Ch. 15 ~ Whether One Has a Sense

Towa: ... Say. You're from a family of actors. You'd know.
Seeing Chiho's acting. You know I can't compare to it as I am now.

Iroha: Yes.

Towa: Eeeh, so fast...? ... Well, it's fine.
It's millions of times better than weirdly trying to flatter me.

Iroha: But, there's no need to compare them, is there?
After all, we're Denki.

Towa: Maybe we'll be fine with that.
Denki's fans don't really care about other theater companies.

Towa: But, this time is different.
We're being compared to Olympus.

Iroha: I am aware.

Towa: You don't get it! I'm being compared to Chiho, you know?
I'm gonna get beaten up as a war criminal!

Iroha: Why do you assume you're going to get beaten up? You're the one that doesn't get it.
You don't understand yourself just how amazing you are.

Towa: I'm amazing! But I'm saying Chiho is even better!
Even you said that earlier, didn't you!?

Towa: I thought that Sense was just wasted potential, but it wasn't!
I knew it could be monstrous depending on who used it, but I underestimated her!

Towa: By someone I used to look down on... Now I'm getting thrashed...

Towa: I know I can't, that I can't just say I won't play Alice...

Iroha: But in Denki, Chiho-chan isn't amazing.
There isn't anyone in Denki better than you.

Towa: That's just because I act in a way that fits with Denki.
You're overestimating me. I was just holding back.

Iroha: If you were holding back, you wouldn't have been able to do "Arabian Nights."
It wouldn't have become a work with so many repeat viewers.

Towa: ...! You're probably the only one thinking that, anyways!
Even the critics forgot about me!

Iroha: Even without using your sense, even with people who have practically no experience,
the one who made it possible to create a performance that wouldn't lose to other troupes is you, Towa-chan.

Towa: Then don't leave things to me, just do it yourself!
Iroha, you don't have a Sense, so you should be able to—

Towa: — Ah.

Towa: (I... Oh no... Why did I......)

Iroha: Even if I had a Sense, I wouldn't be able to replace you.

Towa: No, I... Iroha...

Iroha: I researched about it, so I know.
Top-rate actors who put on great performances even without Senses.

Towa: ...

Iroha: I wondered if I couldn't do the same.
So I researched lots and lots.

Iroha: ... That's why I know.

Iroha: I can't copy what you do, Towa-chan.

Towa: .........

Iroha: But, you're different.
After all, you're a genius.

Iroha: I've seen your acting from when you were in Olympus.

Iroha: Even without using your Sense, how many people you mesmerized!

Iroha: And more than anything, in "Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion"!
I've said it before, but your Nunally struck my heart!

Towa: ...!

Iroha: On top of being unable to move freely, Nunally is being protected by Lelouch so she does not get mixed up in incidents, so she has limited chances to appear compared to other characters.

Iroha: However, in the Denki version, after Zero Requiem, Nunally learns about everything
and recounts key points of the incident.

Iroha: I think that's a very difficult role to play. It's different from the original work,
and since it's a work beloved by its fans, I think there was some resistance.

Iroha: Even then, the fact that it still earned overall positive ratings
is solely thanks to your acting ability.

Towa: That's not... Well, it's true...

Iroha: While conversing with characters related to the incidents, she brought out the emotions they felt at the time,
and while reminiscing about the original work, we were further immersed.

Iroha: However, that was because Towa-chan was Nunally.
If it wasn't you, no one could have done that performance.

Iroha: Thanks to your support and pulling us along,
all of Denki's members were able to focus on enjoying the performance.

Iroha: That's why the world of "Code Geass,"
its stylishness and beauty, shined even more brightly for us.

Iroha: When I saw that, I...

Iroha: I thought I would try acting again thanks to Denki.
More than anything, because you were in Denki, Towa-chan.

Towa: (Iroha...)

Towa: (... The gods must be stupid.
Why didn't they give this girl a Sense... It's a loss for the acting world...)

Iroha: Let's go back.

Towa: .........

Towa: ... Is that all?
Then we're done, right?

Towa: My answer is: "I won't go back"! I want to become a pro gamer!
I'm going home and doing aim training!

Iroha: No!

Towa: This enthusiasm isn't like Denki!
Denki's the kind of place where we enjoy the things we like at our own pace!

Iroha: If you quit right now, you'll definitely regret it.

Towa: ...

Iroha: This is coming from me, so it's true.
I have 3 years of proof.

Towa: ...... Iroha.

Iroha: Now, then. Let's go back. To Denki.

Towa: ......

Iroha: Everyone's waiting.

Towa: ......

Iroha: Towa-chan, let's go.

Towa: — Eh, wai—? Grip, too, strong!

Iroha: Hehehe, you can't run away anymore~

Towa: I... I got it. I got it, so...
You don't have to pull meeeee...

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Pub: 08 Mar 2024 20:01 UTC
Edit: 23 Mar 2024 00:28 UTC
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