Night Owl Pump Session

Just keep focusing on your breathing. The gentle clank of of weights chimes in rhythm with the relaxation of your legs. You typically wouldn’t be so gentle with them, but there’s someone else in the space working out and you don’t want to be rude. As you push your legs out for another rep you take a quick scan of the room and again take a look at the other member. It’s a large Owl-Man, and as you look in his direction you see his face swivel away from your gaze. Despite the feathered fluff on his body, you can tell there’s quite a stack of muscle hidden beneath it and his tank top. You’ve had a feeling he’s been watching you for a while now and take a long gander at him to confirm your suspicions. He’s only a couple machines away from you now, apparently working on his adductors, but as you see the plates in the machine rise there’s very obviously much less weight engaged than what this creature can handle. You relax your legs again with your eyes fixed on him this time. Another gentle clank chimes and you see the owl swivel his face towards you again. He makes eye contact with you for a second and immediately darts his head back. You notice his feathers begin to fluff a little more. Again you push against your weights, still locked on him to see if he looks back again, and this time before you lower it his head turns to look at you yet again. This time you lock eyes for a bit. The owl keeps his vision on you while slowing down the movement of the light weight on his machine as you see his fluff start to settle. Realizing how awkwardly challenging this may be for a nocturnal predator, you concede the stare-down and show your submission with an awkward smile and nod before turning your head back up to your feet pushing up twice your bodyweight. As you lower your weight down you hear the sound of clawed feet pattering towards you.

“Hello sir” a deep voice says, the abruptness of it startles you a bit. As you jolt a bit and flick your head to the owl you again notice his fluff begin to recede, giving him a very stern and strong look that makes you feel a little anxious as his big round eyes stare down at you. There’s a bit of awkward silence in the air for a few seconds before you respond with a simple hey.
“You are very strong” he states bluntly. You can’t help but feel flushed as you thank him for the compliment and tell him he looks much stronger than you. He fluffs back up, looking slightly more poofy than before and you notice a slight glint in his eye. You stare at each other in silence for a brief eternity until you tell him you’re going to finish up your set.
“Yes, okay” he replies, maintaining his stance above you. You resume your leg presses, keeping an eye on your form to distract you from the lumbering, nearly seven foot tall mass of fluff and muscle that has decided to observe you so closely. After a couple more reps you can feel the burn of his stare and turn back to him, seeing him sporadically puff slightly as your legs tense up and relax as you finish up your set. As you relax for the last rep of your set you awkwardly choke out that you’re done with your workout and will be leaving now.
“Can you help me before you go?” the owl spurts out, his voice sounding strangely desperate. Half intimidated and half curious, you ask what he needs from you. “I need a spot for the weight bench, I do not trust management to be aware if something goes wrong”. You agree to his request since you didn’t actually have to leave and the Owl-Man responds with a sharp hoot and puffs up even more. “Thank you, let’s set up the bar!”

You follow the fluffed-up Owl-Man to the weight benches, and he slides two 45lb plates on both sides of the bar. You get in position to spot him, and as he slides under the bar he takes a deep breath and his feathers settle into him. The level of toned muscularity you can see on him widens your eyes. You can very obviously see he’s still a beast covered in fluff, but the details from the veins on his biceps to the embossed texture of his abs become so apparent that his feathers could be mistaken as flesh from a distance. He slides his taloned hands into position on the bar and pumps out 10 reps before you’ve even had to chance to snap out of your shock and count them. The Owl-Man sits up on the bench and regains a bit of his poof. You can’t really read a smile off his static beak, but you can tell by his posture he feels extremely satisfied with his set. He then stands up and gestures for you to take a seat.
“Your turn human, I know much power can hide in a small frame! It will allow me some recovery time between sets as well.” While you are capable of lifting that much, your last gym session was an upper body workout, so you were feeling too sore to push so much again so soon. You decline the offer, hinting that you’re resting your torso for the night. The Owl-Man won’t take that as an answer though. He begins going on about human lifters he’s seen work their entire body every day, how enduring the human body can be under stress, how much hidden strength the human body has, listing names and records of human lifters until it wears you down to a compromise. You say you will lift, but not that much weight, mostly to shut his beak from continuing to list an uncomfortable amount of human facts he seems to know.
“Very well then, I’ll set up this bar for you.” The Owl-Man says as he gestures towards and adjacent bench. He slides a pair of 45lb and 25lb plates on the bar and positions himself to spot you.

