
Sunny and Mari always acted like they were joined at the hip. Mari been the talkative one and Sunny leading more to the role of the listener

Of course, Mari took care of Sunny most of the time but Sunny knew when she needed a hand and while really different personality-wise they were always on the same wavelength

However as of late, Sunny noticed how Mari had made one important change in her life, or rather, how she doesn't seem to care about missing something

This game-changer of a discovery only came to him when he saw her reading a book in her bed. Her chess against it and her just playfully raising and lowering he legs while immersed in her academic reading as Sunny was relaxing in his bed resting a little before sleeping for good.

The heat of Summer was ever-present and not even the night could change that fact, preemptively, Sunny went for a glass of water but halfway through the room, he hears her
“Sunny, can you bring me some water please?” She looked at him with her usual smile
He nodded but as she broke eye contact his eyes wider at the view right in from of him. Just between her leg was barely noticeable something unexpected but when he did.

He couldn’t look away

“No…pan…” Sunny face was getting redder and redder by the sec
“I couldn’t hear you, little brother, what did you say?” She just continue reading his book not noticing Sunny little revelation
“Nothing. I… was just remembering something… I will get some water” it took all his willpower just not to slam the door on his way out
Mari slowly licked her finger before changing of page “hehe~”

Sunny wanted to act like nothing had happened but it wasn't a one-time thing. this was her new normal when it came to clothing, or lack thereof, and worst of all he wanted to see more

She dropping something on the floor, resting on the couch from some angles, even he laying in the ground in the picnic blanket were all perfect excuses to look but never for too long

Never when he wanted the most, there was any release only the peaks at the forbidden scene that he wanted to see but shouldn't

That changes today

Sunny open his eyes in the depths of night. Convinced that his “sleeping” fooled his sister he was but one prime directive this night.

Fulfill his need

That mental image was repeating. one time, two time, billions of time
His heart was beating like it was about to explode but on the surface he looks calm, for one slip will trow this entire operation into the trash
Quiet as a mouse he touched the ground with one foot
he looks at her, there is no movement but a gentile breathing
He lower the other foot and he took a good look at her. She looked as serene as ever, facing the ceiling with her hands connecting in her stomach
…Her legs spread just a little…
He had the advantage but he wasn’t going to be reckless now. There was too much on the line

In all honestly, Sunny didn't know what was the plan here as he just needed to have an unrestrictive view for once in his life of such spectacle but after that? he would do anything to a sleeping Mari and the other option was too risky even for his horny mind

Slowly but steady he goes to the footboard, his heart is raising to a ridiculous degree but he kneels without making a sound regardless.
He steadies his breathing and looks at that place again, this time only being hit with a wave of unmeet speciation’s
“Panties?” he almost sounded heartbroken
“Disappointed Sunshine?” her mocking tone was second to her grind
Sunny froze and made eye contact with her. Panic coloring all of his face
Mari had just moved her hand to the sides while moving her neck just to meat with his gaze
Sunny got up as fast as he could but it wasn't meant to be.

Using her hands to propel herself closer. She uses her legs to lock him in place, restraining his arms in one swift motion “Gotcha~”
“I-I… I” Sunny desperately want to look down but if he does he will be even more in trouble
“So what was the big idea? you tried a little too hard to fool me with your "sleeping" so you have me very intrigued about what going on in that head of yours?”
“I am... so sorry Mari i…” Sunny started to tear up, rather than fear he felt so guilty
Freeing him from the grab, Mari sat in front of him and with her thump wiped away one of his tears “Hey, I am not mad so pleases don’t cry okay?”
“But i…”
Mari patted a spot beside her “let's talk about it then” but before he could sit up there she put her pointer in his lips “but promise me that you will be honest!”
Sunny nodded even though he always was sincere with her it was a fair thing to ask given the situation he caused
Still, a little on edge he sits beside her, his ears burning red and his eyes not daring to look away from the floor

she scoots over behind him and hugs him from behind "i take you noticed then?"
he nods

"Did you like what you saw, all those other days?"
How did she?!?

he nods. slowly this time

"I love how you try so hard to hide the joy in your face” she breaches the gap until her lips were beside his ear “is cute~”

Try as he might the red in his ear would go away. Sunny knows if he tries to say anything is going to sound like gibberish, it was time for his trump card
He sheepishly looks at her with a pleading gaze.

