And the good new is , I payed off the house so no monthly payments." And I said "I - I love it." "So u want to move in?, if not its okay" and I said "yes , I really do. I'll start packing , but I have to tell my parents . Um can u help me tel them?" And he said. "Yes . I'll do anything for u" . Then it started raining, it poured and poured . He put his arm around me and we started running back" and then we got to my house . He pulled me underneath a tree a he kissed me, we were both dripping wet.
I said "this could be the last time we see each other , because my parents could say no and keep me away from u." And we kissed for a minute then we walked into my house and I said "mom?. Dad ?, are u guys here ?" And my mom said "why the fuck are u late!?" And I said "I didn't tell u when I was gonna be home , so I'm not late .." "Yes , u told me u would be back in a few hours ." "Well I ran into a good friend and we lost track of the time" . She said "who is she?" And I said "come here " and she walked up to Corey and I . She said "who are u ?" And he said "I'm Corey , nice to meet u " and she gave him a dirty look ."why are u guys here." And I said "he walked me home " and she said " u didn't rape her , did u?!? . Because I don't need any godamn gran children !" And he said "no of corse not. " his answer was perfect .... I said "mom!" And she said "so what do u guys want?" And i said "can u go get dad ?" And she said "fine." And she walked to get my dad ... I said "what are we gonna do?" And he said "I'll take care of It,don't worry " and I nodded and I kissed him . My mom was walking back and she saw me kiss him and she screamed making me jump "u fucking bitch !. So u guys had sex!?" And we both said "no!"and I said "were dating, and we have to ask u something" and my dad said "what is it?" And Corey said "I would like if Nikki could move in with me " and I added "we both want it ". Mom said "no ur --" and my dad interrupted her "yes , u guys can . Corey I'd like to talk to u first" and Corey said "okay, thank you " and I said "thank you so much " and mom said"noooo u can't!" And dad said "yes u can , ur mother isn't really thinking ". I hugged my dad and I said "I'm gonna go pack and change." And Corey said "okay . I'll talk to ur dad" and I nodded and I kissed him and walked up stairs . I went in my room and I got undressed and changed into a short black skin tight dress , it fit me perfectly , showing my curves and pushing my breast up . I brushed back my hair and packed my pads and tampons and clothes and then Corey said "do u need help carrying anything?" And I walked to the top Of the stairs and he stood at the bottom and l said "u can come up here,if u want" and he walked up and I walked back in my room and I hurried up and shoved the pads and Tampons in my makeup bag..... Whew he didn't see me .. He walked in my room and he said "wow u look sexy " and I looked in the mirror . And I said "thanks" and I said "can u grab my comb in my bathroom , please?"and he nodded and walked out the room....... A second later he came back with my comb and he handed it to me . I said "thanks " and I gave him a peck on the cheek and put it in my bag.. I said "do u have furniture at ur house?" And he said "yea , a bed ,kitchen ,living room, and two bathroom and a office .a bunch of things" and i said "okay". He said "I really liked u when we first met ." And I said "ik me too, I can't believe we're moving in together." And he nodded . He said "maybe we can get married " and I looked at him and I said "yes!. That would be awesome " and then I blushed and he said "wow" and I smiled ... And I said "did u talk to my dad?" And he nodded and said "he said , it's fine to move in and he also said we could get married if we want . He really likes me" and I said "wow . Good" and I said "It stopped raining . We better go " and he nodded and we walked down the stairs .... We told my parents goodbye and we left.... We walked for a minute then we got home. We ate and showered then went to bed

2 months later .......

I woke up and Corey laid beside me . I kissed him and he woke up and I said "good morning " and he said "morning" and I said "I was thinking we could go out to eat tonight?" And he said okay" ..