While that’s still more weight than you were hoping to press, it’s still doable so you slide yourself under the bar and take your grip position. Steadily you push out your repetitions, making sure to control your breathing during as to not over-exert yourself. As you lift, the Owl-Man begins sharing more of his knowledge about human strength.
“I should apologize, I forgot humans required a lighter-weight warm-up before they lifted typical weights.” The suggestion that what you’re pushing now is “light” makes you scoff on your last hand full of reps, but as to not make a fuss you agree that’s the reason why you were reluctant to push over 200 pounds of weight on a whim. You finish the set and sit up, gesturing that it’s now your feathered friend’s turn at his bench. He first goes to grab more plates, picking out a pair of 35lbs, one added on each side before sliding under his bar.
“We shall both warm up together then!” Again, he pumps out 10 reps of his set without molting a feather. You were hoping to get a little more of a break before your next turn on your bar, but as quick as he was down the owl man was up replacing the 25lb plates on your bar with 35lb plates. Reluctantly, you slide yourself back into position taking a deep breath of your own and making sure your grip is tight on the bar. As you push the weight away you can feel drips of sweat sliding down your forehead, partly from the stress of the weight and partly from the stress of keeping up with this feathered beast. The Owl-Man takes notice of this and again begins telling you about more of his observations of your species.
“Your kind leaks water to regulate your body temperature,” he says, with an odd bit of excitement in his voice. “It’s slightly cool to the touch and I’ve been told it has hints of a salt flavor. Salt is an interesting flavor, a lot of fluids humans produce such a taste. I think it’s very funny, your kind is typically so small and prey-like, yet has evolved to season yourselves!” The Owl-Man hoots out a laugh in jest. You nervously chuckle with him, the sweat beading down a little faster and your arms trembling a little too much as you finish the last rep of your set.

As you rise from your bench with a bit of a groan, the Owl-Man returns back to his bar and replaces his 35lb plates with another set of 45’s, totaling six of them on his bar. You get into spotting position a little worried you won’t be able to save him if he can’t push through this one for some reason. You worried for nothing though, again he focused himself and settled his feathers letting you see his chiseled, feathered frame for the second time. This set he seems as if he’s putting a little more, but not much more effort into it and completes 10 reps in a time not much longer than his previous two sets. As he sits up he lets out a light hoot,
“Okay human, you must be done warming up now. Let’s really start your workout!” He rises from his seat and swaps out your 35lb plates for another pair of 45’s, giving you the four plates he started his workout with. You begin to perspire fairly heavily before you’ve even sat down, you know you’re not going to finish this set. You slowly slide yourself under the bar and look up at your partner, fluffed up and staring into your soul with his wide eyes. A halo effect from the ceiling lights around him, you can’t help but feel like prey staring up at a predator waiting for its chance to strike.

You affix your hands into position on the bar and take a deep breath. The Owl-Man stays silent, you notice his posture shift a little and his fluff recede. You push the bar off it’s stand and lower it into your chest. The weight is overwhelming, but you slowly push out one rep. Upon completion you notice the fluff of your feathered friend begin to puff out again. You give him a slight smile out of nervousness but his beaked face and wide eyes expresses nothing back at you. You lower the bar again, but this time you can feel the fatigue in your arms. The bar slows the more you lower it into your chest and it arrives just above your breast with your arms trembling. You try to push the bar back up but it remains in place. You exhale sharply and widen your eyes at your partner, not sure if he plans of saving you. The bar begins to tremble more as your arms sink lower until it’s pressed against your chest. You grit your teeth and push harder but it seems futile, you know you’re pinned. Under the pressure you see your partner’s feathered form shift closer to you, abnormally close. His plush thighs brush against your cheek as you feel the weight of the bar get lighter. You breathe a sight of relief, your breath causing a field of feathers to sway with the breeze up the owl’s leg. You feel his feathers ruffle up against your cheek as if he were brushing up against you with intent as he lets out a slow, low hoot. His plush thighs back up from you revealing your face red from the rush of the weight pushing down on you for so long. The Owl-Man sets the bar back on the rack above you before taking a good observation of your face. He fluffs up a little more and his eyelids relax, softening his sharp wide eyes. After a few moments of silence he begins to speak again.

