klaxons blared overhead for the worst possible scenario
you were D class but you knew what that meant
you'd heard stories of a unkillable monster
the organization would roll out something to try and kill it
and it never worked
you'd thankfully worked far away from keter duty like that shit
you were D class but you weren't a murderer or anything like that
just press ganged into it
on the plus side free grub and essentially light duty
but 682 was amok right now
in the same facility
you'd heard the thing was like some sort of adaptive angry lizard
so just what the fuck was with the thing in front of you
feminine yet monstrous
capable of just bursting through a wall
the multiple eyes were a dead giveaway
682 was right in front of you
you prepared for a violent death
it was in your room and blocked the exit
frozen against the wall, you flinched when it noticed you
then it pounced

what came was not a killing blow
you'd closed your eyes for the moment
as if that would have helped
instead of death you had a long tongue shoved down your throat
682 had almost unhinged its jaw around your face to shove himself deeper
clawed hands gripped your jumpsuit
you really had no idea to react
your body did
and apparently HIS body did
klaxons continued to blare and the red lights flooded your room
whatever 682 was no one knew
horny was not something you'd heard of
you did hear this thing ripped a tank in half
so for the moment you hoped to not agitate him
he pulled back from the tongue fucking and you started coughing
you could have sworn he tested your gag reflex
he leaned back and sat on your chest
you got a good, less panicked, look at him
clearly a him
due to the whole strange cock now peaking from a slit in his crotch
it leaked you guessed the equivalent to precum onto your jumpsuit
his claws right over your ribs put things in perspective
he could kill you
instead he just looked down at you
all five yellow eyes
man that was weird as fuck
the red harsh light gave him a weird glow
long hair was in wild tangles and hung to the floor when he sat on you
was his ass grinding on your dick?
at least you weren't dying
a containment team kicking in your door almost gave you a heart attack
their guns were trained on 682
his head turned towards the team as he made what sounded like a pissed off gator bellow
"get the fuck away from me! they sent you here to die and buy time!"
you grabbed 682's massive clawed hand
that got his attention and his eyes softened when he looked back at you
4 men with guns didn't bother him now
his heavy tail rested on your legs
the containment team seemed as confused as you
eventually everyone stood down after a few minutes
somehow you pacified 682
that day 682's logs had an amendment made to them
a new containment program

containment amendments to SCP-682
in light of recent events, D-7461 is to be housed with SCP-682
the D class is capable of inducing a docile state in SCP-682
the cause of this effect is unknown at this time
D-7461 has no history of anomalous effects
nor have tests returned any results of an anomalous nature
attempts to breach containment have stopped completely as long as D-7461 is within their chamber
however, SCP-682 has become protective of the D class subject, with violent results
D-7461 has to constantly reassure SCP-682 of his own safety in the event of testing or any security presence around him
otherwise, SCP-682 seemingly remains in a passive state around the D class subject
further tests will be required
for the moment, D-7461 is a valuable tool and possibly the best chance to prevent further incidents with SCP-682
further studies will be required
while some researchers have suggested keeping D-7461 on permanently
it would be much more pragmatic to find a way to simulate the effect D-7461 induces for future use
the danger inherently present in SCP-682 warrants the research and D class subjects are expendable
O5-7 has authorized any tests to discover and recreate the effect
barring any risk of agitating SCP-682
until the effect can be duplicated D-7461 should be treated as valuable
most alarming was the outburst SCP-682 had before containment
the subject is normally at the best of times, feral in mentality
speech is possible but rare
it is unknown if D-7461 was responsible for that but the coincidence cannot be ignored
researchers have several test logs showcasing SCP-682 and it's almost infinite ability to adapt
it is entirely possible that D-7461's anomaly is able to cancel out SCP-682's adaptability
however, it cannot be ruled out that the effect instead has SCP-682 adapt in unforeseen ways
either way, more research is required
your life as D class before this was just different enough you noticed the change
you were still a prisoner
no escape
however, you put two and two together fairly early after getting thrown into 682's room
you were something a lot of D class couldn't say they were
you were always dreading the day they'd need someone for a new expedition
that just wasn't an option for them now
for the time being you were bunkmates with 682
you weren't dumb though
the tests they'd put you through was the lab coats trying to solve a problem
you were the problem
they would keep you around as long as 682 was happy
but if they could figure out how you did it, they'd just have a replacement goldfish ready to toss in this cage the second you became expendable
so you bet the free ride wouldn't last
as much of a free ride as this could be considered
682 still unsettled you
it had been a week since you'd been thrown in here but you'd heard horror stories
the organization couldn't hush all gossip when this thing had openly mauled and killed dozens and comprised the site
you were unarmed and shoved into these new quarters
it was a new cell
the lack of privacy was obvious
but 682 made you hesitant to relax more than all the cameras
you tried to stick to a corner
prison experience meant you weren't showing your back to anyone
but 682 would accept that
he would follow you around the room like a puppy
the obsession was disconcerting and you knew he was dangerous from what you'd seen and heard
at least your food was slightly higher quality now
they were invested you were well fed
you tried to ignore the comparison to a pig fattened up for slaughter
682 would often use you like a heat rock and these geeks would be taking notes on a clipboard
felt humiliating to be honest
but you couldn't protest
fight him off
the reputation made you worry about him retaliating
you'd heard the gossip
you could easily be on his bad side
682 hadn't spoken since that team came to fetch him
he just silently took ownership of you
handsy in a way you hadn't dealt with even in prison
over the days you'd become more familiar with his looks
wasn't exactly a comfort but the familiarity did make him a little less off putting
he was massive, towering slightly over you
however he didn't always stand upright
preferring to slink around on all fours at times, slinking around like a big cat
to an outside observer he might look like he an animal
something simple and run by instinct
you didn't get that
his arms were slender
roughly armored
you had no trouble believing he could shred steel
dangerous razor sharp talons tipped three fingers and a thumb
his torso was hourglass shaped
lean, but you could still see muscle under the scaly green skin when he flexed
there was armored plating over his vitals in his chest, making him a strange mixture of supple fat and muscle and hard bone
his legs were digitgrade and he had thighs you couldn't fit two hands around
a fat heavy tail dragged behind him no matter how he stood
it made him longer than he was tall, no doubt using it as a weapon like an iguana
black needles lined his back head to tail
his head was the most jarring
thick bone covered his face
a duller shade of green than his skin
it was tough
hard and unyielding to the touch
possibly for a head on attack
his eyes were strange, burning red slitted windows into his mind
two on the right side and three on the left
stacked above each other on his skull
those eyes were not an animal's eyes
that gaze was completely different than being sized up by a lion
they never looked at you with hostility
just sort of looked into you, expectantly
what 682 expected you didn't quite know
lastly, strange for a reptile, a mop of hair that could hit the ground
it was tangled by lack of grooming
682 was like nothing you'd ever seen before
and the SCP had you interact with strange stuff before this
the researchers and guards fully expected him to go apeshit any time
you'd be the first victim in a rampage
yet that day never seemed to come
he just kept you as a cellmate, maybe even a pet
and the higher ups were clearly fine sacrificing you for it
the days passed and this really became no different than your last cell
or the one before it
thankfully, your cellmate didn't make a pass further than using you as a pillow
you remembered how… excited he was that day
it was a mystery honestly
not like you fight him off
but he was content with your company
his body may look reptilian but he had body heat
it was like waking up with a quilt smothering you
you had no idea how much he weighed but it was enough to make it easy for him to pin you
having a bunch of guys observing you was a little strange, despite your experience with incarceration
but it was a bit different than a guard coming over to check on you
this was round the clock
you don't know how 682 did it
no wonder he had been hostile
but why you?
why was the killing machine currently resting his plated head on your chest?
you'd been stuck on the floor with a pillow and an air mattress
a blanket was usually redundant with 682 around though
at least your back was comfortable
early attempts to sleep in a regular bed went awry with 682 grabbed it and heaved it across the room
he didn't like that the raised bed meant he couldn't comfortably recline over you
that was your best guess to the motive
so SCP gave you something else
the poor air mattress nearly got shredded a few times but 682's claws
there was still an unease around those knives
just like when he'd give you what you guessed was a warm smile
his jaws gave a crocodile’s a run for its money
even had extra behind the current set of teeth
apparently he had subsisted on cattle before the SCP found him
you could easily believe that
not that SCP was much more forthcoming with details
you'd think they'd tell the guy trapped in a room more information about what they trapped him with
682 eventually awoke himself, stretching out and shoving against you
he arched his back like a cat and set his eyes on you
those eyes had an intelligence behind them you still couldn't read
you looked away from his gaze, preferring to look at the featureless concrete walls of the cell
682 did unnerve you, no matter how many days you were around him
you weren't eager to get into a staring contest with him
he decided to nuzzle and sniff your bare neck with the opportunity you gave him
fighting him off seemed unwise with those teeth near your throat
so you just let it happen
you bet some jackass in a lab coat was taking notes right now
meanwhile, you just hoped 682 didn't decide you were a meal
as if on cue, he started licking at your skin
that sensation made you flinch
682 was very generous with “kisses”
that had been the furthest he would go after that first pouncing
after a few licks he rubbed his rough plated skull against your neck and finally broke the embrace
it was time for breakfast
thank God
a lot of 682's containment cell had to quickly reconfigured for you
that meant an easy way to give you meals
they gave 682 to bare minimum
the stories you'd heard it was a wonder he even needed food
but they fed him raw hamburger every meal
he got one meal a day and seemed fine but you saw the ribs on him
they gave you three and he never claimed them himself
you could swear the meals had gotten better since the new quarters
they really wanted you to stay alive here
he decided your back was the best place to lay against while you ate
sitting upright on the mattress was a struggle with him doing that but you made it work
the jury rigged bathroom they installed onto the chamber was the next trip
thank God they gave you some privacy
even if it was cheap drywall
682 would occasionally just wait near the walls
even he gave you privacy here
to an extent
he'd rake his claws against the wall as a way of making sure you remembered he was there occasionally
showers usually didn't get the same respect for your privacy as anything else though
it was about the only time you undressed and he understood that
after the morning ritual you were informed over intercom of another test
you dreaded it
they'd poke and prod you, trying to find an answer to this
it worried you when you thought about it
how dangerous was 682 was to people they instantly threw you in here?
the idea they immediately tossed you in here as a security measure meant they really needed 682 contained
the lizard hasn't been violent to you
but how violent was he before you?
were there actual breaches?
you'd heard stories of rampages
but he didn't exhibit that around you
about the only time he seemed violent was when you were separated
they wisely decided to stop taking you somewhere else for the tests
instead they'd bring the tests to you
the foundation put you through more medical tests than if you had goddamn cancer
they wouldn't even tell you what results had popped up
today was apparently blood samples judging by the syringe
all the staff blurred together by now and none of them really bothered talking to you
you sat down in an uncomfortable steel chair and 682 set his head in your lap
his eyes were glued to the researcher and the armed escorts
the needle drew most of his attention
you winced at the stab and 682 almost bolted up at you showing signs of pain
you needed to ease the tension between him and the soldiers now pointing guns at him
you gently ran your hand through his hair and that seemed to soothe him for the moment and the lab coats left with their sample
well at least it was just blood
they clearly hadn't gotten the answers they wanted
they wouldn't keep testing otherwise
you felt isolated in here
at least sometimes you used to see other D class
the humans that came around didn't even spare you a glance
and this lizard didn't seem talkative
stalling your execution by whatever crazy shit was in the lab unfortunately meant conversation was one of the first luxuries to go
you were bored and decided to burn off breakfast a little
they did not offer you a home gym so you were stuck with push-ups and crunches, stuff like that
basic shit but it beat just sitting around in your cell with no entertainment
you really should use your new usefulness to demand a TV
the shows you liked were probably long since canceled but it would help with the boredom
682 initially just watched you exercise
you'd done this before around him
some times he'd try to drape himself over you while you were doing push-ups
made it very difficult
he behaved himself this time
instead he tried curling up on your mattress and quietly observed
when he felt you'd done enough push-ups he snatched you by the ankle and pulled you against him
you were sure some scientist was up there scribbling notes about what just happened
you waited for him to relax and then slid out of his grasp
682 would be handsy, but he would allow you the smallest measure of room to move
usually with his supervision
you were bored though
and being a body pillow for Godzilla wasn't entertaining
he took up the entirety of your mattress as he watched you pace
how do you even talk to these people?
they show up, point a gun near you and then fuck off
so you decided to list some demands up to the camera in the cell
you asked, politely, for a TV or a phone or something
maybe a PDF reader?
anything to just distract yourself a little
your silent supervisors gave no reply
you caught 682 eyeing you
you said nothing in retaliation
no wonder he broke out all the time
shit was boring and they tried to kill him
if he wasn't partially responsible for your imprisonment you'd feel a sliver of empathy
your back against the wall, you watched your cellmate from across the room
you couldn't tell much from his body language
he'd claimed ownership of your bed and you'd no doubt have to share it
but other than that he laid there watching you
it was easy to ascribe animal metaphors to him
right now he looked like a crocodile ready to ambush you the second you got into leaping range again
but it didn't really scare you much
not like the first time you'd encountered him
it was still alarming every time he did it
but he treated you with a softer touch than you'd expect from someone trying to kill you
didn't mean you trusted him though
you had no idea what he intended other than using you for cuddles
the lack of conversation didn't help
so you decided to talk at him
not even to him because your chats usually were brushed off
so you started wondering aloud just what you did to deserve this
you weren't the model citizen
you had done stupid kid shit and stupid kid shit followed you into adulthood
theft mostly
really shitty fatherless behavior you didn't stop yourself from doing before it was too late and you burned your bridges
then secret orders picked off a bunch of you from the same jail
you don't know what happened to the other guys from that batch
the foundation had seen you as expendable
that changed with this unkillable lizard
so you had to ask him
why you?
how were you beyond a mauling
it was stupid to tempt fate like that but you desired any sort of answer
he didn't give a verbal reply, merely patting the mattress
you didn't bother responding
staying where you were, you didn't pay him much mind after that
your mistake
682 had decided if you weren't coming to him, he'd come to you
the mattress was thrown next to you and when you didn't climb onto it yourself he tugged you onto it after him
he seemed insistent today
you tried to relax with how many pounds of lizard pinning you to the bed
lunch came and you scrambled to get the meal
then pulled back into bed
same with your shower and then dinner
he insisted you stay in bed
no more interactions with the Foundation today
the SCP must have gotten what they wanted for today
somehow, that wasn't a relief
then, lights out
time was harder to judge in this cell but it must be night
not like you were tired
682 had you hostage in bed all day
five red eyes darted around the room then he looked down to you
”you're bored?”
the whisper was so soft one could barely hear it but the tone was firm
he spoke?
of all times
you sat there bewildered

two times 682 had spoken
the lizard had you pinned and he decides to speak now
the scientists didn't seem alarmed
at least you didn't hear any reaction
someone had to be watching with how dangerous 682 was
he gripped your shoulders and in another repeat event decided to shove his tongue into your mouth and gagging you in the process
you tried shoving him off when you felt the tongue bulge your throat
you were oblivious to the jaws around you
like fuck did you need to die via suffocating on lizard tongue
after a few attempts to push him away, which were growing weaker with your lack of oxygen, he finally relented
air came back to your lungs deep ragged breaths
sputtering coughs broke the intake of air but you'd live
682 was going to be on your tastebuds for goddamn weeks
the long slime covered appendage quickly retreated behind his teeth
you had to ask
what the fuck was that?
”you're not bored?”
THAT was his solution?
he looked down at you expectantly, awaiting an answer
682 was inherently unpredictable
from the time you'd spent here you had real no guess which was the best answer
so you went with the best option
the giant lizard maybe thought he was entertaining a guest so fine
you weren't bored
in a secure nearby room a half dozen scientists nodded and jotted down their observations after watching the camera feed just now
682 decided he'd done his job and thankfully didn't try to taste your lungs again
the scaly skin was almost velvet smooth when he wanted it to be
like with his body pressed against yours
he fully expected you to sleep like this and you'd probably pass out in time somehow
682 rested his long reptilian face over your shoulder and just decided he was your blanket once more
well, you weren't bored
confused was the proper word now
your mind was at least free
it was allowed to wander
this was a jail and the yearning for freedom was there
outside of 682 you had no company and this was becoming more miserable
sure you were alive
you let out a sigh as you dwelled over what your life had become
lizard still on your tongue
what could you do?
your eyes went to the giant monster pinning you
it was bizarre to apply the word “cute” to him
maybe you were becoming desperate in here
his slumbering form dwarfed you and yet you thought he was “cute”
maybe he was onto something with that boredom thing
not that you'd admit it
time passed, you'd lost track of the days after a while
you had nothing to tally them, writing implements being forbidden
couldn't even scratch the wall
the eyes on you still made you uncomfortable but 682 was slowly growing to be well… acceptable
he was growing on you
he hadn't spoken again since that night
sometimes you thought maybe you imagined that night
you sure remember the angry French kiss
but the speech was hard to put the 682
not like the eggheads were talking
they weren't very open with details to the guy sharing a room with 682
that was frustrating
so you started to take your own notes on him mentally
God forbid you have anything to take notes on
it was a way to kill time after all so why shouldn't you occupy yourself
682 was peculiar
you didn't really see what made him more dangerous than say, a bear
the stories were hard to match up with the lizard
he didn't hurt you
hadn't hurt anyone around you , honestly
despite his hostility to the staff testing you
something the Foundation was doing less and less now
you had no idea if that was because they found their answer or not
it did make you think
how valuable were you?
you decided to test that
the next labcoats to come through for a sample were followed by an armed escort
you stood your ground regardless
you wouldn't give another blood sample until you got a TV
the Foundation had expected some reaction from you eventually
they'd been prepared for you using 682 as a blunt weapon to escape
their paranoia usually paid off
using your new status as a bargaining chip
they'd prepared for that
but just demanding a television and later in the conversation a better brand of lunch meat for your sandwiches was actually underwhelming
they hadn't given you anything but the barest amount of information about 682
but they had assumed you'd infer enough about how dangerous the entity was
instead, you were bored
they'd gone over your psychological profile and hadn't found any peculiarities there
but you showed no fear response to 682
even staff that worked around it for years still flinched at the thing
they still wanted to withhold the records from you
treating 682 as comparable to some annoying pet was unusual
and they had apprehensions about the possibility of dispelling that
this experiment required them to be as hands off as possible so as to not disturb it
still, they wondered why you seemed unworried about this
you had no record of thrill seeking
you were in jail for numerous smaller crimes that had added up but nothing there indicated you weren't conscious of risks
they were merely surprised your price was so low
they would give you a television and better quality food
you would be eating better than most staff, a point that had been made repeatedly by some of the pettier researchers
you had a TV now
682 was good for something after all
they had to install the utility hook up for it
another hasty remodel
you weren't allowed cable or internet
allowing you possible contact with the outside world was probably a no no
but you were allowed a cheap old DVD player and whatever DVDs they could scrounge up
it wasn't much but it was something
682 had taken up residence on the mattress and served as a backrest as you killed time watching whatever movies and shows were available
this was better than jail now
you reclined against the lizard, appreciating your new room mate a little now
your arms rested against his back, the smooth scales like velvet on your bare skin
you didn't know how he stayed sleek like that, he didn't shed like a lizard
as far as you knew
he slept as you relaxed
this was definitely a better arrangement
you decided to ride this pony for as long as it lasted
they even gave you cheeseburgers occasionally now
you were definitely warming up to 682
you still had no idea why he hadn't killed you and you were sure the SCP wouldn't tell you if they knew
so for now, you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth
he hadn't spoken much more
you tried occasionally striking up a conversation
not with much success
you wondered if he was bothered by the lack of privacy
odd to think of him as possibly shy
but who knew
the lash of a tail moved, catching your eye
it curled in front of you, pushing you back into the lizard
he wanted you somehow closer
you glanced to his face to see all eyes on you
yeah it was a mystery why he was affectionate but you couldn't question a good thing now
if it got you better treatment, you'd romance the lizard
not like you could really push him off
based off past experience that seemed an impossibility
you just prayed he was a bottom

