I lifted my head up, put my mouth alongside hers, cheek to cheek, and asked, half hushed, *"Hey Starbuck, Whaddya hear?"

She laughed, and retorted, "Nothing but the rain."

*"Then grab your gun and bring in the cat."

"Boom, boom, boom… Nerd."


With a renewed sense of purpose she stole my tongue and started climbing. Short steps up, with pauses, then long, slow, steady slides down. Her pace became more hurried, the pressure became more passionate. She pushed her third eye right into mine and stared.

The anxiously, anticipating smile on her face betrayed her nearness.

"Damn you fuck good." She stated, simultaneously going a really bold shade of ‘did I just say that?’.

*"Me? I’m just laying here. You’re doing all the work. And yes, you do fuck quite nicely. Hold on tight."

Her arms wrapped around me, her legs gripped into my lower back. I sat us up and pulled her in tighter.

*"Lean back just a bit, keep me inside you."

I picked us up, turned us around and lowered her back to the makeshift bed, pulling her closer so her butt rested on my thighs. *"You did wanna try this, didn’t you?"

"Oh, yes."

*"Good. Cause I LOVE this position."

I started long-stroking into her. Slowly, at first. I could feel her moist, hot flesh, just above where I was inside her. Tauntingly slicking against my stomach. I pushed myself into her clit, then curved my back, shoulders forward, so that my abdomen was pressing on her shaft. I was fucking her entire sex. My hardness sliding in and out of her welcoming backdoor. My abdomen pressing on the head of her cock, gliding on the entire length of her shaft and grinding against all that wonderful, feminine flesh in between.

I guess it was too much. I can’t even imagine what that was like for her.

But It sounded,to my ears, something like…

"Oh fuck! I’m! Ohhh, you fuck…"

She pushed me up by my shoulders, raising my chest, then looked down. I followed the focus of her eyes, and was greeted by a very intriguing sight.

Her crown was being rolled and pressed and kneaded between us. The slit, in the center of its now glazed head, was opening and closing. In a way that gave the impression that it was the source of the gasps and moans that emanated from her. Precum was seeping from her dome, glistening on her skin and mine. Thin, delicate threads, of angel-hair webbing, shimmered between us. Connecting us with translucent sinews of impassioned liquidity.

I felt her fingers pinch my flesh to her palms, like she had bunched up the sheets during our first joining.

Fingernails scraped at my skin. Her sex pushed up and into me.

Her spine went taut, her breathing stopped.

I saw the first shot of her orgasm surge from inside her onto our bellies. And then...

I was lost... In a hail of hair, tongue and erotic mumblings.

It didn’t take long for me to follow. The passion, the shakes, the scent and the noises kind of triggered me off.

You know how it is.

At least, I hope you do.

I plowed, deep and strong, sending my seed into her. Multiple times. Then I teased myself through the last of it with long, slow, languid strokes. My body racked one last time. From the soles of my feet to the roots of the hair on my head. Tingles raged from my spine, spasming every muscle in delicious rapture. I fought at the need to swoon. I was out of breath, spent and euphoric, but she looked too beautiful to collapse upon.

And I did not want to lose that captivating view, of that shy, content smile that haloed her face and that look of adoration and bliss that was radiating back at me.

Her hair was tossed, tussled and matted to her cheek. I brushed it away from her face with the back of my fingers. It fanned out around her head like rays of a sun. She had this seething calm in her eyes, that mirrored, all to well, how I felt myself.

The firelight caught her silhouette just the right way.

*"You know, if you buzz the sides of your head, you could make an excellent Jack for Con."

"Subject Zero, or Sparrow?"

"Zero. Although… now that you mention it, you could pull off Captain Jack," I joked, "with a little work. "

"Oh really? Do you want me to?"

*"Oh! Hell No! I’ve got more than enough scruff for the two of us. Thank you."

She laughed, dragging me down the same path. The jubilation quieted into whispered words and sated breaths.

Then natured called. "I need to pee and I could use some more sustenance."

*"Me too."

"Race you."

I’m not going to bore you or make you uncomfortable with what transpired in the bathroom. It wasn’t anything interesting or sordid so I’m not teasing you out. It ended in a nice sponge bath, and more kissing, and teasing, and tasting.

Alright, alright I’ll tell you. She sat on the bowl and I knelt between her legs and we peed, and made out like giggling teenagers.

