Old Office Wolf by anonymous

World where both anthros and ferals exist
Comparing anthros and ferals to each other in any way is considered to be very racist and can be taken to court if the offended anthro wishes so.
Intimidating wolf anthro getting to about his 40s.
Still well-built for his age with a mean resting bitch face.
Well accomplished in life and worked hard to get where he is.
Boss in his office department whose job is to make sure everyone's on track with their own work.
Common knowledge that he's been divorced for a while now, thought the reason isn't.
Divorced for 10 years now due to not being able to give his wife a child and has felt incredible self-loathing and guilt over it, to the point he couldn't get hard anymore.
Hasn't received any real physical contact since the divorce due to feeling guilty and coming off as scary to everyone.
Newly recruited employee at the office is a human almost half hise age
He's a hard worker, but comes off as airheaded due to usually saying and doing whatever comes into his head.
One day gets called by his boss to correct a mistake he made on some papers.
Apologizes profusely to the wolf and suddenly stares at his face.
He reaches out and starts petting the wolf between his ears
Right in front of all his coworkers
"You're so fluffy boss, you remind me of my dog, who passed away recently, I really miss him.. Do you mind if I keep petting you for a bit?"
His coworkers freak out and pull him away from the wolf and tell him off for doing something like that.
Everyone is expecting the wolf to blow up, but he's oddly quiet, with his tail slowly swishing behind him.
The wolf's mind is racing, he should tell the human off! Or even sue him! But.. the only thing going through his mind is how comforting the human's hand on his head felt and how he weirdly didn't mind being compared to his deceased pet.
He wondered if he was an actual dog, if he'd receive unconditional love from the human all the time.
He finally shook his head a bit from his trance and what came out of his mouth shocked everyone
"Hey, don't be too harsh on him, he's new, I'm sure he'll learn proper etiquette soon enough"
The human was let off with a warning and he apologized profusely
But all the wolf could think about was how he could find an excuse to get the human to rub him more.
The rest of the day in the office went uneventfully, with the two not having any interaction besides saying their 'goodbyes' for the day.
When the wolf made it back to his big, empty house, he sat down in front of his TV and reflected on his feelings.
He decided that he needed to make absolutely sure, what he felt in that moment wasn't just some random spark of feeling.
After turning on the TV, he scrolled to some vanilla wolf porn.
Nothing, all that did was remind him of his past failures again.
He contemplated for a minute, before deciding.
The interracial category, human and wolf.
He watched it for a while and while it didn't make him sad, it still didn't really do anything for him.
Until the human really got into fucking the female wolf.
And the things that came out of his mouth.
"Yeah.. yeah! Who's a good girl? Yeah, that's right, you're my bitch.."
For some reason, hearing those words and seeing the human rub his hands all over the wolf on the TV sparked something near his crotch.
He wasn't getting hard, but..
It was all he could do to not imagine him and his subordinate on the TV
Except instead of what he expected, he really wanted to be there
Bent over
Offering himself completely
..Being called a good boy.
The old wolf turned off the TV before the female could moan out her fake orgasm.
He didn't realize how hard he had been gripping his knees.
His heart was thumping and he felt himself sweating.
This couldn't continue, getting into any kind of relation with his coworker, with his SUBORDINATE was a horrible idea
But even so..
He couldn't deny the euphoria he felt in that moment.
There wasn't any choice, he was going to invite the young man out tomorrow.
That night was restless
Usually the wolf would instantly collapse on his bed, sometimes without even taking off his clothes.
Some nights would end up being harder to get through
Those were the times, when the canine would wonder about his future.
Big home, a successful job for life and no money problems in the slightest.
..Crippling loneliness, nobody to share any of his wealth with and nobody, who would willingly interact with a sad old man like him.
He saw nothing but darkness.
That night was nothing like those however..
In nothing, but his underwear, he tried to fall asleep.
As he began to doze off in a few minutes, suddenly he felt phantom hands rubbing along his head.