“Exhausted already? Interesting. I’ve heard humans can push extreme weights off themselves while under stress, was this a lie?” He places two of his taloned fingers against a vein in your neck. “Your blood pressure is obviously heightened yet you struggle to push even a fraction of what I know your kind is capable of.” The awkward observation and invasion of your personal space leaves you speechless as you feel his sharp claws scrape lightly against your skin as his fingers begin to slowly stroke near your jugular vein. His tone gets lower,
“Could it be, something else has heightened your stress, perhaps?” You nervously gulp, realizing how dry your mouth feels you begin to pant a little. “Overheating? Does that really hinder your kind so much?” He says as his talons slowly glide up your cheek, dragging drops of sweat as his clawed hand covers almost the entirety of your face as he places his palm on your forehead. “You are quite warm, perhaps too warm for a creature with such little fur.” He lifts his hand and observes the moisture slipping down his wrist. It skids down his forearm until it reaches the border of his feathers halfway down. He seems thoroughly intrigued by your droplets. He brings his talon closer to his beak with a curious look in his eyes and observes it for a few seconds before opening his beak and dabbing his tongue into his hand. “Hmm, it is indeed salty.” You can feel yourself sweating even more now. The Owl-Man then slowly walks off to his weight bench. He removes all the plates off the bar and then shoves the bench over a few feet.
“Human, lie on the ground, I want observe your stress resistance.” Either out of intimidation or submission, you slowly slide off your bench and lie down on your back. The feathered beast slowly struts around you in a circle, his eyes inspecting your entire person as you continue to breathe heavily, slightly winded and slightly dehydrated. After a few rounds, he steps over you and kneels above you with your body trapped in between his thighs. “Human, place your hands against my breast. I want you to push against me so I can feel the resistance of your arms.”

Your hands tremble as you bring them up to his puffed chest. As you make first contact with his feathers you notice his eyes again get a softer look with a slight glint in them as well.
“Okay human, I will take push-up position. I want you to push against me as I bottom out. I will be able to measure how much weight you can handle relative to mine.” You gulp again, stammering a little as your hands sink deeper into his chest, you ask how much he weighs. You finally feel your hand press up against flesh, and you can’t help but caress the muscular texture you find your hand pressed against. The Owl-Man again lets out a low, slow, deep hoot before properly getting into push-up position above you. His chest is directly above your face. He then cooly responds, “A little above 200 pounds, not much more than the weight set on your bench.”

He begins to lower himself onto you. You feel your arms flex as his soft feathers begin tickling your forearms. They’re almost completely buried in his lush chest feathers as you feel his form brushing against your shirt. You almost feel as if you’re being engulfed in his feathers. His body heat combined with his insulation is reminiscent of a cool night snuggled under an electric blanket. Your right palm feels his heart beat, and as you close your eyes you feel as if you can hear its rhythm as well.
“Push now, human.” His voice snaps you out of your trance, and you push him away from you. His feathers lightly brush your arm hairs, getting caught and flicking off them, giving slight gusts of relief as it lightly cools your arms down. You let out a sigh and rest your eyes again. The Owl-Man then lowers himself for another cycle as he again voices more of his human trivia.
“You know, you humans have a lot of odd habits, and too many of them seem so obscure and pointless.”
These words puzzle you a bit as you push back against him again, feeling slightly more resistance than last time.
“Your kind says so much without even needing to speak a word, I envy that in a way. It’s much harder to read facial details hidden behind feathers or fur.” He begins to lower himself, again feeling heavier than the last rep.
“Your kind signals so many things using only the muscles in your face alone, it’s impressive.” He lowers himself deeper into you, so deep your face is slightly lost within his soft chest. You hold your breath and push against him, and he doesn’t budge. You apply a little more force and he again begins to slowly rise, tickling your face the way your arms were.
“So many emotions. Joy, sorrow, anger...” He again lowers himself and his voice. “…Suspicion, confusion...” You feel your heart rate rise as his voice begins to tickle your ears the way his feathers tickle the rest of you. “...intrigue, passion...” He again goes even lower. The entirety of your head gets buried in his fluffed chest, so deep you can feel your face against muscle. You turn your head slightly, and hear his heart beat, slowly going faster as he lies on top of you. You feel a little claustrophobic and start breathing deeply, and are engulfed by his aroma. It’s almost as intoxicating as it is suffocating. He again lets out that low, slow, deep hoot as you feel your arms relax and your hands focus more on its grip than its push.
“...Lust, one I’ve learned recently. You have a lot of tells for lust. I’ve recently discovered many of your kind’s documentaries on the subject, and have been studying them thoroughly.” You feel his body go from vertical movement to a horizontal one upon you. His feathers first gliding up, lifting your shirt, exposing your belly to his soft assault, and back down.
“Human mating rituals are so spontaneous too. It seems so odd, but I’ve been thinking about them for a while and I definitely see some benefits with it.” You feel a bulge growing within your gym shorts. As the Owl-Man slides back down you can feel something long press up against your member as well. He stops with both of your stiff cocks pressing against each other’s fabrics.
“I wasn’t sure at the start, but that last little hint you gave me on the bench was a flushed look I’ve seen on men in a lot of those documentaries.” You feel him press against you even more, his weight slightly crushing you as you begin to struggle for air. Suddenly you feel a sharp prick above your waist, and shortly after you feel your shorts and undergarment glide down your leg as your cock mass flicks up and slaps the underside of your workout partner’s bulge. His pectorals press against your face as you feel him shift a little and both your heart rate and breaths begin to cycle in shorter intervals. You feel his scaled, warm hands firmly grasp your cock. The slight prick of of talons on the shaft gives you a bit of a jolt, but brushes lightly enough that there’s no pain. A bit of a giggle arises in you between your short breaths as you feel him trying to guide your member up his shorts leg, feeling it brush against his feathered and firm thighs. Your glans are tickled from all angles as you feel the bird man now shift the weigh of the lower half of his body onto your pelvis. It soon goes from a soft sensation to a moist, firm one as you feel yourself glide next to the base of his shaft into an opening you’ve never felt anything like before.