Told you, boring. But, if you never tried it, you should. It’s a really off the beaten track, innocent and playful kinda communion.

And it's intimate as fuck.

After a quick freshening up, we took a walk to the kitchen. We ate and talked and planned, growing closer, and more bonded, as the hour for her lecture approached.

*"I need another nap now." I mused, patting a very sated stomach.

"We’ve got time for a nap, and more, before I need to get ready. My butt is sore, but I could do that again. Maybe I'll ride you while you're napping. Or maybe, you can wake me that way."

*"Oh, there’s a hell of a lot more ways we can have fun than just that. So, you like the idea of sex no matter who's awake, huh?"




*"Let's go cuddle and get some strength back and see where it takes us next."

"Can we just kiss for a while? You're a really good kisser."

*"You're not half bad yourself. For a noob."

"Shut up and gimme that tongue…" a mischievous look crossed her face, "Or I will end you."

*"Aaaah. There's, my Jack."


The sun was bright. The air, musty and hot.

My finger hovered, reminiscent, over the doorbell. My mind drifted back.

Just a little this time.

It was two months ago, to this day, that I met a being named Sandy Alexandria on a cold, dark, rainy road. And here I stood, at her threshold once again. I felt like I was twelve, sneaking out of my parents house to go smoke cigarettes and drink a couple of ‘a friend’s dad's beers’ in the middle of the night.

I also realized, I was quite okay with that.

Good sex, good friendship, the same oddball sense of humor and interests. What wasn't to be okay with? She’s sweet, intelligent and warm and, I swear, more beautiful every time we meet.

She glows, when there’s candlelight, when she's fresh from a shower and when she cums. Especially when she cums. She smells, of rain and sunshine, even if that's just etched in my brain. She tastes like, sex, life and aphrodisia. And she fucks with an intensity and passion that quenches my thirst, yet makes me hunger for more.

Once a week for seven weeks. That was our bargain, our pact. After the eighth, well, we'd settle in, for whatever lay before us, and see. She’s in the process of buying the house outright. Mine’s going up on the market soon and then we’ll make a home. Right here or somewhere else. Who knows.

She's home, I'm home, so it doesn't really matter where the real estate is.

We got together on the occassional other day, when we could, to work on some cosplay pieces, and we even managed to put together some decent looking bracers, staffs and visors. They sold surprisingly quick. For decent money too. Between her talent with carbonfiber and foam molding, and my ability to put metals together and grinding, they came out pretty solid.

When she didn’t have class, and I didn’t have work, we were joined at the hip and other places. We went out, occasionally, to the movies and dinner, but mostly we just entertained ourselves. In and out of bed.

For the most part, when we did go out, people pretty much left us alone. Only on a couple of occasions did we have to deal with trolls. You know the sort, the ones who have to interrupt your day because their ineffectual lives don’t have meaning, unless they’re being absolute dicks. Spreading their own misery like butter to make themselves feel less irrelevant, less impotent. Mostly, it was just looks or the suspiciously loud word, but we just ignored it and it passed.

On one occasion she was coming back from the bathroom when some 'Grand Theft Auto' tough guy grabbed her by the wrist and asked if he could buy her a drink. She said, "No thanks," but he wouldn’t let it be. He just held on trying desperately to come up with something witty. "Can I have my hand back? Now!" she demanded. I leaned back in my seat. He noticed me and gave me a stare. It was quaint. It just made me smile and return the gaze. Okay maybe it was more like a smirk.

I’d seen his kind before.

The kind that acts all tough on the internet because there’s no reprisals. Now here they are, forgetting, for a minute or two, that they were in the real world, and not in a video game or chat room. It's fun to see their expressions change, when they remember. And they see your scars.

And then the truth sets in.

No, Stymey! There’s no health kit on the wall, no mushroom to pick for an extra life, the guy next to you is not a paladin, there’s no quick save to go back to, nor are there any potions of healing. There’s just pain.

Real pain.

Pain they've had little experience with.

His shoulders slumped, when that reality nudged itself awake, and he loosened his grip and let her go. He kept eyeing us up though. Blatantly making quiet jokes, barely audible to our ears. More to impress his friends with his bravado than to incite any actual reprisal.

She didn’t let it bother her, so I didn’t have to give it a care.

