Sing it! (TimeRyS NSFW)


“Tch.” IRyS clicked her tongue.

“Wooooow, someone’s mad!” Kronii laughed. “You’re the one who suggested this place, remember?”

“I mean, yeah, but…” IRyS started to pout. “Who the fudge kicks out their PAYING customers out of their restaurant?”

“IRyS, we spent 4 hours in there.” Kronii told her.

“And?” The nephilim kept pouting.

“They were about to close.” Kronii poked her cheek.


“Oh my god.” Kronii shook her head. “Guess I got to see a new side of you today.”

They walked along the street together as the sun started to go down. They watched as the other stores were closing for the day. Kronii noticed how IRyS slowed down her pace until she stopped.

“Did you eat too much?” Kronii asked.

“Kroniiiiii…” IRyS kicked a small rock.

“Don’t kick something while saying my name.” Kronii pushed her.


“…IRyyyyyyyS” Kronii replied.

“I wanna talk more…” IRyS pouted again.

“Really? After all that time at the restaurant?” Kronii smirked at her.

“Yeah!” IRyS walked up to Kronii with her cheeks filled with air.

“I— I know it’s getting late and all, but…" IRyS moved her foot around the ground. “Could we go somewhere? Together? I mean… if it’s alright with you… I’m not gonna force you or anything…”

Cuuute… Kronii thought. She had to cover her face to hide her smile. IRyS’ puppy eyes were too powerful to resist.

Sigh…” Kronii looked around to see what places were still open. “I think I saw something around here… OH, right.” She grabbed IRyS’ hand. “Let’s go.”

“W-what?” IRyS got flustered.

“Karaoke.” The clock said. “I’m pretty sure there was one close to the restaurant, we just have to go back.”

“REALLY?!” IRyS clung to Kronii’s arm. “YOU WANNA SING WITH ME?!”

“Yeah, really.” Kronii awkwardly smiled.

“REALLY, REALLY, REALLY?!” IRyS’ eyes sparkled.

“Don’t make me go to the station.” Kronii threatened her.

“No wait, I’m sorry I’ll follow you.” IRyS quickly said then went to Kronii’s side. She forced Kronii to hold hands so she wouldn’t go away, much to the warden’s embarrassment. They found their way to the karaoke parlor and went inside.

IRyS turned on the lights and walked around the room they rented. “Oooh, this room is bigger than I thought!”

Sofas lined around the walls surrounding a table in the middle of the room. There was more than enough space to dance if they wanted to. The hub was fully equipped with tablets to order food and drinks and another one to choose the songs to sing. IRyS immediately grabbed the first tablet to order some snacks.

“You want anything?” IRyS asked her.

“Uhhhhhh…” Kronii watched as the nephilim scrolled through the menu. “We just ate so… tea is fine.”

“Got iiiiit.” IRyS finished the order and put the tablet down.

“Man, there are way too many rooms in this place… and this one’s so far down the hallway…” Kronii played with the AC remote to get the temperature she wanted. “I’m surprised how many people there are.”

“Of course there are people! It’s always a good time to have fun at a karaoke!” IRyS while handing her a microphone. “Now c’mon! You’re singing!”

“What? No.” Kronii quickly took a seat on the couch. “You first.”

“Huhhhhhh?” IRyS crawled towards her. “What do you mean I’m first?”

“Uhhhhh I’m sorry?” Kronii poked her. “I can’t believe Miss I wanna talk moooore isn’t the one taking the initiative.”

“Grrrr…” IRyS growled as she got closer.

“It’s too early for that.” Kronii put her hand on IRyS’ face and pushed her away. “Just do it, you devil.”

“Mmf! Meanie!” IRyS got up and grabbed the other tablet. “I know you just want to watch me move my hips.”

“N-no I don’t…” Kronii looked away. “I just wanna… um… listen to your angelic voice! Teehee!”

“…” IRyS pouted. “I’m gonna ignore your sarcasm and just sing something.”

“Yeahhhh!” Relieved, Kronii got comfortable in her seat. “What’s on your mind?”

“Oh, nothing much.” IRyS typed what she wanted on the tablet. “Just a song dedicated to you.”

“I’m gonna judge you so hard on what you pick.” Kronii smirked at her.

“That smirk’s gonna disappear so fast.” IRyS fired back as the music started.

