Has Lockheed Martin become a DUMB breakaway civ by monopolizing tech the USG recovered from downed UFOs?

Table of Contents

  1. Threadified OP
    1. OP
    2. Replies
    3. Scalar
      1. killswitch
      2. Lorenz spoiler
      3. phased vs scalar
      4. big zapper
      5. Mossad textbooks
      6. Mossad monitoring
      7. antigrav amateurs
    4. Companies
      1. Battelle
      2. Ericsson
      3. BAE
      4. Lockheed Martin
    5. Aliens
      1. The secret
      2. DUMB breakaway civ
      3. Alien aid
      4. interceptors
      5. xeno agenda
    6. Shills
  2. Reference
    1. Cabinet 33
    2. TR-3B
    3. Radar
  3. Conclusion

Threadified OP


4chan Paranormal thread | UAPs -Private aerospace defense companies Anonymous 11/22/24(Fri)21:12:11 No.39280050


As part of the controlled release of information regarding UAPs, there's been another "greenlight" to give more bits and pieces

  1. Most of this started with cabinet 33
  2. Elizondo talked once or twice about this and referred to the scenario of "company A" getting all the exotic materials, leaving other companies empty handed
  3. This company has essentially "gone rogue" so to speak. The US and the IC are keeping tabs on the individuals more so than the entities/organizations themselves
  4. These individuals frequently move between companies. Currently, they control what could be described as America's "killswitch" - the nation's first line of defense
  5. The DoD has issued contracts to this company, which operates legally under the guise of supporting this line of defense
  6. Company "A" is dangerous and have silenced lots of employees in the past, most of which were disguised as suicides

In short, company "A" managed to convince the USG to hand over all the exotic materials to create "deterrents" in case other countries catch up, such as Russia, China etc. Then they just never gave em back. That tech is essentially being held hostage. This happened through contractual agreements and most of these contracts are available online. If one were to carefully follow the money and company acquisitions/mergers, you'll find it in minutes

My biggest hint I can provide would be RADARS. There's a particular type of radar that is extremely powerful and if any of them were to shut down even for a minute, it would leave the US vulnerable to all kind of potential missile attacks.

This campaign is multifaceted and you will see it unfold over the next few years. Timeline and goalposts are constantly shifting, as usual with the US government

Highly recommend to listen to Elizondo talking about this scenario (company A vs B)
Yes, Elizondo is agency.
No, he's not going to whistleblow

No, it's not LHM.
Yes, LHM is in possession of exotic material but it's not the company in question

White world means mainstream i.e. not black world/black project/classified/SAP.


Next are the responses to the OP, organized by theme and sequence.

Replies from the OP are highlighted in bold. (In my opinion, since x hides poster IDs).



PIC: The-structure-of-the-color-CRT.png

the killswitch is scalar anti ICBM stuff right?
you can actually talk about smart people stuff the smart way in this thread, I would actually prefer it. The more boring the better, please lay out what you know

Lorenz spoiler

PIC: what the electromagnetic vector potential describes

Not OP but here is the spoiler:
Technology: Scalar/Longitudinal Waves
-Lots of disinfo online about this topic so if you want to dive into it focus on the mathematical fundamentals (Maxwell's equations) (hint: the Lorenz Gauge Condition was a mistake and has basically trapped white world physics research in a local optimum).
Company: RTX

phased vs scalar

He's talking about phased array radars.

No he isn't. Phased arrays have multiple receivers thst can be electronically "steered" removing the necessity of a moving wave guide. Scalar waves are different than focused RF beams. They vibrate linearly, parallel to the source of propagation. Same physical limits of power and frequency would apply.

big zapper

So, this is some kind of Nikola Tesla super zapper that can manipulate anything electronic from long distance, including turning regular electronic devices into bombs. It uses those waves that can go straight through the earth without slowing down, I forget what they are called. Any country with this super-weapon can rule the earth. Am I on the right track?


Mossad textbooks

PIC: Fields.png [reverse image search failed. complex fractal lines, resonant center]

Modern over the counter Physics taught in colleges is designed to lead to dead ends. Ghislaine Maxwell's dad, Robert owned Pergamon Press which published "Scientific" Journals as well as College Text Books.

He's the reason the cult of Einstein and Standard Model physics remains dominant in universities even though it's an obvious dead end and based in 100 year old theories.

Mossad monitoring

PIC: AU10TIX.jpg [another Mossad op]

Pergamon Press

Fucking hell… how have I never heard this before

antigrav amateurs

Allegedly, any amateur scientist can produce antigravity in his lab with two electrical currents.

If true, that's the easiest way to falsify the mainstream physics consensus and also prove UFOs are real, probably aliens/NHI too.

Anti-gravity is the very first step towards the capacity of leaving from any home-planet. It can be easily created by sending a direct electric current in a circular motion in one direction and an alternative current inside of it in the opposite direction. This is basic physics that any apprentice scientist can easily apply in their homemade experiments.

There exists other more sophisticated and complex ways to produce anti-gravity. For physical species to travel in space at very high velocity without being crushed by gravity, their vehicle has to be contained within its own gravitational field and entropy. Only this way can the ship accelerate rapidly and shift direction suddenly without the occupants being affected. The mastering of anti-gravity is the first step toward the understanding of interstellar travel, which is by definition interdimensional in nature.

Sasquatch Message Book 2



Battelle or SAIC?

