The Pacific Pearl

The roar of the engines filled my head. The noise was more prominent here in the ball.
Even though I was used to the roar of these four engines, the fact that there were many others was making me a little more nervous.
I wasn't really aware of the target in this mission, but I knew that the Regensburg was the destination, and that there was a reason why we were lugging the big bombs this time around, the 1000Lb ones.
I could hear a chatter coming from below me, as I was the dorsal ball gunner.
There were 21 other bombers in formation, not to mention 62 in the whole group, The Square H on each and every last one of the tails of our 388th heavy bombardment group.
Right now the P-47s were turning back, and if I listened correctly, that must mean that we are now in Germany.
I was a little nervous, the fact that the P-47s were turning back now meant that the other group who arrived late was going to turn back before we reach the target.
Who on Earth thought of sending the Fortresses without air support?
Some time has passed and I heard William, our pilot speaking with James the co-pilot about his girl back home.
I could hear a few words through the interphone, but that was it. If anything, the interphone was a great invention, allowing us to talk with everyone on board. The thing was that this particular system was broadcasting to all Interphone stations at all times, and I'm pretty sure that it wasn't supposed to work like that. However this wasn't an old B-17, it was the G variant with fully operational second ball on top of the cockpit.
"How are you holding up there Richard?" Jerry asked me, he was the poor guy who was sitting the ball on the ventral side. I always thought that the dorsal ball was more spacious than the ventral one.


"Everything is just peachy, and you Joker?" I inquired, knowing that Jerry is going to say something ridiculous like always.
"It seems quiet" Now that wasn't the answer i was expecting. Jerry was the guy who would go and crack a joke about everything in every situation, that's why we called him Joker.
"Damn it, I left the stove on! Turn this thing around!" And that was Dennis, the tail gunner.
"I'll relay the message" William said, and I could hear the chuckling coming.
"Alright lets calm down lads, we've got a work to do." a Scottish accent cut in, as the navigator Kenneth decided to cut our fun short.
It wasn't fair, fun was in low supply here, besides, I could see that the other group of P-47 was turning around, that means we were very close.
"Eyes Peeled" Eugene, the waist gunner ordered, or maybe noted, not sure, he was there with Peter, both making sure that if anyone got out of my or Joker's sight, will be promptly put out of commission.
After twelve minutes, it has started. It started with the usual fireworks to greet us. The Flak flying around, exploding dangerously close.
Then the other aircrafts shown up, the fockewulfs and messerschmits, they are going to have a field day when no fighters are defending us.
So ever so slowly, the ballet of death has started. the first contestant was the 'AA' and while he was showing little promise, he was inexhaustible.
the second participant who decided that Pacific Pearl was going to dance with him, was a Nazi FW 190. First he passed us trying to get a hit from the front, the chin gunner and a bomber, whom we called Silent Earl, however wanted to show that Pacific Pearl was a feisty dancer.
The FW had to pull up, which in turn became my chance to shine, with a press of a pedal the turret started turning counterclockwise while I sprayed the passing FW.
The turning was slow, so when I actually managed to turn the FW was changing directions in attempt to avoid Dennis' unleashed hell.


He was going to turn around to go for a pursue fight but the Northern Beauty's waist gunner managed to shoot its tail off.
One was down, and five hundreds to go.
The second contestant was another FW, this time already behind us, so Dennis was going full force on him, but the FW a skilled dancer this time, diving and rolling while spraying the rear.
"Get him off me!" William demanded. "I'm trying" and Dennis tried.
I would love to help him, but the FW was so low that I couldn't hit it effectively, without the risk of destroying the tail, and for Joker he was too high.
I would love to watch the FW, but I turned myself towards the right to assist the Freedom from similar problem.
I wouldn't want to be in the fighters out there, The fortresses weren't going to give up lightly, and every attempt to take us down would be met with bullet storm.
Every single turret on the b17 was blazing, the noise of machine guns drowned the sounds of the engines. Time slowed down to a crawl as my body decided that I need more and more adrenaline.
The fifth aircraft which I was trying to get out of my skies, managed to hit my turret, or at least very near it, because the glass shhattered on one side, and was painfully cutting into my side.
The airplane shook violently. It seemed like the first contestant in this dancing competition managed to do something impressive, and the exploding flak managed to change the fourth engine (the far right one) into a burning mess.
In a matter of moments, the fire turned into a smoke and I thanked the gods that were above us, for extinguishing the flames.
But I thanked too soon.
The Inexperienced Flak dancer managed to impress once more, and this time around, he almost won.
Another violent explosion rang and I turned my head towards the nose. Now with gaping hole in the glass.
There were no doubts about Silent Earl's fate.