Now, I've had my ass kicked but I didn’t just survive, even through the worst beatings I took the other guy always knew I'd given back just as good.

Finally, he gathered his balls and spoke, right at me. "Are you her dad?" he asked, with a snarky ass grin. It was the kind of look that would have made Ghandi want to smack off his arrogant visage.

Now, he already had a face you just wanna pop for no damn good reason. Except maybe asshole lookalike bias. Kind of like when you see someone that resembles a movie character you despise and your hackles go up. So it took a bit of control not to casually walk over and punch him right in the throat.

But words can sometimes end it before it gets there. *"Only on Mondays." I replied

"But today’s Sunday, Moses."

I smiled even bigger. He dropped his eyes like the true coward he knew resided behind them. I looked deep in hers, speaking at the air. *"Oh! I know!" I smart-assed back. Then I kissed her deep, just for effect. She climbed on my lap and straddled me. Effectively turning her back on him.

Thankfully, assholes, like him, were few and far between. Most of the people we met when we were together couldn’t give a shit, but if they did, we’d cut them short. So far no one has pushed, too hard. If someone does though, she’s worth another scar or two.

It’s funny, you'll meet all kinds of people in your life, but only a few that are worth fighting to protect, fewer, still, worth the jail time of killing for and only one or two, if you’re really lucky enough, that are worth dying for.

She, to me, is worth all fuckin three.

It’s even funnier, although not surprising now that I think about it, how it was our age that mattered most. I mean nobody had a clue at how unique a being she was and how that might challenge their perspective of normality.

Still, now and then, someone had to say something about the years between us.

On the lighter side of life, this was a really good friendship. And really fun sex. Honestly fun sex, and I'm gonna fucking enjoy it, if that's okay with you.

And if it's not, well then... You! Can go fuck yourself!

"And Thursdays?" you ask. Well they’re like a competition really, see how many times you can make the other one cum, although we never seem to keep count. No judgement, no inhibitions, no worry about good enough. Just sex to please and sex to be pleased, until whenever we're spent, or have to go about our Fridays. I’m her semi-intelligent fuck toy and she's my fuck bunny.

It's a low scoring sport, like hockey, but we've never had a shut-out. Not even close. It’s just two lovers, giving themselves and their all to each other, and two friends, enjoying their own intimate thing.

Granted, we are a very odd pairing. But aren’t the best ones really?

The doorchime rang, with a sudden volume.

I heard it before I felt the pressure of the push switch coming to a stop. My finger didn't get a chance to leave the round, faded, ivory button.


*"Little One."

"It's open."

I walked in and shut the door behind me.

A shape in black, right on the landing, took my attention. I thought it was her at first, then realized it was way too tall. It was one of the mannequins we used to put the armor on while we worked on the pieces. Displayed on it was an outfit, in several, distinct pieces. One had an insignia I couldn't quite make out. But it was there, half hidden behind the black, leathery jacket that covered it.

I reached to the fabric, to reveal the logo’s design, and my fingers were met with a supple…

A shifting silhouette, above me and to my left, caught my attention and pulled my gaze away from its inspection.

I looked up the stairs and was greeted by a sight. To say the least.

A pair of feet in deep brown leather sandals. Black toe nails peeking through the front, wiggling anxiously. Thick leather laces weaved up and over the ankles and curved gracefully into fur straps, around familiar shins and thin sensuous calves. Legs that were tinted, a light greyish blue.

My smile grew as I just breathed it all in. My eyes wandered up, slowly, revealing to my senses what my mind already knew was coming. Goosebumps rose, under my inspection, on this visions soft, previously, smooth skin. Then, they rose on mine. My cock grew steady and hard. Both in the pleasure of the view unfolding before me and in the knowledge that my eyes alone were causing that sensual, prickly reaction I was bearing witness to.

And THAT, will never get old.

I had to reach down and adjust myself for comfort, prompting a giggle from the body those legs were attached to.

Her thighs brushed together wantonly. Greyish milky thighs, also with a tease of turquoise. My mouth watered.

My tongue wanted out for a taste of that flesh. Her flesh.

Further up my appreciative eyes traveled. To a form fitting mini-skirt of dark browns, greens, and blues. That was clearly framing a bulge I just knew was as hard as mine, and a softness, wet and warm, that I could sense in my being from the bottom of the stairs. Her scent could find me a mile away. Or in the deepest of sleep and dream.