Neither. But Battelle isn't innocent. In the late 80s, Thiokol handed over some materials to them. Metallurgy/materials science.


the most interesting part is how this group, connected to ericsson, is essentially the labyrinth group. the original wing makers material was soft disclosure, and probably the closest to the target. check into the original wing makers material. we live inside of a black hole, the earth is inside. space is a literal matrix, like a simulation, but real, rooted in and branching from human minds. the nhi need us and want to trap us because their existence is dependent on our reality here, they are rooted in our minds. time and outer space aren’t what we think. outer space and the past and future are infinitely compressed on the inner surface of the black hole in which the earth exists, and that is in fact what is called the eighth sphere in occult circles, the inner surface of the black hole in which the earth is encased. more importantly, this black hole is actually a womb! a barren womb, waiting for a miracle birth. there is only one groom and one midwife, only one way out!

very close, but you're not there yet.

GEC-Marconi scientists deaths surrounding SDI.

Ericsson acquires Marconi

On another note: USA-193 and Operation Burnt Frost, what really happened? Future Imagery Architecture?

Thyratrons and Montauk? What is the mesh? What is the Quantum Internet?

Yes and no. The Ericsson acquisition was that of Marconi Corporation. The one to look for is GEC Marconi. Ericsson acquired a subsidiary of GEC.

Look into what happened to GEC and find the radars. As said in my OP, it started with cabinet 33.


what is cabinet 33?
Here's the North American subsidiary of BAE Systems

39280050 (OP)

powerful radar crucial for missile defense

Joint Tactical Information Distribution System

Am I getting warmer?

Very warm but not quite.

Lockheed Martin

Obviously Lockheed Martin, but okay.



The secret

umm so whats the quick rundown you schizos?

Anonymous Sat 23 Nov 2024 07:46:07 No.39282854

aliens are real, guberment wants to control the narrative, aliens are liars, private sector has alien technology, guberment are liars.

what part was warm?

Anonymous 11/23/24(Sat)00:46:07 No.39282854
Look who developed it and how that organization connects with the info in this thread.

[OP is being exceptionally indirect, endorsing the existence of aliens but not daring to quote the message normally.]

DUMB breakaway civ

PIC: Sasquatch Message, Book 2

This is why occult societies, Human institutions and governments, have been working in secret with the lower lords in deep underground military bases, as on other planets, in top secret super black projects, receiving technological advancements in exchange of abdicating Earth's sovereignty and letting the reptilian lower lords rule our world in the shadow, behind the curtains of public knowledge, with weather, magnetic, and genetic manipulations. This explains the technological boom that Humanity has known in the last seventy years, but the progress presented to the public is a mere reflection of the real level of technology insiders have access to. The reason they keep this hidden from your people is that they depend on their alien lower lords for interstellar and time travels.

The groups that are the most frequently encountered or observed are logically the ones that are the most active on our planetary plane and involved in our earthly affairs. Most are in fact interdimensional intraterrestrials, rather than traveling from distant planets. They live in vast networks of caves and tunnels with underground and underwater cities. Many of their bases are known by your secret agencies or even now in public knowledge. …

Underground cities or networks of tunnels have been found all across Europe, Turkey, Morocco, Egypt, South Africa, the Middle-East, India, China, the Andes, the southwestern United States, Mexico, under cities like Paris, Rome, London, Washington or Los Angeles. Advanced technologies discovered in deep caves caused the invasions of Tibet, Iraq and Afghanistan. Crimea met the same destiny when underground pyramids dated millions of years were found, in which at least one mummy of a reptilian king was discovered.

Hint: You don't need the consent of humanity to rule over humanity, you only need the rulers to bend the knee.

Alien aid

Why havent alien helped us ever?

false premise, otherwise we'd be overtly enslaved at best. or still pondering the mysteries of fire.

Multiple indigenous cultures believe they have.

They dont stop bombing of kids or other disasters

That's on us. How do you save people from themselves?


UFOs have interfered with numerous missile launches/attacks whether that be intercepting them or stopping the launch outright so they absolutely play some sort of proactive role in preventing our annihilation. Now whether it's mainly done for our benefit or their own is an entirely different question.

[possibly OP]

xeno agenda

Bad NHI want 90% depopulation and enslavement.
Good NHI respect our free will to deny reality with our legacy religions, cuz belief affects our afterlives and their karma.

Both sides' presence is increasing(ly open) due to Sol's passage through the galactic current sheet, with profound and potentially catastrophic consequences.


The quality of the distraction attempts is noticeably higher than usual:

  • "Watch the Wallenbergs" April Fools' poster
  • Lue Elizondo ad-hominem
  • "Radar specifically uses RF energy" deboonker
  • "Well poison 101" complaints re leaker obliqueness

This suggests an ongoing coverup effort, as OP alleges.


Cabinet 33




Has Lockheed Martin become its own breakaway civilization operating from Deep Underground Military Bases under NHI masters? Does it promote cold war with Russia and China in order to force the US to rely on its ABM LRDR for protection?

The OP initially denied "LHM" is the company in question. However, there is also an "LHM Technologies" in the defense industry, so his denial could be technically true (but misleading).

Given how cagey OP is being (to avoid assassination), it is likely he added that last line for obfuscation or deniability. Otherwise everything in the post points directly at Lockheed Martin, which controls the USA's LRDR.

Maybe OP also wanted the thread to independently come to that conclusion by working through the other options to trace the technology's path from 1933 to present. Generating conclusions independently via the "hivemind" seems very important to this type of Disclosure, whether to reduce risk of physical retaliation or to diffuse karmic accountability.

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Pub: 25 Nov 2024 07:04 UTC
Views: 6292