Trading info lalalala

  • I claim & re-claim strictly to use, not hoard
  • I trade solely for URLs I can see myself using. Usually URLs related to my interests and current hyperfixations. Sonic URLs please.
  • All of my URLs are in-use/will be in-use once I have the free time to finish decorating the ones in progress. I am a decorator, not a hoarder, please do not classify me as the latter!
  • Nothing is entirely off-limits! You are welcome to offer for anything. Re-offers are okay. >_^
  • URLs with a dotted underline are on-hold.
  • Contact me here or here.

Trading boundaries

  • I strictly use He/Hym && neos. NEVER use She/Her or They/Them to refer to me, thanks!
  • I do not accept URLs from other pastebins. But feel free to check out my Stellular, CRGN, && Tidals hoard. ^__^
  • I also do not accept altered URLs. Please don't offer with URLs that contain dashes, underscores, numbers to replace letters, misspells, etc.
  • Please do not push me to reply to a trade. I am very forgetful and often miss pings or DMs. A gentle reminder will suffice.
  • Don't... make an offer for me..? Lawl? (Ex. "Hi! [insert URL] for /Crucify?"). I'd much rather see your URLs and decide on what I like myself.

Rentry URLs && Wishlist.

Pub: 24 May 2021 04:56 UTC
Edit: 18 Sep 2024 22:15 UTC
Views: 731