running the gauntlet through a small Spanish town to find the president's daughter
sounds easy enough, right?
just go in and get out
armed resistance was expected, just not the severity of it
you had packed accordingly for the mission but somehow things were worse than the briefings explained
the reception was hostile to say the least
you'd lost track of the amount of villagers you'd gunned down
this was unreal
different than the Raccoon City incident
they were smarter
parasites meant each one was faster and smarter than decaying zombies
you'd had a few close calls but managed
recovering weapons as you went helped
you were getting tired of getting screamed at in Spanish
the one friendly face that dude with the trench coat
he seemed to always be ahead of you
but just kept taking money for firearms
you just assumed shithole village was why he had that rocket launcher
you wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth
the trail to Ashley was warm now
what you didn't expect after finally reaching her was a giant mouse girl screaming "don't come"
you were pelted with a bunch of junk the second you'd opened the door
the flimsy debris was swatted aside easily and you were quick to assure Ashley you were here to help
that seemed to calm her for the moment
you tried to lighten the mood a little, no doubt the kidnapping had her on edge
of she even saw half the shit you did that might have her spooked
when you said you were "cheesed to meet her" that stunned her into silence
well maybe not the desired effect but she'd calmed down
you just needed to get out now
before you set out you gave Hunnigan a report on Ashley's status
visually she looked healthy and fine
a rushed series of questions after reporting to Hunnigan confirmed the giant mouse was indeed fine
looks like the villagers just scared her a little and nothing else
whatever the group wanted for ransom, they had at least kept her unharmed
maybe they really were civilized
probably easier said than done
the next length of your journey was quieter
it felt deathly silent
now you were really not wanting your cover blown
you could handle yourself fine but you didn't need to get Ashley in danger
you headed back through the church and leapt down a ladder
guiding Ashley to leap down was difficult
but through silent coaxing she ended up landing in your arms
you then both encountered a strange robed man
started muttering about America and you barely paid attention until he brought up you both had the parasites now
those weird bugs hadn't hatched yet but he said it was only a matter of time
all the smooth confidence of a comic book supervillain
his desire to have the girl back was something you couldn't indulge in
a flash behind you made you realize the monologing was distracting
robed cultists with crossbows
you pulled Ashley through a nearby window faster than it would take to say "no way fags"
Ashley looked genuinely worried and you couldn't lie and say you weren't also really anxious
if those eggs hatched you'd be no different than those guys with the chainsaws and dynamite running around
you promised her it wouldn't come to that
somehow you'd set this straight
you just didn't know how
but like hell were you letting some super tapeworm win
Ashley seemed to warm up to you after that whole bravado act
you wondered if she was adopted after meeting the human president
five foot mouse girls with… ballistics don't just pop up without reason
regardless of your pondering she clung tighter to you
her white furred arm hooked on yours as she timidly watched your surroundings
things were noticeably different with Ashley
it was more of a challenge dealing with the same group of crazies now
Ashley was very vulnerable
a fact you were quickly aware of
you had to micromanage
the one upside was the villagers and cultists seemed to avoid hurting her
constantly squeaked out after some weirdo picked her up
you were getting better at kneecapping anyone trying to kidnap her
escape wasn't possible until you got the parasites out and that Saddler knew it
you didn't talk that much about it with Ashley
she was nervous as is
the mission briefing hadn't covered a lot of this
so after a while you just ran on instinct
Ashley needed help and you had a gun
simple equation
you weren't exactly running low on ammo either
but this job had gotten tougher and it was inevitable that someone would kill you
Ashley at least was company
she was trying to be helpful at least
she'd bring back ammo or gold if you told her to hide
ducked out of the way of fire
you rarely got a break from attacks though
when you got winged in the arm she acted like you were going to die
before you could react she pulled you into a rundown cabin
she had seen you use enough of those herbs and had the first aid supplies out of your case in seconds
clawed hands deftly pulled your shirt up and she briefly stopped herself before remembering she was attempting to help
you had managed to briefly buy yourself piece despite the farming tool catching your arm
that did indeed hurt like hell
laying back against the wall and catching your breath was welcome
you noticed Ashley had paused and you looked up confused
it allowed you to get a good look at the mouse
a giant mouse
no one had mentioned Ashley was a giant mouse
none of the Spaniards seem to make note of it
Hunnigan didn't either
you couldn't blame a concussion or anything
it seemed rude to ask her face to face
was she blushing?
hard to tell through the white fur but she definitely looked skittish in a different way
not like when you were getting shot at
she seemed to notice you noticing and went rigid
then her blue eyes went back to your arm and her regular panic returned
you were surprised she had steady enough hands to treat and bandage the slash
when you put your shirt back on she looked… disappointed?
then she remembered the angry Europeans around you all
thankfully, they hadn't noticed the cabin or decided to attack it at least
you were shocked when you went upstairs and found a man
Ashley hid behind you but this one didn't seem hostile
introduced himself as a police officer
commented on the president's daughter's ballistics
did he not notice she was a giant mouse?
you didn't know how to approach that but let Luis talk
didn't take long for the villagers to notice the cabin after the talk
the peace and quiet had been shortlived
they poured in like ants
Luis was fairly snappy with his gun and you were not slouch yourself
your shot gun cleared the ones dumb enough to try the windows
when that ran out you were taking potshots
thinking quickly Luis rushed Ashley to a nearby cabinet
she'd be protected when it got ugly
yet again the Spainard didn't acknowledge the giant mouse thing
was it just you being weird?
that couldn't be
the president wasn't a giant mouse
maybe the first lady had an affair with a rodent?
a scythe flew over your head and you quickly lost your train of thought to shooting again
after a tense amount of time they seemed to back off
good thing too, you would have to see that merchant for ammo
you called Ashley out and she was so relieved she leapt and hugged your back
she felt… firm?
not that you got hugged from behind all that much by women
you just expected things to be softer
you wanted to focus on the task at hand now
pushing your musings back and dealing with the important crap
Luis laughed
again, didn't acknowledge the giant mouse thing
well whatever
you'd have to part ways and meet again elsewhere
escape was the main plan, while getting rid of those plagas bugs
wouldn't do much good to leave while infected
after parting from Luis you were quickly chased, were they waiting for you?
you scooped up Ashley despite the protests and carried her bridal style
you realized too late they seemed to be pushing you towards a creepy castle
but you had no choice
the mouse girl felt obscenely warm in your arms as you ran
she'd given up protesting pretty quickly
no idea why, she was very vocal when she wanted to be
you slid through the gates and instantly felt like the fly in the spider's web
another weirdo greeted you
some manlet once again monologuing
you set down Ashley and she hid behind you without a word
that was a mistake on your part
because that gave the plagas control a chance
it was something you didn't notice at first
but then Ashley had pulled your sidearm and had it pointed at you
those blue eyes now dull red
were you too late?
the midget giggled to himself as the mouse girl maneuvered around you
the whole time your firearm pointed straight at your head
was her hand shaking?
it had to be
you couldn't be too late
that parasite would have no reason to not blow your brains out all over this carpet
Salazar's smugness slowly faded when he must have realized the same thing
cultists started slowly advancing on you but you didn't want to leave Ashley
while she seemed to have some control she didn't have total control and she turned and walked past the robed monks
you hated this
but you swore you'd fix this
you dashed across the room, dodging a flail as you ran
there was a free door in the corner and you hoped you could escape the situation
you weren't giving up
not even close
you were stuck in a running gunfight with the cultists for a few rooms
after the chase they seemed to withdraw
it had been hectic but you'd bought yourself some peace
you looted a few of the dead
the finds were sparse but you did get some ammo and a incendiary grenade out of it
you'd have to figure out how to recover Ashley and escape
it just couldn't be too late to save her
you refused to entertain the idea
however the new privacy gave you an idea
you got on the radio to Hunnigan
things about this situation were bothering you
you downplayed the current shitshow
you had to ask it bluntly
why is the president's daughter a giant mouse?
Hunningan paused
"what are you talking about?"
it was your turn to pause
so it was unusual
you quickly recovered and said you must have been mistaken
"maybe you took a hit on the head? you need to take care of yourself out there"
yeah it's just brain damage, Hunnigan
well it didn't change your current situation
you weren't leaving Ashley to the cult
whatever the hell was going on you weren't letting that happen
you took the time to reload and snuck back out
you made your way through the halls, encountering resistance
you gunned down cultists and kept going
on rare occasions you'd run into a puzzle
it strained your mind for awhile but you wouldn't let yourself be stopped
you eventually found yourself a rifle
felt good in your hands
rarely hand any chance to use it
a massive chamber
and below you was Ashley
still a giant mouse
but a giant mouse strapped to a wall
you breathed deep and took shots at the cultists around her
you quickly dropped her guards
she looked up and you were still weirded out by the mouse thing
at least they didn't harm a golden hair on her head
you felt relief
you ran downstairs to her as quickly as possible
when you freed her you were surprised
she pounced on you and you fumbled with your side arm before she pressed her mouth to yours
the muzzle felt weird but the affection was the first real kindness you'd felt here
if someone wanted to kill you they could with your guard down
at the moment you just melted into the kiss

