Disclaimer: I'm not keeping it updated anymore as of 12/06, if you want to read it, /trash/ and Pets of Furries general
This story isn't mine, I just put it all in a pastebin. Anon's character sheet: https://pastebin.com/91PNdVBD

Today was finally the day. A day you held in fear.
A trip to the vet.
Now, maybe in your past life a doctor's visit wasn't anything exactly special, and fairly usual. Providing you had insurance, of course.
That was before you got drunk one night during a film shoot, and ended up in what you thought was the drunk tank after having one too many beers.
That was also before you screamed at the top of your lungs at seeing a fucking nuclear family of golden retrievers not only standing, but talking in English and wearing clothing. And apparently, sizing you up or something.
Then getting chewed out by somesort of cute catlady employee after they left. That was one of the first (and many) times you heard "Bad Anon!" while being here. It certainly was embarrassing, let alone having an animal tell you that... Well, an animal person at least.
This type of language proved common as you stayed there for probably two weeks, being under the care of a rather young and cute lion-lady, who was particularly nice and sweet to you, and especially was good at disciplining you...
In fact, she was the main reason you got adopted by someone. She apparently liked you enough she recommended you to a friend over the phone after seeing you passing time. You could tell it was her from her signature giddiness at just seeing you be "adorable" to her. Some part of her just melted down at seeing humans, apparently.
Finally her friend came in...

In fact, it seemed like your owner would be from here on out, a cute rabbit lady.
You've only been with her for four days, but she's a very nice lady. Her apartment is an absolute mess as she's in a rush everywhere, but brings you home plenty of pastries and snacks from her job, which seems to be at a local bakery.
But, one day, she brings more treats then usual, and with a rather forced smile on her face, and big, pleading eyes.
"Anon, I just got you your new leash... Could you stay still while I try it on?"
You couldn't help but be suspicious while you put it on.
"Alright Anon, how does a walk in the park sound for our first big outing?" She says, having to reach up to pat you on the hair for complying so well.
Desperate to see the outside world, you agree, and she continues that forced smile.
...But now, you've finally realized where she was taking you all along.
"C'mon anon, I promise it'll be quick... C'mon, please?" She continues her pleading look at you, and tries to smile for your forgiveness.
Only for you to crawl in the back of the corner of the car, acting like a misbehaving pet.
"...Listen, I-I'll give you... I'll give you two boxes of donuts. You love those, right? Eating person food?"
...Person food is pretty good, and way better then that "All-Natural" kibble bites she gets you...
Hesitantly, you step out of the car, and she gives you a hug. She only goes up to your neck.
"Anon, thank you so much! I promise, this is only a check up, alright?"
...Oh boy. It's worse then you thought.
...What surprises you however, is the fact you walk around the back of the vet's office, towards the back door...

...That's when you see a rather shady looking nurse.
...In fact, it looks like the... Lion-lady you saw earlier.
"Juliette, nice to see you! I see you brought Anon? So nice to see him again, how's he treating you?"
"He's super sweet and nice. I thought it'd be harder honestly!" She attempts to give you a sweet little pat on the head while you curiously think about what's going on.
"...Now, after we do this Juliette, I want you to knock it off about how I looked in high school, alright?"
Your rabbit owner shadily looks around, and eventually shyly towards to her feet...
"...Alright, alright... But can you please do it? Please? I want to make sure he's alright and all, and you know I barely make enough money to pay rent, let alone feed Anon... He eats a lot, you know!"
"...Well, alright... I'll see what I can do."
The lion-lady is handed your leash, and... Well, she's uh.. .She's certainly much stronger then your owner.
"...You certainly weigh a lot since the last time I saw you Anon... Now, come on."
She brings you inside while your owner nervously waits outside, and sits you down in a chair while she gets some of her stuff out.
...Surprisingly enough, she follows through with a fairly average check up... Taking notes on a notepad and all... You certainly don't mind, though you note she tries to check your genital region... Which you haven't noted until now, but is rather rock-hard from being this up-close to a... Very... Very sexy lady.
Rather then being disgusted, she nods approvingly, putting it down as a note.
Before you know it, you get kicked outside again, and the nurse hands your owner what seems to be cream, and to call her if she needs any help.
Before you know it, you're back on the road again, but rather then heading home, you can't help your owner is taking a trip to the place you just got out of... The pound.

Your owner, Juliette guides you to what seems to the office, where a rather sexy fox lady secretary seems to be filing her nails/claws at.
"Hi, I'm here to breed Anon with another pair... Is today a bit late?"
The fox-lady nods, and lets a bit of a sigh go, guiding you away. Your can't help but turn towards your owner, a bit shocked.
...She waves towards you encouragingly, but seems a bit worried.
You get guided towards the back, and see what seems to be... Holding cells. Individual ones, holding human women.
They all seem to be staring at you with some amount of interest, and soon enough the fox lady hands you off to what seems to be a rather muscular male bullman.
...He puts you into a cell identical to the others, and leaves and draws what seems to be... Well, some somewhat fancy curtains. Your compatriot in this room seems to be a nude, rather young woman, black hair, and seemingly nervous.
...You just can't help but realize this is the first time you've talked to someone. Let alone offered the chance to have sex. But... Well, the sex trade tends to wear on a person after a while.
She's just kinda average honestly. Boringly so. Nothing outstanding, let alone erotic about her. You've gotten off to shopping tabloids with better women then this.
Unable to really get excited, you sort of just wait while your companion tries to get you in the mood. This goes on for what feels like hours in the most boring foreplay you've ever seen.
Then, the curtains get drawn, and you see your owner, seemingly disappointed... And worried.
Before you can explain, she grabs your leash and brings you to what seems to be a more private part of the pound...
"A-anon, come on, I need you to do this for me, please? I know you might not like it; but I can't keep you unless you do this."
Before you know it, she pulls your pants down, taking out that cream handed to her earlier...

She lathers your genitals with the cream, with her soft, plush hands. She seems a bit squeamish though, but she lathers it on softly and gently then any human really can.
You feel your loins set alight as she lathers your ballsack gently with her paws. Every single touch just... God, it's so fucking great.
You can't help but tense up heavily, panting just from the sensation of her paws on your dick, rubbing it...
You go rock-hard, and before you know it, you let loose with a bit of seed just from the sensation of her hands, and lay back and relax. You can't help but hear her curse a bit in shock and disgust as you can't help but smile.
"C-c'mon anon, just stay with me... I'm almost done..."
She takes another handful of cream out, practically suffocating your balls in the cream, and before you know it, you feel her soft furry paws gently squeeze your balls a bit too tight, causing a steady stream of cum to come out...
This really is the life.
Then, you see her with what seems to be a bottle of medicine, and a spoon.
"Anon, open up. I need you to drink this..."
Unable to resist, you open your mouth wide, and she puts a small spoon of the medicine in your mouth.
Carefully, she tries to help you up while your extremely sensitive cock is practically looking for any excuse to erupt...
Guiding you carefully, she brings you back to the human room, and it barely takes you seconds to get to work with the woman, less aroused by her, and more aroused by the thought of feeling your owner feeling you a bit more... Personally.
Soon enough, you finish up inside her, with her being knocked out cold from exhaustion.
...You, yourself, follow not too long afterwards, being completely empty of seed and your cock's sensitivity finally dying down...

You wake up back in the apartment, on what seems to be the couch.
In front of you as you push off the blankets and groggily get to your feet and feel yourself quite sore, seems to be something on the coffee table.
...It seems to be a small cardboard box full of candies, what seems to be carrots, and a sandwich. Complete with extra mayo and meat. Just how you like it.
Seemingly put out, just for you..
Still exhausted for the night before, you clumsily turn on the television, grab the box, spilling the contents on your lap and into your very numb groin.
Soon enough, you hear the light pitter-patter of your rabbit owner poking around the corner, with a smile on her face.
"Anon, are you busy?"
You shake your head.
"...Alright... I'm going to be working late tonight Anon, I just wanted to thank you for doing such a good job. I um, the rest of the week might be a bit tight on money though, so save those treats, alright? I thought you'd deserve it, ok?"
She pats you on the head, and affectionately rubs it while you smile, reminiscing about last night...
Before you know it, she heads out the door to work late, while you try and watch TV.
...Try at least, it seems like she was in the middle of watching a movie called "The Dogfather" and doesn't even own cable. Not that your surprised, you've always been a critic of cable and how overpriced it is.
...Plus, watching a carbon-copy of the Godfather but with dogs is hilarious to you.
Some part of you does eventually wake up, and realize something...
...She just spent what she had left for the rest of the week, right?
...Maybe you should do something special for her then.
...Or you could just lay here and watch the Dogfather.

You have a rather interesting idea.
You groggily get out of bed, and decide to try and enter her room, which seems unlocked.
You begin to search around roughly for where that cream was hidden, and after pulling some drawers and looking under the bed, you eventually find it in the dresser marked "Anon's Stuff" with a sticky note loosely hanging on it.
Inside seems to indeed be the cream, along with what seems to be a few toys and... Well, the treats she likes to feed you so much. You'll keep that in mind for the future of course.
You read the cream's instructions. Simply lather 1/4th of the jar on for instant breeding results it seems, though it does come with a warning against excessive use or erections lasting more then 48 hours.
Shouldn't be too bad then, at least.
You hid that under the couch, and hide any presence of you being there.
Soon enough, you decide to try and directly help her... As in, see about maybe being a bit of a stud for her to make some money.
Ripping out a piece of the yellow pages of the pound you were at, you hide it under the couch pillows to remind yourself later.
...You don't exactly know why you don't just tell her directly, but that just seems a bit... Well, wrong in a way.
Everything going easier then expected, you can't help but sit on the couch... You do have plenty of free time.

Before your master gets home, you decide to set up the table for her.
Setting some of the carrot treats aside, you decide to make her the best vegetarian sandwich you possibly can. Which, even though you don't have much skill in cooking, is at least from the heart.
Not wasting any time, you scramble back to your couch when you hear the lock turning.
As she enters, she seems quite tired but her tired demeanor changes as soon as she sees you into a wide smile. And quite surprised by the vegetarian sandwich with carrots you put out for her.
"Oh anon! How sweet of you... I didn't even know humans could do that! What a great trick!"
She pats you and rubs you behind the ears, and you can't help but just get a bit hard at that, even while numb...
She settles down and takes some bites out of her sandwich, and when she finishes, you take the small picture of the pound and carefully present it to her.
As she comes over to head to her room, she sees the picture, and you motion towards it.
"...Anon, you want to go back?"
You nod your head.
"Well, I was going to go out for lunch, but we can do that after. Does that sound good?"
You nod your head eagerly.
"Great. Now... I'm going to get some sleep, alright? I'll catch you in the morning..."
...That just makes your erection worse at the mere suggestion, but she seemingly fails to notice before rubbing your head, yawning, and heading to bed. You follow soon after.

The next day finally arrives, and your dick is thankfully no longer numb..
Of course, your owner is already up and about hopping about to make breakfast for today's trip down to the pound for your... Breeding. Right... Right.
"By the way anon, we're going to be stopping for lunch... I've changed my mind though, you've been on such good behavior, we'll head there afterwards, how about that?"

You hid the cream under the couch for later. You get hard just thinking about it, honestly...
She puts her leash on you, attempts to pat you on the head, and takes you out...
Soon enough, you see the familiar fox lady secretary,, and repeating last time, she takes your collar to the back. However, your owner stops her.
"Hey... Um, he's kinda nervous about all this... I think it's best if I come along since he might need help. I have a medical cream he uses to help him, ok?"
The secretary gives a slight sigh and lets your owner guide you to the back, with the familiar bullman from earlier reading a magazine.
She explains to him why your here, and he points to a cell and tells you to get ready. Your owner however, guides you to the back to get ready...
...Much to her surprise, once she opens her purse, she can't find the cream. Anywhere.
"O-Oh no! I-I must of left it at home A-anon... Do you think you can still do this?"
Worried and slightly embarrassed, she seems quite shocked... But you give her a sad look of being let down...
"...I-I mean, I'm sure I can find something here A-anon... Just give me a moment, alright?"

After a few minutes, your owner finds something (with some degree of disgust), and brings out what seems to be an artifical vagina of an anthro.
"H-hey, um... I think we're going to have to use this, is this alright?"
You nod eagerly, and she hands it over to you...
"...Just um, don't make a mess please, ok? Just fill it up until you think it's a reasonable amount."
You nod, and begin to hump into the artificial vagina... Which begins to vibrate.
Oh dear God yes.
It doesn't take too long until you begin to go to town on the artificial vagina while your owner looks on, a bit disturbed and uncomfortable...
"Good boy Anon... Just remember to fill the vial outside of it, alright?"
Eventually, you feel the first orgasm coming on, and in such a mood, you can't help but cum inside of it.
Hopefully no one notices. Then again, who says anyone else is going to be using this?
"Anon, c'mon. I know you can do it... I'll make sure to give you a belly-rub when we get home if you do well, ok?"
Just thinking about it makes a second orgasm swell up inside of you, and you try to maneuver out towards the vial this time... Surprised by the... Suction on it.
Oh boy... You don't know how much more this thing can take at this rate...

You struggle to get it off before you blow your second load, and you try to get her to help you out of it.
She pulls it off your erect dick, and puts it to the side, into a fridge for later.
"Well, hopefully that works for them Anon. You did really good boy, and I'm proud of you for doing it under such rough circumstances." She says, with a smile.
...You can't help but orgasm as soon as she says that, turned on by just those words... God. Cum leaks onto the floor as you relieve your built-up seed from that final praise. You narrowly miss your owner as she's quite shocked.
"A-anon! You should of given me a bit of warning, please... Oh... You're erm...Your still in the mood, aren't you?"
You nod your head furiously...
"...I-I um... Well, um..." She looks around, unsure of what exactly she should do...

Being so aroused you barely manage to translate "love" into hug, rather then satisfy your own desires, so to speak.
She stammers a bit as you give her a hug, and look at her, pleading almost.
"A-a-non! I-I... What are you doing?"
You nuzzle her slightly towards the holdings cells where the human women are at.
"...A-anon? You want to go over there?"
You nod your head eagerly, and your owner promptly takes you back to the cells...
As she walks you down on the leash, you don't give an answer when she asks which one you wanted.
"Anon, do you want me to pick for you? We need to get going home soon..."
You nod eagerly for her choice, and she looks over at the cells, choosing your partner.
She looks up and down, until settling on a blond girl she thinks you'd make "cute human kids" with.'
The curtains get drawn, and your already sailing at half-mast with your owner's blessing...
It doesn't take too long to properly breed with the blond woman in your cell,
Soon enough, you emerge after knocking her out cold, and your master congratulates you, rubbing your head, further cementing your lustful mood and antics.
...In fact, it gives you a rather fiendish idea once you get home.
Perhaps today will be the day...

Your owner pats you on the head for such a good job, and pulls you by your leash back to the car, and back home.
As soon as she let's you out, she seems exhausted, slinking off back to bed...
You however, have an idea.
You slowly and quietly begin to pull the cream out from under the couch, careful to sneak into her room while she's sleeping.
There, you see your target.
With the skill of nearly a dozen Hatori ninjas, you pop the cream container open, and slowly but surely you begin to cover her feet padding with it, giving her a smooth message.
She can't help but giggle and kick in her sleep while you mischeviously begin to rub the cream in.
Soon enough, her giggling turns into outright laughter from her extremely sensitive paws.
"A-Anon! K-nock it off, I'm trying to sleep!" She says, unable to not even get a word out while she laughs.

You move up on top of her, with cream in your hands.
Calmly groping her small breasts you begin to lather it on her while she doesn't notice...
Then goes back to being fiddly while you grope her and feel her fluffy warm breasts, laying down on top of her.
You begin to squeeze her sensitive nipples, and it's sensitive enough she just tenses up from a slight squeeze...
"O-o-ohh... G-g-good boy.." she moans a bit from your slight squeeze...
You can already feel her arousal, flaring up just by touching her feet or nipples...
Time to go in for the kill...
You follow up with spreading this right on her vagina, while she squirm and moans from your groping.
Then, you wait.
You feel her lower lips and already it's wet just from you feeling around...
So you go to town.
Beginning to hump inside her, she moans and already has her tongue lolling out from all the blissful emotions running through her.
You cum once, twice, then thrice in fast succession, cum leaking from her overflowing vagina.
"Good boy... K-keep it up Anon... Oooh..."
Soon enough, you can't help but collapse next to her, too tired to even continue.
"A-a-anon... I can't believe we did this..."
She rolls over to your side, hugging you gently over your naked torso.
"...You're a good boy anon... I knew you were the right choice..."
She gives you a pat on the head before passing out, huddled up next to you.
...You can't help but give her a kiss on the head before you pass out as well...

You wake up the morning after, feeling the fluffy embrace of your master right next to you.
She's still sleeping, the cute little thing... Still a bit squeamish too.
You get on your feet and put your clothes on. It's about time you get up anyways.
Just as you get up, you hear your master's phone vibrating. It seems like someone's texting them.
Reading the notification, you manage to read a few words: "ARE YOU COMING TO WORK TODAY? I NEED YOU TO OPEN STO.."
Past that it's cut off.
Great. You had to have sex with your master on the day she was supposed to open the store.
Some part is also a bit concerned. She might of enjoyed last night, but you've bedded enough crazy women to know that their attitudes very well might change in the morning...
You decide to gently wake her up.
As she awakes, she opens her eyes, seeing you.
"A-anon? What are you doing in my..."
She stammers, and looks at you with a look of confusion...
"W-we didn't... Did we just..."
Your owner seems to be a bit in shock from the idea that she might of just had sexual intercourse with her pet.
Her very sexy pet, to be assured.
...You doubt she's going to be mad, but still...
However, before her shock can even wear off, she realizes her phone's vibrating.
Her face turns very quickly to "Oh Crap".
Bolting up out of bed at breakneck speeds, she quickly gets dressed for her job.
"Anon, when I get home we're going to be doing some serious talking about this, understand?" She tells you, with a panic-stricken expression right on her face.
You silently nod your head while your master rushes out of the door, trying to get to work.
Fuck, that could of gone better.
Probably a lot better, now that you think about it.
She didn't give you a "bad boy!" as an answer... So...
...Wait a moment.
You can't help but notice the fact that your owner seems to have forgotten to close the door outside of the apartment building in a rush. Not to mention left her phone.

You rush down the stairwell of the apartment to try and reach your master.
It seems your very active master is much faster then you, as by the time you manage to get to the garage, she's already pulled out of the garage.
Knowing full well that you are certainly not as fast as a car, you can't help but sit in despair on the side of the wall, trying to think.
...You could try and meet up at her at her workplace, stay home, meet the neighbors, or all sorts of things...
...Wait a moment.
You could try to text her workplace that she left her phone here or something, and claim your a friend.
Though if anyone does find out that your intelligent, questions might be asked.
A lot of questions.
While considering this, you also can't help but ponder your experiences here... You've been a good boy so far, haven't you?

You can't help Master now as she speeds off.
You decide to make the slow hike back to your room, and rest on the couch or something.
Soon enough upon sitting down on the couch, you can't help but feel more... Robust. You kinda have abs for once. And actual muscle.
Holy shit that's kinda cool.
Deciding to maybe take advantage out of this, you close and lock the door, and decide to test your strength.
Remarkably, you are a bit more stronger then your typical scrawniness would imply. You now have the strength capable to lift a medium sized television up without pain, rather then before where you'd struggle to lift it up off the ground.
You'll probably need more testing to figure out where exactly you are in range of strength though.
Deciding to rest for a bit, you rest and watch some television. Nothing much else to do anyways.
...After watching television for a good three hours, you get quite rudely interrupted however.
Upstairs, in the apartment above, music seems to be blasting out.
Some indescribable teen-pop bullshit. Which is fucking droning out YOUR television.
Being quite pissed off by your upstairs neighbor's shenanigans, you decide to find something else to waste time.
Finding some very large headphones your master seems to use, you attempt to muffle out the sound while reading.
This gets also interrupted when you fucking notice someone's on the goddamned fire escape.
In fact, it seems like there's a fucking party upstairs, and people are hanging out on the fucking fire escape.
And of course, you smell what seems to be marijuana also. Even better, a party and stoners.
At fucking six in the afternoon.

At this point, trying to relax is a lost cause.
You have stoners out on the fire escape smoking it up.
You have music blasting through your fucking room.
Oh, and you also caught one of the fucking stoners spray-painting gang signs on the window.
This is getting out of hand fast.
It's probably about time you do something before this fucking party gets even worse...
...Or, maybe you should sneak out and join them.
...After all, they're drunk and probably high enough to not even notice that your human.

