Image description /ope/'s Curated List for streams Image description

This is a curate list of streams made with the collective effort of the Jailbirds from /ope/ after polling the general. The reason of why Jailbirds fell sticked to is multiple: the premises, the interactions with the other holomems, her voice, the dorkiness, the general calmness during the solo streams or the element of fun added during collabs and of course, a big part of the experience is watching her grow and improve over time. This is the reason why this list for the most recommended streams to watch was made for the coming new jailbirds - in order to fully appreciate the evolution of Nerissa from the 'Demon of Sound and Lover of Idol' to a full-pledge idol.

You can click on the thumbnails to access the stream or the magnet in the cases of the recommanded karaokes section.

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Image description Her debut

Already presented at the front page of the library but still a good start to get yourself introduced to Nerissa and to gauge your expectations. To add on the first impressions that most of the Day 1 Jailbirds experienced, we'll advise you to also go listen to her first cover Love Me, Love Me, Love Me.

Image description Her core and gimmick content

While her content is focused on music with regular release of covers, stream-wise Nerissa leans into a rather chill approach of games choices, Nerissa also plays a lot of of horror games made on RPG Maker or associated. Each week so far, there has been at least one entry of horror game - mainly on Saturday thus the 'Spooky Saturday'. This includes so far Hololive ERROR, The Witch's House, Mad Father part 1 & part 2 and finally Resident Evil 8 : Village part 1 & part 2

Image description Recommendations

Image description Gaming

One-Off Stream

For the stream featured in the list so far, needless to say that two of them are garnering early legendary status with one finishing Getting Over It in one setting (despite having played on it 11 hours while never passing Orange Hell) and the other one giving birth to the general tendency to create sound-posts during and after each stream. One-Hand Clapping is also recommended as being a showcase of her vocals capacity before the first karaoke happened and after the release of Love Me, Love Me, Love Me.
The newest addition is Papers Please. While the gaming part is not what we're looking for, it's the comedic aspect you're looking for - thus making a great watch.

Date Title Link & Thumbnails Duration Status
02/08/2023 【One Hand Clapping】Using my voice to play~ 🎼 ~2h58 Recommendation - might become multi-parts
04/08/2023 【Getting Over It】Really? You came to watch me suffer? 🎼 ~1h37 Must Watch
11/08/2023 【RING FIT ADVENTURE】Let's get RIPPED Jailbirds! 🎼 ~1h48 Must Watch
31/08/2023 【Papers, Please】If you want in, you gotta go through me first 🎼 ~2h02 Recommendation
Multi-parts / Series

Quite possibly the most chill form of content there is on Nerissa's part. It involves tons of farming, tons of fishing, tons of Nerissa's sound-posts too and most of all a sprinkle of zatsudan. While the Terraria streams should absolutely be in the collab section, Nerissa initiated a whole arc surrounding Terraria before Advent could go to Minecraft due to the collab ban for Advent regarding JP & ID and the servers (old and new) being all-in-one. Terraria also permitted interactions will other ENs aside from Advent.

SOS : A Wonderful Life


Date Title Link & Thumbnails Duration Status
10/08/2023 【SOS:AWL】A quiet life on the farm... (SPOILERS AHEAD) 🎼 ~2h30 Recommendation
22/08/2023 【SOS:AWL】Let's charm these villagers~ (SPOILERS AHEAD) 🎼 ~3h09 -
05/09/2023 【SOS:AWL】Summer, the hottest month of the year (SPOILERS AHEAD) 🎼 ~2h08 -
Date Title Link & Thumbnails Duration Status
13/08/2023 【Terraria】I must dig. (Open VC and world) 🎼 ~4h15 Must Watch
22/08/2023 【Terraria】Digging with the Doggies @FUWAMOCOch (Open VC and world) 🎼 ~2h25 -
29/08/2023 【Terraria】Onto the next part of our adventure! (Open VC and world) 🎼 ~2h17 -
10/09/2023 【Terraria】Going to hell frfr (Open VC and world) 🎼 ~2h35 -
Date Title Link & Thumbnails Duration Status
13/08/2023 【HoloCure: Save the Fans!】Let's roll for the ID girls! 🎼 ~5h28 Recommendation
22/08/2023 【HoloCure】Gotta roll for new outfits...! 🎼 ~3h26 -

Image description Karaokes

While music-producing will be her core content outside of the conventional streams, karaokes is also a feature that will be expected and scrutinized. Those are also a good mean to follow the effort of Nerissa to the 'Road-of-Becoming-a-Full-Pledged-Idol' as per gaining confidence in front of a big crowd and seeing her having fun with it despite the scuff. Also see Demonry of Sound rentry for the other karaokes and the music production.

Date Title Link & Thumbnails Duration Status
07/08/2023 【MONETIZATION KARAOKE】We did it, Jailbirds! 🎼 ~30min Recommendation
20/08/2023 【UNARCHIVED KARAOKE】Singing 2000's bops! 🎼 ~2h09 Recommendation

Image description Solo - Variety (Zatsudan)

While there is yet to be a purely focused stream or there bits-and-pieces of zatsudan in pretty much every stream so far (be it in the middle of it and in the closing parts), the Unpacking is the closest we got for a purely focused Zatsudan with all the current stream available. With a post-debut Q&A during the stream and while it's still the very first stream, it might still be worth a watch for the Q&A parts.

Date Title Link & Thumbnails Duration Status
01/08/2023 【Unpacking】Moving into the hololive office 🎼 ~3h30 Recommendation

Image description Collabs

Also see the Lover of Idol pages I & II for all the collabs that happened in Nerissa's channels (I) and on the other holomem channels, mentions and other little neat things (II).

Date Title Link & Thumbnails Duration Partners
03/08/2023 【Untitled Goose Game】Wreaking havok with @KosekiBijou 🗿 🎼 ~2h11 Bijou
05/08/2023 【L4D2】First collab with my girlies! 🎼 ~2h02 Shiori, Bijou & FUWAMOCO
12/08/2023 【EDF5】Advent Saves the World! 🎼 ~3h06 Shiori, Bijou & FUWAMOCO
30/08/2023 【BG3】Helping save the grove!🎼 ~3h30 Mori, Kiara & Bijou
01/09/2023 【Pico Park】Can we work together? 🎼 ~2h33 Shiori, Bijou and the FUWAMOCO Twins
04/09/2023 【WEDDING STREAM】 YOU ARE INVITED 【Hololive Indonesia 2nd Gen】 ~46m Ollie
Pub: 10 Aug 2023 23:37 UTC
Edit: 11 Sep 2023 11:29 UTC
Views: 917