after a brief moment, you pushed Ashley up and got up
you had no idea why that just happened but you couldn't get distracted
you almost considered it was a ploy by whatever controlled her
but Ashley's eyes were that pretty ocean blue
the red was gone from them
she really tried to find anything in the room to look at besides your gaze
but she wasn't pointing a gun at you
you asked if she was OK and she relaxed a little
her body posture
"I'm sorry about earlier, it was like I couldn't control myself"
was this about the gun or the kiss?
she locked up with an "eep"
then stammered while trying to look at the carpet
"shouldn't we get going?"
the change of subject was obvious but you'd roll with it
her tail swayed as you bet she mentally hoped you bought it
you had considered ask her outright why she was a mouse but that still felt rude
you don't just go and ask that
the kiss did make you look at Ashley a little differently
but that was something you'd have to put on the backburner
she did at least still look nice despite the kidnapping and attacks
you wondered just how she didn't get chilly with that plaid skirt
maybe that's why she seemed to huddle up to you when you both made your way out to the chamber
her fur was still silky smooth to your bare arm
the kiss was still present on your mind
why did she jump you?
was it her way of showing gratitude?
you had kissed a mouse
you almost didn't notice the cultists
another gunfight ensued
three more corpses
but the odds were not in your favor
you grabbed her wrist and bolted for a small room
you pushed Ashley towards a cabinet and shoved a desk in front of door
you felt fortunate that they were super predictable
they would try to batter down the door
you had your shotgun pointed at the door when the banging started
you waited
banging intensified
the door buckled slightly
there were more than a few
and they clearly had hatchets
more gouges in the door
you waited
sweat dripped off you as you mentally readied yourself
deep breaths
Ashley was nervous
she tried to keep quiet behind you but you heard her squeaks everyone other hit on the door
still, you waited
you fought the urge to flinch on the strikes yourself
instead you just braced the shotgun tightly against your waist
only when they finally busted parts of the door did you act
you saw their faces as buckshot hit the crowd around the entrance at center mass
it wasn't as violent as a headshot but you knocked them back
you followed it with another shot
and another
the door was shredded now
as were the cultists dumb enough to cluster around it
so with that small peace you shouted back to Ashley
you both had to move
she fumbled out of the cabinet onto her face
ass up in the air she was instantly mindful of her skirt and she panicked covering back up
she rose quickly, dusting off her sleeveless orange sweater
you two didn't have time so you decided to throw Ashley on your shoulder
you had her head bouncing against your thigh despite her very vocal protests
there was no time to lose and the cultists had to all be on high alert
you didn't know how the parasite shared information but they'd be here in no time
your hand was firm above her tail to hold her steady on your shoulder
the adrenaline had your heart racing a mile a minute and you ignored everything except getting to safety with Ashley in tow
they had to be trying to bog you down in fights, had to be
so for now your best option was stealth
you ran through empty chambers, thankful to hear nothing else
they would try and trail you two but you hoped to put just enough distance between the last fight and you
Ashley needed doubt felt this was undignified, alternating between squeaking protests and waving her hands around
she was light on your shoulder
that much you remembered
trouble hit like a freight train when you entered one room
it was almost like a cage
you didn't have time to ask for what when you noticed a hulking figure with giant claws
he was on edge but his back was to you
some growth on his back, the plagas drew your attention
before you could react the other door opposite your entryway swung open
the cultist didn't even know what hit him when the giant leapt and tore into him
it didn't distinguish between friend or foe
you quickly put two and two together
when you entered you were damn near silent
this thing must need noise to know what's happening
that's when you remembered your passenger
Ashley almost screamed at the new threat but you grabbed her by the back of the head and smashed her face into your crotch to muffle her
the mouse clawed at your pants at first
you almost reacted at the little razor sharp things scratching through the fabric
but past experience had you keeping completely silent
those claws on the blind creature could do worse than Ashley's
the mess of gore on the floor was proof enough of that
you had the back of her blonde hair gripped tight
she was mashed as tight against your crotch as possible
thankfully muffled
her boots failed and threatened to throw you off balance but you held still
you'd have only one chance at this
you'd been saving the magnum for something really special
the stopping power something that couldn't be matched elsewhere
you didn't dare risk the peashooter
you'd have one shot and then the creature would either be dead or would react
you weren't confident that reaction would be good for your health
pressing Ashley tight against you, you used your other arm to line up the shot
you were about four arms length away
you'd stilled your breath and readied your body for the kickback
one shot felt like it would rip your arm from the joint
but it did the job and the thing died instantly
Ashley muffled against your pants brought you back to reality
you were about to set her down when the unexpected happen
in her renewed struggle against your grip something dropped and rolled across the floor
an orange?
or was that a grapefruit?
now wasn't the time to categorize citrus though
because the hushed silence and her frozen reaction made you keenly aware of another sensation
your shoulder was wet through the fabric
you were aware this wasn't the best place for this
however… this was pressing against your shoulder
you set Ashley down gently and if there was awkward behavior before, this took the cake
she, no he, stood there with one "boob"
the other had rolled out onto the floor
trying really hard to keep the skirt fabric from tenting
you shut the one door the cultist had stumbled through
you two needed to talk
something the mouse didn't seem ready for
was this Ashley?
you'd had your suspicions since the whole giant mouse thing
now you find out it was a mouse boy
what the hell was going on
what you didn't expect was he wouldn't even let you get a word out
you were all ready to start asking 20 questions and Ashley stole your thunder by falling against you and start sobbing loudly
your anger at the deception didn't last long in the face of this
you felt awkward hugging the mouse but your arms just instinctively went to hold who was crying against your chest
you really hoped a cultist didn't decide now was a good time
you didn't say anything initially, >it felt natural to allow Ashley to let it out and you weren't getting answers until everything calmed down
the embrace seemed to do it
eventually the sobbing slowed and he relaxed a little
the huge ears on his head twitched a little at you clearing your throat
you came out and said it
why was the president dressing his son in girl outfits?
it was a strange lifestyle choice
also second point
did Ashley realize he was a giant mouse?
you ended with the promise you weren't pissed
more confused than anything
he needed to give you answers
especially if you two were going to make it out of here
the voice was still hushed and a little raspy after the cry
"I have a confession. I'm not the president's daughter"
of course, he was a boy
"no no. I mean I'm maybe not Ashley."
you didn't see this coming
but why did the cult kidnap him?
you were conversing in whispers just in case
"I was in town where the president's daughter was, wearing the same outfit"
maybe these villagers weren't really civilized after all
but the mouse thing
a tail, giant ears
how did they not figure that one out?
you didn't initially question it but you did find it strange
"I'd always hear all these cool adventures from my older brother."
you were wondering where he was going with this and let him continue
"see he followed these siblings around on all their little escapades. I think he said they were named the Redfields."
that made you perk up
but no
that was too much of a coincidence
had to be
"he even wrote it all down. I just thought it sounded cool"
he pulled himself against your chest again
didn't really address the crossdressing
or why he was a giant mouse
but you didn't bother with details
what he said earlier came back to you
so they didn't kidnap the president's daughter
"the whole time they thought I was her and they've never bothered to confirm it."
so they just nabbed a giant mouse with a penis and grapefruits down his sweater
and never questioned it
still haven't questioned it
maybe the parasite makes them collectively fail to see the obvious
like a hive mind stupidity
granted, you rolled with it
but this was actually good news
you patted Ashley on the back and said it was OK
actually, better than ok
the president's daughter was off partying somewhere and safe
this terror organization fumbled and revealed their hand
all you had to do was get the bugs out of you two and install democracy on this shitty little cult
you weighed the pros and cons of telling your bosses
might just play along for the moment
Ashley had calmed down now
wait that wasn't right
what was his real name?
you'd have to call him Ashley around this area to keep up appearances but you were owed that much
he huffed against your chest and you remembered how warm he was
"I guess you're right. you rescued me. so I guess my knight in shining armor deserves a name. it's Ash, no kidding."
was he snuggling up to your chest right now?
so you took mental notes
the situation wasn't ideal
and you had plenty of questions
you made an executive decision to hold onto the information about the president's daughter
she was safe as long as they thought this mouse was her
you pat the back of Ash's hair
it probably wasn't his real name
too much of coincidence
granted, you didn't know what to think
so you picked him up delicately and allowed him to stand under his own power
you two were going to have to rely on one another if you were to get out of here
you wanted him to really understand that
you weren't using him as bait for the cultists
that would imply he'd get hurt
you clasped your hands on his shoulders and promised him you'd bring him home safe
that's probably when the trouble began
because if he wasn't clingy before, he had your arm in death grip now for some reason
but he didn't seem scared now
you had no idea why he was holding on like that
but at least he relaxed
you'd get more out of him later
possibly ask why Luis didn't seem bothered by the rodent
you were about to head out the door when he scrambled away and grabbed his "boob"
some readjustment and they looked like they could fool anyone again
now you could leave and Ash took up his place next to you
you had a strong urge to continue your conversation with your companion
there was definitely a lot that needed to be said
but you also needed to sneak out
he followed right behind you and you got better at not getting tripped up
the cultists seemed to be unaware of your presence now and you wanted to keep it that way
when you got to a strange bottomless pit with platforms scattered to an exit on the other side you breathed in
you were sure Ashley wouldn't make it himself
you instead looked over your shoulder and told him to hold onto you
you'd hopefully jump these piggyback style
he looked hesitant
you smiled and said you promised you get you both through this
he was in good hands
that made him shift a little but it won him over
his slender arms around your neck were warmer and softer than a scarf
your hands rested on his legs and he didn't protest this time
while it threw off your balance a little he wasn't really that heavy
you both held on tight as you leapt for the first platform
your boots landed hard and you recovered quickly
he squeaked into your ear as you leapt and landed on another platform
the stones must have been some old bridge
it was holding up well to every jump
you managed a few more leaps
the last jump you nearly missed but Ashley shoved himself forward, giving the momentum to stick it
he had tightly clutched your neck in a panic
his legs wrapped around you
you breathed a sigh of relief and gently set your passenger down
he withdrew and you noticed he was having to readjust his skirt again
you paid no mind to the tent he was fighting down
guys will be guys
you got erections at weird times too
muttering above you in Spanish made you freeze for a second before hugging the wall
Ashley was surprised when you pulled him towards your chest
your left hand held the back of his head and the other held his lower back
poor thing must have been scared because he shivered in your embrace
you were aware of his erection because it poked against your hip
he really chose a bad time for it but you'd have to make do
at least he suppressed any noises but you had his face against your chest for a reason
occasionally he jostled against you and let out a low noise
he had to be uncomfortable but until the cultists walked away from the ledge he'd need to stay close
his arms held onto you though
not in a panic or anything
at least he was trusting you now
when the voices got distant you finally relaxed and released Ash
he seemed flustered for some reason
well it was better than the screaming
he whispered to you and asked if you'd seen a restroom while running through the castle
you hadn't
it was a weird time for a bathroom emergency
he'd have to hold it for now
at least until you had privacy
you asked if he'd want to get caught with his pants down
er, skirt
that somehow got him more flustered
he was weird
regardless, you both pressed on through the castle
after the rough start on your journey he was starting to get it
it wasn't like having a combat buddy but he at least was trying to be helpful now
even offered to carry ammo and medical supplies
it was good to have a bigger inventory
when you got to your merchant friend he practically lit up
how the merchant got in here you didn't know but it was a blessing
you had to gently let down Ash because no, he was not getting a rocket launcher to help you with
the enthusiasm was appreciated but he hadn't even used a pistol yet
afterwards the rest of the castle was a breeze
the usual assortment of cultist swarms, puzzles, giant statue encounters and BOWs you'd come to expect
amazingly, Ash continued to grow in usefulness and seemed to get braver as you two forged ahead
maybe not quite ready for a rocket launcher but maybe you'd toss him one of your dinky pistols
the last encounter with Salazar nearly turned your stomach
you'd had Ash hide nearby in a crawlspace
this big fights were still something you didn't want him part of
after sniping the little napoleon looking weird with what felt like all your rifle ammo he went down
you both could leave now that your gracious host was a bubbling pile of ooze
you went back and saw Ash peak out of his hidey hole
when you offered a hand up he looked at it wide eyed before taking it
"why are you being this nice? I got you into this."
this wasn't your idea of a vacation but these guys needed to be stopped
there was always another Umbrella or another Birkin
so it worked out
plus you would have went out of your way to help anyone in this
you told him to make sure to buy you a beer when this was all said and done
then you'd be even
he looked a little bashful so you reassured him by clasping your arm around his shoulder
you brushed his hair out of his eyes and said you promised and you meant it
you laughed when he said he needed a bathroom break after all the excitement
at least you calmed him down
you said you'd find a spot and scout it out beforehand
that way he'd be safe
you said you had a surprise after and that perked him up
you saw the castle chambers led into a cave and you were unsure what that would bring
couldn't go back out into the village with the numbers they had
so it looked like the only answer was to go deeper with Ashley
you found an alcove in the caves and made sure, very sure there wasn't some Scooby-Doo secret door shit
he looked grateful as he ran in when you gave him the all clear
you were both guys so you'd just stand outside the gap and keep watch the other way
he almost objected but you weren't letting him get kidnapped again
the alcove was about seven feet into the cave, that would be enough privacy
Ash just had to give a signal he was done and you'd both be on your way
he finally agreed once he got you to promise to only keep look out, he needed his privacy
practically had to swear on a Bible
keeping watch was the calmest time you'd had in a while
for you
Ash on the other hand
well Ash had gotten you to promise not to watch him
on the other hand he watched you
the second the coast was clear for him he flipped up his skirt
he had spent a good portion of the day rock hard about you
ever since getting shoved nose first into your crotch and all the manhandling
he'd thought you were handsome before but after seeing you in action and being treated like that…
well he was crushing hard on you
and even after he found out you'd lied
you'd wanted to help
he muffled his moans with his tail as his blue eyes studied you like dinner
his hand furiously pumped his red cock, it's angry color contrasting with the white fur around it
he'd been leaking precum ever since you'd shouldered him and he definitely needed new panties after this
his brother had bragged about adventure but Ash never considered romance
his legs were shaky as he just kept watching you and he balanced himself with his other hand
fantasies filled his mind
your breath on his chest as you moved to attack a vulnerable pink nipple with your teeth
you pulling his hair as you drove your manhood deeper than his fingers could reach
he imagined how much better your crotch smelled with the pants off
how tight you could grip the base of his tail as a handle
you were every inch his hero and you came in and swept him off his feet
you needed a steed but Ash would have been fine with you mounting him instead
he wanted to give you your reward
he knew it was dumb to do it here
this was all dumb
but he craved you to look over your shoulder, to see him with his panties down and desperate
but he didn't want to force it, to bring the attention to himself
he needed you to want him like that
he dreamed of that big fat cock you must have and how you could stuff it in him
he yearned for you to just grab him and bent him over the closest thing and just use him
mentally he was wondering what he'd call you while he rode that big human cock
would you growl how much you loved him as you emptied a load in him
would you bring him along everywhere from then on
Ash knew how dangerous everything was now and this made him swear to himself
if you got them through this safe and sound
he was practically your property
the way you handled yourself just fighting all these monsters, it was a thrill
not the adventure his brother had told Ash years back
something more primal
the mouse boy knew he swung of the male team but there wasn't a guy like you before
he wasn't a whore throwing his ass wherever
you were special
he stared hard at your back while he arched his and shot cum across the alcove
he almost collapsed but caught himself
his heart rate eased down and he could think again
and he all of a sudden felt embarrassed and quickly covered back up
a soft voice from behind you cleared his throat
"I'm all, um, finished. sorry."
well the break was nice at least
you turned and there he was looking skittish
you smiled and said no problem then remembered what you said earlier, the epiphany reading over your face openly
then you could tell he remembered the surprise and his giant ears perked up
when you went to pull off your belt his eyes shot wide
"w-what? what are you doing?!?"
he squeaked out in a whisper and started to panic for some reason
you told him to relax, it was part of the surprise
that seemed to make him more fidgety and he really didn't want to make eye contact
just a stuttering mess now
he froze and slowly looked up when you pressed him back to the cave wall with a hand on his slender shoulder
then you handed him the belt and holster for your sidearm
you felt you could trust him with a pistol, perhaps you were too rash earlier to keep him unarmed
you didn't expect him to almost faint in response, it couldn't be that exciting