You come up with a cunning idea.
You begin to walk up the stairs, past a few drunk furs chugging what seems to be whiskey. About four of them, and they all seem to be passing a bottle of whiskey between them in turns.
All of them seem to be wolf-men. Roughly maybe teens? You aren't really good at telling age on anthros however.
"Hey dude, you got any alcohol on you?" one of them asks.
"Nope. You guys?" You ask.
One of them leaning on the railing grins. It's somesort of wolf-guy. Man. Either way, a "grin" from him is highly disturbing to you.
"I fucking wish. That asshole Charlie left us dry, says we'll fucking drink him out of his apartment or some shit."
They all nod and the wolf-man continues to talk.
"Fuck Charlie man, he's an asshole. Guy even made us pay for this bottle. This is fucking goddamned... Hey, Leopold, what's that word you use? You know, the fancy one in History class?"
"...A monopoly? I mean, I guess that's one way you can say it, though I'd say it's more fitting to just being smart enough to not let us in like last time, Amadeus."
Leopold seems to be the scrawny wolf-man in this group, and as 'nerdy' as you can get in this party. You note he seems to be drinking water, but is more focused on his phone then looking at you. Probably a good thing, now that you think about it.
Amadeus however, seems to be their leader, and the biggest and strongest of the lot. Also, he can't help but remind you of a fucking greaser with his leather coat and sunglasses.
Fucking weird.
Amadeus approaches you, and slings his arm around your side, taking his sunglasses off, attempting his best to look cool. You admit, it does slightly look a bit impressive if you were watching a movie, but it's a bit more... Well, a bit more egotistical in real life, you think.
"So, kid... You wanna fuck over Charlie and help the boys out?"
"Well, what do I get out of it?" you can't help but ask.
"Me and the boys won't kick your ass for being a fucking asshole who won't even share a beer, and we'll even throw in hanging out with us. Pretty cool, right?"
"...So you don't have anything, do you?"
Amadeus gives you a bit of a cold glare and a slight snarl.
"Fuckin' asshole. Listen, I'll pay you twenty bucks, and I'll owe you one, how about that?"
The large and menacing wolfman hovers over you, waiting for an answer...

You agree, and the huge wolfman gives you a smile and a pat on the back.
"Alright, good on you man! Not like the rest of these posers, huh?"
"Uh, yeah. So, just go in there, and get some beer?"
"Yeah, get the strong shit, alright? Nothing less!"
You nod your head and head into the apartment building.
As you open the door, it's fucking small, loud, and fucking smells like some strange mix of pot, alcohol, and pizza.
There has to be at least forty people in this fucking cramped space.
Squeezing past the crowd you try to locate target number one, the booze.
The booze resting on the table seems to be absolutely crowded with what seems to be some jocks. Big and tough too.
Deciding to observe for now, you try to think up a plan to get closer to the alcohol.
You also notice what seems to be some cheerleaders also by some lighter liquor... More flavorful things, such as wine...
It's not until you hear a loud "FUCK" that you notice that right in the middle of the room seems to be the source of pizza and what seems to be some co-op video game being played by some of the party-goers...
And you see the source of your misery. The fucking speakers blasting out music in the corner of the room, unguarded...

You get to the jocks cellphone that's playing, and begin to search for anything embarrassing.
Sadly, you don't find any cliche sextape.
But you DO find a video of the jock's girlfriend calling him a "pussy" and making fun of him while he cries.
You quickly switch it over to that and begin to play that on full blast.
One of the jocks at the boozetable has a shocked expression, while the rest of the jocks promptly begin to make fun of him and put their full attention on him...
You sneak over to the table, and try to grab as much booze as possible...

You manage to take five bottles of Vodka, two bottles of Whiskey, and one bottle of what seems to be Gin.
Sneak back outside, you see the wolfmen gang, laughing their asses off and quickly gather around you.
"Holy shit, you madman! You actually fucking did it!" Amadeus says, as you put the alcohol on the ground and begin to divide it up...
"...So, forty percent for you guys, and sixty percent for me. How does that sound?"
The wolfgang seems a bit displeased by this.
"...How the fuck are you going to drink five bottles of hard liquor dude?" One of them says, angered.
Amadeus doesn't seem pleased.
"...Well, fuck it, it's more then what we would of gotten not doing shit. Besides, I wouldn't break my word. We'll take it. Here's the twenty."
Amadeus passes you the twenty. The rest of his gang seems displeased at you openly, but Amadeus seems neutral, at least.
Leopold is still staring at his phone, however.
Deciding it's probably for the best to not fuck around with these guys, you take your bottles and thank the stars that these guys weren't in a bad mood.
Slipping back into your crib, you deposit your alcohol into the fridge to make it nice and cold, while considering your next action...
Of course, the damned music's back on. Making it impossible to relax...
It's about 7:30 PM as well. Your owner should be here in two hours.

You call the police and tell them about the party and if they could break it up. They decide to send down a squad car.
You hang up real fast and head upstairs to the wolf gang. You pass a crying jock who you've embarrassed quite heavily, and find the gang on the railing who seems drunk as fucking shit.
Amadeus especially, since he's gotten the lion's share of alcohol.
You also can't help but note that they seem to be in an argument over if they stole alcohol from the party with a few of the local jocks.
It's tense enough that a fight might break out any second.
"You fucking take one bottle from us and I'll shove a bottle so far up your moose-ass that Canada wouldn't even fucking recognize you from a fucking beaver, you fuckwad Charlie!"
Amadeus also seems to be provoking the conflict.
In the front of the jock's group seems to be some fucking moose-kid.
Who looks like a complete jackass.
"Amadeus, last time I had to call the police on your ass. Don't make me do it again like last time."
"I fucking dare you, mate! Do that and see what happens!"
Oh boy.

You decide to settle it nice and easy, by simply yelling that the cops are here, and running back to your room.
You hear scrambling, and what sounds like fighting come from upstairs.
You smartly decide to lock the front door, just in case.
Just in case.
The music suddenly goes out upstairs, and is followed by glass shattering. You look outside and see the speaker fly into the alleyway, thrown out by someone.
Staying in your room, you hear sirens approaching, and practically everyone scrambling outside. Fire escapes, everything.
However, you see a very angry Amadeus with a smashed whiskey bottle fighting off two jocks with switchblades.
Grabbing a whiskey bottle, you can't help but watch this fucking mess unfold.
Amadeusgets stabbed a little bit, but his sheer bear-like strength causes him to knock one of the jocks out by slamming them against a wall headfirst, and throwing his body at the other. He decides to flee via running out the fire escape.
After that night of excitement, you return to bed, and drink your whiskey, waiting for your master to come home.
After an hour, you hear the door unlock, and Master to finally come through.
She seems absolutely exhausted and miserable, though when she sees you, she smiles.
"Anon... How was your day?"
You nod and smile.
"...Good... Good. I was going to talk to you about... Last night's behavior, right?"
You nod, a bit worried.
"...I... I um... I thought about it and I think it was surely an accident... But I'm happy to be back home Anon."
She approaches you and gives you a hug, and a kiss on the head.
..."I'm... I think I'm going to bed now... I um... Did you want to sleep in my room tonight?"
She pats your head. She's exhausted enough she hasn't even noticed the liquor on your breath or the two vodka bottles laying about...
You follow her into her bedroom while she undresses and gets ready for bed. You get right on her front, and get as warm and comfortable as you can...
"..."Anon, why are you so cute? You don't need to be so close to me all the time..." She says, with a smile...
...Of course, you can't help but sail at half-mast...

You finally fall asleep next to your Master, and feeling her nice, soft fur.
You get plenty of sleep before you finally have to wake up in the morning, still quite exhausted from last night.
Deciding to make yourself some breakfast for you and your master, you get to work making some bacon and eggs.
How the hell bacon and eggs are a thing here, is a mystery to you.
...Actually a really fucking big mystery to be honest. What if this entire society is secretly cannibalistic or something?
Though you have to admit, it's more surprising that your master actually has bacon and eggs, since she's vegetarian.
...She probably just honestly got it for you though, now that you think about it.
...Also, are pigs technically even sentient here? All you've really seen so far is furry anthros, not really pig or avian anthros.
...Yet another mystery to add to the pile, you guess.
You make your master a vegetarian sandwich of lettuce and carrot, and lay on the couch, and decide to watch some news.
Honestly your kinda getting used to the "anthro people" thing going on. Even with the whole "pseudo-pet" shtick going on.
It's kinda sexy honestly though, that's kinda why you've put up with it for so long.
Something does... Well, strike you.
...Maybe you should use the news to study a bit about the world? It could prove useful.
Yeah. That could probably work.

Your study session goes on for quite a while, and you figure out some rather important information.
Firstly, it seems that this seems to be a strange copy of your world. Right now, you seem to be back in America, right in Seattle.
America hasn't really changed, and seems to be in a practically similar timeline to your own.
Humans seem to be largely pets to anthros, and it seems that the only existing human country seems to be Russia. Which, just like in your timeline, is largely despised in America.
Remarkbly, America's president seems to be a woman, and seems to be a dragon in fact. You also know that she's a Republican, though you largely stay out of that realm of politics. You aren't really here to give a damn about politics anyways.
Additionally, it seems most men are low in the totem pole in society, with women being often in more administrative and business positions. Not for any particular reason either.
Italians seem to be lion people. You've put the dots together after looking at discarded pizza boxes.
Germans and Scandinavians seem to be wolf people here. Not very surprising, honestly.
The French seem to be cat-people. Explains a lot, really.
The English seem to be dog people. Also explains a lot.
The Greeks and Spanish seem to be bull-people. Interesting.
So far that's all you've really learned.
National politics aside, you hear Master wake up, and you quickly begin to make her breakfast.
As she stumbles out of the bedroom, she gives you a smile at seeing you make breakfast.
"Anon, thank you... I'm sorry to say but I'll be work a bit late tonight to make up for a few lost hours... You won't mind, would you?"
You look down a bit dejected...
"...Anon, it won't be like last time, being home by yourself. Besides, I'm going to take you over to a friend's place so you won't be alone here. How does that sound?"
A... Friend's place?
But you have perfectly good alcohol here, not to mention a TV.
Goddamn it.
You shake your head, not wanting to go.
"Anon, come on. It's against the law to leave you unsupervised, and I can't afford anyone to watch over you... It'll only be for tonight, alright?"
Leaving would mean leaving some booze behind... God, and what if she finds it or something?

She sighs, a bit frustrated.
"Fine, but you need to promise to be on your best behavior Anon, is that clear?"
You nod your head, and she gives you a hug.
"Alright... I trust you Anon. She'll be here in an hour, ok?"
She pats your head and leaves while you sit back down on the couch, and decide to wait for her...
Should you REALLY be on your best behavior? What even qualifies as that?
You lay down on the couch, waiting for her to get home...
You just idly wait. You can't help but think you're a bit smart for bothering to watch the news at all. Even if it's just for some good looking anthros.
It doesn't take too long for the door to inevitably ring.
Looking outside via peephole, it seems to be a female dog-anthro. A golden retriever, you believe.
A well-endowed one, you can't help but note.
"Hello? I'm coming in, Anon, don't be scared..."
She fusses around in her purse, looking probably for the key to this room...
...Behind her, you can't help but note the presence of what seems to be the gang you met last night... The wolf gang or something.
Trying to sneak up the stairs apparently.

You decide to be nice, and hide the alcohol you've been drinking. You also open the door for her.
She blinks once you open the door for her, and she seems clearly surprised.
"Oh, hello Anon. I've heard plenty about you! I'm Teresa."
You open the door wide for her, and she comes in, and puts her purse on the coffee table you were drinking at only a few minutes ago.
"Anon, Are you hungry at all?"
You nod your head, and she kneels down to look through her bag, her cute little tail wagging a bit.
"...Hm, do you Humans eat meat at all?"
You eagerly nod your head, and she smiles, a bit relieved.
"Oh, good. I wasn't entirely sure, so I made sandwiches. Juliette said you weren't allergic to anything, but... You do like chicken, right?"
You give a cautious nod, as the retriever anthro pulls out a plastic container holding what seems to be neatly cut sandwiches, each one cut into four little squares without crust on.
Opening the box up, you can't help but note the sheer amount of chicken, mayo, and lettuce. She's not skimpy on it, that's for sure.
"So, Anon, I'm going to be taking care of you for a few hours since Juliette's busy at work.. I'm busy myself but I brought my laptop, ok? If you need anything, just tug on my pants or poke my shoulder, is that alright with you?"
You nod.
"Wonderful. By the way, I brought you some toys to play with in case you get bored. I wasn't entirely sure what humans found fun, so I brought a variety of things I own."
Opening her purse a bit more, she pulls out what seems to be a coloring book, a puzzle set, and what seem to be a variety of board games. Like chess and monopoly.
Putting them neatly under the table as well, stacked on top of each other.
"By the way Anon, when we get back from our walk later, we can do one of these board games. How does that sound?"
You shrug, it sounds a bit better then watching TV all day.

Giving you a smile, she pats you on the head and ruffles your hair a little bit.
"Now, I'm going to be in the dining room if you need anything, ok?"
She gets off her knees and goes into the kitchen, pulling out a small laptop and charger, and begins to focus intently.
Leaving you with nothing to really do, as you decide to watch TV. This is becoming a trend real fast.
Of course, as soon as you turn on the TV, Teresa looks over, apparently curious.
"Anon, you like television?"
You shake your head, you just find it a good time waster.
"You know, my brother's human liked television too... Though he was more interested in playing video games. I didn't even know you could teach a human to play video games. Oh, just look at me ramble a bit... Sorry about interrupting you, Anon."
She returns back to work while you watch TV.
You can't help but watch her smile as she looks at you, she seems to find you adorable in a way.
How nice.
Soon enough, you hear a sigh.
Looking back, you see a rather frustrated Teresa staring at her laptop,
"Damn it, why now of all times?" you hear her say, until she looks up at you, and notices you looking at her.
"I-I just mean dang it, Anon. Don't worry alright? Just continue watching TV sweetie." She says, with a smile towards you.
You know, you've used a computer once or twice, really...

You come over to her laptop, and look over it.
It seems like the screen has frozen up.
So you do what comes naturally, turn it on and off again.
Surprisingly enough, it actually works.
Teresa smiles as she logs back onto her computer, but you motion for her to stop.
Quickly downloading Malwearebytes, you end up deleting all Malware. Which actually speeds it up.
Teresa is both impressed, and a bit shocked.
"...Anon, you know how computers work?"
You nod your head, and she seems rather shocked.
"I thought humans didn't even understand how to do the laundry... Well, that's quite impressive, Anon. Did Juilette teach you?"
You shake your head.
She seems quite grateful...
You get up off her lap and begin to stand up, giving her a kiss on her fluffy cheek.
Heading into the living room, you decide to exercise a bit. Doing some push ups right in front of her, some pelvic "flexing", and other such exercises.
You notice her glancing your way more then once, trying to avoid eye contact.
"...So, Anon? Did you want to go to the park now?"
You shrug, and continue your flexing...

You climb back into her lap, getting comfortable.

She's quite shocked and you even notice her blushing a little bit.. Even sweating a little bit.
"A-anon, you're a bit heavy..."
She's even making an excuse.
She's close to breaking,
You pet her lap.
"A-anon, I think I'm going to go to the store real fast, ok?"
She tries to smile, and slightly pushes you off, rubbing your hair.
"I-I'll be right back, ok?"
She walks out the door smiling, and takes her purse real fast, like she's in a rush.
She closes the door behind her.
Damn, you're so close... You can probably finish her when she gets back, honestly.
It'll at least give you time to think how to finish her off, at least.
So you sit down, waiting for the lustful retriever to inevitably come back...
Only a few minutes later, Teresa comes back with a plastic bag, and seems a bit less lustful.
Only a bit less, however.
She gives you a kiss on the head as she comes in, and sits back on her computer, apparently drinking somesort of wine.
She occasionally looks up to look at you with a almost-hungry look...
It seems you've driven her to drink to maybe relax a little bit... No doubt, you can probably take advantage out of this if she drinks a bit too much...
But how?

You decide to wait, letting her drink a few glasses of wine before continuing.
Soon enough, she's drunk at least half of the bottle and you decide to launch your plan.
Taking off your shirt, you put it right on the backrest. She can even smell the sweat coming from it, and as you approach , she looks up at you.
"Anon, did you need something?"
You shake your head, and begin to gently pet her head.
"A-a-anon? J-just what exactly are you... Oh God, yes... Right behind... Yes..."
She instantly nearly collapses as soon as you begin to scratch behind the ears and her neck. You can feel a massive amount of stress.
Drooping her tongue from your petting/massage of her head, she's in bliss.
You should know, massages while stressed is practically better then sex sometimes.
"A-a-anon... Can you just rub my a neck a little? Just... Oh God, right back there..."
She's practically helpless in a way. In a good way.
"A-a-anon? Can you do me a favor?"
You nod your head.
"C-...Can you just... My God... Just... Can you get me a bit more wine please, sweetie?"
...You didn't even notice it, but it seems like she drank the entire bottle during your massage. A little bit of wine is even dripping down from her maw, which she can't even cover up.
She's after all, practically clay in your hands.
...But, wine... Where the hell are you going to get wine at?
Quickly checking the fridge, all you note is hard liquor. Liquor which you stole. This house doesn't exactly have a lot of beer...
...You know, you recall wine at the party from last night.
...It hasn't been entirely cleaned up just yet...
...You could...
...Looking back, you see a practically unconscious Teresa, just having a stupid smile on her face and drooped over wide on the table. She's utterly at ease, and exhausted...

You head back to her, shrugging your shoulders.
She seems a bit disappointed, but you continue your backrub which she loves, of course...
Slowly creeping down to her wonderful, well-endowed tits...
God, they're at least bigger then a DD...
She begins to pant as you creep down her back towards her breasts...
Moving slowly forward, you give her a nice hug... Feeling her large breasts in your hands...
...Squeezing the large mounds of flesh between them. Your hands practically melt into the soft crescent valley.
"O-ooh... A-anon..."
You can't help but curiously press against them, and you feel her arousal hitting a tipping point.
No longer holding back, she lets a breathe of arousal out.
"A-A... A little harder, anon... I can't feel you..." She says, her tail wagging in your face...
God, her tits are so soft. You give them a nice squeeze and Teresa moans ecstatically...
"O-Oh god... Oh God yes..."
You squeeze her nipples, and her tongue goes out further, her head pointed upwards, and her tail wagging...
"H-h-a... I-I can't... Anon..."
Her breasts seem to definitely be erotic for her... She's practically begging you to mess around with her tracks of land a bit more.

As you attempt to get a hand right by her thighs, she grabs your hands.
Still in ectascy, she squeezes her own tits with your hands, and presses her breasts up against the table.
Still not satisfied, she rubs hard up against the table.
"S-squeeze them harder, sweetie... Come on... I can't feel you..."
Seeing her lust for her own breasts, you begin to take off her own shirt.
"Y-y-yes... T-take that off, please... Th-thank you sweetie..."
Panting, she shudders a bit as you begin to take off her soft bra, collapsing loose to the floor.
Picking up her large, heavy soft, furry orbs, you roughly grab them, and squeeze them as hard as you can.
She doesn't just moan. You visibly see her eyes beginning to retreat to the back of her head almost, her body shuttering.
She lets out a long moan as you squeeze her breasts, milking them as hard as possible.
You begin to grind up against her soft, round butt, fully erect...
She practically melts in your arms, and he rubbing of the table becomes so intense she knocks the table back, and the two of you go on the soft carpet floor.
She rolls over, her tits right in your face as you press down on them...
You get a bit of an idea...
Grinding against her groin, you begin to suckle and lick her tits, and her moans become nearly orgasmic.
You pull your pants down, and pull hers down.
Teresa's orgasmic moaning is becoming faster-paced as you continue to suckle and you begin to feel around her thighs...
Then, you hear her moan stutter, her very eyes closing and her body tensing up.
As soon as you pull her panties down, she orgasms onto the carpet, and you can't help but decide to get in while the going's good.
Putting your dick into her large vagina, you begin to fuck her right here and right now, and you feel her about to orgasm again, right in rapid succession...

You thrust deep inside her, humping her lovely thick thighs.

"Y-y-yes Anon! H-help momma make her first puppies... F-fuck me harder!" She cries aloud from orgasming...