The Owl-Man starts hooting lightly and rapidly as you feel his heart beat increase and his breaths deepen. His hard shaft pressed against yours in this tight space pulsates against your own glans, squeezing you in a way reminiscent of sharing a hole during double penetration. You then feel the Owl’s weight shift off your face, giving you one last brush of bliss against your cheeks. You gasp for air, overstimulated in every fashion from the events of the last minute that felt like they’ve lasted almost an hour. Your hands slip off the Owl’s chest as you reach for his muscular thighs, gripping them unconsciously and forcing it down deeper into you. He let’s out a sharp hoot, then you feel his hands grasp your wrist and reposition them back to his chest. You try to glide them back down but he fixes them back into gripping his breasts.
“S-slow down, human,” he exclaims as you feel a light liquid drop down unto your pubic area, “I… I need a moment!”
You open your eyes and look up at his form straddled upon you. His eyes are shut with his beak wide open as he’s catching his breath. His talons are holding your hands in place in his chest, one of them moving in a slight circular motion in a desperate attempt to gain more stimulation. You look lower and see the tip of his penis poking out from above the waist of his shorts leaking a thick trail of pre, dripping a small pool of it onto your pelvic region, with small drops sliding off the side of your thigh staining the padded mats and adding moisture to one of your glutes.

You decide to take your forced hand and begin massaging his pec, and he lets out another long, deep, low, trembling, hoot. You begin massaging with your other hand and you feel him begin to quiver, the sensation of it causing his slit to spasm in ecstasy, tightening itself sporadically with your throbbing cock inside. Suddenly, he falls over forward, catching himself just above your face. His irregular breathing and heart rate is like polyrhythmic music to your senses. You continue to massage his pecs as he seems to steady himself.
“Human perception, is incredible” he slurs out in between his breaths, “Truly, a species made, for hedonistic pleasures…” His thighs spread more as he lowers himself and you feel a bit of your shaft push deeper into him.
“No wonder, despite all your… Physical weakness, you’ve yet to be conquered.”

You stop massaging his muscular chest and take a deep breath before throwing your arms around to his back, then yank him down onto your face. He lets out a sharp hoot yet again, as you feel a jet of his pre slip out a string shot up past your belly button. You bury your face into his fluff, snuggling and worshiping his feathered temple. He then begins to slowly shift himself up and down, and you feel your glans being squeezed and relax as it goes deeper with every lowering. Your hands tightly grip the feathers on his back as you begin nuzzling his chest harder. After a few of his strokes, he stops.
“I shouldn’t be doing this… Humans mate so quickly...” he pants out of his tired breath.

You feel yourself on the verge of completion, and you refuse to end this without finishing it. You pull your legs in and steady them in preparation. You feel his chest begin to rise off you and the tickle of his feathers on your cock again as he tries to get up. Right before you feel him glide off you, you pull him down into you and begin to thrust as fiercely as you can. He lets out a hoot in ecstatic shock as you dagger his lower region, feeling him spurt with every fuck. A hoot is hooted by him every thrust with the sound being shaken by every hit of your pelvis against his. You feel him trying to push away from you, but you engage all the strength you can muster up and pull him back in as he seems to struggle to resist your power. You feel yourself on the verge of climaxing, and suddenly he shrieks out a sharp hoot as you feel a thick warm liquid jet all over you. The Owl-Man jerks up suddenly and you find yourself with two hand fulls of feathers no longer attached to him as you feel your cock being constricted tighter than it’s ever been before. You look up to see strings of cum jetting all over you, and the intensity of the situation causes you to orgasm inside of him as well.

