A badly organized ramble mess about DBSG

Archive anon, don't put this in the archive if you see this.


You know, after sitting here writing a bunch of disorganized thoughts, I finally put it together like this.

I didn't like the changing of why Sunny's dad left, especially his last words before doing so. This was something that didn't bother me at first, but as Black Space 2 unraveled it made me realize how much of a missed opportunity this was. I would have loved a Black Space 2 scene where they found that moment. Sunny's dad chopping down the tree with a noose, he approaches him, tells him he's not his son. Mari freaks out over their father telling her brother that, everyone's shocked and appalled, and maybe a moment from Aubrey where she can connect with Sunny better and what he went through. Especially that last one. I also didn't like changing the lake scene so Aubrey never pushed Basil in, but I'll leave that at that.
Next, what I think might be my favorite small moment in this fic.
The "I'm Sorry" room in Black Space 2. I don't know, something about that moment I really liked. It didn't drag on, Mari's thoughts on it next chapter didn't take too long, and they moved on pretty quickly even with how it impacted. It was a simple moment, but something about it I really liked. It stuck out to me. I might be biased, since it is one of my favorite Black Space 2 rooms, but this was probably one of my favorite moments in the fic.


I really liked Basil and Sunny's fight being pretty much the opposite of Omori. Sunny being so absolutely out of it from having lived in Headspace for 3 years with no memory of the real world, it being the middle of the night and not like anything he recognizes makes him think it's Black Space, him trying to find the key in a place he remembers it being in, and when Basil stops him from killing himself he realizes "Oh this is Black Space, Basil has to die for the key to appear" and I fucking love that. You go on about how Headspace's game mechanics being taken literally is bad, and it kind of is, but this is one of the moments where it pays off. Sunny coming to that conclusion from how it worked in the life he remembers.


I think one of the issues I have with this fic is that even at this point, I can't see a reason Sunny would ever want to wake up if it means he has to essentially kill Mari again for a life he doesn't even remember, might not even want back compared to Headspace. And sometimes...it really feels like Sunny is only doing these things because Mari wants him to, his friends push him to. He's passive to a fault, and I really feel like it's going to bite them like it did with the Omori fight. But at the same time, with the direction the fic is going it feels like some of this won't be addressed too much. That once he remembers his happy memories, he'll totally be okay with waking up even if it means Mari won't.
It feels like Mari, and the friends themselves, aren't really letting themselves process what waking Sunny up will entail. When he wakes up, there's a real chance Mari might just disappear, forever this time. Are they really prepared for that? Is Sunny ready for that? Sunny's going to wake up in a world he barely remembers, adapt to a world that's completely different form Headspace, in a house that's not what he lived in, possibly go right back to a school grades ahead of what he was at with his friends far away and dealing with his sister essentially dying again, all alone. Is he even going to survive? What if all of this, especially Mari's second "death" becomes too much and he kills himself anyways?
[spoiler]Good conclusion here[/spoiler]


It feels like Mari, and the friends themselves, aren't really letting themselves process what waking Sunny up will entail. When he wakes up, there's a real chance Mari might just disappear, forever this time. Are they really prepared for that? Is Sunny ready for that? Sunny's going to wake up in a world he barely remembers, adapt to a world that's completely different form Headspace, in a house that's not what he lived in, possibly go right back to a school grades ahead of what he was at with his friends far away and dealing with his sister essentially dying again, all alone. Is he even going to survive? What if all of this, especially Mari's second "death" becomes too much and he kills himself anyways?
[spoiler]Good conclusion here.[/spoiler]


This fic is way too long. So...much...filler. And some moments like Sunny retreating into Headspace again, or in the recent chapter when they realize they need to find the keys again just feel like "Oh boy, here we go" moments that add 5-20 chapters each. This fic is becoming to big for it's own good. I think it would be better if it just split itself into multiple parts to ease down on the 61 chapter count. If each arc was split into it's own fic as an overarching story, I feel like it would be less bad to sit through. As it is now, it's daunting. I can't imagine most people seeing it and being willing to sit down and read that much for fanfiction. I feel like the only reason I could read this was because I did when it was around 30ish chapters.
And at the same time I genuinely hope we see more, even if it extends the length further. Snowglobe Mountain, more Abbi, Sweetheart, dialogue with Humphrey hold the dungeon, the Slime Girls, I do genuinely enjoy seeing them react to Headspace. Seeing Aubrey freak out over realizing Sunny doesn't like bunnies and Abbi's lack of clothes, Hero suffering when all the Kel's and Aubrey's fight, stuff like that I do like.

...I don't know how to write an ending to this. I'm going to let my poor dumb 2 thoughts per hour brain stop thinking now and do something else.

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Pub: 09 Nov 2022 03:40 UTC
Views: 205