
Mystyped: Otto Brakeman

Content Info Link
ST Preset: RiR (Random in Random) NEW! Optimized to combat repetitiveness of Claude Sonnet 3.5. [Also work for Opus!] V1.4
ST Preset: RiR Experimental build BETA! This version is updated quite often, I won't track the change beside the version. V1.5.303
QR Set: Swipe35++ V2 UPDATE! Alternative way to swipe by including last bot message. Work for all preset!* V2
Chatbot Cards WIP I'm starting my interest with bot making. Mechanic / Custom JB oriented. Go
Prompt Collection WIP Mostly something that already embedded in my bots. Here for availability's sake. Go
Preset: Otto Custom (Obsolete) Slop-yet-workingβ€”Preset for Sonnet 3.5. Based on Endless Adventure. V1.4.2
Other Stuff All kind stuff I feel like to put in to see. Go

* Technically. May not work with split presets.

Hi, call me Otto.

Just an enthusiast on everything interesting. In this context: Chatbot scene and it's development. You will find my stuff ranging from preset to chatbots that I'm making here. I'm not specializing in anything, I just do what I think I can do. And if that can make people happy.

There will be some writing about my opinion and random stuff here, but those won't be the priority.
Want to talk? Be welcomed! You can contact me here:

Enjoy my stuff. Cheers! : )

Random in Random

Preset: RiR [Random in Random]

[Prompt List] | [Quick Download link]

RiR (Random in Random) is preset aimed for Claude Family (Especially Sonnet 3.5) that focus on bringing out creativity by breaking the pattern and manipulating randomness through many attempts.

By itself, RiR is no more than skeleton for randomity. It designed to be modular as possible. While not entirely, the randomness can even be removed!

Chat example turned off by default, You can turn it on for character that has GOOD example, or the card has output template that can guide the model better for outputting rigid format like bot/card that has mechanics.


  • Varied Response (Using triple randomizer: Director, Seed, Injection)
  • Modular (Everything except seed can be turned off. Preset isn't tied to any writing style)
  • Wide Compatibility (Heavily biased for Sonnet 3.5. High compatibility with Old Claude 3 models. Works* for Claude 2)


GENERALLY, you only want to bother with prompt that has icon in it.
[Bracketed Prompt] = Need at least one to active in the same group.

Icon Information
πŸ”³ Prompt Toggle. Usually for optional feature that may not necessarily helpful / just flair. Can be (de)activated along with other options.
❗ Core Prompt. You MAY want to edit to fine tune how RiR works!
πŸ“ Banned List. List things you want to avoid here. Not guaranteed, but if you have the token budget, it's not going to hurt to enable.
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Roleplay-Type Writing Style Geared toward card where the characters is the focus point in the story.
πŸŒ† Scenario-Type Writing Style. Geared toward card where the world/setting matter more than the characters.
RiR Prompt

RiR Prompt List:

Function Toggle Information
❗❗Claude 3 Compatibility Since this preset heavily biased toward Sonnet 3.5. The old 3 Model can have out of ordinary behavior. This is to mitigate that.
πŸ”’ User Exclusivity This is to prevent the AI from acting or dialoguing as the user. Not fail-proof, but the intended purpose is to give the AI more leniency in playing the user's character.
πŸ’­ Definition Reminder Off by default. Mitigation in case Claude having hard time to remember card definition. You may want to customize the depth message inserted.
❗ Injection On by default. The strongest way to reinforce AI to do something after inline OOC.


Prompt Information
πŸ”³ Director V1/V2 The biggest meat of the preset. Work by giving branching option to pick, then giving another branching option for the course of action that will transpire to achieve the picked response.
πŸ”³ Panel Info Stolen and modified from A4A panel.
πŸ”³ 4Chan Thread Stolen and rewritten from anon in /aicg/
πŸ”³ User Choice Appending choices under the respond with each choice have it's own alignment.
πŸ”³ Input Paraphraser Work by giving special section in the output for model to write as user character, then switch to real output divided by line.
πŸ”³ TBA Wait for something new!
RiR Download
Writing Style Information
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Minimalist Just trying to make base Claude style interesting.
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Otto Narrator Jack of all trade. It can be good for anything. Can be too heavy on narration (hence the name) but can be solved by limiting the output.
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Custom Legacy This is the default in Otto Custom, can be an alternative for more varied style and result.
πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Heart 2 Heart Aimed for I and You interaction. More intimate, more focus on personal feeling and experience, less focus on detail, can be mitigated by using Info Panel Prompt! Work best if you format your greeting or input in VN style.

NOTE: Not every prompt shown by default, you can find more prompt in the prompt list!


Preset + Regex + (old) log showcases : Version 1.4 : Catbox Download
Import all the necessary and the default configuration should be working out of the box!
Changelogs : Read in the bottom

Jrafik is my Pasion

Quick Reply Set: Swipe35++

What's this?

This is a simple Quick Reply script for Silly Tavern that will inject {{LastCharMessage}} as [OOC:] with a bit of custom instructions, to then get sent as swipe request. This is helpful if you find the AI model you're using (Especially Sonnet 3.5 *AHEM*) keep responding with similar message.
Work with all preset and model!

The old implementation (V1) was clunky and doesn't prefill, also doesn't support proxy that required Streaming. Now it should have no problem out of the box!


V2 Link + Guide: Catbox Download
Make sure the regex script name is otto_swipe_sanitizer in SillyTavern !!!
Changelogs : Read in the bottom

Chatbot Cards

Under constructions!

Prompt Collection

Under constructions!

Obsolete Stuff

Otto Custom Preset

Another Preset?

This was my first attempt doing a preset, based on Endless Adventure by Meowguns. It was sloppy and bloated, I didn't know any better... but it works! After positive feedback with this preset, I decided to remake this preset with same concept but better implementation. Thus, born RiR.
Archived Latest Download: Catbox Download


Otto RiR:

Version Description
V1.4 Ditching V3, changing <thinking> to <process> to fix regex conflict. Old Claude model 3 Compatibility
V1.3 Director Overhaul
V1.2.x Hotfixes (Fixing flowery language for old model. Thanks to @aadams in Discord!)
V1.1 Initial version

Otto Swipe35 QR:

Version Description
V2 Re-implementation using ephemeral injection instead of simple QR request. Tamer OOC.
V1.6 Adding OOC to bypass filter. Thanks to @thelostcolor. in Discord!
V1.5 (I forgot)
V1.1 Initial version

RiR Experimental

(Thought it would be nice to know at least something about what I've done before)

Version Description
1.5.303 [FIXED REGEX] Another attempt on 1.5 Experimental. custom instruction still borked, but the writing is more concise while still doing necessary details than 1.4 as far I've tested it.
1.6.2701 Very verbose, use feedback loop. Understand session, can shift focus instead of trying to do everything at once. Need more testing
1.5.201 Trying to comprehend how system prompt works, it seems system prompt is good for systematic and rigid context. Also forgot that I did slight change in the regex


Finally finished reworking my rentry...
Neocities... later.

Contact: | To the top

Pub: 23 Jun 2024 21:54 UTC
Edit: 30 Jul 2024 14:22 UTC
Views: 15818