you'd managed to turn this prison around a little
something had hit you when you realized they caved to your requests
you were valuable and they hadn't found a way to replace you
otherwise why would they bother with giving you stuff
sure, you were an enrichment tool for a lethal lizard
but that had earned you some perks
the idea that you might be valuable had hit you around the time 682 curled you to him like a toy again
you could work this into your favor
probably would be suicide to boss him around but the Foundation was different
it might be suicide to boss them around to but you held the giant lizard in this equation
you decided to play nicer with 682
calling him 682 was dehumanizing
if he was going to be your ticket to taco Tuesday around this damn lab you wanted to call him something besides the number
trying to get him to reply with a name was met with silence at first
”don't have one”
three times D-7461 had been able to get verbal responses from SCP-682
the researchers marked down the event for how unusual it was
you were unaware they were that shocked, instead taking in what the lizard whispered
so he didn't have a name
Radical Larry almost jokingly came to mind
you heard about a keter class nicknamed something that ridiculous in this facility
you'd give it some thought but you'd have to come up with something eventually
SCP-682 has been successfully pacified around D-7461
this effect cannot be explained sufficiently through testing yet
based on how valuable keeping SCP-682 in this relaxed state is, vivisection is not advised at the moment
only recommended as a last resort
this opportunity has never come up before and we aren't sure it will again
research on D-7461 is to be continued to track any possible changes
for the time being, the subject's requests will be honored within reason
he knows his value at the moment and is bargaining with it
the request for “those little microwavable pot pies” has been approved
gym equipment has been placed in the cell as well, in an effort to keep D-7461 active and healthy
staff complaining about the loss of one treadmill and weight set from the site locker room are to be reminded we need D-7461 keeping SCP-682 docile
it is a small price to pay
something bothered you during your workout with the new equipment
why was 682 looking at you like you were a steak on that treadmill?
he just sort of hung out around you but you hadn't imagined that look in his eyes
basic bitch curls made you feel like you were back at the yard
all the while 682 watched you
you were taking your time thinking up a name that felt right
it wasn't like naming a pet
you couldn't just name him “Herbert” and wash your hands of it after
so you got curious again
you tried asking
why didn't he have a name?
you hadn't interviewed him much, desperate not to agitate him with the wrong question
why disrupt a good thing
he kept watching you, his eyes going to your arms as you curled the weight
you slipped off the orange uniform shirt they gave you and were down to a white tank top
the cell was pretty climate controlled so you usually wore the same sort of stuff
they took dirty clothes and gave you new shit on schedule
five bucks they were even testing your old socks
you sort of wished you could do your own laundry but it was fine
682 never responded to your question, merely content to watch
when you went for a shower after the workout, then he reacted
the facility was briefly put on lockdown because 682 jumped you and pushed you into the shower wall
not content to force feed you his tongue, he instead started licking at your skin
the goon squad came down to see 682 forcing your top around your head and lapping at any bead of sweat he could find on your chest while huffing in your smell
it was embarrassing
even more when the lizard picked you up light an indignant child having their toy threatened
all while a bunch of heavily armed guards looked on, unsure how to handle this situation
682 had turned just enough to watch the intruders in his cell
hadn't pulled his tongue back from your stomach
you were aware of how badly things could go if it all went pear shaped
682 and the goon squad could equally kill you if they decided to make a fight of it
so you tried to ease tensions a little
you made eye contact with one of the team and tried to motion down with your hand
pointing guns at 682 would go badly based off past experience
they weren't exactly eager to listen to you but they did back up a little
you liked living too much to be caught up in crossfire
you had been very aware 682 had a lustful side to him bases off your interactions but he'd almost been a perfect gentleman
maybe watching you work out had finally pushed him over the edge
you looked between him and the strike team
he felt comfortable enough to put you back down
while his eyes were locked on the task force he decided to continue lapping at your body
his clawed hands gripped your shoulders and you did your best shrug to the guards that felt sort of awkward now
the tongue ventured over your chest and without warning snaked into your pants
you flinched at the warm slimy appendage instantly finding its prey
the soldiers must have gotten new orders because they backed out of the room and the alarms were silenced
you had the uncomfortable feeling eyes were on you while 682 explored your underpants
his eyes looked back up to yours and he torn down your pants with a hand
was the Foundation about to just watch you get a sloppy blowjob?
you realized pretty quickly that the Foundation just decided to take a wait and see approach to you getting molested
not ideal
fucking weirdos
682 decided he wanted to give you a complete tongue bath and wasn't going to take no
you had wondered why 682 didn't act on urges a lot more
he had been relatively handsy before but not totally sexual
you felt like a piece of beef to him
you just hoped he was content with this
he slathered your cock with a trail of saliva and despite the danger present you felt your cock getting aroused at the attention
this place pretty much was jail right about now
except the guards were goddamn voyeurs
why the hell did they back off?
better question
why did 682 practically pounce you this time?
you'd done some exercises before but he'd never gone this far
his hands seized your hips and he kept you in place while his tongue snaked up your body
apparently he was content with only slightly tasting your cock
you actually got a little annoyed about getting blueballed but then reason won out
682 was a dangerous entity
and you were upset you didn't get to blow a load in his mouth?
when you thought about it like that… you actually did feel disappointed
the disgust you'd normally feel wasn't there
you were enjoying it?
the fuck?
there was a little voice in your head saying maybe it wasn't so bad
you hadn't gotten any action in years
that voice was smothered after it briefly popped up
no, this was weird
you had to correct yourself and remind yourself this was weird
you were pissed at the Foundation
they were just letting this happen
682 cupped you by your ass and gave your stomach a strong lick upwards
you felt like an ice cream cone
682 was enjoying himself
his tongue was exploring your body and you were trying really damn hard not to like it
the temptation to just close your eyes and let it happen was there
you were resisting that temptation as much as you could, really having a hard time fighting back an occasional grunt as he dipped lower to your crotch again
you were covered in his saliva
it had a thicker consistency than your own
your erection was thinking for itself and you could only do so much against the assault
especially since he knew what he was doing
he gave your dick a few licks before huffing your nuts
he must really like the sweat thing
you couldn't help your next instinct to just grab his head but he didn't seem to mind
the giant was crouching just to lap at your scent and was clearly lost in a haze
it was getting harder to resist
he'd just about slathered every inch of your front in his tongue by now
he kept going for your dick
whether he figured out from your reactions or he was just working off experience as a man, you didn't know
that took you out for a moment
you had just considered 682 another guy just then
well, he was
wasn't he?
you'd seen his dick before when he jumped you when this all started and you bet it was out now
he was ass up in the air and using your body to support his upper half so the view was obstructed but he was just a guy like you
it had to be out by now
his dark tongue was dexterous enough to flick over your tip
when you spasmed at that sensation, he decided no mercy and attacked the tip relentlessly
thinking was getting harder
his long toothy maw was making you conscious of the danger at play here but he hadn't so much as nipped you once
clawed hands that could hold your head in their palm, gripped at your ass as he enjoyed himself
focusing was impossible now
you'd feel the post nut clarity later but for now you'd just relax
he was this slender strange contrast of rippling muscles and smooth curves
you kind of kept your eyes on his ass as he licked at you
the tail got in the way of course but he had a thick ass for his size
were you really considering it?
the situation had gotten out of hand and you hadn't touched your in like weeks outside the bathroom
so reason had lost quite some time ago
especially with how close you were
you groaned when you busted a nut in 682's face
ropes of cum decorated his face and he just sat there while you painted his snout and hair
the full weight of the act hit you a second later
you just came on a monster while some government goons no doubt taped it
682 released you and touched a claw to his face, then he rose up and leaned over you
”are you going to shower?”
the question stunned you for a moment
after all that he just blurts that out in a weird light whispery voice
he just tongue fucked an orgasm out of you and he's wondering why you aren't washing your hair now
he looked down at you expectantly
if you didn't need a shower before you'd need one now that you were covered in lizard slime
would he be doing that every time you worked out now?
did the labcoats know he would do that?
that alarm meant they were just as shocked
somewhere someone was scribbling notes on the moneyshot you did over this guy's face
you glanced again at the streaks of white decorating his green skin
he coaxed that out of you and now he was just wearing it
that made you look down and your earlier suspicions had been right
a penis, unlike anything you'd seen before, had emerged from a slit at his pelvis
it was longer than your forearm, the thing easier to scrutinize now
the last time you saw the thing you thought you were going to die when he pounced you
you didn't have that same fight or flight response to him now
he was dangerous but you weren't panicking about it now
the tapered red manhood leaked a little
tasting your like that did turn him on
you'd been in jail enough
you weren't turning your back on him
sure, you'd take that shower
you hugged the wall of the shower while you undressed, throwing your tattered SCP uniform out of the shower stall
682 watched you, making no real reaction besides the occasionally throb of that bright red phallus
you kept your front to him the whole time you turned on the water
you weren't about to let yourself be surprised
with how strong he was he could have just taken you but you at least wanted to have some warning
plus you weren't about to get bent over by any cellmate
not without making it difficult
one arm shot up for the curtain rod when you tried to close the curtain for privacy
how silly to assume you had privacy here
oh well
you had the shower hot within seconds
you bet if you saw those five eyes burning in the dark across the hall from you you'd about piss yourself but he seemed content to watch you lather up
the trail of saliva he coated you in reacted weird to the water
it was like oil with how it fought the attempt to blast it off
so soap and your hands had to do it
his arm on the curtain rod moved to give him better balance
his other hand went for his dick
you hadn't seen him pleasure himself before, for all you knew he didn't know how
there wasn't a whole lot you knew about his biology
he thrust into his fist while he made full eye contact with you
the red thing throbbed and swelled even bigger
you didn't know how he kept that thing inside him until the appendage did the strangest damn thing
you didn't know if it was his control or it did it naturally but the three foot of monster dick snaked around his hand
it was… prehensile
you'd stopped scrubbing to watch it twist around his hand and wrist like a bright red python
a glance back up and you saw his eyes on you
he refused to stop staring you down
he blocked the exit and made it clear as day you weren't leaving
his tail thumped the ground as he got more frantic
you had no idea how to react until he spoke up
his voice was a little different now
he still spoke in a low tone but it was… pleading
he sal
”why did you stop?”
regardless of any danger now you had to speak up
maybe it had to do with how 682 tilted his head slightly out of curiosity
it disarmed you briefly
so you had to ask back
why you? what did he even want?
”you know what I want.”
his fist clenched tighter around the curtain rod, warping it in his grip
the Foundation would have to replace that
his voice was low
he wasn't threatening as far as you could tell but that display of strength made you very aware he wasn't to be underestimated
so you decided to keep washing
that seemed to appease him and he went back to touching himself
682 just kept watching as you slowly but surely scrubbed off the grime
all the while pumping his hand
trying to avoid watching wasn't working
because he was making too much noise to ignore
grunting, moaning, the occasional laugh
he was making noises you'd never heard from him
682 kept fucking his hand while his dick moved around like it had a mind of its own
eventually, you were satisfied with being cleaned up
you'd hesitated to shampoo for the brief period of time you'd have to close your eyes
but you'd done it
when you turned off the shower the slender towering lizard sped up his efforts
the speed caught your eye and you were able to see his whole body tense
his hand on the curtain rod snatched you and he yanked you down to meet his cock face first
he threw his head back as ropes of blue seed splattered over your face in ropes
the orgasm felt like it lasted for eternity
then he released you
you went to turn on the shower and clean it off when he aggressively thumped his tail on the ground
you looked to him
ropes of white still on his face
was he marking his territory?
his dick softened and eventually retreated back into his body
he went to curl up on the mattress as you dressed
clearly he was bored now that you were putting on pants
his seed was all over your chest and face
an attempt to wipe it off was met with a soft grumble
you'd leave it on until he went to bed
the stuff smelled musky
he was definitely marking you
probably why he didn't clean his face
you were tempted to introduce him to a shower
he might think you wanted to get frisky but it would go a long way to get him cleaned up
you'd have to try it tomorrow
worst case scenario you ended up covered in spunk again
you “accidentally” wiped some of the ejaculate as you put on your shirt, a small move to preserve a little dignity
no doubt the labcoats would love to put that under the microscope
no idea what they'd do with the information but they could have it if they wanted it
for now you wanted to relax with some reruns
you were a little hesitant to use 682 like a chair like usual
there was a trust lost there
not like you two were best of friends but you weren't exactly eager to turn your back to him
eventually you fell asleep
the work out and your unpromtped fun time had tired you out despite how terrified you'd also been
the morning greeted you with a surprise
the Foundation had been watching
you knew that much
cameras had to be constantly on you no matter where
so it would have come to their attention as it happened
instead of discouraging it you ended up with a scientist wanting to interview you
well, you didn't have a choice
originally they wanted to separate you from 682 for it but he was… insistent
their worry was he would influence your answers
but there wasn't much they could do if they wanted this situation to continue
the scientist that had the unpleasant duty of talking to you about your sex life was some naive young women
they'd given her a chair
you would ask for a chair
the goons sort of stood behind her
682 watched from behind you, a dragon jealousy hoarding its treasure
the interview started pleasantly enough, probably to disarm you
the tension was still there but you did feel a little relaxed
682 was cautious but allowed talk
introductions out of the way, you found out this was a Dr. White
she started out with getting your sexual history out of the way
claws gingerly raked over your leg
reminding you of the situation at hand and sort of making the Foundation's point about influencing you
you put on a poker face
a poker face that still had cum on it
well you weren't promiscuous
to be honest you can't remember the last time you were with anyone
”besides 682?”
well, that was to the point
she seemed satisfied with your frank answer
682 did too judging by the hand now instead grasping around your thigh
the scientist continued, readjusting her glasses
she had a laptop with her that no doubt had a script for her to follow
someone had to be putting her up to this
get the interns to do the dangerous work
well, what they couldn't trust with D class
the next bullet point was the actual sex act
you stalled like a diesel engine in winter for a moment
682 grabbed your other thigh too, continuing to watch from under your arm
yeah he was influencing the interview
to the girl's credit, she seemed less intimidated by the lizard than you
he wasn't a foot away from her genitals though
so that probably helped her keep a cooler head than you
the guards always looked so generic behind their riot gear so you had no faces to read there
your chair was essentially dominating the conversation without speaking
the one time you'd actually want him to speak
you snapped out of your distracted thoughts and circled back to her question
she had asked what had you done that initiated the sex act
the camera caught the act but they wanted your opinion on it
you had a theory about it being the work out
after all, that was the only thing that changed in your schedule
she took down that answer and remarked they had come to a similar hypothesis
she asked what you thought of the act
that was forward
you might have spoken a different answer if 682 wasn't clamped down on your legs
you, uh, enjoyed yourself
you glanced to your side to see yellow eyes looking up to you, watching your reactions
well it was the truth
you'd cum
despite how strange the circumstances were you'd planted your seed across him
she asked if you thought this would continue?
a lot of opinions to give in this interview
682 gently pulled your legs further apart, making you look back down
you honestly didn't know if it would continue
you had to ask though
why not just ask 682?
”we have no record of 682 speaking to anyone but you.”
but he spoke to the guards when you first met?
maybe he wasn't speaking to them, just at them
so wait
all this time and they couldn't get him to talk?
”we're trying to figure that out.”
she got up and left the room without much of a goodbye
guess she got answers
no sooner did they leave the room than more staff came in
they brought cameras to set up in more areas of the room and healthier food to stock the fridge and impromptu pantry with
they also left an unopened plastic tub on the small hastily constructed counter
you were instructed over the cell intercom to open it
you didn't know what you expected to see in the box but you bet it wasn't what you found
one cockring
one liter bottle of lubricant
a large box of condoms
several packs of electrolyte drink powder mixes for emergency cramping
a bottle of what looked like off brand viagra
did the Foundation just expect to to be the sex toy for 682 now
the lizard had let you get up after that little display of ownership
your act of curiosity had him act equally curious when you froze up at the tub's contents
you closed the lid to the plastic container just as quickly
any inquiry on the lizard's part was cut short to his visible annoyance by the cell intercom
you were instructed to exercise using the equipment provided
yesterday it wasn't demanded of you, merely offered as a healthy option
they were testing their theory now with you as the lab rat
the flash of annoyance in 682's face was replaced with a glee you didn't like the looks of
he knew what they were doing just as much as you did
what he didn't know was the contents of the container
you hoped he'd be too lazy to investigate
the Foundation just chucked you a bunch of safe sex shit like a concerned parent ready to hand over pamphlets about “puberty and you”
they knew he enjoyed you working out
they had audio visual evidence of it
that had to be what made him jump you
the weird affection had hit 60 mph and slammed right into lust after lifting weights
and the guys upstairs wanted to encourage that as a test
did they need you to be crippled?
would that satisfy them
you worried he was really going to be insistent on being the big spoon
he'd been super dominant on everything else and like fuck was that traffic cone going in you
but they were just taking a wait and see approach to you possibly having your black cherry decimated
they repeated the order to start your exercise
682 once more watched you like steak
you didn't know if you should push your luck with the Foundation
both 682 and SCP wanted the same thing now
you didn't think that turnabout would happen
so work out you did
the shaggy lizard watching from the bed
it was at least easy to keep an eye on him
you kept going on the treadmill, trying to ease your mind as you started gently
then he turned his attention back to the tub
you were alarmed when he got up and started for the counter
it was like he just remembered he was interested in it
you stayed on the treadmill
hopefully he wouldn't know what any of that was
unfortunately he'd just ask you
his hands initially had trouble around the lid but he figured it out
he brought the box over and the first thing he pulled out was the box of condoms
he looked to you, grinned with all his teeth, then dropped that box on the floor
his tail flattened the box without his eyes breaking contact with yours
you had to ask him why did that
odd to carry on a conversation with someone looming over you on a treadmill
he looked at the other stuff in the box
”you don't need those”
his voice low with a promise
so he knew what they were?
”I'm not stupid.”
he handed you the pill bottle
when you opened it he downed the whole bottle in a gulp
you looked on, terrified
he noticed your eyes after dropping the bottle
you fought to keep running when he leaned in and shoved his tongue down your throat again
the Foundation had turned the tables on you and had practically offered you on an altar ot 682
you wondered if those pills would even do anything to him
you hoped not
maybe his body was just too alien and…
he was erect already
you noticed it the moment he pulled away
he hit the stop button on the treadmill and guided you off the machine
you wanted to just do curls but he smacked your hands from the barbells
he'd decided you were benching today
you weren't born yesterday and knew his exact plan
he was going to “spot” you
you knew it
you wondered how he knew so much about people
he seemed to have a better grasp of humans than you'd think for someone who doesn't talk to them
it was a mystery
since he'd decided to make himself this comfortable with you maybe you'd start asking him questions like that
still had no idea how he knew what condoms were for
or that you wouldn't need them?
was he a bottom?
if he was that was a good sign pointing towards that
sure enough when you laid down he got to the head of the bench and let his manhood just flop down on you
”let's make this interesting”
you were rusty and had the bar set for 110
he effortlessly picked that up and you grabbed it when he dropped it over you
well that was definitely interesting
he then grabbed the bar and started pushing down
he leaned his weight over you as you pushed against him
he growled as he frotted his dick against your face and you strained against his attack
you hoped the Foundation was getting a goddamn show right now
”come on, do it!”
his voice was a loud challenge
he fought your attempt to push up, putting more effort into his push down
if you let go he'd probably put that bar through your ribs
you refused to relent