“Yeah, right that’s not gonna…” Kronii looked at the screen and read the song name. She covered her face and started groaning “…Uggghhhhhhhhhhh.”

Melancholic by Junky

“Why would you start with that…” Kronii almost wanted to throw the other microphone at IRyS.

“What’s wrong, Kronii?” IRyS asked her with a big smile on her face.

“Really.” The warden glared at her. “Asking that after saying you’re dedicating this song to me.”

“Oh, c’mon!” IRyS laughed at her. “This will go by faster if you enjoy yourself!”

Kronii rolled her eyes and listened to IRyS’ singing. As much as she didn’t want to, she found herself swaying along to the music.

…I can’t figure you out at all~.” IRyS winked at Kronii. “For my heart to be stolen without me even realizing~. I hadn’t expected such a thing~.

“Ugh…” Kronii swayed far enough to fall to the couch. “Why would you hurt me like this…”

IRyS giggled at Kronii’s complaints and kept going, adding some small dance moves as she sang.

…It’s that sort of time, I want to be drowned in this beloved melancholy~!

“Yaaaaaay!” IRyS waved her arms while the song ended. She got too excited and started jumping and twirling. Kronii caught the excitement and clapped.

“…Hm?” She stopped when she noticed something. “Is that…?”

“What’s wrong, Kronii?” IRyS asked her.

“Hey, could you, uh…” The warden started to blush. “Could you do another twirl?”

“Sure!” IRyS gladly obliged.

Kronii leaned in to get a better look at what she saw. IRyS’ skirt went up and Kronii’s eyes widened. IRyS had a thigh strap around one of her legs.

“Was that what you wanted?” IRyS moved in front of Kronii. “What were you looking at, you perv?”

“Your…” Kronii bit her lips and covered her face. “Your thigh…”

“My thigh…?” IRyS tilted her head and looked at herself. “…Oh! Hehehe!”

“Kroniiiiii…” She grabbed the middle of her skirt. “Look over heeere~.”

Kronii uncovered herself and watched as IRyS slowly lifted her skirt, revealing her thigh strap.

“Are you interested in this?” She had a smug smile while showing off the strap.

Almost enthralled, Kronii’s couldn’t take her eyes off of IRyS. “…Maybe.”

“At least you’re honest.” With another giggle, IRyS let go of her skirt and covered her legs. “Now it’s your turn!” IRyS went back to the couch to sit next to Kronii.

You’re really going to just tease me like that…? Kronii rubbed her forehead trying to calm herself down. As IRyS sat down, her hand landed on Kronii’s leg.

“Oh, sorry!” The nephilim quickly moved her hand away.

“No, it’s fine, it’s fine… I mean I did something worse, so…” Kronii told her as she scrolled through the available songs. “What should I sing… Hm?”

She looked to her side and found IRyS staring at her own hand.

“What’s up?” Kronii asked.

“Hey, Kronii?” The nephilim opened and closed her hand repeatedly, trying to remember how the warden’s thigh felt. “…Did you get squishie—”

“SHUT UP!” Kronii slapped IRyS’ head.

“OWWWW!” IRyS recoiled in pain. “IT’S JUST A SIMPLE QUESTION!!!”

“LEAVE ME ALONE, MAN!” Kronii was more than upset at the remark. “THIS WASN’T MY CHOICE!”

“I— I don’t mind if you’re a bit—”

“I’M GONNA KILL YOU IF YOU DON’T SHUT UP.” Kronii threatened her.

“Okay, okay!” IRyS put her hands up to protect herself. “I’m sorry!”

It took a while before Kronii was able to calm down. IRyS reluctantly paid for an extra drink for Kronii to make up for her transgression.

“Hmmmmmm…” Kronii kept scrolling through the song list while sipping on her drink. “There’s so many…”

“Hurry up, Kroniiiii~.” IRyS leaned on her. “I wanna hear you siiiing.”

“Give me a freakin’ second, man.” Kronii poked IRyS’ stomach making her squirm. “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh… Oooohh!”

“Did you find one?” IRyS asked.

“You’re not ready for this.” Kronii confidently said.

“If you sing a Minecraft song or something like that I’m leaving.” IRyS warned her.

