Be Anon
Work as a travelling handyman, roaming from city and town for work, because there's always something broken somewhere
In my recent travels, I found myself in one of the anthro villages searching for work
It was then that I met Illiyana, a female canid with striking golden fur and mysterious violet eyes
She offered me work and a place to stay while I was in the village
But after hearing some gossip about her being some sort of dark witch who preyed on humans, I feared I was in grave danger
But I was soon to realize that was far from the case
The truth is that she is a devout worshipper of humankind, of the belief that humans are better than anthros in all aspects, and that their purpose is to serve us, primarily as sexual concubines
And in the heat of a rather passionate, spontaneous love making session, (really more "animalistic mating") she has become my follower, bound to me by loyalty, and willing to do whatever I desire
To include a morning blowjob
I awoke in Illiyana's bed to the sensation of her soft warm lips teasing the tip of my cock
I gently pat her head and she stared up at me with her wide eyes, taking my member out of her mouth and resting it on her cheek
"Ah, good morning master." She said sweetly. "I hope you do not mind, but while you were asleep I noticed this part had gotten painfully swollen~"
I praised her for taking the initiative, and her tail began to wag
With that, she continued to slurp up and down the length of the shaft, before swallowing me whole again
With the way her tongue slithered about and the warm suction, it didn't take long before I found myself thrusting my hips into her mouth
I unconsciously placed my hands on the back of her head and held her down until her cold, wet nose was buried in my pubes
She didn't resist one bit, drool beginning to bubbled up around her lips
Feeling my tip rubbing against the back of her throat pushed me over the edge, and I came
Most of the shots went straight down her throat, but a fair amount ended up in her mouth
I let out a deep sigh and my hands fell away
She lifted her head and casually brushed aside a lock of hair, managing to look quite dignified for someone with a mouthful of cum
She swallowed deeply, as her hands played with the collar still around her neck, and after a pause, let out a tiny burp
"Goodness, excuse me. I must not have drained you properly last night." She said casually. "That was quite thick, but it's to be expected of humans, I suppose."
I'd been staying with Illiyana for a couple days now, after our initial confrontation
Since our new...'relationship' began, I was going at it with her day and night
I was a young healthy lad, and she would never refuse me, no matter the time or the place
It took a little self control on both our ends to not completely spend the entire day rutting in her room
I pet her head and thank her for the service
"Of course. It's my pleasure." She said, kneeling on the bed
"So. Are you ready for today?" She asked
I paused for a moment, trying to think about what she might be referring to, then recalled
Illiyana was under the impression that there were other anthros like her
Ones who would happily submit to human domination if given a little direction
She proposed that the whole village could be convinced if we managed to bring the right people to our side
I have to admit, I'm a bit skeptical about the whole idea
But the promise of potentially bedding more anthro women was simply too enticing to ignore, so I was willing to humor her for a time
I ask her again to explain to me her plan as I roll off the bed to get dressed
"It's quite simple, really." She starts. "In order to enlighten this village to the joys of serving humans, we'll need the support of the higher ranking nobles to influence the masses. But that would be almost impossible given that you're a human, and I'm an outcast. So, I propose we start small in currying favor, as well as adding members to our flock."
Illiyana picks herself off the bed and begins slipping into her own robe
"Thankfully, I happen to know just the place to start." She continues. "There is a noble family, the Ko'loas, who I have managed to foster a strong relationship with."
I ask how she managed to pull that off given her status
"This all took place before the exile. Some time ago the wife had come down with a terrible aliment, her fate was grim. All the other healers in the village failed to treat her. Except for yours truly." Illiyana said with a bit of confidence
"It was no simple task, but I managed to save the woman's life." She continued. "Since that day, they vowed to forever be in my debt. The Ko'loas were the only ones who vouched for me during the time of my banishment."
At this point, Illiyana and I had gotten dressed, headed downstairs and out of the hut towards the village
The sun had risen a fair bit and shone through the leaves of the trees overhead as we walked through the forest, and Illiyana continued her explanation
"They are still valued customers who come to me first whenever something ails them." She said "And during one such visit, they mentioned they were having some issues with their only daughter, Avida."
"It seems as though they have spared the rod and spoiled the child. She has become a rather unruly one and they are worried her actions will reflect negatively on their standing as nobles in the village."
I ask what any of this has to do with our plan
"Well, while the Ko'loas are dear friends, we will need their connections within the higher rungs of the village to execute the plan. I doubt they'd be willing to put themselves on the line for our sake as things are now. But if we are able to help fix their daughter's bad behavior, they might be more inclined to help."
She wants us to be baby sitters?
I work with construction and construction accessories. I don't know a thing about handling kids
I try explaining this all to Illiyana, who simply hand-waved my concerns
"You worry too much, master." She said calmly. "I have seen you when you get serious, and you can be quite convincing. All you have to do is get their daughter to submit to you, just as I have. Then with their support, we can move to the next phase of our plan. Trust me." She finished, giving me that knowing smile
I shook my head with doubt, but said nothing more on the matter as we continued on to the village