Later on that night ..... We walked in a restaurant and we sat down and then a girl ran up to the table and she said "corey?" and he said "oh hey" and I said "hey Jessica" .. That's his sister and she brought a friend over to the table and then they asked if they could sit down and talk and we talked for a while then I got up and went to the bathroom and Jessica did too.... And Natalie (Jessica's friend ) was talking to Corey and she was like all over him and flirting with him then I burst out the bathroom and she hurried up and sat back down then I looked at Corey and he could tell I wasn't happy . Then she asked Corey if he wanted to go out and my mouth dropped open and I waited for what he was gonna say . "uhh no , I'm married " and she said "to who ?" and I said "me". And she gave me a dirty look and she whispered but loud enough for me to hear "u can cheat on her . We can go to my place and have sex" and I almost jumped out the seat and he Said "no . I don't want to." and I leaned over to her and I whispered "back off " and she turned my way and pulled my hair and tackled me to the ground . Corey jumped up and grabbed her and picked her off of me . She said "how could u do that!" and I said "I didn't do it . Ur the one who tackled me !" and she said "no I didn't " and I said "Corey let's go . I can't take it anymore " and he nodded and he got up and she said "call me ". And I walked to the door and I opened the car door and got in and slammed the door shut. Corey said "I'm really sorry about what she said " and I said "shut up!" and he said "no what's wrong with u?!" and I said "she's the problem , I don't want to live like this , I already did and I'm not doing it again !" and he said "Jordan did this to u ?!" and I nodded and a tear ran down my cheek and he got out the car and he walked over to my side. He opened the door and he hugged me and I started crying . He said "I'm sorry, don't cry " And then natalie came up to the door and she leaned on it and Corey stopped hugging me and he said "what do u want ?" and she moved him out the way and she "didn't see me siting in the car" And she closed the door and smashed the door down on my leg . I screamed in pain and Corey hurried up and pushed her out the way and opened the door.She said "I'm so sorry"
And I was crying even harder and he gently touched my leg . I said "ow that hurts" and he said "sorry " and he said "she broke ur leg " and I said "what!?" And she Said "I'm sorry I didn't mean it . Corey and I can go to a hospital and leave u here then come back with help " and I said "no , ur not going anywhere with him" and he said "no we'll go to the hospital and Natalie go home with Jessica " and Natalie stomped away . I said " thanks" and he helped me back into the car and closed the door and we drove to the hospital and then we walked into the lobby and a few minutes they said my leg was just bruised and then natalie walked in and I said "get out Natalie " and she ignored me and then she walked in and sat down in chair next to corey and then a few minutes later we left and they gave me pain pills and I took some an my leg wasn't hurting as bad anymore , I could at lest walk . And then we drove home and I laid down on the couch and I said "we never got to eat and talk this whole night " and he said "ik" And I said "let's go to bed " and he nodded and I walked up the stairs and i laid down on the bed and he lay beside me and I turned away from him and he said "what's wrong?" and I said "anothing " and he said "then why arnt u beside me?" and I rolled over to him and I cuddled up with him.............

2 weeks later

I woke up and he lay beside me and I kissed him and he woke up and I said ""I'm going to the doctors , u can stay here if u want" and he said "okay , I'll take u , just call me when ur done"and I said "love u " and he said "love u too " and later he dropped me off at the OBGYN and then I waved and I walked into the lobby and I sat down then a minute later the assistant took me to the room and I changed into the exam gown and the doctor walked in and he said "hi , Nikki . U can lay down and we'll get started " and I nodded and lay down on the table and I spread my legs and he put on a rubber glove. He said "watt happened to ur left leg?" and I said "a car door shut on it " and he said "oh . All I'm gonna do is see if ur vagina is heathy and if ur sensitive " and I nodded and he said "I'm gonna go inside u now" and he stuck his finger inside me . He rubbed my clit and I jumped and he said "really sensitive" and then he took off his gloves and put on a different pair and then he picked up a vibrator and walked back in between my legs and I said "what are u doing?" and he said "relax . It's just a test " and I tried to get up but I realized he had my hands tied down and I said "stop. let me go " and he shoved the vibrator up my vagina and I gasped and he rubbed my clit more and I moaned . I couldn't help It , my body was reacting so fast. he pulled it out and then rubbed my clit and I screamed "help me, is anyone out there.?!". And he said "shhh" and no one answered me . I said "pl-please stop" and he started rubbing my tits "oh no . Please stop it " And a minute later I screamed and I had a orgasm . My head pounded and my whole body was shaking and I was breathing heavy and then I said "I have to go .my husband is here ". And he untied me and I got up and ran out the door and I trough 50 bucks on the floor and I called Corey. He said "hey babe." and I said "g-get here now .please " and he said "okay. Is everything okay ?" and I said "I'll tell u later " and a minute later he was here and I walked out the door and I hurried and opened the door and I got into the car and I closed the door and I started crying and he said "what's wrong?" and I said "he - raped me" and I cried more and he said "what ?!" and I said "h - he fucking fingered me and I couldn't get away , I was tied down , and u know the worst thing?" and he said "what?" and I sobbed more and sad "I had a fucking orgasm " and he hugged me and he said "I'll call the police " and then he did and they came and checked me to make sure I would be okay and then later we went home .....