“Um excuse you, that’s Fauna’s thing… and c’mon, I wouldn’t do that…” Kronii stifled a giggle after seeing IRyS’ unamused reaction. “Okay, I wouldn’t do that right now.”

“That doesn’t convince me at all just fyi.” IRyS narrowed her eyes.

“Just listen.” Feeling inspired, Kronii stood up to sing. “You’ll be amazed.”

IRyS watched in silence as she watched what would show up on the screen. Her eyes lit up.

Mind Brand by MARETU

“YOU’RE SINGING MARETU?!” She screamed.

The music built up and Kronii prepared herself by taking a deep breath.

“…WELCOME TO THE MIND FU— PFFFT." She couldn’t stop herself from laughing.

“NO WAYYYY HAHAHAHAHAHA!” IRyS almost fell off the couch.

“Wait! Wait, wait, wait, wait I gotta calm down!” Kronii took some deep breaths before continuing to sing. “Oh god how did this song go?!”

“The lyrics are right there, Kronii!” IRyS pointed at the screen.

“Oh, right! Tee-hee!” Kronii read ahead to remember the lyrics. “…Oh yeah, it’s this kind of song.”

“Mm-hm, can’t wait to hear you give it a shot.” IRyS laughed.

IRyS smiled as Kronii started to sing.

…You think your idiotic head that clearly isn't screwed on right holds any innocence within?! Shut the hell up, dumbass.” Kronii sang.

“Wow, why would you say that to me, Kronii?!” IRyS gasped and put her hand on her chest. “That’s so rude!”


“I know, I know.” IRyS smiled. “Keep it up!”

Kronii quickly turned back to the screen and went back to singing. She tried her best to ignore IRyS acting offended but ended up losing track of the song a lot of times.

Following Kronii’s lead, IRyS took a deep breath. “WELCOME TO THE MIND FXXK!” They both screamed then burst into laughter. “THE MIND FXXK!”

“WOOOOOO! KRONIIIIII!” IRyS clapped as the song ended. “You’re so good!”

“Thank youuuu— I mean, obviously.” Satisfied with the praise, Kronii returned to her seat. “Let’s keep going!”

“Yeaaaaah!” IRyS responded.

They took turns to sing or sang together in between more talking and drinking. They would choose silly songs for laughs, or they’d choose serious songs that would make them laugh anyways when they brought out their chuuni side.

“Wow, Kronii you can really hit those notes!” IRyS couldn’t stop giggling while Kronii tried her hand at World is Mine.

“Oh, shut up, man!” Kronii’s cheeks turned red. “Why don’t you come up and sing it?”

“Huhhhhhhh? Why should I?” IRyS smirked at her. “You’re the one who chose this!”

“Uggghhhhhhhhhh.” Kronii rolled her eyes and kept going, dealing with IRyS’ teasing.

The shoving around and light slapping slowly turned more intimate. They blushed as one of them “accidentally” brushed their hands on the other’s thigh. They leaned on each other while laughing at their song choices.

“Hmmmm… Hnnnnnn!” IRyS stretched making a loud moan. “Oh, god this is pretty fun, hehehe.”

She didn’t notice Kronii was staring at her without blinking.

…Why did she sound like that? She asked herself while wiping off some sweat. I swear the last time I saw her stretch she wasn’t like this

“What’s up?” IRyS looked at her.

“U-uhhh, nothing, just…” She went back to looking for songs. “Just thinking.”

“Yeah, right.” IRyS smiled. “Don’t think I didn’t notice those eyes.”

“Yeah you’re soooo hot, IRyS.” Kronii said while she scrolled. “Couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”

“…W-was that sarcasm?” IRyS started blushing.

“Hmmmmm… who knows?” Kronii teased her.

“I mean, you were staring at my legs pretty intensely so…” IRyS turned away while playing with her hair. “I’ll take the compliment…”

Kronii chose to ignore what she said out of embarrassment. “Ohhhhh, wait!” She looked up a song. “I think they have this one.”

IRyS took a sip of her drink as she watched the screen. Her eyes widened as she read the title of the song.

Ifuudoudou by Umetora.

“You sang this one before, right?” Kronii smugly smiled at her.

“…Yeah, I did.” IRyS replied, her lips trembling from the memories of recording that song.

“Wanna show me how you did it?” The warden’s expression didn’t change.