I briefly wondered if we've dropped the bombs or not, before Sir Messerschmitt deemed us worthy for a dance. The bastard was fast, and skilled to a boot, he attacked from the right side and from above, spraying the waist, trying to separate us from the tail. I gave him hell, and Eugene did too, but as two machine guns barked at each other.
Eugene's one stopped responding, silent in its sudden submission.
"Eugene!" I heard Peter yell over the Interphone.
As my spraying finally paid off, the Messerschmitt's cockpit got smudged by the oil from the engine, and the aircraft was pushed downwards by a pilot, who kept shooting.
I concluded that while I hit the engine, I also managed to hit the pilot.
Our belove Pacific Pearl was slowly turning around, the wings filled with holes, the nose broken, the tail trying his best to keep on working.
I quickly glanced around, counting the Tails with Squared H, and including ours, there were still 21 of them in the air.
The Pride looked worse than us however, running on two engines both on left right side, and the other two were in flames.
"Don't let your guard down, they'll not ease up!" Joker said. thank god, he was alive, there was no way for me to check the ball turret from my position.
"Eugene is dead" Peter said sadly, they were like brothers, always spending time together, and If Eugene got into problems, Peter was also guilty, because he was always nearby.
"Earl too." I knew Earl, smug bastard, but had your backs whenever you needed him, a strong reliable silent guy." And James is bleeding"
"Kenneth? Dennis?" I asked over the Interphone, because the two of them had said nothing.
"I'm here" I could hear a pained voice, it was Dennis, probably injured.


"Watch out, six o'clock from below" Joker said, and I tried to peek over, I only saw tips of the wings of the aircraft, running at us from below, that crazy German didn't shoot, but was heading straight for us. I closed my eyes and held onto my dear life as I expected the worst.
Aircrafts crashing mid air were no joke.
I heard another explosion, it was bright, so even through my closed eyes it felt like watching the sun.
The aircraft shook, but not that violently. Either the FW bounced off us or missed us completely.
When I opened the eyes, I believed for a second that I died.

"What the hell?" I asked, looking at completely clear skies.
"Did I die?" James asked through the Interphone.
"I hope not, I see the same thing, what the hell just happened?" William asked.
"Everything is gone?" Peter was questioning his sanity by the sound of his shaky voice, and I couldn't blame him.
We were the only aircraft in the air.
"Kenny where are we?" I asked over the Interphone, but silence was the only answer I've got.
"I'll take a look" William said, probably going to check out on Kenny.
"So what happened?" the questions kept pouring and pouring and the surviving members were trying to put the pieces together
"I saw a blinding light from below, I thought the FW crashed into us and exploded, but the bottom is okay" Joker's voice was puzzled, but imagine how I felt, when I realized that I saw the same flash from above.
"The light came from behind" Dennis said, still pained.
I ducked out of the turret, and grabbed a medkit on the wall. We weren't in immediate danger right now, so it was time to take care of the wounded.
My side was bleeding too, but it was a glass cut, the shard wasn't there, or it was too small for me to see through the flak suit. I went through the bombing bay towards the waist, and saw Peter laying Eugene by the side and closing his eyes


Eugene was hit in the stomach, no idea if it was a shrapnel or a bullet, there was however no helping him.
"Are you alright?" I asked Peter, still holding the Kit.
"Just shaken" he said, his eyes darting towards the Eugene.
I patted his shoulder and went towards the tail.
Opening the hatch I saw Dennis in bloodied uniform.
"Peter I need help" I called out, we needed to drag the Dennis out of there.
"Kenneth bought it" William said over the Interphone
"No!" Dennis protested "It went through the flak suit, It's shrapnel, I'll hold on"
"Don't be a hero Dennis" I said, but when i reached for him he slapped my hand away.
It took a lot from him to do that, but we were on our way back already, so if he manages to survive another few hours, he'll live.
"Okay, but dont forget you still owe me that whiskey you promised me!" I tried to cheer him up, or maybe even myself up, he wasn't looking good.
"Don't worry, You'll get it"
I returned towards my turret, when William appeared through the doors and took the medkit from our hands. "How does he look?" he asked me, and I looked sideways.
"He's hurting bad" I replied, i really didn't think he was going to make it.
He just gave me a look as I climbed back into the turret to see the damage.
I had plenty of ammo, the glass was broken on one side but since the B17 wasn't pressurized or heated, it didn't matter that much, thats why we were wearing the heated suits.
The real question was however, where were we?
Beneath us, according to Jerry, were grasslands, no buildings, there was no way to call anyone, since the Radio was busted, not to mention that Eugene who was a waist gunner was also the Radio operator.
The map was useless, the navigator was dead and we still had four bombs on board, I decided to keep a look out in case something was here to surprise us.

