
'And what does it have to do with me going home?'

'The Queen is under the assumption that you are not of this world, Richard. She thinks you traveled here against your will and that you are now stuck.'

'What? That's not possible! I'm willing to admit that whatever little tricks you guys just did looked a lot like magic would, but this being a different planet is just absurd!'

'I can see why you would think that, but I believe it to be the truth. You say you are from a place called Washington, in the land of D.C.. I have checked every record of every country that is or at one time had been a part of this world and could find no mention of such a place. You are in the country of Alysia, a large nation that borders the Dark Elf Kingdom of Elothia to the west, and the Empire of Zygog to the north. Do either of those sound familiar to you?'

'Did you just say Dark Elves?' he asked, a sense of confusion rising up in the pit of his stomach. 'Did I fall into a movie or something? This is crazy! If you're telling the truth, which I highly doubt, then just how did I get here?'

'The artifact on your wrist,' Aura explained and pointed to the gold bracer that was still locked onto his arm and wrist. 'When Lystia told me about it I didn't believe her, but sitting this close to you and seeing it and the symbol myself I have been proven wrong. That artifact has a powerful magic pulse coming from it. I believe that when you put it on, a spell that had been cast on it activated and it transported you here.'

Richard lifted the bracer up and looked at it, seeing it sparkle gently in the fire light making the symbol on it look like it was moving. 'What does magic feel like?' he asked.

'It's different for everyone, but mostly it's a warm feeling. Like a rush of power surging through your body and warming you up from the inside out. More powerful spells, ones only masters can cast, have been said to change the casters vision of the world around them. There are even rumors that the most powerful and devastating spells can actually cause time to slow down around the person wielding it. It's all speculation though,' Aura answered and Richard could see why she was a professor. Her words held the power of knowledge and experience to them and he was sure she could continue explaining things to him until the sun rose the next morning.

'When I accidentally put this on I had that exact feeling. I had hit my head so I didn't think anything of it, but now that I think back it seems strange. It felt like something was moving through me, from the tips of my toes to my left arm. Something hot and very strong...'

'So you believe now?' the Queen asked and he shrugged his shoulders.

'I... I don't know. It just seems too unreal for it to be true, you know? But let's say for a moment that I do believe, then how do I get back home?'

At this question the Queen sighed sadly and sat forward in her seat, clasping her hands tightly in her lap. 'That's a question even I would like an answer to. The truth is, I don't know. Not even the strongest masters in the world can teleport more than a few dozen feet at most. To go from one world to the other would take an incredible amount of magical power. So much that it is impossible. Your artifact is a very curious device, to have stored up that much power to cast such a spell and not shatter from it.'

'I don't even think the First King could have performed such a spell,' Aura spoke softly. 'He was immensely powerful but this is on a whole other level.'

'I... I don't understand. Are you saying there is no way for me to go back home?'

'At this moment, no. This palace has the largest library of magical tomes on the continent and I will have every scholar under my care comb through them to see if we can discover anything. For now though, you are stuck here.'

'This... this is impossible,' Richard groaned and buried his head in his hands, forcing the tears that were threatening to spill out back to where they came. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder and looking up he found Aura patting him gently, a look of understanding in her pretty blue eyes.

'I know this is hard for you Richard,' the Queen said gently and edged further off her seat, 'but I promise that I will do everything in my power to get you back to your home. For the meantime though, you have no other choice but to remain in Alysia. This is actually the main reason why I wished to speak with you, to tell you what was going to be done with you while you are here.'

Before she could elaborate there was a soft knock on the door that he had entered through and someone said they were entering. A moment later Princess Reiea walked in, followed closely by Coni who seemed to be surprised at seeing him sitting there next to her older sister, her hand on his shoulder.

'Richard!' Reiea squealed and ran towards him. She gave him a quick hug, one he didn't return, and then imposed herself between him and Aura. They were sitting so close their shoulders were touching and Richard felt a little uncomfortable as the memories of being with her in the bath hit him. 'I told you I would see you again tonight.'

'My, my, isn't this a pleasant surprise,' Aura said happily as she looked back towards the Queen. 'Is she actually touching him?'

'She has been for most of the night,' the Queen smiled. 'Agatha told me that she caught Reiea hugging him in his room. I didn't actually believe it until I saw this with my own eyes though.'

'Umm, am I missing something?' Richard asked and looked back and forth between the two women. Coni had entered the room fully now and closed the door tightly behind her, coming to stand next to her sister a moment later.

