Shinji Ikari sat on the bed, wiggling his chubby toes. He was naked except for his huge bariatric diaper. His enormous, pale body could be seen in all its whalish glory without clothes on; Shinji was so incredibly fat, well over 300 kilograms. In fact, he was over 700 pounds in the standard system. His face was fat and hoggish, with its buttery triplet of chins and its vast jowls. He had huge boy boobs, saggy sacks of lard that drooped down either side of his gigantic belly. His arms, meanwhile, were sacks of blubber, jiggling and drooping and sagging over his elbows. He had a huge ocean of a stomach, a vast jutting gut that stuck out almost a meter in front of him and completely swallowed his lap. It was a truly enormous belly, sagging to his shins on the rare times he stood up.


A fart quacked out of his diapered bottom. Shinji's big fat butt was almost two meters wide and jutted out behind him in a pillowy shelf. His beefy back fat rested on his shelf ass, puddling over the waistband of the diaper. Shinji's fat thighs were as big around as tree trunks and jiggled profusely; they were full of flab, not a hint of muscle. They sagged down to his hamhock calves and his fat feet, with the chubby toes previously mentioned.

Kaworu Nagisa, his caretaker, came out of the closet. "I think, Shinji-kun, that today you shall wear the pink muu-muu. It's a wonderful Spring day, perfect for something like this."

Kaworu held up an enormous pink dress with soft white flowers on it. It was the size of a large tent.

Shinji smiled. "Oh, that's perfect, Kaworu-san! I wanted to wear the yellow one, but you're right, it's a perfect day for pink."

Kaworu smiled at his fat pet. He came to the bed, and took the muu-muu off its hanger. Shinji smiled, his big fat cheeks giving him deep dimples. He held up his arms, his arm fat sagging and jiggling as it moved. Kaworu lowered the enormous dress down onto Shinji, carefully pulling it down his enormous body. He worked Shinji's tubby arms through the arm hole, and pulled Shinji's soft, saggy chins through the head hole. He buttoned the dress up in the back. Then he went to the nearby armoir and retrieved a pair of white bariatric socks, which he slid up Shinji's fat feet and calves. Then he buckled Shinji's sandals onto his flabby feet.

Then Kaworu grabbed the compact from off the bedside table. "Just a bit of blush," said Kaworu, taking the brush and applying a subtle layer of blush to Shinji's fat face.

"Ohh," moaned Shinji softly, smiling at the brush's soft feel on his face. He rested his hands on his enormous belly; the sheer size of the muu-muu only accentuated the massive swell of his gut. "Mmm, Kaworu-san, do, ah, we have time for a little snack?"

"We'll get you something on the way to the nail salon, darling," said Kaworu. "It goes past that street lined with food trucks, we'll make a stop or two. We have an hour before we have to be there for your appointment, so we have a little time."

"Mmmm, yummy," said Shinji with a soft smile. Kaworu came back in front of him, holding a stick of lipstick. Taking his cue, Shinji puckered up, and Kaworu gently applied the lipstick to his lips. Then he smacked his lips lightly, cementing the paint in place on them.

The mirror on the door of the closet was in front of them. Kaworu saw Shinji look into it. He smiled, and stroked Shinji's hair. "Look at that beautiful fat boy in the mirror."

"Ohh," moaned Shinji softly. Buried beneath his belly and his flabby fupa, his tiny penis stiffened some. He loved it when Kaworu called him beautiful, when Kaworu complimented him. Kaworu always made him feel so special. And, Shinji thought, Kaworu was right. The makeup was subtle, accentuating him, not too garish. And the muu-muu was a pretty shade of pink, and showed off his bulk in a way Shinji thought was attractive; Kaworu had taught him to view it as attractive, and he knew Kaworu was right. He was a beautiful fat boy, and he loved to hear Kaworu say it. He loved Kaworu.

"Up we go," said Kaworu, taking hold of his chubby wrists. With effortless Angel strength, he hauled Shinji to his feet; the bed creaked loudly as Shinji's enormous weight left it. Shinji grunted heavily as he was on his feet, feeling his heaviness. Kaworu guided him gently to the bariatric wheelchair sitting in the middle of the room, waiting for him.

"Hff," puffed Shinji, heavily, shakily putting one foot in front of the other. It was hard. His belly blocked the easy movement of his legs, which touched to the knees already because there was so much fat on them. It was always a chore for him to be on his feet these days, since reaching this size.

