Prelude, Ch. 2

I only half expected to wake up in my bed, with the other half of me anticipating being thrown aboard the ship to face the impending storm yet again. But neither occurred, as I had found myself already underwater, floating and seeing the storm challenge my ship and team above.

My team, I thought, how strange. That dream of me being in the Pokemon world with Althi and Pirth even now feels real. Even though I’ve woken up from it.

I shifted my thoughts away as I looked back up. *I don’t remember being thrown off the ship, but I guess this night was just one wild dream. Time to get to work.

As I began to make my ascent, I realized something felt off. At first I thought it was my unusually well-rested state, since normally these dreams exhausted me rather than soothing me, but I attributed that feeling to the Pokemon dream, which was admittedly fun. But it wasn’t the source of my discomfort.

I was being pulled down again. Yes, I am, and fortunately it feels slightly weaker than before. But that’s not what’s making me feel strange… my whole body is off, like it’s harder for me to just resist that downward pull. I looked at myself, and saw that I was still an Eevee. Huh? Why? Is this why I couldn't swim up? I looked up again at the boat. Okay, so I’m still dreaming of being an Eeevee, but I can just wake up when I make it to the boat. I tried, harder, to swim towards the surface, but the body I still wasn’t used to made it far more difficult. I struggled and struggled until I couldn't anymore.

I found myself exhausted, being pulled down more and more, until just like before, my senses slowly gave way to the cold silence of the deep ocean.

I woke up with a jolt and found myself in a pile of hay, not my bed back home. I looked at myself: I was still an Eevee.

Okay, so it wasn’t a dream? There’s no way I slept twice… am I stuck here? In this body? I was not used to it yesterday, but I had brushed it aside as something I wouldn’t have to worry about for long. *But it sure seems that, if I had the dream when I slept, and I did sleep last night as an Eevee and woke up as an Eevee, then I must be…

I shook my head. Just because I was a Pokemon didn't mean I was no longer human. And I could still figure out a way back. For the meanwhile, though, I was hungry. I start to tiptoe out of the room, though I didn't think I did a very good job since walking as an Eevee on all fours was something I was not used to, and I stopped for a moment when I remembered that Chatot had mentioned humans were here. Or at least, Pokemon claiming to be humans.

But is that even necessary? I know the way out: my dream. If I can just get used to this body and get it stronger, I can swim back to the ship. Nothing else really needs to be done save for getting familiar with being an Eevee.

Yes, the dream is most strange I thought…

Except I didn’t think that

Indeed, you didn’t. I- I am sorry for the intrusion, I simply, well, needed some way to communicate with you. And... the voice in my head thought as I looked to the Espeon quietly staring at me from her bed, ...your mind is most unusual.

A pang of horror struck me. “You’re in my head? Get the fuck out!”

Immediately the Arimis flinched and I heard in my head

I- I am am terribly sorry! As I said, I needed to talk with you! And you didn’t read and, well, when you were asleep your mind was then much easier to decipher by cause of its complexity…

You- you read my mind? I ask, then wait a second and think, are you still doing that?

Yes, and I shall stop. I- how might I explain this if you don’t know the move psychic… Look. Most Pokemon have a great difficulty of communicating telepathically, and to do so requires one mind to link to another. The reason I did so is out of necessity, as I cannot speak like most other Pokemon, though writing on a board usually does the trick. You, however, said you cannot read.

So why do you have to read my mind? I thought. But a few moments passed until I asked with my voice “are you screwing with me or can you not just read the thought I just had?”

Arimis looked down. I said I’m sorry. Just how you can focus in and out of audial conversations, I can do the same with minds. I can tune yours out, but I can still project to it. I just do so in a sort of “broad” manner, where I speak aloud to the room instead of just to you so I can't read your mind. Normally others would hear such “broad” castings of my mind, but I’ve not deciphered the mind of other Pokemon here.

"So why mine?”

Firstly, I didn't have time. I just got here. Secondly, well, your mind is… different from any other Pokemon's mind I've encountered.

"Yeah, I’m a human trapped in a Pokemon’s body, though everyone calls me a feral rescue."

I believe you.

“You do?”

Feral minds are clouded by darkness but, once freed, are the same as other Pokemons’ minds. Yours, however, is altogether alien to me. “Humans,” though a myth, supposedly appeared before. I can think of no other explanation.

