A Shopping Trip Full of Miscalculations

Props Person: Do you have everything you need to buy written down?

Iroha: We've got it. Eeeverything is properly listed down.

Mito: The dango, too... We placed reservations for them...

Costume Person: If it looks like you can't carry it, let us know. We'll send a car.
If it's a pain, calling a taxi is fine, too.

Kamira: Ma'am!

Denki Member: Wait, are we parents sending their kids out on their first errand?
Well, leave the preparations to us. Have a safe trip.

Iroha: Yes, we're heading out!

Denki Members: Have a safe trip!

Kamira: Going to my recommendation first is fine, yeah?

Mito: Mhm. Next is... My place. To get Grandma's dango.
Last is the store Iroha-chan recommends... Isn't it.

Kamira: I wanted to eat Chef Hayashi's dango, though.

Iroha: Today she has an important dinner party to prepare for, so making the request is a bit...
And with everyone's portions, it would be quite the trouble.

Mito: She's a good person, so... If we asked, she'd definitely push herself.

Iroha: That's why, next time.
When it seems free, I'll ask then.

Kamira: Seriously? That's awesome!

Kamira: This place is owned by someone from the temple, but they don't have a sign or anything.
My family also loves it, so we're total regulars. The taste is literally 100 year guarantee level.

Iroha: That sounds great, doesn't it, Mito-chan.

Mito: Yeah! I wonder how it tastes...!

Kamira: Hey, Uncle~ It's Akiru, who placed the reservation~!
We're here to get the dango~!

Kamira: Man, that was super lucky, wasn't it? They gave us tons of extra!

Iroha: They even gave us some pampas grass, which really ups the feeling of the moon viewing festival.

Kamira: They even said they'll put up some of Denki's posters. I'll have to thank them properly later.

Iroha: But, all we're doing is moon viewing.
Is it okay for us to receive all this?

Mito: Mito's... Grandparents, they said.

Mito: Recently, everything's become a new event, because traditional seasonal events... Aren't being treasured...

Mito: For young people... Like us to care for these traditions, makes them... Really happy.

Kamira: Ah~ My family sorta makes a ceremonial bonfire and such like it's a given, but I guess I haven't really seen it go viral on social media or anything.

Iroha: It's pretty common to see in anime and manga and games and the like, though.

Iroha: Seasonal events really give the feeling of living in the same time.

Kamira: Otaku really tend to be really knowledgable, huh~? I was hella surprised when I joined Denki.
Like, since I started watching anime, I naturally started learning things.

Kamira: Maybe I'm starting to awaken after watching Flavor Wars?
Maillard reactions with onions and stuff are super interesting, aren't they?

Mito: If you're ever interested... In cooking, let me know any time.
Mito will... Teach you everything I know.

Kamira: Nice!
A cooking stream with Mitorin would totally be great!

Mito: D... Don't stream it~...!

Mito's Grandfather: Thank you for your trouble.
The dango for moon viewing is all prepared.

Kamira: Eh, isn't this a bit much? How much did you ask for?

Mito: N, no... I, I don't think I asked for this much...

Mito's Grandmother: Sorry. We were making them with the people from the neighborhood association, and everyone got a bit too worked up. ... I guess it was too much after all.

Mito: Ummm... This much is...
We also got extra earlier...

Mito: Ah, that's right.
How about if you put them out in the shop...?

Mito's Grandfather: We already separated that part out.

Mito: Is that so...

Iroha: Mito-chan, it's okay!
Denki has several people that can eat as much as a high school boy.

Kamira: Right, right~ Sweets go in a different stomach, right?
No worries, it'll be OK, Mitorin.

Iroha: Thank you very much, Mito's grandfather and grandmother.
We'll make sure to enjoy the dango.

Mito: Iroha-chan...

Mito's Grandmother: Thank you.
The kids in Denki, they're all so kind.

Mito's Grandfather: Hey, aren't we forgetting that?

Mito's Gradmother: Aah, that's right. That's no good.

Mito: ... That?

Mito's Grandmother: When we said Denki was going to go moon viewing, you see, everyone brought fruits.
Go ahead and take these with you.

Kamira: Woah!?
A full set of autumn flavors!?

Iroha: W-w-w-w-we can't take something so precious.

Kamira: Eh, really?
They're saying they want to give it to us, so I think it's fine to accept it.

Iroha: Eeeeeh? I, is that how it is...?

Mito: Mhm.

Mito: Some of the customers here, their children have... Gone far away due to job transfers and such, so they want to do something in exchange...

Iroha: At a maid cafe, it's generally prohibited to receive presents from customers...
So this comes as a bit of a culture shock...

Kamira: Ahaha. If we tell them, "It was delicious!" when we thank them, they'll be super happy.

Mito: Let's tell them all about our memories of the full moon party, along with our thanks.

Iroha: Yes! ... Ah, in that case, how about we make rabbit plushies as thanks?

Mito: Yeah, they'd definitely... Be happy about that!

Kamira: Man~ Having both hands full of dango like this is hilarious.

Iroha: We already have something like 2 times our planned amount, then plus alpha.
If we bring all this back, everyone will be surprised.

Mito: If we split it amongst everyone... It'd be about 10 each.
If it's that much, if we try... Yeah, I think we can finish them.

Kamira: Next is, the old sweets shop that caters to the Senju family.

Iroha: It's not Chef Hayashi, but I also recommend this store.

Kamira: I've never entered such an established shop before, so this is super exciting!

Kamira: Okay, let's goo!

Kamira: ... Ah~ Ahaha.
Somehow... It's become something incredible.

Iroha: Who would have thought that the daughter would be a huge fan of Kamira-chan...

Iroha: What a coincidence...

Kamira: She gave me a business card, asking me to help think of Japanese sweets that would be popular with gyaru.
Could this also be considered a production offer...?

Kamira: Wait, we got a ton of extras again this time, though?

Mito: With this much... We can't, really carry it back, huh...

Iroha: W, well, thanks to everyone's feelings, the party has become something gorgeous. Let's think of it positively like that.

Mito: Yeah. I'm going to call... And ask them to bring the car now.

Iroha: Wh... What exactly is this huge amount of dango!?

Towa: Yushima-san came by earlier and left them. Said they were Chef Hayashi's dango.

Mito: Eh!?

Mito: Iroha-chan... Did you request it in secret...?

Iroha: I-I-I-I didn't ask for them or anything!?

Tsubomi: Chef Hayashi says she wants everyone at Denki to have them.
— Is the message I have been left to relay.

Kamira: What's that mean!?

Iroha: Hah... Perhaps... Come to think of it, Chef Hayashi...

Iroha: Was the type who would sometimes show her pride like this...

Mito: I, it's okay, Iroha-chan!
They're all everyone's recommendations...!

Iroha: That's true.
Surely we'll all finish it easily.

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Pub: 30 Sep 2024 18:34 UTC
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