Finally Kaworu carefully guided him around until his vast bottom faced the wheelchair. Then, with that same effortless strength, Kaworu eased him backwards, and Shinji's vast girth settled itself into the soft, cushioned seat of the enormous wheelchair. Kaworu clicked the leg cushions into place, supporting Shinji's enormous legs.

Shinji luxuriously leaned back in the seat. It was time to go.

The door to the nail salon rang its bell as it was opened, and Trisha looked up; she was an older woman in her fifties. "Ah, there's my most special customers!"

"Buuuuurp," belched Shinji. He was just polishing off a large chicken quesadilla. True to his word, Kaworu had stopped him at a few food trucks, and on the way to the nail salon Shinji had eaten a meal of chicken tenders and french fries, before turning to the quesadilla for the rest of the trip. This was a "litte snack" for the fattened former Eva pilot; a light bite, really. After all, he'd eaten a main meal less than two hours ago. Shinji was an endless eater, his stomach always either full or being filled.

The entrance to the salon was a bit narrow, and Shinji felt the forward protrusion of his gut pinch some against the doorframe. The vast belly squeezed through--


"Ohh, please excuse me, Miss Trisha," said Shinji with a blush on his blubbery face.

"That's quite all right, Shinji dear," said Trisha with a smile. Shinji finally popped through the door. "Hello there, Mister Kaworu, sir, how are you?"

"Quite well, Miss Trisha," said Kaworu with a smile. "I am glad we were able to make it on time."

"Hmm, had to get the big boy a snack, huh?" said Trisha with a grin. Kaworu and Shinji grinned back at her. Trisha was very understanding of their unusual arrangement, and Shinji's strangeness in general.

"Ohmgn," burbled Shinji as another bite of the quesadilla made its way down his throat.

"Why don't we let you finish off that treat and I'll get everything ready," said Trisha. Kaworu wheeled Shinji over to a mirror with all manner of cosmetic equipment around it. Shinji of course continued eating. He actually increased his pace, eager to begin his manicure.

Soon enough, the last bite of the quesadilla was in his mouth, as he chewed vigorously away. He swallowed. "Urp!" he belched sharply. He smiled, his fat face bright. "I'm ready, Miss Trisha!"

"All right then, you marvelous boy," said Trisha with a smirk at him, "what color gel will you be wanting today?"

She indicated the large shelves of gel nail polish to the right of the mirror. Shinji eyed them inquisitively. He could feel his light snack digesting as he peered at the rows of polish.


The movement of his guts brought renewed focus on the shelf. He looked... and saw... and his painted lips curved in a smile. "Ohhh," he said, wiggling his fat fingers, "I think I'd like a pink! Something that matches my muu-muu."

"How about this?" Trisha grabbed a bottle of vibrant pink polish. "Barbie pink. So trendy right now."

"Oh, what do you think, Kawrou-san?" Shinji asked, gazing up at his boyfriend.

"I think that would be ideal, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu with a smirk, and a twinkle of his red eyes. "You do indeed look pretty in pink."

"Okay, then," Shinji smiled, "that'll do. Let's do that pink, Miss Trisha."

"Okay, big boy," said Trisha. "Just sit back, and enjoy the show."

With that, Trisha began to give Shinji a manicure. Shinji relaxed completely, enjoying the soothing presence of Trisha, and of course the constantly soothing presence of Kaworu. Ever since he'd gotten so fat he couldn't wear pants any more, Shinji had gradually been feeling more and more feminine. Wearing muu-muus, wearing dresses, had been a liberating experience for the homosexual fat boy, and with Kaworu's own eager encouragement he'd leaned into increasingly unmasculine habits of dress. Blush, lipstick, sometimes even eye shadow. He'd been getting his nails done for a few months now, and he loved how pretty it made him feel. He loved it. He loved living as a submissive, feminine person under Kaworu's constant care. Kaworu pampered him and spoiled him, and after all, he was Kaworu's lover, too. Kaworu made love him, not the other way around, so he truly was the feminine figure in their relationship. It was something he'd embraced. He was a beautiful fat boy. He loved it when Kaworu called him beautiful. He loved feeling beautiful at his enormous size.

His nails fully soaked and cleaned, Trisha began to apply the polish. Shinji's face, warmed by the blush he wore, smiled fatly as he saw his nails get painted, one by one.