he seemed to calm down after a minute or two
you didn't have a lot of time so you asked if he knew anything about guns
he silently shook his head
you were afraid of that
so crash course in gun safety and all that
point it down, trigger discipline and all that
you figured the cultists not wanting to hurt such a high value target would given Ash an edge
you asked him to stance up, show you how he thinks he should shoot
last thing you'd need was him flying backwards from recoil
the pistol looked gigantic in his hands
when he trembled you felt bad
he didn't know his little adventure would turn into this
you took a little pity on him
you moved behind him and wrapped your arms around him, your hands over his
he was still shaking so you planted a leg between his
you didn't exactly tower over him but you could see over his hair and between his big ears
you instructed him to take deep steady breaths to ready himself
he was never trained for any of this so getting him calm was the first step
then you told him to spread his legs more and he nearly jumped for some reason
you dodged his tail as he nearly jettisoned himself to the ceiling
however, he soon understood the purpose of the wider stance was to help balance
after you explained you weren't a "pervert"
no idea why he thought firearm training was perverted
after about twenty minutes you were happy he at least got some basics
he could at least cap those guys hauling him up over their shoulders now
what you didn't know was how quickly that training would be put to use
the parasites had done some weird shit so far but it seemed like the cult had been toying with them
trying to make them even more dangerous
and you two ran into that in the castle caverns a bit past your break spot
the creatures that jumped you both looked like giant bugs
you were starting to get deja vu from all the crap you dealt with in Raccoon City
things looked absolutely alien and you discovered quickly they could cloak
Ashley spotted them first
because while you couldn't see them all that well, he could hear them
they shimmered slightly in the light
taking flight must exert them too much for the camouflage however and that made them easy to shoot
sure they were nimble in the air but they were visible
shotgun made all their weaving worthless because you were sure to clip something
one of them got lucky and grabbed Ashley
you panicked at seeing the mouse up in the air
this wasn't happening again
getting separated like before
you didn't have time to scream out before Ashley did a very smart/dumb thing
you were happy to see the gift had paid off
Ash fumbled with the gun but got it right up to the bug's mouth and mag dumped the thing's brains out
what was dumb and not so much a relief was Ashley was twenty feet in the air and over a pit
you ran hard as you could, slid towards the edge, and got hold of something solid
the bug plummeted and you quickly realized you were looking down Ash's skirt and your hand had his tail
the mouse nearly screamed at the tugging and your arm nearly came out of its socket but he was safe
displaying an inhuman flexibility and agility he just about doubled over and grabbed your shoulder
it hurt but he managed to scamper up you and to your surprise kill one of those bugs that spotted an easy target
he'd even used your pistol to do it, pulling it while he had been climbing up
you'd both had enough of the caves after just a few minutes and sprinted towards an obvious exit
Ashley continued to spot for you, the hearing making ambushes impossible
he wasn't even panicked or screaming now
if he was afraid he didn't let it show as outwardly as before
maybe actually killing one of those things made him see it wasn't as impossible as he thought
a few service tunnels and gunfights with the bugs you managed to get out of there
with Ashley in tow as well
you took time to slap his shoulder and say you were proud of him in there
his response was to look everywhere but you and say he was thinking of another bathroom break
it did get pretty scary in there but that was sudden
it seemed like the caves led into a mine system
you'd have to find a way to the surface and you heard more guttural Spanish ahead
the mines were indeed stuffed to the rafters with villagers that really wanted hurl dynamite
Ashley had to cover his ears a lot
the gunfire had been difficult for him but an explosion in an enclosed space must have been hell
then they got creative
Ashley and you dodged in different directions from one such explosion
the mouse ended up in a tunnel that was weaker
another blast and the shit started caving in
you weren't fast enough to rush for it but he was darting away from the collapse
you were shocked for a second, staring at the blocked off cave
then you were pissed
you blew the head off the one villager that threw the last stick
fucking dynamite
at least the stick he had just lit took out a group of them
but now you had an issue
do you pick Ashley or your route through the mines?
Ashley tried clawing at the rocks and was greeted with more falling into their place
he wasn't built for strenuous digging and ended up giving up after a few frantic minutes
he fell back against the rock wall and processed what to do
he heard a few more gunshots and explosions and hoped you were alright
now, he could stay here and hope you could dig out the rock
or head deeper and hope you two could meet
the rocks could take hours to clear and neither of you had that sort of time
so the tunnel it had to be
Ash just hoped he could circle around in time
the pistol would be a last resort if he couldn't sneak
checking ammo, he reloaded like you taught him
a little clumsy but he managed
the quiet of the caverns didn't help relax him and he fiddled with the pistol
his ears focused and he slunk out into the mine tunnel, torchlight bathing everything in hostile reds
his boots were ruined by now, mentally he wondered if you two could go shopping after this
a beach
after all this
definitely going to a beach
Ash would get a swimsuit
something barely covering anything
that was the ticket
that would definitely draw your eye
maybe something low cut
just enough ass cleavage that wouldn't get you two kicked off a public beach
what color would best work with his white fur
he distracted himself with happy thoughts while listening for danger
the mines in this section had been quiet so far but Ash didn't doubt they wouldn't go for him now
since you had been separated from him, he was vulnerable
or so they believed
had to get out of this
warm ocean water glistening off your skin
Ashley was living for tomorrow now
he just had to pray you upheld your part of the bargain
you were pulling off his bikini top with your teeth and he wasn't accepting anything less
slipping through the tunnels was easier than he expected but he was still careful
occasionally gunfire echoed through the tunnels and he took that as a good sign
sure, you were fighting but that meant you were alive
plus you seemed to be moving as well so he had made the right call
when he heard some shuffling up ahead he was cautious
his footsteps grew soft
sneaking was natural for him
sunny beach
just think sunny beach
Ashley calmed his breathing and went over your firearms training
it was brief but it was the closest thing to a security blanket he had now
this was definitely all the adventure his brother had seen and more
he wasn't sure he was cut out for that sort of life though
the glamor had faded
now he just had to survive and hope you reciprocate his feelings
he'd just have to like, seduce you
he really had no idea how to actually do that but that was a bridge he'd cross when he got to it
more gunfire and footsteps shuffled away from where he crouched
they were obviously heading off to deal with the intruder, you
that was good news
well, not for you
but it meant he was getting closer to you
he checked his pistol briefly and crawled forward
the caverns smelled of mildew and grime
that part stuck out to him a lot
the villagers didn't ever seem to stand out too much from their surroundings any more
you smelled nice to him though
he thought about that
at least tracking you might be easy
then you two would get rid of these bugs and get away from this God forsaken place
his tail slightly bobbed behind him to give him better balance crouched
the skirt at helped him be flexible too
truly the most tactical invention
the fake boobs were annoying though
but impersonating a celebrity for the fame and possibly getting into nightclubs seemed like it was worth it
no one really asked about the giant mouse thing
and he wasn't about to correct them
everyone just assumed
maybe this Ashley was just kind of homely looking enough he could pass for her
celebrities were weird and he was more than happy to use that to his advantage
at least that was what he assumed
as for why he never impersonated a male celebrity?
he liked skirts, so what was the big deal
this whole wanderlust had led him into a dangerous spot and he thought back
if you hadn't rescued him
he'd be a slave to this cult
he was in love almost at that corny cheese joke
you noticed he was a mouse or were at least bold enough to say it out loud
he also took note
you didn't exactly reject that kiss
even kissed back
you didn't think he looked super weird or ugly
so there was hope
he held onto that hope until he found an area with a minecart
it led down some rickety wooden tracks
death trap in the making
however gunfire below the ledge made him peak over
there you were about thirty feet down
he eyed the mine cart that would head down to that level
it was a risk
jumping would be fatal
Ash hyped himself up
it was just like one of those roller coasters
just hop in a roll down
but the brakes
that's the issue
could he stop it?
he saw you were backed into a corner and threw caution to the wind
hopefully you'd give him a reward for his daring rescue
that last thought made Ashley perk up
you were pinned behind cover and didn't expect to see a cart flying down the track near you
you almost opened fire when you saw familiar boots poking up from the cart, moving around in a panic
the villagers had no time to react before the cart blasted through their group and slammed through several trusses
the cart had smashed a few of them but those that were distracted were quickly gunned down
you felt amazingly lucky for the opportunity
Ash had come through and created an opening
you rushed over and saw he was dazed but no worse for wear
Spanish behind you made you pick him up out of the cart bridal style and start running
these tunnels had to have another opening
hopefully better than this place
though judging by the track record probably not
still, these tunnels were a labyrinth made to waste your time
getting you both bug free was a priority
you had a feeling taking out Salazar early did some damage to the group at least
the distressing amount of mutations this cult was making didn't ease your fears
they had to be stopped more than ever
bugs first though
Luis had remarked on research about them
so maybe they had a way to destroy the infestation
Ash had appeared to recover
you asked if he wanted to walk it off
"we lost them right?"
sure enough the noises were distant
they wouldn't be able to catch up
you told him you felt like you lost them
"well in that case, can you carry me a little longer?"
strange but maybe he felt woozy still
he draped his arms around you and relaxed in your arms as you trudged through the mines towards what looked like open space
what was initially disappointment turned to horror
the glow of the room was due to what looked like a lava pit
Ashley was already looking uncomfortable in the heat
he got down and shielded himself behind you
was he smelling you?
well that wasn't the important thing because you were greeted by a familiar sight
two of them
you'd fought one of those troll giants before in the village outskirts
but now two of the monsters strode out of a giant doorway on the other side of the room
Ashley choked back a scream
you could tell by how he was holding your shoulders he was tensed up
you couldn't lie and say you weren't also scared
they made the mistake of using this room though
you saw the precarious condition the pit was in
and it was big enough for one of these things to fall into
you knew from fighting the one they weren't graceful
maybe you could have them trip over each other
you doubted you'd get lucky enough to get both of them
the mouse boy was nervous
you clasped a hand over one of his soft ones and told him you needed him to keep it together
these things would probably be too dumb to know not to hurt him
so you'd serve as a distraction and pointed to the apparatus over head
a few good shots and it would bring down the platform into the lava
you would plan to be off the platform
you promised
he still sounded scared but you needed to trust him
you would get you both out of here so you added incentive
if you both got out of this fight you'd do whatever he asked
give him whatever he'd like
no objections
that seemed to calm him instantly somehow
you'd break on three
your body felt like a coiled sping
sweat formed on your brow and the beasts got closer
you darted forward to catch their eye and Ashley slunk backwards, making no sudden moves
they were dumb and uncoordinated
thankfully that worked in your favor
piss off one and he swings a club without thinking of the other one
it was easy to get them to pay attention to just you
especially when you'd switched to your magnum
you'd thought about a shotgun but fuck getting within arms reach of these things
Ashley had made himself scarce and the plan was working
you'd were getting exhausted dodging the blows but a single hit would kill you
you couldn't chance getting hit
one of the idiots charged and made a beeline for the platform
you dodged another clumsy swing and peppered a few shots at the other freak to get him to close in
you were getting nervous about getting boxed in but you had to trust Ashley
he'd come through
you knew it
sure enough Ash had the time to steady up and take aim
ignoring the urges you telling him to spread his legs had put in him
every piece of that lesson but that one part
he was hoping you weren't just exaggerating about that reward because he was looking forward to it
the first shot didn't hit the chain
the second didn't either
however, third time's the charm
the chain suspended that whole platform and if it went
he hoped you didn't make a mistake trusting him
you heard the gunshots
the giants seemed too caught up in attacking you
you didn't make it obvious you glanced up
you saw a shot hit, sparks flying
Ashley quickly emptied the rest of the gun on the links
more misses than hits but it did it
the second giant charged onto the platform and you felt it waver
you decided to risk it and baited one of them into slamming his club down
idiot fell for it
they both just assumed you were dodging but you'd leapt clear of the pad as it dropped from the hit
both of them fell into the lava but not without a fight
one of them clawed at you while bellowing and there was a real fear fucking lava couldn't stop these things
you backed off while training your sight on it
you weren't shy about shooting a couple more times
the bullets finally seemed to hit home and actually do something because the beast finally went slack and fell into the red heat
you weren't sure how durable those things were so you stayed away from the pit and made your way towards Ashley
he seemed a little distraught
you asked what was wrong?
was he OK?
"it's just… I couldn't make the shot. even with you counting on me"
the mouse boy looked to his boots and slumped against the wall of the cave
you decided he had the right idea
you sat next to him and he quietly nudged a rock
you felt like he needed a boost
you remarked he had weakened the chains
it wasn't perfect but you to made do
isn't that what life was about?
you two still managed to kill the giants
you were both alive and that's what mattered
that seemed to help a little so you added the cherry on top of the sundae
you get to name your reward, you know
the ears twitched
you saw it
"but I don't think I deserve it…"
you were both sitting here alive because of his actions
so he could name his price
he thought about it in silence
"are you sure?"
you offered and you'd pay him back
he probably wanted money or another vacation or something
"welp, fuck it."
you were confused what that meant then he quickly straddled you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders
"I'm not dying a virgin," he whispered desperately to you
"you almost died so many times and…"
he frantically pulled his top up and pitched the bra staffers over his head
his bravery seemed to fade briefly before he found his resolve
his hand grabbed yours and he placed it on his bare chest
his white fur was like silk
smooth to your fingertips but he wanted you hand flat over a specific spot
"I know. I know."
he was pleading when he looked down at you with his blue eyes
"you're straight or have a girlfriend or whatever and I'm stupid"
he started to look more and more crestfallen as you tried to figure out how to react
"but I… can't let this go."
you realized he wanted you to feel his heart and it raced
hammered harder than yours did when you just fought out there
he was so scared
the stress was getting to him and you figure that had to have taken a lot from him
so your hand went to undo his black bra
you gently set it aside and agreed
this wasn't the ideal place for a thing but you knew he was so terrified
nowhere was really safe so this was as good a place as any
you were sort of in new territory here
but you figured he'd feel bad if you just kind of sat there
so fine
you promised
you didn't want to leave it unfulfilled
so you mirrored him and pulled your shirt off
that seemed to perk him up
he ran his paw over your chest in appreciation
the pads were soft on your skin
you allowed him to work at his pace but there was something you wanted to try
he flinched when you reached up and rubbed his ear
you'd be curious this whole time what it felt like
he was confused
then leaned into it
"I think I'm going to make you regret that promise"
he looked somewhat nervous
you'd never been with a guy before
really this was about the farthest you've gotten with anyone
Ada was kind of a tease but you were probably in a worse situation than this
Ashley here wasn't a tease given how he arched against you
you'd have to fix something
was Ash his real name?
"I know it sounds silly but yeah. why?"
well you wanted to make sure you groaned out the right name
none of that president's daughter nonsense
you felt how tense his back was as your hand went further down
his fur really was a pleasure to touch
"we-we don't have to do this."
he tried to get up off you and your hand clamped over one of his thighs
he squeaked, actually squeaked and then he gulped down his anxiety for a moment
he seriously thought he was forcing himself on you
you ran your hand up his skirt and if you weren't in a lava cave you could have felt his body burning up
he buried his face in his hands when you flipped the cloth up, exposing him
he was rock hard and leaking
so he really did want this
his cock angrily throbbed and wasn't at all contained in his panties
he didn't try to make eye contact whatsoever
"I'm sorry."
his anxiety was obvious by now
did he like you?
you had to admit, he was alright
he had pretty soft hips
you patted his thigh gingerly and he whined and wiggled in your lap
so he must really enjoy your company
that was good
you enjoyed his company too
so you decided best to go with it
you had no idea how to go about this
killing all that shit past you and you were freezing up at feeling up a mouse
best you could do is lay on the charm
think back to like movies
so he was girly
might mean he likes what women like
your hand ran over his back down to his tail and he froze
his eye peaked through his fingers down into your own eyes
when you softly gripped his tail at the base he jerked his hips
you used your free hand to undo your pants
or attempt to
trying to do it one hand was difficult and but Ash helped
he seemed briefly impatient and almost shredded your pants with his tiny claws just to get your pants down
tugging softly on his smooth tail seemed to interrupt his thought processes
his manhood twitched in his panties
your own flopped out the second your pants opened
it was hard too and his blue eyes were drawn to it
it strained hard against the boxer briefs
he gulped again
"I can't believe this is happening," he murmured
his small paws shakily groped at your manhood and you groaned at the sensation
he froze and you assured him he was doing fine
his paw pads felt so strange when he got bold
he watched you for every little reaction
"you're really sure about this. I'm not… weird?"
he worried too much
so you pulled him down into a kiss
your tongue explored his mouth and he finally relaxed
you both let your guard down and that was a mistake
things got hazy after
you tasted him on your lips
he was sweet
that was your last memory before you blacked out
then it felt like you were in the backseat of your own body
you were seeing things through your eyes but you didn't have control
the kiss turned hostile
you weren't kissing Ash
he was shocked when you broke the kiss and you got violent
you saw your body grab the mouse boy by the throat
your fingers on his neck
he had noticed something when he saw your eyes and he started flailing
you were trying your damndest to break the hold
this had to be the bugs
you couldn't let this happen
he kicked and tried breaking free but your hand had him
he tried struggling and you couldn't stop it
it felt impossible until he finally got enough breath to speak two words
"you promised"
that gave you the strength to wrest control back
these goddamn bugs weren't winning
they weren't making you a fucking liar
and they
your screamed that last word to the cavern and unclutched his throat
the parasite control had faded for the moment
the mouse boy gasped for air on the ground and when he locked eyes with you he flinched
it was brief but you saw he was scared
you said you were sorry
while you expected him to stay frightened he picked himself up
with his breath back he offered you a paw
you pulled him into a hug and said you were sorry again
then you noticed a few things
your pants had were still down and he had a wet spot up against you
did he just cum from earlier?
he noticed you noticing and piped up, trying to preserve the dignity of the moment
his soft heartbeat had slowed against your chest, any hard feelings just nonexistent
"I pulled a gun on you, remember?"
he had, you knew he wasn't in control
"so, no sorrys. we should deal with the parasites. this was selfish…"
you bluntly replied
you promised you'd save him and you promised you'd take his virginity
you too had too much to live for so you couldn't fail
though something did trouble you
if the parasite could have a hive mind, they just discovered Ash wasn't "their" Ash
his cover was blown and it would get a lot more deadly from here on out
he embraced you and buried his head against your chest
"we'll be ok."
the danger had made your dick soft and you had suspicions Ash came
you were too much of a gentleman to ask him outright
you let him break the embrace first
since they knew now, you pointed out he probably didn't need the citrus now
you saw him get bashful when you said he looked better without the fake boobs
he still covered his chest like a girl would
you'd get you both out of here
no, you both would do this
you both got dressed and you could tell he was still troubled
you hooked an arm around his shoulder and tried the most sauve line you could think of
you offered to kiss his neck to make it better and he just about fell over
he seemed to forgive you for that earlier incident but you didn't forgive yourself
you weren't in control but it still traumatized you
this time he could pick up on that
"I could have shot you," he muttered
his blue eyes were cast towards the lava pit
then he glanced over to you
"I didn't."
you didn't know what that meant and he didn't elaborate
he was right though
you'd given him the gun and he could have defended himself
surprisingly, he was the one to usher you two out
not exactly taking the lead but he was a bit more assertive
it was a few more tunnels before you found something amazing
an elevator
this was it
you'd be heading up for the first time in hours
when you smelled fresh air for the first time you grabbed Ash and spun him
he panicked and insisted you put him down in the most embarrassed tone
the salt water in the air never smelled so good

to you astonishment no one heard the elevator
you had the beach to yourselves for a little bit
you sat down on the sand and patted the spot next to you
you'd take the peace and quiet as an opportunity
you took stock of your ammo and supplies
there looked to be an organized camp in the distance
more of a fort
that had to be the main headquarters of the organization
no need to run out of ammo now
Ash rearranged his skirt after sitting down near the sand
he looked wistfully out to the water lapping at the shore
"promise me, if we get out of this, a beach."
a beach?
he rested his muzzle on his paw and just stared out to the dark waves
well if you all got out of this you would take him to the beach
though you didn't know why he was all concerned about one
it would be nice to get away
a voice behind you interrupted your thoughts and made Ash dive for your lap
instantly you knew who it was clearing her throat
you'd run into Ada earlier before meeting Ash here
you had no idea what the woman wanted but you doubted it was good
you patted at Ashley to get off
it was OK
for now
Ada played off the whole Catwoman thing and you couldn't say you were in the greatest mood
so you got up and asked what she wanted
it was blunt and to the point
you didn't exactly have time for riddles
Ash sort of cowered a little behind you, clearly not trusting the stranger
Ada eyed your companion and then shocked you
"is… that a mouse?"
there was genuine confusion in her voice
and Ash gripped your shoulder tighter
they were reading each other a little and you felt Ash loosen up behind you
were they sizing each other up?
that's what it felt like

