Day 10 : The Lecture

Shining brightly above the lake, the sun's warm touch comforted Margaret as she prepared herself for a very challenging day; she was expected to give a guest lecture at the Fitness Club meeting courtesy of a few shady deals between teachers and students. The quiet girl was looking forward to helping her peers but her body and mind screamed at her, telling her to run away.
Unaware that the quirky Gryffindor had already formed an albeit very small Fitness Club —or rather one on one coaching. A few students from the other houses joined together and created another, much larger Fitness Club; their methods scared the less physically inclined students who still felt safer in Margaret's hands, and hearing from them, they asked for her help, for the sake of the student body's body.

Cursing her generosity, she smiled slightly as she took refuge in her morning workout: she arranged for the meeting to take place on "her" beach.
Though she was usually a planner she was going to wing the lecture, she felt confident in her knowledge and quite liked teaching others; using the Geminio charm, she had prepared a large amount of textbooks for her students, including knowledge that had gotten her father in trouble at the ministry before due to its... source.

Relaxing on the pier with a book, she patiently waited for the club members to arrive; the meeting was scheduled in a few hours and she wanted to enjoy the calm before the storm. She gave clear instructions to the organizers : the students were to gather away from her; on an empty stomach, at 10:00.
One by one, excited boys and girls gathered right where the end of the road and the beach met; Margaret glanced at her watch while reading her Potions textbook until the hands ominously hit 9:59.

Taking a deep breath, she sighed softly and packed her things; her pace was brisk but as she approached the large group, she felt more and more eyes looking at her. The club sure was a weird bunch : Looking in charge, a small group of motivated jocks, quidditch enthusiast, chatted and laughed loudly; close to them, a group of very uncomfortable looking students who looked like they were hoping for a distraction to run away; behind them, the largest group, a patchwork from all years, backgrounds and enthusiasm.

Now much closer to the group, Margaret beckoned a student who looked in charge; the Hufflepuff walked towards her, a large smile on her face, a distraught merchant under her arm. "Morning! You must be our special guest, right?" said the girl. Margaret nodded in response, her answer was too quiet for an outdoors conversation, especially with such a large crowd behind them; the brunette turned around and yelled "WHEESHT YA BAMPOTS!" Taken by surprise, the group fell silent. "You alright, lass?" she asked, noticing Margaret's trembling hands "Oh this is normal, don't worry." answered the pale girl, forcing a smile "Thank you for... Silencing them." she said with a nod, the girl smiled back, still holding the blonde Slytherin firmly.
Quickly taking note of the situation, she stepped back and summoned supplies, an open tent, towels and a podium; she gave an uncomfortable but compassionate smile to the coerced students and silently waved the group to sit down.

Wand still in hand, Margaret sighed, steeling herself, before pushing it against her neck. "Good morning." her quiet amplified voice sent shivers down a few students' spine "Please change into your bathing suit and stand on the towel next to you." she added, waving her robes away, unaware that her swimsuit would be considered daring. A few students stopped in their tracks, staring at her instead; she was wearing a form-fitting, dark blue one piece outfit covering her body from the middle of her thighs to the middle of her shoulders, revealing her clavicles; displaying for the first time a body she had been training for years; hairless, well defined yet feminine albeit lacking in a certain area; the sight was enough to turn many boys and girls beet red.
Noticing the blushing and staring faces she spoke up, slightly worried "Is there a problem? Do you need help?" the gawking students snapped out of it, averting their gaze from her toned body and quickly changed; not all of them could do it with magic.

Most of the Revelio Kids wore strange swimsuits, including two-piece bikinis that didn't fail to take all the attention from Margaret, the other students wore more traditional bathing suits, hardly suited for athletic swimming. Gesturing with both hands, the white haired girl fished out a large sphere of water containing a fish; letting it float in front of her, she pressed her wand against her neck and spoke up to the surprised crowd "Nature is the best teacher. Look at the fish's body. It's sleek. Your bathing suit should be tight against your skin and shouldn't restrict your movements." Holding the floating orb, she walked among the group to let them observe the creature before turning back and gently lowering it into the lake.