A slight shift of her hips, and a push against the faux-fur-fabric proved my suspicions true.

She was rock hard and she was antsy.

Higher, I crept my gaze, to a periwinkle-grey bared belly, gracefully defined, with a strong slender waist. A half blouse, of the same material and colors as the skirt, gently cupped two, small, perfectly wonderful breasts. They acknowledged my gaze, with a sudden rise and fall.

One hand casually covered cleavage, while nails, on black tipped fingers, seductively teased at the fabrics edge, and the skin beneath, unconsciously. A neck, thin and willowy, gently caressed into incredibly edible, fucking shoulders. Dark, blue-grey lips, wet and inviting, curled up in a mischievous smile.

Then there were the eyes, once violet, now a very light, blinding blue, almost white. The kind of blue you see on glaciers. So bright, it almost hurts to focus. Apertures of black, narrower across as they were high. Alien, and seething with a look of want.

And crowning this delightful, otherworldly creature, white hair, with hints of uranian, pulled out at an angle from the angelic face it framed. A face that brimmed of purpose and sex.

How different this was from the rain soaked vision and the locks that clung to that same face when we first met. And yet, so similar in many, many ways.

One word flowed out of me, long and slow, with accentuated syllables and more than a hint of admiration, *"Chiana."

"Hi," she beamed, "that stuff's for you. I hope you like."

She bit the corner of her lip apprehensively.

Her words fell on me, sexy, playful and hot, seething with a touch of crazy. Punctuated by sharp, quick, snapping, head movements.

I undressed right there in the entryway. Folded my clothes and placed them on the stairs.

I grabbed the outfit and continued inspecting it, as I gathered up the pieces.

...leggings, about mid thigh length, elastic but substantial and thick. Knee high boots with 5 straps up the sides. A side split mini-skirt, just long enough, it seemed, to reveal some flesh between it and the top of the leggings. A half sleeved, leathery cloak, that looked midriff in the front and scalloped, to around just below the knees, in the back. And, a crop top, stretchy yet leathery, with a Peacekeeper insignia emblazoned on the right side. Everything was in black.

It looked solid. I mean really, really good solid.

"I took some liberties with the design, hope you don't mind."

*"Mind? Damn San, It's fucking awesome. I'd wanna bang me wearing this."

It was me, if I was a bad ass space chick who had a date with a really cute crazy one. And by date I mean, enter room, take off clothes, and drown in sex.

I walked up the stairs, towards that Nebari sexling waiting patiently at the top. She was just standing there. Lustfully eyeing me like a glass of cold, crisp, water after a month's long drought.

*"You ready to shave this body clean?"

"Oh yeah, and so much more. I'm horny as hell. I will miss the beard though."

*"Well I'm pretty sure we can save that for last, get a few tickles in."


*"You could have called earlier if you were that horny."

"Nah, it's all good... Did I just say that??? You’re rubbing off on me... Anyway, I needed to finish that top. And it's a happy, knowing I'm gonna get some, horny. Not! the depressing shit I put you through, that night you dragged me in out of the rain."

*"If I recall correctly, I had a great time. You didn't put me through anything. Except for maybe a few days of walking sore. I just offered you a ride. You, dragged me in, out of the rain."

"True, true, and hmmmmm, technically true. Thanks again for pulling me out of it."

*"Thank you, for pulling me into it," I grinned.

Now that I was closer, and could really inspect the illusion before me, I looked her up and down. And I was floored at how much work she had actually put into these outfits. Describe craftsmanship, in your head, add artistry, then throw in a pinch of daaaaamn, that’s how nice they were. I mean, we had worked on a couple of pieces together, that came out incredible and made us quite a few bucks, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. But I still was.

I guess I just love stuff that’s made with, 'I give a shit'.

And she did it in secret, and I’m not one to usually miss stuff like that.

*"You know, you went through, an awful lot of work, for what will probably be five minutes of wear before we take these things off."

"If it's half as much fun as the last few weeks, it's sooo worth it."

I slid my hand up between her legs and felt her, hard and wanting and wet. She grabbed me by the small of my back and pulled me in for a kiss, with a wry cagey smile on her face. A shaving brush, in her other hand, purposely teased across my ass.

