Ch. 4 ~ Towa, in Perfect Form

Chiho: When I joined Olympus and saw Towa-chan's acting, I was really surprised.

Chiho: Even though she was the same age as me, her expressiveness was much better.
She would even pick up difficult acting parts easily... I thought it was amazing and looked up to her.

Iroha: "Uwaaaaaaaah! She's praising Towa like crazy!"

Kamira: "I already thought she was impressive, but that's amazing, Towa~"

Towa: "You're all getting too excited. What're you gonna do if she's just raising everyone's expectations to drop them later?"

Mito: "It doesn't look like that to me, though..."

MC: Speaking of the group Motosu-san is currently performing with, Gekidan Denki, its most recent work, Arabian Nights, is also becoming a hot topic.

MC: However, Motosu-san's activities have decreased compared to before, and comments from fans finding it regrettable can be found on the internet.

Denki Staff A: "***! Such a roundabout way of saying— What do you mean 'on the internet,' *****!? I'm gonna *** and **** that MC!"

Denki Staff B: "Haaaaaaaah? There's no way they've seen Denki's shows.

Iroha: "Uwaah!? E-everyone has activated Berserk!?
Would anyone here happen to be able to use healing magic~!?"

Tsubomi: "Do not falter!
This Unreal Ruler (leader of fictitiousness) is certainly one of the Dark Organization's group! How despicable!

Mito: "You can't get caught up in anger...!
Don't fall to darkness, everyone...!"

Kamira: "No but, we need karuna. I'm so mad. I totally feel the same.
Towa hasn't said anything for a while, too... You okay? We're here for you, 'kay?"

Towa: "Eh? Aaah, well, there's no real problem?
Just let them say whatever they want"

Mita: "But——"

Chiho: True, she's made limited appearances outside of Denki, and I think it's a shame that opportunities to see her Sense have decreased. However—

Chiho: Her "Genie of the Lamp" has become popular, even without use of her Sense.
From the perspective of us child actors, that's actually rather terrifying.

MC: Now that you mention it...

Chiho: "Towa has ascended the steep peak in one bound with those wings.
But rather than settling on that rugged peak, she ended up flying away to another nest..."

Chiho: I remember my acting teacher saying those words.

Chiho: In aiming for the top of Olympus, I was simply crawling along the ground.
Step-by-step, just letting myself get pulled up by my predecessors.

Chiho: However, thanks to that, I was able to receive everyone's approval and even be featured in a television program like this. Now, finally...

Chiho: Finally, I can perform as befitting of Towa-chan's rival.
That is how I feel now.

Kamira: "Wait, this girl is super nice!"

Iroha: "She really understands Towa-chan, doesn't she.
That makes me really happy!"

Towa: "How cheeky.
She's 1,000,000 lightyears too early to call herself my rival!"

Tsubomi: "... Perhaps she has ulterior motives? Gather everyone's eyes and ears on Motosu, then in that moment...!
The rising star of Olympus might just be a member of the Dark Organization!"

Mito: "I don't... Think so..."

Denki Troupe Member A: "Hey, look at the link I just sent!
People are gathering super fast!"

Mito: "... Ah.
It's not all critical opinions... Thank goodness"

Kamira: "Oh, looks like the theater streamers are changing topics to Towa.
Maan~ She's totally monopolizing all the topics. Should I join in on my channel?"

Towa: "Don't, it's a pain"

Towa: "Well, in a few days it'll get overwritten with a new topic.
It's your loss if you let yourself get thrown around. Haah~ It's tough being famous~"

MC: — Well then, were you sad when Motosu-san transferred to Denki?

Chiho: Yes... I thought we would be able to stand on stage together forever, so it was quite disappointing.

MC: Were you especially good friends?

Chiho: No. I simply admired her, and I never actually spoke to her.
Thinking about it now, it would be nice to have been able to talk to her more.

Chiho: However, I think it worked out for the best.
Now I can face her not as a friend but as an actress.

— In a certain theater information exchange group

Theater Net Writer A: Motosu Towa!? Wasn't that girl already on the decline?
I went to watch her several times after her transfer, but she was just a shadow of her former self!

Theater New Writer B: Was no one aware that Komae Chiho considered her a rival!?
Well, I guess hasn't been too long since she started gathering attention, herself.

Theater Net Writer C: Amongst Tokyo's child actors, Sirius' Niizuma is first to come to mind.
No one would've expected Motosu. We've gotta follow this.

Theater Net Writer D: It seems you did not attend their Arabian Nights performance.
It was just as dazzlingly Denki as when they first suddenly made their appearance in Akihabara.

Theater Net Writers: Eeeehh!?

Theater Net Writer D: Now then, I wonder how the acting world will shape up from now on.

Tsubomi: (Is this flow that of a Rising Dragon Breath, or is it...)

Tsubomi: The Hanged Man in the upright position...

Tsubomi: ... Motosu, this may not be the time to rest on your laurels.
It seems the gods of acting are granting you a trial...

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Edit: 21 Mar 2024 08:10 UTC
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