Trouble with Linda
The new business arrangements worked out well for Yvette. Having men involved strengthened the popularity of the business with women. She had even put her sons up on the company website listing them as associates. It had meant she had to start paying them, but the extra costs were more than justified by the additional revenue they helped bring in.

As time went on things went further and further. One time a woman invited Yvette and her husband back to her room for an after dinner drink, and that pleased her husband who was always reminding her of the time they had with Kate.

Her sons proved a hit too – both individually and as a team. It made the process of getting them into bed with her at the same time a little bit easier. As she said to them, if you don’t mind doing some stranger together, why not your mother?

It also made arranging their sexual encounters with her easier, as they all knew about the way that they were sharing her sexually. Once Linda was out of the house sometimes they just lined up for their turn at her. Instead of having breakfast and giving her a goodbye kiss, they would have breakfast then sit her on the kitchen table and screw her. The first few times it took a bit of getting used to, but after a while her sons would happily sit at the table eating breakfast while their father fucked her. Then after he pulled out leaving his cum in her pussy, one of her sons would slide inside her to add his load, and after he was done the third man would fuck her. When she walked upstairs to her bedroom after breakfast sometimes she could feel the semen leak from her pussy and ooze down her leg.

One time when one of her sons was in a rush, instead of waiting until Andrew had finished, he stood up beside the table, pulled out his cock, and put it in her hand so she could give him a hand job. That had been the start of the next stage in their sharing of Yvette. It had quickly moved from a cock in her pussy and a cock in her hand, to a cock in her pussy and a cock in her mouth. She loved the time when she got a load in her mouth and a load in her pussy at the same time.

The next step happened naturally enough. Her sons were in a rush, but both wanted her pussy. After a bit of arguing over who should go first, Yvette ended up straddling one of her sons, and the other penetrated her ass.

This let Yvette take their involvement with the customer’s to the next level. Instead of sending one of them out to dinner with the female clients, she would send them both.

However, paying them had caused some problems with her daughter.

Linda had noticed the money they had, but that they didn’t have the part-time jobs any more. They didn’t seem to do any work for the company, just go out to dinner sometimes.

She complained to her mother that she treated her brother’s better than her, and she didn’t get the same advantages as they did.

Yvette pondered what to do. She wasn’t sure how Linda would react to the news about the other family members having sex with people to bring in work to the company.

Finally Yvette decided to invite her along to one of the conferences she attended. It would be Linda’s chance to show whether or not she had what it took to be involved.

She picked a special event. Yvette had taken Kate to the same conference when it had been held in previous years, and she was well known. This year it would be held in a particularly glamorous location, and Yvette had been asked to give a keynote lecture. Yvette also knew that there would be current or prospective clients there, and that she would be busy moving from cock to cock.

"I’ll need to buy you some new clothes," Yvette said to Linda. "You’ll go to some of the formal functions, so you’ll need some more business type clothes, and you’ll go out to lots of dinners, so some cocktail dresses. Bring some beach clothes too. You’ll probably have time to work on your tan."

It was a treat for Linda. The anticipation built up over time, particularly when she saw all the new clothes hanging in her wardrobe. Now she was getting her fair share of the money spent on her instead of just on her brothers.

  1. Yvette and Kate Work the Conference
    They flew out, and Linda saw how well her mother dressed even during the flight. She asked why, and Yvette told her that often you ran into clients when travelling to these sorts of events, so it was a good idea to always be looking good.

Sure enough they did while waiting for the final flight to Aruba. Linda was surprised to see how her mother acted to the man. She could only describe it as flirting. She noticed that another button had become undone on her mother’s blouse, showing off her cleavage to better effect. Her mum went off with the man to discuss a project that was coming up, but from what Linda could see that mostly seemed to be them having drinks together in one of the bars. She could see how much her mother was laughing and smiling at the man. After a while she started touching him, and brushing against him. She was never like this at home.

Finally her mother left the bar and disappeared off towards the toilets. Good, Linda thought. I hope she’s feeling a bit sick after all she’s had to drink. The man followed a few minutes later.