The sun had almost fully peaked in the sky by the time we made it to the village
Illiyana lead the way to the Ko'loas home
The nobles lived in a more remote part of the village, with much larger, ornate clay huts
From here, one could even see the largest hut in the village, where the Chief most likely resided
The anthros who moved through here were adorned in luxurious fine garments and carried themselves with a haughty air
Immediately upon seeing us, the whispers started up as people watched us making our way through the crowd
"Human, outcast! Stop where you are!" we heard a voice shout
We both paused and turned towards the sound of the voice
Pacing towards us was what looked like a large female lizard anthro, easily around 8 or so feet and clad with leather armor and a billowing loincloth, flanked by two wolf guardsmen by her side
She glared at the both of us with one hand gripping the handle of a rather cruel looking blade, her tail slowly listing back and forth
"You both must be lost." She said, leaning in close to me. "Your kind have no business in these parts."
She then paned over to Illiyana "As for you, in case it wasn't clear, to be 'exiled' means no one wants you around anymore. You would think it wouldn't be hard to take the hint."
"Ah, Jo'dahn, captain of the village guard," Illiyana said cheerfully, completely ignoring the lizard woman's threatening vibe, "Why, I have not seen you since you kindly escorted me out of the village plaza last month."
"Yes well, I'm always happy to clear the streets of trash." She sneered back "Although if a certain witch doesn't stop rearing her head, I might have to resort to burning it."
While this whole back and forth was happening, I stood there awkwardly waiting, wishing to be anywhere else
The tension mounted for but a moment, before another voice chimed in
"Ahh, Illiyana! I'm glad you could make it!"
Another individual approached, a rather tiny fox woman wearing a red bonnet
"Mrs. Ko'loa!" Illiyana exclaimed, prancing in to give her a quick hug. "Your timing is truly impeccable."
"I'm sorry ma'am," Jo'dahn interjected, "but do you have business with this woman?"
"Who, Illiyana?" the tiny fox responded, "Why yes. She's a close friend of mine. You don't have to worry about her. Please stand down, captain."
Jo'dahn looked visibly frustrated, but relaxed her posture
"As you wish, ma'am. But a word of advice. Nothing positive can come from associating with her." she chimed
"I'd say saving my life was a pretty positive experience." She replied, and Illiyana's tail began wagging under her robe
"I was simply doing my duty as a healer." Illiyana said casually.
"Right." Jo'dahn said flatly before making a gesture to the wolf guardsmen "Hmm. I guess you are here under the sponsor of Mrs. Ko'loa, witch. But if you are seen without her make no mistake, you will be cast out again."
She then shot me a look "And you. Be on your best behavior. The chief would be upset if I gave a human a hard time. But I will protect this village, no matter what."
And with that, Jo'dahn did a curt heel turn and skulked off, the two wolf guardsmen in tow
"Oh, I'm so sorry about all of that." Mrs. Ko'loa started, but Illiyana simply shook her head
"It is alright, dear. I am more than used to it. Now, where are my manners. I'd like to introduce you to my...partner, Anon." She said, gesturing to me
I wave
"It's nice to meet you, Anon." she replies warmly. "Shall we continue this at home?"
And with that, we continued on our way to the Ko'loa's home

It was a brief walk from where we were stopped to the Ko'loa's household
Much like the other huts, this one was akin to that of a small human manor, even having a much more expansive upstairs portion
We are greeted by Mr. Ko'loa, a male fox anthro around a foot taller than his wife, but still only coming up to around my chin at best
I introduce myself and we make small talk for a moment before we hear a shout from upstairs
"DAAAAD! Where's my afternoon snack!"
Mr.and Mrs. Ko'loa physically recoil at the sound before turning towards the stairwell
Down bounces a rather irritated looking fox girl, who couldn't be much more than a teen
Her fur was a light orange, with the portions on her head looking a more burnt amber color
There were two mounds of it poking out her ears, along with two more masses of it pulled into neat pigtails
Around her neck sat a rather fancy, embroidered ribbon
She wore a small top emblazoned with different shaped stars that left her abdomen exposed and a tiny pair of shorts that neatly hugged her tiny frame
She was frowning down at her parents before her eyes darted over to us
"Hmm?" she murmured before Mr. Ko'loa spoke up "I'll fetch it for you in a moment, sweetheart. Now, come greet Ms. Illiyana and her friend properly."
She haughtily tromped down the stairs until she stood with us
"Anon, this is our precious daughter Avida," Mrs. Ko'loa started "Say hello, Avida!"
"Mom, I'm not 5, you don't have to trot me out to meet your friends anymore." she sighed before giving me a glance. "Hi."
"Hey Ms. 'Yana." She tacked on casually, before turning back to her father
"Daddy I asked for my cream cake forever ago!" She said curtly, "If I knew you were going to take this long to fetch it, I would have done it myself."
She turned with a huff, exposing her small fluffy tail fully bristling before trouncing off
Oh no, this ain't gon' work
"Ah...yes well. That's our little princess." Ms. Ko'loa said somewhat dejectedly. "Any who, come and join us in the communing area for some snacks. We'd love to learn a little more about you Mr. Anon."
And so we all relocated to a rather cozy space not much unlike a living room where we exchanged pleasantries and I attempted to get a better grasp of the situation

So it turns out that Mr. and Mrs. Ko'loa are ambassadors of sorts for the village, and they were set to go on a trip soon to try and find new anthros who might be interested in becoming apart of the community
"We were this close to having to cancel the trip," Mrs. Ko'loa started. "But then Illiyana said she just happened to know the perfect person to watch Avida while we were away!"
I shot Illiyana a glance, but she just sat there with that little smile of hers
"I have to admit as Avida's grown up, she's become quiet the handful, and I suppose we're to blame." Mr. Ko'loa said, "It's gotten to the point where the other nobles are noting her lack of etiquette."
Trying my best to play the part, I mention having some experience in working with children, even the less well behaved
I do my best to assure them that there's nothing Avida could do that I couldn't handle
Illiyana doesn't hesitate to back me up, and it appears to be working
"I see. Well I am grateful, Anon." Ms. Ko'loa started. "I understand this is all rather short notice but we've just been tasked by the Chief herself to go on a pilgrimage to a nearby village in hopes with brokering a very important deal."
"Yes, we would have reached out to more local guardians," Mr. Ko'loa continued "but Avida has garnered a reputation for being difficult, and not many commoners want to be responsible for the child of a noble, you understand?"
I nod casually, knowing full well I've got no idea what I'm doing
"But since you come so highly recommended from Illiyana," Mr. Ko'loa states, reaching out to shake on it "We've already packed and arranged for transport for tomorrow. Avida will be in your care, Anon. I trust Illiyana's judgement for what she did all those moons ago, and you seem like one of the good ones."
I'm sorry?
"And I give you permission to discipline her how you see fit."

