Rat Mob by anonymous

be me
wake up confused with a pounding headache
all I remember is leaving the bar a little less sober than I came in, going to take a quick piss in an alleyway and then nothing
actually begin to take in my surroundings
in a dingy basement room straight out of a snuff film
bound to a chair by rope
I am actually going to fucking die here
hear loud footsteps and chatter coming from beyond the one door here
BAM! The door swings open and out comes 3 rat anthros dressed up in suits
I am actually gonna die because of some goddamn rat mafia jesus christ
"So this is our guy, little pipsqueak thought he could pull a fast one on us huh?"
have literally no idea what the fuck these guys are on about
The biggest rat approaches me and pulls out some CCTV photographs, mostly blurry shots showing a dude running off with a duffel bag full of cash
"You have the wrong guy, I don't know anything about this!"
"You're not talking your way outta this one Brandon"
with a massive shit-eating grin he pulls out a picture of the perp, staring right at the CCTV camera
that ain't me chief, not even close
"Uh B-boss, I think I whacked the wrong guy..."
The Boss takes a look at the perp's face, then back at me, then back at the perp.
Steps back and signals the other two to follow him into a corner where they form a tight circle.
smallest of the pack looks more scared than me at this point
"but b-boss I mean, don't you agree, all those furless fuckers are just so-"
"GODDAMIT! Next time just make sure it's our guy before you haul him off to the van."
"..Boss, what do we do about him?"
whole rat pack turns their eyes towards me
shit shit shit
"Guys I won't tell anyone, I prommy."
they ain't buying it in the slightest
the calmest one of the bunch suddenly whispers
"Boss should we, you know..."
stabbing motions
scared shitless and crying like a bitch at this point
through my blurred vision I can see the rats' faces cringing with pity and mild disgust
"Alright kid, we ain't gonna hurt ya. Do me a little favour and I'll forget all about ya, promise."
Helen Keller could sense the fucking sinister intentions in those words, but what choice do I have.
"Alright, what is it."
Boss approaches me with another smug smirk and wipes the tears from my face.
"All you gotta do is get familiar with my 'little friend' right here."
His clawed paw grips around his well-sized bulge. I've jerked it to a whole lot of 'Rat DILF destroys hungry Human anus' but that's still one sizeable cock bulge.
"We snap some pics and as long as you stay quiet, they never see the light of d-"
"Suck your dick? Oh yeah sure, just go ahead whenever."
"I mean I was more so just talking about putting my schlong on your face and taking some pics to blackmail you, but well if you're offering y'know then-"
"Yeah yeah just get it over with, c'mon."
He takes out his dick from his trousers and drapes it over my face.
Insanely thick and yet not short in the slightest. For a literal rat's dick it smells nicer than I expected yet still exudes a heady musk.
"Heh, like it human? Now let me just take a couple photos and we'll all go our sepera- MNFHFH!"
Did he really not expect me to start licking when he put hot musky rat dick all over my face?
He stumbles backwards slightly, perfectly positioning his cock tip against my oh-so-hungry lips
I move my head forward as far as the rope binding me allows and suck up that thick rat meat like the finest Italian spaghetti ever made.
The Boss' ability to form full sentences gets lost in the absolute pleasure zone known as my mouth. After a minute of being a victim to my tongue he manages to pull himself back together.
"You're quite the audacious little rat slut, aren't you?"
His dick tastes so good that I can't help but agree.
The big Boss rat begins getting into it, gripping the back of my head and slamming his crotch right up against my face.
In the corner of my eye I see his two lackeys, cocks out jerking away talking to each other.
"So it really is true, humans are natural anthro sluts..."
Well I mean, true for me perhaps.
"Ready for it human, been a good while since my last load, make sure to drink it all..!"
Starts face fucking me as if I don't have the need to breathe oxygen, with one last thrust he lets out a hefty groan and fills my mouth with blazing hot rat cum.
Pulls his cock out and starts cumming all over my face.
I am too damn horny I can barely even comprehend what is happening at this point, pretty sure I end up cumming in my pants hands-free.
Eventually all the dicks in the room calm down, and I'm left a cum soaked mess.
"Well then, it seems my end of the bargain has been fulfilled, so if you don't mind just get me out of this chair and I'll be on my merry way."
The three rats exchange glances before ominously chuckling at each other. The Boss looks straight at me with a hungry grin.
"Actually, I think there's a far more pleasurable agreement we could all come to."

Anyway, that's the story of how I got a surprisingly high-paying job at my local laundromat.

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Pub: 18 Feb 2024 07:36 UTC
Views: 2676