It was getting close to the time for the flight, and they were calling for them to board, but her mother wasn’t back yet. Linda wasn’t sure what to do. Should she board? Or stay here so her mother could find her easily? Or go looking for her mother? She picked up all their things and decided to look over by the toilets. Maybe her mother was in a shop over there or something.

When she got over to the toilets area she finally spotted her mother as she emerged from one of the disabled toilets. Funnily it seemed the man her mother had just been talking to in the bar had just come from it a few seconds before. She must have been confused.

Linda waved out to her mother, and called "Mum, mum, they’re calling our flight! Hurry up or we’ll miss it."

As she walked to the departure gate, Yvette felt satisfied with her efforts so far. She had just picked up a nice big contract and had celebrated it by getting a mouth full of cum from her client.

When they were on the plane Linda asked how the meeting had gone. She really wanted to say that it had looked more like a date than a meeting, but thought that she didn’t want to annoy her mother after she had brought her along on the trip.

"Oh very well. We’re going to have a follow up meeting at the conference. We’ve agreed to meet for dinner. He wants to meet Kate too. There might be an opportunity for you too."

The hotel was all she had hoped for from their website, and their room was much more than a simple place to sleep. She had imagined it would be a room with two beds. But instead there were separate bedrooms, a lovely lounge room, and a balcony where you could sit at a table and stare out to sea.

Her mother had showered and changed quickly after they had arrived, and had gotten dressed up. Linda was surprised. The clothes were the same ones her mother wore at home, but she was wearing them a bit differently. She had seen that blouse before, but mum had always worn a camisole under it as it was fairly see-through. Now it was clear that there was no camisole, only a bra, and that bra was somewhat sexier than she had imagined.

"I need to register at the conference," said Yvette as she gave her daughter a little kiss on the cheek. Kate might call. She was arriving this evening. If she does, tell her where I am."

"Okay mum. Is there anything for me to do today?"

"You could get some sun by the pool, or go for a walk on the beach. There are welcome drinks this evening, if you’d like."

"When will you be back?"

"I’ll be back to change before the cocktail party. So by six or six thirty."

Yvette kissed Linda on the cheek again, and left. She wanted to get all the formalities out of the way this afternoon if she could. There was the conference organiser that had invited her to present. She wasn’t sure what she would do for him. Maybe a blow job would be enough. No, considering they were paying her and Kate’s accommodation she thought it needed to be more than that. Definitely a fuck, and Kate should do him too. She would remind Kate when she saw her. Then she would scout around to find out who was here, and what her priorities should be.

The afternoon had gone well for Yvette. She had fucked the organiser in the room he was using as his office. She had been on her hands and knees, with him taking her from behind. Just like old times, thinking back when she used to fuck for grades.

Then he had introduced her to a colleague of his that was organising the conference for the following year. So she had felt obliged to have sex with him too. He said he was sure he would be able to get her on the list of invited speakers.

Then she had looked through the list of attendees and circled a few names, and sent a few emails to set up meetings with people she wanted to connect with, and then it was time to go back to her room to get ready.

  1. Cocktail Time
    When she got back to her room she could hear Linda was taking a shower, and there was a note on the table saying Kate would come over at about seven fifteen and they would all go down to the welcome cocktails together.

Yvette started undoing her blouse as she walked to her room, and started to think about what she would do that evening. Should she bring a guy back to the room? Or was that too obvious? Maybe it would be better to go back to his room and let Linda realise that she had been out all night when she saw her get home at breakfast time wearing the same clothes she had gone out in the night before.

Perhaps that was the best. It would break it to Linda gently.

She thought about the priorities for her and Kate. Kate could do the organiser sometime during the day, and certainly didn’t need to spend the night with him. There were representatives of a couple of large companies her, so she would hook up with one, and Kate with someone else. It could be managed more efficiently if Linda got involved.

Her mother’s look when she came out of her bedroom stunned Linda. It was very slinky, a short black dress with a plunging neck line that showed off her mother’s breasts. She didn’t normally show this much skin. The black tights were very sexy, and the high heels made her legs look great. It didn’t look like she was going out to a work function. It looked more like she was going out to pick up.

"Wow," said Linda. "You look great!"

"Thanks darling," said Yvette. "Which necklace should I wear?"