Meanwhile at completely different place, a completely different panic was taking place.
"What do you mean it suddenly appeared?" A Bulldog was yelling at a Lynx.
"The Aircraft with no sign or designation suddenly appeared at approximately 3000 meters, airspeed approximately 300 to 380 Km/h heading 320°" The lynx read from the Radar.
"that means It'll reach the city of Kian in about half an hour." Bulldog was sweating like there was no tommorow
"Did they respond yet?" he barked a question but the Bat from the other side of the control tower shook head, and continued with the "To Unidentified aircraft, you have entered the Airspace of Mirandia Republic, please respond and identify yourself" spiel.
Bulldog was nervous, it was thirty years since the last terrorist attack where they used a plane, but it started the same.
He picked up the phone, and made a call.

Back at the Pacific Pearl, James was getting rather frustrated.
"Just where the hell are we?" He yelled again.
"No idea" William responded, still looking out.
They told us to keep an eye on anything that might be considered a landmark. We were flying towards the Great Britain again, but none of the land below us seemed familiar at all.
"How about we climb a little lower to take a better look?" I heard William suggest
"I guess we have no choice, but climbing back up will take ages with just three engines."
And so the Pacific Pearl started a slow descent.
"We're at 2000 meters, see anything Joker? Dennis?"
"No sign of civilization, just that big forest behind us" Dennis groaned.
"I'm pretty sure that the forest wasn't here when we flew to Regensburg" Joker commented.
I was looking around as well, that's when I saw it.


"CONTACT! Three o'clock, height 2000, three aircrafts, heading towards us."
"What?" I heard from the Interphone, all eyes turned towards the aircrafts.
"No propellers" I added when I was sure what I saw. "Rapidly approaching us"
"Messerschmitts 262?" James asked, but didn't wait for a reply "Damn it!"
The airplanes changed heading and went behind us to tail us.
"I dont know those markings," Dennis who probably saw the markings on the rear said
"What does it look like?" William asked "Like Ying and Yang with crossess in the smaller circles" Dennis provided the info and I raked my brain, trying to remember if I've seen something he described, I was turned towards the aircrafts just like every single functional turret.
"And it appears they have rockets, lots of them"


"Mission control, this is Hound 1 you would not believe what I'm seeing."
The control tower was silent, it has been ten minutes since they scrambled the old F16 to see what the mysterious aircraft was
"Four engines, big as a house, I'm looking at cargo plane for sure, markings on the side and tail, but it took quite a beating."
"Beating?" Major, a sturdily built Hippo, who was present looked rather surprised, the communication officer relayed his message.
"Please clarify", the pilot reported immediately.
"The fourth engine is smoking, and from the side it looked like the front was smashed too, and It appears that there are Turrets on top and on the bottom, tracing us"
If the Major looked surprised, now he was completely bewildered. Turrets on the airplanes were things of the past, the last time he has seen a turret on an airplane was when he was a kid, in museum of aeronautics
"What about the markings, can you describe them?"
"It looks like Squared H on the tail, and a star with wings and a red dot in the middle of it on the waist. The aircraft's name is Pacific Pearl, its written on the front sir."
The personal in the tower immediately tried to figure out what kind of plane was that, even using PooDle. To no avail.
"Approach the aircraft with caution" Major ordered

"They are closing in!" Dennis said.
"Don't let them" Peter said, but William interfered
"We cannot open fire on them yet, what if they are allies?"
"What if they are not?!" I asked, finger twitching on the trigger.
"Do not fire, if they are not shooting, the transponder might still be working!" James agreed with William and therefore it was decided that we will not fire
"But I aint letting them out of my sight" Joker said.
The aircrafts were coming in close, they got into Dennis' firing range, but he didn't shoot.
"Those are not messerschmitts" Dennis said over the Interphone.
"No markings, no idea who it is" I said, slowly turning as the pilot of the jet pulled right beside us. wearing a full face mask.
"Joker, cover the one on three o clock" I said, covering the one at nine. They looked all over our damaged airframe.
It was hard to see what he was doing, but it seems like he's talking over to the radio.
"Damn it" James said "Nothing works" he complained, his voice was full of pain.
"what's wrong" I asked
"the lights are not working... maybe except landing lights"
He was going to try to communicate with them with landing lights? I hope he knows his morse