“Ohohohohohohoho, Clock Lady…” IRyS lightly stabbed the warden with her horn. “You’re really pushing your luck todayyyy.”

I thought she’d be more embarrassed. Kronii stared at IRyS. …Never mind, we’re both drunk.

“I’m gracing you with my presence for way longer than you deserve.” The warden shoved IRyS. “I should get a reward.”

“Hehehehe, okay, okay.” IRyS stood up and fixed her outfit. “Prepare to be amazed.”

The song started and IRyS cleared her throat. Kronii watched in anticipation of hearing the nephilim’s moaning up close. IRyS closed her eyes and…

“Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm!” The nephilim swayed back and forth with a smile on her face making grunts instead of moans. “Hm! Hm! Hm! Hm!”

“…Are you kidding me.” Kronii glared at her. “That’s not even close to how you sounded."

“Huh? Whaaat?” IRyS giggled. “This is how I did it!”

The warden glared at IRyS. “Okay that’s it, c’mere.” She pulled her in.

“H-hey! Kronii!”

Kronii made the nephilim face her and sit on top of her.

“What are you doing?!” The IRyS asked. “We’re in public!”

Kronii made a serious face. “I’m not gonna ask again.”

Finally feeling some embarrassment, IRyS blushed and looked away.

“Do I really have to sing like this…?” The nephilim tried to get off but Kronii held her in place.

“You wouldn’t have to if you had just done it from the start!” Kronii smiled.

“Kroniiiiiiii!” IRyS grabbed Kronii’s shoulders and shook her. “I don’t wannaaaaaaaaaa!”

“Weellll… If you say so.” Kronii let IRyS go. “I guess I’ll leave now.”

“…You wouldn’t.” IRyS frowned.

“Try me~.” Kronii leaned to grab her bag.

“Okay, okay, okay!” IRyS’ ears were red. “…I’ll do it.”

Got you~. Kronii thought.

“Let’s hear it, then!” Kronii made a smile that fully showed her fangs.

IRyS closed her eyes to prepare herself. Meanwhile, the warden sneakily put her hand below IRyS’ skirt.

“…Ah~, ah~, ah~, ah~…” IRyS moaned with the song.

Whoa, okay this is dangerous. Kronii gulped. …But maybe…

Right before the second set of moans, Kronii’s hand slid between IRyS’ legs.

“AHH!” IRyS lost her balance and fell on Kronii. “W-what did you just—?! AH!”

Kronii rubbed IRyS’ thighs and put her fingers under the strap.

“Heyyyyy.” She called out as she tugged IRyS’ panties. “Why did you stop?”

“T-there’s… Ngh…!”

IRyS covered her mouth to silence her moans. Kronii could feel her trembling. She looked at her face, IRyS’ expression was a mix of anger and pleasure, the warden couldn’t get enough of it.

“Huh?” Kronii pressed her hand against IRyS’ panties. “There’s what?”

“Kronii… There’s… no… mm…” IRyS leaned on Kronii. “There’s no room to breathe…”

“Wanna try again?” Kronii restarted the song. “I wouldn’t mind hearing another set of moans~.”

IRyS tried to lift herself to face the warden. Her face was completely red.

“Hah… hah… hah…” She breathed heavily. Sweat was dripping down her face.

Kronii blinked as she stared at her. I haven’t even touched you directly. She thought. Is it because of the alcohol? Or because we’re in public…?

“…IRyS?” Kronii placed her hand on her cheek.

“I’m… I’m good.” IRyS leaned into her caress. “It just feels a bit weird, that’s all.”

“Do you want to call it a day?” Kronii asked.

“And what? Leave me halfway?” IRyS took Kronii’s hand and licked one of her fingers. “You’re such a tease…”

Kronii’s heart skipped a beat. The way you can just say these things without thinking… She smiled, “God, why are you like this?”

“Hehehe.” IRyS ignored the song playing and pushed Kronii down. She made her way to her pants and slid her hands under her sweater. She happily pulled it up, revealing Kronii’s chest.

“Hrn…” Kronii finally started to feel embarrassed doing this in such a place. She placed her arm over her eyes trying to hide herself.

Meanwhile, IRyS gently caressed Kronii’s body and gave her stomach small kisses. At points she’d lightly press her hand to Kronii’s stomach.

“…Hehehe.” IRyS giggled some more.