'I'm terribly sorry, I thought someone would have told you by now. When my daughter was a small child she was abducted and held for ransom by a nasty group of criminals. When she came back to me she had developed a fear of men, and every time she would get within five feet of one she would freeze up and withdraw into herself. So it's a shock to see her holding on to you so tightly.'

'I'm not sure it's something you should be proud of, Your Highness,' Coni said stiffly and averted her eyes away from Richard.

'I don't see any harm in it. In fact, I find it encouraging. It's so nice to see her coming out of her shell to a man like that. Right, Reiea?'

Reiea lifted her head from his shoulder and beamed at her mother, 'Yes! I don't know why I can with Richard, but it's nice! Are we going to keep him in the palace? Please mother?'

'I'm afraid not, my dear. I've already made arrangements with your Cousin Aura to look after him at the Academy. They leave in the morning.'

'What?' Richard, Coni, and Reiea shouted in unison.

'But why? I want to keep him here!' Reiea whined and sounded like she was six years old. 'If he's at the school then I can't see him whenever I want!'

'The decision has been made, Reiea!'


'Enough Reiea! Richard is not an item you can carry around with you whenever you want. Now say goodnight to everyone and get ready for bed.'

Reiea fumed and groaned something that was incoherent. She hugged him around the shoulders and then stormed off from the room without saying a word to her mother or her cousins. The Queen sighed in frustration and pinched the bridge of her nose before apologizing on her daughters behalf.

'Reiea is a willful child who is having trouble coming to terms with her destiny on the throne. I probably shouldn't have sheltered her so much when she was growing up, but I wanted to be a good mother to her. Now, shall we get back on topic?'

'Why is he coming to the school?' Coni asked and she was visibly angry, even if her words seemed devoid of emotion.

'Calm down Coni. I am sure his presence at the academy will not interfere with your studies or duties on the student council. Besides, it won't be you who is looking after him while he is there.'

'Are you going to do it Aura? You're busy enough with your career as it is!'

'No,' the older sister shook her head and her heavy looking braid swayed back and forth on her slender back, 'it won't be me either.'

'You don't mean Lythia, do you?' Coni asked in disbelief.

'Your sister and I have agreed this is the best option for all parties involved,' the Queen interjected. 'Lythia is currently entering her second year at the school and I that means her course load is also going to double. I'm sure she could use a little help with everything besides her school work.'

Suddenly Coni was overcome by a fit of giggles and she dissolved into them as she struggled to breath, her face red and tears clinging to her long eyelashes. A moment later her older sister, Aura, was also laughing but not as hard.

'He... he's going to be her attendant?' Coni laughed and the Queen nodded with a small chuckle of her own. 'I feel sorry for you! It should be entertaining though.'

'What... what's going on exactly?' he asked and it was the Queen that answered.

'Lythia is their younger sister,' she explained, 'and a student at the academy like Coni. She's nineteen years old and entering her second year at the school tomorrow. Second year students are allowed the use of personal attendants that will take care of their daily needs, if their family can either afford it or spare someone from their staff to do it. You will become her attendant.'

'But why are they laughing so hard?'

'My little sister has a worse attitude than Coni does,' Aura laughed and her sister punched her lightly on the shoulder. 'She can be rash, hotheaded, and very pretentious. It's going to be hard for you to deal with her, but I have faith you can handle it.'

'There is one thing we need to go over before you leave for the school in the morning,' Queen Lystia said after a few moments of giggles from the women and frustrated sighs from Richard. 'If anyone asks you about where you are from, or why you speak strangely, you are not to tell them that you are actually from a different world. Just tell them you are from across the Silent Sea, from a small island village off the coast of Rindon. If they press you further just change the subject or leave. Is that clear?'

Richard nodded, trying to commit the strange sounding name to memory so he didn't forget it. He wasn't completely sold on this idea about being some prissy girls personal attendant. He would much rather stay at the palace, even with Reiea running around trying to hug him every chance she got. It would probably be a lot safer and he would be close at hand when the Queen found any information on how to send him home. He didn't seem to have much of a choice though as the decision had been made without him. In the presence of the Queen and her nieces he was nothing but a commoner.