2 weeks and a day later……

I lay down beside him and I kissed him .he said "goodnight, love u " .I said "love u too"

He turned over facing me and kissed me and I smiled and I pulled myself closer to him And we kissed for a while and my eyes were closed and then I feel a bump on the end of my nose and I open my eyes ... We bumped noses , We both begin to laugh and then continue kissing and I rolled him over on top of me, I feel his warmth surround me .I wanted him so bad...
I took off his shirt and he got off me and he took off my shirt and pants and he kissed my chest, stomach , thighs and legs . And I started breathing deeper and he took my underwear and I heard a loud bang from down stairs and I whispered "did u hear that " and he said "yeah, I'll brb . Stay here" and he got up and put on his shirt and I put on my clothes and then he walked down stairs . And then a minute later I heard a nother bang and then he started walking up the stairs and I said "u ok-" but I stopped And it wasn't him . A Man stood there staring at me and I screamed and I dove off the bed and I reached under the bed and I got a gun and I aimed it at the man and I shot ..... But he dogged the bullet and came running toward me and I shot again but the gun jammed and the man grabbed a gun and he shot me in the leg and i fell down against my dresser and Corey ran up behind him and he tackled him and the fought for a minute then the man knocked Corey out and he fell down .. The man walked over to me and he grabbed a knife and he grabbed my leg and I said " Let go of me!" and i kicked him in the face and he didn't budge. he took the knife and started to cut the bullet out my leg . I screamed . The pain was horrible , I started to see black and red dots .. Then he grabbed my leg and squeezed it soooo tight I heard the bone crack... I screamed .. His strength was amazing, he was like super strong . then he shot me again in the leg and walked out the room . Blood squirted everywhere . And then I looked down at my leg and everything went black and I passed out ....................................