“What...?” Kronii wasn’t sure what IRyS was doing.

“You’ve definitely gotten squishier.” She told her.

“I’m actually going to kill you.” Kronii pinched IRyS’ cheek.

“I already said I don’t mind it!” IRyS had tears in her eyes from the pain.

Annoyed, Kronii glared at the nephilim and grabbed her horns.

“H-hey! Watch it!” IRyS couldn’t fight back against Kronii pulling her up. “They’re sensitive!!!”

“I know they aren’t.” Kronii let go once IRyS was in front of her face. “Just shut it.”

“And how are you planning on making me shu— Mm!"

Kronii leaned in and kissed her. She made sure IRyS wouldn’t back away by embracing her. The kisses were slow and passionate, she eventually put her tongue inside IRyS’ mouth. The nephilim accepted the kiss and hugged her warden back.

“Mm… chu, mn…” Kronii reached down IRyS’ body and rubbed her all over. “Nn… mmm…”

After getting her fill, IRyS got up. The trail of saliva they made slowly fell on Kronii’s cheek. The nephilim cleaned her and put her fingers in Kronii’s mouth. Kronii licked and sucked until IRyS took her hand away.

“You taste like boooooze…” Kronii told her with a smirk.

“Kronii… we’ve drank like two sips of alcohol.” IRyS responded. “It’s been mainly soda and tea.”

Kronii’s smile turned into a frown. “Can’t you go along with one of my jokes?”

“Sorryyyy~.” IRyS moved again. “I’m not a comedian.”

She reached Kronii’s pants and started undoing the buttons. She kissed Kronii’s body as she pulled her pants down.

“Um…” Kronii grabbed her pants. “I don’t think this is a good idea…”

“Too late.” IRyS moved Kronii’s hand away and took her clothes off.

“Wait, wait, wait.” Kronii tried to get away. “At least let me— Nn! Let me put on another song, man!"

IRyS embraced her from behind and kept rubbing her fingers against Kronii’s clit.

“Hmmmm?” IRyS smiled. “I’m not stopping you from doing anything, though?”

“Are you kidding me?!” Kronii moved her hand down. “Just give me a sec!”

“You should tell that to your own hand.” IRyS whispered.

“What are you talking about?!” Kronii looked down and found her own hand using IRyS to pleasure herself. “T-this is…!”

“It’s okay, I get it.” IRyS pressed herself against the warden. “Let me take care of this, Kronii~.”

IRyS slid her hand below Kronii to grope her breasts and continued to finger her. She listened in anticipation of Kronii’s reactions as she bit her shoulder.

“IRyS…” Kronii barely managed to play another song to hide their own sounds. “Hah…”

“Noooo, why’d you play something?” IRyS pinched Kronii’s nipple.

“We’re… not alone, you demon.” Kronii pressed her legs together, rubbing IRyS’ hand.

“But I want to hear you.” IRyS moved Kronii’s hair and licked the nape of her neck.

“Ah!” Kronii twitched. “I… I bet you want me to beg or something like that…”

“I’d love that, actually.” IRyS blew on her ear.

“T— Hn! …Tough luck…" Kronii bit her finger trying to hold back.

“Hehehe, you’re so cute.” IRyS put more effort into her fingering, rubbing all of Kronii’s weak spots.

“H-HEY!” Kronii kicked her out of reflex. “D-don’t… Mm…”

“Don’t what~?” IRyS whispered. “I know you’re close… want me to stop?”

“Mm… Mm-mm…” Kronii shook her head. “…Take me…” She whispered.

IRyS’ heart stopped for a second, then her switch turned on.

“Oh… Kronii!” IRyS rubbed Kronii’s chest and pulled on her nipples. She pressed her thumb against her clit while fingering her. Kronii arched backwards from the pleasure.

“MM! AHH!” Kronii grabbed IRyS’ hand as she came. “Mmm! Mmmmmm!”

“Hehehe…” IRyS giggled.

“Ahn… Hnn…” Kronii slowly calmed down. IRyS softly caressed her body. Suddenly, the phone on the wall started to ring.

“Kroniiii~.” She whispered in her ear. “It’s getting pretty late… We’re gonna run out of trains soon…” She nibbled on her ear. “Should we extend this a little more?”

