israel in the ICC (international criminal court) on crimes of genocide and breaking the Genova Convention. Read South Africa's full, detailed case against Israel here

What can I do to help?

You may think you're powerless, but that's far from the truth. The most help you could do for the Palestinian people, is educate yourself and others on the genocide and the culture, don't stay silent, attend protests if you can, and donate esims, while food and money donations are in good spirit its hard for any Palestinian to get these when Israel won't let the aid trucks enter the country. You can also help (and should do this regardless) by boycotting the targets listed by BDS including targets like Starbucks, McDonald's, Burger King, Taco Bell, and Puma. You can also boycott pro zionist actors including Noah Schnapp, Adam Sandler, Jordan Peele, Taika Waititi and Jack Black. You should also be uplifting Palestinian voices much like my own. If you are white, I encourage you more than anyone to stand up for Palestine. Your voice will matter to people far more than the voice of someone like me. White silence is violence. Don't let the government trick you into thinking your voice means nothing.

Is Israel doing anything else?

yes, Israel is doing a LOT. They are kidnapping and targeting children. They are capturing "Hamas" soldiers and humiliating and torturing them on camera. Relatives of these men have come out and said that they are not Hamas and are just regular civilians. Among these kidnapped men, are children. They are taking young boys and claiming they're Hamas. This constant bombing is also doing HORRIBLE things to the environment. in the matter of months they've released the amount of carbon admissions that 2,500 American homes do annually just by bombings alone.

more resources below , some are repeated from my writing

History of Palestine
Decolonize Palestine
Institute for Middle East Understanding

Donations etc
Donate to Gaza
protests, donation links etc
free donations
Food Donations
Donations if you're from the UK
Doctors without Borders Gaza Donations
Boycott, Divest, Sanction
Palestine Action
Donate to Al-Shabaka
Donate to the Electronic Intifada
Adalah Justice Project
IMEU fundraiser
Medical Aid for Palestinians
Palestine Children's Relief Fund
Palestine Red Cresent
Games for Gaza
Action Toolkit
Pro Palestine Posters
International Strike Jan 21-28th info graphic
Call your Reps | USAmericans

information on Gaza
General information
Do Not Look Away
Analogy for better understanding
The crisis put into simpler terms
Water crisis in Palestine REPOSTED
Did every Jew want Israel to be created?
What did you do today? - slam poetry
Is Israel not allowed to defend itself?
Gaza news 10.19.23
Debunking Israel's human shield argument
Just listen
Rabbi speaks on the genocide
Further water crisis information

Personal accounts
Men do cry
Bisan's call to action
Eye On Palestine
Bisan's instagram
Gaza Press Heroes
Wael Al Dahdouh's instagram

Thousands Missing
The Nakba did not start or end in 1948
Nakba day
6,000 bombs in 6 days
Debunking Myths
The Right to Defense
Khan Younis attack
Miscarriages increasing 300% in Gaza
No menstrual products
Protect Palestine , Called to Action

Jenin, Jenin
Born in Gaza
5 broken Cameras

Daily Updates

What Happened Today 01/22/23

  • Israeli forces are occupying a southern part of Gaza, called Khan Younis. At least 65 Palestinians were killed. Doctors Without Borders staff working in the hospital in Khan Younis state that they "feel the ground shaking" from the constant bombing
  • The United States and United Kingdom have started bombing Yemen in response to the Houthi protecting Gaza through military means. Remember, Yemen is starving and the people are already suffering.
  • The death count of Palestinians since Oct. 7th is at LEAST 25,295. The death count of Israelis from the Hamas attack was 1,139.
  • Israel is bombing what it claims to be Hezbollah targets in Lebanon and will not stop until they can “guarantee the safe return of the northern communities to their homes”
  • certain Israeli government officials voted against a ceasefire and release of all hostages
  • UN member Michael Fakhri says that Israel's control of food and water into Palestine is unprecedented and intentional. He says they are starving the people and destroying the food system in Palestine.
  • Palestinians fleeing from Khan Younis are being killed
  • Two teenage boys age 14 and 15 have been arrested in the city of Hebron in the West Bank. Along with many other raids and arrests happening in the West Bank.
  • Canada, Australia and Netherlands support the bombing of Yemen
  • every hospital in Gaza has been damaged and targeted
  • Israel says they are willing to negotiate a two month "ceasefire" in exchange for all hostages

