Her Eyes

You’re used to joining the Council while they’re taking a break after a meeting
They enjoy your company and usually just chat while eating snacks
The topics range from stream plans to teasing you about your relationship with Kronii and just whatever pops up in your heads
Kronii went to take a nap in another room while you’re with them
You’re not allowed to be with her while she’s napping anymore, otherwise you’d stay in that room for the whole day
”So, you’re telling me it’s normal you can just… be upside down? No problem with blood going to your head?”
”Yeah! Chaos and all that, ya know?”
You stumbled upon how their human bodies work with their powers
”Fauna’s weird too! Her hair color changes with the seasons!”
You all turn to the kirin
”I’ve never seen that in my entire time knowing you”
”I-it does happen… I just turn it back to normal before going outside”
”Does it… turn orange in autumn?”
She nods
”Even the leaves do”
You try to imagine how she’d look like in other seasons
”That’s kinda cute”
She giggles
”You sure you wanna compliment me with your girlfriend right behind you?”
You jump and turn around
There’s no one there
The girls laugh at you
”You always fall for it, Anon”
You slump back to your seat
”You have no idea what I have to do to make it up to her when this happens”
”Oh? Why don’t you tell us about it?”
Fauna smirks at you
You screwed up
There’s no way you’re telling them how much cuddling she requires when she hears you complimenting another girl
You try to avoid the topic by continuing to ask them questions about them
They buy it and play along with you
How can Sana breath in space, how Mumei remembers different things in history, they happily answer your questions
Afterwards, you manage to move to other topics
”…I’ll just ask Kronii later”
Except Fauna won’t let it go
”Speaking of Kronii!”
Bae speaks up
”Have you ever noticed something about her?”
She’s grinning at you
You put your hand on your chin, trying to recall anything
All you see in your mind is her beautiful face, her blue eyes that have some specks of gold, her perfect body, her cute fangs…
”…I don’t know”
”Wait, really?”
They all seem surprised
Bae tries to clue you in
”H-have you ever noticed how she’s like when expressing herself? …With things that she… likes?”
”Well, yeah, she keeps pretending she doesn’t like things while enjoying herself”
”YEAH THAT! Have you ever noticed… SOMETHING with her? WHEN SHE’S LOOKING AT SOMEONE?”
”…I don’t know what you’re talking about”
”Yeah guys, what are you talking about?”
Kronii has woken up, she’s using your head as an armrest
”Oh, hey. Did you sleep well?”
”Eh, so-so. I’d rather sleep at home”
”Kronini, if you wanna go, feel free. We’re pretty much done for today”
”Yeah, it’s fine, we were just chilling with your bf”
”Oh… just chilling, huh?”
You know that tone of voice
It’s time to leave
You stand up and look at her
You really don’t notice anything different about her
She’s looking back with a slight smile
Looking at the others, the Council is gesturing something
Bae is desperately pointing at Kronii
Fauna covers Bae’s mouth
”Shhh, shhh, let him figure it out”
You’re very confused now
”W-well, we’re heading out first, then”
”…Take care, lovebirds”
Bae has given up trying to tell you
You wave goodbye and go outside
You walk towards your car, holding hands with her
”So… what were you talking about?”
”Hm? Oh! I was just asking how their bodies work”
Wait why’d you say it like that
Oh no
She pouts, lets go of your hand and looks away
”…I-I asked Sana how she breaths in space, and questions like that”
”I swear”
"And what about Fauna?"
"...B-Bae told me her hair color changes"
"Oh yeah it does, it's really cute in spring"
You keep explaining your conversation to her
She closes her eyes, thinking about your judgement
”I guess I’ll believe you”
She looks at you with a smirk
Well that’s 2 hours of cuddling booked for tonight
You get inside the car, and you drive off
”If you were talking about the Council, I guess I came up at some point?”
”Yep, just that… I don’t know what they were even talking about”
”They said something like… Some part of your face changes with things you… favor? I guess?"
”Huh, if that’s the case, then”
She pulls down the mirror in the car and looks at herself
”Hmmm… No, I don’t see anything”
And to no one’s surprise, she begins to pose for herself
”I’m lookin’ fiiiine though”
”You always do”
”Hehe, right answer”