“…Hahh…” Kronii placed her hand on IRyS’ head. “Yeah… let’s… let’s ask for an extension.”

“Heheheheh, let me get the phone then.” Satisfied, IRyS turned around to reach it.

“Hah… hah… hah…” Kronii looked behind her to see the nephilim’s ass getting away from her. “Oh, no you don’t.”

She reached out to grab IRyS thigh strap and pulled her right as the nephilim had picked up the phone.

“Kronii?!” IRyS couldn’t react as the warden put her hand on her head.

“Stay there.” Kronii ordered as she pulled down IRyS’ skirt.

“W-wait!” IRyS covered the microphone with her hand. “What are you doing?!”

“Getting payback.” Kronii kissed IRyS’ back. “Now talk to the receptionist.”

“I… I never bothered you while talking to someone else!” IRyS kicked her feet.

“IRyS~.” Kronii put her hand under IRyS’ sweater and groped her. “If you don’t answer they’ll have to come here to check~.”

“I know, I know!” Trembling, IRyS held the phone to her ear. “H-hello?”

“Good evening!” The receptionist responded. “Just notifying you there are only 10 minutes left for your room.”

“Y-yeah.” IRyS tried to get away again only to be pulled back in by Kronii. “W-we’d… hn… we’d like to ask for… mmm…”

“Are you alright, miss?” The receptionist asked.

“Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine! Aha!” IRyS grabbed Kronii’s arm. “We’d like to ask for an extension!”

“Oh, alright!” The receptionist tried to brush off what she heard. “I’ll add another hour to your timer, have fun!”

“T-thank yo—!" IRyS quickly covered the microphone again as Kronii’s fingers reached deep inside of her. “Mmmmmm!”

Kronii kept playing with her nephilim, caressing her in the spots IRyS enjoyed the most. As IRyS squirmed around, Kronii moved to lick her pussy.

“K-Kronii!” IRyS’ nails dug into the couch. “S-stop!”

“Nope, sowwy!” Kronii spread IRyS’ pussy apart with her fingers and put her tongue inside.

“MMM!” IRyS wrapped her legs around Kronii. “Hah, hah, hah…!”

“Mmm… slurp.” Kronii looked at IRyS’ face while eating her out. She picked up the pace and added her fingers to put IRyS over the edge.

“I— I can’t!" IRyS forced Kronii’s face into her pussy. “MMM!”

Kronii watched as IRyS trembled in pleasure, she kept rubbing her trying to make her cum harder.

“…You’re… the worst.” IRyS could barely move after letting Kronii go. “You’re the absolute worst.”

“Whaaaat?!” Kronii licked IRyS’ ear. “Meee? I can’t believe you’d say that!”

“You can’t just— Mmf!" IRyS buried her face on the couch. “You can’t just do thaaaat…”

“You’re complaining, but you were moving your hips quite a bit~.” Kronii laughed.

“No I wasn’t…” IRyS responded, ignoring how her body was rubbing itself against Kronii. “I’m not doing it…”

“So cute…” Kronii moved IRyS so she could kiss her.

“Kroniiiiiii…” IRyS stroked the warden’s hair.

“Nn, chu, I’m here~.” Kronii gave in to her fetish again and rubbed IRyS’ legs.

“Wuv you…” IRyS mumbled before falling back to the couch.

“Awww…” Kronii followed her and lay next to her. “Love you too…”

IRyS took the chance and went on top of Kronii so she could use her breasts as a pillow.

Both of them breathed heavily trying to recover their energy. Suddenly, Kronii’s brain started functioning again.

“IRyS…” She softly stroked IRyS’ hair.

“Mm-hm?” IRyS rubbed her face against Kronii’s chest.

Kronii grabbed her horn. “Did you turn on your succubus powers again?”


“Then how do you explain everything that just happened?” Kronii asked her after flicking her forehead.

“Are you kidding me, YOU’RE the one who started it!” IRyS pinched her cheek in retaliation.

“YOU’RE the one tempting me with a thigh strap!” Kronii lightly pulled IRyS’ hair.

“Not my fault a strap turned out to be your fetish!” IRyS bared her teeth at her.

They glared at each other until IRyS decided to give her another kiss on the lips.

“Dork.” IRyS told her.

“YOU’RE the dork!” Kronii giggled.