Mari relents, if just a little, opting for just snuggling her cheek against his
“Say don’t you want to do more than just see it?” she continues even as his eyes widen “I am not telling if you don’t buuuuuuut I already have my fill for today hehe” she casually lays down in her bed “who knows? I may be dreaming right now”

She gave him a pass to just go back to sleep like nothing had happened? for most people the obvious option.

He wasn't most people

Almost by instinct, he put one hand in her inner thighs

She breaks the act for a moment, a slight blush with a yelp escaping her, as Sunny takes a better position

Like hooks, his finger pull the intimate clothing as Mari simply removes the skirt altogether so he has a better view

Once again Sunny’s heart rises but for completely different reasons. This is what he dreamed


It was far better. for this time he could see all her body. Her silky skin, beautiful hair, sculpted legs, her…

She snaps her fingers breaking him of his little trance. Now Sunny was getting hit by her playful smile and guilty over his overindulgence

At long last, he gets closer to the point he feels the warmness emanating from her valley

He is an inexperienced artist and his tongue is his brush. He doesn’t dare go in deep yet opting instead for traveling along the outer lips until reaching the top

Mari tries to discretely move her hand to her mouth when he gets there


Sunny starts to circle his tongue around it as Mari bites her lower lip and clenches her fist

Finding a weak point so soon made him feel shamefully prideful but above all else, he loved the sound she made

How she naturally opened her leg more in an inviting manner yet Sunny would relentlessly focus in the one spot she liked the most

Such was his joy that she had to plead for him to go lower gently with her hand

He was eager but lacked finesse, regardless, he was going to passionately explore her fully even if it will take the rest of the night

Thoroughly Sunny was fixated on his mission while Mari enjoyed it to her heart's content merely distracting herself by caressing Sunny’s hair

With his eyes closed, he starts to pick up more speed while still searching for another weak spot

But then Sunny had an epiphany. His hand were merely resting in her thighs but maybe he can do better with them. He starts to go faster as his hand plays with her clitoris but this experiment of his will be short-lived

She had to use her free hand to grab the sheets with all her might.

the sensation was insane as it was but now he was going to both places at once? How was she supposed to take such a gift without gasping and moaning from time to time

“Sunshine huff * if you are so rough huff * I”

She can’t even finish the sentence as the electrical sensation overwhelms her. Only her hand persists as it keeps Sunny firmly in place. not that the eager boy really needed.

If anything, seeing Mari slightly rising her pelvis as the odorless, tasteless liquid hit his face was reason enough to go all-in
It was now Mari's turn to talk gibberish as the afterglow and Sunny tireless performance were overwhelming her
She loudly moans as her toes curl up…

A man opens the door taking a peek inside

Mr Suzuki was sure he heard a scream coming from the room but the only thing in there were the siblings hugging as usual

“must be one hell of a nightmare” he shrugs as he closes the door

Minutes pass until Mari dares to open one eye “I think is gone”

“Sorry about your shirt sis” Mari looks at the stain where sunny face used to. be a completely unhidable mess.
“Is fine I was throwing it to the washer anyway” she get close to his ear “is a little dangerous right now, so sorry to let you all pent-up like this”
As she slowly makes circles in his tend she continues “tomorrow same hour?”

Sunny’s quick kiss on the lips told her she wasn’t going to sleep just yet.

Edit Report
Pub: 01 Mar 2022 18:49 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2022 18:53 UTC
Views: 1067