You arrive home and go inside
Whatever they said remains in your mind
Maybe you’ll notice something different with something she doesn’t like?
Time for an experiment
”Umm… Kronii?”
She’s eating manju, she smeared some of the filling while turning to look at you
”Would you uh… watch me play something?”
You wipe off the filling and eat it yourself
”Hey, that was mine!”
”I simply cleaned that imperfection off your face”
”Hmpf… And sure, what are we playing though?”
She begins to walk to the living room
”A horror game”
She freezes
”I-I guess that’s fine”
She keeps walking and sits down
You join her after setting things up
”We’ll stop whenever you want”
”I can take it…”
She’s already holding your arm real tight
You’ll make it up to her with whatever she wants later
While playing, you pay close attention to her
You don’t really see anything different, so you go back to playing
It sure has been a while since you’ve heard 20 gwaks a minute
You’re pretty sure you’ve lost all circulation in your arm by now
You steal some glances again
She’s trembling, that’s expected
Wait… Her eyes… There's something different
The gold is gone
They're just blue
”W-what’s wrong?”
She thought you something scary was about to happen
Now she’s hugging your entire body
She turns to look at you
She’s getting teary eyed, but
The more she looks at you, her eyes change
They start to glow and the gold returns
”I-I’m good we can keep going”
”Nah, I think we can stop for now”
”Really? Phew—I mean, I guess you got too scared, huh?”
She quickly takes the controller from your hands and quits the game
While looking at the screen, her eyes are blue again
”…Dumb game”
Her eyes sparkle while staring at you
”Is something wrong, babe? You’re blushing”
”N-nothing, I’m fine”
You now recall the first time you met her
Her eyes weren’t glowing at all; they were the same blue as you just saw
But eventually, the more you talked, the more she knew about you, the more things you did together…
They began to glow
Those golden specks kept appearing when she looked at you
You also realize that they were glowing even before you confessed
…Did you just get used to them being like that?
Wow you’re an idiot
You cover your face with your hands and lean even more on the sofa
You stop thinking for a second
”…I love you”
You just blurted that out
You slowly remove your hands to peek at her
She’s smiling, showing you her fangs
”I love you too!”
You spend the rest of the night cuddling
You lost count of how many times and the different ways you said “I love you”
Kronii has no idea what even happened, but she just chalks it up to you paying her back for the horror game
”Hehe, maybe we should play that game more~”
”No… just let me love you without making you go through that”

”So, you fiiiiinally noticed”
Fauna looks extremely smug, as do the rest of them
”Please don’t talk about it”
”IMAGINE, getting so used to it you just don’t realize it anymore”
Bae joined in the bullying
”PLEASE don’t talk about it”
They will never let that go
”They’re not even like that with us that frequently, it’s like they’re permanent for you”
Just another thing added to the list of “Ways we can tease Anon”
Kronii tilts her head, she’s still confused
”…I really don’t know what you’re talking about”
Of course she doesn’t, her eyes glow just the same when she looks at herself
Thinking about that just adds to your embarrassment
”…Don’t worry about it, Kronii”
She stares at you for a few seconds
You can’t take it and look away
”Well, I’ll just go and take another nap”
"Sleep tight"
”Oooh~ did Anon not let you sleep last night?"
She ignores the question and walks away quickly
You can feel the gazes of the Council
”Sooooo? How’s it feel to get through that tsundere this hard?”
”…It’s nice”
They giggle and continue to egg you on for the rest of the day
Now that you’ve realized it, you can’t hide how happy you are
You decide to do your best to not pay much attention to her eyes in public
It’s an incredible amount of self-restraint but you don’t have a lot of options
You won’t be able to hold back from hugging her tight if you don’t

t. Nameronii
Source for the art: Please someone give me the link
It could be https://twitter.com/oddnumberr_ but maybe the art-piece itself is gone

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Pub: 02 Jan 2022 18:52 UTC
Edit: 02 Jan 2022 20:17 UTC
Views: 765