Thrusting deeper, you get a lewd idea about you.
You begin to lick her tits a little bit, tasting a sensation... Of slightly warm liquid.
Your fucking her hard enough tiny streaks of milk are coming out.
Groping both her breasts, you push them up, and try to suckle both.
They're just too large however for you to do so, and exhausting to hold up.
But you manuever yourself over to the side, and soon enough, Teresa lets out a practically scream of release as she orgasms as soon as you suckle on both of her tits.
Thrusting deeper and suckling as hard as you can, she begins to have orgasms in rapid succession. Demanding your seed inside her.
The carpet around you becomes sticky and stained with Teresa's girly cum.
She gives you a stare of longing, of desire, of hot, hot lust.
She needs you to cum for her.
Your dick soon obeys, and shoots a rope of hot cum deep inside her womb. Bringing you a nice, instant relief.
Soon enough, after nearly twenty minutes of this exhausting fucking, you collapse ontop of her. She's orgasmed at least more then twenty-five times, and you around four or three.
A fucking amazing session of sex, if you ask.
...Teresa however, isn't exactly done, as she grabs your hand, moving it towards her vagina...
"W-w-why'd you stop for momma, Anon? I-I'm not done yet..."
Inserting your hand deep into her vagina, as far as it can go, she howls with pure ecstasy as your fist her.
Reaching your fist as far as you can inside her, she pants harder, and harder...
She reaches your hand to grab your own cock, stroking it faster and faster.
Both of you practically release your last orgasm at the same time, and both of you seem too exhausted to continue.

Tired, you reach around her wide, voluptuous body and feel her supple and wide buttocks.
...You feel her put her hand right on your ass as well.
Her tail wagging furiously.
Both of you just lay there, not saying anything for a good twenty minutes as both of you are exhausted from the hot lust that was building up.
"...A-anon? Did you want to go again?"
...Your fucking kidding.
She looks fucking exhausted.
You shake your head and she tries to hide a sigh of relief.
"...I- I feel... M-maybe I should get some coffee started up..."
You shake your head, and Teresa smiles a bit guilty, putting both her hands around you in a hug.
"...I... We're not going to tell a soul about this, alright sweetie? Not even your master, right?"
She gives you a smile... A clearly nervous smile. She's worried, that's for sure...
You nod your head, and kiss her on the cheek. You can't help but notice quick blush that comes over her.
"...I-I'm... I'm still a bit shocked, losing my virginity to a human... God, in a way that'd be disgusting if it was anyone but you Anon..."
She returns your kiss, and licks your cheek a little bit.
You look up at her soft, loveable face.
"...I hope you don't mind if we just order pizza for tonight?"
You nod eagerly. Pizza sounds delicious.
"...Ok, ok... Just help me onto the couch, alright sweetie? Help momma u-"
Stoppiing herself, she looks at ypu.
"...I-I'm sorry, I... I shouldn't say that, should I?"
You give her a quick response as you help her up and to the couch, where she collapses on.
"...Could you quickly grab my laptop, Anon? And... Well, could you scoot your booty onto me?"
She shoots you a caring smile as you grab her laptop and bring it over, getting ontop of the fuzzy retriever.
Teresa nuzzles you as your ontop of her.
"...Did you want to grab a blanket, Anon? It's a bit cold..."
You nod, and grab the nearest fluffy blanket, getting ontop of her...
...She reaches around, rubbing your belly sensationally. You can't help but laugh from it.
"Anon, how does a cheesy-crust pizza with extra sauce and extra pepperoni sound?"
You nod between your laughter, and she sets the laptop to the side.
Fully embracing you in a hug.
"...You know I'm not looking to cleaning up this mess, Anon... It'll take the whole night to just remove the stains from the carpet... Not to mention work in the morning..."
...She pauses for a moment.
You look behind you to see a rather mischevious smile on her face.
"...Anon, how would it sound if I slept over for the night here? My work's not far, and Juliette wouldn't mind..."

You give her a nod. A sleepover could be quite interesting.
"Nice... You know, I'd almost bring you to work if just because how... Relaxing you are... Though it's unfortunate humans aren't allowed at work."
You almost want to ask her where she works, but you settle for just staying comfy on her.
"...So, Juilette's going to be here in about two hours... How does playing a video game sound? I certainly think your smart enough to play one..."
...A video game?
You feel her put her hand on your crotch, and squeeze it a bit...
"...I'm sure it'll be a fun little experience with the two of us while we wait for the pizza... I might even give you a treat while you play to impress momma..."
She gives you a bit of a wink...

You decide to get up and begin to clean up.
Teresa whines a little.
"A-a-anon, it's cold without you..."
You motion for her to at least come over here, but she puts the blanket on her little muzzle shyly.
"...Could we wait for the pizza first before we work Anon?"
...Damn it, fine.
The doorbell rings, and Teresa goes to answer it, carefully toeing and trying to hide most of her body from the pizza delivery guy.
...Of course, she can't stop him from seeing everything, which certainly shocks him, but Teresa manages to get the pizza as fast as possible and give him a tip.
The two of you sit down by the couch to enjoy some good old fashioned pizza.
Teresa's still a bit drunk, you think. Judging from how she finds it a tiny bit hard to walk.
Both of you begin to clean up the place in the nude, and try your best to avoid any ideas or anything...
...Though with Teresa hunched over cleaning, you get a nice look at her butt...
...It really is nice.
...Nice and warm...
You can't help but grope it slightly.
"...Anon? Is there something wrong?"
She gives you a sly look, and her tail wags a bit, shaking her butt for your viewing pleasure...
Soon enough, you return to putting laundry away and cleaning her belongings, while she cleans the floor...
Teresa even sets some coffee up being brewed.
...But judging from how she's sneakily taken a bottle of vodka out on a corner with a lemon, she's planning something, that's for sure.
...But what it is, you don't know, not yet.
Cleaning up and going through her stuff though is rather fine, until you find her wallet.
...Her exposed wallet.
You can't help but be a bit tempted, but something else catches your eye...
A rather ornate necklace of the Christian cross...
...At least that's nice to know that she's Christian, you guess.
...A kinky one.
Putting your temptations aside, you clean her clothes the best you can, and return back...
Soon enough, the floor gets cleaned with an hour and thirty minutes to spare.
...Teresa however, smells the air, and recoils a bit.
"...It still smells horrible... Anon, could you do me a favor and run down to the store and get some air freshener? Apple kind, please."
She hands you twenty-five bucks...
You of course, accept, and sneak out...
Hopefully you can get there and get back soon.

As soon as you practically walk out of the building, money in your pocket, you walk down the street.
Not really being accustomed to traveling around Seattle, you can't help but get a bit lost.
...Looking around for a nearby store, you look behind...
...You can't help but notice that some familiar looking jock is following you...
...Is that...
That has to be the jock you embarrassed a few nights ago.
Fuck. He doesn't look tough, and he's only a fox anthro...
And he's following, and seems quite pissed...
You duck behind an alleyway.
He follows, and you hide behind a nearby trash can, ready to launch your surprise attack...
Jumping out from behind him as he enters the alleyway, you send a punch right into his lung, causing him to lean down.
You've knocked the wind out of him easily, and you follow up...
Following your punch up with a kick right at his leg, your attack glances off of him, though his footing remains quite bad...
"I'm going to kick your fucking ass!" he yells at you...
You manage to knock him down with another kick to the legs, and begin to run like fucking hell.
Your defense was extremely good, and certainly took him down a peg, that's for damned sure.
Running, you eventually see a small box store and rush inside.
...Well, now all you need to do is just get some air freshener and head back...
Air freshener here is only like 5$, and you've got about fourty-five bucks on you...
...Maybe you could get something else?
Not really having any idea what Juilette would want, you buy a generic gift. It's about 5$, but you think Juilette would appreciate some soaps and perfume.
Approaching the clerk who seems to be a rather eager female bluejay anthro, she checks you out.
"Come again to Bargin Mart sir, and have a good day!" She chirps eagerly, as you walk out with your gift and air freshener.
Now, to make your way back.

Strolling around and trying to find a faster way to get home, you end up even more lost.
You manage to end up in a better side of town at least, where there seems to be plenty of cafes and a bit higher class stuff.
It's kinda cool honestly.
Strolling down and trying to find where to go, you spend the better part of twenty minutes just trying to figure out where to go.
Eventually, you get on the main road back, an get back to your apartment.
As soon as you open the door, a rather nervous Teresa is waiting for you.
Closing the door behind you, Teresa lets out a soft, stressed sigh.
"Oh thank God, I was so worried about you Anon... I shouldn't of sent you out alone. Are you alright?"
You nod your head, and check the time.
Nearly ten minutes until your master gets back.
That was fucking close.
"...So how does a game of Monopoly sound until Juilette gets home?"
You shrug, might as well do something.
Setting up the board is rather simple, and Teresa lays on the carpet, slowly organizing everything...
...After a few rotations and after she ends up in prison (and can't help but laugh a bit about that), you hear the door open.
Juilette enters, dirty and exhausted.
"Oh, Teresa! Anon! How was everything? I was worried all day." She says, smiling over the two of you just playing a board game together.
Teresa smiles back.
"Anon was positively the most cute and adorable little human I've ever set eyes on. You know, he did the most adorable thing earlier and rolled around on the floor..."
The two of them begin to talk about you and what adorable things you do/did, while you just wait.
"...Oh, by the way Juilette, is it alright if I stay over the for the night on the couch?"
"...Oh? Why?"
"Well, I start work early tommorow, and I think you owe me one anyways, Julie... Besides, you have a car, I don't."
"...Right, well, the library isn't too far I guess... But is Anon alright with you sleeping in his space?"
She smiles a bit devilishly.
"I don't think anon would mind, would you?"
She smiles at you... A very hungry smile.
...Oh boy.
"...Anon? What do you want to do boy?" Juilette asks you...
The two of them actually do seem to be excited to be sharing the same bed.
Getting inbetween them isn't too hard either...
Teresa of course, puts both her hands around you, pulling you towards her, and Juilette gets right next to you...
...This is going to be a good night.
Your rubbing and massaging really turns on Teresa.
Juilette even manages to relax...
As soon as you start feeling up to Theresa's breasts, she gets a smile on her face... Clearly aroused...
You've got one done... Now for Juilette...
As you move Juilette's hands and put them on Teresa, you feel a gasp... Teresa moves Juilette's hands off...
Teresa backs a bit up, clearly not comfortable with what just happened.
...Juilette also slightly realizes, and it gets a bit awkward...
"...Hey, um... Teresa? Could you keep your hands to yourself?"
"Could you?"
"Teresa, you shouldn't... I'm not interested."
"Why are you putting the blame on me? Your the one who touched me..."
Ruining the mood, the two of them disengage, but leave you in the middle... You still have a chance, but your going to need more time or something...

Failing to really come up with any other idea, you just pass out in the bed, quite tired from the day's activities...
Half way through, at probably 1 AM, you feel Teresa get up out of bed, a bit groggy, and head into the living room.
It's a bit strange to be sure.
You pass out again... Waking up early in the morning.
Juilette has both her hands around you, and seems quite comfortable.
Slowly getting up out of bed, Juilette gets up while you stay in bed...
Suddenly, you feel a kiss on your forehead...
"Sweetie, momma's gotta go to work and go home... I've made you some sandwiches, ok? I'll see you later."
She gives you a kiss and a nuzzle as she heads off to work...
After an hour, Juilette comes back and jumps into bed.
"Hey, Anon... Are you awake?"
You turn over a bit tired.
"...I'm staying home today, I thought it'd be nice to spend some time with you... How was your day with Teresa?"

You smile and nod your head, you absolutely loved having her over.
"Great Anon... You know, how does the park sound this time of day?"
...A park sounds... Good, you suppose.
You decide to nod your head.
"Great... Besides, you really should get out... It'll be nice!"
You shrug, and begin to get dressed with Juliette... And also eat Teresa's sandwiches.
Those were damned good.
You get ready to head down to the park, and Juliette attaches a leash around you, taking you nice and slow to the car...
Getting in, Juilette drives you down...
"You know Anon, I don't recall the last time I've ever gone to a park..."
She's practically bouncing up and down in her seat, and she begins to pull into a parking lot...
Getting up, she pulls you lightly by your leash into the park.
God it's too bright.
It's a rather interesting place. Plenty of woods and such, but doesn't seem too populated.
Save for the obligatory hot dog stand crewed by some gazelle-man.
Going into a field, Juilette sets down on a bench, observing the field.
...She seems a bit irritated.
"...You know, I probably should of known better... Who really even goes to parks anymore?"
You shrug, and look around. She rubs your head as she thinks about what to do.
"Oh, Juliette? Is that you?"
Turning around, you see clearly what seems to be a female dragon anthro, with a human pet of their own.
It's a guy too. He gives you a brief wave.
You wave back.
"Juilette? You know, I didn't know you had a human of your own. It's so nice you idolize me so." The female dragon anthro says...
She's a fairly large specimen, and quite well endowed.... Along with having a bit of an air of superiority about her.
"Ma'am? I um... I didn't know you actually had a human of your own, let alone walked out here."
"Oh well, why don't we talk a bit? Business can wait, you know..."

"Well, I'm sort of just doing something with my pet here for a moment... How about later?"
"Juilette, I'm your manager, and I also consider myself your friend to a certain extent. Simply put, I'm curious on how you've been the past few days. I know your work ethic has greatly improved."
"Klara, this is about business, not so-called friendship. Leave me and my pet alone."
Klara, the dragon anthro, gets quite clearly offended by that.
"...I don't get you mortals and your feelings. I come here, and offer a few moments of actually caring and you believe I'm..."
The two of them argue for a minute, while you and the other human just sort of stand awkwardly.
He inches closer to you.
"...So, you new or something?"
You nod your head.
"Lucky you. Just saying, your lucky to not have to deal with a dragon-anthro. I'm really fucking tired of being dressed up like a girl in a fucking dollhouse."
"...Wait, what? People do that?"
"Especially rich bastards with way too many kids... Legos are fucking hell man."
Returning back to the argument, you notice Klara, Juilette's boss's mouth agap, going absolutely silent.
"How dare you. How DARE you imply MY business is not turning a profit! I am FAR more capable then my mother, and you WILL recognize it! I have single-handidly boosted production by 128% and counting, and it is NOT because I let my employees doubt my methods! Nepotism is a valid form of management, and I will NOT hear you even breathe a word of dissent against my business, unless you want to be driven into the streets like a pauper! Next, you'll imply my descendants are human!"
Horribly offended, she turns around, strutting off with her pet, dragging him off.
He at least waves goodbye.
...Klara's also quite literally red in the face, and very, very angry, as she walks off.
Juilette simply falls back, looking at you a bit stressed.
"...So, how does some ice cream sound Anon?"
You and Juillette get some ice cream, and sit on the bench while she rubs your ear.
"...So, Anon... I'm sorry I have to work all these nights, but Klara needs me, ok? I need this job. You understand, right?"
You nod your head, and she smiles gently.
"...You know, why don't I make tonight special? I got my paycheck, and I was curious... Was there anything you wanted around the apartment?"
...Huh. Something you wanted...

You shake your head, and motion back to where Klara was, and crook your head a little bit.
"...Your curious about... Klara?"
You nod your head.
"...Well, she's my boss. She runs the bakery, and her mom runs the local chamber of commerce, and her stepdad is mayor... Then her grandfather is a state senator, and her grandmother's a state senator and so on and so forth..."
You crook your head.
"...Um, she's not a bad boss for a half-dragon. Just sensitive and punctual. You know, has a lot to prove to her family and all that... I kinda get it, but she's a fuc... I mean, she can be really uptight, and think she's everyone's friends because she's never actually..."
She sighs.
"...I'd rather not talk about her right now on my day off."
She sounds frustrated honestly.
You shrug, and decide to just cheer her up.
Via spending time with her of course.
Overall, a fairly nice day transpires, with the two of you playing plenty of games and having fun.
She even takes some photos with you doing cute things. Though she fails to take photos of when you tickled her or gave her a belly rub.
Eventually the two of you get back in the car, and Juilette looks at you.
"Anon, you remember that cream we used at the pound? How do you feel if I got a bit more of it?"
More of that senstivity cream? Well... You wouldn't complain, honestly...
...But do you really need it?
You disagree, and she starts traveling home...
Heading up to your apartment, the two of you hit the couch and decide to watch a movie together.
Nearly half way through it, her phone begins to go off. Putting the movie on pause, she goes to answer it.
"Oh, Jarrod? Listen, I'm a bit busy... I know, I know, avoiding you and all, but I'm just a bit busy now... Listen, I'll talk to you later, you goofball... I know, love you too and all that."
She sits on the couch next to you, and sighs.
She pats your head, and you she leans over on you... Checking her phone once it updates.
"God, what a bitch. Klara's texting me in the middle of us time... Not to mention my ex..."
You look over at her.
"...Listen, I'll just put it on mute, ok? I'm not about to just give up us time for some stupid fucking text from Jarrod or Klara."
Stressed out, she nuzzles your neck as the movie continues.

You continue to watch the movie with her.
It's to be fair, a rather decent movie in all do honesty.
But, your far more interested in planning some lewd stuff with your girl.
She needs it after all.
Soon after the movie ends, you head to bed with Juliette, and begin to passionately seduce her...
As the two of you get in bed, you can't help but massage her pretty bunny ears and give her some soft kisses right on her neck.
"Oh Anon, how sweet of you..."
You kiss her right on the cheek, and move in for the kill.
You get a bit closer, and your mast brushes up against her small petite but well formed rear...
Your hug extends into touching her small breasts and feeling her strong thighs...
"A-anon? Ooh..."
She's getting in the mood, that's for sure...
"O-Oh... Jeez, were you always this handy?"
You begin to hump her thighs gently, shocking her a bit.
"A-a-anon, what are you..."
You begin to squeeze on her small tits.
"A-a-anon! Jesus, if your like this to me, imagine what you'd do to Teresa..."
She says, painfully unaware.
You catch her sweating a little bit, and blushing a bit... So you move her over, and pull her panties down.
You begin to kiss and feel her pussy, and she shutters.
She's practically sweating and nervous already...
"O-O-oh... A-a-anon, I... Ooooh... Y-you shouldn't..."
Your humping increases in ferocity, and you grope her small breasts harder...
Oh yeah, your close to breaking her tonight...
Delving deep with your finger to massage her, you tease her the idea of getting bred by you.
With no real resistance, you begin to slip your cock out, and stuff it right into her den, and begin to thrust in your master.
Going in hard and fast, and mounting her like a lifeboat, you feel her body temperature increase, no longer capable of truly resisting you, and instead letting you fuck her.
Energetically, she moans as you pound her deep inside, and you struggle to keep up in her ethusastic tumbling.
But however, she fails to really last long.
Dealing with after all, an expert sexual master, she quickly runs low on her stamina after her first three orgasms. You yourself orgasm twice inside her.
Pulling you dick out for a moment as she regains her strength, you note another location...
You decide to put your cock in her mouth, letting her suck it a good bit for a cleaning.
After a quick blowjob, you relax next to her, humping her ass until she falls asleep.
Deep asleep.
You follow not too long after...

Waking up in the morning, you feel your master next to you waking up slowly...
She gets up, quite exhausted, and grabs a cup of coffee while you follow her.
Practically exhausted, she tries her best to make you breakfast though it's really just kibble in the end.
She collapses at the dinner table and seems to be thinking...
"...Hey, Anon? Did... Did we erm... Really..."
You nod, and she sighs.
You can't help but notice she seems a bit disappointed. Not at you really, but it seems to be at herself.
"Great... I-I'm sorry about my behavior Anon, really... I am... You just remind me of my ex a lot, and it's... It's a bit hard to control myself. You understand?"
You give a cautious nod, and she lets out a tense sigh...
"...I mean, the two of you are kinda similar now that I think about it... Just that you don't have a job and eat more... And are actually pretty cute."
She gives you a smile,
"...So, Anon... I'm kind of thinking of maybe just getting another job or sticking it through until someone notices me for a promotion... Though I doubt that, honestly... Maybe though, I don't know. I could just join Teresa though, she probably needs co-workers or something."
She seems a bit indecisive... And you can't help but note a notepad and pen right next to you...
So you inquire about Klara and her job.
"...Well, it's not that I hate Klara. I mean, getting past the ego, social awkwardness, and general lack of awareness of others, she's not that bad of a person... So long as you don't ask for a raise or a promotion... And God help you if you think a union's a good idea."
You inquire a bit into the union thing.
"...Uh, dragons, Anon. Her entire family are literally all dragon anthros or real dragons, which uh... Unions tend to not last very long if you get my drift. Anyways, it also doesn't help that her entire family is also wealthy and powerful... I just try to stay out of that stuff, but I can't help but be a bit envious, y'know?"
You nod a bit, and continue to inquire about Klara...
"...Klara's also not a very good people person. She's a red half dragon anyways, and tends to get extremely defensive about her... Human heritage."
"...Yeah, she's a bit sensitive about that. Only one in her family, huge dishonor... It's why she's working at a bakery rather then at a university or something."
You nod along and listen...
"...She's honestly way better when she drinks though, way more confident, way less egotistical... Just way more emotional and all that. Only seen her drink like, once."
So you inquire about her job next...
"...I mean, I just am tired of getting low pay for waking up early all the time and having a boss pretend to be friends with me, and all that. I'm almost certain literally anywhere else would pay better, but haven't really though about it until now."
You inquire where she was thinking of getting work at?
"...Honestly, I'm not entirely sure. I don't really know if anyone's hiring either..."
You inquire if you can somehow make money...
"...I mean, there's discipline classes you could go to get a job working fast food or something... I'm not sure if I want you to get a job working..."