Turning around and standing back up from her squat, she noticed many beet red faces looking away; taken aback, the puzzled girl walked back to the podium amid the whispers. "Since most of you are inexperienced with fitness I will show you the essentials, along with easy routines that won't put too much of a strain on you. Please stand on the towel and follow my lead." Starting with basic stretches, the group copied her motions struggling to follow her well-practiced rhythm and complicated routine; finishing a first set, she noticed a few students already struggling, she spoke up once again "Oh I'm sorry, you only have to do the stretches, I add in-between motions but I have more experience... Let's take a short break, sorry, I should have warned you...Please avoid sitting down and enjoy the beverage next to you."

Hiding out of sight, she sighed, watch in hand as she waited patiently for a few minutes; she felt remorse for having not paid attention to her students' needs. Her thinking was interrupted by the crunching sound of steps in the sand and a booming happy voice coming out of Slytherin boy "That was intense! You okay?" he held out his hand, a smile on his scarred face. "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention and followed my usual routine." she answered, her eyes glancing over him, avoiding his eyes. "Ah it's fine, come on, we're waiting!" he said, slightly disappointed she didn't shake his hand. "Not yet, they need five minutes of rest." she answered, looking at her watch.
Gesturing him, she walked back to them podium, rolling her eyes at a few students sitting down.

Once again in front of the crowd, she sighed and pushed her wand against her neck; her eerily exciting voice managed to quiet down the loudest boys. " You should not sit down, please remember it, it's important. I made you wait exactly five minutes because we have many beginners; rest is just as important as exercise. Let's resume." Margaret bowed to her students.
She didn't expect all of them to be as passionate as the core Fitness Club members so she shrugged away the growing whispers; she didn't realize they paid more attention to her body than her motions; thankfully for them, their mentor was oblivious, or dense.
Her amplified voice suddenly whispered to focus, sending shivers down their spine.

Another set of stretchings completed, she allowed them another five minutes of rest, this time making sure no one would sit down. She waited patiently, and awkwardly, looking at her watch before instructing the students to follow her motions once again. "I will be showing you very light exercices good to maintain and strengthen your muscles, they are very good for beginners." she paused "And "oriental stances", they may seem useless but do not underestimate them, you'll understand."

The teenagers followed the strange girl's instructions once again, she carefully observed them as she switched positions with very practiced motions, displaying her impressive calisthenics skills; some of them struggled, others looked bored and others... Gawked. She didn't really get why they look at her this way but she felt uneasy; holding back from calling the lesson over, she kept going.

The last set of exercises complete, she congratulated them once again and invited the students to rest for another five minute; she grabbed her drink and her watch...And stood watch.
The scarred Slytherin boy approached once again "Great work out there, you're impressive!"
"Thank you." she nodded softly "I hope my lesson is useful."
"Definitely! I can tell you know what you're doing!" he added, as she nodded in silence
Amplifying her voice, she interrupted the brouhaha "Let's resume.", the black haired boy quickly walked back to his towel.

Beckoning the group to follow her, she walked into the water about knee deep. "The break was shorter because we won't be exercising anymore, but the lesson isn't over yet." she said, splashing her body with water; she was slightly happy at the focused glances, misunderstanding the boys' intent.
"My daily routine involves the stretching, the exercices and the oriental stances; I follow with a knee-deep jog in the water so my body gets accustomed to the cold water - I start my routine at dawn." she did a quick back and forth with surprising agility as her bare feet sank deep in the sand "This is far from easy but being able to run through wet sand could save your life..." she scratched her bare arms, her hypersenstive skin protesting against the wind's caresses "Once I'm used to the temperature I swim until I can't anymore. Swimming exercises the entire body and I like it, I know it's not for everybody and I would recommend not bothering the lake's fauna..." she looked at the horizon for a second "I prepared books with routines that you can follow instead."