once more alarms were blaring over the intercom
you didn't have time to pay them mind
why in God's name the Foundation decides you're essential enough to protect but expendable enough to test on, you probably couldn't figure
right now you were smothered with drooling lizard cock and pushing your arms to their limit
682 could kill you
he scared the hell out of you
but like fuck were you not going down swinging
you refused to yield
this was the prison experience
682 was trying to assert his dominance over you
your biceps were screaming ad you felt the growl build from the depth of your chest
he was showing he was the boss
but you refused to give on this
refused to quit
your teeth were grinding together so hard as you felt your muscles tested like never before
his cock pulsed against your face as sweat beaded on your forehead
there was no chance to readjust your grip or even better slide off the bench
682 squeezed you with constant pressure
but you absolutely refused to let him win
he'd coated your face in blue cum but you wouldn't let him boss you around
his arms refused to budge and you'd tire eventually
you had to accept that
so it was time to cheat
he faltered the second you licked at his shaft
if he was going to just smush it into your face you'd use it as a weapon against him
the millisecond of indecision was enough for you to push and with a howl of triumph you shoved the weight past where he'd held you down
you'd raised the bar even if you had to be underhanded to do it
he growled and pushed the bar to your chest and then he released it
when he pulled back you breathed a sigh of relief
something you'd noticed however, despite that alarm no soldiers had run into the cell
did the Foundation take a wait and see approach to you being crushed?
on one hand you were relieved
you'd managed to get out of danger
but the Foundation had sort of just let that happen
kind of fucked
but you were ultimately still expendable here
you wondered why the alarms then
they'd since cut off after the danger
maybe another break out
hopefully that got solved quickly
or maybe they wanted to see how far 682 would go
while it was true he hadn't actually harmed you, no one really knew what he was capable of
he had circled around you
you looked to see him standing over your legs
you flinched when his claws reached for your legs
his eyes locked with yours
the slim muscle flexed across his body as he gripped on your thigh
”you still bored?”
682 looked down at you with a sort of smug air
while he didn't win your little dispute earlier, he didn't exactly lose either
while you did have to resort to licking his cock to get him off you, you did assert yourself
he could still maul you
but you'd shown you weren't going to be a pushover
so you hoped that got you some respect
if he could respect
he still had that cock out while he watched you bench
his body leaned over you as he watched
682 didn't have to jump you now
not like you could run anywhere
you worked to do just a few more reps to stall for time
682 caught onto your ploy fairly quickly and broke his usually silence to start counting aloud
you both felt the explosion somewhere in the facility
something did indeed happen
you both had paused for the moment
even the smug look on his face had quickly faded as you both looked toward the door
but nothing else had really seemingly happened
you racked the weights and sat up
the Foundation probably wouldn't tell you if something had happened
you were only ever told of the SCPs you yourself interacted with
outside the stray gossip the Foundation couldn't contain in the facility
no telling what was more dangerous than 682 buried in the place
surely they wouldn't keep a bunch of stuff that lethal all under one roof would they?
682 let you stand up but was very insistent at putting himself between the door and you
you were herded to the shower, he grabbed the box as you went
no doubt he had plans
no follow up explosions was sort of comforting at this point
but you both were on edge until you'd get some sort of a sign
out of curiosity you asked up to the ceiling, hoping someone heard you
you asked what was going on?
no response
well that was about what you'd expected
682 went for your clothes
didn't bother asking, just roughly started stripping you
you expected that too
you were next to the shower after all
682 let you thankfully take your own pants off
he loomed over you as you walked into the booth
this time he climbed halfway in
his bulk prevented him from fully getting into the shower but he was so much closer than he was yesterday
he handed you the cockring and the lube
”you know what I want, don't you?”
you had your back to the wall once more
you pointed out the possible danger from outside
he pushed his face against the side of your head and spoke up again
”I'm killing anything that comes through that door right now and so much as looks at you.”
he looked like he meant it
you didn't want to test the claim
he'd barricaded you pretty well in the shower now
as slender as he could br he was still big enough to do that
his claws lightly tapped on the booth walls
he was expecting you to shower
despite any outside danger, you decided it was best to do just that
you hoped it could take your mind off things but you knew 682 wouldn't let you get that distracted
that brought you back to what you'd talked about the other day
why didn't he have a name
you wanted to call him something besides 682
he kept close as the warm water came down over you both
would it be OK just to name him something?
he sniffed at your neck and spoke up
”if it's that important, fine”
you wanted to be a smartass and call him Tiffany but that might be unwise
”Adam,” he whispered to you
”just go with that. not like it matters.”
his claws gripped at the walls and he leaned down into you
well, he didn't wait for you to name him this time
guess he knew you'd just keep asking
at least that took pressure off you
you felt the need to ask him why that name but thought against it
he had his reasons and you had pressing matters on your mind
you still worried about the alarm
as if on cue another one blared
682 looked up
his look was visible annoyance
you were a little alarmed to hear a muffled explosion
then a not so distant explosion that caved in the door
the lizard snatched you as the shrapnel flew
your ears were ringing
smoke everywhere
you were overwhelmed
he turned to meet the door after dropping you
metal shards had shredded his back like distant birdshot
his body was slowly pushing the shrapnel out
what came out of the smoke was… a fox?
you knew things were never what they seemed here but you didn't expect to see 682 run at a fox full charge
the animal looked shocked but then vanished before being trampled
682 grabbed your fridge and threw it into a corner and a woman appeared from nowhere
she had foxtails
so the facility was turning into a clusterfuck
as if on cue and black portal formed above you and a withered dark form pulled itself from the wall
gnarled hands reached for you
682 took notice and bellowed
he had the fox lady's torso in his grip and he threw her like a javelin at the shadow thing
it's sunken eyes went to the flying form and it grasped at her
she in turn snatched at you
you tried scrambling away but despite looking like an average woman she had a grip comparable to 682
he saw you getting pulled into the hole and charged, his messy hair going everywhere as he ran on all fours
you saw black when you went in head first
a clawed hand latched onto your leg and despite his strength you ended up pulling him into whatever bleak hell that shadow had intended for you
the four of you fell for who knew how long
682 fought against the fall to try and kill the other two entities
his hand refused to let go of your leg the whole while
you couldn't make heads or tails of everything around you
the trio kept fighting while free falling slowly
the momentum was like diving through water
you couldn't see a bottom
suddenly you'd hit something
it wasn't a violent impact but it was some sort of ground
they scrambled to get off their feet and 682 put himself between them and you
the fox woman seemed more panicked but was as resolute as the lizard
the shadow man was watching you
his eyes unsettled you
orbs as inky black as everything around you but you could somehow tell they were locked onto you
this place was dim, the air was dusty
it smelled of rot and you could barely see few feet in front of you
682 had released you but you stuck to him for fear of losing his protection
the shadow thing dipped into the ground, leaving you alone with the fox lady
however you knew damn well the thing wasn't running away
it was probably setting up a better angle of attack
you tried to communicate with 682 and then the fox woman
both were hesitant to break up their staring contest
you rested a hand on the lizard's back
you had little understanding of all this
you just had to hope you'd survive it
the fox woman moved first
she blinked out of your vision and within a second 682 reeled back roaring
she'd raked along his eyes and got two of them
those two being occupied made you more paranoid than usual
you had no idea where that shadow thing went
you were naked and had no idea if you could even strike this thing
682 had his hands full and you were savvy enough to know he was the only way safely out of this shit show
you would at least be able to watch his back
a quick glance to him and you saw things were not going as well as they should
whatever she was she was agile and could fuck with the space around her
you were witnessing 682's abilities first hand now though
he had more eyes in place of the ones he had lost
cuts on his body were healing over with thick bone
he was adapting
then the shadow thing grabbed his arm out of the darkness and it started rotting
Adam howled in pain
they were ganging up on him now
thought he was the bigger threat between them
the fox bitch seemed like the easiest for you to deal with if you could and you sucker punched her when she appeared to the lizard's side
that momentary shock gave Adam the second wind to stomp her leg, crippling the fox in one heavy blow to her knee
that went her mobility
the shadow thing was harder
the rot it exuded over his arm seemed to be at war with his regeneration
neither could really win right now
the fox woman was still under foot of the lizard, he refused to leave her unpinned
she was screaming curses at you all in what sounded like Korean
eventually the shadowman won the battle of attrition and Adam's arm came off with a wet rip
you couldn't let that thing touch you
outside that lucky sucker punch you were definitely not fighting your way out of this
you were afraid to touch that shadow thing
once it grabbed and took that arm it pulled back and vanished
the three of you darted your eyes around the shadows, trying to catch any movement
you rested a hand on the lizard
the gesture was to ease your mind a little
his flinched then realized it was you
the fox woman was angrily cursing from underfoot
Adam paid her no mind but an idea hit you
you were desperate and in the confusion tried to get her attention
she wanted out?
she needed to help
you hoped she knew English
682 held the stump that was his arm
all the while he kept watching shadows
this thing would kill you all if you didn't work together
so right now fox bitch had to understand the power of friendship
this thing had you in it's home turf and you bet it would take it's time taking you all apart
she at least seemed to calm down at this idea
this thing had you all at it’s leisure
so maybe she saw the logic of not being tortured to death
despite a probable language barrier
you knew damn well she'd betray you both though
being left here with a destroyed leg didn't seem like the best prospect
it was difficult to convince Adam to release her
but he relented
she would need to be carried if you all wanted to get out of here fast
you volunteered and the lizard seemed hesitant when you carried her piggy back
you'd thought of an idea though
she would be essential
you whispered over your shoulder to her if she could disguise others
with any luck you could hide from the thing and maybe find a door out
in an instant the three of you vanished from where you stood
just in case you had 682 follow you away from that spot
you didn't know where you were going but it was better than just standing still and hoping the shadow thing forgot you were there
he grunted in annoyance at the whole thing
but whatever this thing was wasn't fucking around
you hated not being able to glance over and see him
you hoped that adaptation shit came with limb regrowth
he was a lizard
it had to
concern for him was new
all things considered
but his wellbeing was necessary here
you patted him
while you couldn't see him you felt his scaly hide
he felt sleek
again, it was strange to confide in him after what you'd been through
you didn't want him dying
the three of you held your breath
you didn't give a shit about the fox woman but you felt the feeling was mutual
she had some uniform like you usually wore
you hated being naked out here but that wasn't the most important matter here
there was no way to keep track of time
it felt like you were waiting for an eternity
682 held his breath while you three waited
you bet he hated this waiting more than you
there was no promise this would work and you were trusting someone that had recently tried killing you
but this shadow thing would just pick you both off at its leisure
thing was a vulture waiting for the carrion
you heard the thing before you saw it
it descended upside down from above where you had been
it didn't seem to react like a man
just slowly moved through the air
you bet it was trying to figure out where you'd gone
neither confusion nor surprise registered on the thing
it just sat there, looking
none of you made a noise
it opened up another doorway and you nudged 682
he seemed to get the message
you waited as the thing slipped into the portal
you both rushed to the doorway and looked in
it looked like the facility interior
or something like it
it probably got bored quickly and wanted to hunt some more
it being a trap had occurred to you
but you needed out of this place
you held tightly to 682 and almost jumped in before something stayed your hand
the lizard growled next you and shoved you back when the shadow thing darted from the portal and grabbed for the anything it could reach
it didn't find anything but it knew you were still here
it couldn't see you and had baited you out
so whatever it was was smart
and you nearly died to the fucking thing
your heart was racing after that
682 couldn't regenerate fast enough to overpower whatever it did to him
you wouldn't have had a second to react
it couldn't have been that easy to trick the thing
but the silver lining was it still couldn't see you
so there was still that
you needed to bide your time
could your companion here adapt to that thing?
he seemed to slowly work to counter the fox lady's wounds
the portal closed up and you three were alone again
you asked over your shoulder
could the fox create a decoy with whatever magic she had
it definitely felt like magic
the Foundation seemed to contain a lot of shit you couldn't explain
it was magic as far as you saw it and you weren't some scientist
this thing couldn't be the only thing to bait out someone