2 hours later....
I woke up and my legs was wrapped up with gauze And I realized I was inside a suitcase and I opened the suitcase and I looked around ... I was inside a airplane storage room ! And I climbed out and I remembered that Corey was knocked out . He might be in here . I said "Corey are u in here?" and I here mumbling and I said "Corey , is that u?" And I heard him say "Nikki?" and I walked over to a different suitcase and I opened it and he was inside it and I helped him out . He said "are u okay?. What happened?" and I pointed to my leg and he bent down and he said "damn , what happened ?" and I bent down and under wrapped my leg and he saw the bullet hole . He said "oh my god . He shot u!?" and I nodded and he hugged me and he said "I'm soo sorry ,i wish I could of helped .im sorry " and I said "dont be . U were knocked out, u couldn't do anything ." and he kissed me and then he said "where are we ?" and I said "in a airplane" and he said "wow" and I said "come on, lets get out of this room " and he nodded and followed me as I walked trough the storage room and stepped over luggage . And a minute later I finally got to the door and I turned the nob but the door didn't budge . I took step back and I kicked the door , the door opened right up. I turned around to see if Corey was following me and he looked surprised. He said "I can't believe u kicked down the door " and I smiled and I walked into the door and he followed me . Now we were in the very far back of the plane . We walked up to the kitchen on the plane and I saw a lady and I told Corey to follow me and I said "excuse me ma'am " and she turned around and she said "how may I help u?" and I said "there's a man in this plane , he has a gun . And we don't know what he's gonna do but he broke into our houses and knocked him out and shot me in my leg twice ." and she looked down at my legs . And I unwrapped it and she said "oh my . Do u know what he looks like ?. And where did u come from ?" I said "yes I do. And we were in a suitcase , down in the storage room " and she said "do u mind coming with me so we can find him " and i nodded and I said "Corey come on " and he followed us as we walked down the sections and then a while I said "thats him. Right there" and she got the security and they talked to him and they searched him and they found a gun . They put hand cuffs on one hand but he hurried and took off
running toward me and Corey and I screamed "Corey , run, he's got a gun !". And he took off running and I followed him and then everyone started screaming and running and the man caught up with me and he tackled me and I screamed "Corey help me!" And Corey ran back to me and he kicked him in the face and pulled him off me and the security came and tackled the man and they hand cuffed him and tied him down and Corey helped me up and the man kicked and trashed around in the ropes . He let out a frustrated cry and he screamed "Nikki, I'm going to get you and fuck ur brains out !!" and I screamed back "bring it bitch !" and he struggled more then he got free and he ran after me and I ran , I said " Corey stay there !" and the man ran after me but I was way to fast for him . I sprinted trough the airplane and I dogged people and jumped over fallen things . Then he fell down and I stopped running and turned around . He tried to get up and I said "don't move" and I picked him up and I punched him hard in his face and he swung at me but I ducked and I side kicked him in the face and he fell down and I got on top of him and punched him over and over again in the face and he put his arm up to protect his face but I grabbed his arm and I arm bared him and he screamed as his arm broke and I got up and kicked him in the arm and I drag him over to Corey and I said "open the hatch please". And he opened the hatch to the plane and I leaned the man against the door and I put a para chute on him drop kicked him and he lost his balance and he fell out the plane . He screamed .. Then Corey shut the door And he opened the parachute and then he floated down and Corey stood there . He looked like he saw a ghost and he said "wow . Impressive "and I said "let's go sit down " and he said "okay " and then we sat down and I said "I can't wait to go home " and he nodded then i got and walked to the bathroom and then i came out and A while later we arrived at our house and then a while late we went to bed and a lot of things are about to happen :)......

Later in bed..............

I moaned as he pushed his dick inside me . Stars burst inside my head . My knees got week even though I was laying down , he thrusted faster and deeper and every thrust I moaned and lifted my hips up .he was on top of me and my legs were spread and around his waist .he leaned down to me and he kissed me while still thrusting and I moaned and he thrusted really really fast and he still kissed me And I stopped kissing him because I couldn't breath and i let out a cry of pleasure ,then I realized there was blood on his dick.. I wasn't a virgin anymore...... And he stopped and took it out then i said "did u com?" and he said "no i didn't and how do u want to be?" And I got on my knees and spread my legs a little and I said "I'll be on top " and he smiled . I'm glad he smiled ,caz I read that men love it when girls ride them .. Lol so here I go . And I grabbed his dick and gently stuck it inside me . Then I moved up and down and I jumped caz he hit my g-spot . And he said "u okay?" And I said "yea, u just hit my g-spot . " and he chuckled and I sat my knees on each sides of his legs and then he grabbed my back and he lifted his thighs off the bed and started thrusting and then a minute later or so I felt his dick try to push into my butt hole. I said "u know I don't like anal" and he said "yeah ik . But this isn't anal" and I said "but-" and I turned around and I thought it was corey doing that but it wasn't . A man stood there and he smiled at me and I screamed and Corey saw him too . Corey picked me up and pulled me away from the man and I said "who are u ?!" And the man said "damn u have a nice ass" and I covered up so he couldn't see me . I said. " u didn't answer my question .who are u ?. And what do u want " and he said "my names John . And I just want to fuck u ." And he winked at me . I reached over and I grabbed Corey's hand and he was dressed already and I said " we'll ur not going to " and he pulled out a gun and he said to Corey "what's ur name ?" And Corey said "uhh Corey" and he said "what about ur gf over here?" And I said "n-Nikki " and the man walked up to me and he touched my hair and he said " I love ur name" and I scooted closer to Corey . John said "Corey, ur gonna fuck her , while she gives me a blow job " and he pointed the gun at me and he said "do it or ill shoot her " and I looked at Corey and I nodded as a tear ran down my cheek .....