His innards churned.


"Ohh," moaned Shinji as he filled his diaper with poop. One consequence of Kaworu making love to him is that his bowel and sphincter control didn't really exist any more. Combined with his enormous food intake and terrible diet, this had turned the fat boy into a poop factory; he shat heavily and frequently throughout the day. This was a big load coming out now, the remnants of last night's dinner. Shinji lazily leaned a little further back in the wheelchair as his diaper steadily filled up. It made him feel a little less bloated, which was nice given the food in his belly. It was nice, to take a shit.

Trisha smiled. "You using the potty, big boy?"

Shinji smiled, and chuckled at her. "I really make it obvious, don't I?"

"I can smell it, a little," she said. "You know, darling, if you're going to go around with a load in your diaper like that, you might want to start wearing perfume."

Shinji's fat face contorted in thought. "I could wear a nice perfume, that sounds fun."


Another heavy flow of feces, loading up a mountain of goopy poop within the diaper's innards.

"Kaworu-san, what do you think about perfume?"

"I'd say that would definitely be a thing we could explore, Shinji-kun."


Shinji lazily peed himself as well; he didn't have urinary incontinence but it had become easy habit to wet his diaper when he was taking a shit.

"All done!" said Trisha.

It had been a bit more than half an hour. Shinji looked down at his fat hands; sure enough, his chubby fingers now ended in painted nails, each of the ten nails a vibrant pink color. Shinji smiled. He was delighted. "Ohh, thank you, Miss Trisha! They're so pretty!"

"Pretty nails for a pretty boy," said Trisha.

Shinji looked into the mirror. He looked at himself. He was so big that his vast body extended far beyond the mirror's limits. But he could see the middle of himself. He saw his enormous belly, swathed in the pink of the muu-muu. He saw his fat boy boobs, plump and succulent, lolling decadently to either side of his gut's slope. He saw his fat face, not a trace of masculinity on it, made bright and vibrant by the blush. He smiled, and saw the warm, natural-hued lipstick accentuate his smile.

He blushed. He felt so good.


A rumble from the enormous belly. Shinji smiled fatly and patted the vast stomach swathed in pretty pink. "Ah, Kaworu-san... I do believe I need something sweet."

"Of course, my pet," said Kaworu. "Let me just pay Miss Trisha..." he got out his wallet and retrieved a card with money on it.

"Always a pleasure to have you two in," said Trisha, running the card through the reader. "You're some of my best customers, you know. Better than a lot of women, that's for sure." She handed Kaworu the receipt.

"Thank you." He glanced down at Shinji. He smiled, making Shinji's tummy flutter.

Though that might have just been his gas. "Buuuuuuurp," he belched again. Kaworu grabbed the handles of the wheelchair and began to push Shinji out of the salon. The door was still narrow. Trisha held it open. Shinji's great big belly was pinched in a bit once more--


This time it forced out a shart, a belch of runny poop to join the vast amount of fecal matter currently marinating in his diaper.

"Ooop, excuse me," said Shinji with a blush on his blubbery face. He got out, and they left the salon.

"Now," said Kaworu, "I believe we are going to need to go to your favorite bakery, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu, patting his fat toy's shoulder. "You were so good while you were getting your nails done, I believe you deserve all manner of treats. Cake, pie, cupcakes, cookies... we must satisfy your sweet tooth."

Shinji licked his lips. He knew he was going to pig out.

"And after that..." Kaworu's voice turned low, and Shinji glanced up at him. "We shall go home after your dessert feast, and clean you up, and then I believe you deserve some sex."

Shinji blushed. "Ohhhh," he moaned in delight. His tiny penis got hard again; it really was small, barely three centimeters when fully erect. For years he'd struggled with insecurity about his masculinity, due to the size of his penis. But Kaworu had shown him how wonderful being feminine could be. He had grown in girlishness as he'd grown in size and now he'd never been happier, or more secure, or more content. It was all thanks to Kaworu-san. Shinji completely belonged to him and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Kaworu patted his shoulder. Shinji looked up at his lover and owner and caretaker. "You're such a special boy, Shinji-kun."

Shinji smiled immensely, his painted lips curving. He leaned back in his wheelchair. He put his painted fingernails on the bright pink slope of his dress-clad belly. "I feel..." he smiled and sighed, "so beautiful."

Pub: 18 Mar 2024 03:52 UTC
Views: 780