that was the plan at least
bait the entity out with crippled prey
that was as far as the plan went
you didn't know what what you would do after
the fox felt light on your back
despite her nature you needed her talents for this
the cloak had kept you safe this long
for now, you had to trust her
the danger from the shadows enforced trust
for now
at least Adam was still next to you
you quietly asked how his arm was
he grunted
well that was a reaction
if he could grumble he was alive
you squeezed what you assumed was his good arm
he was probably as tense as you
you'd get out of this though
Adam still felt a little weird but you were glad he named himself
made things less awkward
the numbering thing was something the eggheads did
they did it to you after all
statistics on a spreadsheet if you died
that's why you wanted him to give you a name
if he was going to use his tongue to taste your last meal in your stomach you wanted it at least to be a little more personal than numbers on a spreadsheet
you'd have time to dwell on the name later
the fox woman huffed as she made a replica of the lizard holding his arm on the floor
it was convincing enough and you gave yourselves just enough space
it looked lifelike
the fake looked around confused while holding his arm
no reaction for a minute or two
the bait needed to be be more inviting
you whispered over your shoulder
the copy should make noise right
maybe the shadow thing liked noise
she dismissed your concern
well fuck it
hopefully the thing took the bait
you gave Adam's body a squeeze then realization struck you about the same time the “copy” bellowed out at having its tail grabbed
before the fox could gloat you jumped and slammed back first onto the ground
bitch was trying to use him as bait
the squeeze you gave didn't feel like Adam
didn't have the same resistance in your hand
sure enough the cloak lifted and you found you'd been grabbing a tattered part of her uniform just then
she really tried to trick you
thankfully the blow knocked the wind out of her enough you scrambled free
grabbing Adam's tail had been a mistake on the shadow thing's part
it still caused him pain but allowed the lizard a free hand to grab the thing's skull in his palm
his hand was burning away at the touch but the squeezing he was putting on the thing showed the first visible reaction the thing had given
it tried to hold onto Adam's tail longer but it was straining
the lizard had more muscle in his tail than most anywhere and whipped the appendage, dragging the shadow with it
he'd lose in the long run
you could see that
but despite the control in home turf the shadow thing was having reservations
you spared a glance to see the fox woman scrambling away
you were pissed you trusted her
but why were you that upset that you came out of a sure hiding spot?
you could have just left the lizard as bait like she intended
he'd jumped in for you
even after all the shit from the last couple weeks
you couldn't live with yourself if that's how you repaid him coming in here with you
he could have left you to rot
so you couldn't just leave him to the same fate
but what could you do here
your bait idea was the best thing you could have come up with
brute force and healing would only get Adam so far
to your astonishment, from his stump a new arm shot out
it was near instant
it had taken a while due to the size but the limb was covered in a dark green shell
was he trying to adapt to the organic rot with synthetic material over flesh?
was the new limb even flesh?
maybe that was the cause of the delay
it looked crystalline in nature
almost glittery
with his new hand he grasped the shadow's neck
his other hand retreated, damaged to the point he couldn't keep holding much longer
Adam could actually touch the thing with his new hand
it held and he actually grinned
he refused to let the thing go and started slamming it against the inky walls and floor of its home
the place was a strange constantly fluctuating mixture of solid and vapor
no doubt this shadow could navigate it
but for now it was getting throttled in every direction
it didn't have the raw power or speed of either Adam or the fox
it had lost its grip on his tail and was now feebly trying to rot a mineral arm off
could it maybe do that?
you didn't know and your companion had no intention of waiting
so you shouted over to Adam
if the thing could make a portal out
force it to do that
then the pain could stop
you thumbed over your shoulder and said he could toss the fox lady to it
she started up with the curses and you told her to shut the fuck up
you could afford to get snippy with her while her leg was broken
you were still naked and more than a little pissed to be pulled into all this
Adam took your advice and kept smashing the frail shadow around
it couldn't slip out of his grip as you kept assaulting it
so it couldn't just vanish at will if something impeded that
good to know it had a limit
Adam held it far beyond its reach like dealing with an angry animal
his tail was starting to heal without the shadow touching it
no doubt the same was happening for his other hand
the recovery was fascinating
you watched the fox woman out of the corner of your eye
she had about as much room to escape as you two did
especially on that broken leg
you were fairly certain you landed on it too earlier
her betrayal had pissed you off more than you'd like to admit
Adam wasn't bait
she did at least curse in English now
not that you paid much mind
Adam kept slamming the thing into the floor
he was baiting out the shadow thing
give it a reason to exit his dimension
trying to reason with the thing seemed out of the question
hammering it into the floor might do it
give the thing just enough control to create a door
at least that was your best guess at his plan
he could just want to keep harming the shadow for all you knew
maybe convince the predator you were more trouble than you worth
a possibility
but eventually, he relented just enough and the thing opened up a portal on the floor
you ran over and saw it led out to some concrete hallway
you didn't know where in the facility that was but it looked sterile enough to match up with the usual decor
despite the broken leg the fox woman pushed past you
she was crawling like an animal
it worked
both Adam and you loomed at the ragged fox lady flee through the shadow door no issue
she shoved you through but you grabbed onto his arm
something made you want to make sure he came with
again, based off past experiences of the last weeks, it was insane
it just didn't feel right if there was a possibility of him being stuck there
you were through the portal and both of you hit the ground, Adam tossing the shadow back through the door one handed
you were in some part of the facility alright
a task force had incapacitated the fox lady in the time between your jump
Adam nearly jumped at the guys with gun but you raised your hands in surrender and that made him aware you'd be in danger if he did something here
in a first, SCP-682 was taken peacefully into containment
SCP-953 among subjects such as [REDACTED], SCP-1622 and [REDACTED] have been apprehended at great cost
SCP-106 is still unaccounted for and the facility is on lockdown until the subject is found
the damage 953 acquired will heal eventually while in containment
SCP-682, however already showed signs of recovery after its encounter
subject D-7461 shows no visible signs of damage
debriefing and tests will be arranged at earliest convenience after acquiring SCP-106
subject will resume cohabitation with SCP-682
the fact that subject D-7461 got SCP-682 to stand down instantly is remarkable
one would think, after all the danger, Adam wouldn't be in the mood
however, that would be underestimating him
the exact second you two were locked back in the cell, he tackled and pinned you
you were relieved to be out of that hell
so you wouldn't complain
there was a lot scarier things out there than this lizard
and he'd just protected you from two of them
so he was growing on you
you took time to run your hand over the new arm
the texture was so different
it even felt like stone to the touch
the material glittered in the light here
his new eyes were red
five old yellow ones that had healed and two burning red ones below each stack of yellow
nine eyes locked with yours
he'd come out of there changed
your best guess for the new eye colors were maybe an adaptation to let him see the fox girl through her illusions
you didn't know how in depth the evolution thing went
but that was your best explanation
he caught you staring
”admiring their work?”
once more the Foundation left you in the grip of a giant lizard
but this time, you didn't feel the same fear you once did
it wasn't like a field mouse feeling the snake coil around it when he had you like this
they didn't bother giving you pants
a long embarrassing walk back to your cell had happened
the door was still off its hinges from the explosion
you found out through gossip the fox woman had used her powers to suggest a task force was surrounded enemies
just let them toss grenades willy nilly at the faintest suggestion
sadistic bitch made them pick each other off
your cell was just an unfortunate victim in the whole thing
she was just rampaging at random
but Adam here
he'd saved you
so you'd roll with this
but only because you felt like repaying him a little was only right
not like this would be a full time thing
he started by licking along your neck
slowly, savoring you
you hadn't considered yourself this tasty
clearly there was a difference of opinion between you two on that
because his teeth and snout kept brushing over your throat
he was entranced by your body
his eyes were half lidded as he enjoyed himself
you didn't understand what he saw in you but it had saved your life
so for now you would play along
your body reacted on its own
as much as you hated to admit it your dick was responding to his efforts
this was a relief after that shadow creature
so fine
you made peace with the fact his tongue was getting you hard
he didn't worry you now
in fact you welcomed this over the alternative
you just had questions about yourself
he huffed along your shoulder
his body fully pinned you to the floor
as smooth as his scales were to the touch he easily slid over along you as he licked along your body
you tried fighting against the sensation building fire through your body and he noticed when you finally admitted defeat
lifted his head away licking and huffing and grinned the best he could with that shell of a face
”you're disgusting”
before you snapped back his hand went for your throat with his new hand and he quickly pushed his tongue into your mouth and forcefully kissed you
the tongue once more tested your gag reflex
after tasting you for a moment he reeled the tongue back, a trail of saliva connecting your mouths
you took offense to the disgusting remark
and he noticed
”you are a man”
that was his only reply to your indignation
then, movement between you
something slimy wrapped around your manhood
you remembered how his own phallus moved the other day
was it that prehensile?
the slippery sleeve gripped onto you tightly
it felt tighter than the grip of your own hand
moving like a tentacle it smothered your entire cock
his eyes watch for the shock on your face to recede
he arched up and allowed you a good look
his red peculiar manhood constricted your own like a python, leaking precum into the inside
he growled and ran his clawed hands up his body
”I lay out temptation and you take the bite.”
he laughed
a shiver ran through his scaley slender body
your dick was putting you on autopilot now
you made no attempt to push him off, even with your arms free
he controlled the situation
his hips rolled and the improvised cock sleeve constricted tighter
you bucked up and he pushed your hips down with his hands
claws lightly poked into your bare skin, drawing your attention
his tail smacked the cell floor
his cock writhed around yours, slathering it with his precum
he massaged the lube over your length
you laid back and rolled with it
after the danger this was taking your mind off things
you sighed as you stopped fighting it
why not relax for once?
you could see the wisdom in it
plus he downed an entire bottle of viagra before this from that “gift box”
you were more shocked he was still reasonable enough to be gentle with you
well, gentle enough
a hot shower would feel good after this
if you could trust the cell any more
the open door made you vulnerable but you felt like Adam here would make good on his earlier promise
it hopefully wouldn't come to that
getting off sounded pretty good right about now
even if it was with a giant lizard
you still felt weird that he was getting this reaction
your body betrayed you again when he squeezed a load into his coiled cock
the groan you let loose gave him the sign to attack
he leaned back over you and his maw surrounded your face to let him forcefully French you again
he refused to let you get soft and he started milking you harder
the inside of his frotting was quickly becoming a mixture of both of your precum and eventually ejaculate
he howled into your mouth and slammed his hips down against you
the blue leaked out of your union
all the while he wouldn't stop
just kept fucking against you
all the while choking you out with that thick tongue
you ended up resting your hands on his hips just to do something with them
he didn't object
well, the Foundation got a front row seat for this
Adam grabbed your head and forced his tongue harder
you needed to breath
you were getting lightheaded
when you were about to pass out he pulled back
like he could tell
”feels good, doesn't it?”
he whispered into your ear as he stroked your hair
all the while he didn't stop milking your cock
you had to catch your breath in ragged gulps
he was being absolutely merciless
you had to ask again
why you?
”that again?”
he played with your hair as he paused
you were legitimately confused why he was doing this with you
probably not really in a place to demand answers but it would be nice if someone was straightforward here for once
”humans disgust me.”
not the answer you expected
he read the confusion plain on your face
”you,” he regarded you with his new hand holding your chin, “I feel you're an exception. perhaps.”
you had to pose a second question
why were you the exception?
”you really want them to know that?”
your eyes got wide
the Foundation was watching the whole time
if they knew why he spared you, they'd just recreate the effect
making you slightly useless
a bit more… expendable
”unless you happen to be bored”
there was mockery in his voice at that last word
man, if you didn't know better that bored comment you had made got under his skin more than any weapon
you admitted you weren't bored
he finally relaxed the grip he had on your cock and eased off you
you were slightly confused at the gesture, still laying on the floor a complete mess
he grabbed your arm and picked you up
your legs quickly regained enough feeling to help you up halfway
Adam once more took notice of your confusion
”you want to shower don't you?”
well, it was deserved
you just didn't expect him to push that
the room reeked of sticky wet sex to the point you didn't think you'd get that smell off
that didn't seem to be a concern both of you shared
the sterile room was definitely as marked as you
for the first time you trusted him enough to turn your back on him
he didn't attack you with your guard down
after the hell you went through he felt like a lesser evil
so he earned a little trust
you were shocked the Foundation were just fine with the destroyed door for now though
they had to have backup security
God, some guards outside the door probably just heard all that business
well, couldn't be much more different than the sex tapes the lizard was insistent exist now
you wondered how well those guys got paid
the hot water came easily
all the damage from the breaches didn't fuck the plumbing up
it was strange trusting him more now
but considering a few hours ago he protected you from an attack in the shower, you'd allow it
the gunk from all the exercise, danger and the sex just flowed down the drain with the water
it felt good to let the muscles relax after all of that
made you feel at ease
you almost forgot the giant lizard roommate
he didn't forget you clearly
you felt him slide behind you and feared the worst
that thing was way too damn big for you to even humor
instead, to your relief, he picked you and wedged himself against the wall
allowing you the barest amount of room in the stall
you were a bit confused until you realized what he was doing
that shadow thing had pulled itself out of the wall
he was putting himself between you and possible danger
there was no promise the thing would come back
more than likely he was using the opportunity to claim ownership further and get touchy feely
given past experience, it was probably a combination
you had a chance here though
you finished washing up, about as clean as you were going to get anyways
your real concern here was he was in the water
a rare opportunity
he wasn't exactly the most fragrant and you wanted to fix that
when you turned around and had him against the shower wall he didn't remark about it
he was confused when you started soaping him up though
you didn't know if he worked completely like a lizard but why not scrub him a little so he didn't smell like hamburger all the time
he didn't fight your hands on him
in fact, that was the most shock you'd seen on his long bony face since you were stuck together
maybe no one bathed him before
they might have been too spooked to even think of it
his skin was slippery to the touch now
this gave you a good look at him in an almost vulnerable state
he was placing trust in you
given how hostile he was to everyone else, you might very well be the first he'd trusted like this
he leaned in and whispered close in his usual tone
honeyed and teasing you
”I know what you did in that pocket dimension.”
he'd have to be more specific
”you came out of hiding instead of using me to save your own sorry skin.”
you ran soap over his new arm, the density of it so strange after the flesh stump
well yeah you stopped hiding
”that was stupid.”
not the gratitude you expected
but oh well
so you shot back it was also stupid he climbed into the portal after you
he narrowed his eyes at you and for a moment you feared a reprisal
he raised his arms to let you scrub his narrow chest
the ridges of his chest felt hard compared to his other scales
he was probably adapted to fighting those other two entities now
you wondered about that power briefly while running your sponge over him
for someone as powerful and big as him, his torso was thin enough you could bear hug him
an idea flashed through your mind
one that you'd probably make good on if you were feeling bold
but for now you washed him up
he didn't actually mind the process
your hands worked over his green skin
his eyes all on you might be intimidating to some
hell, you'd felt like a deer in headlights days before
the lizard didn't really scare you anymore
maybe he should have
but you'd grown to trust him a little today
scrubbing his plated chest brought a soft rumble from it
was he purring?
you didn't think he could do that
this might be the most at ease you'd seen him
his body was curved muscle and you were appreciating it for the first time
after all the fear of him faded it had become much easier to see him for him
the terrifying presence seemed so hard to mate with the guy standing in front of you
his cock twitched and throbbed as you scrubbed, movement you noticed
the restraint he showed to let you just continue was impressive for him
after getting his front you asked him to sit down away from you
amazingly, he did as you asked
you wanted to really get that hair
it was a shaggy mess and you needed to clean it
you'd need way more shampoo if this was a regular thing
Adam was docile in your hands
Foundation staff watched on the cameras, completely flabbergasted
you didn't really think much of what you were doing
he just needed cleaning up
you risked teasing him a little with how he now sat about chest high
one hand kept focusing on the hair on his head
the other stroked the underside of his snout, running over his chin
this was the first time you'd felt in charge with him and he didn't fight it
in fact, he melted a little bit at the touch
you wondered if anyone had ever touched him like this
he relaxed in your grip, even leaning into the hand stroking his face
the Foundation staff were bewildered and already debating about the sight in front of them
it flew in the face of all past data
SCP-682 was outwardly hostile to everyone
D-7461 being able to approach it was already a fluke
scrubbing it's hair was another thing entirely
this was unprecedented behavior
the subject had recovered from an altercation with other dangerous entities
completely unplanned but a valuable learning experience of the limits 682 could recover from
and here it was, unharmed, content to have its hair washed
the sexual contact was already completely unheard of
but subject D-7461 was able to treat SCP-682 like some sort of domestic canine
the fatalities alone had given 682 a well deserved reputation for violence
something stayed the lizard's hand
Adam's hair felt sleek to the touch
he actually started leaning into your touch
hard to believe you feared him not a day ago
but after all you'd been through, you'd relaxed
he seemed to enjoy your newfound trust
it was definitely trust
slowly you worked the lather down
his hair sort of ran all the way down his spine
you kneeled on the floor as you continued working
his hair definitely hadn't been touched
who knows for how long
you'd put up with the weird looks through the cameras if it meant making sure he didn't give off hobo vibes
not like you could get him wearing pants or anything
but this was a step in the right direction
maybe he didn't trust anyone like this before
you still didn't know what made you special in all this but it was better the Foundation not know
he had a point there
the scrub was actually putting Adam at ease
you were impressed with yourself
not that you know what you did
but still
this was a side you were sure no one really got to see
he shivered a little when you rested your hands on his shoulders for a moment
you caught that but said nothing
slowly you worked the shampoo through his hair
strangely, no hair actually came off
the feel of it was different than regular hair
stiffer to the touch, even when wet
when you worked down to the base of his tail that's when trouble began anew
you were working the hair with a thick lather with both hands, not really noticing him watching over his shoulder
the water poured over you both and you finally got his back completely clean
he spoke up back to you
”you missed a spot”
youth confusion was ignored because he was already raising his tail
today had been a day of many surprises
all the attacks
and now you finger fucking Adam on the floor
you were initially hesitant to stick your fingers inside some strange hole
for all you knew he could teeth in there
he ended up leaning forward with his tail lifted
a thought had occurred
he had an ass
you'd never seen him ever do anything in your cell
it was a small enough space
he ate meat dropped to him but did he just burn all of it with no waste whatsoever?
so what purpose did he have for this hole right under the base of his tail
you were pondering it while he watched over his shoulder
he was expecting your reaction and you were caught up in pondering everything about his biology
”it can't be that interesting”
his remark brought you back to earth
he had decided the shower thing wasn't a bad idea
and it had come to its natural conclusion
by now you'd been forced out of the stall by his huge frame
on all fours he gave you no chance to sit in there
his tail thumped the ground
”this was your idea, right?”
now you were getting blamed for him coming onto you
this was entirely his fault
you would have been in some dinky little cell waiting to test some statue that turns your blood into nails or something
but he jumped you like a friendly dog and now he says this was “your” idea
sure you'd gotten off a few times but he coaxed that
you weren't actually attracted to him, no
it was all you being stuck in a box with him and him being insatiable
you would bust a nut regardless
anyone would
here he was shoving his ass in your face saying it was all your idea
so you ended up sliding two fingers in him, the triangular muscle parting after some considerable effort
your other hand gripped one of the spikes along his spine to give you some sort of leverage
eventually your right hand on his spike turned into your left arm around his tail
the scaled appendage felt smooth against your bare skin
the tail draped over your shoulder
with that distraction out of the way your fingers from your right hand gave your left a break
this was strangely submissive of the lizard
he was on all fours and arching his ass onto the digits
you were trying to ignore your erection
you didn't want to admit he was turning you on
just because you were comfortable around him didn't mean he was a bunk buddy
everything before this had been him pushing
him taking
now you were scissoring your fingers in his hole and you didn't know why
you were conflicted
before this you could say you were coerced
this had been a choice you made
his hole was clean when you started
his earlier goading about cleaning it a flimsy chance to flirt
the purpose of the hole was still a mystery
but hey, no teeth
he laid his head down on his arms with his ass up
if washing his hair was relaxing this was practically making him catatonic
he rumbled and purred as you started picking up the pace
his cock throbbed and leaked
you tried ignoring your own
this was different than the other times
you had chosen to do this
it was turning you on
and you weren't stopping
it was hard to admit
but prison life had gotten to you
that's how you excused this
you were a man
why wouldn't you get aroused?
it hugged your fingers so tightly it was hard not to imagine
you felt reluctant but dick was winning over reason
it was getting harder to excuse your behavior
lust and companionship was sounding better with every time he clamped down on your fingers
you had to ask
what was this?
”it's warm isn't it?”
that didn't answer the question but yes
it didn't have a smell when you pulled your fingers
he couldn't have just a designated fuckhole
what would adapt to have that?
but he was weird
definitely not like anything you'd seen before
you shoved your digits back in and he wiggled his ass
did he laugh at that?
you had forgotten your task of cleaning him
he was scrubbed well enough
now you were fascinated with this hole that clamped hard on your fingers
it was very hungry
reason was gone
you hoped this wouldn't backfire and kill you
but honestly, this was probably what Adam wanted all along
he was teasing you
trying to get this exact reaction from you
the organization could have front row seats to this for all you cared
it was an opportunity handed to you on a silver plate
despite the risks you decided to say fuck it
you fingered him a while more before pulling out
again, the hole was clean long before your attempt to clean it
it was funny
you had no idea what you wanted to stick your dick in
but you were doing it anyways
the lube hadn't gone too far from the shower since this morning
you slathered your dick
he didn't look over to you but did have a reply
”took you long enough.”
you didn't bother replying to the jab
your mind was occupied
it did feel warm
fuck it
your mind went to how he had clung to your fingers
this thing just seemed built for what you suspected
he had an opening just for taking dick
did he adapt this for your dick?
you spread his cheek with your free hand and the the softer green muscle of the hole clenched slightly in anticipation
it wasn't like a human's ass
you coped by thinking about it that way
not that you hadn't been around gay shit
but this was totally different and…
his dick wrapped around your thigh and tugged you in
with the curve of the underside of his tail guided your cock straight to hit a bullseye
you cursed out and hugged his tail tighter
the entry was smooth and effortless
like he just unclenched the second your head made contact
then he trapped your dick inside
the giant lizard wasn't submitting to you
he was just wanting you to want it
tantalizing you
offering that temptation
you just willingly walked into a snare thinking with your dick
and it felt great
all the isolation in prison and all of a sudden you dive balls deep into the warmest and tightest hole you were sure ever existed
he arched his back and stood up on all fours, picking you up by your dick
at least he understood this would be more comfortable standing
you were snug inside Adam
it gripped you like a glove
you didn't know what you were fucking
just that it felt good
right now that's all you needed
”good boy.”
he chuckled as he wiggled against you
”now start moving or I do. your hips won't like that.”
well why not
you didn't bother being gentle
this was just about getting off
you slammed your cock in and out without pause
”giving in feels so good doesn't it?”
you didn't react to his query
solely focused on the tight hole
he must have wanted an answer because his back arching turned into him practically folding himself in half
your face was inches away from his once more
the flexibility he had was unreal
but what part of his biology wasn't unusual
he'd managed to turn his head like an owl so you were nose to snout
his palm smacked onto your ass driving you deeper
you took initiative and grabbed at his chest with your free hand
you hooked your fingers into a ridge on his chest
he liked that
he liked it even more when you leaned into him
the sex felt amazing
he watched you give into the feeling with a sense of satisfaction
his hand not currently guiding you to jackhammer him grabbed at your own on his chest
it dwarfed yours, something you paid no mind to now
you'd just decided giant lizard or not, you'd be getting off today