"Alright! So, the cleaning woman will be hear around 1, she knows the place very well so if you're having trouble finding anything, you can ask her."
It was a new day here at the Ko'loa household
Mr. and Mrs. Ko'loa were all packed at the doorway, giving me the final rundown before they left on their recruitment mission
Illiyana and I were standing in the lobby of sorts seeing them off
"And the chef is on call as needed," Mrs. Ko'loa continued "He will handle all the meal preparations."
"Oh, and I almost forgot!" She exclaimed, "The rest of the service knows, but you two should as well. Avida is not allowed in our marital chamber. We have many rare and sacred adornments that Avida thought amusing to play dress-up in."
I should have brought a pen and paper, there's no way I'm going to remember all of this stuff
Servants who had been waiting outside began collecting the luggage and making their way to the nearest gate leading out of the village, where a proper horse drawn carriage was waiting to whisk off the Ko'loas to their neighboring destination
Mr. Ko'loa seemed a bit anxious and I asked if everything was alright
"You must understand, this goodwill mission to find new members for the village was given to us by the Chief personally." He states, "If it were anyone else, given the circumstances, I would have asked that someone else take it. I guess I'm just having second thoughts."
Illiyana stepped forwards and assured him that everything would be alright
"Do not worry. Everything will be fine. I know Anon quite intimately...if anyone can handle your daughter, it is him. You just focus on spreading the good word of our village, and before you know it, you will be back and hopefully Anon here will have taught your daughter some manners."
"Avida dear, we're about to go. Come give mother a hug good-bye!" Ms. Ko'loa calls upstairs
We hear an elongated sigh before Avida appears on the staircase again, giving them a simple wave
"Later. Mmm, and bring me back some of those human jellied candies if you can."
And with that, she's gone
You could see a distinct sad glance pass between Mr. and Ms. Ko'loa before mustering up some further positive energy
"Ah, she's certainly her own fox." Mr. Ko'loa said awkwardly
This. This is why she walks all over you two
Illiyana and I waved them off, and with that, they headed out
As we stand in the lobby, I tell Illiyana that this might be a bit much, not even really knowing what she expected from me
She faces me with a cheeky smile "Do not start worrying now too, master. Trust me. It is the nature of all anthros to submit to a human's will. Just do what comes naturally, and you'll be making progress with Avida before you know it."
She gave my nose a little bop, before we hear footsteps on the staircase, turning to find Avida making her way down
"Ah, they're finally gone?" She said, "Great. A break from their doting was well overdue."
"Don't put yourselves out, Ms.Yana. Human." she continued
"I'll be enjoying my time away from those two. Just leave me alone for the next few days and you'll get your money, 'kay?"
She said smugly before skipping off into the house
I shake my head and ask Illiyana what exactly she expected me to do to get her to submit to me, a complete stranger, when she doesn't even respect her own parents
"Mhmm. That is the question is it not?" She replied thoughtfully. "Well, you will think of something, I am sure of it. Now then, I am off." She said, beginning to walk to the door.
Yeah, I guess I could- 'off?'
What do you mean, 'I am off'?!
I ask Illiyana where she's going and she turns to me with a curious smile
"I have to go for a few days to prepare something for the next phases of our plan. So I will leave you to it, Master."
She turns to leave again and I pull her back, trying to truly convey how out of my depth I am and she simply strokes my cheek with her soft paws and gives me a deep kiss
Our lips parted and she stared deeply into my eyes as she spoke "Master. You can do this. You are the adult here. Now show Avida what that means."
Deep down, I could tell she truly believed what she said
She said she would return in about a week and with that, Illiyana left
I closed the front door and took a deep breath, filled with renewed confidence
Illiyana was right. I can do this. It's just a week of taking care of one kid. One week. One kid. How hard could it be?