Yvette held out two necklaces, and Linda chose one that had a piece of obsidian hanging from a chain. The black stone would fit well with her mother’s black dress and black hair, and it would hang low enough to draw attention to her cleavage.

Yvette thought that Linda looked okay, but not quite as spectacular as she had hoped. She thought that her arriving with her daughter might attract some attention.

There was a knock at the door, and when Linda opened it she saw Kate standing there, looking as gorgeous as her mother. She was used to seeing Kate wearing more conservative clothes, but now she saw her in a tight black skirt, and red silk blouse that was quite loose and only partly buttoned so she was showing off flashes of her bra when she moved around.

It really did look like they were going out to some sort of pick up joint.

"Are we all ready to go?" asked Yvette.

"Yes mum. As ready as I’ll ever be."

When they got down to the reception venue Linda was a bit confused. Everyone was dressed well, but most of the other women weren’t revealing as mum or Kate. But they both seemed to be well known. People were waving and smiling at them, and saying they should catch up during the conference. A waiter came around with a drinks tray, and they all picked up a glass.

"Kate, we better split up and mingle," said Yvette. "We can cover more ground that way."

"Okay," replied Kate, "Do you have any people I should particularly focus on?"

"What about them?" suggested Yvette, pointing out a small group of men standing on the balcony. "I hear they’re going to call for tenders for a contract soon."

"Okay, I’ll just go and touch up my makeup, and then I’ll go over join them."

"I hope your evening goes well. I think the guy with the moustache is the one in charge."

Linda watched Kate as she walked off. She really did look sexy. Much sexier than normal.

Her mother touched her arm, and said "I might need to split up from you if I need to talk business to one of the people. You don’t need to stay around waiting for me if you don’t find anyone to talk to."

She watched as her mother worked the room. In some ways it was like watching her talking to the man at the airport on the way here, Linda thought. Her mother was much more flirtatious than she had expected, touching and smiling, and laughing at their jokes. She made sure that the men she talked to got an eye full of her cleavage.

Soon enough her mother whispered in her ear that she needed to go off to talk to someone.

Linda walked around for a while. Kate was nowhere to be found, and quickly enough Yvette had disappeared, so Linda was thinking about going back to her room when she noticed the man her mother had run into in the airport.

"You haven’t seen my Mum have you?" Linda asked.

"No, not for a while," he replied. They started to chat, and he asked her if she had any plans for the evening. When he heard that she was thinking of going back to her room he asked her to have dinner with him. It hadn’t occurred to him that Yvette’s daughter wouldn’t be aware of her business development activities, and so saw her as another part of the relationship between his company and her mother’s company.

When he had said dinner, Linda had assumed he meant at one of the restaurants, and so was a bit surprised when they ended up at his room eating a room service dinner on his balcony. The drinks flowed freely, and Linda thought, why not have a bit of fun. Mum wouldn’t know. She would sneak in while she was still asleep. Anyway, from what she could see of her mum and Kate’s choice of clothes, the rules at home didn’t seem to apply here.

She ran her fingers along his leg and said, "I wonder if I can stay here tonight?"

"Sure," he said, somewhat surprised that she had bothered to ask.

The first time had been on the balcony. He only took her panties off, and had her bent over the table. He was thinking about when he had screwed her mother in the airport toilet. He’d taken her from behind, bent forward supporting herself on the hand basin. Now he had her daughter in the same position. Hopefully he’d get the chance to have Kate if she was here. With this sort of service he would make sure they got a good consulting contract.

He decided that the daughter wasn’t as good as the mother, but her pussy was tighter, so that compensated.

Linda enjoyed the cock inside her, and found herself doing things she hadn’t imagined she would do. After the first fuck on the balcony, they had moved into the bedroom. He seemed to like it when he fucked her for a while and then got her to suck his cock clean. She had never done anything like that before, so it was the first time she had tasted her own pussy, and each time he went from her pussy to her mouth she tasted more of his sperm.

They’d slept for a while, and she woke up early so she could sneak home without her mother knowing. Her movement woke him up, so she gave him another fuck, riding his cock like a pogo stick.

  1. The Long Walk Home
    As she walked back to her room, she saw that room service was delivering breakfasts. Damn, she thought, maybe mum would be awake.