You inquire if being a magician is possible. After all, you have a habit of being persuasive. Even if magic really isn't real.
"...That sounds adorable... I mean, we could look into it... Do you know any tricks?"
...You shake your head.
"Darn... Well, I mean, you are really smart... I mean, you know how to read and write... I haven't really heard of a human being able to do that before. Beyond on talkshows and sitcoms."
Huh. Seems like anthros don't teach their pets literacy.
"...Let alone have sex with their masters... W-w-which I'm still a bit mad about... I'd take you to discipline classes if I had the money, you cute bastard..."
...Her stammering and blushing proves otherwise. She wouldn't do that in a million years.
"...So, um... Wait, what if... How do you feel about painting?"
You shrug. You've never been into painting.
"...Damn it... I mean, hell... Wait... Why don't we just look this stuff up? I mean, I bet being a magician can't be that hard. Besides, people probably would pay to see a human do it just because..."
You sit on master's lap as she gets out her phone to look up magician's tricks... So you decide to try one...
You begin to study this shit as hard as possible
It comes as a bit of a surprise when while practicing pulling a dove out of a hat, you actually take a dove out.
Even though you had nothing in the secret compartment.
...The dove itself evaporates after a minute, and you are... Quite freaked out.
Trying it again, you pull out yet another dove.
...Squeezing it, you find out quite clearly that it seems to be an illusion.
Trying to figure this out more, you decide to pull a knife out of your pocket. Even though you don't have a knife.
Much surprise comes to you when you actually do pull a knife out. Which when you stab something, simply fazes through.
...It um... Honestly, you aren't too surprised you have magic bullshit. Kinda cool, honestly.
...In fact, you slightly freak out when you realize when you cut yourself you can also heal yourself... Though for some reason, you don't feel like you can do that much for some strange reason.
...Well, that's uh... Interesting.
At least you guess you can call other magicians posers now.
So after figuring out you can also turn water into beer (much to your entertainment), you approach your master and plead for her to take you to the park.
"...I mean, I guess Anon... You sure you ready?"
You give a nod.
"...I mean, well... Why don't you show me first? I'm not too confident about this..."

You pull a pretty sweet card trick, she even claps, quite impressed.
"Wow, anon. You learn fast! I'm really impressed."
She gives you a kiss, and pulls out her phone.
"Could you do it again?"
You do it again, and this time with even more impressively, flipping a card into the air and catching it with ease.
"Wow! Come on Anon, this is going to be great!"
You sure hope it'll be.
As you preform in the park, you gather a small crowd who applauds you, takes photos, and seems quite impressed. They seem to find you both adorable and impressive.
Of course, Juilette is recording the whole thing.
After four hours of work you take a break, and count the money you've made...
About nearly sixty-eight bucks. Not bad at all. That's about 16$ per hour or so.
Juilette is also impressed, and smiles.
"You know, that almost makes up for last night. Almost."
You shake your head. She obviously wanted it... Like last time.
"...You know, if we make this much a day I could probably just drop my job at the bakery or just go part time... Anon, thank you a lot. This is going to make my life way easier."
Relaxing back in the chair, you can't help but smile and get a bit erect at just thinking how grateful your master is. What a good boy you are...
"So... Anon, how does some ice cream sound?"
You nod your head. That sounds pretty good.
As you come back from the ice cream stand (actually getting it for free. The bear-guy seemed actually quite grateful for getting him some business, from what you could tell from his Russian accent), you can tell master's extra excited.
"Anon! Look at this, there's a pet talent show being held in town... Not to be forceful, but if we want to actually get past preforming in a park, we should totally do it!"
...A talent show?

You shrug and agree. But you want one hell of a reward afterwards.
She gets a big, dumb smile on her face.
"Oh, you'd look so cute in a tuxedo... We'll have to rent you one... You know, Teresa gets out in a while... We should go shopping! How would it sound if Teresa handles design and I handle actually getting into the damned thing?"
...Shopping. Fuck.
"Oh, you know what'd be absolutely adorable? A hat!"
Master's practically squeeing at the thought of dressing you in adorable hats. Just your luck.
Just your luck.
"...So, anon, how does that sound?"
...Well, maybe it won't be so bad, with two cute women taking care of you.
You shrug. It won't be that bad, right?
Soon enough, Juilette gets on the phone with Teresa, telling her to get down to go shopping with her to pick clothes out for your performance.
Soon enough, the busty and thick golden retriever walks into the park, waving at the two of you, and she seems excited to begin.

"I saw the video of Anon doing that cute little card switch! Oh my God he was so adorable with that cute little smile... Weren't you, sweetie?"

You get patted on the head by the golden retriever, who is practically dawwing at the chance to dress you up.
Following Juilette and Teresa to the car, you sit in the back while they practically obsess about what you'd look good in, and even make plans to go all out... Apparently Teresa's interested in helping pay for this shopping trip as well.
Juilette eventually pulls up to a large clothing store, and the two of them get up and take you out.
This is going to end horribly, you can already feel it.
Getting out, you walk down the large, menacing clothes store.
You see countless other emotionless, depressed humans walking in with their masters. No doubt this is an abstract kind of hell for everyone.
At least you aren't suffering alone, you guess.
As master and Teresa walks down, they try and figure out what suit best matches your eyes, or what makes you look adorable... At least you suppose it's not getting crossdressed and only just wearing suits against your will.
You do note however, Juilette and Teresa take time to look for their own dress as well.
Teresa seems particularly attracted to a blue dress, a fairly long one. It's quite shiny you have to admit.
Juilette seems to be favoring a red slim dress of her own, and both of them seem to be having quite a bit of fun.
...You have to admit, it's nice to see them so happy and care free.
"Juilette, does this make my waist look big?" Teresa asks. You'd say "yes" in a good way, but Juilette shakes her head, probably the right answer honestly.
Soon enough, your worst part of the shopping experience comes on, as they look at fucking heels for what feels like an eternity.
Teresa however, does feel for your plight, as she pats your head as the shopping wears on you.
"Don't worry sweetie, we'll make you the cutest human on the block, and you won't remember a thing about this place... It'll be only for a few more minutes, ok?"
You nod your head, and sure enough, the actual shopping part ends with you carrying a large amount of tuxedos and suits, and you all heading to the dressing room to try your clothes on.
Well, this is going to go well.
Finally, after finishing the stack of clothes, you settle on a tuxedo and dress pants to wear.
Meanwhile, the girls seem to enjoy their choices and uh...
Well, honestly Juilette and Teresa look stunning, in different ways.
Teresa's blue dress is uh... Particularly excellent for a wonderful view of her um... Bountiful amounts of land, while Juilette's is slim and adorable, and innocent.
"Oh, Anon! You look great! Now, I'm paying for all this but Juilette, you really owe me one, ok?" Teresa says.
"...Alright... Alright... I know it's expensive Teresa, but you know how it is..."
Teresa nods, and pats Juilette on the head.
"Don't worry about it. Besides, you just owe me for your suit. Anon's is on the house."
"Aw, how sweet of you... C'mon Anon, let's put all this stuff back, ok?"
Soon enough, you take the non-accepted clothes back and meet back up with Teresa...
"You know, how many days is this in Juilette? I don't think you told me."
Or you, for that matter.
"Uh, a week actually. Exactly."
"Oh! That reminds me, Juilette, we're having a book sale in a few days, and I think it'd be cute to have Anon come down and practice a little bit. I'm sure he'd make people interested."
"...A booksale? I mean... I don't know... That's up to anon."
Both Juliette and Teresa look at you.
"Anon? How does that sound? I have work that day, so you'll be working with Teresa."
"Yeah... Don't worry, I took good care of him last time. Anyways, I'm organizing the thing, and if Anon came, I'd really appreciate it."
Teresa gives you a bit of a wink...

Knowing that it's probably not going to be the most interesting, you nod your head.
As you walk down, you feel Teresa lean a bit down.
"...I owe you sweetie... I have a promotion running on this, and I'll make sure to pay you back with interest..."
As you all walk out, you get back in the car.
"...Just curious, I was wondering... Could I maybe stay over for the week, Juilette?"
"...Teresa? Why?"
"...I have to start setting up for the booksale, and that means getting up early in the morning... Besides, I can watch over Anon if your going to be working."
"...I mean, I don't know... I think I might quit, Teresa."
"...Your quiting your job at the bakery? You had that since you got an apartment."
"...I know, I know... But I mean, I don't want to keep waking up at six in the morning just to make pies for people all day, you know?"
"...Oh... I mean, how are you going to pay rent?"
"...I mean, anon's a great magician, and he's making more then I made a day... I mean, it could work out..."
"Oh, Juilette... Listen, I don't have much money left over, but if you need anything, just ask, ok?"
"...Thanks Teresa. You're the best."
"That's what best friends are for, you know. Now, just wondering... Couch or bed?"
"...I'd say couch. Anon's not really sleeping out there anymore."
"...Fair enough, fair enough... You know, I have a good feeling about this Juilette."
The car ride goes smoothly, and soon enough you get home and pull into the familiar dusty apartment garage.
Getting out, all of you head up back to the apartment and unload the shopping goods into the closet...
Juillette seems to be not as exhausted as she usually is upon getting home, and even stays up to watch some TV while cuddling with you.
Teresa gets on her laptop, preparing to make dinner for the night.
Today was a good day.
You give Juilette a kiss and cuddle with her for a little while, until she ends up passing out.
So, you head out to Teresa, who's quite comfortable on your couch, blanket and all, looking on her laptop and apparently watching Youtube.
Climbing ontop of her to give her a little bit of a cuddle, she smiles gently as you climb ontop of her.
"Oh, sweetie, how nice to see you... Did you want a bit of the blanket too?"
You nod, and she extends the blanket covering her over you, as you get nice and cozy with her golden fur.
"...You know, I really just asked to stay over because I had an excuse to see you again... Did you mind that at all, Anon?"
She rubs your head gently...

You begin to rub her back for such a gesture, and give her a nice kiss on her cheek...
"Oh... Oh yeah that feels great Anon..."
You give her a kiss on her lips as well, and you note a bit of a blush from her... Then she returns it.
"...Anon, you should go back and sleep with Juilette... Though I wouldn't mind you sleeping, I'd rather she not find out... She might think it's a bit strange, you know..."
You nod, and as you get up, she grabs your hand gently.
"Promise me we'll have some private time together later? I... I won't lie.. I-I can't exactly get that one night out of my head when I see you."
You lean over, and give her a kiss right on her muzzle, and you get a bit ontop of her, right where her tits are...
The two of you make out for a good few minutes as you rub her soft tits, and she seems really in the mood...
Her tail wagging...
Her lustful desire to make out with you...
The mood is perfect, but she stops her making out for a moment...
"A-a-anon... W-w-we... I don't think... I don't know if this is a good idea..."
She seems a bit nervous...
You put your finger over her mouth, and get up, making sure the door to Juilette's room is closed...
You come over, and get ontop of Juilette and get in the missionary position, taking the blanket off of her and pulling her panties down...
Drawing her into a kiss, you begin to thrust gently inside of her, holding her hands as you begin to make a gentle and passionate fucking session...
Hopefully this goes well...

You have a passionate and yet silent round of sex in the living room.
Firmly pressing her breasts, you massage her a bit, getting her all worked up while you go to town on her cooch.
Her moaning is intense and she lustfully makes out with you, and you barely keep her silent while you satisfy her carnal needs...
She orgasms first, and her squeal of satisfaction is barely muffled by you as you do your quickie.
This lasts for nearly an hour, and even though it's rather cautious and a bit nerve racking, you give her a great time. Four orgasms before you yourself unload into her, giving her a nice, small breeding.
So you get off her, and the two of you cuddle...
"T-thank you for helping momma out, sweetie... I-it's really... It's so satisfying to just... God, I wish we could do this more often..."
The two of you cuddle for a bit before you regain a bit of energy. She also regains a little bit as well.
"...Sweetie... I have a bit of a question if you don't mind..."
You turn around towards the lovely retriever...
"Is it... Is it too much to ask for a bit more?"
You can't help but smile and she giggles, muffling it with her hand.
"God, I sound like such a pervert saying that... I blame you entirely."
She nuzzles you warmly, with her smile and warm attitude.
"...You know Anon... I hate the fact you can't talk... I just feel like I have so much to say to you and... Well, it feels so unfair to talk to you... You can't really respond, can you?"
You shake your head.
"...I kind of... I mean, I just... I don't know sweetie, I just feel a need to just talk a bit... Just to make myself feel a bit better about having sex with my friend's human... Let alone loving it..."
She gives you a wink.
"...Really, you are... I mean, you're amazing. I haven't ever felt like this... It's... It's amazing."
She gives you a kiss right on the cheek.
"...Do you mind if I talk a bit, or do you just want to go to bed, sweetie?"
You scoot up a big closer to her, resting on her chest and stroking and petting her...
"...Oh... Sweetie, how nice of you... You want to listen?"
You nod.
"...I just... I don't know... I've... I don't want to admit this, but your probably the closest I've ever had to having a boyfriend... In a... Weird way. Really weird way."
You continue to stroke her fur.
"...I mean... It's weird to say that about a human... But we have sex... Really good sex..."
You grope her boob a bit, and she relaxes instantly.
"...O-o-oh... Really... Really... Really good fucking sex..."
You can't help but smile as you go back to petting her...
"...I... I mean... Well... I-I... I just... God... I can't help but think about it. I'm just... I'm a bit scared that I might be too needy or pressing you, anon... I'm... I kinda feel a bit scared... I mean... I don't know, we only met a few days ago and now we're having sex on my best friend's couch... Now I can't stop thinking about you."
She turns over and looks at the ceiling.
"...I... I don't exactly know what I'm honestly trying to say either, but... Do I make any sense so far? I'm not scaring you, am I?"

You give her a kiss and smile.
You then point at yourself, and make a heartsign... Putting on her breast above the heart.
She gives you a very warm, and sincere smile.
"I'm... Well... Thank you..."
She cuddles up to you,and gives you a warm hug and a kiss.
"...You know... You really are a charmer, aren't you?"
You give her belly a nice little rub while you rest and cuddle next to her.
She seems quite happy with the answer you gave her, but one more thing seems to be pressing on her mind...
"...Anon? Sweetie? I have one last question..."
You look at her again...
"...Why exactly did you seduce me anyways?"
She seems quite curious on how you'll answer this...
You try to symbolize that she's a good, cute, and caring person. Via blushing.
She can't help but smile at your blushing...
"...Oh, anon... Sweetie, it's fine if you just thought I was cute..."
You shake your head, and you gently put your hands on her cheek, and put it over your heart.
She can't help but continue to smile.
"...Aw, your so cute... Sweetie, you really make my day, you know that?"
You can't help but smile as she leans over to give you a kiss.
"...Now... I think I'm going to pass out, sweetie... I'll see you in the morning, ok?"
You smile and nod.
"...Don't think this gets you out of the booksale, sweetie... Trust me, it'll be more fun then you think."
She gives you a wink as she says that...
You cuddle for a bit before you hear her begin to snore, so you sneak out bed into Juliette's bedroom, getting some much needed rest with your master.
...Hopefully, everything goes according to plan...

Eventually, you wake up first and make sure to clean up after yourself and Teresa, along with making everyone breakfast to hide any scents.
Oh, and also take a shower. That's important too.

A few rather mundane days go by, until Teresa takes you down to the library to help her with the sale.
Juilette drives you down and goes off to work on errands.
Entering the library, you follow Teresa to what seems to be her own private office as she sits down, looking over some notes.
"...So anon, I think at first you should probably stay outside, gather a crowd, and lure them in somehow. Promote the booksale, that sort of thing. Also, when you get the chance, hand out fliers. It'll help a tiny bit at least."
You nod your head obediently as Teresa hands you a large stack of flyers.
"Now, remember, you do well, and I'll reward you, ok sweetie? Can you do this?"
You give her a nod, and she smiles as you leave the room
Heading outside, you begin to set up your small stand in front of a fountain. There seems to be a bit of a crowd waiting for the library to open...
Hopefully nothing goes wrong.
Overall, your magic tricks draw in a few impressed people, though most seem to have reservations about entering or giving you money.
Overall, its about eight people so far interested in you, and in the course of an hour, you make about 8$. Below average, but hey, it's something, and crowds tend to draw crowds afterall.
Though your more impressive card tricks and dove tricks do get plenty of applause, it seems to appear par for the course to them in a sense. The main defining attraction seems to be a entertainment value in the fact a human's doing this.
Now your about to get into peak hours, as it hits lunch time...
Lunch goes rather well. You get a larger crowd and a few more people watch you for your next trick.
...Involving turning water to wine.
This trick gets you extremely strong applause and even someone records you doing it.
Plenty of people even donate some money to you and go in, a bit curious what the book sale is all about.
Your wine trick seems to have even attracted the attention of some dragon-anthros in what seems to be business suits, mildly entertained and eating lunch watching you.
They seem so far quite interested, and you have a feeling you could very well get some big money at this rate.
Overall, you make nearly 70$ this hour, and nearly eighteen people enter the library sale.
Lunch break begins to wane, meaning peak hours is beginning to die down...

Overall, your disappear or appear tricks seem fairly par for the course, getting you some applause from the audience. Not as impressive as your wine trick, but you don't exactly lose anyone, only squander the rest of the lunch break...

You gain about 22$, and five more people head inside...
As you try to charm one of the dragon anthros by making eye contact, he gets momentarily disoriented, and a bit confused... It seems he manages to resist, and gives you a strange look as he heads off his lunch break...
With one more shift left, your so far mediocre results should hopefully maybe get a bit better.
With what remains of the crowd, you try your best to get the last of your funding...

It's not too long after you pack up and head inside that you count your money and notice how tightly packed the place is. It's not absurdly packed, but it's much more populated then when it first started... Not to mention, you seem to be 220$ richer.
Overall, a good deal.
Especially since Teresa's promised a reward.
Finding Teresa's office isn't too hard, since it's the only "office" in the building beyond the manager. Entering it slowly, you note the fact that she seems to be the manager's assistant.
As you enter her small office, notice she seems to be taking a tally of profits, and she smiles as you enter.
"Sweetie, close the door behind you please... I have to say, you did very good today!"
Oh, sweet.
Closing the door behind you, you approach and sit in the seat in front of her.
"...You know, you pulled in nearly a thousand dollars worth of revenue, so I've seen fit to give you and Juilette a nice two-hundred dollars..."
She seems to be looking at you with some manner of interest.
"...On top of that favor I owe you, for getting a management position... It was a bit shaky at first, but you pulled through and I got the credit, sweetie... Also a window office, which is certainly nice. I can't believe I'm the assistant manager now..."
She gives you a bit of a sultry wink.
"...You know, about that favor... Did you want to call it in now... Or maybe later?"
You can't help but grin.
Getting up and locking the door behind you, you head back to the desk.
Then, you come in for a kiss, and a grab on her shapely butt...
"...Oooh, so you want to have a bit of fun? Not that I'm complaining, of course..."
You try to lift her onto the table, and she gets down onto her knees ontop of it, undressing as fast as she can...
Soon enough, you see her large, glorious titties, and grab them, giving them a nice, soft massage...
She smiles with glee as you touch her favorite spot, right on her huge, fluffy, golden titties...
Slowly bringing yourself lower to the ground, you see her soft and plump thighs, and go in, right for her nice little peach.
"O-o-oh... Get right in there sweetie... Help momma with your big, strong tongue..." She shudders, as you satisfy her desire to be bred...
She moans softly as you get her nice and wet, and you feel her lean a bit over, and feel a nice, soft ass right on your head...
...Your in a really, really nice spot honestly, as you eat her out...
You eat her out until she lets loose a deep moan, and you feel her first of (soon to be many) orgasms.
Pulling out, you carefully mount her on the table, and begin to fuck her as passionately and thoroughly as you can.
"Y-y-yes! God yes! G-g-good job sweetie, keep i-it up!" she passionately moans out, as you tear into her delicate pussy...
You can't help but get even more hard at her calling you sweetie... You just can't resist that.
Teresa begins to really get into it, moving her ups back and forth with each thrust...
So far, so good you think.
This is about the time you first shoot your rope into her snatch right on her second orgasm, and she howls with lust as you go down on her...
In fact, you feel her claws slightly cutting you from how hard she's holding onto you.
"H-h-harder sweetie! M-m-momma isn't happy yet!" She says, with a wild, lustful look about her...