This damned brat!
It had only been two days, and she's already gotten on every single nerve in my whole being
I hadn't made any progress at all!
She wouldn't listen to a word I said, whether I was friendly or even when I was stern
She failed to show up to her private tutoring lessons every day, and she would sneak out to roam the village unattended constantly
For a noble, she's messy as hell, constantly leaving out trash for the help to clean up
During dinner, she complained about the meal the chef prepared, and threw a tantrum asking for more unhealthy snacks
I tried to convince him not to cave to her demands, but he was more concerned with losing favor with the noble family than the opinions of some random human baby sitter
But the final straw came a day later still
Night time had come, and I was wondering through the household with a million thoughts on my mind
I was thinking about the brutal sexual torture I'd commit to Illiyana for having gotten me in this situation
While walking pass the upstairs bedrooms, I noticed the privacy curtain to the marital chamber of Mr. and Mrs. Ko'loa had been open
Worry swept over me as I made my way closer to investigate
The maid does clean in there...
But she left hours ago
And she wouldn't leave that curtain wide open while a stranger is roaming about
I heard tell-tale giggling coming from in the chamber
I make my way inside to find a rather spacious abode with a large, soft, canopy bed, and gilded adornments strewn throughout
And on top of that bed, I find none other than Avida, wearing an ornate dress with a multitude of gold accessories and gazing at herself in the mirror
There was a pile of other luxurious looking clothes to the side of the bed
I call out to her and she lets out a small yip before quickly spinning around to see me
"What the hell! You scared me!" She cries
I ignore her and ask what she's doing in here
"Jeez, calm down." She says, waving her hand "Mommy and Daddy have all these cool clothes, and they NEVER let me wear them. Whenever they go on mission is the only time I can try them on. What do you think? Cute, right?"
Annoyed, I remind her that she's not supposed to step foot in here and she's definitely not supposed to be wearing that
She shoots me a smug sneer
"Gosh you sure are taking this job seriously. Must need every penny my parents are paying you. Makes sense, if you're living with the outcast."
All of her crappy behavior and shitty remarks have finally reached a boiling point
Before I can think about what I'm doing, and before Avida can react, I reach out and grab her by the wrist
I already knew I was lousy with kids, but I'm willing to do what her father wasn't for all these years
"Hey what the hell do you think you'r-" Avida started
But before she could finish, I took my free hand and delivered a swift smack to her ass
She let out another loud yip and just stared straight, mouth open and eyes wide
I gave her three more smacks before leaning in close
I told her straight up, she was going to take off these clothes right now and take her ass to bed
Her eyes still bugged out for a moment before breaking into tears
"Uwwaaah!" she bawled, and I was a bit taken aback
I wasn't really expecting that reaction given how old she is and how she was carrying herself before
But amidst the tears, she began slowly striping off the clothes and tossed them on the ground
It was only for a brief moment, but I saw her slender body exposed properly now, with a small tuff of fur between her still budding breasts under her neck ribbon
My eyes trailed down her body, taking in her still soft and glossy fur that lined her stomach
The panties she wore looked human in nature, being a faded pink with small strings on the sides to tie them off
But as quickly as I could scope her out, she'd already run out of the room, her tail a complete puffball
I sat down on the Ko'loas' bed, figuring it doesn't much matter now and set my hands in my head thinking about what I'd done
I might have just blown this whole operation

I woke up the next morning and tentatively made my way down for breakfast
I wasn't sure what to expect
Thankfully(?) for me, Avida was right back to her usual self, complaining about there being no sweet tarts this morning
She paused in her tirade only for a moment to stare at me with anger, but didn't mention what happened
I guess even if she wanted me in trouble, mentioning that she'd been spanked by a human peasant was difficult to manage with her pride
"I just don't know why you even bothered putting this slop out without my sweet tarts." she said, returning to her tantrum
I take a seat at the table and try to enjoy my food, but she won't let up
I politely ask her to calm down and simply eat what has been prepared for her
She whined and whined, asking the maid to go out and fetch some, then remarking to the baker that she'd make sure he was fired once her parents came back
I try again, more sternly to tell her to be quiet and eat and she scoffs at me
I've had it with this
There's only one thing that's worked so far
I push myself away from the table in a huff and begin making my way over to her side
She's screaming at the maid at this point, completely oblivious to my approach
"Didn't you once think about me at all? You're useless I swear." she finished, before finally turning to acknowledge me
"What do you want?"
I simply said nothing as I grabbed her by her wrist again
"Let go of me you dumb human!" She began to wail, fear now spreading across her face as she realized what was about to happen
I pulled her out of her seat as she struggled in my grip
Sitting down myself, I bend her over my knee again, her tiny shorts practically exposing her butt entirely
The maid and chef simply watch in astonishment
A sharp yip escapes Avida's mouth with each swat, each one getting progressively harder
All the while I calmly tell her it's not polite to disrespect the people who work for her parents
Avida's voice has cracked into a pitiful wail, her tiny body writhing over my lap
"Ow! Owww! S-Stop! Stop you dumb bully! Don't just stand there, do something!" she pleaded to the maid and chef
But the maid couldn't help but giggle, much to Avida's horror
The chef too, stifled a chuckle, looking at Avida with a fair amount of contempt
And with that, they simply wandered off to other parts of the house
Her bottom had become quiet red, and she was a trembling mess as I let her off my knee
I told her firmly that she was done eating, there would be no sweet tarts, and to go to her room and get ready for tutoring later today
She tried her hardest to stare daggers at me through her tears
I leaned in close to her, the difference in size becoming all the more evident
She let out a shrill of frustration before running off again, her puffball tail trailing behind her