Ash watched Ada intently over your shoulder
you felt like you were in the middle of something you shouldn't be in
yet there was something you couldn't stop focusing on
Ada saw a mouse
Ash was a mouse
therefore, you hadn't gone mental from stress or something
it made you so goddamn relieved
you had to confirm
what did Ada mean by mouse?
"you have a giant white mouse behind you?"
she did have a point
Ash's ivory fur shined in the moonlight
you glimpsed over your shoulder and saw he was boring a hole through Ada with his eyes
Ada watched you and Ash with a skeptical, yet bemused look
"you two, you know?"
Ash hid back behind you
you know what?
you were a little lost
when Ada walked closer Ash surprised you
he went from hiding behind you to now in front of you
his arm over your chest and he was watching Ada
that seemed to be enough of a reaction for the agent
she had a small grin
"it's true"
she shrugged
"guess I lost, right?"
none of this was making sense
she seemed to watch Ash warily
"you have your rabies shot?"
Ash straightened up and scowled
there was clearly more at play here than you figured
but this wasn't important at the moment
you asked why Ada popped up
turns out she had information that you'd want
the research labs
they had them under this compound
labs that could remove the plagas
now that was useful
you thanked her but Ash seemed hesitant
"she's not like a BOW you just found, is she?"
wait was he?
you felt rude asking
you don't just ask someone if they're a bioweapon
Ash surprisingly, took initiative and took you by the waist and herded you both towards the fort
"thank you, bye."
the mouse boy hustled you along away from the familiar stranger

Ash was concerned about the parasites, no doubt
you waved off to Ada and tied to plan out how you'd get into the base
with the clue Ada provided you remained hopeful
you could get rid of these plagas
but getting into the place…
you saw the searchlights
and the armed guards
that was a lot of guns
it was bad enough when they had pitchforks
thankfully your old friend the merchant was waiting nearby
or were there multiple merchants
hard to figure out
guns made all the deeper thoughts not matter
there were too many for a frontal assault
so you eyed a new sniper rifle
your old one had gotten you far but this one fired faster
you also got a new submachine gun
two actually
and an armful of ammo
the mines were profitable and the merchant was happy as could be
Ash was shocked when you handed him the submachine gun
it was something easy to hip fire and he could use it no problem
a frontal assault wasn't ideal but it was quickly looking like the best way
you went over how it should go and Ash hung on your every word
you used the rifle to clear the towers at a distance
meanwhile, Ash had used your stockpile of claymores to create a perimeter around your position
the group was slow to react but you wanted them to come to you
instead of charging the fort you were forcing them to come out or take cover
they needed to take the towers to fire at you and you were popping every idiot that climbed up
you would think they'd learn but no
so they took the other option
Ash had retreated to your position and you got your first surprise in a chain gunner waddling out of the gates
the heavy gun revved and you pulled Ash down behind cover
it was already shredding your position so you gestured him to fall back with you
those mines finally came in handy and several of the attackers were blown backwards by the traps
it wasn't enough to deter the chain gunner though, he kept hammering above you
getting hit by that would chop you in half and you couldn't get line of sight without exposing yourself
you did however, thumb the ring of a flashbang grenade
you heaved it over the cover and towards the remains of the group
when it went off you popped up and aimed your magnum
you had to go overkill for this
the gunner was too stunned to recover after you put 6 bullets in center mass
Ash felt reckless and popped up next to you and sprayed the group with the new gift you gave him
that seemed to do it and you breathed a sigh of relief
no doubt there would be more but you'd cleared a path for now
you both snuck into the fort through the open door now, collecting ammo along the way
Ash tried to grab the chain gun like a kleptomaniac but was quickly pulled down to earth by its weight and gave up

you two had cleared out the top facility judging by the silence
both of you still snuck around just in case
no reason to present an easy target
you looted the outbuildings and got more supplies
the distinct lack of Spanish chatter put you at ease for now
Ash huddled close to you
the company was welcome
more than once he ran square into your back when you suddenly stopped
a hushed silence hung over the camp after your ears had stopped ringing
someone below had to have heard all the explosions and gunfire
perhaps they had laid out a trap for you?
you needed to get in though
the prospect of the removing the parasites made it essential
there was a chance of an ambush
but you had no choice
either that or let the bugs win
and you liked having your body
so you grabbed your new submachine gun and decided you'd mow down the hallways and make a beeline for whatever they had as a lab
Ada was not exactly trustworthy but she wouldn't lie about this
you were still amazed she realized Ash was a giant mouse
BOW was a bit off the mark though
the mouse boy wasn't exactly a Tyrant
however, he was trustworthy
despite the weirdness that surrounded this whole situation he'd been dependable
you'd definitely take him to the range if you got out of this though
but at least you had a second opinion that confirmed you weren't hallucinating
so that was a relief
now you just had the countless rooms of armed goons to worry about
at least you weren't doing it alone
you got on one side of a set of double doors
Ash on the opposite side
a small window let you peek in just enough to see some more guys
you readied your gun and he did likewise
on the count of 3 you kicked open the door and cut through 5 defenders like a scythe
Ash had trouble holding the gun down from the kickback but the enthusiasm was appreciated
more ammo and you went deeper
Ash nearly rushed ahead of you but you grabbed him and pulled him back by the tail
he had to stifle a weird noise he involuntarily made in reaction
you would have to teach him to not just run around corners, hurry or not
what astounded you was in your investigation you ran into another familiar face
Luis was snooping around some little jury rigged lab and you were relieved to see someone else in here that wasn't hostile

Luis showed no signs of infection still so you felt he could be trusted
from your brief encounters he seemed to just want out as much as you
you asked if he'd seen some sort of equipment for removing the bugs
the Spaniard grinned and you could tell he had an answer
sure enough
"a little deeper in the facility is what you're looking for"
he briefly went over the procedure and it seemed easy enough
you had to ask how he knew and he wasn't forthcoming with that answer
yet, that wasn't the important part
you needed in there
he gave you a word of caution
"there's some experiments buried deep down there. I'm sure you two have seen some of the odder stuff running around?"
sure but it couldn't be much worse
stuff like Birkin was old hat to you now
"just saying, keep an eye out. it gets worse down there."
that had you a little worried
again, how he knew this was a mystery
but you'd heed the advice
the rest of the trip was quiet
too quiet for your liking
then you heard ragged wet breathing behind one of the doors
you had to peek and what you saw made you flinch
it looked human
stood like a human
completely naked and it twitched every so often
it was just unnatural
just a sort of uncanny thing to look at for long
sneaking past it in the narrow hallway seemed unwise
this had to be what Luis warned you about
one of their weird experiments like the bugs
you would take no chances
magnum ammo was rare and expensive but it helped with trouble before
it didn't react when you cracked open the door
you glanced over to Ash while you lined up the sight
he had clung behind you, his tiny claws almost like a kitten's against your shirt
when you fired the first shot it slumped forward a little, then turned
it was hard to look at but you kept shooting
the hits registered but it didn't seem to do much more than waver briefly
this was why there were no guards down here
you weren't about to let it get close
for how durable it was it seemed to trade that for speed
it slowly walked forward and you had to pull back
Ash was with you the whole way
occasionally you fired your pistols and it seemed to have no effect like the magnum

this thing seemed to regenerate from wounds
buckshot seemed to have the same effect
it shrugged off having an arm blown off
even seemed to be growing back
Ash freaked out and you couldn't lie and say you weren't with him there
Ash emptied another magazine and something happened
his shots must have nailed something in the creature because it actually reacted to that
you lined up the shotgun and hit the same spot before it healed completely
that put it down for a minute
it wasn't out but it did do something
probably popped something inside it
whatever the parasite shit was doing you'd severed part of it
so it probably had more targets
what followed was Ash would spray and pray and then you'd watch
right shoulder
another wound that stuck
fall back
you two would be running out of room soon
hopefully, it wouldn't have many more of these things
Ash was getting better with the gun and two more magazines found another target and you ran in and shot it there
it frantically reached out for you, spikes growing all over its body
but it was death throes as it's last lifeline was severed
you'd won but all that ammo you'd just bought was damn near gone
Ash leaned against you and sighed
"there's probably more of those things," he muttered
you figured he was right
you wanted him to be wrong but that's not how this worked
if they made one of these things they'd mass produce them
Raccoon City taught you that
what you wanted had to be past that thing though
so you headed back down, far more carefully
searching room to room turned up some supplies
even a scope that let's you x ray anyone
which would have been real great for that regenerator
but if there were more you'd be better off
zooming the scope on Ash made him slap it away in embarrassment
you had to explain it wasn't that kind of x ray sight when he accused you of looking at him without clothes on
then he got flustered when you asked why he was worried because you'd seen him without clothes on before
the search continued

one more regenerator
now that you knew the trick to them it was easier
not easy, just easier
after clearing a few more rooms you finally found exactly what you were looking for
Luis had been sort of right
it looked like the device would put the plagas down for a time but not completely kill them
you were scared to hit this device full blast on either of you
Ash looked down but you patted him on the back
between this machine and the medicine down here you could put off the eggs growing
given how their hive mind seemed to work you'd just have to kill the head bug and everything would work out after
no signal to hatch would mean the eggs could be safely cut out after
at least that's what some of these notes seemed to point to
it didn't look good
you were initially worried about the device
radiation wasn't exactly your expertise
Ash spoke up
"I'll go first, then we'll know it's safe. just do what you have to get the bugs out. I'll be ok."
you raised doubts
these notes were unsure if it would be the be all and never went past a certain threshold
Ash looked towards his boots
"you promised we'd get out of this."
he was scared and you couldn't blame him
you offered to go first in his place and he refused
"you risked your life enough for me. now let me do that for you. hopefully this just gets rid of them and we're safe."
you helped strap him in and went over the procedure in triplicate
you couldn't fuck this up
you refused to fail
Ash just closed his eyes and tried to think about warm beaches

you were initially afraid to pull the trigger on the whole thing and you couldn't put it to words
Ash was kind of odd to you but the tech may kill him
you'd have been the one to do it
but part of you knew if you didn't the parasites would end up winning over
and if that happened the world was screwed
so Ash did the only thing he could
you had to honor that
it took a lot of courage from someone that probably hadn't dealt with anything like this before
yes, you ended up activating the thing
it started powering up, making a whole lot of noises you weren't a fan of
then the lasers started happening
a red sight narrowed over the mouse boy's chest and hovered over the heart
he kept his eyes closed and started silently mumbling to distract from the noises
you didn't know at all how any of this would go but the machinery seemed to work automatically
the lasers cut into the mouse and he cried out
you nearly jumped to stop it but them the next wave began and the incision was bathed in what you assumed was the radiation
again, you went off what you could gleam from the notes
Ashley was clearly going to hurt from this but it seemed to have done the trick after a few minutes of pain
you hated to see anyone go through that but the procedure was brief
you helped him out of the chair after the computer read out gave you the best possible news
the eggs were dead now
this equipment had worked flawlessly
he was understandably shaken and you treated the incision
the laser had thankfully seemed to seal up the wound after the cut
he was weak and you offered him some of your provisions to keep up his strength
you kept verbally checking to make sure he was alright
slowly he recovered and you were eager to get your own process over with
after he helped you onto the table you saw his gaze linger over you
he must be wracked with the same guilt you had
the pain from the cut burned like hell and the radiation wasn't much better
you didn't know how Ash didn't scream from this, but you grit your teeth through the whole thing and tried to hold on
when your reading said you were clean you could finally breath
you complimented Ash for enduring that and he turned into a stuttering mess
especially when you planted your hand on his shoulder and said you were serious
God would this cut hurt for a while but the risk and pain seemed to be worth it
you were both free
you pulled him into a hug and ignored the burn when you held him up in the air
he flailed about like a fish and his tail knocked over a bunch of paperwork
"p-put me down!"
you looked up at the mouse boy confused
"uh, please. you shouldn't reopen your wounds…"