you kept pumping and he roughly encouraged you
he wasn't much more verbal, simply watching you go to town
his spine must be amazingly flexible to move like this
you had your dick in someone this alien
and it was no doubt being filmed
you didn't really care about all that in the heat of the moment
you were a sweaty mess now
the shower was doing nothing for you, removed from the now chilly water
water cascaded over his chest
the whole experience was amazing
unlike anything you'd ever felt
after years of not being with another human being, this felt so out there and overwhelming you were trying not to bust right then and there
he was better than a human partner
he kept clamping on your cock the whole time, making pulling out harder and harder
so reactive and it made you thrust more violently
it was a challenge
despite taking your dick he was enjoying toying with you
you had given over to the most base urges now though
when you reached down and squeezed the meat of his ass he grabbed the back of your head with the hand that worked your hips before
with all his eyes on your hips, his voice emerged harshly
”that filthy seed is going to fill me. do. it.”
that command felt unnecessary but the way he growled out those last two words made you twitch in him
he then turned his head to spread his maw and deeply kiss you again
his teeth grazed your cheeks as he fed you tongue
your hips slammed into his now
it was violent and angry mating now
just a chaotic song of flesh slapping against scale
Adam stood defiantly against your thrusts, never faltering and in fact he kept thrusting back
he was going to kill you if he kept up this pace
the lack of air wasn't helping
you'd be tasting the lizard on the back your throat forever now
was he going to make you pass out?
SCP-682 and D-7461's coupling has brought up a worrying theory
682 is on record as dangerously adaptive
every past attempt at termination has been countered
during previous recovery periods the anatomy both subjects using for sexual intercourse had never been cataloged
the current theory is SCP-682 has adapted to D-7461
while the Foundation scientists were jotting down how revolutionary Adam having a fuck hole was, you were fighting for your life
you bet the lizard was trying to encourage you to cum faster by choking you out
he'd never actually hurt you but the way he fucked himself on your cock would leave bruises on your hips later
your hand on his chest drifted down to his hips and you met his thrusts with your own
he wanted to challenge you and you weren't going down without swinging
he purred harder, the rumbling in his chest reverberating against your chest as he leaned back further into you
the spines along his back jabbed and scratched at you
you shrugged it off
his teeth drew blood from your cheek
you kept pistoning your manhood into him without mercy
all your aggression focused on attacking the tight opening that wrestled your cock
his tongue wanted to make you gag but you fought it
you unleashed your secret weapon when it seemed like he was content strangling you before you came
your hands moved up and you locked your arms around his thinner waist
he had no time to react when you growled into the tongue playing around in your throat
his was big but not so heavy you couldn't lift him
it took some effort but you'd picked him up off the ground and in the confusion pinned him back down with his chest on the floor
it gave you the leverage to slam down, letting gravity do some of the work for you
he shivered and you felt his cock spray ropes of blue ejaculate everywhere below him like a uncontrollable fire hose
you actually got Adam to relent just a little
only because driving him into the floor shocked him enough to reel back
he let you catch your breath but you refused to tire out
you didn't care how big and dangerous he was
if he wanted your “filthy” cum you were going to breed him senseless or die trying
he regained his senses but you could tell that last orgasm knocked him down a peg
Adam was enjoying himself though
he started lapping at your skin again
you didn't know why he was entranced by your taste this much
his tongue flicked over your chest, arms and underarms
he was a kinky thing
but then again, what did that make you now?
your cock was throbbing inside him
you were bleeding and sweaty
your teeth grit as you fought harder and harder to cum
you'd give him want he wanted alright
his breathing started to become ragged as one more climax ripped through him
he held your head tightly and shot his eyes up to yours
his voice was low and dripped the slightest amount of venom as he commanded you
”fucking defile me already you ape.”
once more he lunged to spear his tongue into your mouth
you made good on his polite request
you growled into the obstructing tongue as you emptied your balls down into his hole
it felt like the floodgates releasing
it took everything to stand upright after
you gripped his ass tightly, fingers pressed into those scales
you were burnt out from the day
Adam has finally drained your last reserves of energy
the unkillable monster you had feared picked himself up
he was so fast you nearly fell over without him propping you up
his arms swiftly snatched you into his arms and he took you over to the bed
you should have felt a little self-conscious being naked out in the open
but you were exhausted
he set you down and curled around you
SCP-682 had been domesticated and the scientists couldn't figure out why
they were debating while watching you two through a camera
you really couldn't either but honestly you weren't going to ask more and risk the labcoats find out
as far as you were concerned you'd ride this out
his snout laid over your chest and he decided to rest
you were still somewhat awake but he was using you as a teddy bear so there was no way you were getting up
you'd missed dinner
well, when in Rome
during lights out you woke up and caught him watching you before he closed his eyes again
you fell back asleep after that
both of you were alarmed by work starting on your cell door
guards with flamethrowers stood guard over workers taking the old door apart
they risked a lot trusting you to keep Adam in check
but that trust had limits clearly
flamethrower though
you realized immediately you had your dick out in front of bunch of strangers
you tried covering up but Adam made things difficult
he wrapped one slender arm around you and stared daggers at the door crew
you were naked and stuck in-between a standoff
a Foundation task force pointing flamethrowers in your vague direction
not like they needed pinpoint accuracy
pilot lights softly burning being the only warmth you could expect from faceless goons in riot gear
you weren't pissy with them but the Foundation did basically pluck you from an easy sentence for stuff down here
you'd met worse guys that deserved to be down here and these soldiers were protecting the world, but you still weren't going to be happy to see them
especially while they pointed flamethrowers in your direction and you didn't even have pants on
it was hard not to have a grudge against them
though seeing the fox woman and shadow thing yesterday did make you appreciate them and the Foundation in general a little
the stuff buried down here sometimes had a reason to be under lock and key
Adam, the shaggy alien dragon wasn't much more hospitable to the help
and before you'd attracted his attention he had a good reason to be down here too
glaring at them, he held himself in check
you tried not to flatter yourself thinking you were Beauty and the Beast here
hard to think your dick tamed the savage monster
but it sure seemed like he held back for your sake
he wasn't the monster you initially took him for
sure, he was very forceful
the amount of scratches and bruises on you proved that much
but he didn't go out of his way to hurt anyone
hell, he could have rampaged after his door had been busted open
instead he occupied himself with you
it wasn't like he hadn't breached his cell before
that was how you met after all
weird to regard that was almost normal for a second
your normal had been thrown out the window since the Foundation kidnapped you
you eventually got Adam to release you enough to put on the new uniform that had been laid out for you
after getting pants on you felt a little more secure
Adam kept his eyes on the door crew the whole time and they watched him right back
against your better judgment you injected yourself into the Mexican standoff
you figured you wouldn't get much conversation from these guys but you had to ask
did they catch that shadow thing?
that thought nagged at you because you bet that thing could make anyone a target if left unchecked
plus it wasn't like you were asking for information on the damn thing
you knew secrets here were the lifeblood of the place but who would you tell?
they quietly observed you though they looked like they were talking through earpieces to a radio but you couldn't make out really well due to the 15 foot distance and the face obscuring riot helmets
well, so much for that
one did eventually spoke up
”that subject was caught last night… eventually.”
you didn't like the implications of that last word
well that was a relief
you thanked them for keeping that thing and the fox lady secure again
again, outside Adam here you did understand they had an important job
didn't mean you liked getting drafted into it
but you understood
Adam relaxed a little when you sat down next to him on the bed again
you didn't even humor the idea you could reign in Adam if he went apeshit
so instead you tried to just ease the tension now
just do what you could
everyone had their role to play and apparently yours was “emotional support human”
you had been tossed a strange life now but this was an opportunity
the Foundation and Adam could agree you were valuable
only difference is Adam's opinion might not be on a day by day basis
you wanted to be optimistic and chalk up his behavior to just liking you, despite all the dirty talk
so you rested a hand on the nape of his neck and actually stroked his now clean hair a little
his body actually eased up at the sensation
you wouldn't push your luck and claim to be the lizard whisperer but somehow he'd decided you were worthy company
so while your life was chaotic bullshit, it at least offered some security and you had a role and a future
not many could say that with certainty
nigh unkillable lizard tamer was not what you'd put on your high school aspirations after you'd graduate
yet it was happening
Adam eventually decided to take a nap and once more grabbed you with the same speed a cat snatches for its favorite toy
you were the boy toy to something that could kill everyone in that room
it was best to just go with the flow and relax
you didn't have breakfast yet
oh well
eventually you'd get to eat
you stared at the sterile white cell ceiling and ignored the rumbling in your stomach
the schedule you'd been living under for meals and such had to have been disrupted by how much shit had happened yesterday
best just to wait until things returned to normal
the green plated face of your companion headbutted gently against your cheek as he slept
fucker must sleep like a cat most of the time
with repairs completed to SCP-682's holding cell, we have to begin further testing on D-7461
since their first mating they have copulated 10 times in the 4 days following the breach incident that led to the encounter with other SCP subjects
D-7461, while initially hesitant, seemingly performs the act with no encouragement required now
682's hostility to Foundation staff remains, but the subject will not act upon it within the vicinity of D-7461
the box of testing supplies was partially used and will need to be replenished
682 does not require a bottle of sildenafil nor condoms
multiple bottles of lubricant have been requested
both subjects seemed to go through the bottle supplied
further interviews are also advised once the facility returns to stability
requests have been made by multiple researchers to interview D-7461
the current mystery around 682's change in behavior has interested the research staff
the staff worked amazingly fast
perhaps through the aid of some research of whatever else they had contained
Adam really didn't care about the armed guards or workers watching
when he wanted to fucked you fucked
if anything he'd make a display out of it
you'd end up a bruised and scratched up mess and he'd have cum poured into him or on him one way or another
he'd pleasure himself on top of you repeatedly while trying to force eye contact with a bunch of guys paid to watch him with guns
it felt like he was taunting after a while
several days later you had your door back and no more awkward stares from the riot gear guys
with the cell repaired to the best of the Foundation's abilities you sort of had privacy back
today marked the return of “normal”
Adam wouldn't let you sit up until he woke up
then breakfast
an attempt to read or watch whatever was provided to you
thankfully the fight from days before didn't damage much of that corner of the cell
Adam curled around you as you sat down with a book
best the Foundation could do was whatever books were laying around
so your ass was forcing yourself to learn about physics
all the while Adam served as a spikey pillow for your back
you were informed over intercom you'd be interrogated again
you figured that would happen
Adam visibly at the idea
”just when things were becoming comfortable”
well you could empathize with not enjoying company from these people
you could maybe talk to the soldiers
the doctors were different
you hated being treated like an experiment
5 bucks on Adam being grumpy about sharing you
you didn't want to get too big and ego but he did seem possessive
you didn't think your dick was that good but here you were
the same scientist lady from before eventually came into the cell, with Adam wrapping his arm around your torso
his eyes remained on her
you just went along with it
let him have his thing
not like you could really discourage it
the lady started the interview asking you about 106
didn't expect that right off the bat
that shadow thing held you in some dimension sure
but Adam here beat it until it let you all out
you couldn't remember much that stood out from the place
she asked how 682 adapted to 106
you paused for a moment
you didn't implicitly trust Adam but you felt scummy telling the truth here
so you were vague
you hadn't noticed much
it was so terrifying in there and you were dealing with the fox lady
not exactly wrong
just not honest
that got her to bring up 953
she brought up how dangerous she was
you brought up that Adam broke her leg
”so 682 incapacitated both 106 and 953 in the same encounter?”
you figured that was obvious from both of you popping out of the portal
she wrote down something
well whatever
they had their job you guessed
all their secrets were annoying
next she started asking about your sexual activity
you knew that was coming from past experience
Adam spoke up, shocking you
”if you're that curious I can show you”
he really never deemed any other person worth talking to
this was the exception
one you did not enjoy the idea of
you didn't recognize the soldiers behind her but judging by their body language you guessed they were regulars from the last couple days
they were less taken aback than the interviewer
Adam had the biggest grin on his face
it wasn't like he was above making good on that
you knew he'd do it
you'd been exposed to enough strangers already
you were trying not to make a habit of it
Adam may disagree
the scientist cleared her throat, an attempt to diffuse the situation
you seized upon that
you decided to be up front about the sexual activity
though you had no idea why they asked when they could see it
there had to be camera footage all over
but you'd indulge them
your sex life was definitely interesting now
you had to say that much
Adam was… something
definitely something
the lizard picked up on your hesitancy and spoke up again
”you all saw it, this man is enthralled with me.”
he gripped both sides of your waist as if he was going to present you to an audience
you didn't expect to hear a semblance of pride from him
Adam held your waist with surprising tenderness
maybe he was very keenly aware of how bruised and cut up you were
these past days had left you looking like you'd gotten through a fight for your life
it had made leg day difficult
he didn't really care
well, that wasn't completely true
he'd occasionally take it easy on you
real 50/50 chance of whether you'd get sweet or sour
the scientist started asking you about anatomy now
to try and direct the conversation to something more productive
no, you didn't know how Adam produced an opening for you
the news that apparently he didn't have a hole there before made you pause
you said you didn't know why and he chimed in yet again
”where else were you going to stick it?”
did he seriously alter his own biology so you'd fuck him?
you didn't think you'd get a straightforward answer from him
so you let it be for the moment
but the implications there would stick with you
she brought up possible risk of STDs
you thought back how risky that had been
sure, he'd been… convincing
but it had taken two to do the deed
as forceful as he could be he had you take the final plunge
maybe you should have used those condoms
now your mind raced a little as you realized how dumb thinking with your dick like that was
he'd made a compelling argument against them
but still
they were probably going to test you for STDs now
Adam, meanwhile, was offended
he scowled at her after the accusation and muttered “whore” low enough you barely heard it
his long face peeked past you
occasionally your eyes glanced down to him when she asked a question
he was at least on good behavior with all things considered and the interview wrapped up without incident
when you petitioned to have more entertainment down here the scientist responded that more lubricant had been ordered and it should be delivered by the end of the week
that wasn't remotely what you meant
why in God's name did the Foundation decide they needed to pimp you out?
you'd think they'd err on the side of caution
maybe Adam's good-ish behavior was a gift horse they decided not to question too deeply at the moment
Adam on the other hand was delighted at the news
once they left, he slid his fingers past your waistband and pulled your pants down
well, at least he was patient
very persistent but patient
thank God he didn't make good on that threat earlier
”you don't really need clothes around here, do you?”
well, you would like pants
”pants are a suggestion”
he buried his snout in your crotch
he definitely had a smell/sweat thing going on
no idea why
not the oddest thing about the whole situation
just never been with someone into that stuff
he enjoyed your scent
you weren't hard or anything, despite him trying to nudge your dick with his face
you ruffled his hair
after that first shower he took to cleanliness
but only if you were involved
a small price to pay
his scales and hair both had a shine to them now
the exception being that mineral arm
whatever stone it was made of twinkled no matter what
he leaned into your hand, perhaps hoping you'd roughly push him into your lap
you ruined the mood a little by saying you wanted up
he held you down by your pants until you brought up you wanted to bench today
thankfully the home gym was safe from the previous attack
that proposal changed his mood from pouty to instant acceptance
he loved seeing you work out
again, no idea why
but there were weirder things to be into
maybe you'd get bulky enough to manhandle him easier
that might be funny
he seemed to enjoy when you asserted yourself
it didn't come up often but when it did he relished in it
maybe it was the challenge
he mercifully didn't try to crush you anymore
that little display hurt like hell but you felt like you earned his respect
between that, the shadow world and the fucking that was one hell of a day
almost getting killed a couple different ways had a payoff though
he let you lay down on the bench and get the weights up in the air before he pulled your pants back down again
well, just let him indulge himself
you relaxed and went back to lifting
Adam relished in you and you let him
you still had no idea why he liked you
maybe you'd never find out
well as long as it kept up you'd survive
after the first time fuckimg him you had to admit, he wasn't forcing your hand
he didn't just seduce all reason out of you
you begrudgingly accepted you at least had some attraction to him
as taboo and strange as it all was he was a good partner all things considered
better than some of your past relationships
definitely a better cell mate than past cell mates
not that you'd ever done that shit behind bars
you'd spent years avoiding that shit
just stay out of sight and don't cause trouble
it was easy sometimes
have someone watch your back
well, you had one of the scariest things in the yard fawning over you
sure it was violent, but it was fawning
you tried to focus on the weights while Adam sloppily blew you
his jaws weren't built for delicate work
if you didn't know him as well as you'd come to, you'd be worries
he slid his head onto your lap and his mouth was open around your stiffening cock
he worked your dick up with messy licks along it
the side of his head against you skin was cool to the touch because the lack of circulation along the shell
he was weird like that
his core could feel like a furnace yet parts of him felt practically chilly
warm breath against your bare skin made lifting hard to concentrate on
this was him toying with you
at least it was pleasant
you let him have his fun while you used your remaining willpower to bench
the distraction was winning with every strike of his tongue
you knew if he wanted this over quickly he could do that
you'd seen and felt what he could do
instead, he was drawing it out of you
playing with his food