A new tradition had begun in the Ko'loa House

Multiple times a day, at almost every opportunity I found myself spanking Avida. If she was caught sneaking extra treats from the cooking area? I’d spank her right over the countertop. Talking back to one of the maids? That’s another spanking, but now she must apologize to the maid during her punishment, all the while the maid is trying to hold back her laughter. But even though it would get me results in the short term, she’d be back to her usual antics in a matter of minutes. In fact, it seems like the ONLY thing that had changed was now it was like she was trying to get a rise out of me. “You’re just a dumb bully, you know that human?” she’d chide, sticking her tongue out and making a face. I suppose at the very least she bothered the servants less. ‘Illiyana’s supposed to be back soon.’ I thought to myself one evening, sipping some of the Ko’loa’s liquor for my nerves. ‘Not sure what I’m gonna tell her. We only have another week before they're back from their mission’ But I hardly had time to ponder that thought for long before I heard “Hey Human!”. I look up from my cup to see a ball speeding towards my face. It didn’t hit me hard, but I was caught off guard all the same, and spilled my drink all over the floor. Avida stood there looking rather pleased. I let out a sigh of frustration as I stood up. The smug look of satisfaction on her face quickly turned into surprise as she took off. But I was chasing right after her. She didn’t make it far before I caught her kicking and screaming and dragged her back to the couch. Her tiny, soft body wriggled in my arms.
“Let me go you dumb ape!” She cried, as I casually sat on the Ko’loa’s lounging seat. Sitting her up on all fours, I was met with surprisingly little resistance. Though her face said she was pissed, she didn’t really try to run away. Guess she knew she had this coming.
The spanking comes hard and fierce, the clap of her cheeks being assaulted echoed throughout the spacious room. She let out the same yips as before, but more muffled. I’d spent so much time spanking her bottom, I’d come to appreciate its surprising softness, no doubt due to all the snacking she did. Unconsciously, I gave it a firm squeeze, feeling the downy fur give way to warm tender skin between my fingers. That’s when I heard the moan.
“Ahhn…” Avida whimpered. I took a brief pause, as I could hardly believe my ears it was so quiet, but she moaned. Her tail, once bristling with fear and frustration, was quite lax now.
“W-What’s the matter?” She said craning her head, still trying her best to sound tough. “Done already? I hardly felt it, you know. So, stop with the lame baby smacks and lemme go already!”
I was harder this time, and while she whimpered, I heard her moan softly again.
Even though she tried her best to hide her face, she was blushing. Hold on a minute. Deftly using my fingers, I slip her shorts to the side to find her pale pink panties now dark, with a wet stain running down the length of the crotch.
“H-HEY!! Pervert!” She yells, wiggling her butt out of my grip and hopping to her feet. Her face was clearly flush as she glared at me.
“I-If you’re done, then…I’m…sorry, okay?” She mumbles, unable to meet my gaze. ‘Alright…’ I thought to myself. ‘I think I see what’s going on here…’
She stood there, nervously fidgeting for a moment, as if waiting for permission to go, and I sent her on her way. ‘Looks like I’ve finally found a way to reach her’ I mused, thinking about how to put what I’d learned to good use. There wasn’t much time left.
The next day, Avida was her usually bratty self, trying everything she could to get on my nerves. But now? Now I let it fly. She played with her ball in the cooking area knocking over plates, but I simply cleaned them up and told her to go play outside. She tore up some old books and threw the paper all over the hut, but I said nothing to her and merely asked one of the maids for some help in cleaning it up. After dinner, she ran over and took my sweet tart off my plate and scarfed it down right in front of me, the powdered sugar lining her smug muzzle. I couldn’t help but chuckle at her antics now, thanked the chef for the meal, and excused myself from the table to retire to my own room. Avida’s ears drooped at the sound of that.
‘Let’s see just how badly you want it.’ I thought.
As evening approached, I sat patiently in the guest room reading a book on the history of the village by candlelight. All the help had gone for the night, so now it was just me and Avida. It wasn’t long before I heard her call out to me.
“Hey, Human!” she said in a cheeky sing-song voice. Using the small candleholder to navigate the large hut, I get up and make my way upstairs to the sound of her voice. Passing by her room, it was completely dark. Then I look over to see the Ko’loa’s marital room glowing dimly across the way.
‘Hmpf. That’ll do it, damn brat.’ I thought as I made my way over. I open the curtain to find the entire space lit up with more candles adorning the various shelves, giving the space a very warm feeling, literally and figuratively. Avida was sprawled out on her parent’s large canopy bed, wearing nothing but her little ribbon and some very flashy lingerie about a size too big for her. Her mom’s, no doubt. The look on her face was like a predator snidely staring down its prey, as if she’d finally figured out what would make me snap on her.
“Told you I look cute, didn’t I?” she softly chided. “When I look this good, you couldn’t possibly get mad, right?”
I gave a soft laugh and agreed. I wasn’t even the slightest bit upset. I calmly asked her take off that silly get up and go to bed.
“Make me.” She spat back. Her eyes flashed with petty defiance, and I felt myself swallow hard. I know what she wants, and I refuse to give it to her.
I simply sighed and shrugged, claiming she could do what she pleases. I turn to make my exit, suggesting she remembers to put out all these candles before she goes to bed unless she wanted to burn the place down, and begin to leave when she calls out to me again. This time, with a distinct amount of desperation in her voice.
“A-Aww, how lame!” she goads me on. I slightly turn my head to glance at her, and she’s now on all fours with her ass pointed towards me, stubby tail lifted high in the air. She wiggles her butt seductively, the oversized lingerie almost falling away exposing her dripping sex in the flickering candlelight.
“You talked such a big game, and even laid your hands on me, but now that I’m in my parent’s room, in mother's special mating garb, you run off?”
I turn on my heel to face her again.
“God, you are the worst guardian I’ve EVER had.” She continued, as I began slowly walking towards her.
“I can’t believe my parents listened to that witch about you!” “Humans should all go die!”
She droned on and on as I approached from the right side of the bed. Practically looming over her now, I could see her trembling in anticipation as she gripped the covers staring at me.
“Get it through your thick, ape, skull.” she said, practically whispering now. “You can do whatever you want to me…I’d never submit to you.”
I slowly raised my hand and brought it down hard, smack dab on her right cheek, harder than I’d ever done before, and with a truly animalistic shrill, her ass went straight up as a clear burst of liquid shoot out from her cunt.
I tell her it’s clear to me now that I’d been going about punishing her all wrong, and that she’s obviously some little slut who liked getting spanked and treated poorly. She shakily lifted herself up again to respond after what I can only assume was a brutal orgasm.
“Whu-What? Who could ever…enjoy something like this?” She meekly responded, but I could hear the happiness she was trying to bury with more attitude.
A couple more open palm strikes to her tender ass, each one eliciting a yelp and a small spritz from her still dripping cunt. This time I roughly fondle her ass, fingers pulling aside the flimsy lingerie to expose her moist mound, little droplets of love juice hanging onto her pubic fur. I casually remark that normal anthros don’t get like this from spankings. I followed up by asking why she didn’t immediately report me to a guard for my actions. As I grilled her, my hands played with her supple cheeks as she squirmed under my assault.
“W-Well…it’s not that…simple.” She struggled to get out. "I-I couldn't just go around telling people that I, a royal, was assaulted by some lowly nobody human!"