What Happened Today 01/23/24

  • Israeli forces are destroying Palestinian homes in the West Bank. They are destroying the homes of their captive prisoners.
  • UN Secretary General says that Israel's collective punishment is unacceptable and criticizes their refusal for a two state solution.
  • At least 14 people were killed in Israeli attacks on two residential homes in the Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza
  • South Africa criticizes the UN for international law only being applied now
  • UK foreign minister calls for sustainable ceasefire
  • largest loss of life for Israel since Oct. 7th. 21 Israeli soldiers were killed
  • Qatar's foreign ministry states that Israel needs to be held accountable for their targeting of medical facilities
  • Russian FM proposes Middle East peace initiative at UNSC, saying that they doubt the land will be habitable after the conflict ceases
  • Nassar Hospital, one of the only functional hospitals in Gaza is under seige. There are hundreds of people staying in the hospital.
  • No more than 30% of needed aid is actually getting into Gaza
  • a warehouse in Khan Younis was bombed, cutting off vital humanitarian aid.
  • Indonesia is taking Israel to court on new charges. This makes it the third party to take Israel to court over its occupation and genocide of Palestine. Read more about this here and here
  • Israel's case with South Africa is pending as of now, and they have yet to be taken to the ICC by the Chilean lawyers who filed a case.
  • the Yemeni parliament has designated The US, UK and Israel as foreign terrorist entities under Yemeni law for their protection of the occupying state and the aid of the genocide. This is after both the US and the UK bombed Yemen and declared that the Houthi's were a terrorist faction. Just to recap, this is happening because the Houthi did not allow ships carrying aid to Israel to pass their waters. The Yemeni government has said under UN law they are just helping to stop a genocide.

What Happened Today 01/25/24

  • The International Court of Justice (ICJ) will rule on South Africa’s request of provisional measures against Israel. This could lead to the top UN court forcing Israel to halt its genocide of the Palestinian people.
  • Israel’s continued assault on Khan Younis continues with deadly bombardment across the city. People have been ordered to evacuate, however they state they are unable to do so due to violence.
  • A US Muslim group calls for Biden to personally condemn the genocide of Palestine and Gaza. As of the time of writing this, there is no response from the president.
  • Indonesian volunteers state food, water, everything is limited due the bombings and Israeli soldiers not allowing trucks to enter which contain much needed food, medical supplies, and much more.
  • There is currently a clash between Israeli soldiers and a Palestinian fighting group in the West Bank’s Tubas region
  • There have been at least 11 killed in Israeli air strikes in Nuseirat camp in central Gaza. A journalist and his family are said to have been killed in this strike.
  • Here is a collective recap on all latest developments as of currently:
  • Israeli forces ramp up the attacks on Khan Younis as they encircle the city’s last two hospitals.
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) calls for immediate action to prevent a complete medical shutdown in Gaza. This is cause thousands of deaths alone.
  • At least 20 killed and 150 wounded as Israeli forces attack people in Northern Gaza city who lined up to receive humanitarian aid.
  • Israeli forces demolished hundreds of buildings near its border fence with Gaza as a “buffer zone” against US demands.
  • Death toll from yesterday’s attack on Khan Younis rise to 13; UN states Israeli soldiers are not keeping civilians safe, despite their claims otherwise.
  • International Press Institute says attacks on journalists in Gaza are the worst they have been in 75 years.
Pub: 23 Oct 2023 19:01 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2024 18:40 UTC
Views: 3290