"The Aircraft is barely capable of holding in air Sir, The turrets are turned towards us, the gunners look like simians, they don't respond to radio contacts, but."
But? Who the hell ends the transmission with "but" ?!
"This is Hound two, they are flashing the lights on the left wing, morse code."
Major felt slight relief, a bomber was a bad news, but they should've seen it for hours now, instead it just appeared out of nowhere.
"I...D...... ID.... U...S....A....A....F ID, USAAF sir"
Once again, everyone was frantically trying to figure out what USAAF was


"there's more sir, 3...8....8...B...O...M...B...G...R..O..U...P 388th bomber group sir, please advise"
while the radio became silent again after the operator said "Please hold" and turned towards the major.
"Identify yourself, and make them land on.... where are they now?"
"Four minutes away from city of Kian sir, the airport is in the middle of the city." an adjutant, slim looking Rat advised
"Aren't there any other airfields? I dont want bomber on civilian airfield.
"I think there is a small airfield for aircrafts about 25 kilometers south west from the city. Not sure if it is still operational." She said.
"Make it operational." The hippo said and the rat bowed and went away
"Sent them the coordinates." He then ordered

"Look, they are responding" I said while looking at the red blinking light at the end of the aircraft.

After few moments it became obvious that we were lost.

"What the hell Is Mirandia Republic?" I asked.
"I'm more concerned about being forced to land" William said.
The message they sent was 'You have entered Mirandia Republic Airspace, we will escort you to an airfield'
The Jet which I had in sight came a little closer, I would be able to see his face if he wasn't wearing glasses and a mask.

"Hound one to mission control" This time around the voice almost seemed scared, what could scare a jet pilot?
"Mission control here, go ahead" The atmosphere was tense in the tower.
"I approached the aircraft a little more, it seems that the top gunner is a human"
Before even waiting for a reply, the communication officer asked.
"Hound one, please clarify, the Gunner is what?"
"A human sir"
Nonsense, humans are pets, not capable of buttoning their own shirt, much less flying aircraft.
"Hound two to mission control, approaching the bottom turret to verify"
after few moments
"Hound two here, bottom turret is manned by a human too"


Right now the Major was wondering if he was asleep, humans in the airplane, manning the guns, he would be less surprised if it was manned by skeletons who were magically brought back to life, but humans?

"Whats going on?" I asked, this was unusual, why would he be trying to take a look at me like that? Risking potentional crash.
"I don't like the way he looks at me" Joker said.

And then, it happened.

I was still prepared for everything.

But not for this

The pilot of the jet took off his mask, revealing a huge muzzle.
"Its a fucking werewolf! GOD HELP US" Peter screamed.
"Werewolves!" Joker Yelled, as he probably saw the same thing and opened fire on the second Jet.
The jet immediately did a turn and stopped escorting us, we were fucked now. Two Jets versus one B17.
I opened fire on the werewolf and Peter assisted me, We hit him hard, making sure that the wolf headed werewolf thingy is going to hell. The Jet took the beating valiantly, I only managed to spray his whole airframe, but it held together. I missed the cockpit but peter shot the tail, making it hard for the plane to maneuver

"Sir they opened fire!"
Humans shooting at jets, this is ridiculous!
"Force them to the ground!" Major ordered
"Hound one, you are to force the aircraft to land by any means necessary."

the two jets regrouped behind us, but Dennis was doing his best to keep them off us.
But we weren't made to fight those kind of aircrafts.
I didn't see any canon on those things, only the rockets, but the left one started firing, aiming at the third engine.
"Take them down!" I yelled, trying to get a hit from my position, but those aircrafts were agile.
Violent explosion shook the aircraft and the first engine was in flames.
There was no way that the Pacific Pearl was going to stay in the air much longer.
Yet the fortuna didn't leave us completely, they didn't shoot the rockets.


"Just get them off me!" William yelled and the B-17 slowly started turning right.
now we only had engines on the left side
But the sudden change of course allowed us to score some hits on the jets. Resistant bastards.
I'm pretty sure the second one has cracked cockpit.
He banked left, and started flying away.
"I'm going to have to set her down somewhere." I heard William, but the other aircraft didn't want to give up so easily so he opened fire once again, his aim was perfect, and he hit the first engine.
Pacific Pearl was doomed.
We were going down, with one engine, the landing was going to be impossibly hard. One engine cannot keep the aircraft in the air, it only allowed the pilot to chose a place for the accident.
Below us was grassy plain, and a road.
I heard a whirr below me, and I knew that William and James are going to land this beast.
Then a horrible sound came from the right wing and It yanked the whole aircraft more.