you set him down gently and he dusted himself off and readjusted his skirt
still strange to think "his" skirt
by now the mouse thing wasn't even a big deal
the whole situation had skidded so far past unbelievable that anything was possible
next you'd be fighting a giant zombie t rex or evil fungus
nothing was a surprise any more
Ash kissing you was the exception
he pulled back and rested against your chest just as quick as his muzzle had met your lips
you asked what that was for
"you saved us, that's why"
you knew this wasn't over though
you'd have to kill the queen bug just to make sure this all wouldn't happen again
and you bet that Saddler was the queen behind all of this
his attempts at suave Bond villain monologuing meant he had to be the biggest cheese here
after you both felt up to it you reloaded and made your way out
along the way you found Luis again
he wanted to talk to you more but before you could a stranger barged into the room
well not exactly a stranger
Krauser was a former comrade who you'd assumed was KIA on a mission
instead he lunged for Luis with a knife
Ash pulled the Spaniard back in a feat of strength you didn't know he had
Krauser looked no worse for wear considering the dead man thing
he also decided to pick up a penchant for supervillain speeches
so you had no doubts of who he worked for
instead of letting him gloat you just chucked an incendiary grenade at him and the 3 of you bolted out of the room
since you'd found the right lab earlier you didn't have to worry about collateral damage now
at least the fire would keep Krauser distracted
no idea why he thought a stupid ambush like that would work
the three of you managed to get back outside the compound and you contacted Hunnigan
you were brief with a lot of the details but you saw the way forward into the compound
the lab facility was just the start and you hadn't found Saddler there
so that meant he was deeper on this island fortress
and with some of the fortifications making this place looking like a tiny camp, you'd need air support
she said she'd have something prepared in about 15
that gave you time to speak to Luis
he ended up coming clean
the cop thing was a cover
he'd initially helped with these bugs
research and development so to speak
some of those notes you used were his
he had felt guilty about assisting Saddler but you'd seen he had turned a new leaf
he thanked you for the assist with Krauser
you told him to thank… Ashley
the president's daughter Ashley
you wanted to make sure before you parted ways
you asked Luis if Ashley seemed strange to him
the mouse boy elbowed you roughly for the perceived insult then apologized for the elbow
"she's American. you're all strange."
you threw your hands up and wished him well
you reminded him to find a safe hiding spot if Krauser was targeting him
hopefully the fire would put him out of commission for a while but given what other experiments happened here you bet he was super charged
thankfully he seemed to turn his knife on you immediately in that room
you promised Luis a seat on the chopper out of here if he wanted it and he looked genuinely shocked
he did help after all
you hoped this was over soon
you had enough time to take stock of the situation and your ammo
the sniper rifle seemed to work before
so you would use that again
Ash would have spare ammo on hand
you were hoping the chopper would pulverize the defenses and you'd just have to wipe out the stragglers
you heard the machine before you saw it
whoever was flying out in the night now was ballsy
sure enough he got on the radio
introduced himself to you as Mike
you told him you owed him a beer and he said he knew a bar
then he introduced himself to the cultists
he spared no time and started lighting up everything that moved
you even saw a couple of those chain gunners caught in a rocket blast
that was satisfying
you shouldered the rifle when Ashley pointed out movement on one of the towers
a guy carrying a rocket launcher
well that would have been a problem if you didn't put lead through his skull
the rocket launcher was still a threat to you so your sight around it
someone might have some balls and try to grab it
you asked Ash to keep spotting
none of them had found their balls and grabbed the rocket launcher
After a few minutes Mike brought you out of it with a transmission
"sorry man, all tapped out. I can spin back around after a resupply"
you surveyed the burning defenses and said you'd be able to take it from here
the chopper vanished back into the twilight sky and you both set out
you felt like the end was ahead of you
you asked what Ash was doing once you two were done here
he looked kind of nervous and sort of mumbled an answer
no idea why he was shy now
sure enough the destruction was total
cultists were shredded left and right
shrapnel in a body there, one charred black there
you had your pistol at the ready and Ash was right behind you
both of you had your eyes out and you figured no one would be able to jump the mouse
you did make a point to climb up a surviving tower
that rocket launcher was a good find and the dumbest you'd killed wasn't using it
Ash did look at it enviously but you weren't eager to hand a rookie that level of ordinance
you crept across the open fortress unchallenged
all the defenders must have come out to deal with the bird
well, to get dealt with by the bird
the compound ahead of you looked daunting but the doors were blown open
the place was bare and exposed
you feared an ambush but there was no choice
you bet Saddler was waiting
quiet hung over the area aside from the fires behind you
this was it, no turning back
you turned to Ash and said he could hang back now
things would get really dangerous now before it got better
he punched your shoulder
his voice was hushed
"we are getting out of this. us."
after Ash sort of asserted himself you couldn't really disagree
you wanted to give him the chance to walk away like Luis but he was adamant
well you weren't going to turn down help
you both snuck through the empty fort and ended up inside a maintenance area
you'd seen a helipad connected to it and this was the easiest path to it
you had figured this was the way to it
Saddler might be trying to escape by now
what you two didn't expect was Krauser in the way
ok maybe you did expect it
he seemed too dead set on fighting you
"you going to keep the mouse out of this?"
he knew?
he brandished a pretty hefty knife at you
you had no idea what his game was but he was serious
you had to get to Saddler and end this so for now
the old comrade would have to be stopped first
so you made the mistake of playing fair and pulled your own combat knife
he charged at you and went for a killing blow right off the bat
but you dodged it by inches
you felt the steel against your neck as the thrust passed by
he was fast
unnaturally fast
thrusts and swipes were testing your defenses
you dodged and weaved but you know you couldn't keep the rhythm up forever
you had to go on the offensive
Ash wanted to help but you both knew the whirlwind of blades was a bad idea to step into
you should have just blown this guy up
when you'd managed to slam your knife between his ribs he didn't even react
so you were right about earlier
he wasn't human
the man didn't sell a knife to a chest
even worse, the knife was out of your hand now
you knew you shouldn't have played fair
Krauser decided to stop playing and his arm transformed into some bladed blur of armor
yeah he was definitely a freakshow now
he swung faster now
you saw that blade arm cut through steel like butter
you were fucked in close quarters
thankfully, Ash decided he wasn't playing fair either and Krauser used the arm to shield himself from a spray of machine gun fire
the distraction gave you the chance to disengage and get a firearm of your own out
he was advancing on the mouse boy but received a back full of buckshot for his trouble
he'd pay for turning his back on you
you had enough time to pump another shot into him before the shield was pointed to you
Ash picked up the idea and reloaded and mag dumped his exposed side
if Krauser wouldn't play fair then fuck it
you had to hurry
the veteran couldn't keep up with the two of you pouring on heat
that fancy arm couldn't protect him from everything coming his way and he got desperate
he rushed Ash, the mouse panicking
you hit Krauser square in the back with a double kick and both of you ended up tumbling together
Ash reloaded and backed up while you and Krauser wrestled
the arm was an issue and you had to dodge multiple swipes but you got your knife back and slammed it home into his throat
all the damage piled up and that was the end of it, BOW or not
you stumbled to your feet and realized you were covered in cuts from the last little scuffle
your eyes hovered over the still warm corpse as Ash asked you something
Krauser had been a good man at one point
there was a mystery of why he was here, why he was working for Saddler and how he noticed Ash
he took that with him
you only came back to reality when Ash gently shook your shoulder
his blue eyes were full of concern now when they met yours
you said you were OK
you weren't

Ash gently guided you away from the corpse and it helped remind you of the mission
Saddler would keep doing this if you didn't stop him
that and the bugs in you could still be activated, making this whole struggle pointless
so you carried on
cleared your head
before you left you gave Ash one last chance to leave
you thanked him but you knew Saddler would pull some sort of giant monster trick
learned that from Birkin
the mouse checked his guns and said what he said before
"I'm not dying a virgin and when this is over I'm collecting on that"
well that was weird
hopefully he'd find someone to settle down with
you both made your way over to the helipad and your instincts were right
the cult leader stood out in the open
and again started lecturing you on Americans or something
then did exactly what you called and turned into a giant freakish monster
even Birkin didn't have that many eyes
Ash was a little more squeamish and actually said "ewwwww"
but all those eyes meant one thing
all those weak points

Saddler scuttled around the area on thin spindly legs
you were essentially fighting a giant spider
one with eyes on the leg joints
which was a really stupid design flaw for the parasite
you told Ash you'd pull what you did on Krauser on this thing
sure it was faster but the thing's attention would be split
you asked if Ash was OK attracting its attention for something big
he nodded
a spray of machine gun fire knocked out two of it's eyes and Saddler was pissy with the fleeing mouse
you weren't getting bogged down I another big fight
you were finishing this quickly
you'd embellish it later maybe but you'd had enough lectures and you'd definitely had enough giant monsters
Saddler had made the mistake of combing them
you shouted for Ash to get clear and the creature was pulped by a rocket instantly
didn't even have time to react
Ash was covered in gunk and more than a little pouty you didn't warn him better but he was alright
you couldn't tell if it was because of the danger or of him wanting to use the rocket launcher
Saddler was a burning pile of gore on the helipad
you'd call in a chopper for extraction in a few minutes
for the moment you rested against a crate and patted the space next to you
Ash sat down and was still trying to get gunk out of his hair
you scoffed a little but then decided to help a little
he got sort of nervous when you brushed his hair

your radio crackled to life
Ada somehow had gotten your frequency
she apparently got what she wanted and was leaving
you hid your shock pretty well
however, she offered up a jetski as a sort of repayment for your help
you didn't bother asking just what you did
but a jetski would beat the chopper ride
so you'd accept the gift
just hoped it didn't come with strings attached
Ash perked up
maybe you needed the time off
next you got on the radio with Hunnigan
as it turns out Saddler on his deathbed confirmed the president's daughter was safe an sound elsewhere
he said he was really sorry about the whole thing
you were taking off and you made sure to make it known
hunnigan said your job was done
vacation sounded good

you pointed out there was an asset for extraction if they came by chopper
Luis had been a help and you'd secure him a way off the island
plus, if willing, he'd be an expert if this ever popped up again
it would be a help for the clean up at least
didn't want an international incident with the idea American hands were involved here
with all that cleared up, you went down to the shore
sure enough there was a jetski tied to a dock
a little alcove protected it from sight unless you were really searching
well you weren't looking a gift horse in the mouth
the mainland could be seen and you figured you'd put as much distance between the both you and this situation as possible
later you'd need a medical check up but the bug queen was dead with Saddler
they couldn't come back
at least not any time soon
Luis would be a big help there
you asked if Ash wanted to go to a beach now
after you hopped onto the jetski, he awkwardly hopped on after and asked you in a whisper
"Spain has nude beaches, right?"

you hadn't really been to Spain so you didn't have a lot of knowledge about the beaches, nude or otherwise
was he flirting?
was that flirting?
it wasn't like with Ada where you knew it was a facade
he seemed like, genuine
maybe he liked you
well maybe the feeling was mutual
perhaps you'd pull some overtime with him
soft white arms wrapped around your neck and you gunned it
after the mission you'd earned that r&r and you'd make good on it
was going to be hard to get used to not dodging pitchforks when you heard Spanish though
at least sangria might be nice
Ash curled up tightly to your back and you just enjoyed the moment
after all the danger this was actually stress relief
you'd save small talk with Ash for when you weren't revving the tiny motor bouncing over waves
the taxpayer dollar might have to put up for your hotel room

you initially checked into a decent hotel
the staff didn't bat an eye at Ash
you didn't even bother asking
it had been a rough time and you didn't bother
what you needed was a shower and a nap
maybe an actual meal
they didn't also seem to worry about the guns
that might be why they just accepted the money and left you alone
you'd have to have a long talk with polica down the road but given they were aware beforehand, that could wait
Ash perked up when you mentioned one room
"you don't want two?"
it was just more economical
you offered to sleep on the couch to which he strongly asserted you get the bed
by now the mouse thing was old hat to you
a lithe mouse boy pulling you to your room with the glee of an excited kid at Disney world was at least a relief
before any shower you got on the horn to Hunnigan again
this called for a month vacation at least
she would wire the funds and she said the president's daughter was found safe after searching party spots
"so who did you rescue?"
that made you freeze up
you looked to Ash for some response and he was equally was stumped
you decided to slightly fib and say the cult mistakenly grabbed the wrong person
it wasn't wrong
but had to stop yourself from giving too many details
after the tense negotiation for your well earned cash and stay a shower sounded good
you offered Ash the shower first but he had an idea to save water
you opened the door of the balcony out to the ocean air
a warmth crept in and you decided to ask what he meant
"oh you know," he remarked while looking towards his feet
well paws
his meek side had resurfaced yet again and you grinned
maybe you knew what he was talking about
it was more fun to get him to fess up though
he was cute trying to work up the courage
he helped you fight off Saddler but here he was skittish here
so maybe you played a little dumb
he finally stuttered out his idea
"I-I want to shower with you"
that sounded like a reasonable request
you asked if that had to do with his earlier promise
his courage melted instantly once more
fine you both would shower together
you'd go buy a change of clothes later too
after all you'd both been through you appreciated Ash
plus, he was looking cute
you pulled him into a hug and the mouse boy reciprocated after a few seconds
your hand slid down the small of his back and Ash trembled a little
you felt it
well you also felt something else
you never really did figure out why he insisted on dressing like a girl
but the skirt made it obvious he was enjoying this
so after all the danger and stress maybe Ash was perfect
he leaned into the hug hard this time
a quiet sanctuary after the Spanish speaking hell you both were tossed into
the sea breeze bristled over his white fur and his blonde locks faintly moved
he'd look better if he grew the hair out
you didn't want to ruin the moment by breaking it up so Ash was the first to speak
"let's get cleaned up"
surprisingly, the mouse boy was more shy this time about exposing himself
he tried to hide his face when he slid the plaid skirt down
why he thought having his ass to you was better you didn't know
was he wanting you to see his ass confined in cute panties?
the color complimented his white fur
maybe he was attractive
you had to admit that
his pink tail clutched tightly to his body and hung downwards
you realized he caught you staring after a few seconds then you went to strip yourself
at least he didn't seem to mind you watching
you had no idea why a guy covered up his chest like you'd see boobs though
if anything you liked it better with him flat
when you were both finally naked only then did you strike
you picked him up and onto your shoulder
there was the usual "put me down" but you gave him a gentle smack on his bare ass and he groaned
you were actually looking forward to making sure he wasn't a virgin now
maybe he'd stick around
maybe he'd make you think about an early retirement
perhaps being with a guy was good
he was less a tease than Ada
the mouse thing was oddly charming too
his fur felt good against your skin
he didn't fight your grip as you went for the spacious hotel shower
there was a few feeble verbal protests but you noticed they were hushed when he saw your penis
you distinctly saw him glance over to it and then try not to glance at it
being upside down and crotch height didn't give him options
the manhood against your shoulder twitched a little
you decided before you set him down to test the boundaries a little
you gave his hip a quick peck with your lips and you would have thought you'd hit a button on him
his fidgeting and protests returned with newfound strength
well that seemed to work
you set him down on his feet in the shower
he was easy enough to handle
when the water initially came on it was frigid, making Ash leap back into you with a squeak
then he quickly regained his composure with the water pouring down over you two
now you really decided to push your luck and try to actually maybe charm him
you tried to think about the stuff Ada did
but that flirting probably wasn't genuine
you wanted to be truthful here
that way he would appreciate it more
so you pulled him back against your chest, his massive ears almost blocking your vision over his head
you decided to ask why he wanted to go to a nude beach when he could be nude here
he got a little sullen from his body language but didn't fight you touching him
"you're not just saying this because you feel obligated to, right? I feel bad putting you on the spot in that cave"
the warm water ran off his coat of fur and it mesmerized you
your hand ventured over his bare chest and you could feel his heart racing
your other hand pulled him closer so you could make sure he could tell you were serious
by that you meant your penis
you felt his breath hitch as he processed it all
his mind was rushing
Ash was panicked
this was actually happening
he was actually getting you
it was like a dream come true and he couldn't believe his luck
there was an urge building up in his body
his pink nipples were growing stiff as his manhood
he couldn't suppress a groan at the attention
something you noticed
he got bashful and squirmy
when your hand tightened against him he ended up melting into the embrace
meekly, Ash turned up to look you in the eyes
his blue eyes gazed into yours
"I have something to tell you…"
you looked down to him in anticipation
"would you hold it against me if I told you Saddler wasn't the queen?"
his blue eyes flashed red and you realized he'd pushed your back against the shower
your heart dropped when you realized the danger you were in right now
then he smiled and cuddled against your chest
you had questions and you didn't know where to start
so he spoke up softly
"you're not mad, right?"
he realized your hands had stopped feeling him up
the whole situation was like standing on a landmine
you felt a little pity over how defeated he sounded
his ears slouched slightly and that brought you back
the question though
was he still Ash?
you just decided to come out and ask that
you hit him with that treatment thing
this shouldn't have happened
why didn't that work?
"well it did. you severed its link. I am still me. but it's weird."
he held out his hand and transformed into a clawed, armored facsimile of his arm
that gray carapace replacing white fur
then he waved his hand and the white fur drowned out the carapace and it looked normal again
"the procedure couldn't kill the queen plagas. it only neutered it. still all me in here."
your grip on him relaxed now
he wouldn't lie about you and if the parasite wanted to it could kill you or turn you into a thrall
you asked what happened now?
"well if you'll have me, I remember not wanting to die a virgin."
the mouse boy sounded as timid as he ever did
you were still taken aback by his revelation
but it still felt like Ash
so maybe this was still a little weird
you asked about the bugs in you
"they're dead. honest."
his fur was warm against your skin
"they probably hoped for me to make a big hive in the white house. but that procedure cut it off."
the mouse boy still affectionately cuddled back against you
you realized you were still hard
your dick had been oblivious to the danger
"I guess I get this thing riding co-pilot but it's not in control. I was scared to tell you. hell I was scared of what it meant."
you decided to put your faith in him
so you asked him something risky
a test
fully transform if he can and transform back
if he had full control then this was the best idea
if not you were dead
he was hesitant at first then agreed
you readied yourself for some disgusting sight to fill the shower
he groaned as he fully let go and you let your grip go slack as you prepared to jump out of the stall
what you got was Ash with one clawed carapace arm
carapace legs that ended in dainty organic high heels
they stopped right at his thighs like stockings
his proportions grew slightly, becoming well, thicker
his hair seemed to grow out a little too
it seemed to really accentuate the feminine features he already possessed
was his ass bigger?
granted it had been a queen bug
his shame returned when he realized he was standing nude in front of you
he went to cover his chest again and you nearly laughed
this was far from what you'd seen from the cult or Racoon City
Ash had put your fears to rest
you asked if that was all
he said it had been cut off there
his eyes were crimson but so filled with embarrassment you knew who was in control
so all the parasite could do now was give him a more ample rear
"I feel like a freak…"
you asked if that's it?
"that's it?"
he looked shocked
you were surprised, sure
but he was still Ash
he looked like he wanted to say something
there was that worry
you decided to take charge
the water pounded down, filling the lull in conversation
he almost flinched when you grabbed him
you asked if he was serious about you taking his virginity
just what was that confession if the cave if he was stopping here?
maybe love was a bit strong here and now
but you had no other word
you'd both seen hell
he wasn't in a good state mentally now
so it was your turn to push him against the wall
he gasped but barely had time to inhale when you kissed his muzzle forcefully
that broke down the barriers
he writhed in your grip and you almost thought you'd made him cum just from a kiss
you saw what caused his reaction instantly when you opened your eyes
thin tentacles had sprouted from his back
his breathing was ragged
"they…reacted to you"
you were a little shocked and it showed on your face
"oh God"
Ash covered his face with his hands and the tentacles mimicked the motion
you actually started laughing
he was still him
well since it was still him, you reasoned, you owed him a couple promises
you two had gotten through that ordeal
the other promise you hadn't fulfilled
he peaked out of his clawed hand
"really? even like this?"
you pointed out you were both hard as rock
he'd been so nervous he didn't even notice
you told him he smelled nice
that seemed to be good flirting material
judging by the way his manhood twitched against yours it worked
he whined and you could tell he was still hesitant
so you went for the nuclear option
you gently held his clawed hand in your own, your fingers intertwining with carapace digits
he audibly gasped
he leaked precum against you and couldn't hide you were winning him over
the shower still poured over you two for a moment until he spoke again
"let's do it'
he broke the hand holding to wrap his arms around your neck and just cuddle against you again
you had an idea
the mouse boy squeaked when you started cleaning him
you'd been in the shower so long you had forgotten you wanted to clean up
it would give you both a good chance to explore
when you offered to scrub his back he stammered
you said he could do you after you do him
his blush returned but he agreed
you used what shampoo you had on his fur
his coat was silky smooth and you allowed your hands to glide over his curves
he was still embarrassed but you could tell he was liking the attention
you turned him back around like how you were originally cuddled up
sure enough the five thin tentacles had sprouted out of his back
you took care not to be rough around them
a couple of them reacted to your touch
at least once one of them wrapped around your wrist when you pulled back
you were scrubbing right around his thin tail
when he realized what happened he hid his face again
"I can't control them sometimes…"
you asked if maybe they were just doing what he wanted
then you rested your hand right on that spot and the mouse boy reacted
his body involuntarily pushed back against your hand
your palm over his generous rear, he seemed to be beside himself
the tentacles spoke for him though
a few had latched onto your hand and you didn't know whether he was doing it voluntarily or not
you pulled him close and the limbs released
instead they started searching your body
you asked if he was doing that and he was a mess again
so they have a mind of their own?
the smooth slick appendages seemed to have a boldness Ash couldn't bring himself to have
one finally found your dick and tried to pull you closer to the mouse boy
you had an inkling of where the tentacle was poking you into
you suggested lube though
shower first and then fun time
the tentacles did seem to slightly back off with that suggestion and Ash was fine with your hands on him
his coat had been a mess because of your adventure but now he was looking ivory white
the mouse boy's coat looked like it could shine thanks to your work
washing his armored hand was strange
it had a tough hard plastic texture
switching over to soap, he silently relished in feeling your hands move over his digits
did you just make him coo?
when you started washing lower he nearly jumped
his thighs were definitely plumper now
you could feel that
this was the most intimate you'd been with someone, usually the job came first
this was the first real oasis in your life and it was because of a cult's botched kidnapping
wet hair came off of Ash as you continued
he'd needed this cleaning for ages
chances were the cult didn't exactly have a spa
Ash now smelled of raspberries
rubbing one of his big ears elicited a low groan and the tentacles seem to hug onto you
so that was his sweet spot