I roared to life, not just because of the brush, but more emphatically because, I was in the arms of an alien goddess. A crazy, sexy, wild looking, alien, fuck toy, sex goddess. One that I knew liked it nice and slow and wildly passionate. The fact that she loved me, helped a little too.

She took my hand and led me down the hall. I saw lights dancing on a section of the darkened corridor walls. She escorted me down it, to the room on the right.

Candles illuminated the bathroom in a nice soothing glow. Slow turning gels changed the colors of the flickering light, giving the room a strange universe, fantasy type of feel. Blues turned to purples, purples turned to greens to reds and yellows. The walls breathed in and out with the changing illusion of the tones and hues.

"Huwah." She said, raising a leg and putting both arms in the air. Her hands were just above her head, pointed to the outside and angled, downward slightly. Her head cocked to one side then the other, her eyes, never left mine.

"Huwah." I replied, repeating the gesture. "I knew I should have brought my camera in."

"You can get it later."

I propped my self up by my palms and sat my ass up on the vanity.

*"Might need some touch ups by then."

"We’ve got time."

She picked up a thin black tube and held the chrome tip to my lips. There was a spark and firelight danced into view. She put it to a brass bowl. I drew in a fine, cool mouthful of sweet bud, then inhaled it. She leaned in coyly and put her mouth to mine. I exhaled.

The air got sucked right out of me.

Some by her lungs and some from her tongue. She finished her draw and arched her back. Her arms stretched up toward the sky.

"Nice to see you didn't shave your pits. I like that look. Especially under those arms. I always thought Chiana should have a little armpit bush. Seems, more her. This," I gave it a little tug, "just proves it."

She moaned at the pull. "Well, You do seem to enjoy nuzzling in there."

*"Well, You seem to like being nuzzled in there."

"I think I like being nuzzled everywhere you want to nuzzle."

I pointed my leg out. *"Well, these babies ain't shaving themselves. And you know what, shave my bush too, I've never done that, might be fun."

"Aye, aye Captain."

She brushed the shaving cream, from my crotch to my ankles. Lathering me up in a way that seemed, more to turn me on than to apply it correctly. It had its effect, both ways.

"I'm glad I got into your car that night."

*"So am I. And, thanks for inviting me in and sharing all this with me."

"You're welcome, and Thanks for coming in."

**In more ways than one."


*Yeah there, too."

"HAH! Anyway! Dumass! Thanks for turning me on to this."

*"Turning you onto what? I think this beast is a fifty fifty creation."

The brush hairs and shave cream tickled and teased my cock. She put the brush down and grabbed the razor. I put the thought out of my mind and put my trust in her hands. Literally.

*"So, you ready to do a little LASPing?"


*"Live Action Sex Play."

"Hah, I like it. It has a name! ... Honestly Joe. I've been ready since last Friday. Working on this stuff was like foreplay."

*"So shave me already, I need to embrace my inner Peacekeeper and let her loose on this creature before me. Leave the pits alone, this one definitely wouldn't shave em. The rest is up to you. Get me smooth, get me ready, then fuck me all night long."

"I've been waiting to do that all week."

She picked up the razor and started on my inner thigh. It was a sensation I was not expecting. I took the brush and lathered my face and grabbed another shaver.

"Hey! Do You think armpit hair is a fetish?."

*"What do you mean?"

"I looked up tomboys, to see why you liked the way I look so much."


"And I pretty much, masturbated myself, mentally. There were some really cute ones with hair, here and there and it kinda made me really wet… and hard. The memory of you laying half on me, my dick pressed between us...

*"Wait! Did you just say your dick?"

There was that color again.

"Yeah I did. I mean, what did you say to me that first night? Hmm, It's your lot deal with it, embrace it, enjoy it."

*"That's probably nicer than how I said it, but yeah, that works."

"Anyway, where was I, oh right. My 'dick' pressed against you, your pit hair tickling my nipple, you kissing me there, both of us covered in sex, those memories kind of added to it."

Her ass wiggled and her legs pressed together as she carefully shaved up my shaft.

*"You've got wet dripping down your leg right now, don't you?"

"I just might, but you, you definitely have a little horny dew going on."

She scooped the precum off my cock, with her fingertip, and pressed it to her mouth, rubbed some on her lips and sucked the rest off, then she leaned in offering me a taste. I leaned in further and took it.