Richard spent the night alone in the luxurious room he had been provided, and thankfully Reiea didn't seem to be able to sneak away from her room to visit him. The next morning, before leaving with Coni and Aura, he thanked the Queen for her hospitality and said goodbye to a teary Reiea who refused to release him from her rib cracking hug. Finally Agatha managed to pry her off him and he left the palace with the two woman and got into a large and elegant looking carriage that was waiting for them.

They traveled through the capital city of Alysia, the Eternal City, and for the first time Richard got a good sense of just how far away from home he was. The buildings that lined the cobbled streets were like something from a book, mostly made from wood or stone and had an almost European style to them. There were towering silver and golden statues depicting men and women with swords, wands, and other such equipment fighting some invisible foe and Richard couldn't help but stare in awe at them. What really caught his interest though were the strange cat and dog like animals that roamed the streets, proving beyond a doubt that he was no longer on Earth. He was fairly certain nothing like those strange creatures existed back home.

Just over an hour and a half outside the city walls the carriage slowed and the passed through a towering marble wall, statues of men and women wielding wands holding them straight up in the air. Looking out through the window of the carriage Richard had the breath knocked right out of him as he gazed upon Majou Academy, the top mage school on the continent. Massive towers of pure white marble stretched towards the sky, the sun glinting off the smooth surface in a glorious way. At the very top of each tower, which there were eight of, the roof had been made from what appeared to be gold bricks and they blazed in the sun like beacons to the whole country.

'Wow,' Richard breathed and Aura laughed softly next to him.

'I love watching new people come here,' she said, 'their reactions are always the best.'

A few moments later the carriage came to a halt and the driver walked around and opened the door for them. Aura exited first, followed by Coni, and then Richard. His feet crunched into the pebbled walkway he found himself on and the hot sun shone down on him from high above as strange birds chirped from a nearby tree.

'Aura!' a girlish voice called out and Richard turned to see a young looking girl running up towards them, her blonde hair swinging behind her and a black cloak over her slender and small form. 'Why weren't you at the start of term assembly?'

'How many times do I have to tell you not to call me by my name here, Lythia!' Aura growled and the girl stopped short a few feet away from her older sister. While the eldest two girls of the family were nicely filled out, with large chests and curvaceous hips, the youngster looked more like a ten year old girl. She was short, had no breasts, hips like a boy, and very slender legs that peeked out beneath a short black skirt.

'Sorry, Professor Proud,' the girl pouted but her sister smiled at her. 'Now answer my question.'

'We had important business to attend to at the palace,' Coni said and puffed out her chest in pride to make herself feel more important.

'There's actually someone I would like you to meet,' Aura said and motioned for Richard to come forward, 'This is Richard Dawson, and from this moment on he will be your personal attendant. Richard, this is my youngest sister and brat of the family, Lythia Proud.'

Lythia stepped towards Richard now, his hand extended to shake hers, and sized him up from head to toe. She ignored his hand and walked around him in a circle, sucking on her teeth like she had found something that displeased her. Having dealt with this kind of reaction his entire life, Richard simply ignored the sounds and focused on remaining still.

'He's strange,' she announced and both her sisters laughed. 'His hair is cut weird and the way he wears those clothes makes it seem like he has never worn them before. I don't want him as my servant.'

'Attendant, Lythia!' Aura corrected, 'And this is not up for discussion. The Queen herself decided on this and who are you to go against her decision? For the last three months we have brought you every good attendant we could find and you have turned down each and every one of them. You will not turn down this one!'

Lythia glared at her sister and teacher angrily, her lips in a hard line and both hands balled into tight little fists. A soft breeze rippled through the air and tossed her hair about as she turned her attention to Richard, who stood there rooted on the spot and not quite sure what to make of this situation. He wasn't keen on being this brats errand boy either, even if she was a Lady.

'He has to do everything I tell him to?' Lythia asked and Aura nodded, 'Good. Then go and unpack all my clothes and belongings before washing what I wore yesterday by hand. After you are finished with that I want you to go to the kitchens and bring my lunch directly to me in class. Once that is done you are to thoroughly clean my room and then prepare my bath for when dinner is finished. Before I go to bed I want a glass of milk left on the table in my room and my bed to be warmed beforehand. Understand?'

Richard was furiously trying to memorize everything the girl had just told him and thankfully Aura cut in and said, 'He can get to all that, but first I want to give him a short tour of the academy. And, if I'm not mistaken, both you and Coni are late for the first class of the day. I can understand Lythia being tardy, but not the uptight student council president with perfect marks in every course.'