your hand on his chest supported him
maybe it was love
you sure did enjoy his company
you decided to kiss his head between his ears and he lost his footing
his furry hand held onto you and you had remained steadfast
you asked him to help you wash up
he paused before whipping around and pinning your back to the shower
he was deceptively strong now
he took his time smelling you
his eyes were red but he wasn't nervous
perhaps he was pushed to the edge by your request
you were a little frightened but his smelling was followed by licking and kissing
it felt right to ask if he was OK
he relaxed his grip and looked apologetic
"sorry, I think this whole thing is playing havoc with my libido"
would explain the mood swing
you'd have to take care of that
the mouse boy licking and smelling at your skin was already doing a number on you
you throbbed and he noticed
his tentacles casually roamed over you as he went lower
"this thing is making it harder for me to think about anything but…"
he was on his knees nuzzling his face to your manhood
"I've spent damn near this whole hell trip wanting this dick"
he opened his mouth and bottomed out in one smooth motion
the muzzle meant it was easy for him to bury his face in your pubes
something odd was happening to your penis
his tongue was there
the muscle working over the underside
more than that though
it felt like something was swallowing your manhood
like a sheath sliding over it
eventually the tongue was fully replaced by the sleeve
the red eyes faded and it was the familiar blue
he looked up to you for approval and you couldn't help but buck your hips
you decided to rub his ear again
he liked that and the moan reverberated over your dick
whatever was around your dick started milking it
Ash just closed his eyes and buried his face as much as possible against your crotch
occasionally he'd sniff at your pubes and groan
you were overwhelmed at the moment
blowjobs felt amazing
you had to endorse them now
you were glad Ash got your first one
whatever he was doing in his mouth he didn't even need to break away to breath
he just kept milking you with his eyes closed
tentacles roamed to your free hand and slipped around it
the texture was still alien but you were fine with the small display of affection
his armored hand rested on your hip as his normal hand played with your nuts
if Ash was a virgin, he was gifted
his work was rewarded when you growled his name and busted a fat nut down his throat
he didn't even flinch
just kept draining as hard as he could
when we was sure he had every last drop, only then did he pull off
"this wasn't exactly how I dreamed it would happen…"
he looked a little down again as he looked at his hand
you gave the tentacles a squeeze in your hand and picked up his chin
he was still Ash
you were both safe
and honestly, if he'd have you, you wanted to make this an actual thing
not a fling
not fuck buddies
he'd saved your life
so you wanted to be in his
"but… look at me."
you didn't speak, but you let your cock stiffen in front of his face in response
you had no regrets meeting Ash
as long as he was him and in no danger you were happy
he wasn't a monster
besides, you told him you were fine with him being a giant mouse
"I guess I'm fine with you being a giant monkey too"
his laughter after was a good sign
then he had an epiphany
"oh shit, the shower!"
he had come to his senses after the attention he gave you
the session must have helped him clear his head
his eyes were back to that sparkling blue but were filled with a frantic energy
your best guess was he realized you'd both been in the shower for almost an hour
good thing water wasn't included on the bill
the shower was now tepid against your skin but it was no worse than the Atlantic earlier
he frantically grabbed the soap, having it slip multiple times from his grasp
his nervousness had returned and you asked yourself how he made due with a firearm earlier
you'd definitely need to take him practice shooting
your hand went for the base of his ear and he cooed and instantly loosened up
that was win button
you told him to take a deep breath and he looked over to you apologetic
"I just feel bad if I waste your time off."
if he considered earlier a waste of time, well you wanted to waste more time
after all you had been through that orgasm was the best way to start off your vacation
however, you pointed out, he would just have to blow you faster next time if he worried about that
his body language told you he was blushing like a schoolgirl again
"I just kind of lost it. couldn't help myself"
his hands went to work softly scrubbing your bare skin
he was sightseeing
you asked if he really wanted all that with the sex or was the bug thing goading him on
"the first. I really want you. it's just this whole host thing…"
you raised your arms to let him scrub and you caught him faintly smelling you while he worked
the nose twitch was an easy tell
"it's like guys who'd do things while drunk they wouldn't do sober. best way to put it."
so it just made him bolder?
so there were changes
you were tempted to ask around but a thought had occurred
what would they do to Ash?
the nightmare of him on an operating table made your dick limp even with the mouse's soft paw on your chest
maybe for now this would be a secret between you two
as long as he wasn't hurting
you did ask him though, in a soft tone
to please tell you if anything at all changed
you'd do whatever you could to help
your hug interrupted his quest back down your body
but he accepted it quickly
while you were entangled like this you decided to ask
would he want to go steady?
you heard a sniffle from him in response and he buried himself tighter to your chest
"thank you. I'd love that"
it was quiet but you heard it
afterwards he pushed back gently
then apologized again for using the hot water
which you scoffed at
his scrubbing continued and when he came back up you were amused by how much he seemed to like your face
both clawed and regular hand ran over it
he was trying to get a good look with his fingers and you let him
maybe because you were novel to him as he was to you
finally he softly washed your hair, the clawed hand almost like a brush through it
finally, you both stepped out clean
you both pretended not to watch each other dry off
Ash had you help him with the blow dryer, the warmth making him sigh as it ran over his fur
you had a feeling you might not be married to the job any more if Ash was this distracting
it's funny
for all his deception he was still the most genuine relationship you'd had
maybe because he really had just had one real bad day
you were that way stepping into Raccoon City
despite the whole package in front you definitely not being related to the president, a girl, or remotely human
he was just as scared then as you were
you just had had better training
after drying yourselves you asked Ash if he could transform back and the mouse boy tried
tried because all he really succeeded in was having hair grow over the armored parts now
it was sort of thin and you bet it was easily shed
however it covered the carapace about as well as it could
he looked confused
the tentacles had receded but his ass and thighs were still plumper
it wasn't an on off switch like before
he was a little panicked but you had an idea
maybe that sexual encounter sealed the deal so to speak
you were flying blind and that was the best solution you could come up with
the parasites seemed to worry about concealment to a certain point then said fuck it
that and he said it was sort of botched by the procedure
better than having it control him
though a remark about him needing bigger panties had him flustered
his old boots fit and sort of covered the armor
you joked about an armored codpiece and he'd be set to go outside and he stammered
you were repeatedly reminded "it doesn't work like that"
some of his outfit was salvageable
you gave him your old jacket to cover up the tattered sweater and you'd think you handed him a bar of gold
he didn't have to smell it but he did
he seemed really hung up on smell for some reason
was the shower not enough?
maybe you smelled bad and he was just weird about it
you'd invest in some different deodorant later
for now you'd settle on clothes that weren't shredded
you both settled on a small store in town
thankfully you had enough currency on hand from the adventure for a few outfits
Ash felt guilty about you paying but you brought up how's this different than when you bought guns for him
well, her
you were very aware the giant mouse bug thing was complex to outsiders
no reason to add the crossdressing to it
never did get an answer for that straight from the mouse's mouth
the store owners didn't seem phased by the whole thing
just two weird Americans
you instantly got a few cheap outfits but Ash was a little harder
once you encouraged him to indulge he did
with gusto
the mouse busied himself between racks
managed to somehow get a pink everything
a new sweater
a couple of skirts, one of which had a slit that barely covered the thigh
you asked why he wanted sunglasses when they wouldn't fit his head and he seemed distressed he couldn't accessorize
but a new top made up for it
you asked about a new jacket but he said he was keeping yours
he told you he had one thing he'd found you weren't allowed to see until tonight
all together it was a bundle, but not the end of the world for your wallet
next food
you had no idea what Spanish cuisine was like but when in Rome
or wherever this is
you had enough gold to buy a hundred meals from the sleepy little restaurant
again, no one batted an eye at the two weird Americans
unsurprisingly, they had seafood
so seafood it was
Ash was worried by the sticker shock of the place but you reminded him it was a vacation
tough times were over
you were a little surprised when Ash ordered the largest steak possible
not the price or anything
he was a mouse
you expected like dainty or something
especially with the whole girlish figure
a steak almost the size of your head was rolled out
as was your scallop garlic dish
you breathed a sigh of relief as you finally got to cut loose after that cultist shit
you barely even flinched at Spanish now
this really did feel like a vacation now
Ash wolfed down his steak with a zeal you'd only seen in lions on nature specials
though he was careful not to dirty his new top
you brought up what his surprise was
he said it was supposed to be a surprise
so no reveal until he was ready
well, you could be patient
the food was good, definitely better than when you were foraging
you'd have to hit a market eventually just so you weren't eating out all the time
"you meant what you said earlier. all the stuff about going steady? like, with me?"
you almost made a joke about who else you could refer to, the mouse in his pocket?
but you felt like the first cheese pun had already pushed it
you said yes and placed your hand over his
you could feel the armor under his light fur
he was no doubt still self conscious about that
but he was worth it
maybe you were weird for falling like this
you'd never had much luck earlier with romance
he seemed just as hapless
good luck you were both on equal footing
you nearly bolted out of your chair when you felt something slip up your pants leg
all the while, Ash innocently ate his steak next to you
you tried to get his attention without causing a scene
there were two other patrons at other tables
you finally gently nudged him and when he realized the issue he became embarrassed
the tentacle retreated back to its master
that was close
the thing had been slipping around your dick
after the meal you headed to the market
they had supplies for a while and you grabbed essentials the hotel didn't have
Ash did in fact light up when you handed him a half wheel of local cheese
they didn't exactly have a whole lot in the way of protection
you felt slightly nervous buying condoms but they would have to do
you got some deodorant and he looked confused
you remarked on him smelling you and he nearly fell over
his voice was a whisper as he replied
"I was doing that because I like your smell"
that was a weird thing to like
he smelled nice but you'd never considered yourself to smell good
well as long as he liked it
then he saw the condoms and tried not to get antsy
you got them because they were lubed
the place didn't have any sort of weird kinky shit so you'd have to just use those
he knew full well what you had planned
he had the same plans though
carrying a bunch of bags to your room was easy
Ash even helped with some of it
you apparently weren't allowed to even gaze at one of the bags
must be the surprise
you put the stuff away and took your shoes off
time to relax a little
your head hit the pillow and a mattress never felt better
your thoughts were interrupted when Ash saw you on the bed
it must have induced something in him because his disguise immediately vanished
the red eyes returned
just lying on the bed?
was he that affected?
judging by the tent in his new skirt and how quickly he crossed the room, he was
the mouse boy straddled your lap immediately and his tentacles came out to play again
there were more now
you counted eight
you asked if he was really OK
that seemed to calm him
his eyes returned to blue
"yeah, sorry. I just saw you here and my mind just… wandered?"
a tentacle had slipped into your pants and began playing with your dick
"you. do you mind if we? you know?"
a single sharp claw drew a little heart outline over your chest as the weird little tentacles desperately fought against their master's reins
his eyes were like the ocean and pleaded with you
his bare ass straddled your lap as his skirt was toyed with by the naughty limbs
you even got a view of his throbbing manhood, dripping pre onto your new shirt
he was the strange combination of a delicate flower and untamed beast
you slightly hesitated at letting Ash off his leash, so to speak
you saw him let go earlier in the shower
you worried for him
the tentacle in your pants was really putting up a convincing debate
so you comprised
you wanted to make sure, really sure, he was still Ash and it would stay that way
he was probably annoyed with you asking about his identity as frequently as you have
but you just didn't want to lose him to this
you asked him to promise he'd tell you if he had any more changes
he didn't notice the other tentacles until you pointed it out
makes sense
you don't pay mind to your arms all the time
he looked back to you after surveying the new additions
"I get it."
he rubbed down on your lap and groaned
his eyes locked with yours as he stopped his hips from moving
"I wouldn't let this thing hurt you."
you replied you were more worried about him
"I count breaking your heart as hurting you…"
the mouse boy used his furred hand to slick his hair back as he fought to keep himself together
"please keep your promise though, please?"
the tentacles shoved his top up and undid his skirt
you had a 110 pound tiger in your lap and he needed to hear you utter the word go
maybe that was a good sign he was still him
"it's like there there's this burning in me"
you were still a little hesitant
tentacles roamed towards the the nightstand and grabbed the condom box
they gently placed the box on your chest
"pretty please~"
the mouse pleaded to you
his eyes, even with the red, really were his
the armored palm rested on your abdomen
the mouse had you were he wanted you
to his credit he really seemed to hold himself back
the twink mouse was a coiled spring
Ash's tail seemed raised in anticipation
maybe he knew you'd say yes
tempted didn't begin to cover how you felt
he was gorgeous right now
so you finally agreed
but only on the condition he be careful with his condition
he promised then quickly snatched a condom from the package
Ash decided to impress you by handing off the condom off to himself
his new appendages undid your pants, slid them down, and deftly slid the condom onto your manhood
all without looking over his shoulder
ok, you were impressed
you didn't have time to caution him before he impaled himself without a single doubt
just slammed all his weight down onto it
holy shit
he was like a vice
he screamed your name as the sensation washed over you both
he wasted no time recovering
you were shocked how quickly he decided to jackhammer down on your dick
your hands went for his hips in some attempt to control him
his hips rolled with every slam
there was a frantic energy burning though him
he moaned and softly cooed your name
begged you with every slam
his muzzle brushed over your neck as he leaned in
he wanted to kiss
all the while his legs refused to keep working
he might just be the most dangerous challenge you'd ever faced
you didn't expect this sudden rough treatment
not from the same guy that got jittery with having his shirt off
his tongue snuck past your lips
you were here for the ride and he was hard to control
your playmate decided to ride you harder and harder
his enthusiasm was overwhelming
your first time with Ash was rough and violent
within minutes of his start he broke the kiss to cry out
his cum splattered in thick ropes, shooting as far as your neck
his body shuddered as he rode the high of his first prostate orgasm
only after did he relax
you let him breath
his voice was soft in your ear
"I needed that"
you had the condom preventing you from the hair trigger of the mouse boy
not for lack of trying
his ass was still clenching at you
so you asked if he was OK to keep going
he faintly nodded and kissed at your neck
your grip on his hips tightened and you set the pace this time
he groaned and moaned the whole time
tentacles gently rolled over you, gripping you
"one small request," he managed to get out
you asked just what he wanted
"no more condoms"
given how good he felt now, you were inclined to agree
"like right now"
he pulled himself off your dick and tentacles deftly tore the rubber off and slunk it into a nearby trash can
he was getting better at controlling them now
he didn't hesitate in driving himself back down on your dick
his clawed hand awkwardly balanced him, lightly clasped around your throat
if he was a danger, well
he could probably kill you
instead he was rolling his his with your thrusts
moaning your name alongside sweet long drawn out expletives
pretty sure this was the most you'd heard the mouse boy swear
wasn't even this much of a potty mouth when you fought those giants
with the condom lube still there you still had some ease of pistoning into him
without the condom though
holy shit was it intense
the thin rubber had shielded you from the best of it
in regards to his current condition maybe protected sex was better
but it sure didn't feel as good as this
you lost track of how long it took to flood his insides with cum
he instantly shivered and clung tighter to you
your climax had induced another smaller one in him
only then did your dick soften and unceremoniously slip out of his clutch
you both were ragged
his smile couldn't be hidden and you saw a return to his blue eyes
your arms curled around him and he buried his face against your neck
those tentacles continued to gently attempt to embrace you like his arms now did
you hoped he liked his first time
after all you'd been through, you both passed out in a messy heap
after all that, all the hell, this felt like heaven
you'd never felt this content before
it was like all the danger and stress vanished
you dreamed and slept
the warmth of the boy laying on you served as a blanket
he had let go after all of the same hell you went through
this moment was a culmination and a release valve for you both
you didn't remember when you woke up
it was dark out
you saw from the balcony window
you needed that rest
he had buried his face against your chest
his warm cheek up against your bicep
when he finally awoke, he gently stirred
his claws were like little needles as he flexed
you noticed the tentacles stirred with him too
he went to roll off you and yelped
you jumped and asked what was wrong
he flopped face first on the bed and rubbed his ass
well that explained that
bit off more than he could chew
he groaned but you figured he'd be ok
a subconscious reflex had his tentacles grasp out for you
you made sure he was OK, kissing him on the head
you broke the embrace to clean up a little in the bathroom
you checked the freezer and there was an ice pack
wrapping it in a towel, you had Ash sit on it
you told him he'd have to be gentler next time
"next time?"
he had a wry smile as he placed his ass on the towel
you grabbed a cheese wheel and a knife
dinner was served
you wanted a next time and he knew he had you right where he wanted
you sat down next to him on the bed and you shared the cheese in a warm quiet
he leaned on your shoulder
his big ears brushed against your face as he relaxed
he looked down at his body and quietly remarked to himself
"if this got me you, it was worth it."