You lay her down over on her side, and she takes up the entire coffee table.
She gives you a sultry look, putting her hand right on her head.
"I-is there a reason you stopped, sweeti-"
Giving her a spank right on her slappable ass, you hear a nice smack and a resultant jiggle.
You push her over onto her stomach, and get a full view of her girthy, wide, and lovely ass, and aiming

carefully, you continue to pound her...

"O-ooh... Anon...You like the view, sweetie?"
Panting, you give a nod...
"...I-i-if you do, j-just... Oh god... J-just give it a nice, round smack o-on your naughty momma's nice ass..."
Giving it another nice, jiggling smack, she tenses up.
And with a third smack, you hear the naughty and kinky retriever unleash a moan of satisfaction on an orgasm.
She's on her seventh one so far, and you've only bursted once, but you certainly feel another hot load coming up, which you try to put as deep inside her as possible.
Sadly, you aren't endowed enough to even consider getting into her womb, but you do successfully spike another orgasm with your deep penetration, making you feel quite a bit better.
"O-oh... Sweetie, you know just the way to make me feel better... Harder sweetie! I know you can do it!"
It's on her eight orgasm that she pushes a bit too forward, and knocks the table down, spilling it's contents to the floor.
Absolutely unfazed, she pushes you up against a wall as you continue to thrust deep inside her sex...
You reach below her, and begin to rub her soft cooch, which is practically dripping with your seed.
So you put another arm around her, putting her a bit face down and ass up, bending over so you can fuck her with maximum penetrating..
You begin to go as hard as you've ever gone, and you hear her panting wildly to keep up, until she makes a mistake, tripping over you and the two of you hit the floor...
...She goes down so hard ontop of you, that you feel her orgasm nearly instantly and her eyes rolling in the back of the head...
She can't even say anything, as her tongue sticks out, from how deep you (accidently) penetrated...
...So, when you shoot your rope far, far down in her, you feel quite proud of yourself.
Just trying to pull out gives her another orgasm, and she breathes heavily from lust.
"...D-don't tell momma we're stopping now... We just got started, didn't we?"
...You can't help but look around the office, and notice how dirty and damaged you've gotten it in your rough hour of tumbling...

With you pinned on the ground, and her right above you, you decide to do what comes natural to you.
Giving her ass a nice slap and groping them seems to bring her back from the brink with a smile on her face as she leans in closer...
She then seductively moves down, grinding up against your human cock, and gives you a nice little lap dance right on top of you...
"W-what a naughty human you are, sweetie..."
You see your chance, and as you sit up, you see those two delicious double-deckers just waiting for you to suckle a bit off the top...
Getting your mouth onto her tit, she instantly moans from the sensation of you just touching her tit...
In fact, as you suckle on it, you feel her orgasm ontop of you, and her body shudder...
She lays ontop of you, and carefully positions yourself so you can best grope her wonderful ass while suckling...
With her tongue hanging from the side, and her eyes lolling back, a stream of orgasms erupts from her, as she's unable to talk from her purely blissful experience.
All she can really do in fact, is play with her boob left out, and to feel her own cooch...
Soon, you begin to draw milk from her tit, and he moans increase in lust, as she practically orgasms while you move to suckle the other breast, the other one pumping out warm milk...
She begins to grind up against you, and eventually, you feel her groping your cock...
Rolling over, you move your hands from her ass to her breasts, groping her while you get a bit of an idea...
Sticking your dick into her mouth, you hear a lusty moan as she sucks on it, as hard and as deep as she can...
By the time your dick is resurrected, it feels fully charged and ready to go all over again, and you get up, pushing her onto the nearest object...
What seems to be a photocopier, where she backs up over, spreading her legs for you to fuck, and holding her breasts for you to suck.
Doing three things at once, you begin to grope her milky breasts.
You begin to make out with her.
And you begin to fuck her more.
Pounding her against the wall ontop of the photocopier, she practically cums instantly, finding her in a particularly weak place for you to get her all wet...
Though her photocopier does end up short-circuiting, neither of you particularly care...
Grabbing her, you get her up and pound her up against a wall, grabbing her wrists...

You begin to continue to pound up against it, and you lightly bite her neck as you go to town.
She grinds seductively up against the wall, prominently enjoying the sensation of her tits grinding, and showing her ass off to you, while you fill her up with more and more cum
Soon, her snatch is practically overloaded, dripping with your cum.
After nearly twenty more minutes of this, the two of you face each other, quite exhausted.
She's panting wildly, and gives you a nice, big hug.
"...You did good Anon... Really good... Almost better then last time."
She gives you a kiss right on the nose.
"...So... What did you think of it?"
You nod your head, and give her ass a spank...

She blushes as it jiggles...
"...Sweetie, your in the mood for a bit more?"
She seems a bit shocked, but you just really want to grope and slap that wonderful ass of hers...
So she turns around, and you give her some nice slaps to see that wonderful, jiggly, thick ass of hers, before you get on the ground and cuddle up to her on the stained carpet...
"...I can't help but think your just getting kinkier and kinkier, anon... Not that it's a bad thing, mind you..."
She passionately kisses you on the cheek.
"...You know, I have some good news for you... I was saving it for after we got home... But, I think now's a good time..."
Looking over, she passes you a few slips of paper while she rests her cute little fuzzy head on your neck.
"...Some of the people inquired about you... And I may of managed to convince a few to have you preform at some birthdays and such for more money... It's only a hour each, and nearly three hundred an hour."
You can't help but smile... That's certainly a step up.
"...You'll also be happy to hear who your first customer is... So long as you actually decide to do it."
You think about it...
"...Speaking of, minor question... Which one did you like more... My buttocks or breasts? It's a bit personal, I know... But I know you had great fun with each.
After you indicate you want the job, she gets a smile.
"Well... The mayor sponsored the event and he thought you might be good at preforming at his kid's birthday party. They want you in three days for it... Hasn't exactly given me all the details, but uh... I mean, it's risky, but I mean... Hell, they're offering nearly a thousand dollars for three hours of work."
Well, judging from the fact the mayors a dragon, he probably has high expectations for you.
Though the pay would be... Really, really good.
You decide to ask her who exactly he is.
"His name is John Durkand. He's a poweful dragon anthro, and I'm almost certain that John Durand isn't really his name."
Curious, you press a bit harder on that.
"Well, have you every tried to pronounce a dragon's true name? Almost impossible to get it right, and they'd rather not have to deal with mispronounced names."
"Anyways, the mayor's ok, I guess. I'd just look him up to be honest with you... Speaking of, I have my laptop here with me."
You decide to browse the internet for clues.
You quickly find that John Durkand is quite popular among dragonkind, mostly for his conservative policies and traditional draconic behavior.
His brother is also the head of the bank here, and his sister in charge of the chamber of commerce.
It seems like hardcore nepotism seems to be a draconic trait, especially since it seems that positions in most "draconic support groups" seem to be hereditary and for life.
...Of course, browsing a few forums and this universe's /pol/, you can't help but be a bit curious...
It seems like dragons are the vestiges of old medieval aristocracy, and seem to primarily come from Europe as well, though without any recorded homeland. Interestingly enough, Russia seems to have been a huge draconic holdout until a human revolution, and is the only real recorded mass death of dragonkind, and the extinction of an entire branch called the Romanovs.
...It seems that instead of a communist revolution, it seemed to be a human revolution.
Just small stuff...
Anyways, focusing onto him, he seems to be a bit shifty and untrustworthy, and quite ruthless to opposition...
He's also one of the "greater" draconic anthros, it seems. Not a full dragon it seems.

Researching a bit more on some less then reputable 2004 websites that haven't been updated in nearly 14 years, you try to research magic.
Beyond scams and such, you do indeed learn that dragons are "sensitive to magical chakras" and something something about Buddha and reincarnation or something. All you get out of it is a page to donate money to.
A few more websites have a much more varied amount, with claims of dragons being "extra-dimensional space-wizards", but overall, it's widely believed that dragons have unnatural powers in their upper echelons.
Looking at relations between humans and dragons is a bit... Interesting.
It seems that the largest owner of humans seems to indeed be by dragons, both for status, and for cheap labor.
More commonly however, it seems to be a bit of a "recollection to the good old days" in most cases, but there's still the occasional case of illegal human workers in sweatshops.
...Though overall, you don't get much beyond that, unable to really find any dominant sources on the subject.
You decide to agree.
Also, you begin to clean up Teresa's office the best you can...
"talking" to the mayor over the phone, you discover quite a bit about this party.
So far, your just one of nearly thirty entertainers, and a band of local performers, hired to entertain two-hundred guests in the mayor's private mansion.
Of these two-hundred guests, nearly seventy are family and the rest local politicans and such currying favor.
He's also sent you an advanced check of 200 you arrange transportation and goods needed to be procurred.
...Also, a legal binding contract and important instructions.
The legal binding itself has... Well, you need to break out more then a legal dictionary to even understand what a quarter of it means, but it's well-worded enough that you understand that saying a word about anything that happens in there to anyone else is legally punishable, pay being forfeit, etc...
But, you also notice a few things with your keen intellect.
Firstly, you can be fired on the spot by any member of the family if they're particularly displeased. However, ultimate decision remains up to him.
Secondly, any sort of wires or anything will result in a legal prosecution.
Phones are to be strictly left in a basket by a security office. Phones found on a person will result in a kicking off the property and forfeit of pay.
Last of all, you receive an hour break half-way through the six hour party.
Alongside that, a small letter of official instructions, with what seems to be a family seal on the letter.
Your master or owner is allowed to attend on certain conditions, so long as a member of staff is accompanying and escorting you.
You are to in addition to your official duties, you are responsible to report any act of sabotage or violations to a security member.
Insulting, degrading, or otherwise embarrassing the family as a temporary payed employee will result in immediate termination and expulsion from the party, along with blacklisting from any future events.

With that over, you make sure to tell Juilette. She however, seems a bit nervous.
"...Anon, Klara's going to be there... You know, my boss! She's his granddaughter... I'm not sure this is the best idea."
...Juilette seems a bit nervous to be headed to the party, but seems determined to go if you go...
The night of the party begins.
Juilette drives you down to the mayor's mansion, on the edge of town.
...The mansion itself looks like someone took gothic architecture from a castle and put into a modern-day home.
...This is before you even enter the gated neighborhood, patrolled by what seems to be a few security guards who open it up for you.
Driving down, you see million dollar mansions, community pools that aren't full of God knows what, and tennis courts with hedge-rows... It's honestly beautiful.
Soon enough, you come to the biggest and largest mansion of them all, the mayor's mansion. A practical castle above his nobles, in a way.
Driving into the personal parking lot is interesting. It's elevated like a small porch, and has small crenelations, giving it the feel of a castle wall.
The car comes to a stop, and you and Juilette get out, both of you in your finest. Walking up to the gate, you note what seems to be four military-grade guards standing right by what you assume to be a miniature gatehouse. Of course, the visage is a bit... Concerning, as two of the guards seem to be huge bullmen, and absolutely covered head to toe in what seems to be rating IV armor.
The other two seem to be just be wolf-men, also taller then average.
It feels like they're expecting trouble, but you've seen this tactic before. It's mostly just to scare the shit out of hooligans. Probably.
Approaching, one of the wolfmen pull out a list.
"Identification, letter, and phone." He says in a brief, disciplined German tone.
Pulling your letter out, he tears it open without regard, sniffing it. Then passing it to his comrade, who begins to examine the writing.
He carefully checks your ID and the list.
"...Human entertainer, ja? Very good, all is in order... Now for owner?"
Juilette brings out her ID, and they carefully look over it as well...
The guard nods.
"You will be assigned protection of Johann. Do not stray far from him, fraulein."
Moving past the mercenaries into the garden, you can't help but notice the Parsian lamps illuminating the way, and with a particularly nice shade of bald to give an authentic, torch-like feel.
In front of you seems to be a very well dressed dragon anthro right at the door. A woman, judging from the sizable cleavage... Downplayed by her dress, almost purposely.
She gives you a friendly smile as you walk in, and she holds her hand out.
"Ah! Hello there! I don't recognize your faces, so you probably don't recognize mine! Oh, do pray tell, who are you two?" You can't help but notice the light German accent in her voice.
"I'm Juilette and this is Anon. We're entertainers for the house."
"Oh, splendid. I'm Elsbeth von Hohmann, wife to John Durkand! It is wonderful to make your acquaintance this fine evening! I do hope you give my little Alwin a fine extravaganza for his eight birthday! Oh, his brothers and sisters will be so envious, like they always are when one of them gets a birthday."
"Oh, of course. Oh, I remember last year when Erwin tried to melt his sister's cake last year only to trip and fall into it! Poor, poor little Erwin... Oh, look at me rant. Now, run along, I hope you have a good time here."
You nod, and Juilette and you walk away from the wife. Continuing to walk up to the castle, you pass what seems to be a hedge maze and a ornate flower garden, before approaching the front door, which is more suited to a castle then a mansion, and is particularly engraved with all sorts of manner of things. Particularly that of dragons, you note.
As the door slowly opens, you walk into what seems to be the main hall where most of the guests seem to be. Most of them draconic, but a few furs stand out to you... Even... Well, two humans in a corner, also in suits, and talking to someone you recognize...

...To be fair, it's not hard to recognize him. He is after all, the largest person in the room (even a bit larger then the bullman guards you saw), and even has a very large pair of dragon wings right on his back, and possibly the best-tailored suit in the building.
Oh, and his very breath smells of sulfur and smoke. With literal smoke coming from his nostrils.
It's hard to believe this figure could even write cursive, let alone hold a pencil.
So, bypassing most of the crowds, you get close to the humans and John, hearing him unleash a truly mighty chuckle, practically drawing the entire crowd to nervously look in his direction.
"Ah! You crazy Serbians! You know my business associates really tell me how wonderful Serbia is, even with you humans running it. Though to be fair, I bet you two don't really get out much to parties like these in the "old country" huh?"
The dragon leans down as if he told a very good joke, and on closer inspection, these two humans seem to be very clearly Slavic, and very clearly displeased.
"...Fine, be that. You clearly can't take a joke, or the occassional UN intervention."
With a look of anger on the two slav's faces, until the dragon leans down, and whispers something.
Their faces go pure white, and they quickly retreat from the scene to a back room, while the large red dragon mayor stands back up, chuckling a little bit...
...Is it really smart to make him notice you?
Deciding to be smart, you decide to follow the Serbians.
They seem to have recovered from their shock and seem to be in the corner of the room, and clearly uncomfortable, so you decide to approach them.
Upon getting to them, they look at you a bit confused, and look at each other.
"...Did you need something, American?" one of them says, looking at you with quite a bit of suspicion.
"Just saying hello to another human... Uh, how do you two do?"
One puffs his cigarette.
You are certainly getting some vibes of suspicion from them, and even hostility.
"...You know, I'll admit... I just feel a bit terrified, talking to John."
Their terror comes back, and they quickly nod. One even offers you a cigarette, which you turn down.
"...I do not envy you, comrade."
You've certainly gained a bit of trust among them just for saying that...
"So, what are you all up to at this party?"
"We're diplomats, comrade. Our reason for being here is highly confidental, I'm afraid."
"...Oh. I see. Well, I believe I'll catch you around, be careful around the dragons, ok?"
The Serbs nod, and return to their talks, while you consider what's next...

Your first hour goes by fairly smoothly... People seem quite impressed with your mastery of colors, though people tend to get a bit disoriented watching.
It all goes smoothly, until you notice someone come up to you.
"...Excuse me, I think I know you... You look familiar..."
Looking, you notice Klara looking at you, in a fine black dress.
"Oh, right. Aren't you Juilette's pet? Strange to find you here of all places."
She sips a bit of wine from her cup, while looking over you.
"...Would you happen to know where I can find Juilette, at the moment? I haven't been able to reach her by phone, let alone see her at work."
You just point in the vague direction of where Juilette might be while you get to work.
Before she leaves, you stop her and decide to talk a bit.
"Did you need something from me?"
You shake your head, and begin to ge-"
"Anon, just talk. I'm not really looking for charades."
"...I erh... But..."
"Yes, I can understand you, Anon. I'd prefer you don't ask why, but I will simply say it is one of the many perks of being a dragon, unlike yourself, sadly."
"...Oh... I was going to ask uh, how's your family?"
She gives a gentle laugh.
"Oh, wonderful... I'm just happy to be invited to my grandfather's party. You know, I can't help but be a bit excited, at my first party. I don't get what took the family so long to bring me along."
She takes a nice cool sip of wine, and looks at you.
"...Speaking of, how about your family? I don't hear much from Juilette."
"...She's been busy a lot. Working."
Klara gives a bit of a saddened look.
"...I'm sorry to hear that. I know your master must surely mean a lot you, with her working all the time."
"...I mean, your her boss."
"...I know, but I have a boss too. My mother's expecting me to triple my profits by the end of the financial quarter, and it's been hard on my employees, let alone personal life."
"...Well, yes. I had to struggle tooth and claw to get here... Mother and Father after all weren't exactly happy with how slowly business has been growing. You know how it is, yes?"
"So how'd you get here?"
She smiles a bit devilishly when you ask.
"Oh, it was rather devious and brilliant, if I do say so myself..."
You get to sit through a fifteen minute story about her literally convincing drug dealers to sell complimentary pastries at below-legal prices or something to get rid of stale pastries...
"Oh, that was the very best part if you ask me... Now, what about your family?"
"Well, surely you aren't done talking. No stories or anything?"
"...I mean, a few, but uh... Nothing really as long as that."
"...Ah. You mortals are so humble, I must say. Maybe not as humble as a dragon, but close."
"...Dragons aren't really humble."
"Ah, but they can be if they choose to be, of course. But what fool would choose to be humble of all things... Unless one was to truly brag about being humble?"
She ponders it for a brief moment.
"You know, you mortals are smart at occasional, specific, and often spaced out moments. Tragic, really."
The conversation dies down a bit after that, with you not really saying anything.
"...My apologies, did I offend you?"
"...Offend me?"
"...Well, you mortals tend to get easily offended when I simply speak my mind. No offense, by the way."
"...It's just that erh.. Well, it's hard to get a word in, and I have work."
"Oh! My apologies, I... I just haven't had a conversation for a while and must of gotten a bit carried away... My apologies, once again."
"So, what friends do you have?"
"Hm? Oh, I don't particularly care to have many. I find the internet is far better for that."
"Yes... I prefer people don't know who I am, if that makes sense. You won't believe how many people try to hit on me or get me to buy something for them simply because I'm related to the Mayor."
"...So you like the internet?"
"Oh, plenty. The family thinks it's a bit strange that I don't get out more... Especially mother, always saying I'm gaining weight or something."
"...Oh. Boyfriends?"
"No, never really."
"Not that I mind, really. I mean, I live for far longer then a mortal, so I don't particularly have any urgings to get a boyfriend. Besides, I'm already busy enough at work and on the internet."
"Ah... I just largely watch TV and drink. whiskey and rum."
"...Drink alcohol? Hm, interesting. I don't think I've ever had the chance."
"You've never drank alcohol before?"
"Well, beyond wine, no."
"...Well... I should get back to work, Klara. Juilette's down that hall I believe."
"Ah, thank you. Have a good day, Anon."
She struts off, with her red lizard tail gently waving.
You know, compared to the rest of her family, she's about human-sized.
...You don't think...
Either way, you get back to work...

