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"Do you like hurting other people?"

Circuit / Jacket + Kin Names (any/ask) 18yo genderfluid aspec lgbtphobes, exclus, nsfw, proshippers dni byi . . . . . about . . . . . friends

  • i'm neurodivergent. i probably act weird. tell me if i say something weird on accident.
  • i tend to be sporadic with replies and often ghost on accident. feel free to re-message me if i fail to respond.
  • i block freely. if you're an asshole (not in the funny way) i'll probably block you.
  • i am 'kin (not kff) and i cannot choose my kins. i am critical of my medias and i do not support problematic creators.
  • pacific standard time is my timezone.
  • i am cringe.

Pub: 06 Sep 2024 23:37 UTC
Edit: 07 Sep 2024 00:06 UTC
Views: 80