I begin taking off my own clothes and tossing them aside, fully prepared for the events to follow. The difference in size was notable as I crawled into bed over her.
I lay back in the luxurious sheets of the Ko'loa's bed now holding Avida in my lap. Her tender sex was now positioned right above my raging hard on, with a steady stream of liquids pouring out of her crotch and over my own. I leaned in close and told her how I knew she'd been getting wet when I spanked her, that's why she's been acting so rudely lately. That she liked getting punished like the little tramp she is, and probably wanted to enjoy that feeling that only I had ever given her.
"Gross...a-as if." She coyly replied. "You're some big, dumb monkey, and I don't have to listen to you, that's-"
But before she could finish, my hands drifted to her tiny breasts and twisted her nipples roughly.
Her cheeky response was cut off with the cutest moan.
"Kyaah!" She squeaked. "Just what do you think you're doing!?" But I ignored her, continuing to tease and massage her.
I told her firmly that I wasn't her father, and that I won't stand for such a shitty attitude. I pinched her chubby cheeks and turned her head, so we were eye to eye, then spoke softly. If she won't be honest, then we're done here, and she can go back to her boring life as some entitled brat. My other hand slid down her slick belly until I reached her pussy, where I carefully traced her plump lips as she began to pant. I then offered that if she stopped acting out and did as I said, I'll "spoil" her in a way she'd never felt before.
Her paws reached out to take hold of my arm, not to pull me away, but to caress it.
"...H-How do you mean?" she asked nervously, too aroused now to simply shy away.
With that, I relaxed my grip slightly, pulling her in for a kiss. Her cute little muzzle let out a small yip of surprise, before awkwardly returning my advances. Her wet nose twitched terribly as I invaded her mouth with my tongue. My fingers continued to pry apart her cunt and worm their way inside, eliciting soft moans from her amidst our make out session. Once we'd finally parted, Avida had a dazed look upon her face, as if still savoring the experience. I asked how that felt, and she responded.
" was weird..." she puzzled. "But I didn't hate it."
With that, I note that I wish to put those tender lips of hers to good use. I instruct her to settle down on my legs, with my cock facing her. She looks a bit skeptical but complies, awkwardly shuffling around the bed until she's in place. She marvels at my throbbing manhood, and the juxtaposition of such a cute girl next to my own dick fuels my desires even more.
"Geez..." she whispered "I once saw my daddy's thing when I walked in on him using the waste-room. This is way bigger!"
She began to paw at it playfully, while it bobbed around, spilling pre-cum onto her face. I bring my hand down around her large, fluffy ears letting my fingers get tangled in her thick fur and tell her to give it a taste.
She gives it a few sniffs, before licking at the tip.
"It's kinda salty..." She says with a snicker, dragging her tongue along the length, lapping up every stray strand of pre-cum. I tell her if she does a good job, I'll let her have some of my own adult "cream". She gives me a smug toothy smile before carefully popping my head into her mouth. The warm, wet sensation felt incredible as she suckled on me gently. I told her to mind the teeth as she worked, feeling her tiny tongue slithering around my glands. She eventually popped it out to catch her breath.
"A-Am I doing it right?" She asked softly. I noticed that she was doing a good job, stroking her head softly. This caused her to blush. She took my head back into her mouth as I continued to instruct her. Slowly her nerves melted away as she got more into the act. She began to slobber more and suck harder, rubbing the tip on the insides of her little cheeks. Her little paws wrapped around the base and began to stroke in rhythm with her as she bobbed up and down. While she couldn't take my whole length, with the added lubrication of her saliva and her tender paws tightening grip, she was the most adorable little cock sucker I'd ever seen.
I'd already been ready well before, but I could feel my seed welling up inside. Without waiting, I ran my hands into her hair puffs and gripped tightly, letting her know I was cumming. Her eyes went wide with surprise as I pulled her as deep as she could go. She started gagging as my head poked the back of her throat, and she threw her paws against my thighs in protest, but I held her firm as I began to cum.
The bulk of it went straight down her throat, but I loosened my grip enough that only the head remained in her mouth. It didn't take more than a couple spurts before it began spilling out the sides of her lips, and even her nose. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes as she finally snorted a few short breaths. I let out a deep sigh as the wave of pleasure washed over me, before finally releasing her.
She knelt there for a moment, coughing up most of what was left onto the side of the bed.
"Gosh, Anon! That was mean!" She said, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I felt like I was gonna die, you know!"
I chuckled at the notion before petting her again, telling her that felt amazing. She continued to blush with the praise, her tail wagging ever so slightly.
" should be grateful, you know." She retorts. "Not just anyone could mate with the pride of the Ko'loa clan."
I express my thanks but correct her that we haven't mated at all yet. But the prospect of getting to bred the child of a royal anthro family right in their marital bed was just the sort of thing I needed to hear. My cock which had faltered only slightly began to surge with even greater lust.
I lay Avida down in the bed as I hover over her now, and beneath the soft candle light, I can take in her beauty fully. The soft glow bathes her body as she lays bare before me, gazing up at me with a hunger not befitting such a cute face.
"Don't keep me waiting, Human." She sighed. "I-It's this place here, right?" taking her hand and rubbing her crotch eagerly. "It feels like anytime I see you now, it gets all hot and sticky."
Lining up the tip of my manhood, the difference in size was downright immoral. I tell her that if we were to go any further, I could get in big trouble.
I snaked my shaft back and forth across her soft, dripping slit now. The sensation alone was almost enough for me to burst, but I controlled my breathing as I bore down on her.
"Um...uh....I-It's fine!" She mumbles "I promise, you won't get in trouble! I swear!"
I respond by saying that if she was really begging for it, that'd make her a bad girl, and that I'd have to punish her properly. She took my invitation in kind, carefully spreading her freshly developed cunt, as it winked with frustration.
"I am! I am a bad girl who really wants to get mated! So please!" She moaned frantically "Please, punish me with your manhood!"
Don't mind if I do.
I begin to push forwards, and her tender lips slowly part. She grabs ahold of my wrists and holds on tight, clenching her teeth. The head pries its way into her, and I finally meet the expected resistance. Without further delay, I thrust forwards again, feeling that last bit of resistance give way to a slippery, wriggling tunnel.
"Aghh...!" Avida winces.
I wasn't sure if it was her tensing up from the pain, or the natural state of her virgin cunt, but she was gripping me tight like a vice all the same. I remain still for a moment, letting Avida relax. Then I slowly pulled back out, seeing the splotches of blood staining her fur while the bright red droplets ran around my shaft onto the fine sheets below. I moved slowly, deliberately, plumbing back into her tiny insides. I held Avida's hands at her sides above her head, and while she was still aching, she wasn't struggling.
I checked on her to make sure she was okay.
"I'm okay, I think..." she managed to reply "But you better...make me feel real good, okay?"
She timed her breathing to match my pace, exhaling as I filled her up. It was faint, but you could see the smallest little bump rise up from her tummy as I prodded the entrance to her womb.
Just like that time with Illiyana, I felt overcome with lust. Far more than when I'd ever laid with a human.