Coni pulled out a large looking pocket watch from the pocket on her black cloak that was identical to her younger sisters and gasped when she saw the time. She said a rushed goodbye and then ran off, towing her little sister with her who still seemed to be fuming over being stuck with Richard as her personal attendant. Richard realized they might actually agree on the subject, but he was also sure they would never agree on anything else. He had only spent five minutes in her presence and already he didn't like her. She was more of a bitch than willful.

'Walk with me,' Aura said sweetly and began to walk towards the nearest white tower, the large double doors opening on their own as she neared. 'So what do you think of Lythia?'

'I don't like her,' he admitted and Aura chuckled as they entered the main hall of the school. 'I really hope I'm not here long because if she keeps that attitude up I will probably end up running away.'

'We told you last night that she was a handful. That's what happens when you have two talented older sisters who cast their shadows over you your entire life. She just wants to make her own mark on the world and I think in a few years she will become a better person. For now though, you should do as she asks and not cause any trouble. You are here under a false life and it would be best if too many questions weren't asked. Lythia doesn't know anything about you and I want to keep it that way if possible. I don't think she would do anything bad on purpose, but you just never know.'

'So I have to be her slave until the Queen finds a way to send me home? Great.'

'You are not a slave, Richard. Far from it. Do you job, and do it well and you will be paid. You also get your own private room and are off duty after nine at night. You start work at six in the morning and only have to do the everyday things that Lythia asks of you, like doing her personal laundry and bringing her meals if she wishes. As for cleaning her room, well there is a whole staff of maids who handle that so don't let her tell you otherwise.'

Richard groaned as they walked through a door and he found himself standing in the middle of a rather large circular room filled with desks, stacks of paper, odd looking trinkets, and both young and old women who wore the same outfit that Aura did; dark red cloaks over white shirts and long black skirts that barely touched the floor. If he had to guess, Richard would think this was the teachers office.

'If you ever run into trouble or need to ask a question or get advice, come and find me here. Classes are steady throughout the weak and the only time I won't be here is when I have to teach, which is second period and fourth period. Let's continue.'

Aura, or Professor Proud as she was called by wandering students, continued her tour of the main tower telling Richard that this mostly housed the offices and private living quarters for the teachers. All the outer towers were similar and there were four of them. The front tower was for teachers and staff (where he would be staying as well), and the three others for students. First and second year students were packed into a single tower and Aura showed him where Lithia's room was on the eighth floor of the left most tower. Each tower also had its own facilities for bathing, laundry, meals, and a kitchen. These were places that she assured him he would become familiar with quickly.

The inner most towers were entirely dedicated to classes and each year had their own tower. Between the towers was a nice shaded courtyard that was filled with elegant looking round tables that sat two to four people and it turned out that students could come here and enjoy a cup of tea between their classes. He would also spend a fair amount of time here as it was common for attendants to bring their masters tea and snacks so the staff wasn't stretched too thin.

Throughout the tour Richard noticed two things. The first was that everything was just as gorgeous as it had been in the palace and even the grounds were lush green with large trees scattered every ten or so feet. It looked more like a painting than real life as it felt almost too perfect. The second was that the majority of the students they came across were female. He brought that to the attention of Aura and was a little shocked by her explanation.

'It didn't use to be like this,' she said as they walked through the lush green grass towards some unknown location, 'two hundred years ago there was an even number of male and female students training to become mages. But for some unknown reason, that began to change. Male children being born in the last two hundred years are either not attuned to magic at all or are very weak. It's a real problem and scholars across the world are trying to find out why. This year there are only ten new male students, bringing the number up to eighty in total. Everyone we tested proved to be in the lower echelon in strength.

'Don't get me wrong, there are some powerful men out there but not as many compared to the women. The really strange part of it all is that the males, while not being very strong, still carry the magic trait in their blood and can have children who can also use magic. Most of the male children from the men are just as weak or have no power at all like their fathers, but the females can be some of the strongest out there. It's pretty much guaranteed that if mages from the opposite sex have a female child they will automatically be attuned to the arcane forces that surround the world and be able to cast spells easily. For that reason all the male students here already have fiancé's that their parents picked out for them in hopes of continuing their magical bloodline.'

'That's brutal,' Richard said softly and Aura nodded.

