the silly page... graphic by me dont reuse! (idk why you would it has my name on it LMAO)

*hi! this is my little site where i dump everything that wouldnt fit on my main page. enjoy :)*

ill reintroduce myself, hi im peril, (pear-il or ˈpɛrəl) i do stuff online a lot because gah my life boring af

faq/rapid fire qna GO!
how old are you? a: im a minor (under 18! 14+)
birthday? a: november 26th! im a saggitarius :P
where are you from? a: white from my moms side and maybe wasian from my dads (mom is german/dad is filipino(??? maybe??) and dutch)
what are your hobbies? a: refoinh
favorite character? a: i have a bunch! asuka nge, frye or callie splatoon, rocket phighting!, the grey one from the fuckin deviant art thing I CANT FUCKING REMEMBER WHAT IT IS.
mbti, enneagram, alignment? a: INTP, 3w4, chaotic/true neutral whatever the fuck those mean

hey i wanted to put explainations of you all but i cant verbalize how i feel about some of you without sounding rude/parasocial so heres just a list of you all! if youre on here i appericate you and you should totally try interacting more! (im bad at talking outside of vc to some people so sorry if like. i dont respond or seem weird. sorrey :3)

mattie, lai, peni, selin, jort, nico, ibi, sene/kik, brogrr

...and my team because i FUCKING LOVE YOU GSUYS
clxrksy, jek, autumn and blue :3
also horo and fenwit but i dont talk to em often

also when i say i love my friends its akways platontic, im not strange, it is a word of appericiation bceause saying "i appericiate you" sounds odd.

pronousn page blehhh

basic dni criteria
under 13 iwc or dni completely.
i block freely dont avoid ur block to ask me why /dir

spam espc if i make a spelling mistake, i fat finger keys half the time so expect many mistakes
i might forget to reply, sorry, i 100% saw your message if you ping replied me but i forget to respond sometimes
ping if important (unless its a bigger server and youre replying, i wont see it if you dont 9/10 times) dms friends only please!
probably autistic

Pub: 22 Aug 2024 20:13 UTC
Edit: 19 Sep 2024 19:54 UTC
Views: 129