She shaved me slowly, leaving only the bush I had under each arm.

When she was done, my chest, ass, balls, shaft, legs and face were sleek and smooth and feeling kinda free. In a skin meet air sorta way. My cock was finding its over-fill, its, busting through its skin, uncomfortable over-fill.

She bent down and blew cool air on my head then gave it a peck. "There. All done."

*"Mother Fucker. You know just how to put gas on a fire don't ya."

I leaned in and put my mouth right on that muscle just under the ear and nibbled, gently. My tongue flicked across her earlobe. The bulge under her mini-skirt dug violently into the multicolored fabric, pressed up against my hip.

"Mmmmmmmm, Says the guy, with the flame throw...ing, fucking, thing."

*"The flamethrowing fucking thing?"

"Fuck you."


"Get that sexy ass of yours in there, I'm getting... impatient." Emphasizing her desire with a tight thighed wiggle.

I stepped into a steaming hot spray and slid the door shut behind me. I could still see her silhouette through the frosted glass, the colors shifting in hue. It took all I had not to stroke one out right there.

I like the build up, sue me.

*"Next time, we shower together, then we dress each other, It's lonely in here."


*"Are you touching yourself."

"Nope. Just enjoying the view. In my brain."

I took a quick shower, the feeling was odd, enjoyably different, smooth and raw. If I had to describe it in a two word theme, hmm... how about... Extraordinarily Nude? Extrasensorily Nude? Something like that.

I stepped out. She wrapped me up and dried me off. Slowly. Caressing every inch of me with the terry cloth towel. The groping and grabbing, and the occasional nibble here and there, were making it difficult to concentrate on what went where. She finished by brushing it the length of my shaft, making me shiver, bringing more blood to my already engorged beast.

Now, I'm not huge, just a little above average, but at times like this, I kinda sympathized with how that Banner guy might feel when the Hulk was in mid transformation. Skin stretching around muscles that wouldn't stop expanding. It was uncomfortable and yet, with her, so addictive.

I pulled the top on and wiggled into it. It's fabric caressed my chest, cool, satiny and lush. A velvety suede teased my nipples. It had the look and feel of futuristic battle armor.

Slutty, futuristic battle armor.

She stood in front of me and adjusted it a little higher on my chest, put her fingers over each cup and gave my nipples a gentle, pleasing pinch. They poked out from the fabric, just enough to notice. Hers hardened at the sight, that she had just created, distorting the fabric of her top, in a rather rude, delightfully vulgar, way.

I reached under her top and returned the favor. Her breasts were hot and inviting.

I gathered myself together and pulled on the black skirt. I felt her fingers slide behind the band, straightening it out while tickling the top of my ass. She reached underneath and palmed my, already hard, cock, making me push into her hand and grind.

The sensation of flesh on freshly, bare flesh was new. And proving to be a bit more to handle.

*"I might come pulling the underwear on if you keep that up. Hey? Where is? How come there's no underwear for me?"

"Oh! You don't know the half of it. Besides, you don’t wear any anyway."

*"True. Now, Spill it."

"Nuh uh."

*"Sandy Alexandria."

"Okay, Okay. I made two... but I soiled one. Standing there. Waiting for you."

*"Next time I'll have to be early just to watch you wiggle and moan. You know, you could get them, I could put them on. I don’t have a problem with that either. We're probably gonna be covered in it later anyways."

"Oh! Shit. Damn it, they’re in the wash already but, that sounds so fucking… You know what?"

She took my hand and placed it on the bulge of her panties. It, was hard and hot. They, were silky, with a little wet, warm, sticky spot, right at the top, and a hot, wet slickness underneath my fingers, that was spreading.

*"Is that Chiana grey too?"

"Some of it may still be. I'm pretty sure some of it may have rubbed off."

*"Feels like you ruined another pair."

"Just shut up and kiss me, you dick."

*"But, I don't have the leggings, boots or shawl on yet."

"Guess it's not even gonna take five minutes."

My teeth found her nerves and teased as I fingered her folds through the satin. Her neck strained and accepted the pleasure. Her hips parted and drove into my hand. She slipped her panties to the side, took hold of my shaft and pulled me inside her, with a long drawn out sigh of contentment.

*"Looks like we'll just have to work up to it."





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Pub: 11 Oct 2024 06:36 UTC
Views: 186