Drying off with her wand, she gestured the group back under the tent before raising a table and producing a bottle of oil. "Some of you must be sore, I know the lesson was intense." she beckoned the familiar short Slytherin witch "Anatomy is a very important part of fitness. You can't massage yourself but it's a very valuable skill." she waved the tired girl towards the table. "Please lay down" she told her quietly.
With a quick wave of her wand, the back of the girl's clothes faded slightly, leaving her back and thighs exposed; Margaret was careful enough to protect the merchant's dignity.
Quickly oiling her hands, she massaged the girl's sore muscles, instructing her to relax while explaining the motions and their purpose to the mesmerized students, unaware that many boys- and girls, were gawking at them.
Switching from the back to the thighs, she explained the oil's properties and described the many different recipes and their effects.

Enjoying the massage, the Slytherin almost dozed off, feeling all the soreness melt away from her body as the Gryffindor expertly rubbed her muscles; she quickly woke up from the relaxing sensation as the teacher's slender hands left her body; she turned her head slightly, holding back a protest as she was dried and dressed with quick wand flicks.
Holding out her arm, Margaret helped the trembling girl back up. "Now, if you are interested, I prepared a few textbooks." she pointed towards the back of the tent "Fair warning; because Anatomy is an important subject, some of them may contain inappropriate content; please treat your perineum carefully." she paused, watching sore students take their leave with a slightly disappointed look on her face. "The books contain knowledge you won't find anywhere else. Please refrain from sharing it without the books, my parents and I wrote them with the help of rare foreign books so I must insist that you do not take their content lightly, you could hurt yourself. Oh there are also plenty of books about healthy diets..." she nodded to another group of students leaving the premises, polite enough to say goodbye "Please form a line and let everyone enjoy anonymity as they grab their books."

Waving her want, she cleared most of the summoned furniture and donned her school uniform once again; she sighed deeply as she sat down, her entire body shaking from the adrenaline. Downing the rest of her drink, she massaged her temples while the students behind the curtain grabbed their books.
"Hey teach! Great job!" yelled the short haired Hufflepuff, winking and giving her a thumbs up as she joined the jocks. Margaret nodded softly as she sighed once again, enjoying the growing silence.

Approaching their teacher, the core Fitness Club members smiled widely, an especially pungent Hufflepuff spoke up "That was really impressive, you really know your stuff, Melons." she almost gagged but held back "T-thank...You..." there was no mistaking it, that boy was a werewolf. "Yeah and these books are crazy, where did you get the references?" said a blonde Slytherin girl.
"I...Can't tell, they're technically illegal... My father got in trouble for bringing them back." replied Margaret, looking away "Let's just say the originals don't exist, please."
Her fellow fifth year were surprised but after today's lesson they felt like trusting her blindly; the scarred Slytherin spoke up again "Ah it's fine, we won't snitch on you, Meg!"
Smiling slightly, she turned around "Snitch...Quidditch...I get it." she chuckled; having made a pun without meaning to, the boy chuckled as well, followed by his fellow club members.
The werewolf spoke up again "Look, we know we kind of stepped on your feet with our club...Sorry about that, we didn't know, promise!"
Her strange inexpressive face turned back towards him, not looking at his eyes as she answered softly "It's fine, I couldn't handle such a large club anyway." she stood up from the towel with a slight smile "I hope my lesson was useful, have a nice day."
"W-wai-..." the boy gave up mid-sentence as the shy girl walked away.

"You think she noticed the perverts?" "Megamelons? No way, she's...weird." "Yeah but I feel bad, I had to hold back from kicking their asses..." "What, you have a crush on her?" "Don't be an idiot, this girl is all about Slytherins." "...Lots of weird stuff in that book..." "Did you see the look on Alice's face? I bet she's hooked!"

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Pub: 22 Apr 2023 18:28 UTC
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