You do some mediocre magic tricks, none of them particularly impressive to the party, though they do keep people a bit entertained.
Fair enough, you suppose.
Soon enough, you go onto hour four...
Soon you'll actually be able to go on break.
Overall, there's a bit improvement from you, and you get some claps right before you go on break.
Guess it's time to find something to do for the next few hours, you guess.
Until you feel a very large, scaly hand on your back.
Turning around, you can't help but notice John.
A bit terrified, you can't help but wonder what he's going to do to you.
"Hey, your the human magician I heard about from my kids, aren't you?"
Oh fuck he knows what you look like.
"...Uh, yeah."
"Right! I see... So, a bit of an arrangement... The guy handling my kids sorta... Well, let's just say he's not here anymore. Can you sub for him?"
"I um... Excuse me?"
"Yeah, I know, I know. You'll get payed twice as much, alright? Also, leftover drinks after the party."
"...Oh. Uh... I mean..."
"Listen kid, you'll do fine. They're harmless."
Something tells you they aren't harmless if he's doubling your pay.
You decide to agree.
"Good! I knew it was the right call to hire you. I just knew it."
He pats your back, and hands you a key.
"Good luck, by the way."
As you walk into the kids room, it's an absolute mess.
At least half a dozen little tyrants are running around unsupervised and are setting fire to things, trying to eat something, or so on and so forth.
This is going to be a mess.
It's an absolute clusterfuck.
The kids misbehave at practically any chance they have, and it doesn't help that they don't like you very much.
The problem gets compounded when one of the little bastards bites your hand when you tell him to stop trying to punch his sister. Of course, beyond nearly losing your hand to the little maw of terror, some bandages will have it good as new in time.
You still have thirty minutes to go, but so far the kids haven't killed anyone or set anything on fire too much.
You better be paid damn well for this.
Eventually, you get the kids to calm down by the time a replacement arrives, and you leave.
John seems to be right in front of you.
"So, I see you survived! Heh, just a bit of humor, no one's died or anything to them. Now, about your pay... Two-thousand, right?"
You nod.
"Right... Anyways, get on with your job or what's left of it, human. I'm not paying you to sit around on your ass."
Heading back to your job, you pass Juilette on the way back. With some wolf-guy mercenary keeping an eye on her.
"...Hey anon! How's the magic show.
You nod, it's going decently.
"Good... Anyways, I have to say, this isn't as bad as it is. I mean, I even got an apology out of Klaya for how she's been treating me at work..."
"...Also, anon... I um... You know, you look cute in a suit, right?"
You can't help but smile at her compliment. It is a nice suit.
"...So... Are you finally on break now?"
You shake your head.
"...Oh. I um... The band was starting and I was kind of wondering if you wanted to come with me."
She seems a bit disappointed... Damn...
You sigh, and shake your head.
She seems quite disappointed...
You just try to signal a response that you'll make it up to her later, and you go back to wrap up the magic...
Fuck, you've got three hours of this shit.
You improve again a little bit, regaining some of the previous attention lost.
You note that John seems quite unimpressed so far when he does his rounds, talking with guests and everything...
You're going to need to improve a bit at this rate...
Not really improving in your act, John watches and then promptly changes his attention, not being particularly interested.
Failing to draw his attention, you do manage to keep the crowd somewhat impressed, and eventually, you hear clammering out.
John hands you and other entertainers paychecks as you leave, and you get a nice fat stack of nearly 2,500$. A 500$ bonus as well for being competent.
Leaving, you get in the car with Juilette.
"...I um... Well, that's what, a month of a paycheck for only one day? That's really good, Anon."
You nod your head, and she begins to drive you home.
"...Hey, um... I've been meaning to ask you... Did you want to go see a movie or something?"
You look at her, a bit curious.
"...I um... Since we have money now? I mean, I haven't exactly gone to a cinema in a while."

You nod happily, and drive to a nearby movie theater at 3 AM.
Being really the only people here along with some drunks, the two of you decide to watch Friday the 13th.
The movie itself becomes less horrifying and more funny when Jason is just a giant catman, honestly.
Juilette however, doesn't, and still falls for the classic cinema horror show.
...But, beyond watching a rather comedic horror movie, you can't help but note that Juilette's put her hand ontop of yours...
A simple gesture... But, well.. It's a gesture all the same.
"...Psh, anon... Pass some popcorn please... You've been hogging it."
Oh, right.
Eventually the movie draws to a close, and you and Juilette can't help but yawn.
"...When we get home... Remind me to buy a waterbed, I'll need when I collapse..."
She says, half-jocking as the two of you get back in the car...
Soon enough, you get back in the apartment, and find Teresa on the couch, passed out, her laptop still open.
Juillette practically hits the sack and passes out... And you follow suit.
...You can't help but feel Juillette cuddle up to you while the two of you try to sleep, and she gives you a little kiss on the nose...
Finally, exhaustion overtakes you.

You wake up to the beeping of an alarm.
Getting up and looking for the nearest alarm clock, you find out that there was no alarm clock.
In fact, it's coming from the living room.
...Getting up and putting a shirt and underwear on, you poke outside, only to hear some humming...
...It seems Teresa's awake.
...And uh, for once the oven's actually being used. Well, specifically, the stove top.
Teresa looks towards you, and has a nice, kind smile on. Also, an apron.
"Sweetie, how lovely that you woke up... How does some nice blueberry pancakes sound?"
...Well, you uh, you certainly weren't expecting this.
Taking a seat at the table, Teresa brings you a plate of four pancakes, and five sticks of bacon... It's uh... A lot.
This is going to be a good day.
Nomming into your pancakes, you feel Teresa ruffle your hair as she walks by with a plate of pancakes, and pokes her head into the room.
"Come on Julie, I made pancakes for God's sake."
Suddenly, a very energetic bunny bounces out of the room practically instantly taking a seat , unable to resist the seductive call of pancakes.
Hell yeah.
Now, if only Teresa was nude in the apron. That'd be way better.
Teresa does however sit down with a fat stack of bacon and eggs, and before eating, says a prayer aloud.
Juilette seems a bit uncomfortable, but doesn't exactly say anything about this as Teresa rips and tears into her bacon.
...You know, maybe you could get a bit of opinion.
You know, you have a brilliant idea.
Pulling out your paycheck, you decide to hint to them to go shopping.
"...Well, I mean... Maybe we could look around before the pageant today." Juilette says.
"Well, there are a few things I think I might get since my promotion..." Teresa says, thinking...
So, of course that's when you get dragged along on a shopping trip for the two of them, who aren't exactly sure what to get...

Teresa finds a rather stylish red summer dress which she seems to like. It's also fairly cheap for what you get, costing you only 350$.
Juilette gets a black night dress which looks good with her fluffy white fur. She seems to rather like the one you pick out for her, and even Teresa agrees it looks good. It does set you back 450$.
After leaving, the two of them can't help but compare dresses and compliment each other...
They even talk about you a little bit, and seem to be bonding a bit about how adorable you can be, and all manner of things.
You could try to take advantage of this and push it further, or just head to the show right now a bit early.
You attempt to compliment them by comparing them to objects that seem classy. Both of them seem less flattered, and more entertained by you comparing them to vases or delicate china.
It's at this time that you manage to arrive at the talent show, dressed in your suit.
Teresa's also all dressed up, in a fine red dress, which really shows off her nice assets and body.
Juilette's in a slim, but rather cute black dress.
You go backstage with Teresa who begins to style you up before it begins, while Juilette practices the opening.
...Teresa opens her handback to reveal make up supplies.
Oh no.
God no.
Teresa however, notices you tensing up..
"...Sweetie? Is something wrong?"
You point at the makeup and all the nail polish. She laughs a bit.
"Oh, sweetie, that's all for me. All momma's going to do is put some powder on your face, ok?"
Thank God.
Teresa leans over with some powder, brushing your face up a bit more. Soon enough, she puts it away, examining your expression with concern.
"...Sweetie, I know you'll make momma proud. Just do the best you can, ok?"
She gives you a kiss on the forehead, and rubs your head.
You nod, and get up from the chair and get up to find Juilette.
Who seems to be waiting for you, and seems more nervous then you are.
"..A-anon? You ready/"
You give her a nod.
"R-right... Um.... Good, let's get this over with..."
Heading out onto the stage, you see what seems to be four judges. One man, three women...
Alright. Hopefully you pull this off.
You pull out some classic card tricks, assisted by the lovely Juilette...
As you flick a card from behind the ears of Juilette, the judges and audience give a audibly impressed applaud, and you and Juilette give a polite bow.
Turning back, you put the pack of cards away, and think up your next trick...
Upon transforming water into soda, the judge is very clearly shocked.
"My god, it's even carbonated!"
The crowd launches into thunderous approval...
You decide to shock the judges even more.
Grabbing a heavy coat, you surround yourself, and silently cast a spell to transform you into the only male judge...
Unveiling yourself, you hear a collective gasp among the audience...
Which descends into THUNDEROUS APPLAUSE while the judge in question is practically in shock.
Veiling yourself, you disperse of the illusion and return to your normal self, as the crowd goes practically wild...
Practically as soon as you leave the stage's thunderous applause, Juilette follows you to the waiting area.
Waiting with her, you can't help but feel her holding your hand tightly.
...Eventually, one of the staff members comes out to the back and motions you and two others to come out.
...Juilette seems amazed, and as you head out, the staff member directs you to the highest podium.
Waiting, the judges present you all with a medal...
...Yours is gold-plated, and as it rests on your head, you can't help but note the #1...
...Holy shit, you came first.
Soon enough, the judges hand a trophy and a check to Juilette and she is practically hopping up and down once you leave the stage, and head into the back...
Where she gives you a very excited kiss on the lips.
"Anon! I can't believe we actually did it! You did amazing!"
She gives you a hug, and her smile brightens your day as you head out to the car, where Teresa seems to be idly waiting at.
"...Oh, Juilette, how did it go?"
"You won't believe this! Anon got in first place?"
Teresa gets a big, warm smile.
"Your kidding me? Anon made it?"
"I know! I KNOW!"
She's literally jumping up and down now.
"Oh, you darlings, I'm so proud of both of you... How does dinner sound on me?"
"Teresa, I don't think you understand. We made five-thousand dollars!"
Teresa seems quite impressed.
"...Wow. I mean, you two shouldn't go and spend it all... I'm the one who got the promotion."
"C'mon Teresa, it'll be like high school again... We all deserve a reward, isn't that right anon?"
"...Well... Let's split the check, ok?"
"...Now Anon, sweetie... Do you wanna come with the two of us or for us to just take you home?" Teresa leans down to ask you...
You decide to have dinner with the girls, of course...
It seems only fitting to take them out to a nice Italian place right down town...
The bill is going to be quite outrageous, but you think it's a suitable reward...

Soon enough, after a rather nice dinner out on the town, Teresa and Juilette bring up quite a bill, but they seem to be having great fun together.
Talking about all sorts of movies and books and plans for the money...
Teresa seems intent on buying a full-on computer and attending college classes, while Juilette seems to want to try and maybe move to a better apartment closer to other places of work.
...Teresa does subtly hint at the money owed to her, however.
Juilette seems determined however to try and get a better apartment with her savings and the money earned...
"...Juilette, I need these classes in order to get any further... I mean at this rate I'm being practically considered for manager..."
"Teresa, your in a nice neighborhood already, and don't need to worry about getting broken into or robbed... Me and Anon need to move somewhere better then that apartment."
"...Anon can make you more money though, Juilette. It's not like I want the entire thing, just about $3,500, alright?"
The two of them seem to be bickering a bit...
You decide to compromise. Maybe you and Juilette can move to Teresa's apartment and in exchange Teresa gets what she needs
Teresa seems to smile as you rub your leg against her, and begin to write down what you mean about being together...
Teresa's certainly on board with it... Juilette seems on board, but slightly skeptical.
"Well... I guess that works." Juilette says.
Hell yeah.
"...So, Juilette... Do you want to start packing your things up tonight?"
"...I mean, sure."
"Alright... I'll make sure to clean some things up at home so you can make yourself nice and comfortable, ok?" Teresa says...
"...Alright, that works... I'll uh, get everything packed up and we can move everything tommorow."
"Oh, wonderful... Oh, you know, I think if we're going to bring Anon along... Which of course we will, maybe he should come over with me so he learns the environment, and he can help me decide what stuff to move."
You can't help but feel Teresa grind her foot slightly against you...
"...Well, I'd like anon to move boxes with me. He's stronger then me, you know, and I certainly can't lift a TV by myself..."
"...Julie, we can move it when we come over... Don't worry about him, ok?"
You decide to help Juilette who looks quite happy, while Teresa looks a bit disappointed. Not mad, however.
Teresa pats your head.
"Oh well, there's always next time. Anyways Juilette, let's get on the road, shall we?"
After driving Teresa home to her apartment, Juilette drives you home and you get to work packing...
"...By the way anon... I um... You know, you've been awfully sweet these last few days, and I just wanted to thank you for being here for me." Juilette says, as you move a box of her stuff out.
You get to deal with heavier stuff, but Juillette's smile and overall demeanor cheers you up.
While packing everything away, you have a unique opportunity to find out more about your owner, with no real downside.

Searching around under your bed, you find a few things. Pornos hidden away, a diary, a few books she likes, and also what seems to be few movies and other things.
Starting with her pornos, you quickly find one thing in common. She's attracted to big, strong predator males. Mostly wolves, from what you see. Though you see a few dragon males and bullmen.
So, she's attracted to strength it seems.
Looking around, you begin to read her diary a bit. It details some of her life, starting two years ago, and she apparently dropped out of college after a bit of a realization she didn't know where or what she was really wanting to do with her life.
Past that, she struggled to find work and her family seems to be distant, not particularly proud of her giving up on college.
She seems to still have a family, her mom and dad, along with a younger brother.
...She also has a picture of her ex in here, apparently a large wolf-guy biker dude. American bandana, leather jacket saying "Hells Angels" and apparently an ex-veteran of the Gulf War. Judging from her entries, she had a fairly happy relationship with her working as a waitress, and him as a mechanic. Apparently broke up with him because her family forced her to, and seems to still be a bit distraught about it.
She also seems to keep a few letters from him.
So, you begin to open and read them...
"Hey, Julie. I know you broke up with me and all that a year ago, and I just wanted to keep tabs. Still don't really know why you did, but I heard about how you've been struggling on your own... So I've gotten some money from working on some construction jobs and sent a bit to you. Hope you stay well. Also, sent you some pictures of the old times so I know you have some. Anyways, stay in touch babe."
Attached seems to be some pictures of this guy and her. One being them playing pool in what seems to be a club, another being them drinking at some sports bar, and another one of them just happily drinking some beers on a beach.
It seems like this letter was sent six months ago as well, and some tape remains where some cash was, along with a phone number written on it.
Interestingly enough, in one of the pictures, you can't help but notice them at a bar.
Particularly, a bar with a familiar face.
That lioness girl who trained you seems to be with Juilette, but apparently dressed up as a biker.
A pretty cute biker honestly.
Both of them seem to be drunk and posing for the camera, both struggling to carry each other (though it's more along the lines of the lioness carrying Juilette.)
...What's more, is that written on the back seems to be the lioness's phone number, and a little thing written underneath. The names of Julie and Valentina... With what seems to be a 'best friends forever' thing written next to it.
You decide to hold onto the phone number, just in case. Who knows, maybe you can get more information from this Valentina.
You do however, hear the door open slowly, and smartly you stuff the letter and her diary into the bed's stuffing in a small hole. She won't find it, nope.
You get back to hauling stuff having narrowly avoided being detected...
Eventually, you pack everything up into the car, and after filling out some forms at the landlord at twelve at midnight, she finally drives over to Teresa's apartment.
She's exhausted, and so are you, honestly.
Driving up to the side of the road, both you and Juilette are too tired to move things so you both decide on just sleeping and doing it in the morning.
You can't help but note that this apartment is quite nice, and is in a fairly decent neighborhood. A local park nearby, and quite a few stores.
So you enter, and go up an elevator until you reach her apartment...
...Knocking on the door, you hear the deadbolt being unlocked and it opens.
"Oh! Julie, Anon! Finally, you guys are over... Come on in, I made lemonade and I bet the two of you are thirsty."
Entering, you notice that she has a rather nice place. A very nice carpet too.
It however, seems like she doesn't own a television.
So you begin to get comfy.

Teresa's apartment is nice. Really nice.
The first thing you notice however, is that she has a thing for lava lamps and waterbeds.
The living room itself seems to primarily focused around books and all sorts of notes pinned neatly on a wall.
Also, notably a crucifx hangs from behind the couch on the wall behind it, and plenty of Christian iconography lines the room.
The kitchen itself is quite well-cleaned and recently scrubbed. The fridge is also well stocked, and of course, plenty full of chicken tendies, steaks, and all sorts of meats and fresh veggies.
Also, yes, there seems to be a pitcher of fresh lemonade on a table, alongside what seems to be a nice delicious snack of... Carrots and ranch.
Julie can't help but dig into the carrots. She has a weakness for that sort of thing.
However, when you peek inside Teresa's room, you can't help but note a very comforting site... A nice, dark room illuminated only by lava lamp...
...And a very large, and comfortable waterbed.
...Holy shit.
A fucking waterbed.
You haven't even heard of someone owning one since the 1980s.
In fact, as you look around the room, you notice some other stuff. It's highly disorganized, and far more casual. Pizza boxes litter the ground, clothes practically everywhere, and a small TV rests on the top of her dresser, holding what seems to be a Playstation and X-Box.
...So, there's no cable, but there are video games at least.
...Some part of you wants to peak inside as Juilette talks to Teresa... You might even have a moment or two to learn a bit about Teresa.
So, you dig around under her bed.
You do find a diary, a locked one however.
You don't find any pornography after searching over her entire room.
She seems to have a locked chest in the corner of the room... Contents unknown.
...She has a good taste in video games. Mostly leaning towards RPGs and strategy.
She also owns Halo, and judging from how horribly scratched the disk is, seems to have played it a lot.
Looking around the room you also find a bible and a photo of Jesus on her nightstand.
Overall, it's fairly standard...
...But uh, just feeling the bed is amazing. It's fucking warm and heated.
You could probably just cozy up on it and fucking die honestly.
However, you hear the door open.
"Anon? What are you up to in there?" Teresa says, giving you a smile.
You pat the bed.
"...Oh, right... You know, your welcome to sleep in it with me... I wouldn't mind in the slightest. Juilette's sleeping on the couch, sweetie... I bet the two of you are exhausted."
Honestly, you are...
...But you have so much to try and find in here...
You go up to her side and close the door...
Double checking that Juilette's asleep, you go up behind Teresa, and give her butt a nice grope.
"..Oooh... So, your in the mood tonight, sweetie? Fortunately, momma's always in the mood..."
She gives you a lewd smile as she begins to undress, pumping her hips to make her buttocks feel much more smooth and round...
...She undresses down to her panties and bra, and lays down on her waterbed, in a highly suggestive position.
"...C'mon sweetie, momma's waiting for you to help her out of these clothes..."
You crawl in bed next to the thick retriever, who immediately turns onto her side, hand supporting her head, as she patiently waits for you to get started...
You start to lean over to her and kiss her, and pull her onto her back...
Leaning over her bra, you gently unbutton her, and she gives you a nice little look...
"You know, I should get a special pair of bras whenever we do this, sweetie... Just for you."
She gives you a wink as you carrass her fluffy, thick, and strong backside, and begin to work it down to her panties...
Pulling them gently off, you put them in a corner of the room, and you see in fully glory your momma's nice ass...
You can't help but give it a nice little squeeze.
That's when you get in front of her, deciding to make a little show of undressing...
She looks at you lustfully as you button down your suit, and work your way down to your pants...
She reaches over and pulls your underwear down, revealing your nice cock to her...
Her hungry eyes give it a stare, and she can't help but slightly salivate seeing it.
"..Sweetie, breed momma nice and well... I can't exactly do it without you..."
You begin by rubbing her soft, fluffy thighs, and begin to slowly pull them apart...
Seeing Teresa's cooch, you rub your dick up against it, rubbing it slowly up and down...
"A-a-anon... Sweetie, c'mon..."
Hearing Teresa's slight impatience, you slowly curve towards lining up at her slit, and begin to push gently and as deep as possible.
You hear her moan a little bit as your cock enters her.
"T-that's it sweetie... Deeper... Get your cock as far down there as possible...." She moans out, looking back at you...
Slowly, you pull it back out, and quietly thrust it back in, giving her a nice little grunt of satisfaction as she tries to not moan...
The waterbed also vibrates with your thrust, giving you a nice view of her now bouncing buttocks...
You pick up the pace a bit, and gyrate just a little bit...
The waterbed really helps you go deep inside her, and you can't help but enjoy the fact her butt tends to come back up with the vibrates...
However, you lean over to the side with her, and move closer to her sweet nipples...
Putting one of them in your mouth, you begin to suckle on it, while she moans in excitement and arousal...
"O-o-oh... T-this is my favorite part, sweetie..."
As you suckle, you feel her give you a kiss and ruffle your hair, until she clutches up, and you hear her unleash a hard moan as she hits her first orgasm...
More milk then usual comes out of her nipples, and far earlier then you expected.
You carry on like this for the next two hours before being exhausted. She's orgasmed nearly twelve times during it, and you four times.
Both of you cuddle up to each other on the warm waterbed.
You also feel her pat your head, and cuddle up to you.
Her warm soft breasts slightly suffocating you, leaking some of her delicious milk...
...Her warm body being like a second blanket in general for you.
"...You know, I'm just happy your here sweetie.."
You can't help but nod warmly.

