The Shattered Glass Slipper
A Memory of a Certain Girl
Kokona: Kathrina-chan, seems like you got a notification?
Kathrina: Huh? Oh, itʼs a message from my Mama. She performs in Germany now.
Kathrina: Looks like sheʼs back home for the first time in a while. She sent me a bunch of photos of her and Papa.
Shizuka: Therese-san performs all over the world. But, I guess, home is home?
Kathrina: Well, yeah... I miss Germany too. I keep plenty of photos of it on the phone.
Kokona: You do?! Iʼd love to see your hometown, Kathrina-chan!
Kathrina: Itʼs only photos, but sure, Iʼll show you if you want.
Kathrina: I think they should be in this folder…
Kathrina: Oh!!
Shizuka: What was that? Did you come across some awkward pic?
Kathrina: It’s nothing like that!
Kokona: Huh?! Even though you say that, now Iʼm kind of curious.
Kokona: Can I see it, please?
Kathrina: Oh well~ Alright, Iʼll show you.
Kathrina: Here, itʼs this one.
Kokona: Oh, Kathrina-chan is younger here.
Shizuka: Could the other girl be Ramona?
Kokona: Right, werenʼt you two in the same troupe?
Kathrina: That’s true. We weren’t all that close, though.
Kokona: May I ask what happened back then?
Kathrina: Well, itʼs not like thatʼs some thrilling story. I messed up at the performance really badly and quit the troupe.
Kokona: Kathrina-chan…
Kathrina: No need to feel weirdly sorry for me. I donʼt really care anymore.
Kokona: I see…
Kathrina: Besides, back then I myself acted pretty immature…
Child actress A: Kathrina, why did you stop singing?!
Child actress B: Because of you, the play was a total mess.
Young Kathrina: I… well…
Young Ramona: Stop that! You shouldn’t blame it all on Kathrina.
Child actress A: But if she’d just performed properly…
Young Ramona: Everyone makes mistakes! Next time that might well happen to us.
Young Ramona: So donʼt be too hard on yourself, Kathrina. You can make next performance a success.
Young Kathrina: But I…
Young Ramona: Kathrina, where are you going?! Kathrina!
Kathrina: …
Kokona: Kathrina-chan, is everything alright?
Kathrina: Yeah, don’t worry. I just remembered something from the past.
Kathrina: Come to think of it, back then she was the only one who tried to support me…
Because I Remember the Past
Kathrina: I wonder how long itʼs been since Iʼve had a day off to myself. Lately Iʼve always been with someone else.
Kathrina: Back in Germany Iʼd have never imagined something like that. Iʼm rather surprised at myself.
Ramona: Oh! Kathrina! Isnʼt that you?!
Kathrina: Geez… Ramona…
Ramona: What a coincidence to meet you at a place like this! Are you off today?
Kathrina: Yeah. I had no plans, so I thought I’d take a walk around the city.
Ramona: Itʼs even more of a coincidence then! I also have plenty of time and nothing to do.
Ramona: Well then, how about we have some tea? It might be more fun than just strolling around.
Kathrina: Sure, why not.
Ramona: …
Kathrina: Is something the matter?
Ramona: No, itʼs nothing.
Ramona: Thereʼs a nice coffee shop nearby, letʼs go there.
Kathrina: If it’s not as good as you say, Iʼll be upset.
Ramona: Hahaha! Iʼll pray that the tea’s to your liking.
Kathrina: The tea here really is pretty good.
Ramona: Glad you say that.
Ramona: I didnʼt actually expect you to accept my invitation.
Kathrina: Huh? So you didnʼt really want me to join you?!
Ramona: Thatʼs not what I meant.
Ramona: To tell the truth, I thought you were avoiding me.
Kathrina: Youʼve got the wrong impression.
Ramona: But isnʼt it rare for you to be willing to keep me company?
Kathrina: Youʼre skeptical at every turn, huh?
Ramona: Iʼm just really surprised.
Ramona: And also happy.
Kathrina: I was looking at some old photos the other day.
Kathrina: There was a photo of us back when we were in the same troupe in Germany.
Kathrina: Looking at it made me remember all kinds of things.
Ramona: Ah, I remember when we took it. I still keep it too.
Ramona: Those were fun times.
Ramona: I used to be enthralled by your brilliant acting.
Kathrina: Yeah, I guess, that was until I screwed up horribly.
Ramona: Kathrina, Iʼve said that before, but you werenʼt the only one at fault.
Kathrina: I know. But I just couldnʼt forgive myself.
Kathrina: It was so hard to bear, I ended up running away.
Kathrina: Back then I was only thinking about myself.
Kathrina: So I failed to notice the kindness of those around me.
Ramona: Kathrina…
Kathrina: I know itʼs a little late now… But thank you for that time.
Kathrina: Iʼm grateful you held out your hand to me.
Ramona: My pleasure! And didnʼt I say it back then already?
Ramona: Thereʼs no point in worrying about something thatʼs in the past.
Ramona: I supported you, because I wanted to.
Ramona: And if something like that happened now, I would act the same way.
Kathrina: Iʼve always disliked that meddlesome side of yours.
Ramona: Hahaha, but thatʼs just in my nature.
Kathrina: Anyway, that kind of thing wonʼt happen again. Itʼs all different for me now that Iʼm in Sirius.
Ramona: I see. Itʼs great that you can say that.
Kathrina: Yeah, I think so too.
Ramona: In the end you could only find it far away from the fatherland. The place where you truly belong.
Kathrina: Just as usual, you say something grand.
Ramona: Hehe. Thatʼs also in my nature.
Kathrina: I know.