They got up and put their clothes back on. They cleaned up as best they could and prayed no one from the other rooms heard their karaoke session.

The pair stumbled outside after paying for their stay. They looked around and noticed the streets were almost empty.

“…What time is it?” IRyS asked.

“Let’s not…” Kronii looked above and stared at the moon. “Let’s not think about that.”

As they made their way through the streets, IRyS clung tightly to Kronii.

“Kronii…” IRyS cried. “I… I can’t walk…”

“Pffft…” Kronii laughed at her. “This is why you go to the gym.”

“Oh, shut up.” IRyS lightly kicked her. “You haven’t been there in months.”

“T-that’s beside the point!” A flustered Kronii responded.

They stopped at a bench near the street and sat down. They watched as a few cars drove by.

“…It’s a bit lonely.” IRyS pointed out looking at all the closed shops.

“I… kind of don’t want to call a cab anymore.” Kronii held IRyS’ hand.

“Me neither.” IRyS kept looking around. “Maybe we could find…”

“A hotel.” They both said.

They got up and walked around some more before coming across a love hotel. They turned to look at each other.

“…We’re not gonna—” Kronii started.

“You really think I have the energy for more…?” IRyS yawned.

“Who knows?” They started walking towards the entrance. “Maybe your succubus side will come out again.

“I’m not—!” The nephilim sighed. “Let’s just go.”

“Hahahaha…” Kronii weakly laughed. “Got you this time.”

“Just this once…” IRyS stabbed Kronii with her horn.

The pair awkwardly went inside and booked a room. They managed to find their way to the elevator and Kronii tried to press the button for their floor. She accidentally pressed more buttons after almost falling asleep.

“…Why.” IRyS stared at her.

“Sorry…” Kronii leaned into her nephilim.

After a while they finally reached their room. They dropped their bags on the floor, took off some clothes and crawled into bed.

“You’re not taking a shower…?” Kronii asked.

“…Yawwwn… Tomorrow.” IRyS closed her eyes.

“Same.” Kronii scooted over to IRyS and hugged her. “Night…”

“Nnfft.” IRyS couldn’t really respond while being buried in Kronii’s chest.

It didn’t take long for them to fall asleep in each other’s embrace. As late as it was, they still had the best sleep in a long time.

The next morning, the pair slowly woke up.

“Morning…” IRyS groggily said.

“Good morningRyS.” Kronii responded.

“You’re so lucky I’m still tired.” IRyS scratched Kronii’s leg with her foot.

Yawn… oh man.” Kronii rubbed her eyes. “I think I should have a hangover, but I don’t feel that bad.”

“I think I’m okay?” IRyS scratched her head. “We didn’t really drink much anyways.”

“Then why did we…” Kronii shook her head. “You know what? Let’s just ignore why we… turned out like that.”

“You’re just saying that because you started it…” IRyS hugged Kronii. “Perverrrrt…”

Kronii stroked IRyS’ hair. “…You flipped my switch.”

“Heheheheheh…” IRyS looked at her with a grin. “I knew it~.”

“Whatever, man.” Kronii started blushing. “Now get up and take a shower.”

“Only if you take it with me.” IRyS responded.

“…I’ll think about it.” Kronii played with IRyS’ ears.

“Kroniiiiiiii…” IRyS’ ears fluttered.

“Want me to stop?” Kronii giggled.

The nephilim shook her head. “Can you keep whispering things to me?”

Kronii was surprised at such a request, but quickly realized IRyS enjoyed her morning voice.

“Hmmm, I dunno.” Kronii smiled. “You owe me like… a lot.”

“A lot?” IRyS raised her face to look at her.

“I spent sooooo much time with you already.” Kronii yawned.

“Kroniiiiiiiiiiii…” IRyS pouted and made puppy eyes.

“Hahaha, okay, okay.”

Kronii obliged and whispered sweet nothings to IRyS. The nephilim giggled at her awkward flirting but slowly got drowsier as she listened to her warden. She ended up closing her eyes and falling asleep again.

“IRyS…” Kronii laughed. “You used me to fall asleep.”

The warden yawned again. “I guess another nap wouldn’t hurt.” Kronii closed her eyes and joined IRyS in dreamland. They ended up staying in the hotel for the rest of the day.

t. Name

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Pub: 22 Apr 2023 23:48 UTC
Views: 549