It didn't take long for Avida to get caught up to speed. My thrusts slowly increased intensity while I handled her tiny body, treating it as my own little plaything. My hands fondled her budding breasts to increase the pleasure she might feel. With such a large body slamming into her own, Avida's voice became a shaky mess as she cried out.
"Ah! Ahn! A-Anon! We're mating now, right? T-this, Ah! This is mating, right!?"
I acknowledged that fact. as I cradled her close and whispered that she was indeed mating, and at such a young age. I asked what she thinks her parent's might say if they knew she had begged a human man to take her.
"Ah...They'd...probably be p-pretty mad!" She moaned, slipping her hands behind my neck "B-But it feels good now, so I don't care!"
I took her by her chubby, soft hips, increasing the force of my thrusts. They were deep, but I had to pace myself. The way her insides were coiling around me, it was if they were warping around my dick to wring me dry in an instant.
I began to build up a good sweat, so I ordered her to get on top and do some moving herself.
"O~kay!" she said sweetly. It was the first time I'd heard her sound so agreeable.
I again lay on my back as she positioned herself with my help, before plopping her chubby cheeks back down on my crotch, my cock buried inside her wet folds yet again. She took it so effortlessly, it was as if her slit had already been molded to accept me.
She placed her hands on my chest and bounced up and down as best she could. Each time I felt the tip of my cock jab her baby room, she let out another moan. I groaned that if her father saw her shaking her hips so lewdly that he'd probably disown her.
"Uoh! Ah! How! H-How mean!" she gasped, continuing to stroke me off with her dripping snatch. "T-Then, you'll just have to be my new daddy! Okay?"
I take her by the hips yet again, wrenching control from her as I ravaged her insides. I shouted that if she was my daughter now, then she should apologize for having such a slutty pussy. I smacked her ass goading her on, and I felt her tighten up inside.
She was in full shock now, having fallen over onto my chest as I drilled her deep and fast.
"Forgib me, Daddy! Pleash, ple-ash forgive me!!" She cried out.
The tightness, warmth, fluidity and friction of her underdeveloped hole finally won out. I managed to pull out right before the point of no return and sprayed my fluids in thick ropes across her back. I had to take a moment to catch my breath after that one, letting my hands drape across her back. I looked down at Avida, and she was well and truly marked with my cum as it hung in spindly strands off her ruffled tail and splattered across her plump bottom.
Her eyes fluttered briefly before closing, and she passed out right then and there. I basked in the glow of our post-coitus bliss, enjoying the feel of her warm body resting on my own, before silently sliding her to the side of me.
I got up and put out the candles, leaving the room mostly dark, barring the moonlight that filtered through the window screen above. I was dead tired now, but I'd have to wake up before the servants arrived or I'd have some major explaining to do. Figuring I'd simply have to bribe the maid who's on laundry duty tomorrow, I crawl back into the Ko'loa's bed to get some rest. Avida unconsciously notices my presence and snuggles into my chest. I can feel her soft breathing against my skin as I cover us both with a spare sheet.
" you...daddy." She mumbles in her sleep. I embrace the little fox girl in my arms and sleep takes me almost instantly.

The next couple days were interesting to say the least around the Ko'loa household. It seemed like overnight, Avida had become almost infatuated with me. She'd still have the occasional outburst with the servants, but a slight gesture from me would correct her instantly. I don't know if it was what Illiyana had planned, but I was definitely "getting along" with Avida now. A lot. In most rooms of her manor, to be accurate. I couldn't tell if I was "punishing" her or "spoiling" her anymore, but I was indulging in her body regardless at every given opportunity. It had gotten to the point where no doubt the servants knew what was going on. Disappearing for hours on end, the random moans that could be heard from various rooms, and musky odors emanating off the both of us. There were whispers and glances for sure but seeing as how their jobs had become significantly easier since my arrival, it seemed like they were willing to turn a blind eye to it all.