Adam was deliberately licking slowly
teasing you
from going to just your hand to fucking at least once a day
Adam was not a squeamish partner
you racked the weights after a set and rested your hand on his head and relaxed
you closed your eyes and focused on the sensation
his mouth around your cock would have worried you weeks ago
instead of biting it off he was lavishing it with worship
you hoped the Foundation was enjoying the goddamn porno they paid for
you weren't bitter but you found the whole thing ridiculous
it was actually kind of funny some Foundation scientist had to sit there and watch you get a blowjob
maybe life wasn't too bad
at least you were a valuable asset now
a hand slid under your shirt, softly running claws over your stomach
you didn't even open your eyes at that sensation
after all you'd been through it had become to easy to trust him
it was like a month or so ago and you considered him an it and thought he'd disembowel you
both hands made there way under your shirt and eventually he was between your legs
only then did you open your eyes to look down at him
his snout was buried in your groin as his tongue flicked over your tip
all eyes met yours
he released your cock and slowly rose and climbed onto the bench, onto you
his full weight on you was almost painful
he slithered up until you were face to face and he grabbed your face and shoved his tongue into your mouth for a moment
then he pulled back
he was surprisingly merciful in that regard
he lightly stroked your cheek as he perched on you
a grin slowly grew across his face
you were sure that was a grin and it worried you
”I bet you think you're in charge of me now”
well you didn't tell him to suck your cock
you didn't say that, the lizard watched your face intently for a react
”I've been too lenient on you”
in what fucking universe?

he had you pinned to the weight bench
as slender as he was the size of the lizard made it harder to deal with than some manlet twink
his eyes scrutinized you while he held your face in his hand
”I feel how aroused you are. I smell it.”
well duh
what was with the mood swing?
he normally just rode your dick by now
”I bet you want to pollute me with that seed?”
he pressed one hand onto your shoulder
”you're throbbing at that thought aren't you?”
he laughed down at you
”you believe you're owed it?”
his shaggy hair framed a curious expression
was he looking for a fight?
he certainly seemed to like when you asserted yourself
it might make things boring for him if you just laid back and enjoyed the blowjob
maybe that's what this was about
he didn't want a pushover
his voice was quiet yet there was a demand
it all was about you pushing back
this was just a friendlier version of the last time he pinned you on the bench
you couldn't stun him this time
so you took a deep breath
the mass on top of you made that harder
fuck it
he was challenging you
you'd answer it
fuck it
you took him by surprise when you grabbed hold of his waist and rolled you both onto the floor
you were on top this time
that was immediately corrected when he threw you off
”fine, let us shower”
he was hard to read sometimes but you noticed he was somewhat aroused
his dick didn't lie
the shower was welcome and surprisingly Adam behaved himself
didn't jump you or anything
that was shocking
after cleaning up you finally couldn't stop yourself from doing something dumb
you grabbed him by the waist from behind, nearly throwing your back out when you picked him up in a bearhug
”what are you doing?”
he shouted over his shoulder at the indignity

you couldn't hold onto his waist for long when he started wiggling in your grip
he eventually swept your leg with his tail and you had to surrender and release him
he scowled down at you
then glanced away
well that seemed to domesticate him a little
making him flustered seemed more challenging than wounding him
and apparently you could do that
if only the Foundation had figured out he wanted “uppies”
the challenge had burnt out from his eyes best you could see
it would no doubt come back but you'd thrown him off guard for now
the interaction was noticed above
after that you reclined on the bed and Adam took his time laying next to you
but he did it all the same

after more tests and interviews, we have no answer for D-7461's influence on SCP-682
6 months have passed since the initial meeting and we have nothing
there has been no change in D-7461 since beginning sexual contact with 682
SCP-682 has become significantly less hostile around personnel
this has led to a proposal
staff have noticed a certain level of protection 682 exerts over D-7461
this is valuable
instead of keeping SCP-682 docile within the facility it has been theorized we could drop D-7461 through another SCP that could take him away from earth
this is turn, would make 682 follow
if we picked the right anomaly we could wash our hands of 682
for your consideration we have proposed SCP-354
with the breach in 354 causing us difficulties we could use 682 to solve two issues
SCP-682 would never work directly for us but if D-7461 is used as incentive, 682 could distract 354
possibly indefinitely
once on the other side of the anomaly, escape without a guideline would be impossible
D-7461's wellbeing would not be a concern with 354 sealing 682 on the other side
we are awaiting your approval for the task
this sounds like the most sound theory
trying to keep D-7461 alive is not a viable alternative forever
we cannot replicate whatever effect the subject has on 682
no other subjects induce the same results and some attempts have been met with hostility
SCP-682 refuses to explain, even with threat of torture
threat of torture of D-7461 has been considered
in light of the failure to replicate it, entrusting one D class around 682 will eventually result in death and possibly SCP-682 returning to previous hostility
we urge the O5 Council to take this proposal into consideration

it took some time but Adam gained a bit more respect for you
he wasn't completely submissive or something like that
he wasn't wearing pants or drinking his tea pinky out like someone civilized
however, he was warming up to you
in his own way
the staff came in while he was straining your lap and your chair
how the thing didn't collapse you didn't know
you'd given up watching TV through him
Adam still bristled at any attention from the staff and you started to understand why
it took awhile but he had become much more talkative around you
just you though
everyone else still got growls and stares
but he had full conversations with you now
actually listened to you too
he had eventually told you about the attempts to kill him
repeated attempts
you knew the Foundation was just being pragmatic
but after getting Adam to a point where he wasn't completely hostile to someone in the room, you felt acid baths was a shitty thing to do to someone sentient
he didn't move from your lap and you prayed he didn't lean back and put his spikes through your chest
staff had news
both of you were getting moved up to the Canadian facility
you couldn't really dispute with the jailers but you wondered why the change
you were told it was to give you two a bigger holding cell

people don't question an armored convoy when you pretend to be with the government
a helicopter had been considered
even a plane
the unpredictability of SCP-682 ruled those out
even with whatever calming effect that D class exuded the higher ups didn't trust that
guard duty for the the lizard and the freak was slightly tense
not a lot of guys wanted to do it
the idea of getting 682 out of everyone's hair was nice but it had been promised before
pitting other shit like 173 against it like a fight club
it was counterproductive because that lizard always seemed to come back
it had a bodycount
getting rid of it had been the Foundation's priority
the D class that lucked into the damn thing had briefly changed their opinion
thank God the head of site security convinced them to take advantage of the situation
that blood pond up north had been spitting out lethal stuff at random
a dive team had found there was another side to it
but got lost over there
presumed dead after the recording equipment got reeled back in with no one over there
getting stuck on guard duty there had been shit
then the pool had gone apeshit
the actual pool
the guard hated being here
but after looking into the back of the truck he felt more secure
those two lovebirds had been at it an hour before
he wondered if Romeo back there would be so eager if you had seen 682 gore a man
well, it would be another dimension's problem soon enough
normally some guys would have reservations about all this
but one gets jaded after a while
and this was the best opportunity to kill two birds with one stone
all it would cost is a D class
easy choice to make
everyone just wished the goddamn cargo compartment was soundproof

the ride was easier than expected
you were expected to keep Adam “distracted” the whole convoy
because if you didn't, there was a bomb mounted onto the underside of the heavily modified box truck
they only told you two about that while in motion
would have been a little harder convincing you into the truck if you had that knowledge
Adam was pissed and you mirrored that sentiment
both of you had decided to fuck most of the trip just to annoy them
if you both had to behave you'd make sure they had to deal with how awkward that could be
you were just following your orders, right?

the progress of the convoy was trailed in real time
satellite footage overhead constantly fed into a control room
this was the most ambitious mission the Foundation had committed to in recent history
all precautions had been taken
the payload of the truck bomb was possibly able to incapacitate 682
the threat of detonating D-7461 was the real use for the device
after several rounds of psychologists went over the data it had been theorized D-7461 could be used as leverage
it seemed to be working
status reports were promising as was the satellite camera feed
fabricated paperwork would ensure the convoy would be going across the border no questions
the route had been cleared ahead of time
when they arrived at the SCP-354 compound there was collective sigh of relief in the command room
the hard part came next

after the hostility of the trip, both Adam and you were hesitant to trust the Foundation
they'd threatened you with a bomb, hard to take anything they said at face value
so when they said you two had to be separated for decontamination, you both looked at the guards incredulously
you knew damn well Adam was keeping you alive
that bomb was a reminder for the first time in months you were expendable in their eyes and it was impossible to truly trust them
Adam stood in front of you, towering over everyone in the entrance chamber
whole thing was dubious
eventually, you conceded just for the amount of guns around you
hard to really argue with that much weaponry able to be swung up in your direction in a moments notice
Adam might be able to offer a dispute but he held himself in check
after hearing stories about the danger he'd presented before it was hard to imagine that with the guy shielding you now
you made the call and surrendered to the procedure
you knew that was the only way to really get him to stand down
you got escorted into separate doors, glancing at each other before you entered

the Foundation was well aware they needed overkill to do anything to 682
gas agents had been used before with termination attempts
what the Foundation hoped for is the sheer amount of chlorine gas would kill 682 at least briefly
put it in an inert state
the decontamination chamber had been rigged to pour in the chemical weapon
682 reacted with hostility but the reaction itself was hardly shocking
instead, it was what the anomaly did after the initial anger
he charged the wall in the direction of D-7461's chamber
he began punching into the steel wall and roaring
a breach was feared imminent
command had taken a big risk with this and they were possibly seeing it go wrong
D-7461 heard the noise and immediately became agitated as well
tranquilizers and stun guns had to be used
that had been part of the plan however
D-7461 was needed alive as bait
the decontamination procedure a ruse to incapacitate them both separately
after two minutes of flooding the chamber, SCP-682 was incapacitated
the regeneration process might only take seconds so D-7461 was carried and loaded onto the last exploratory vehicle meant for SCP-354
at one point, exploration of 354 had been done with a submersible with a drill mounted to the front
a spare had been built in the even of the success of the first exploration team
it went unused
the original sub had been tethered to the compound at that was what allowed it to be reeled back in
exploration attempts using a D class swimming untethered resulted in the test subject lost
with the line recovering the craft, the data collected was all that remained of the previous crew
as far as the Foundation knew they were MIA, possibly KIA
within moments of loading D-7461 into the vehicle, SCP-682 was recovered and seemed to register the change in positioning of the subject
the door buckled under the assault until it was finally breached
to minimize casualties, guards had been ordered back behind the railings around 354 and away from the craft as possible
682 took the bait and jumped into the hatch
command closed the hatch and activated its descent remotely
this was the hardest part and once the machine disappeared under the red waves, Foundation personnel all waited for the worst to somehow happen
682 had beaten everything thrown at it
they feared this would be no different

what the Foundation had realized they lucked into was the one weakness that 682 had
attempts to kill this thing always went badly
it would just match whatever you tossed at it eventually
they'd tried angels, bombs, chemicals, space, 173, etc.
none of it ever took
it would eventually shrug off the death and counter whatever killed it
the thing would get stronger despite their efforts
that chlorine gas overkill only would work the once
whatever connection the anomaly had with that D class was the weapon they needed
everyone watched the pond with anticipation for the worst
it never came
the sub and its inhabitants didn't come back up through the red

you came to after Adam smacked your face a couple times
you didn't know how long you were out or why you were buckled into a chair
past Adam you saw red
it took you a few moments to clear your mind
where the fuck were you two?
”they set us up”
you should have known
you stared silently out what you assumed was a window
it was hard to get your bearings in here
you didn't have some illusion that Foundation was your friend
but they decided to do whatever this was
you surprised Adam by reaching out and grasping his hand with your own
it took you a moment to ask what happened
you remember being knocked out
”they killed me. again.”
he just casually said that you didn't even register how strange that situation was
at least he was alive
you had no idea what they rigged you into
you noticed Adam wasn't restrained
did that mean?
you asked him if he tried to save you
he refused to look down at you but you could tell he stiffened ever so briefly

he did
you realized why they separated you was to use you as bait
I would have been easy to just kill you both if they wanted that
they wanted Adam concerned
not angry
if they'd killed you he probably would have made their lives very very difficult
no use in dead bait
so they planned on locking Adam in here when he ran in
then this thing goes wherever
that part you hadn't figured out
just what the fuck were you looking at?
it was just solid red
far as the eye could see
the controls for whatever this thing was had been ripped out at some point
you could tell how much of a rush job that was
you undid the seat harness and stretched your legs
Adam was reluctant to let go of your hand now
despite you making the first move there he wasn't pulling back now
you both stood and watched the red until it became clear you were moving forward
the harder you looked at it the more you realized it was a liquid
you were in some boat or submarine
that had to be it
you were in the weird position where you didn't really want to tamper with anything and make your situation worse but you also didn't exactly trust the Foundation to take the wheel
you looked over to Adam and he seemed deep in thought
the lizard had an intense look on his face
you squeezed his hand and that brought him back to the current situation
he looked to you
well, maybe this was the end
no idea what the Foundation was trying to accomplish here
there was no clock or anything in here so it was hard to tell how long you'd been going
maybe hours
you worried about fucking with anything so you sat down against a wall
it was tempting to start tearing apart the sub but you didn't know if that would leave you two stranded
or worse
Foundation wasn't even goddamn present and they had you by the balls
that was Adam's job, not theirs

after a while the craft started rumbling, casting both of you to look around the interior
they went through a stupid amount of effort to try and kill Adam with an implosion
he'd survive it
you just assumed he would
you would not be as lucky
it would have been nice if the Foundation actually explained anything they do
this had to be some other sort of anomaly the group had under lock and key but you barely knew about shit in your own facility, let alone what goes on in Canada
Adam eventually decided to go back to old habit and started using you as a pillow
at least that part was same old same old
he was a comfort
if you were going to die at leat it wasn't alone
since you were living in the moment you decided, full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes
you admitted you liked Adam
he looked up into your eyes and you had a hard time judging what he was thinking
he then chomped down on your thigh
you cursed and gave him a good hit on the head
he released your leg as quickly as he had bitten into it
the damage wasn't severe
”that's for just using ‘like’. you could die down here and you go with ‘like’”
fucking pouty lizard
you loved him
was he happy?