My attention shifted away from Arimis as I heard the door open and an Exploloud walk in with a grin before it vanished after it was both of us were awake. I was already aware what was going to happen so I hurriedly made my way to the common area and ushered Arimis to follow. She was slower than me, however, so as I made my way through the hallway I felt it shake and I heard Exploloud make a ruckus, rushing Arimis.

The thought of ouch! entered my mind, but the thought wasn’t mine. Well, I guess I can talk with her. As I assembled in line and Arimis soon joined me, I thought of Althi and Pirth. *Am I a part of their team? Why am I rooming with this Espeon then?

Then it clicked. I, a new recruit apparently part of Team Eevee, was roomed with an Espeon that was also new. My hunch was proven correct when, after the cheers had finished once everyone assembled, I and Espeon were both given identical badges. Of Althi’s face.

“See? Awesome badge, isn’t it d’Alin?” she said after the meeting, “I designed it myself. Since I’m the leader, it made perfect sense to make it my face. She then looked at Arimis. “Oh! You must be our newest member! I’m Althi!”

Arimis, unsurprisingly, said nothing. She looked around but realized she didn’t bring her board to write.

d’Alin, could you do me a favor and speak on my behalf? I haven’t yet deciphered this one’s mind.

Goddammit, fine.

“Hey, Althi. This is Arimis, and she can’t speak. But she can communicate telepathically, and right now it’s only through me. She says hello and that she’s glad to be part of your team.”

“Great! This is our partner, the Leafeon,” she said with emphasis, which I understood to mean to get Arimis in the loop, “named Pirth.” Everyone introduced themself, and though it had felt strange to talk for two people, I could sense that Arimis was grateful, and it felt nice to be relied upon for something.

Eventually the conversation that had gone on for longer than I expected was interrupted by Chatot who asked us if we were enjoying our new team. It was there I learned that Althi, upon hearing of a teamless Espeon, made the request to have her join the team. When they “saved me” it was during their test to see if they’d be capable at two and be quickly promoted to up to four. Which is how I managed to fit in so nicely.

“Well, you all better get ready to go on an adventure, since you’re going to be joining up in a new Federation initiative made especially for our Guild!”

“What’s that going to be?” asked Pirth.

“Well, the Federation is very keen on making sure that our Guild specifically has well-trained recruits, so they’re sending over some expert dungeoneers to give you a head-start!”

“Really? Why’s that?”

“Well, they’re worried about competition from… an unnamed Guild nearby, on this continent. Simply put, they’d rather keep us as the most important Guild on Grass instead of less desirable ones, so they’re sending over explorers to make sure that even our newest members are up-to-standard.”

It must be that other guild that the supposed humans are, I thought. It really does seem like the idea of humans gets a bad rep around here. Should I just say that I’m a feral after all? Is it… dangerous to say I’m a human?

My thought was broken by a “Hello mates!” said by a deep and powerful voice that eminated from a massive Garchomp that towered over all of us. It was followed by a Starmine who said, “hello! I’m Starmine and this is Garchomp, we’re Team StarGar!”

“Uh, this Eevee here is deaf and can only read lips.”

Is this better? Can you all hear me fine?

We all responded in the affirmative, and this seemed to get the shy Arimis’ attention since she approached Starmine and the two stared at each other for a moment. I don’t think Starmine was capable of smiling, though her gem color changed, but the smile on Arimis’ face was plain for all to see.

After introductions of Team Eevee to Team StarGar by, of course, Althi, Garchomp said, “Well, you lot better pack up your bags, since we’re heading out to Air Continent!”

“Excuse me, Garchomp,” said Chatot, “but isn’t that too far? The purpose of your Federation visit is to make sure that our Guild has a fine reputation here in Grass, not Air.”

“Nonsense,” replied Garchomp, “they can do that once they're trained. There’s a lot of Guilds and a small shortage of work here, with all the visitors your guild has been sent by the Federation, so going to Air where work is plentiful is better. Besides, I’ve got a special mission over there that was postponed by this Federation assignment, so they’re going to join me once they’ve proved themselves.”

Chatot looked a little defeated and said, “well, alright then.”