."...Anon, sweetie... I just want to ask... Are you sure it's alright if I call you sweetie and refer to myself as momma?"

...Didn't she already ask this question? You give her a nod.
"...I'm just worried you might find it... A bit weird... You don't mind, do you?"
You nod, and put your hand right over her naval.
You look her in the eyes with a bright smile and a nod.
"A-a-anon... You um... You don't mean what I think you mean?"
She blushes extremely heavily, and even seems quite nervous.
As you nod your head, but quickly reassure her, she leans back a bit.
"A-anon... I'm... I..."
You give her a kiss on the lips
You begin to make out with Teresa, and she returns the favor...
Soon, she gently motions for you to stop.
"A-anon... I know you like me, and... I like you too... But... I mean... I don't know if I want to have kids with you. I don't even think I can."
You can't help but feel disappointed, and she seems quite guilty.
"...I-I'm sorry, alright? I just... I don't want my family to know about this or to get sued by any animal rights people... N-not that you're an animal, but..."
You rub her shoulder, and she seems quite upset, even sitting up.
"...I love you sweetie, you know that... I just... I just can't do that. Do you understand?"
She gives you a pleading, guilty look... She clearly feels horrible about what she's saying.
She even tries to get you to cuddle up to her, almost as if to comfort the bad news...
You cuddle with her for a good long while as she strokes your hair slowly.
"...You aren't mad, are you sweetie?"
You shake your head.
Teresa seems unsure of what else to really say besides stroking your hair...
Trying to comfort Teresa, she seems more worried that she's hurt your feelings.
"Sweetie... Listen, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"
You shake your head as you try to comfort her, but it has an opposite effect.
"Pumpkin, why don't I go make you some early morning breakfast? A full stomach will certainly cheer you up."
...Looking at the clock, it seems to be nearly three in the morning.
Teresa's not so much worried about sleep as she is you, and she's fussing over you, trying to make you feel better.
"...Anon, why don't you just stay here and rest while I make you the best morning breakfast I can, ok? I'll even let you play on the xbox, and you can impress me... Doesn't that sound like fun to get your mind off things?"
She shakes your shoulder and gives you not a lewd, kinky smile, but a smile of warmth, worry, and love.
You take her head in your hands, and cup her cheeks.
You look her in the eyes, and you give her a sincere smile.
She calms down and relaxes, sniffling a bit of a tear.
"...I'm... I'm sorry, I just... I feel horrible about saying what I did..."
You pat her on the head, and cuddle with her.
...Eventually, she passes out at four in the morning.
Getting up off the comfy waterbed, you go to sleep with Juilette...
After closing your eyes, you feel a shrug.
It's eight in the morning, meaning you got four hours of sleep.
You feel fucking exhausted.
"...Anon, you need to help me carry boxes up after breakfast, ok?"

Getting up out of bed with Juilette, you notice that Teresa's still sleeping. So Juilette makes you some breakfast herself.
It's some salad dish with chicken tenders.
Good enough, you guess.
Juilette seems eager to get started though...
You haul stuff up from the car fairly well as the apartment comes alive.
It's exhausting as you haul boxes up and you feel a poke on the shoulder while hauling some boxes up.
That's when you hear a hard knock on the door. You get up to answer it, and as you open it, you get a bit surprised.
In front of you seems to be a rather large and fluffy cow-woman, standing over you.
"Pardon the interruption darlin, but y'all need some help moving in?"
She's particularly well muscled and well-endowed, you can't help but note.
Also, a cute southern accent.
Juilette comes up to see who it is...

You shake her hand and give a smile.
Her hand is very fucking strong. Like, you feel like she could probably pull your arm off.
She's not even very toned, just well-defined.
...You also note she seems to wear rather casual wear. A sweatshirt and shorts, suitable for working.
She smiles back.
"Bless your heart, lil' guy. Where's your owner off at?"
Juilette comes up behind you.
"Um, yeah, I'm his owner... Who are you?"
"Name's Annabelle. I'm your neighbor and thought I'd land a hand. Just me Anna, that's what everyone says around these parts."
"Right... Uh, follow me then Anna."
Following Juilette's lead, you head down to the floor...
"So uh, Anna, where do you work at?"
"I'm an auto-mechanic... Now, what boxes you need lifted?"
"Um, yeah... Just follow me."
Now that Anna leaves the room, you can't help but note she needs to lower her head to get through doors. She's big, that's for sure.
...She also has a small, cute little cow-tail, right on her shorts.
You can't help but look at her well-toned ass. It's fucking huge.
Her breasts are also nice and well, and are about a bit bigger then Teresa's thanks to Anna's scale.
So, giving a hand to the girls, you begin to lift some stuff up...
"Hey, human, lift with yer' legs, not with your back."
You try that, and struggle to lift, more so then when you were trying with your back.
"...Aw, your as cute as button. Want me to carry that for you so you don't break your spine?"
You look at her, and she's holding your television with one hand."

You nod your head, and she reaches over to pick the boxes up that you apparently cannot.
Hauling some smaller boxes up, you bring the last of the stuff back to the apartment.
Teresa seems to have finally woken up and seems to be enjoying a cup of coffee. She smiles upon seeing you.
"Oh, morning you two... I see you've started without me?"
Juilette nods, quite exhausted, as Anna ducks down through the doorway and puts the television and heavier boxes on the corner.
"Well, that's everything. If you need anything else, give a holler."
"Oh, Anna! Have you met Anon and Juilette? They're my new roommates."
"So I see. Y'all welcome to ask me if you need anything, I'm in the room across."
You nod.
"...Now, I've kicked up a mighty hunger, and I reckon y'all probably exhausted, so why don't I share some good ol' hospitality with y'all, so why don't I head on over to Burgerville and bring back some burgers?"
Teresa seems to like the idea, Juilette seems to dislike it.
"...I'm uh, I don't eat meat, sorry."
Anna laughs a bit.
"Alright, alright. A fish sandwich? That's practically a veggie."
"...No thanks. Just a salad."
Anna nods, and turns towards you.
"And for the lil' guy? I don't imagine he can speak English?"
"Um, no."
"Right. Lil' guy, you wanna come with and choose what you want? Only gonna take a minute. Gotta get actually dress first though."

You nod and follow her back to her apartment.
Entering it, it seems like a bit of a mess. She seems to have a couch with a few six-packs of beer cans, a few beer stains on the rug, and what seems to be a rather new flatscreen television.
You note some other stuff. A crucifix hanged on the wall, what seems like an American flag directly on the wall behind the couch, and what seems to be a mini-fridge.
Opening it, you note a large amount of alcohol and other liquor inside, ice cold.
"Wait out here while I put some decent clothes on, yeah?"
You give her a nod while she enters her room, and you decide to peek in her kitchen.
It's a fucking mess, with the trash overflowing with fast-food.
Most of it either coming from Burgerville, Hooters, Buffalo Wild Wings, or Chik-Fil-A.
Also, what seems to be Taco Bell.
The rest of the mess seems to mostly be from various ingredients and spices, and seems to be a fan of seasoning at least.
Opening her fridge, you don't find much beyond steak, hamburger, and other meats.
...It strikes you as a bit odd that a cow-woman dislikes vegetables.
You decide to sit on the couch and wait.
The door finally opens, and you see a decently well dressed Anna come out, wearing a green army coat with some military ranking on it and her wife-beater underneath it... Along with wearing some camo-pants. She also seems to have a holster on the side...
"...Anyways, we're gonna be driving there, only a block away. I'm gonna go get the car started."
You nod, and you follow her.
Her car seems to be a small, rather old convertible. What seems to be fast-food seems to be in the back, along with some other stuff. Mostly magazines and other stuff.
"...Ain't no Humvee, and it's a bit fuckin' small, but it's good enough. Now, I'm gonna also make a stop by Taco Bell on the way back for supper, hope you don't mind."
...Jesus, she eats a lot.
This is gonna go well.
She squeezes in, and curses it under her breath.
"I fuckin' hate these fuckin' shit cars. Barely enough fuckin' horsepower if you ask me. Fucking car dealers are slicker then owl shit..."
She squeezes in, and begins to pull it out of the garage.
"Ain't my fuckin' car either, just a project I'm workin' on for a client. Car restoration, that sort of thing."
"Anyways, I reckon you ain't gonna be much for conversation, unable to talk and all. I'll probably yap your ear off anyways. You mind?"
You try to communicate to her what she thinks about Teresa.
"She's good for a neighbor. Reckon she's a bit strange, but she's fairly nice enough."
You also ask her why she eats so much.
She appears a bit offended by your question about how she isn't overweight if she eats so much.
"I ain't some fatass, if that's what your trying to say. I work out and work on cars, a good combo."
"You sure this ain't your first time seeing a minotaur?"
Annabelle the minotauress/auto-mechanic from the South, has just driven you down to Burgerville, and currently the two of you are waiting in line.
"So, you know what you want?"
You give a nod.
"Alright lil' guy. You want it in a combo?"
You nod.
"Gotcha. Anyways, you were curious about me and Teresa, bein' neighbors and all?"
You give a nod.
"Right... Well, uh, don't really know her too well beyond the occassional small talk. Seems nice though."
You nod.
"Anyways, met her about two years ago when I first moved here. A lot less mess, trust me. Back then I had more money, a stable job, and way better clothes then hand-me-downs from the pa."
You give a brief nod.
"...Anyways, one quiet night in April, I get told my boyfriend's behind my back with another woman, after bein' with him for nearly five years. Then the rat-bastard claimed I hit him or somethin, and then it all went down hill from there."
She gives a bit sigh.
"Anyways, you ain't come here to hear my life story, but to eat a damned burger, didn't you lil' guy?"
You give another polite nod.
"Right... Anyways, 'suppose it ain't matter much right now."
You give a brief nod as she gets handed a bag, and the two of you walk back to the car and get back in.
"...Wait a minute... Aw hell, haven't I seen you before? I don't forget a familiar face."
She looks at you funny as you get in the car.
"...Aw hell, ain't you that... Hell naw, you ain't that human magician, aren't you? With the drink changing shit?"
...Huh... You might be a little bit famous after all.
You give her a smile, and take her hand, and give it a bit of a squeeze.
Then, you immediately procure an illusionary coin from below her palm.
She gives a look of confusion and bewilderment towards you.
"Well, I'll be... It really is you, huh?"
You give a nod, and she gives a smile.
"Well, not how I planned today to work out at all..."
She begins to drive back, and you decide if you can ask to see her again in the future...
She of course, nods.
"If your hand-waving and all that means you want to hang out again, I wouldn't mind. Though care if I ask why?"
You communicate to her that she's cool, kind, and fun to be around.
"Aw, thanks lil' guy. You ain't so bad yourself."
She pats you on the head while she drives home...
"Anyways, your welcome to come around whenever if you need anything. Door's always open to a neighbor, y'hear?"
You give her a nod, and you see the apartment in the distance...

As soon as you arrive, you quickly depart and bring food back home to Juiilette and Teresa.
Teresa and Juilette seem to be playing somesort of co-op shooter in Teresa's bedroom when you get home, and both seem happy to see you. Teresa especially seems happy.
"Anon, thank God! I'm starving. Anyways, we were just passing the time... Did you want to sit with us, sweetie?"
You come over ontop of the warm waterbed with the paper bags, and lay down between Tersea and Juilette. Juilette pats you on the head.
"Thanks for helping me earlier... I know you must be exhausted."
You give a brief nod as you lay back on a pillow, while Teresa and Juilette play their game together...
Honestly, you could go to sleep right now...
"...Juilette, when was the last time Anon took a bath?"
"...I um... Maybe a week ago?"
"...Well, he reeks of sweat... Maybe later we should give him a bath, what do you say?"
"...Yeah, sure."
Teresa gives a smile, and goes back to her video game...
And also rubs your tummy a little bit, and you can't help but smile a little...
It's about midnight when the girls finally stop putting off the bath, and head about doing it.
Teresa, fussing over how you might be a problem and how Juilette's just simply "too small" to handle you, and that she needs a delicate hand, gets vetoed by Juilette who pulls out the fact that your technically her property.
Teresa seems a bit disappointed, and as you head into the bathroom, you notice Juilette has already set the water running to warm.
"...C'mon anon, get in the water. It won't hurt you or anything, ok?
Getting in, she pats you on the head as she procures some soap, sponge, and a cup to wash you off with.
Leaning over so she can scrub your back, you get a nice look at her cute, innocent rabbit face.
Feeling her nice, soft, white fur moisten up your back with soap feels relaxing. Her paws giving you an exotic feeling as well.
"Good boy... C'mon, just relax, ok?"
She rubs your head with her moist paws, and lifts your arm up to clean you up...

She rubs your armpit, tickling you horribly as she tries to scrub it clean.
You reach back and under her armpit, getting back at her for that.
Dropping the soap into the bathtub, she falls on the ceramic tiled floor laughing in a ball as you lean over and tickle her, and she's practically helpless against your onslaught of vengeance!
So you begin to rub her ears, and she begins to roll around.
"A-a-anon! S-s-stop it! This isn't faaaaair!"" She tries to say, to little to no avail.
You decide to knock it off and get the bath over with, and she recovers from your onslaught of tickling.
"Ok, ok... Now that that's over with, can we continue please?" She says, while giving you a smile.
You nod, and she turns to scraping your front...
"...Oh, anon, chin up... I need to scrub your neck."
Fine, you guess.
Suddenly, much to your surprise, you feel hot water suddenly splash into your face, poured right on it, and hear a muffled laugh.
Rubbing your eyes, you clean them out of the water and see Juilette trying to avoid laughing at her revenge.
Hell no.
Splashing some water at her, her laughter stops and she fumbles to splash water back at you... Which really isn't as effective, judging from how your naked and wet, and she's wearing clothes (to be fair, nothing that can't be cleaned.)
After practically hosing her down, she smiles and kisses you on the head, leaning over the bathtub with a smile.
"Alright, now let's get to work, ok? I'd like to get this don-"
You give her a nod, and pull her by the ears into the tub with you. She gives a shriek of surprise at your revenge.
Poking her wet, fluffy head out of the water, you notice her cute white fur is soaking wet.
She can't help but laugh.
"Ok, MAYBE I deserved that... Just a little bit."
She gives you a sweet smile as she climbs out, her clothes soaking wet.
"...You know, I almost think you did that on purpose JUST to get my clothes off... Too bad that I have a SECOND pair... Which I'll put on after."
She takes a cup of water and begins to clean out you hair with shampoo, her wet furry hand trying to get you to relax.
"You know, this would be so much easier if you weren't so tall. Could'ya lay down a little bit?"
Laying down, back in the tub of warm water, you relax, and feel at ease.
Then you feel her spill water all over your mouth and her laughing her ass off.
"THAT'S FOR MY CLOTHES!" She loudly proclaims, laughing hard enough to burst a gut, as you can't help but throw water at her.
She however, blocks cunningly with a towel, and pokes her cute little head out.
"Anyways, you're good... Just wanted to get that little jab in there... You totally had it coming."
...Ok, maybe a little bit. But she started it.
"...Now, dry off before you get in bed... I'm gonna sleep with Teresa since I'm fucking freezing from you throwing water on me..."
She's shivering a little now that you notice.
In fact, getting up your practically shivering from being so cold from leaving such a warm bath.
Getting up, you begin to dry yourself off while plotting revenge against Juilette for her last offensive...
While also watching her cutely waddle away, completely soaked in water.
Eventually, you head back to the waterbed where everyone seems interested in sleeping... Especially Juilette as she undresses and puts on some nightwear...
Waking up early in the morning, you smell something familiar.
The delicious smell of Teresa's pancakes..
Getting up out of bed by the unearthly delicious smell, you head out to see your favorite retriever smiling at you, complete with a plate full of pancakes in one hand, and a worthy addition of bacon and eggs.
Setting them down by where you sit, she gives you a kiss on the head before going back to make some food for Juilette.
Juilette soon enough comes out, joining you and Teresa at breakfast.
Overall, breakfast goes normally.
As normally as it can for you, beyond Teresa rubbing your leg and giving extra attention to you.
And Juilette smiling at you.
Getting up off for breakfast, you head back to the bed while Teresa gets ready for work...
Deciding to watch a old movie, you feel a fuzzy sensation on your side.
Looking over, Juilette's climbed on the bed next to you, resting her head on your arm.
"...Hi anon. Mind if I join you?"
You shrug, and put your arm around the fluffy bunny, and the two of you lay back on the bed, watching the movie...
Juilette takes a blanket, and wraps herself up, apparently being cold. When you look over, she's apparently wrapped up head to toe in what you could only really say is a blanket coat.
She looks pretty cozy, and leans up against you, with a smile on her face.
Then, you feel a blanket go over you.
"...You sure you aren't cold, anon?" You hear sweetly from Juilette.
Draping the blanket over you, the two of you share a nice little blanket together, watching a movie.
Eventually, Juilette escapes for a brief moment, headed to the kitchen.
Bringing out some home-made microwave popcorn, the two of you lay together, watching the movie together
Juilette,moves closer to you, practically going on top of your lap.
"...We should really do this more anon..." She says to you...
You can't help but agree.
She puts her hand on your stomach, and rubs it gently, relaxing you as you try to watch...
...Until you gradually feel yourself passing out.
...Sleep overtakes you at the last act of the movie.
Waking up late at night, you feel a warm body pressing up against you.
Juilette's in fact is warmly pressing up against your body, her arm right on your chest...
Her head nuzzled beneath yours.
Her cute little ears poking out...
The two of you must of passed out together.
Of course, there's a slight mess of spilled popcorn, but that's par for the course...
...Oh yeah, this is pretty nice.
You of course, get up and clean up the mess, and see Teresa asleep on the couch....
Snoring and apparently reading a book.
Leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek, you get a blanket and put it over her.
Then, realizing your all alone, you decide to maybe search for a bed...
Trying to get through to her phone, you find yourself unable to figure out the password to even get into it, limiting your choices.
The phone briefly gets locked for one minute, though a password hint does appear: "Favorite Food".
As soon as you enter in Carrot, the phone unlocks.
At this, you begin to browse her social media and web history, determined to find out everything you can, AND also find a bed for her. Probably later.
You manage to successfully navigate onto her social media and web history, but are flooded by information.
Tons of notifications from what seems to be Teresa, Juilette's parents, and all sorts of people you don't even know seem to be trying to get in touch with her.
Her web history is also quite massive, and you'll need to narrow your results to find what your trying to look for...
Beyond all that though, you manage to pull up a browser to find a new owner just in case, and also look for a bed...
You decide to narrow your search result and try to find some background info...
...Juilette's profile is a bit interesting. She apparently is about twenty-four, huh.
Her hobbies are kinda normal. Watching TV, likes humans, playing tennis, and also apparently biking and acting.
Her family is also on here... Juilette seems to be on decent relations with them, though there's not a lot of interaction between them, they usually seem concerned and often offer help.
Her relationship with Teresa also goes back quite a while, apparently back to sharing a job at a McDonalds.
It seems like since then they've been good friends.
Searching a bit more, you also note four other of Juilette's friends... The lion-lady you met back at the pound, a eagle-lady you don't know anything about, a cat-girl, and somesort of short lizard guy.
There's also three messages, one from somesort of wolf-girl, some from Teresa, and apparently some messages from the cat-lady she's friends with.
You decide to check the wolf-girl message.
So, you begin to read it.
'Hi, there. Personal secretary of Klara Deckard here. Apparently in celebration of the young Klara achieving her first degree in Business, you've been invited as guests to her graduation party, along with the rest of the bakery.'
'If you have any questions about the party or Klara, please contact me or Klara about this. Please send notice if your unable to attend ahead of time.'
'Sincerely, Katyusha Romanovna, secretary of Klara Durkan.
PS: Please bring the human magician along if you do come, under personal request of Klara.
Double PS: I'd love your autograph at the party! It'll be nice to see you there!"
You decide to leave a note for Julie to accept it... Hopefully she'll go along with it.
After guessing the password, that being "Bliss", you get onto her computer.
Her wallpaper seems to be a picture of the Eiffel Tower.
Kinda generic, you guess.
Of course, her desktop seems to be nicely organized into folders, and not particularly messy.
Logging into her browser, you see it's homepage is on her email, and you note a few... Uh, interesting tabs open.
Beyond the normal social media, you see what seems to be a website she frequents for pornography, somesort of catalog for something, and also what seems to be... Well, questions on a video game she's trying to play.
Speaking of, she seems to have Steam on here, and a few games as well, though nothing serious.
You still haven't gone through her webhistory, but judging from large gaps, it seems to be cleaned fairly regularly to prevent anyone from seeing what she looks up.
...Beyond what she wants them to see. A brief look lets you see cooking sites she seems to favorite for example. Also her social media, she seems to post fairly often on it.
You decide to see what kind of porn she likes.
Evidentially, she's something of a romantic at heart, interested in erotic stories over pictures. Long stories too.
...Speaking of the story, it seems to be somesort of BSDM-giantess shit.
Backing out, you go to the main menu of the website, and look for "similar to" what she's looked at.
Most of it seems to be all over the place, ranging from soft and comfy to hard and BSDM, all the way to incest, human-loving, and some of the strange weird shit you've never heard before.. Giantism, snake-ladies, all sorts of shit.
She doesn't seem to favorite or like anything though, but you notice a trend of her not explictly staying to guy on gal, and even seems to stray to girl on girl action.
It's a bit interesting now that you look at it, she's certainly out there.
Closing out of that, you decide to look for a diary...
Teresa sadly, doesn't seem to have a diary on here... Though you do find a note detailing on where the key to her locked diary is, apparently under the dresser.
At least you know how to get in her diary now, you suppose...
Teresa seems to be starting to stir...
You head back to bed before anyone notices your gone...