Corey took off his clothes and so did John and I got on my knees and Corey got behind me and he gently pushed his dick inside my vagina and John walked in front of me and he shoved his dick down my throat and I started chocking and Corey said "damn . Don't choke her !" And he put it gently back in and I sucked It for a second then I bit hard down on it and John screamed and he staggered back away from me and Corey stopped and I sat down and Johns dick was red and irritated but not bleeding . John walked over to me and he said "I'm gonna have to fuck u for that" and I said "go ahead and try " and he got on me and he stuck his dick in and thrusted once but I punched him and he fell back off the bed and I hurried and put on my clothes and so did Corey and I whispered "did u cum inside me?" And he said "uhh..yea why?" And I said "I'm dripping with cum and I hoped it wasn't his" and he kissed me and I reached down and I felt his dick bulging out of his pants and I said "ur really hard" and he said "really?" And I nodded and Smiled . I said "do I make u hard ?" And he said "of corse u do " and smiled. Then finally the man got up and he walked over to me and he said "can I please fuck u?. I won't cum inside u.. Please for just a minute " and I said "hell no !" And then we called the police and John tried to get away but they got him and then put him in jail..............

Later on that night .....

I layed down and I said "goodnight . Love u " and he kissed me and said "love u too".. I said "remember when we had sex?" And he said "yeah , how can I forget ?" And I smiled and I said "well . I thought it was like really good.. Did u ? , u can tell me if u didn't " and he said "yes .. Ur really good in bed" and I said "u are too. Can I ask u a question ?" And he nodded and I said "when we first met , were u a virgin?" And he said "no" and I said "I was ". And he said "wow . U didn't even say it hurt or anything " and I said "I didn't want to". And he said "oh, yeah I wasn't a virgin , a dated a girl for a while and she begged me and begged me for sex , and finally I said yes . But she was horrible in bed , and she kept saying she was really good at it " and I said "wow. When I dated Jordan he never even thought about sex with me . Then I mentioned it once and he said he wanted to but he never did and then after that he had sex with a different girl " and he said "oh , I'm sorry about that". And I said "did u knew I commed when we had sex ?" And he said "no.. U did?" And I nodded and he said "I thought I saw cum but I thought it was mine ." And I said "yea . We both came at the same time." I said "wow we're talking about sex lot" and I smiled and he said " can I tell u something?" And I said "yea" and he said "when I have sex with u I can't stop looking at u . Ur soooo hot when u moan . And for sure when u look at me , it makes me go crazy ." I smiled and said "I'm glad I make u crazy " and he kissed me . I said "I wish we could have sex all the time" and then I said "I'm really tired " and he said "me too .love u nite " and I turned over and fell asleep ..................

The next morning ........

We are going to go hiking in the wood far away .. We got into the car and started driving . I said "can I ask u something ". And he said "yeah " and I said "um have u ever watched porn?" and he said "yeah .. Why?" And I said " are u turned on by that? , or any of the girls ?" And he said "no , I only watched it once and I didn't think any of the girls were hot . But u are " and I said " oh " and I leaned over to him in the car and I whispered "so it makes u hard when I moan?" And he said "yea" and I moved back over to my seat and I pulled up my skirt and I started fingering my self and I moaned and he looked over to see what was going on and his eyes bulged and I looked down at his pants and his dick hardened and I moaned again and fingered myself more and I pulled up my skirt and I leaned over and I unzipped his pants and his dick popped out and I started sucking his dick .. He said "god damn, that's feels so good" and he rubbed my body and a minute later he comed and I moved back over to my seat and he said "wow . I've never have that done to me" and I said " so ur x gf didn't do that to u ?" And he shook his head "no" and I said "how'd u like it ?" And he said "it was awesome " and I said "UR horny aren't ur?" And he nodded and I said "pull over " and he did and I got on the car and walked over to his side and I opened the door and I started kissing him and I climbed on his lap and I kissed him more and he started to rub my Brest .i moaned and he said "does this feel good?" And I nodded and moaned again .. And I felt his dick harden again underneath my pussy . I said "ur hard again?" And he nodded And I kissed him . And he said "how about u drive , it's my turn ?" And he smiled and I said "okay" and then I got into the driving seat and we pulled onto the road and started driving again but I gasped when he started fingering me. I moaned and he leaned over and kissed me and i started breathing heavy . And he said "this feel good?" And I nodded . He rubbed my clit and I started whimpering and then I said " I have too pull over before We crash " and I pulled over and put the car in park and then he continued and a minute later someone opened the door and they grabbed me and I screamed and reached over to Corey and he grabbed my hand and tried to pull me back in but they came to his side and grabbed him and they put me inside of a van and they put him in there too. They tied us up and we drove somewhere and minutes past ..........

