Sweet Intoxication That Melts Away With One Bite (Part 1)
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Lilja: Hatsumi, hello again.
Hatsumi: You've come at last. I’ve been waiting for you for so long, I almost barged into Gingaza, you know?
Lilja: You also called me up suddenly, so we're even.
Hatsumi: No hard feelings. I really wanted to see Lilja.
Lilja: That's a common phrase you've used, isn't it? I can see through your heart.
Hatsumi: That's not true, okay?
Hatsumi: I only whisper words of love to the one I've set my heart on.
Lilja: ......Did you call me up to seduce me?
Hatsumi: You're half right. I'm in the mood for a date with you today.
Lilja: I don't want to, it's too tiring.
Hatsumi: I thought you would say that. Then how about relaxing in a coffee shop? Let's talk about our future together while eating sweets that are good for your beauty.
Lilja: ......Well, that's fine I guess.
Hatsumi: It's decided. Then, let's get going.
Lilja: This café has a nice atmosphere.
Hatsumi: Isn't it good to have a Japanese style once in a while? This is my favourite place. I often use it when I'm working on my scripts and production ideas.
Lilja: You know some decent restaurants.
Hatsumi: Hey hey The restaurants I invite you to are always decent.
Hatsumi: To be honest, I'd like to discuss acting theories over drinks, but…...I'll save that fun for a little later.
Hatsumi: For now, get drunk on the sweetness of sweets, not alcohol.
Lilja: ......Does this shop have non-fattening sweets?
Hatsumi: Don't worry, I told you there are sweets that are good for beauty, right? I already know what you like from our previous date.
Hatsumi: That time, you suddenly asked for a non-fattening lunch. It was quite a challenge.
Lilja: Yes, I did. Smørrebrød is good for your health. The Valentine's Day special, the chocolat orange, was also delicious and bittersweet.
Lilja: ......Speaking of which, what about Valentine's Day? Did you give the chocolates to everyone in Eden?
Hatsumi: Hmm.......
Lilja: What's wrong?
Hatsumi: I thought it was unusual for you to take such an interest.
Lilja: You are the one who is always wanting, I'm just curious if you've learned to give.
Hatsumi: Heh heh. I'm grateful to you.
Lilja: ......What do you mean?
Hatsumi: It means exactly what it says. I didn’t think you were the kind of person who would care about people.
Lilja: If you don't want to answer, that's enough.
Hatsumi: Oops, I'm sorry for the teasing. I'll answer you properly.
Hatsumi: To tell the truth, it was a great success. It was thanks to your advice.
Lilja: I see. That's good.
Hatsumi: It was so nice to see their faces surprised and embarrassed by the chocolates I gave them. I feel like I discovered a new charm of Eden.
Lilja: There must be a charm of Eden that even you didn't know about.
Hatsumi: Of course. There are no flimsy actors in Eden who can be easily understood.
Lilja: ......Heh heh.
Hatsumi: What's wrong?
Lilja: Don't worry about it. I'm just happy.
Hatsumi: Happy......?