A few days go by as you relax at home at ease.
Teresa seems to be getting over the fact you've asked her to bear your kids, and the two of you seem to be getting back to normal. Normalish, you suppose.
Juilette however, has only been bonding with you, and it's quite common to feel her holding your hand or hugging up against you.
Compared to the lewd, often sexual Teresa, it's a nice change.
Annabelle even came over and asked if you were still interested in helping to clean up her apartment...
Of course, Klara's party is coming up, and Juilette's accepted the invite...
...But there's also the fact Teresa's seriously asked you out to dinner at a fancy restaurant while Juilette's at work...
You decide to go over to help Annabelle clean up.
Teresa seems really disappointed by your choice, it seems.
However, heading over to Annabelle's place, you can't help but feel you made the right decision, and Annabelle seems very happy to have you come over.
"...Uh, excuse the mess. Been a while since anyone's been over and I just don't really... Uh, you know... Feel in the mood to clean most of this up. Never have, really."
You give a nod, and feel her pat your back.
"...Means a lot, lil' guy. I'll try to help you still, though... Just don't get mad if I get a bit emotional at some of the stuff we're tossin' out, right?"
You give a nod, and get to work in the living room...
You clean up her living room one step at a time.
Throwing away beer cans, discarded trash, and other objects, you get the living room looking quite well.
Anna even smiles at seeing how clean it is.
"Damn been a while since this place looked clean. You did good, lil' guy."
She pats you on the head, and sits on her couch.
"...Interest you in a beer before we work some more? A bit hard going through my junk and my ex's shit."
You sit down with Annabelle for a beer, and she gets two cold ones out. One for you, and one for her.
Laying down on the couch next to the large cow-woman, you sip it quietly with her.
"...Damn, I can't wait to get this place cleaned up. Already thinking on how to restyle this place, y'know?"
You nod your head.
"Speaking of, I gotta say I'm a bit shocked you actually decided to help. Not that I'm complainin' or anything, but it's a... Nice change of pace from what usual goes on around here."
She goes back to drinking her beer while you think on what to do...
"Now, reckon your up for workin a bit more in my kitchen?"
Continuing on with your work, you head into the kitchen...
Not nearly as bad as the living room, it's not so much a test of strength as it is of patience.
Slowly you take garbage bag by garbage bag out.
Anna seems quite impressed so far and quite pleased by your performance, and before you know it, your back's only killing you a little bit and there's only one room left, the bedroom.
"C'mon Anon, we're almost done. Just a bit more work and we can just take a nap or somethin'."
Going into her bedroom, you note it's a mess. She seems to have a rather large and cheap bed, along with what seems to be clothes all over the place and some cardboard boxes of her ex's stuff.
You also note what seems to be a engraved safe seems to be next to her dresser. Full of valuables or something.
"C'mon anon, we just got a bit more to go."
With an extreme surge of strength, you manage to nearly be on par with Anna as you clean up her room by hauling boxes and trash out, in an impressive display of strength.
Even Anna seems a bit impressed.
With your speedy diligence, her room's presentable and fashionable, and she seems quite happy and proud.
"Darlin, sweet mother of God I couldn't of asked for better help. Thanks for being there with me, lil' guy."
She affectionately pats your head with a smile, and she looks around, excited.
...In fact, you see her at one point nearly squel looking into her closet and seeing her clothes organized.
"I'll be damned, you even found my purse! I thought I lost that thing ages ago! Now, I ain't lookin' like somesorta harlot or anythin. By God, I'd celebrate with a beer if I wasn't feelin' so damned woman-like!"
You can't help but smile with a bit of joy at seeing her just peruse her now cleaned room, getting happy at having clean dresses and not having a mess.
Eventually, she comes over to you and leans over with a big damned smile on her face.
"Well, I'll be damned, we actually did it, didn't we darlin? I'll reckon it's probably about time I get you your reward."
She goes over into the kitchen, and pulls something out...
Coming over, she gives you an easy hundred dollars in your hand, and a kiss on the forehead.
"Your welcome around here anytime, darlin... You know, I should go shoppin' for a rug... Goddamned, maybe even somethin' fancy!"
She pats you affectionately on the head.
"...Y'know, if you want to, I wouldn't mind buying us a victory dinner. Some place fancy, y'know? How'd that sound? I got some money burnin' a hole in my pocket anyways."
You agree.
"Aw, wonderful... Lemme put some clothes on while you think up a good place to eat out at, alright? I got some menus out by the microwave, nothin' really fancy on those though..."
You nod, and she goes in her room to put a more fancy dress on...
Meanwhile, you try to think up what Anna would like to go out to eat at...
Or rather, what she'd like to take you out to eat to.
You eventually find a nice place in a phonebook, somesort of French cuisine place. It seems interesting, and you see Annabelle come out of her room well-dressed in a rather nice and slightly formal dress and even with a purse.
"So, where are we headed out to?"
You show her in the yellow pages, and though relaxed, you can tell a bit of a hesitation in her voice.
"...Right, well... I suppose we can do that one darlin', for all the hardwork. Ain't never been to some French place before though, so I'll probably sound a bit dumb. That alright with you?"
You give her a nod, and go out to her car. She seems a bit embarrased.
"Aw hell, I know you wanted to go to that fancy place darlin, but I ain't sure they're gonna think much of us in this damned thing. You don't mind, do you?"
You shake your head, but Anna fusses a bit and throws some trash out of the car.
You get in beside her, and she begins to drive off.
"...So uh... French place, right? Do they have any more... American options? Like burgers and fries or anything?"
...You shake your head.
She seems a bit shocked.
"...I uh... Right... Right. I um... Mind if I ask if I look good for this place and all? I ain't exactly confident about this place... I-I mean, I haven't even done make-up or... Damn it, maybe we should just head back... I mean, it wouldn't be that bad darlin, they don't even serve any good food anyways I bet..."
She seems to be quite nervous, realizing this is a really formal and upper-class place.
She relaxes quite a bit, and eventually you reach the parking lot.
Pulling up, she cruises for a parking spot and stops, and the two of you get out.
You hear her curse a little bit as her door refuses to shut, and she settles it by slamming it shut hard.
She looks at you with a slightly embarrased look as the two of you head inside.
Inside, a fancy catgirl waitress seems to be taking reservations and seating.
"Hey darlin, table for two please? Large seatin'."
"If you'll just follow us, madame and monsieur."
Following the cute french waitress, you get seated at a comfortable rear table, and two menus are given to you.
"What would you all like to drink?"
"...Y'all got any beer?" Annabelle says, while looking at the menu. Only to realize and quickly turn.
"I erh... I meant as a joke! N-not that we like that stuff, darlin... I'll uh... I reckon y'all don't have some ice tea?"
The waitress's cute, fluffy cat-tail wags a little.
"Oh, of course. And for the human?"
You motion for some ice tea as well. The waitress leaves you and you can practically hear a sharp sigh come from Anna.
"...Sweet Jesus, this reminds me of Savanna. You ever been down there?"
You shake your head.
"Beautiful place. Great food, night life, everything. Managed to get a night's stay down there when I was in the Army."
You can't help but give a curious look at her... She was in the army? Well, it'd make sense...
"...I ain't a grunt, I just worked on vehicles. You know, mechanical engineerin' sorta things. It's a hell of a thing to work on a piece of beauty like an M-1 Abrams... Anyways, not that your probably interested."
Looking over, the rather sheepish and cute waitress comes over.
"Pardon me, madame... What did you want for appetizers?"
"...Y'all got any biscuits?"
"...I um... I suppose... How does some cheddar gougeres sound?"
"...Shit, sure I suppose."
The waitress walks off while the two of you wait.
"I'll be damned it's hard to stop swearin' in polite company. Spent too long moanin' over nothin, I forgot my damned manners."
She lets a sigh out, and turns her attention towards you.
"...So... You got any hobbies? I ain't one to brag about the self."
You of course, describe her your hobbies of watching TV and alcohol.
"..I get that. I'd tell you to stay the hell away from the two though, ain't no good. I've been stuck there for a while like my papa. Trust me, ain't a good combo to be drinkin on your ass all day... But what sorta television you watch?"
You tell her all about just watching old movies.
"...Ah. Always wanted to see some... Y'know, provided I got some money left over, a movie sounds great..."
...A thought crosses her mind, until she shakes it out of her head.
"...Aw, damn me. I'm treatin' you like my ex... I shouldn't be doin' that. You probably wanna get back home afterwards, not hang out with a fool of a stranger, don't you?"
...You can't help but notice the slight hint of low self-esteem in there.
You give her a kind, generous smile and she even smiles.
"...I... Well, hell, what movies you watch?"
You shrug. You'll find out when you get there, you suppose.
Then, the appetizers arrive.
She seems to be in a much better mood after you agree, and eat the appetizers, and actually order the main meal.
She asks a few questions about you, and you ask a few trivial questions about her...
"...Darlin, just wondering... You know, I used to cook better then this French shit... Sorry, stuff. Would you ever be interested in tryin? I mean, I got some stuff in the freezer I ain't touched in a while. Sounds better then fast food, y'know?"
You give a brief nod and she can't help but smile.
"...Hell, mind if I ask what's gotten you in a charitable mood to be so interested in your neighbor? It ain't me, is it, lil' guy?"

Looking to another vase on another table, you reach over while she's busy eating her food, and quickly take the flowers.
You then look her in the eyes, and she curiously looks at you...
...Then, you present them to her, full front in center.
She looks at them and looks at you...
...You can't help but notice a blush and a cute nervousness in her otherwise confident behavior.
"...I-I'm sorry... A-anon? Darlin? These are... For me?"
You nod your head, and motion for her to take them.
She doesn't exactly know what to say but her blush and stammering says it all, as she takes them.
"...Aw hell... I'm... I'm... God, I don't know if I should cry, give you a hug, or slap you for makin' me pay for dinner..."
She gives you a chuckle as she tries to hide the fact she's tearing up a little bit.
"...I uh... I'm gonna... I'm gonna use the restroom real fast darlin'... Give me a minute?"
You nod, and you see the emotional minotauress run off wiping her eyes as she enter's the woman's restroom, no doubt just to hide the fact she's quite emotional about this.
Waiting for a moment, the french cat lady comes back, and offers you a desert menu, and Anna comes back...
...Shoving the waitress aside and giving you a back-breaking hug, and a fat kiss on the forehead, before sitting you back down with a smile on her face.
The waitress doesn't seem to mind, and the rather happy Anna nods for desert.
"Ah hell, if McDonalds ain't killed me, some fuckin' piece of cake won't... Pardon my french."
The waitress leaves, and you see Anna smiling at you.
"...Well, I'll... I'll be damned, you know... I don't recall gettin' flowers since I was still with my boyfriend... Bless your heart, darling... I ain't sure you made a smart choice, but doesn't mean I don't appreciate it."
She seems to be in a very good mood, and can't help but smile.
...She's also trying her best to not tear up or break down in emotion from your romantic gesture, it seems.

You take her hand and give it a gently squeeze while rubbing the back of her hand with your thumb.
...You smile at her, and she smiles back.
"...I-I'm sorry, darlin... C'mon, let's eat this cake and get outta here, how does that sound?"
You give her a nod, and eventually the cake arrives...
The two of you eat, and she pays for it, though seems a bit shocked at the bill, she seems to believe this night "more then made up" for it.
...Of course, you take her by the hand and she gives you a warm smile as you leave to enjoy a movie...
...Though you can't help but recognize on your way out in the corner of the room, in a rather romantic part of the area, a familiar looking person..
...Apparently Teresa's eating by herself there, and seems quite sad.
...Damn, she must of gotten reservations.
...Putting Anna between her, you manage to leave without her notice (though she seems more interested in staring at her plate), and leave while guilt slightly eats you up.
"...So, darlin... About that movie, you sure about going?"
Anna tugs on your arm, and clearly seems excited, trying to hold her excitement in clearly...
Of course, you head to the movies with Anna, and the two of you hold hands while going in...
She's practically bursting at the seams, she's so excited.
Anna and you of course, watch a good old fashioned action movie together.
She seems to greatly enjoy it, and although the two of you are forced to sit in the back due to her size, she doesn't mind being with you at all.
...Hell, she even lets you sit on her lap.
...She even gets you popcorn and a soda during the middle of it for you.
Soon enough, the film comes to a close, and she lets loose a mighty yawn.
"...Darlin, I'm exhausted... I think I might call it a night."
You give her a nod as you begin to get up, but you feel her hug you.
"...Darlin, thanks for tonight. I haven't felt like this for a damn while... I won't forget this, though I reckon we should probably get back home, huh?"
You nod, and the two of you begin to leave the theater and get back in the car.
Annabelle seems quite happy as you get close to home.
"...Darlin, you wanna spend the night over with me?"
...It's a... Particular request.
"...I mean, I got some old Blockbuster videos I never returned laying around the place... I wouldn't mind your company at all, darlin."
...She gives you a smile, but you can't help but worry about home... You've been away for a while...
"...Hell, I'll even order some pizzas if your hungry... I mean, I won't lie, that French shit was fucking overpriced, shitty, and way too fuckin' little for what we got..."
You nod, and you can't help but notice the extremely happy smile on her face.
If she wasn't driving, she'd probably smother you in a hug in her large arms.
"Darlin, you won't believe how happy that made me... Now, you got any problem with steak on your pizza?"
Soon enough the two of you head back to the apartment, and climbing up the stairs, you head to the living room.
"...Anyways anon, I'm gonna undress real fast. You make yourself right and comfortable, y'hear? Gonna only take me a moment to get nice and comfy."
You nod as she heads into her room and closes the door, and you start sorting through movies.
Finding a good one, you put it into her VCR, and lay back on her couch.
...It's still kinda dirty, but you must admit, it's quite comfy.
Anna comes out as well, wearing a rather loose shirt with the stars and strips on it, and some sweatpants.
"Alright darlin, move aside. I'm gonna grab us here some pillows and blankets, how does that sound?"
You must admit, that does sound rather good.
She hauls out a rather nice fluffy blanket and some pillows, and motions for you to get on the couch and nice and comfy.
She follows suit, taking up practically all of the couch, but lets you rest ontop of her.
...Hell, honestly you could probably use her tits as pillows, if you were to be honest.
But being the gentleman you are, you settle for putting your pillow down on her side, while she puts her massive arm on your chest to hold you close.
She then flicks the TV on.
"Aw hell, I forgot to get us a pizza... Don't worry your lil' head about it, I'll get on it after this, how does that sound?"
Sounds good, honestly.

The rest of the night goes fairly well.
Being snuggled up so close to her, she even lets you lay your head right on her lap.
Though it gets a bit interrupted when the movie ends and she orders some pizzas.
Even though you aren't hungry, you enjoy the gesture as the two of you share a large meat pizza, with extra meat.
...Though as the night wears on, she gets quite exhausted, and the two of you begin to run low on movies.
"...Then, while she's holding you tight, you hear snoring.
...Looking up, she seems to have passed out, with her arm around you.
...You probably really should get back home...
...But you'll be damned, it's certainly very comfortable here.
After writing the note, you give the lovely mino lass a kiss on the nose and head home.
Of course, you enter and hear snoring.
...Juliette seems to be sleeping on the couch with a nice warm blanket, and what seems to be some nice ice water laid out for her.
...Seems like Teresa made it home.
...Looking into the bedroom, you see a rather pained expression on the sleeping retriever. She's not really had the best night, judging from her look.

"...A-anon?" she mutters, half-awake.
You rub her back to let her know it's you, and she turns around, smile on her face.
"God, you had me so worried... You should of called or... Oh... You know, if your going to be out this late, I should get you a phone, sweetie... You do know what a phone is, right?"
You nod, and she smiles.
"Good... Just wondering anon... What were you doing that took you so long? I was so worried..."
..She moves so you can hug her with your arms, and she nuzzles up against you.
Teresa opens one eye lazily at you.
"...I doubt you were there the whole night Anon... You've been gone for hours. What were you really up to?"
She seems a bit more interested now in why you've been gone so long.
She gives you a wary, briefly distrustful look, and then shrugs it aside.
By cuddling up to you.
"...Sweetie, sorry about my suspicions... I just was hoping to make tonight special and talk to you a bit more seriously."
She strokes your chest a bit.
"...I hope that for whatever reason you've been up so late was a good one, sweetie. Did you at least have fun?"
You give her a nod, and she smiles.
"Aw, how lovely..."
She rests her head on your neck, and yawns...
"...So, your going to that Klara party tommorow, aren't you?"
You give her a nod.
"...Oh... Well... Find some time for me soon in your schedule, ok?"
She pats your head, and you can't help but notice that she looks a bit nervous.
"...You haven't been avoiding me because of what I said that one night about the... Idea of kids, right?"
You shake your head.
"...Right... Right... I'm sorry, I just... I feel like we've been a bit apart since then and it's making me a bit nervous... Anyways, let's get some sleep, sweetie."
She gives you a kiss on the cheek as she cuddles up to you...
The two of you cuddle furiously during the night, and you feel her lightly stroke your belly while the two of you try to get some sleep.
Eventually, you pass out in her loving embrace.
Until you feel her gently lick your cheek
"Sweetie, I need to get up..."
You groggily turn over, and feel her get up and stretch.
Then you feel her give you a kiss right on your cheek.
"...C'mon sweetie, it's about time you get up. I'm gonna go get some food started and take a shower..."
You groan as she kisses your cheek, and you feel her get out of bed to make some early morning breakfast.
...Hell, you might as well get up as well.
Getting up, you smell a sweet, savory smell coming from the kitchen, and Teresa wearing a nice little apron and baking something, along with making her amazing pancakes.
"...Morning sweetie. Take a seat, I'll be with you in a minute."
...You can't help but notice the fact she's not wearing any clothes while wearing her apron.
...In fact, she's entirely nude save for it, and she...
Goddamn, she's giving you a nice look at her "buns" so to speak. It's a beautiful sight as she leans over to take something out of the oven.
...Then, she comes over with her platter of pancakes, bacon, and eggs...
...Along with what seems to be small, frosted donuts with jelly in them.
She gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"...Momma's gonna go take a shower now, sweetie... Make sure you save some for Juilette, ok?"
She rubs your forehead as she heads into the bathroom.
You hear the shower begin to run...
You can't help but get a very lewd and sexual idea.
Of course, you eat your morning pancakes and head into the shower to freshen up a little bit...
The shower door is in fact, wide open, and you see your lover of a retriever showering, her nice, plump ass facing you, jiggling as she washes herself..
So you slip in, and grope her nice butt.
"...Oo-oh... Sweetie, so nice of you to join... I won't lie, I was expecting you to for a while..."
She smiles as you begin to help her wash in some of her crevices, such as her nice ass, her arms, and her nice, jiggly breasts...
She of course, returns the favor in a bit more of a lewd manner, even going so far to grope your balls.
She even takes your mouth and makes out with you quite lustfully.
"...Sweetie, I'd love it if you could stay home and help momma some more... But maybe another time..."
You can't help but nod, but you feel her make out with you for a good long while.
A very long while, in fact.
"...You don't think Juliette would mind if we had a bit of fun, would you sweetie? It's still a bit early..."
She gives you a wink, and rubs her soft hand down your chest.
"...I'd certainly love to have some quality time with you, even if it's only for a few minutes, sweetie..."

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:30 UTC
Views: 193