He tried to ignore the feeling for as long as possible, slowly starting to sweat.
His armpits, between his thighs until it started to spread.. as did the hands from his head.
thump thump thump
The wolf suddenly opened his eyes and the sensations stopped.
The thumping continued
On his side, he tried to determine the source of the muted sound
From behind..?
Feeling slightly embarassed, the old wolf closed his eyes and willed himself back to sleep, ignoring the thumping and how hot his face felt.
His entire body felt hot and sweaty, but he couldn't be bothered to take a shower, he'd do it tomorrow.
For now, he'd enjoy what his imagination supplied him with.
Throughout this, he never noticed how damp his underwear felt
And it wasn't from the sweat.
As the wolf sat down to start working, he happened to notice the young man talking with some of his co-workers.
A female rabbit and a male tiger, who had his arm slung around the human's shoulder, rubbing himself close to him.
All of them around the same age and conversing about something they found incredibly funny on the rabbit's phone.
The old man felt a twinge of annoyance in his chest at seeing the tiger being so close to his human.
The wolf was about to rise from his seat to tell them to start working until he made eye contact with the tiger.
Looking like he'd seen a ghost, the tiger whispered something to the rabbit and human and the group dispersed
Except the human, who turned around to look at the wolf, give him a smile and start walking towards him.
Panicking, he just turned back to his computer and pretended to be hard at work, who wasn't just jealously eyeing him like a pup missing his toy.
"Hey boss! Me and some friends are planning on going out for a drink tonight, I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?"
There goes his invitation plan.
The wolf knew they went out regularly, but this is the first time he'd been invited to anything.
By the human no less.
Can you pet me again please?
He slammed both of his paws on his face, making the human jump a bit.
The human already seemed a bit nervous around the man, probably from getting scolded for his behavior the previous day.
Forcing his loins to calm down, he tried to give the human his best estimation of a smile and agreed to it.
"Really!?! Oh man, I'm so happy you agreed to it... you really do look like my dog, when you smile like that.."
The human was about to raise his hand to his head, before abruptly stopping as if remembering himself.
"Shit- sorry, I'm so sorry!! I did it again, didn't I? I got told off yesterday for this exact same thing.."
The wolf resisted the blush that was appearing on his face as hard as he could and cleared his throat.
"T..that's alright, I'm used to it (no i'm not). I look forward to the evening."
"Again, I'm sorry boss! I've been told I'm a bit airheaded, but I'm trying to make a good first impression, I swear I'll be on my best behavior there!"
Please don't be
As the human powerwalked back to his station, the wolf was infinitely glad nobody could see his tail from where he was sitting.
As the workday came to a close, the wolf saw the human together with the rabbit and tiger near the exit.
Seems like they were getting ready to go drinking.
And the tiger was getting chummy with his human again.
Approaching them with a glare on his face, the tiger took a step back again with a fright.
The human turned towards him and seemingly didn't notice the wolf's mean look.
He told the wolf he was happy he decided to join them.
The frown practically melted off his face and he was happy again.
Seems like the other two didn't even know that their boss was joining them, but they didn't dare say anything.
The trip to the bar was uneventful and as they sat down around a table, they started ordering their drinks.
The old wolf was a bit hesitant, he didn't drink that often, but seeing how enthusiastic his human was being, he let caution to the wind.
Even as everyone quickly got inebriated and their conversation got livelier, the wolf still couldn't get many words in.
He realized how little he really knew about any of his subordinates, why is it so hard for him to socialize?
The tiger got rowdy and touchy with his human again, who didn't even seem to notice.
The wolf felt a growl rise at the back of his throat, stood up and grabbed the tiger's wrist, glaring at him as best he could in his drunken state.
His mind catching up, he realized that getting physical with his subordinates would just be plain bad and excused himself to the bathroom.