She had to go through the lobby to get to the room, and was mortified to see her mother walking through it just in front of her. Fortunately her mother’s attention was on her mobile phone, no doubt checking emails. She was in the same clothes that she had gone to the cocktail party, though no stockings observed Linda. So she wasn’t coming back from a walk on the beach. She really didn’t have to worry about her mother finding out about her sleeping with that guy and then complaining. It seemed that none of the rules applied here.

Yvette heard footsteps behind her as she walked to the lift, and turned around, and saw her daughter behind her. "Good morning darling," said Yvette. "I just got an email from James saying he would like you to be involved in the consultancies in the future."

"Hullo mum," replied Linda. "Consultancies?"

"Yes, we do work for his employer. He says he was very impressed by you when you spoke last night, and thinks you can make a valuable contribution to the projects."

They reached the lifts, and Yvette pressed the button to call the lift. Fortunately one was already at that level so the door opened straight away.

"What do you mean?" Linda couldn’t remember talking to James very much about any projects her mother was doing for him. The main thing she remembered was getting drunk and fucked.

"Yes, I think you could be our main liaison for that client."

"Do I get paid?" asked Linda, rather confused about the turn of events. Instead of her mother’s disapproval of her having casual sex, she was involving her in the business.

"Of course. How about five thousand per month plus expenses."

"Wow. So much."

"Oh yes dear. If you get any more clients you could do even better."

The lift reached their level and Linda followed her mother out of the lift. Linda felt confused by her experiences that morning. He had been a one night stand, and she had thought she would only see him around the resort for a few more days during the conference. Maybe they would have hooked up again. Now he had become a client, and so would he want to sleep with her again?

"Mum, ummm, I’m not sure how to say this, but I spent last night with James. Do you think that will cause any problems?"

Yvette gave Linda a squeeze around the waist and smiled at her daughter. "No problems at all. Quite the opposite. I find having an intimate friendship often helps form a good business relationship."

"So you do it with people you work with?" asked Linda, with a tone of shock and horror in her voice. "People give you contracts because you have sex with this."

"No, it isn’t like that. We have sex with people, and some of those people get us to do work for them."

Linda had so many questions in her mind. "We? Who is we? And what about Dad? Does he know? What does he think?"

By this time they had gotten back to their suite and Yvette swiped the door to let them in.

"We are me and Kate of course. We have been doing this for years now. And just recently your brothers got involved – and your father. So yes, he knows."

"You organise for Dad, Steve and Ben to have sex with your customers!"

"Your father insisted that I got him involved, and Ben and Steve are very keen to help out too."

"I’m going to have a quick shower," said Yvette, "let me know when breakfast gets here. We can talk more then if you like."

  1. Breakfast and a Spa Day
    When Yvette came out of her room she was wearing resort wear. A bathing suit, with a diaphanous wrap around her waist, unbuttoned blouse and a sun hat. It didn’t look like she planned to spend much time at the conference this morning.

"I’m going for a walk on the beach and a swim after breakfast," explained Yvette as she sat down at the table with their breakfast laid out on it. Linda had already started.

"I thought you were here for a conference, not a holiday," replied Linda, surprised to feel a bit disapproving.

"Don’t worry, plenty of time for that. I’ll be back for lunch and the afternoon session. The most important thing is the wine tasting after the last session."

"So you did it with someone last night."

"Yes Linda. A long term client. I hadn’t done any work for him in a while, but I got an email this morning offering me a job."

"So you have sex with people and they give you contracts with their companies in return?"

"It’s not like that. We have sex with them, and we do work for them. But the two things aren’t actually linked."

"But I had sex with someone and now I’m earning three thousand dollars a month, and you had sex with someone and you’ve got another contract too."

"Yes, that’s right. It’s all about building up business relationships. I don’t like golf, but I do like sex. So it’s the best option."

Linda paused and thought for a while, pondering what her mother had said.

"Do you have any clients that you don’t have sex with?"

"No, not really. Sometimes I don’t have sex with them. Sometimes it’s your brothers, or your dad."

"And now me."

"If you’d like to."

Yvette didn’t think it was the right time to mention her sexual interest in her daughter.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 13 Feb 2024 11:37 UTC
Views: 855