well, maybe you did care about him
this whole thing was unconventional
Adam was an unusual circumstance
not exactly bring home to your parents
if you knew your parents
you decided to rest your hands on his head and it shocked you he didn't take that as a cue to blow you
maybe he was as worried as you were
he had about as much of an idea as you did
the rumbling eventually ceased
you saw no real change in the viewport but maybe that was a good sign
when he perked up you took notice
”we aren't on earth”
that raised uncomfortable questions
you didn't know how he could tell but you didn't question it
you didn't think astronaut would be part of your job detail in your illustrious career as a D class
after some more traveling the sub seized up and you reflexively reached to grab Adam
you expected some violent reaction from the craft like rivets popping and alarms any moment
instead the craft tilted slightly and it felt like it was gently moving up
you had no real idea until what felt like eternity had passed and the liquid over the viewport started to thin and run off and you all saw light
a green sun

you both looked through the viewport
what the hell did they send you into?
they had set you up and sent you to some alien world
you could see a shore
the blood red water lapped at blue sand
everything looked wrong out here
you wondered though, was it even safe to go out there?
Adam would adapt
but you were fragile
in comparison at least
you looked out at the terrain
the atmosphere could be only helium or something
hell, it could be acid
but, you'd starve in here
Adam looked out and you couldn't figure what he was thinking
the sub was dead in the water
”we're going to have to get out,” he murmured
you knew you did
but you began to bring up the factors against leaving
”you're not dying here, hear me?”
he didn't bother looking over his shoulder to tell you that
he swung his fist back and slammed it into the glass
it didn't spiderweb
of course it wouldn't
it was a sub
second blow didn't do anything
a third didn't either
a fourth, actually made a crack appear
that made you perk up

you were surprised he was so gung-ho about busting open the glass
but the alternative was possible starvation/oxygen loss in here
the Foundation hadn't intended this trip to be survivable
they probably hoped you were locked over here
but they weren't the priority
Adam was right, best to find out now if this environment was a problem
you counted eight hits to bust the glass
you weren't sucked out
good sign
the craft didn't immediately fill with anything poisonous
as far as you could tell
he stuck his snout out through the hole he'd punched
he inhaled deeply
his lungs drew in the alien air
he didn't fall over convulsing or spitting up blood
granted, what hurt him and hurt you were two different leagues
but he could test the air with less risk
he seemed satisfied
eventually he got the window kicked out and before you could stop him he was out the window
the ship lurched forward after he disappeared into the red
you realized he was shoving you to shore
your hands grasped for the chair as you hit terra firma and he kept going
the craft was beached
he crawled out of the pool like some primordial life and started grabbing the ship and pulling it further onto land
you had no idea what he was doing but you held on for dear life
he wasn't graceful in his strength
but it didn't seem like he was too hindered
he strained the muscles across his body, the scaled skin bulging over his deceptive frame
it was only a few minutes but he'd pulled the camper sized craft completely into the grass
his chest heaved as he looked out towards the pond
you asked why he did that?
the answer came on the heel of a few ragged breaths
his attitude returned and he spared a glance to you
”do you know how to build a house?”
no you did not
you elected not to crawl out of the broken window and used the door
the valve unlatched the locks and you stepped out onto the strangest shade of grass
the colors were all wrong but so far so good
you were a little confused to see what looked like a fresh camp on the other side
you pointed that out to Adam and he seemed hesitant
it made sense they had a vehicle built for going here
they'd explored over here
but the thought struck you
why did they use this to get rid of Adam if they had a camp here?
that didn't sit well with you
well you needed to survive
you weren't an outdoorsman
but you could figure out a basic fire food and water was another thing
you asked Adam if he thought the pond was safe
he shrugged
you'd need to figure out something
jail and all that did teach you somewhat to make do
you almost wish you had some shitty meal from the cafeteria now
it was obvious they'd sent you over here to die
so fuck it, you'd raid their comp and pray nothing stabbed you
might get some answers here
Adam crawled along the grass
he insisted he go first and you stick next to him
you didn't bother arguing
it was ironic
you had freedom out here
no jailers
but your freedom was being stuck out in nowhere
at least it didn't kill you and you had company
it was strange to think of Adam as company
hell, preferred company
he wasn't one for a lot of conversation but you'd grown to trust him
he slunk around on all fours next to you until you got to the camp
instead of picking through it you would take everything you could carry
for now you both figured sitting out in the open was a bad idea
it did look like they had substantial supplies and kit
the cooking gear even made you think they were here for the long run
so what happened?
thank God they even left food
military rations were still food
that might even be a good sign
you were no expert in the bush but wouldn't animals have torn these packs open
the team might have wanted to come back
you figured something happened to them
again, they wouldn't kick Adam over here if they thought there was a road back
so their picnic was yours for the plundering
you were shocked by how prestine everything was
it was like brand new
maybe the Foundation just dropped shit right before this
the way Adam described things it wasn't like that was unusual
they'd find something new and use it to try and kill him
the ship would serve as your shelter but you thankfully found a shit load of space blankets
it wouldn't completely replace the hole in the view port glass Adam had made
but it would keep the breeze out
you'd seal the door and at least there was that
you decided against doing a firepit today
you didn't know when the sun would set and you didn't want to be outside the steel box
you ate a cold MRE and hung a space blanket over the window
you passed out after a while, Adam watching over you
that made you feel secure
you rested like shit against the sub wall but you managed
nothing had crawled into the sub and killed you in your sleep
so there was that
Adam was sluggish to get up
he was draped over you like a quilt
you saw green peeking around the improvised curtains
the sun was already up?
or did you sleep that long?
eventually Adam relented and you got your legs back
you went to open the door
at least with Adam around you had a little confidence you'd survive
but you weren't leaping into danger either
first thing that struck you was the sun
it was too early to go crazy but you could have sworn it didn't move
it just didn't seem to move from what you remembered it's position was yesterday
you pointed that out to Adam and he didn't seem phased
why would he
after taking care of nature's call you cleaned up and decided to go through everything from the camp
typical outdoor cooking stuff
probably meant the rations were a last resort
maybe there was a food out here
rope, flares, firestarter kit, first aid, etc.
you assumed all the essentials were here
so where was the Foundation?
you didn't know if you wanted that answer
the camp wasn't ransacked so maybe they'd gone out over the horizon
everywhere around you was field and forest
no birds or bugs making noise
it was like a sterile version of nature
it wasn't discomforting
but it was unusual
you suggested after setting up a camp that you two check out the surroundings further
might even luck out and find out these fucks had the resources to build a nicer camp out further somewhere
he mulled it over
you didn't have a lot of options
the sub shut off on you and you didn't exactly know how to fix the thing
Adam might survive a trip down there but you probably wouldn't
hell, you were afraid to touch the shit
you were no boyscout but a fire pit and wood fuel was easy enough to do
personally you kind of missed the TV and 3 square meals a day
but you'd deal with it
you wished they'd left a gun or something
given that they gave you no kit of your own you bet they expected you just to wither away over here
and after you did such a good job containing Adam too
after setting up everything you decided to check out around the old camp
you kept the sub within eyesight
you didn't know if there was some weird extra-dimensional stuff going on but the sun definitely wasn't moving above you and it was probably best to keep an eye on home sweet home
crazier shit had happened in less time
you felt slightly more comfortable after a safe sleep so you decided to be more talkative
since the Foundation didn't have cameras on you, you were curious
plus you had time to kill
possibly forever
why didn't he attack you when you first met?
you'd heard rumors about how he killed people
”those were true.”
well, you figured that as much
he was a hazard
the guards had guns trained on him for a reason
but that was your point
what made you special?
he could have easily killed you then
judging by the Foundation's reactions they couldn't figure it out either
”they sought out a dozen answers when the obvious one sat there”
you both had made it to the camp and tried tracking any sign of movement away from it
”they kept me locked up, threatened.”
he stood up to look around as he continued
”why would I not have empathy for a fellow prisoner?”
empathy was a strange word from him
”it also helps that you have not tried to kill me.”
fair point there
you hadn't dipped him in acid
OK but the sex stuff?
”are we not men?”
you thought about how he freely remarked about the killing earlier
you had never killed anyone
hell, outside a few yard fights you really weren't the first to start shit
but Adam here had a tally
you sort of assumed that going in though
his answer about you being special would have been fucking hilarious if you'd known about it before
you were both prisoners and you weren't hostile
that was it
and the Foundation couldn't pick that up
he was right we he talked about them not having a clue about the obvious answer
so did he like you?
”love. yes.”
it felt like sort of relief to be able to openly talk about this
you had been told to keep it hush hush for fear of the Foundation replacing you
that's when it struck you that he had a vested interest in you not getting replaced
the Foundation might have started treating D class like replacement goldfish to toss at Adam
you'd be the first in a long line of emotional support humans in that case
that was at least your reasoning
Foundation did tend to just throw D class at a problem
Adam directed you to snapped branches in one direction
given that you hadn't seen any animal life so far that did give you a safe guess of who did that
you pondered on how to proceed
out there could be dangerous
something had to have happened to make the Foundation think this would stick with Adam
you had no way of finding your bearings around here
a compass wasn't exactly handy
splitting up wasn't even an option
but you couldn't just huddle around your home and hope it all worked out
you were going to run out of food and water eventually
Adam walked over to a tree and slashed into it
the bark shredded like flesh and blue thick liquid oozed out
he sniffed then licked at it
”harmless,” he muttered
but you understood what he was doing
create a landmark
that could work
he snatched you and told you to hang onto his back
you were initially confused until he took off straight on all fours
you'd never seen him run full tilt like this, much less rode him
his spines kept poking you
he kept running close to the ground and you kept bouncing off his back
he'd caught wind of something that was pushing him towards the horizon
you wondered how good his sense of smell was
he seemed to be into it with you but you didn't know if he was gifted with sensing out stuff
sure enough, he found what looked like an outpost you wagered a couple miles from the pond
it looked more built up
even found a bunker
what the fuck were the Foundation doing out here and why did they drop it
that ramshackle camp was one thing but this looked like an attempt to settle
was there human habitation here?
this certainly was more complex than just a fire and some blankets
no sign of attack
but the bunker door was locked tight
the above camp didn't seem too well defended
so Foundation had sent substantial stuff here before
but why lock you out over here
this shit had their logo and everything
things had gotten stranger
against better judgment you knocked on the door
Adam was prepared to yank you away like a small child in danger
you got a knock in reply
you both looked at each other
your worst fears fought with a cautious optimism
this could be good news
you wanted it to be good news
the Foundation isn't exactly good news but you'd take any sort of friendly face
not knocking Adam but this was slightly different
you knocked again
and another knock
you cleared your throat and gave your name
no response
was your mind playing tricks on your earlier?
you got ready to walk away defeated when a slot in the door
a woman's eyes met your own
her glasses were cracked
she asked you to repeat the name
so you did
she didn't seem phased by Adam eyeing her over your shoulder
the door unlocked and swung out to you
she looked about 20 years older but you recognized Dr. White from the interviews
Adam briefly showed surprise
you caught that
a rarity to see him taken aback
the doctor contrasting with both of you, did not seem remotely shocked
she invited you in
was this a trick?
were you hallucinating?
you had to ask
what happened?
once more she gestured you to come in
you hesitated
Adam sniffed the air
you trusted his judgment on the matter and when he seemed OK with it only then did you accept the invitation
you didn't know what you'd expect
but the bunker wasn't just a room
it was an entrance
Dr. White didn't really seem phased by your appearance and that bothered you
Adam looked around, holding onto your arm
”you probably have questions,” she replied
that would be an accurate guess
you had questions
especially when you saw more Foundation scientists in tattered loabcoats
it wasn't just a bunker
a door led down to more stairs
Adam was close behind you
no one seemed phased by the lizard
that was strange
he took note of that too
some people carried weapons but it wasn't the uniform defense of a Foundation site
both of you were taken aback by it
below the bunker was a tunnel complex
huge tunnels with people of all kinds
civilians were even running around
you'd see regular soldiers, Foundation security, even some cultist looking dudes running around in robes with machine guns
Adam watched everything with suspicion but his confusion prevented him from looking hostile about it
you were both lost
you would see a D class uniform in a crowd occasionally
the tunnel system started resembling a city the deeper you went
you even saw kids
some flinched around Adam
he didn't seem to mind that, to his credit
this wasn't some regular Foundation facility
Dr. White hadn't spoken up since the earlier exchange and your desire for answers hadn't gone away
she had guided you over to a tunnel that contained a conference room and she guided you in
you were sat down at a table and Dr. White sat opposite
”it's a lot to take in, I know. this was too much of a coincidence.”
yeah, that was a pretty accurate assessment
did she like know you'd be here?
“no nothing like that. we were just manning that entrance for security and observation. we saw you on camera and I almost didn't believe it.”
you had a hard time accepting this yourself
why would the Foundation exile all these people here?
”it wasn't an exile. they were saving what was left.”
wait, what
you were just there
she raised an eyebrow
”that does explain your age”
Adam seemed pleased with the lack of soldiers and wrapped himself over your shoulder
”what year was it when you went through the portal?”
it took a second but you threw the date back
she pondered silently as you watched for a reaction
she had a good poker face if anything
guess that came with the job
”might as well rip the bandaid off. we started building all this a decade after that. we've been here for about five hundred years after that.”
Adam and you looked at her with suspicion
she picked up on that
how the fuck does that even work?
it's 500+ years and she's still alive?
you had every reason to doubt the story
strange shit had happened to you before
christ, you fucked a giant lizard monster and slept under a green sun
the Foundation set up an ark I the same dimension you'd fallen in?
Dr. White did look older but not 500 years older
well at least she hadn't beaten around the bush
the one time one of these guys told the truth up front
claws held onto your shoulders as Adam considered the situation and he finally spoke up
”can we stay here?”
Adam wanted to actually be in a Foundation facility
you turned to look at him and he caught that
he didn't reply to it but he acknowledged it
why was he even asking politely?
you would have to take him aside later
Dr. White didn't seem phased by the question
you had questions for her
why was everyone here?
”long story short, one of the things we contained broke out.”
you could imagine it was a great deal more dangerous than the usual break outs
”earth is gone. maybe gone isn't the best term. it isn't ours now.”
well, shit
that doesn't explain the time though
she was still alive after 500 years?
”we've kept track of earth time the best we could. it's approximate. time as a concept is turned upside down here.”
that didn't seem right but this place wasn't right
you looked to Adam and he shrugged
again he asked about staying
why was he so eager?
well, anyways, this was a lot to take in
how did they get here before you?
”the ponds across the planet seem to react differently. we've charted a few out but they all seem connected to the one from the 354 facility.”
you asked if you could take a break for a second
she offered water with her return which you happily accepted
so with that break you looked to Adam and asked why the fuck he was being friendly for
”we find you functional immortality and you don't see the positive?”
he jabbed your chest with a claw
”I was worried sick I'd be guarding a depressing little grave over here in 60 years”
that was strangely sentimental from him
Adam could be sweet when he wanted to be
the outburst wasn't completely out of place but it still took you by surprise
he whispered close to you
”if it means getting you all to myself for centuries I'll stomach these other humans”
the finger poking your chest drifted downwards
very subtle
he ended up groping you through your pants
”we don't have to be prisoners now.”
he made a good point
that might be bias on your part
his hand was making a case for itself
just then, Dr. White came back through the door and Adam relented
he was actually on good behavior
for him
the scientist had brought cups of clear icy water for both of you
you questioned how
rations couldn't last 500 years
”after a while we started being more pragmatic with SCP anomalies. a necessary change.”
you had an idea on how to pivot this towards your advantage
you asked how security was around here
the surface seemed pretty dead
White brought up you two were lucky to get a more peaceful exit way
some areas on the planet were substantially more hostile
hence the loose conglomeration of multiple armed forces through the underground cities
that last part perked you up
the move to this new planet had been rough but the bunker cities dotted the world
five in total
Adam seized on your earlier question
”we would like to ply our trade in return for room and board”
she finally acknowledged his request and said she'd have to get into contact with superiors
you both had hoped a security detail would make sense to them
though, you personally wondered what was considered violent up on the surface
you hoped it was something Adam could handle
you asked what happened now
until O5 made a decision you'd have to stay outside
well, not the worst for now
you hoped they saw reason
Adam was a little pissy they were making you wait
but what could you do?
Adam grumbled as you were escorted out
you were a little annoyed yourself
but it was their bunker
you were sure they'd come around
you were actually asking to live under their roof again
life was funny
food and water kind of had a way of swaying your opinion
you took the route out
Adam was on his best behavior
but he probably wanted to make a good sell for having you live there
White handed you some rations and water and said they would be in touch with you two if you stuck near the bunker
once out of earshot of the door, you were yanked over into the grass nearby
Adam ripped your pants down without a warning
what the fuck man?
he hushed you with a deep kiss
once more, Foundation cameras were probably filming you buck naked with a lizard on top of you
his teeth grazed your face as he enjoyed himself
only after he was satisfied did he break the kiss and you got to actually ask him what the fuck
”I get to drink of you for centuries. I'm just making use of the time. who knows, maybe you won't age.”
you didn't really know how to react to all that
this dimension was strange
you'd spent years worried if the next day was your death and you had this dangled in front of you now
he leaned in and growled
his hips easily moved and he slid you into his hole
but what about lube?
”I'm riding this dick even if it hurts.”
he softly laughed into your ear
”but I bet you can't.”
a challenge
you hadn't done anything in a day or two, thankfully Adam understood how tense you'd been
maybe he was tense too
but he'd been on good behavior and not jumped you in a day or two
at least he pulled you into the grass for this
you grabbed hold of his hips and decided to take him up on his challenge
fuck it
you were safe
might as well enjoy it
you were shocked when you actually got a reaction out of him
he hugged himself closer to you
”you have taken to this so well. you're never going to spill seed on the ground again.”
he laughed to himself as you thrust up into him
you were jackhammering into him
the food and water you'd gotten burning in you gave you new life
his claws raked along your body as he relished in your attention
”this planet is a garden. and you are the man I share it with.”
he thrust down on you and growled, his cock leaking precum onto your stomach
his voice was starting to get ragged as you broke his facade and really got him into it
it was your turn to crush your lips to his snout and kiss him
you growled as you mustered all your strength to flip him onto his back
he wanted you to rise and challenge him, you could do that
his legs instinctively hooked around your back as you bred him
a garden
well, it wasn't paradise
Adam however
you couldn't dispute how good your connection felt
he was right, you had grown to love him
as strange as all this was you'd begun to feel like he was your partner
you'd bonded
and in the grass of an alien world, you deepened that bond
the green sun above bore witness to Adam clinging to you and goading you on
pushing you to plunge deep and hard into him
Adam relished in you handling him
you'd gotten better at it with the lifting and cardio
he was big but you could at least wrestle him here
his tail thumped along the ground
his own manhood ached to release and he reached down to finish himself off
you slapped his hand aside and kept fucking him
you were getting him off
you reached for his neck and nipped at his throat
”break the skin if you're going to bite me”
his voice was demanding
claws drew blood in streaks along your back
Adam was intense if anything
he groaned when you bit into his throat
blue seed shot out of his cock, coating your stomachs and chests
you weren't done yet and he laughed when you didn't stop
”I'm relieved you found your balls.”
well, you felt like being a smartass
you picked him up by the hips, it took a decent amount of straining required but you managed
you slammed him into that grass
his body quivered around you as you felt him cling tightly
his hole hungrily received all your abuse as he was pounced into the dirt
it was getting harder to hold the dam back though
you had something to prove but you could only willpower for so long
you felt your first load in a couple of day seconds before you poured it into Adam
without thinking you groaned out a proclamation of love as your warmth started filling his hole
you were exhausted and just about to pull out when his hole clenched tightly
”who said you were done?”
you felt like indulging him
if he was going to be a brat, why not?
you rose up and ripped your shirt off
he wanted a man you'd give him a man
it was harder to overpower him
you bet if he wanted he could turn the tables
he was basically allowing you to dominate him
you tossed the shirt in his face, which he seemed to like
if he enjoyed your smell that much you figured he'd like that
you felt your second wind as you slowly plunged in and out
you worked your dick in deep as possible
you worked off the new weapon you'd been given
you bit at his neck and he thrust his hips up and he growled your name
he might be unkillable
didn't mean he didn't have a weak spot though
by the time you were done your cum was leaking out of Adam
you both were covered in grime from rolling around on the ground, your sweat and his ejaculate
his claws had drawn blood on you and your teeth on him
he tasted strange
at one point he grabbed your head and forced your face into his shoulder and demanded you mark him
he got into that shit
you'd lost count of just how long you'd been going
you hoped the bunker cameras didn't pick it up to preserve the faintest amount of modesty
you wanted to make some sort of good impression and railing Adam in public probably wouldn't endear you to them
you couldn't pull out of Adam and just slumped against his chest
his breaths were deep and you felt yourself rise with every slow inhale of the alien atmosphere
you tried pulling out to get more comfortable
Adam grasped the back of your head and pushed you back against his chest
”you are staying lodged there. they said it would take time.”
he didn't intend for you two to stay locked up in the grass?
”do you have somewhere to be?”
well no
he licked your face after that reply
the answer must have satisfied him
you'd still have to answer nature's call
”do not talk about that right now”
his breath on your skin and the soft rhythm of his lungs was enough to lull you to sleep
despite the bony plates you were so exhausted you didn't mind it much
you didn't contemplate the irony of your new jailer that much
screw it, you'd rest for tonight
if there was a night here
you don't remember when you woke up
or how long you were out
Adam had you locked in still
you realized fairly quickly you had sunburn on your back
movement made you yell out and Adam awoke and swung you on your back with him pinning you to protect you
if anything this made you shout out worse
so there was no night on this godforsaken planet
at least not as far as you could figure
fuck that shit hurt
your pain made Adam relent
he released you and surprisingly showed a gentler side
he nuzzled your neck as he let you sit up
you'd need the first aid kit you'd found the other day
he remembered and let you redress before dashing on all fours with you tucked close to him
his nose was accurate and he found the wounded tree easily
the sub was undisturbed thankfully
you found burn ointment in the kit and he snatched it
”strip down”
you were hesitant given past experience
”I'm serious”
well ok
your back felt horrible
”I should have been on top. I got ahead of myself.”
you didn't want to be the bottom here
he was too big for that
”not like that.”
his hands worked the ointment into your burns and he kept chiding himself for what happened
”I want you inside me, not the other way around.”
his hands deftly worked along the sunburn
it hurt a little but his hands were gentle
you didn't know he had this much control
you were pushed onto the sub floor and he kept working your back
”I was far too eager after the good news.”
they might not let you two stay
he dismissed that
”they can't afford to lose out on the opportunity. you heard them, it's dangerous on the surface.”
yeah but why was he so sure?
he huffed at your neck as he loomed over you
his treating your sunburn was turning into a massage
you'd never had a massage before
his hands were slick with the ointment as you felt him knead your shoulders
he squatted on your legs
you wondered if he was in the mood again
you didn't know if you could go again so soon
he spoke again, his voice soft
”even if it means tolerating humans, I will ensure your survival.”
you were still confused about that
you'd heard how he'd killed before
how special were you?
he spared you and you still didn't understand why
he'd talked about you both being prisoners but you had a hard time buying that
”the universe doesn't care. it tosses you out of the gates with the smallest provocation.”
strangely poetic but you let him continue as he worked your muscles
”in spite of our creator we make a choice on what is special to us.”
he sniffed and huffed at your hair as he worked, his hard snout occasionally bumping into your head
”three hearts pump in my chest and all of them are yours”
his hand wrapped around your throat
the faintest flash that he might kill you hit
instead, he stroked the front of your throat, gently palming you
his body hung over yours, careful not to graze your back
”I still see meat,” he whispered, “but I like that you're more than that.”
he backed off and allowed you to relax
he still sent mixed signals
your back felt better
he allowed you to stretch
then he laughed
you really couldn't predict his mood swings
one moment he's got his hand on your neck while declaring he loves you
now he's laughing
what was funny?
”you're always worried why you're alive.”
how was that funny?
”your seed was dripping out of me this morning. if that's not proof of your value as a man I don't know what more to say.”
you were still confused with where he was going with this
he picked up on that
”love is warmth and you shared yours with me.”
you didn't share love when you first met though
you rose and gently put your clothes back on
he gave you a smile when you looked to him
”I'd be losing my touch if I didn't scare you.”
today you'd probably take it easy around the sub
he agreed with this
you ribbed him about breaking his promise about fucking constantly
”I can push you on your back right now, you know.”
you still remarked you didn't know what he saw in you
”what do you see in me?”
that made you pause
well, you were scared of him at first
you were honest about that
”good. I'd be losing my touch if I didn't scare you.”
but he saved your life
in that lab it didn't feel like anyone actually cared
you were going to die one way or another
Adam was why you weren't just a statistic in a spreadsheet report
you admitted that to him
you'd been so starved for someone genuine
Adam was fucking weird but he was genuinely real
hell, you had no idea what love was but you figured he was the closest you'd gotten to it
that was what you saw in him
”you've seen yourself in me plenty too.”
you rolled your eyes with that
yes, the sex was great too
he reached for you and cradled your chin
”you saved me too,” he remarked softly, “you forget that part.”
his tongue went for your mouth
by now you'd were used to his attention and accepted the thick muscle overpowering your tongue
he pulled back after tasting you
gulps of air always had the aftertaste of Adam when he did that
he rested his head against your chest and you ended up cradling his head
you ran your fingers through his hair
”you react like this to me, then wonder why you're special.”
the next couple of days, Adam was patient
then a week
you weren't expecting things to move fast
even an apocalypse probably bows out to red tape and crap
your back healed alright
enough the lizard threw you on it to show how he adapted to you
the whole “make it hurt” thing hadn't just been kinky talk
he now lubricated
that was new
not surprising
but new
he regretted that he perfectly healed from the bite marks you put on him though
he wanted something permanent
you didn't want to make pain something that stuck with him
it was no good making that your mark on him
you told him as much
he sort of understood
still wanted a scar from you
one day something snapped in Adam
after spending some time with no answer, Adam decided on the level headed and mature idea of dragging the fucking submarine to the bunker
he just had the urge to tug it the whole way while you walked beside him, trying to discourage the effort
however, you couldn't change his mind when he was set on something
he wanted them to answer
so annoying them at their front door was the least he could do
the fact he didn't just kick the door down did show he was honest about making a decent impression
he didn't want to be the monster to this group of people for your sake
they didn't fear him like the old Foundation
at least you hoped
he wasn't above annoying them though
after a day he'd pulled the thing through the grass and dragged it a foot away from the door
very subtle
you just stood there, hand to your forehead
that was a massive use of energy and he shouldn't have done it
but every objection had been met with “shut up” or “I'm handling it”
you felt like a nag but whatever
the people inside the bunker of course noticed the sound of scraping metal over dirt
long before cameras picked up “that guy and the lizard he fucked”
Dr. White wasn't at the door but the message had been made clear about letting you two in
it was still being talked about according to the timid guy that got to watch the door today
well that was alright
you told Adam he had been silly
there was no need to be that dramatic
he persisted
”they would have forgotten if I didn't bring the sub here.”
well, what was done was done
you did ask the guy if they could spare more rations and he thankfully salvaged enough water and food for a couple more days for you
that was at least good sign they could be reasonable
you ate your cold MRE and shared the steak(?) with Adam
despite his insistence you ate he was the one that pulled a goddamn watercraft miles
he did finally eat the meat after you dangled it in his face enough
you slept like a baby with Adam loafing on top of you, the interior of the sub slowly becoming something you were accustomed to
late at night you woke up with those eyes on you
you probably would have been scared at that sight once upon a time
the red and yellow eyes observed your face, studied it
he spoke softly towards your ear, running his claws through your hair as he got closer
”I won't be satisfied until eternity is ours. I will build Eden anew and no one will rip it from us.”
you'd known him for only so long and he was promising you wouldn't die
as far as you knew he only had the ability to prevent his own death
you didn't know how he could stall yours
but he looked towards you, utterly determined to spite fate or God or whatever
then he allowed you to rest again