After spending the rest of the day hurriedly gathering supplies we packed up bags and headed out and began the walk to the docks where a Federation-chartered Lapras was waiting to take us to the Air Continent. While I was excited, alongside Althi and Pirth, I had made note that Arimis looked exhausted, and I waited back a bit to talk to her. As we all walked together, Me and Arimis in the back and the rest of Team Eevee and Team StarGar further ahead, I asked, “Arimis, you okay? You look tired.”

Oh, yes, d’Alin, I’m quite alright, thank you. I simply haven’t slept much, is all.

“Did you not get sleep last night?”

No, I spent a good deal of it deciphering your mind so that I could talk with someone.

Although a flash of anger rose through me, and I wanted to say that I really didn’t welcome my thoughts being read or dreams seen, another thought entered my mind.

Truly I do appreciate you serving as the mediary between myself and Pirth and Althi. They are… interesting to say the least, and after talking with Pirth I am quite glad you told me what I at first thought was a joke about him being a Leafeon.

I swallowed my pride and said, “of course, happy to help.

*I- I never meant to intrude on your dream, but I’m sorry it's so uncomfortable. I know you had thought that it was repetitive so I thought… well, I do know Calm Mind, and since I have deciphered your mind, I can cast it on you.

“Oh, through like Baton Pass?”

Uh, no, I don’t know that move unfortunately. I’d just position myself within your mind and cast it periodically throughout the night.

“I thought you needed to get rest?”

I’m more, um, nocturnal. On my own I’d normally be asleep right now. I’m more active at night.

Isn’t that strange, for an Espeon? I thought you guys evolved during daylight?

But Arimis dodged the question. I’m also mute. I’m not the most common type of Espeon out there. As I said, I can help you get a good night’s rest since I could tell you didn’t last night.

I tapped my forehead as a signal for Arimis to focus, which she apparently got since, when I had the thought no thanks, I need to be able to try get back to where I came I was met with the response of of course, you said you're human.

We walked in silence for a bit until Arimis once again entered my mind

d’Alin, you said you intend to go back from where you came. Is that through the dream?

Of course. Well, I have a feeling it is. But I need to get back, I’ve got people waiting for me, I thought with a pang of guilt. I didn’t know what was happening with my team, or the rest of the world for that matter. Did I just disappear up there? Would they think I abandoned them?

I see. In this thought I could feel a slight twinge of sadness rise within me, and I assumed it was Arimis’ emotions leaking into myself.

Is everything alright, Arimis?

Well, yes, of course. I understand wanting to go home. It’s just that, well, it’s nice to be able to talk with someone. And with you speaking on my behalf earlier, it felt, well, like I had a friend.

Do you not have any friends? Anyone back home?

“Welcome everyone,” said Garchomp, “to the Lapras Ferry! Let’s hop aboard! It’s barely afternoon now, so hopefully we can make it to port by night time tomorrow! Come on, quickly!”

Espeon looked down and simply responded with the thought of, In terms of friends, I’d consider you among my first. As for family, that’s a story for another time.

It was nearing nighttime and the whole journey we had been quietly talking with Team StarGar so as to not wake Arimis. They had gone over how to identify which seeds and berries were which, something that I found to be extremely useful and even more effective thanks to the handbook that had been in my bag.

Once the sun had almost set and Arimis woke up, Starmine decided it was time to tell us what we should expect at the Air continent.

Well, Team Eevee, firstly we’re going to take you to a more difficult dungeon than you might be used to, but you’ll have Garchomp and I there to lead the way.”

“I’ll tell ‘em about the special mission too,” said Garchomp.

Garchomp, we don’t even know if it’s a hoax or real.

“Of course it’s real! You think I’d be fooled so easily?”

Starmine chose not to answer that, but instead turned to glance at us in a very incriminating manner.

“Look, I’ll be sure to check since Starmine has her reservations, but once I confirm that the treasure is real, then I’ll let y’all know.”

“Treasure!” replied both Althi and Pirth simultaneously. I’ll admit even I was a little excited. While I was still going to try to swim up to the ship in the dream tonight, a part of me knew I wasn’t strong enough to make it. And that, if I woke up here again, I’d have an adventure waiting for me.

“In due time, mates, in due time. For now, said Garchomp, “ get some rest since we have got a lot to review tomorrow.”

It was a long day, so despite the discomfort of the Larpas’ hard shell, I managed to find a spot leaned up against Pirth that was comfortable enough to drift off into sleep.

Pub: 18 Oct 2024 22:05 UTC
Views: 41