The Onobot's collective Funds

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Affiliations: Retro Reich
Culture: Onobots
Language(s): Multilingual
Religion(s): Onolumi
Type: Megacorporation with national backing
Specification: Collective Fund of Retro Reich's ruling class
Current leader(s): R-5, Head of the ruling Council
HQ location: Multifaceted
Products: Multifaceted
Subsidiaries/Members: Any owned or financed business by the Onobots
Wealth Level: Level 7

The Onobots do not possess finances on an individual level, but instead all pool their wealth together for each Onobot to use as they see fit. This allows any Onobot to make decisions of immense financial weight if needed. Onobots will also lend money to plausible sounding business proposals brought to them under the condition to become co-owner of these businesses with a share of the profit going back to them and in case of bankruptcy to gain possession of any material belongings as compensation. This allows Onobots to generate huge amounts of wealth over longer periods of time. They also make little to no distinction between the national treasury of the Retro Reich and their self generated wealth, meaning that personal financial endeavors could be entirely be paid by tax money or using their own money to finance national projects. Due to the fact that it is not uncommon for hundreds of Onobots to pursue goals that require no financial support at all for years, a single Onobot can easily spend a small nation's worth of wealth in a single moment with no worries to the overall wealth.

From the very moment Onobots started to gain wealth on Vitubia, they always treated the wealth of one as the wealth of all. With no need for any necessities or luxury items, Onobots could always just spend money as they see fit and with advice given to them and their own calculations have financed many lucrative projects as well as become co-owner of many businesses that grew to become grand companies of their own with the passage of time. Thanks to this, as well as the founding of the Retro Reich, Onobots create massive amounts of wealth in a passive manner. *

Pub: 12 Jul 2022 18:17 UTC
Views: 450