you slept in that morning
it felt easy after being the sun all day
no sunburn this time but the walk had been tough
you weren't the one carrying the submarine though
Adam was still asleep when you awoke
his head on your lap made moving difficult
so you didn't
your time with the Foundation was a chaotic mess
but you didn't regret this
could have done without the mortal danger
but Adam had been the closest you'd been with someone
the environment you had lived in for ages didn't foster a trustworthy relationship
you got maybe what he saw in you
maybe he trusted you like you trusted him
you'd had worse cellmates
you laughed softly at your own joke
that had him wrap an arm around your waist and slowly nuzzle up to your stomach
you ruffled his hair
he was overdue for a bath or shower
at least at the Foundation you could get him clean when he wasn't trying to sexually service you
you hoped they let you into their city
even if it meant doing some stupid security detail with Adam
hearing a knock on a submarine door is cause for concern
less so now that you were on the surface
but it still startled you both
Adam pushed you behind him and looked to the door
then his body language relaxed just a bit
”it's a human.”
well, his senses were better
you let him undo the door and three guys, one scientist and two civilians stood in front of the portal
you juxtaposed yourself next to Adam to give them a friendlier face
Adam was still trying to be on good behavior but you could tell he was on edge with the surprise
you had your verdict
they had a spot for you two
it was firmly lodged in a dark corner of the underground system
right next to the water filters
that racket would keep you up before you'd get used to it
at least it would cover the noises you and Adam made
you were on call as a “mobile task force”
between the SCPs down below used to run the facilities and the dangerous shit up top you'd have your hands full when shit went bad
the good news was the job came with perks
a lot of free time
Adam perked up at that
he liked that
you lost count of how long since you'd been thrown over here
Adam and you were eventually treated with some measure of welcome
the respect had been earned
you were still sort of the bunker weirdos
but the reputation you enjoyed was warm
Adam was protective of you
but eventually he accepted the company
he still made a point of his own form of public displays of affection
but he did eventually learn not to stick his hand down your pants around company
the danger you were promised was really underwhelming
but there was danger nonetheless
you got lucky that the Foundation sort of civilized the terrain
they were quick to accept you two as security because they'd used SCPs in a similar capacity
one continent's surface just belonged to some statue that they just had to keep the occasionally eye on
but the thing had killed anything hostile there
this Foundation was a different creature
they didn't seem to mind cooperation at this point
Adam was trusted
to an extent
but conditional trust eventually became real lasting trust
Adam was almost welcome
well, he was always welcome with you
centuries of nutting in him changed him
he would taunt you about tainting him
as if he didn't enjoy himself
his hair had grown longer and his body fuller
with danger usually out of the way he adapted in ways not thought possible
fucker learned how to simulate an aphrodisiac with his saliva
kissing him veered into dangerous territory
even with the aging your time would come
it was inglorious
Adam killed you
it wasn't a betrayal
your heart just gave out in one night of passion
fate was just calling you and you'd lived into your thousands
you'd had a good run
your last image was Adam weeping over you
his body loomed over you like a tree as he tried to figure out how to stall for time
it was so strange to see him cry
the day after he buried you on an alien world, under a green sun
humanity lived on
but Adam was done here
he found the same blood pool he'd used before
plunged into it
he'd done this ten times so far
the Foundation had figured out the pools popped into different times but not the exact science of it
they'd had plenty of time discover it but they were focused on survival in their current situation
it took a grieving lover to try something in silent desperation to make such a discovery on a fluke
and he wasn't telling until he was sure he knew of something
when he emerged out in the Canadian wilderness he ran for the same Foundation facility he'd hit 10 times before
they'd capture him
they'd attempt to kill him
over and over
he would be stuck in a facility collecting dust
somethings changed with each loop
that was the thing that gave Adam hope
one thing was the linchpin
he looked forward to it every day
through tens of thousands of years he knew one very special day and planned around it
keeping up the mystery and acting surprised was hard
all the deaths strained his mind and threatened to break him but his fated day kept him sane
sometimes he found himself forgetting from the damage
he hated that
but he enjoyed seeing the shock on your face every time
and he knew you'd find new ways to shock him
you were the best of this misbegotten lot and that in itself was surprising
but every time he was with you you were a complete wildcard
events may stay the same here and there but you always picked a different time to say “I love you”
every loop Adam softened to humanity
the attempts to kill him weighed on his mind constantly in a cruel cycle of abuse but you were a good influence
you'd given him someone to trust again
the Foundation never understood your significance and that was his gain
they'd slap you on some harmless duty and that was a relief
if something had ever killed you before you two met again, Adam would probably murder everything in a fit of madness
but fate never denied him like that
it was a hypothetical he didn't dare entertain
he always found your smell
his personal siren song no matter where they stuffed you in that shitty facility
he would break this fucking loop one day and find something permanent
his promise would be fufilled
he would have his garden under a green sun if it took a million lifetimes
some other anomaly had to have the solution he craved, but he'd have to bide his time until he found it
he pounced on your hapless little body and remembered how you were his
he relished in one more chance and pinned you to the floor
his declaration that you were his wasn't meant for him or the Foundation
but someone Adam knew was listening and watching
one day he would tell you why he was so persistent, what he saw in you
but that would wait until he was damn sure you weren't a target
every death brought him closer to a goal he couldn't quite figure out yet
but until then he would enjoy the loop
humans were all weak meat but Adam was determined to cheat God in his private war
you were his, not His

Edit Report
Pub: 29 Jul 2022 08:58 UTC
Edit: 23 Jun 2024 19:49 UTC
Views: 3978