you'd expect him to be forlorn
instead you caught him softly smiling
a warm smile
that was a good sign
you still worried about Ash
but he seemed to be happy
the cure you had didn't completely work on him
but he was himself
maybe that was good enough if he was happy too
you wrapped a arm around him and finally relaxed
you both took turns with the cheese until there wasn't anything left
a thought did occur during the meal
what was that surprise he had?
he took a second and then the flustered Ash returned
"you'll… ummm"
he was stalling
you let him figure it out but grinned
"it's a surprise!"
he softly bopped your ribs with his fist
well, detective work figured it was clothes
so you just had to figure out what clothes
but there would be time for that when Ash felt good and ready
you could be patient
after that day you'd felt complete
you both fell asleep again, sitting up against the wall
the next day you wanted to surprise Ash
after a morning shower where you both got handsy but didn't qo all the way
he was still walking funny and sitting was a challenge
his body seemed to be under his control though
the need was less centered on sex and more on cuddling up to you
you bet if a flip was switched in him he'd return to horny just like that
but the affection was welcome too
when he asked about what the surprise was you just remarked "it was a surprise"
he even tried awkwardly flirting the information out of you
baby doll eyes and drawn out pleases were about the extent of that
after cleaning up and a nice breakfast only then did you reveal the well guarded secret
you pointed out the deck window and said there's a reason you picked this hotel
walking distance from the beach
he had completely forgotten to grab a swimsuit
you tossed him a spare pair of swim trunks you got from the shop
not quite the bikini he would hope for but you did bring up at least he was top less
that did not ease his embarrassment
still put on the trunks though
the bright red and blue worked with his fur
his flimsy disguise of the bug parts seemed to work
he looked nervous about walking down the stairs until you picked him up onto your back
his protest lasted about a second before he leaned into your back, his cheek on your shoulder blade
Ash was soft against your bare back
his coat was still clean from the day before and felt like silk
he took easily to you carrying him now
not getting shot at probably helped
was he smelling you?
he seemed to have a thing for that
kind of weird but you'd let him indulge
not the oddest thing about this relationship
once down the stairs he insisted he was capable of walking
asking if his butt still hurt in public sounded like a good way to get mauled so you complied and set him down gently
the town was peaceful in the morning
a few busy shops but it wasn't exactly Madrid or something
his first couple steps were unsteady
a benefit to your swim trunks was he could have his tail down in the baggy shorts
even with trunks on he still looked girly
a girlish tomboy basically
no one seemed too bothered by the weird Americans again
the walk through town down to the beach was uneventful
the pleasant surprise was the beach was practically empty
not a soul
perhaps the town being filled with older folks meant they didn't have as much taste for the sun and sand
neither of you could complain though
he especially couldn't
because he immediately pulled you down into a kiss
no one could see a mouse boy hungrily frenching you
his hands ran over your bare arms as he whined up into your mouth
he was reluctant to break the kiss but you both needed to breath
"sorry, just… got carried away."
he snuggled to you chest and you decided now was time for a cheesy joke
you told him he was getting carried away
before he could react he was on your shoulder and you headed towards the ocean
by now he'd just gotten used to being manhandled
no protests
the mouse boy relaxed in your grip but he did lift his head up to see
"you'd better not drop me!"
the urge to play a prank on him wasn't there before
now it was
the water was cool compared to the sun beating on you
when you got about waist high you presented your mouse to the sky
"don't you do it!"
now he was scrambling in your grip
when you let him go he got one "dammit" out before the splash
that was worth the laugh
he resurfaced immediately
a death glare from behind his wet mop of blonde hair
you shrugged
he splashed a handful of water at your face
you dodged and he pouted
his blue eyes told you all the frustration was nothing to worry about
but you still closed in for a hug regardless
that's when he struck
he swept your legs and you went under too
so he could be sneaky
good to know
you pushed off the sand and rose back up
he mock pouted
then you dunked him under the water
his retaliation was to pants you
not exactly something you were unfamiliar with
his attempt to induce shame backfired
you didn't scramble to pull your trunks back up
he resurfaced and you pantsed him in retaliation
he squeaked
actually squeaked
that was funny
only then did you pull up your trunks
the pout had returned as he grumbled towards you
you did bring up his idea of undressing you as a prank didn't exactly work now
he tried not to admit you had a point
the salt water had made kissing his forehead taste odd
he got bashful and asked what if someone saw you with a guy
that's what he worried about in the moment
you weren't worried about anything with Ash at this point
unique didn't even begin to cover him
so you didn't give a damn about stares
they'd have to get over themselves
Ash finally relented and cozied up to your chest for a hug
you meant what you said
didn't matter if he wore shorts or a skirt
you wanted this
skirt did make things easier
he huffed at that last line and bopped you in the side softly
little mister "I need a butt ice pack" couldn't feign chastity now
all that nickname got was stammering and excuses
but you knew he was content
you broke the embrace and suggested you two explore the beach a little
you'd never really been to too many beaches
living in a landlocked area meant the actual ocean was a distant thing you'd heard but not seen much of
and he seemed excited
the adventure he craved without all the angry pitchforks and chainsaws
so you both walked inland and around the shore to check things out
after seeing starfish and the occasional adventurous fish in the shallows, you skirted around a jellyfish
Ash almost got near it by accident but you pulled him back
you were no expert but you weren't about to find out if it could hurt or kill
walking across the beach was more mellow
you got to see Ash actually excited for something
as it turned out he'd never seen the beach all that much either
just accounts from his brother
you'd have to press him more for his past one day but you were fine knowing what you knew now
his eyes lit up when you saw dolphins hanging further out
they made a point of playing around enough you could see them
all in all, this had made the bullshit worth it
though you wished this could have been done without all the danger
Saddler did need to be stopped
and if you hadn't intervened…
you glanced over to the mouse twink holding your hand like he always belonged there
well you decided not to dwell on what could have happened
here and now
you continued your walk until you found an out of the way grotto
Ash looked eager to go
you were a little hesitant to just climb into any strange holes
he won the debate you were having in your head
all he had to do was whisper
"just us, in the dark"
he was trying to paint a picture in your mind to the best of his ability
it was working
so cave it was
you went in first
no reason to put Ash at risk
he might be possibly stronger than you now
but that wasn't going to stop you from being a gentleman
even if he was also a gentleman
you didn't see much into the cave
only what the sun could shine on
Ash however spoke up
"I can see better here. let's go"
his eyes had a soft red flow in the dark
well he had that advantage
he pulled ahead of you and slipped his clawed hand into yours to lead you
you had no idea where you were going but the cave couldn't be that deep
his pace was gentle
he at least heeded your warning about the cave
though you couldn't imagine what would be all that great down here
after about ten to fifteen minutes of quiet walking he calmly broke the silence
"well we're here"
he probably couldn't tell you looked confused
he elaborated any ways
"I just wanted an excuse. I mean the cave is nice…"
there was a familiar tone to his voice that the clawed hand yanking down your trunks confirmed
all you could see were red eyes in the dark
normally a bad thing if it was anyone else
given the muzzle currently sniffing at the nape of your neck
you were in good hands
"it's like the heat just comes back when I'm around you."
he snuggled up to your neck as he pinned you gently against the cave wall
"I mean you're OK with that right?"
slender clawed fingers stroked your manhood
you noticed something new
he smelled…different
you couldn't place it
there was the salt water, his shampoo and soap
but being crammed into the cave had you noticing something else
it wasn't bad
the opposite
it was like vanilla
you couldn't place why he was smelling like that though
nothing you'd done should have that effect
for some reason you were starting to burn up too
the cave wall should have felt chilly to the touch but between your body and his it was like a furnace in there
he noticed your confusion this time
there was a soft giggle before he kissed you hard again
your body was burning now
all centralized on a certain point
tentacles had come out to play, he was feeling comfortable enough about your privacy
they yearned to touch you, never settling on one spot
some coiled around what they could find
he pulled back from the kiss
"my body just knows to get you hopped up on pheromones. question is~"
his hands ran up your chest and gripped your face
was this healthy?
you fought through the horny
was it still Ash in there?
the look of concern that broke through the haze of caveman "want to bang bang" that was originally on your face made him dial back things a little
you needed to make sure this wasn't going to take him from you
"I'm still here. the bug thing is a bonus. I wanted you before all this."
he snuggled back to your neck and rubbed his face over your bare skin
"the bug thing. it just helped me get what I want. we turned what could be a negative into a positive. I mean the downside is that horny for you"
your hands moved to grasp his ass
"we saved the world. let's just count this as the reward."
well he still sounded like Ash
your head was swimming right now so you had no choice but to go with the heart
if he was a monster he would have, could have killed you right now
instead he was just eager to be with you
and that was good enough for you
he was the same mouse boy you'd met days before
just dealing with the strange thing luck had dealt him
he groaned when you squeezed his ass tightly
"you know," he whispered
the mouse twink who'd smiled and played with you earlier
he was hungry
"just being with you drives me wild. so I think you really should take responsibility…"
"what are you going to do about it?"
you knew he was really turned on when he dropped the usual shame
his swim trunks were peeled off and cast into the dark
you knew instantly before you could feeling a burning hot rod touch your own
that vanilla scent returned with a vengeance
again, push back the haze
just a little
very important
"oh where are my manners"
your manhood was instantly smothered and assaulted by nearly every tentacle
damn near made you cum then and there
as quickly as they swirled and embraced you they withdrew
you noticed your manhood felt cool now
"I think the only changes that are happening are I'm getting better at, well, you."
his voice matched the claw lazily drawing a heart over your own
"so to make up for that little dunking earlier, let's play marco polo"
just like that he slipped away and vanished into the dark
that wasn't fair
he was quiet… as a mouse
damn so that's where the saying came from
you didn't have time for that though
pool games in a cave
you started off
your mind was racing on horny but you could formulate a name
his voice teased you in the darkness
you pointed out this was unfair
no response
you stood there in the dark with a raging erection
if you were in the right state of mind you might appreciate this as the ultimate test of trust
fumbling around naked and blind in a cave would be about the most vulnerable a man could be
you had to have faith Ash was Ash
however, you weren't in a clear state of mind
between that vanilla, all the teasing and the current game
he wasn't sitting right for a week
your libido addled brain was making that its personal mission
Ash was right
he was getting good at this
the other night he was a virgin
now he was seducing you into wandering through this grotto for the slightest touch of mouse boy
jerking off hadn't occurred to you
didn't feel right
this was reserved for someone
you dick involuntarily twitched as you thought of him
a giggle
could he see you?
the tease
this cave couldn't be that big but the echo was throwing you off
you kept at it
time slowed to a crawl as you took blind baby steps
you hoped Ash mapped out where he was
last thing you needed was a surprise cliff
you heard his voice grow closer with every name
at the end of it you were growling Marco like he owed you money
that seemed to have an unaccounted for side effect for Ash
his Polos got a little more drawn out
when your hands finally rested on something squishy you knew you'd won
it was his hips judging by how he wiggled it
your other hand clamped down on the thick ass the second you realized you'd got him
he'd been bent over, hands against a wall
you reminded him this wasn't fair
"neither was choking me with salt water instead of your dick!"
you were on autopilot now
what the mouse boy said registered as word
but you weren't really talkative
the air was so full of his pheromones you were just lost
he knew he had you
the second you felt something rub up on your cockhead you pushed forward
all his tentacles rushed around you and embraced you
his tail casually wrapped behind your neck
that slime had allowed you to instantly bottom out
he shivered under you and the act itself had apparently made him cum onto the cave floor
the red glow appeared
he was peeking over his shoulder
"breed me"
words weren't needed here
you pulled back just enough and just slammed it back in
you just fully embraced this
meat slapping against meat echoed through the cave
Ash groaned and arched his back
he was in heaven
the mouse boy got his fantasy
railed against a cave wall
you were practically an animal as you went to town on him
Ash blocked any thoughts except were you two were joined
that perfect union was his entire world
you'd already made him cum just from slamming it in
this bug was reshaping him into a whore and he yearned for it
he loved you
wanted to be with you
his heart fluttered when you looked to him
he loved when you just picked him up
the bug couldn't have him when he'd promised himself to you
so he just focused on the breeding
every time your cock ran over his prostate his red cock leaked precum
this was worth all the danger
worth the bug thing
Ash would always be completely changed now
instead of fearing it he was learning to appreciate it
this human that saved his life
all his
so it wasn't ideal
it was his
when the first load came it was without warning
yet, instinctively, Ash tightened in response
his body relaxed and he sighed
when you were about to pull out all his tentacles yanked him forward
your chest to his bare back
"let's just stay like this a little bit, ok?"

