Caninebinieri by anonymous

Ywn live in a small human republic which has recently been all but annexed by an aggressive canid majority neighbor
Fueled by a revanchist national dialogue, their "peaceful occupation" of your home republic has put the entire continent on the brink of all out war
Nominally they've done this to "secure the rights" of the small canid minority, but also out of some bizarre fixation on "liberating and safeguarding" their "ancient human allies"
No surprise, then, that they've implemented martial law
Propaganda posters everywhere, curfew, checkpoints, silencing of the press...
You're not exactly a "FP-45 under the trenchcoat" sort of resistance fighter, but what you ARE doing is hiding rebel radio equipment in your basement
And one night, your worst fear comes true
The tell tale sign that you're under suspicion and are about to be searched, a loud, aggressive scratching (rather than knocking) at your door at 9 PM, shortly followed by the door being kicked down
Sure enough, it's the Caninebinieri, and they're ordering a warrant-less search for "suspected subversive elements"
The head officer, a jet black wolf with a suspicious snarl, gazes at you continuously, cross armed, while his two tawny furred subordinates look at you apologetically and then proceed to trash your place while aggressively sniffing the air
At one point you're pretty sure one of them raids your fridge
Mercifully they don't find the hidden trapdoor, but they aren't done with you yet
The head officer demands a "sniff search", and the next thing you know you've got two wet snouts invading your personal space as the boss demands you take off progressively more of your clothing, finally stopping just short of having you down to your undergarments
Satisfied, they leave after telling you to stay out of trouble
But come sunrise, they've set up a checkpoint right outside your house, and it's to be manned 24/7
And the wolves are to be quartered in your house, if needed
Uh oh
There's three of the wolves stationed at the checkpoint (and by extension, your house)
They each take 8 hour shifts doing the essential activities of "policing" including but not limited to slowing down traffic, putting parking tickets on every vehicle in sight (including yours until you complain loud enough that they recant it), and eating donuts
When it's time to clock out, the wolves saunter into your foyer, put their peaked caps and jackets on your coathanger, and immediately curl up and fall asleep on your couch
With your house under constant surveillance and occupation, you haven't had a chance to get the radio equipment out, and you feel like you're being crushed by the threat of discovery
And to make matters worse, with the new quartering laws, the wolves have free reign to do as they please in your house
You even have to FEED them!
Taking care of these damn freeloaders has become a near full time job for you!
Whether it's because you're a human or because they live rent free in your house (AND HEAD AAAAGHHHH), the officers like you quite a bit
And they don't seem to get the hint that you wish they'd piss off
So you have to continue to act buddy buddy with them out of fear that if you don't, they'll find your secret and haul you off to prison
Still, you suppose as far as Caninebinieri officers go, they aren't that bad
Not exactly a high bar, mind you, but they at least thank you for the housing and compliment your cooking, insisting humans have "special cooking acumen"
As they begin to ease up around you they become more and more talkative, too, and unintentionally let slip some of the inner machinations of their organization
If you could actually get to the radio room this would be valuable insider information to relay...
But that's quickly becoming less and less realistic
Maybe it's just a canine thing but they keep insisting they smell you, too
And why are there scratch marks on your door and floor?

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Pub: 04 Aug 2022 09:28 UTC
Views: 1448