As he tried to cool off in the empty bathroom, he started to empty his bladder until-
"Heyyy boss! I-hick was wonderrring how long you were gonna stay here!"
Of course he'd get trapped here.
The human came next to him and zipped his flyer down as well, the both of them pissing right next to each other.
"Hey boss.. I'm shorry if you're feeling uncomfortable here, itsh just.. you look so sad all the time at your desk, kinda like my dog, whenever I reprimanded him.. hehe.."
There it is again
"Everything about you is just so similar to him, your fluffy ears, the lil' spots on your face.. and even your cute belly.."
He's getting compared to a dog again and it's getting harder and harder for him to breathe.
"He passed away from old age and I tried to give him as much love as I could, I-i just.. wish I could pet him and say I love him so much one more time.."
Wouldn't this be weird? Would this make him gay? He never really looked at men in that way before, but his drunken mind all, but commanded him to say:
"Y-you can pet me again.. all over, if you want."
What was he doing? This was wrong, this is his subordinate, he's just drunk, he didn't even know how the human felt about-
"R-really!? You'll let me?"
The old wolf gave a slight nod, zipped up and turned towards the human.
He slowly opened up his white shirt's buttons from top to bottom, exposing his neck fluff, pecs and finally his musclegut.
His fur already felt slightly damp.
"I-I'm all yours.."
The human looked indescribably happy, zipped himself up as well, grabbed the wolf's arm and they moved into one of the toilet stalls, locking it behind them.
It was surprisingly spacious, they both managed to stand in there, albeit they couldn't avoid making contact.
That wasn't an issue though, as the human immediately got to work.
He told the wolf to lower his head and he complied without question.
The young man started from the top of his head, ruffling his head fur, enjoying the feel of the soft and warm fur between his fingers.
"Wow, so soft.. now that I'm getting a better feel, I think you might even be softer than him.."
The wolf squeezed his eyes shut and felt a whine coming from the back of his throat. He felt strangely proud and embarassed by that admission from the human.
"Aww, do you like being pet? Hehe, don't worry, there's more where that came from."
The human moved to his ears, rubbing them in circles and even his muzzle, eliciting more whines from the old man.
His tail was already sweeping the floor like a duster.
He felt this good just from headpats? This isn't possible-
He felt hands on his neck digging into his neck fluff
And giving him scratches
He felt himself almost collapse and had to put a hand against the wall in front of him, above the human.
This unfortunately, exposed his armpits and he could smell his own strong musk.
The human, however, didn't seen perturbed in the slightest and used the opportunity to bury his face in the wolf's stomach and rub it there.
His legs really turned into jello from that and he had to sit down on the toilet.
He wasn't let go though, the human continuing his assault on his stomach, rubbing circles all over it.
"Who's a good boy? You are, yes you are!"
This human.. he really was just treating him like a pet dog wasn't he, there was nothing sexual about this.
That final acknowledgement seemed to lock something in place in the wolf's mind and he lost all his inhibitions.
His head rolled back, his tongue lolling out and his hands going to his sides.
He didn't have to think about anything, he could relax and enjoy this, this.. unconditional love that this human.. HIS human was giving him.
He'd be taken care of, looked after and given praise and pets just for doing everyday things.
Pure bliss, this was a better feeling than anything even his wife gave him, he wanted this for the rest of his life.
"Yes.. yes you are.... Hm?.. Oh! Uh, huh, well heh, I don't remember my dog getting quite this excited from my pets.."
The wolf was confused and decided to look down to find..
A bump. In his pants.
He had and erection.
But that was impossible.
He touched it and he felt pleasure run through him, the sexual kind.
This young man made him have an erection, after so long.
He made up his mind.
The atmosphere turned a bit awkward after his human pointed out his state and he stopped petting him.
He can't let go of him, he wouldn't let go of this chance at happiness.
His still drunk mind speaking for him:
"Please come home with me tonight?"

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Pub: 31 Aug 2023 03:54 UTC
Views: 3296