After a couple days, Illiyana finally returned from whatever errands she had been out running. As we sat down in the communing area, I definitely grilled her for not even bothering to check on me, and as always, I was met with that mysterious smirk of hers.
"My sincerest of apologizes, Master." She said cheerfully "But to be honest, I was not worried in the slightest."
Yeah, okay. But I was. I simply sighed at her carefree attitude.
She looked like she was about to explain exactly what she'd been up to, but paused for a moment to sniff the air, then cocked her head at me. Before she could continue, Avida strode into the room.
"Oh, hey Ms. Illiyana! I'm glad you're back!" she said, sounding genuinely excited.
"It is good to see you again as well, Avida!" She replied, "I trust you have been on your best behavior, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am. Anon and I have had lots of fun the past couple days, huh?" She said glancing at me, with a coy smile.
I nodded in agreement, meanwhile Illiyana took to sniffing the air again. She closes her eyes for but a moment before they light up.
"Oh-ho..." She whispers. "I bet you have...You'll have to tell me all about it!"
"Sure! Do you want something to snack on? I have these mini cakes that I think you'd really like. Can we have some, Anon?" She looks to me expectantly, and I give her the okay. Avida scampers off to the kitchen. As she went to fetch the snacks, Illiyana had crept up behind me, placing her hands on my shoulders as she whispered in my ear.
"My my, Master. Just what kind of 'fun' did you have while I was away?" She hissed seductively. "The two of you are practically coated in each other's scent. It makes me a bit jealous, but it seems like everything worked out, yes?"
I just shrug and reply with something along the lines of 'having my methods'.
"I see..." she replies, coming in for a kiss on my cheek "Good job, Master. She will make a fine addition to our cause."

And so, my time as a babysitter for the Ko'loas had finally come to an end. On the day of their return, me, Illiyana and Avida greeted them at the lobby. Avida had on a decidedly more conservative garb, with a more casual, frilly dress. She even greeted her parents properly, and to say they were shocked was an understatement.
While their servants brought in their luggage from the trip, we sat down in their communing area to catch up over tea. Avida took off with her tutor for her study lessons without argument while the adults chatted. They spoke briefly of their mission, having found a promising number of new members in the neighboring village, but the topic of conversation quickly shifted towards Avida's radical change of attitude. I told them that while Avida was certainly a bit...unruly at first, all she really needed was a bit of "tough love".
"I-I just can't believe that's our little girl! Our Avida!" Ms. Ko'loa gushed. "She's like a completely different person!"
"It is as I said before," Illiyana replied casually, placing a hand on my lap "Anon is quite gifted in handling our kind. You had nothing to worry about!"
I sort of smile awkwardly and sip my tea. I suppose the frustration was pretty worthwhile, in the end.
"Hmm, I see!" chuckled Mr. Ko'loa. "Think you'd be able to do what you did with my daughter to my wife? She's plenty unruly in her own right!"
I couldn't help but choke on my tea at the suggestion, meanwhile Illiyana chuckled softly with that knowing smirk of hers. Ms. Ko'loa pinched her husband by the ear roughly, not nearly as amused.
"Do us all a favor, dear, and keep that lame sense of humor to yourself." She chastised him.
"Okay! Easy, easy!" he pleaded, wriggling from her grip, before turning to face me. "But truly Anon, I don't know how we can repay you and Ms. Illiyana. It feels like you've given us our daughter back. So long as you're staying in the village, if you need anything, just let us know."
Me and Illiyana exchanged a brief look, before thanking them both for their generosity.

A few days had passed since the Ko'loa's had come home, and while they were happy with the success of their mission, it paled in comparison to their elation at reforming a new, healthy relationship with Avida. She no longer threw tantrums, dressed appropriately, and treated the servants with proper respect, yet still had that smug charm of hers that made her all the more endearing. They couldn't be happier. The only real change now was that Avida insisted on visiting Anon almost every day. She would go with an escort that would take her from the village, and often times spend the greater part of the day at Ms. Illiyana's. Today in particular, she had finished all her lessons and chores early, and practically begged to spend a couple days overnight with them. Wanting to maintain this new positive disposition, the Ko'loas happily agreed. She'd gotten all prepared to go, with her attendant waiting for her in the lobby holding a small overnight bag. Avida hugged and kissed both her parents goodbye before heading towards the door. It was then that Mr. Ko'loa noticed something.
"Sweetheart, you're not wearing the ribbon I bought you anymore?"
Avida now sported a collar with a star shaped tag around her neck, in place of her old ribbon. She touched it and smiled as her tail began to wag. "Ah, yes. This was a gift from Anon." she said coyly "Isn't it cute?"
Mr. Ko'loa simply chuckled yet again. "Of course, it is darling. Have a good time at Ms. Illiyana's, alright? I'll see you in a couple days."
She nodded eagerly and took off out the door.

It was evening when Avida made it to the hut on the village outskirts. The attendant greeted Illiyana at the door to ensure she made it safely inside before taking their leave as well. I was laying in Illiyana's bed stark naked, as the crystal lights she used glowed dimly upon the walls around me. It didn't take long before they both came up to greet me. Illiyana was wearing nothing but her robe, which she let fall from her shoulders exposing her sinful body yet again. Avida slipped out of her frilly day dress, revealing that she'd snuck out wearing another set of her mother's royal lingerie underneath, highlighting her perky breast and leaving her wet slit completely uncovered. I shake my head in disapproval, but my cock betrays my intense arousal. The smell of their dripping snatches begins to intermingle and fill the room. I tell her that while I'm happy to see her, I remind her that I definitely said I'd punish her if she took clothes from her mother again.
"I'm sorry, Daddy. I thought it really went well with my new gift," She whimpers, carefully twirling her tag. "Punish me if you must, but spoil me lots too, okay?"

Pub: 14 Nov 2022 07:28 UTC
Edit: 21 Dec 2022 14:25 UTC
Views: 1488