you both enjoyed the afterglow
he wasn't releasing you any time soon
Ash cuddled up to your chest
he protested at first when you rose up and pulled him with you
then you kissed the back of his head
protests faded when you hugged him
the heat was no more
it was now a soft warmth shared between you
the mouse boy was relaxed and complete putty in your hands
"I'm in love," he murmured
his voice was content but tired
you decided to joke and ask who was the lucky guy
"the one that's currently balls deep in me"
he giggled
seems like he couldn't exactly be shy here
his tentacles squeezed along you tightly
you were trapped
so was your little soldier
you had a secret weapon though
rubbing right at the base of his ear made him melt
he sensed your hand in the dark and a tentacle seized your wrist
"don't you dare"
he snuggled up as much as possible and you felt like having a cat on your lap you couldn't remove
you relaxed and just enjoyed the time you scared
after about an hour, Ash was satisfied
he pulled away from your dick and let out a soft sigh in the dark
his tentacles withdrew and his furred hand clasped over yours
you ended up grabbing your trunks and he guided you toward the cave entrance
along the little trek he covered his limbs back up with fur again
when you finally saw sunlight he turned to smile
you'd gotten accustomed to the strangeness by now
he suggested you wash off in the ocean a little before lunch
you decided to pick him up again
maybe you wouldn't dunk him in the water
a week passed in relative peace and quiet
every day was a mixture of affection and nonstop breeding
you'd had more sex with Ash than you'd jerked off in a year
he was insatiable and the second anything set him off and you two had the privacy it was fair game
the mouse boy worshiped you
you'd fuck for hours and he'd just cuddle against your chest after
every position possible
including some you thought were impossible ones
he used his tentacles to hang off you and ride your dick sideways as you were trapped against the wall
when he flooded the room with that vanilla scent it made thinking… difficult
you'd lose track of time one day and you blown four loads into him somehow
downtime he'd be the sweet affectionate boy you'd met
always blushing and always eager for the company
he'd wear more masculine stuff out and about but in the bedroom the skirts and tiny nighties came out
thankfully the changes had stabilized and no new surprises popped up since you had started
by now you were satisfied this was what Ash wanted
though you did want to eventually research this to make sure it was completely harmless
maybe Luis could be trusted
as for work Hunnigan was pleased with the clean up
even express mailed you a new phone to keep in contact
you were up front though
after this mission
there was no more crazy shit
you had risked your life enough
you explained this to her over the phone
with his hearing, Ash picked up on the conversation easily
he darted from the bedroom with something
you were confused but continued on with your negotiation for a desk job
maybe training
training would be good
you were sort of a freelance contractor and not explicitly tied into the government
while there were still hurdles and you couldn't exactly have the pick of the litter when it came to work… you were on good terms with the president of the United States
he also knew you were the guy that protected his daughter
sort of
Ash and a blind ass kidnapper insured that
however, if he could use that for leverage
why not?
apparently your bosses hated to lose a good field agent
so you would have an uphill fight on your hands getting out of the field
but with your connections and these results you might be in good shape
you'd lost track of time speaking to Hunnigan
out of the corner of your eye movement attracted your attention
what stepped into the bedroom shocked you
Ash had managed to find a little red dress just like the ones Ada wore
he leaned seductively against the door frame
twirling a golden lock of hair with his finger
his eyes were that familar blue but accented with a little mascara
a slit along the skirt exposed generous pale white thigh to your eyes
you were completely forgot your phone conversation for a minute until Hunnigan brought you back down
she thought something had happened so you tried to play it off
all the while Ash watched you from the doorway, playing coy the best he could
that's when it hit you
the surprise
he'd held off on this all this time just for the right moment
a sneak attack
and he knew you were on the phone with a boss
the smile told you plenty
even showed his prominent front teeth in a devious little display
the fiend
his tail flicked occasionally
you both anticipated and almost dreaded ending the phone call
your pelvis was going to get bruised with the look of victory on his face
hard to reconcile with the scaredy cat days before that had panicked around you
not getting shot at probably helped his confidence
or maybe he knew you liked him in the most open secret the world had ever seen
he was definitely right
he flaunted a little and you noticed both arms were covered in carapace now
Hunnigan was competing for your attention
was he wearing stockings over the carapace?
how did he get that to work?
and she was losing that battle
you breezed through your conversation and hoped you hadn't said anything you'll regret
conversation over, you attended to the current matter
he giggled into a clawed hand when you hurriedly closed the phone
he saw an easy win
and goddammit he was right
ever since you two started becoming intimate it had made you very aware of your libido
maybe it was the downtime, maybe just you both being in your prime, maybe both of you being guys
you swore you didn't notice sex this much before meeting Ash
you noticed a red eye on the back of his new armored hand
that put your libido on pause and he instantly recognized the look of concern on your face
"relax, relax."
he waved his hand dismissively
"I promise I'm alright and I'm me before you ask."
he sauntered over to you
emphasizing his hips that the dress barely contained
he got it tighter on purpose
claws picked up your chin and his grin returned
"I just wanted to show off a little. I'm getting way better at this."
vanilla flooded the room
it wasn't needed though
the dress already did its job
his slim body
thicker ass and hips
you couldn't lie and say the alien aspects of him weren't also a turn on
he was unique
more importantly
"there's some more surprises under my dress"
that had you more curious than concerned now
"guess you'll just have to take it off to find out"
you could do that
the strapless dress showed off ivory furred shoulders
broader than a girls but still having a slender feminine look
he leaned up for his kiss
he knew he was getting one
his muzzle always made this a unique experience
his tongue was joined by tentacles that tried and succeeded in wrestling your tongue
he was definitely
you slid his dress off while his hands rested on your sides
it didn't take long to realize just what changes he was talking about
you broke the kiss off a get a better look
a carapace faux corset on his torso
less aggressive looking than his claws and legs
but the grey plates broke up the white fur all the same
it even seemed to push up his small pectoral muscles
pink perky nipples in the sea of white fur
he gestured you to pull the dress lower
he had picked out cute black panties that didn't hide his angry red cock at all
once he slipped the dress completely down at his feet, he smiled
Ash shuddered and he moaned up to you
"one more little surprise~"
the tentacles burst from the usual spots but what you weren't prepared for a quartet of slender spider legs to burst from his back
each leg terminated in what looked a slender crab pincer
you nearly leapt back but they ensnared you and pulled you closer
his eyes locked with yours and he saw the concern once more on your face
"you worry too much. I don't mind being queen bug if I get my king."
the mouse boy had pulled you tightly to him with every limb at his disposal, even his tail curling around you both
"it's still me in here"
his clawed hands held your face as he looked to you, pleading with his eyes
"hopefully I can get you in here too."
Ash was a marriage of shell and fur now
but he insisted he was him
but you still would worry
"we're just making the best of things."
his eyes went back to his vibrant blue and he snuggled to your chest
"I promise I'm not a monster."
the tone of his voice made you finally hug him back
you heard the loneliness and the vulnerability
Ash was a mess but he was still Ash
not some weapon that was going to murder you
Ash wasn't Saddler
or Birkin or Krauser
he was him
you needed to remember that
and while you didn't end up protecting the president's daughter, you found someone worth protecting nonetheless
his warmth was your ever present companion
so you would keep tabs on him
but at the same time he needed love
he definitely wasn't some horrid blob thing like Birkin
the parasite gave him a bigger ass if that counts for things
you decided to let him know you trusted him by reaching down and squeezing a full cheek
that made him moan your name
tentacles snaked downwards and ripped your pants down
others pushed under your shirt
your other hand targeted his ear
the spider legs just ended up shredding the shirt off you
that totally didn't scare you
your horndog side didn't let the fear settle in though
both your manhoods were immediately engulfed together into a mess of lubed tentacles
"I heard you over the phone. you wanted to retire?"
yeah, you wanted that
"because of me?"
well, yeah
you'd always been married to the job
the danger just came with it and you dealt with it
because there wasn't anyone to come home to
suddenly risking his neck didn't seem fair or smart
"well I'm touched. but I don't want you to stop just for my sake."
he embraced you tightly and his tentacles kept working, all through a conversation
made focusing difficult
"not going to lie," he remarked with a smile in his voice, "retirement with me might be more hazardous to your health."
his face was hidden against your chest but you could tell he was being playful
it was sort of true though
fighting through Raccoon City left you at least able to walk
Ash was insatiable
a different kind of monster
not a bad thing though
the affection made everything worth it
you had someone
never could you have imagined that day
certainly not when you were a rookie with nothing in the world
you picked him up by his ass and his legs joined the rest of him in wrapping around you
he kept the stockings on
though with the small tears from the plates meant the stockings wouldn't last
you walked backwards and landed on the bed
these poor housekeepers
at least the hotel was getting paid handsomely for their troubles
you lost track of time as you both kissed
all the while frotting against each other
it was hard to believe he was ever shy with how confident he acted now
maybe the sex drive was helping there
though maybe it was because you reciprocated his love and desires back
he was definitely one hell of a first
you hoped first became only
only when he was satisfied did he reel back the tentacles
he had no intention of letting your load go to waste like that
in one smooth motion he pulled himself up and impaled his ass on your dick
that night you joined together again
but it didn't lose any luster from how many times you did it
you both took it slow and gentle
after all the craziness in your lives these were the moments that made living worth it
he thrived in your arms and you never felt more needed
slow thrusts and grinding
but it was everything to you
this moment right here
the mouse boy was worth protecting
after years of fighting abominations, Ash challenged your entire worldview
but you weren't afraid of him
whatever may come you were prepared to protect his smile
he still had that same smile when he let his joy overtake him
you were sudden for rushing into this headlong
one could accuse you of letting your dick do the thinking
maybe they were half right
but he'd been worth it
never had you met someone you could trust like this
he'd watched your back through your adventure
while he'd kept things from you, he saved you when it counted
he practically idolized you
you'd never been with someone who loved you like this
it wasn't leading you on or anything
just unfiltered love
the plagas couldn't corrupt that
even if he'd been altered he still loved you above all else
he loved you without needing anything in return and you were happy someone came into your life that openly
10 years back you could have never seen yourself with a guy
let alone how unique his case was to say the least
yet you were both in the throes of passion, exchanging sweet nothings
being with a guy was like being with your best friend
except you occasionally fucked them
as for Ash, he had found the adventure he'd craved
all without getting shot at
you both enjoyed the peace and tranquility you'd won
you probably both only came once but it was a passionate tantric session that lasted for hours
in the morning you felt Ash cuddled up to you, his arms wrapped around yours
he'd returned to relatively normal
a buzz on your phone made you pick it up
1 text from a number you didn't recognize
babbling about the Redfield bloodline
where had you hear that name before?
Ash pulled himself tighter to your side, reminding you
he looked cute when he slept
you texted back "no chance" and then decided to sleep in

Edit Report
Pub: 29 Apr 2023 02:48 UTC
Edit: 27 Jun 2023 11:41 UTC
Views: 3356