The Owl-Man falls over to your side on his back, breathing deeply, still pulsing small strings of cum upon himself. You wipe your face with your hand, and observe the thick ropes of his essence gliding down your fingertips, you can help but stroke yourself with it a bit more. You lick your lips a little and get a slightly sweet taste from his seed as you practice your post-workout cool-down. The Owl-Man’s breathing settles as he sits himself up and turns towards you.
“Good god,” he says with shock in his voice, “You’re STILL going?”
You can’t help but chuckle and remind him about human resilience. You turn your head to smile at him, and swear you could see him blush as he turns his head away. Assuming he’s no longer in the mood, you stop and allow yourself to calm down as you take in this moment. Drenched in bird-seed, lying on the ground next to a feathered titan you somehow managed to overpower for a brief moment, whose sitting with his arms crossed facing away from you as if he’s upset, yet is as plump and fluffed up as you’ve ever seen him. It then hits you, this mess needs to be taken care of before someone sees the status of you two, and you casually mention it to him. You immediately see his feathers flatten and a second later he jolts up and grabs you.
“Ah! yes! We CAN’T be seen like this!” He slings you under his forearm like a football and sprints you to the locker room. He tosses you into the shower and you comically glide down the tiles until your momentum is stopped by the wall. You look back and see the Owl-Man toss off his shorts and begin to run into the showers, but stops for a moment and fishes his talon into his slit. He pulls it out and a thick string of your cum breaks as he raises it up to his beak, and samples it. You can’t hear what he mutters, but his eyes get the express of someone who just took a taste of something a little too salty. He again fluffs up a bit and you see his hand go back down again, this time seeing his cock peek out a little as he goes for a second sample, but his head then swivels toward you and his eyes widen. His fluff fully recedes as he lets out a slightly shocked hoot, and you swear you can see him blush under his feathers.
“What are you looking at flesh monkey? Clean yourself off!” he hoots as he quickly shakes off any evidence of his previous action off his talons. He turns on the nearest shower and rapidly rinses himself off before leaving. You get up and turn on your own stream and begin scrubbing yourself off, subtly pissed that he’s given you much more to clean off yourself.

After you dry and gotten a change into your normal set of clothes you had in your locker, you see the Owl-Man on his knees mopping up the mess you pushed out of him with a hand-full of complimentary towels. Upon hearing your steps his head swivels around one-eighty degrees and a look of annoyed anger fixes on his face.
“Stupid human!” He squaks out, “Did you forget the size of this mess? If you touch these rags in your clothes you’ll get them stained!” Taking aback and immediately realizing how right he was, you apologize and say you’ll just keep watch as he cleans up. He lets out a sigh and turns his head back round as he soaks up as much of the mess as he can.

Thinking about it, you are surprised whoever’s running the night-shift didn’t hear the shrieks of an apex predator in heat and peek around the corner to the main desk. A tropical parrot anthropomorphic male seems to be sleeping on the job. You scoff as you realize the Owl-Man was right about the incompetence of management here at night. You take a light patrol around the rest of the building to see if anyone else may have been around. Thankfully nobody’s here, but the thought crosses your mind that you may have scared away patrons during you and your new workout buddy’s spontaneous moment of passion.

On your way back to the Owl-Man, he’s throwing two arm fulls of sticky towels into a laundry bin.
“Alright, now would be the time we should have gotten dressed, human.” he says and he stares at you with an annoyed look in his eyes. “Wait for me here.”

You wait outside of the lockers for a few minutes and see him walk out towards you in a casual but tight fit, somehow making his muscles look more pronounced now than when he was bare. He steps beside you in silence for a few seconds.
“Well?” he says again in his annoyed tone. Confused, you asked what he wants and he lets out sighing hoot.
“Ugh, I knew I should have made sure it was better mannered before I bonded with it.”
Bonded? He clasps his talon around your hand and drags you out of the front door with him. You ask him what he means by bonded.
“What do you mean what do I mean?” he replies in a stern voice, “Human are monogamous, Owls are monogamous, you courted me, we bonded.”
COURTED?! You insist that he damn near had his way with you without consent!
“Oh please, I’ve already told you I’ve researched your rituals, the only thing missing was ceremonial leathers! Besides, I was the one who was trying to back out of it, you made it complete.”
What? You reflect on the events and slowly realize the miscommunication between you two at the first smile. The cascading misreading of your intent only exacerbated by your ignorance of avian body language. You feel your heart sink as you also realize how much more intimately serious sexual encounters are for avian-men and your thoughts are confirmed by the next words out of his beak.
“The sun’s almost up and I’m tired human, so shall we roost in your nest or mine?”

Edit Report
Pub: 19 Jan 2022 05:46 UTC
Edit: 19 Jan 2022 06:02 UTC
Views: 2129