'We hope that it changes in the near future, but there's no guarantee. All the masters had once been male but are now entirely female. But on the bright side of things, there hasn't been a full scale war in nearly three hundred years because of it. With women holding all the power things have mellowed out a little bit.'

Richard couldn't bring himself to point out the flaw in her logic, that women could be just as cruel or even more so than men. He looked around at his surroundings and noticed that they had ventured quite far from the glistening towers of the school and were now standing before a facility that closely resembled the Roman Coliseum. It was made from grey stone and climbed at least eighty feet into the air, it's imposing figure dominating the valley they were in.

'What is this?' he asked with awe and Aura giggled.

'This is the arena. Each year there is a school wide tournament that decides the strongest student. This is where all the matches are held and it is such a big event that even the Queen comes out to watch it. Back in her day she was actually two time champion. I was three time champion though,' she laughed. 'After the first week of school has finished, students are also allowed to openly challenge any other student to a duel to settle disputes or for practice. Even these duels can affect your ranking within the school and there are quite a few of them, which is really annoying considering I over see every single one of them!'

Richard desperately wanted to go inside the arena and look around for a little while, but Aura said something about the next class starting and that she needed to get back. Since Richard also had to begin work, picking up after that bitch, he was forced to leave as well and followed the teacher back onto school grounds where students were milling around. As they came back through the wall, a tall and well tanned woman with chestnut hair and big brown eyes approached them, a serious look on her face. Regardless of the serious look Richard was still struck by her beauty; her large breasts, taut belly and flared hips, and long shapely legs that were the perfect color of light brown.

'Professor,' she spoke and her voice was just as hard as her face, 'two students got into a fight and another was trying to cast a forbidden spell.'

'It's only the first day,' Aura sighed and clicked her tongue in annoyance. 'Did you send them to the headmasters office?'

'Yes, but just the student trying to cast the spell. As for the two who were fighting, I just gave them a week's worth of extra lessons and let them go.'

'Thank you, Daiya. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for my first class. Can you believe I have to teach history to the first years again?'

'That was my favorite class,' Daiya said stiffly, 'you taught it well. Who is this?'

Aura stopped as she had begun to walk away and turned around to see that the tanned girl was pointing directly Richard who stood there like some sort of statue. 'This is Richard Dawson, my youngest sisters personal attendant. Richard, this is Daiya, a third year student and the head of the disciplinary committee as well as being the Crown Princess of the Dark Elves.'

'N... nice to meet you,' Richard squeaked and his eyes immediately travelled up to the sides of the woman's head. Sure enough he found two little nubs poking out above her hair higher up than a humans ears could reach. He was having trouble keeping his eyes off her ears. To take his mind off it he stuck out his hand and she took it, shaking it gently and gracefully.

'The pleasure is all mine,' the girl whispered and her demeanor changed instantly. Her shoulders relaxed a little and the grip she had on his hand tightened slightly. The most significant change though was her voice. It was no longer hard, rather it was very girly and almost sounded like music. As quickly as her body language had softened it turned hard once more and she tossed his hand away roughly. 'Excuse me.'

She turned on her heel and quickly retreated, disappearing into one of the towers and leaving Richard standing there trying to figure out what he had done to offend her. He had only said that it was nice to meet her and shook her hand, how bad was that? Aura was laughing silently to his side and her face was lit up with a big smile.


'I was right when I thought it would be interesting having you here. I can't wait to see how this progresses. Now, please excuse me,' she waved and took off, slowly walking away as she continued to giggle to herself. A few students passing by her looked at her like she had lost her mind but she seemed to ignore them and then disappeared into the first year tower a few minutes later.

Richard stood there stunned for a few minutes, realizing that he was some kind of entertainment to Aura. He was quickly reminded that he had work to do when he saw a few maids rush past him, their arms full of laundry. Sighing deeply to himself he swallowed his pride, what little he had, and rushed off to the first and second year dorms to do what he had been commanded to do. It hadn't even been a day and he already hated this school.


Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. As always rate and comment, it makes us want to write more and quicker. So if you like it let Mishikail and I know.

Sorry for there not being any sex in this scene, we just figured that there would be too much going on for it to feel natural. Plus, a random stranger covered in dirt making love to the Princess, Queen, or one of the sisters wouldn't really work out so well being done so quickly after him being released from prison. These type of people have standards after all... haha. Mishikail didn't want to leave you all with nothing though so she added a small tease by the Princess in there.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:






Pub: 28 May 2024 01:51 UTC
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