Finally we arrived at a warehouse and then they took us out the van and dragged us into the warehouse and they trough me down and I hurried up and I got up and took off running but they ran after me and one man grabbed me by my hair and I fell down and he pulled me up and Corey said "leave her alone!" And I walked back with the man and he tied me up against a wall and they grabbed Corey and tied him down ,4 feet beside me and a man grabbed a knife and he walked over to me and he started cutting off my clothes and I screamed "noooo get off me !!" And I kicked the man and he stumbled back then he walked back over and he cut off my shorts and then my underwear and then my shirt, bra..... And I was naked and Then finally one man said .."we have a plan for u , Nikki " and I said "how do u know my name?!" And he said "we've been following u both for a while " and then a different man walked up to me and he grabbed my left hand and he said "so u two are married ?" And I didn't say anything back .... Then he took my ring off and he trough it a few feet and I screamed "give it back , now asshole!" And he slapped me and Corey said "don't touch her !" And they walked over to him and punched him a few times . I started sobbing and then he walked back to me and he pulled down his pants and he lifted my legs up and I screamed "no please ,don't!!" And Corey said "I'm so sorry "and a tear ran down his face and Then the man started raping me and I started crying more and I tried to kicked him but I was tied and I looked over at Corey and he was just staring at the ground crying and then more men came in and they grabbed a nother girl and dragged her to the wall and tied her .........And she tried to struggle away but they held her tight and then the man finally stopped raping me and he pulled up his pants and walked over to the girl .... I said "Corey are u okay ?" And he nodded and he said "I'm sorry " and I said "it's fine " and then one man walked up to me and he said "we have a surprise for u " and then someone walked in to the warehouse..... It was Jordan... And the man said " u like it?" And I screamed "Jordan has nothing to do with this. U fucking bitch!" And the man said "calm down honey ." And I said "don't call me that !" And Jordan walked up to me and he said "nice to see u again " and Corey said "why is he here!?" And Jordan said "wow Nikki, I've never seen u naked " and I whispered "Jordan , untie me and I'll have sex with u and give u head " and he started thinking and he said "promise?" And I nodded and he said "fine "and he pulled out a gun and shot everyone expect me and Corey .. Then he untied us both and I hugged Corey .. I whispered "get ready to run. " and he nodded and I said "well take off ur clothes" and he took off his pants and then his pants were down around his knees and he started to take off his shirt and I screamed "Corey , run ,fast!" And he took off running and I ran after him and we jumped in the van and he started the car and we drove off and Jordan ran after us but then he stopped and went back in ......

I said "are u alright?" And he said "yea , I'm soo sorry , I should of helped -" and I leaned over and kissed him and I said "it's fine.. But I have to tell u something " and he said "okay?" And I said "when he raped me, he commed inside me ...." And he said"oh . But I comed, so what's gonna happen " and I said "I'm gonna call my doctor" and I called my doctor ... She answered the phone and I told her everything and then I got off the phone.. Corey said" what she say?" And I said "she said , I'm pregnant but I'm pregnant with both babies in one .. Urs and his, she said when I deliver,it's going to be really pain full caz there's two sperms in one baby ....and I might die in labor ...." And he said " omg, wow " and I nodded and I said "but she said there's an option ...I could get a abortion,or i could continue with e pregnancy and risk losing my life ." He said " we'll it's up to u " and I started crying ... I said "why can't my life be simple and easy. I never had a good life, even when i was a kid .." And he said "it's okay , don't cry ." And he hugged me and i said " I'll just get an abortion " and he said " oh okay" ..............


This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:!/alfa-romeo-giulietta-2014-geen-warme-lucht-linkerkant/

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Pub: 26 May 2024 22:40 UTC
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