"Sir, they are lowering the landing gear"
this was the first good news Major heard.
"Holy shit!" Now that was not a proper radio communication.
"Their right gear flew by me, their landing gear is damaged."

"We're done, Hit the silk!" William ordered.
"I'll keep it straight for you guys, give them hell" James said
I ducked out of the turret and went towards the parachute, fastening it around the harness we were all wearing.
I met William, and we proceeded through the bombing bay, where four bombs were still waiting to be triggered, and stuck. We couldn't go through the bombing bay, so we rushed through towards the rear exit.
Peter was dead on the floor, I Reached the tail gunner's chamber, and opened it, only to see Dennis slumped in his seat, still holding the trigger.
There was no time, not even for goodbye. William opened the doors and Jumped out. I just heard the click as the Tail gun was empty, I jumped too...
I pulled the string almost immediately, barely missing the tail of the aircraft.


I saw William's parachute way down, full of holes, he was slumped. Dennis' turret blindfire must've hit him.

"Sir, they are abandoning the plane, two parachutes, one got shot down by their own turret."
Just what kind of madness was going on up there?
"The aircraft is going to attempt to land at the field"
"Send someone there" Major said, and an underling went off.
"I don't think they are going to make it sir." The pilot still commented.

The aircraft was barely controllable, James, who was the last living crewman of the B-17 Pacific Pearl was attempting to pull the nose up, he's going to land in a field.
The flaps were down, the nose was up, the gear was...mostly down, the bombs were in a closed bombing bay.
He was trying to stabilize the aircraft, but he was losing altitude fast, and was going too slow.
When the wheel touched the field, It jerked the aircraft to the right, smashing the wing, and then breaking the landing gear completely. The engine number two, the last remaining one, exploded, and in a split second later, the fuel tank followed suit, two explosions rocked the destroyed aircraft, and then the third one, huge. Obliterated the remains with the force of Four 1000LB bombs, and the Pacific Pearl was no more.

I was reaching the ground, only around 100 meters and I'll be caught between the trees.
I was going to fall into trees which belonged to the forest next to the field where everything and everyone disappeared from my life.
Bracing for impact, i went through the spruces towards the bottom. Suddenly the harness yanked me, and I realized that I was approximately five meters in the air, hanging from some trees.
I started swinging from back to front, trying to reach the nearest tree trunk, after five minutes of work, I managed to do just that.
When I grabbed the Tree, i started getting the parachute off. Luckily, my knife and my service pistol was still with me, so with a knife I took care of it nicely.


Then I climbed down from the tree, carefully. I fell from thousand meters, I don't want to die at the last four.
When I reached the ground, a sudden realization came to me.
I have no idea where I am, and no idea where to go.
I was however sure that going towards the wreckage was bad idea.
So instead, I went directly opposite.
about fifty steps later however, I heard someone going through the underbrush.
"It came from there!" A kid voice said. "Sammy wait for me" and a girl's voice
Two of them, perfect, and they speak English. There was nothing to lose, So I holstered my pistol, in an attempt to look non-threatening and started walking towards their giggly voices.
They must've heard the explosion, and were curious enough to take a look.
When I finally saw them, they saw me too, and I was too shocked to say anything.
"Look Marie, a human!" the male exclaimed. It wasn't a kid, and I decided that it was male judging by the clothes that he was wearing, but otherwise, he was a red fox.
"A Wild human? Or a Tame one?" And the girlish voice belonged to albino red fox dressed in a pink dress
"He's wearing clothes, so tame!" he exclaimed, and without fear ran towards me.
I was trying to figure out what was going on, tame human? Wild human? talking fox?
So it wasn't just werewolves, but werefoxes too?
When he was right in front of me, he looked up to me, he must've been about 8 if human years apply, and he was a little something over a meter tall.
"Hello human!" he said happily, his girly friend shyly tagging behind him
"A talking fox?" I asked eyes wide, not really understanding what was going on
"A talking human?!" they both exclaimed

End of current chapter

Pacific Pearl
Chapter 2

I was completely and utterly lost.
Not only I didn't know what to do, I didn't even know what to think. They don't teach you this stuff at bootcamp.
Neither they do teach it at officers school.
I guess they wouldn't even have enough students if the curriculum would include lessons on how to deal with pre-teen talking werefoxes.
He was standing right in front of me, looking up to me, and I was completely at loss.
There was only one choice to make, to go crazy, or not. My brain tried so hard to rationalize what just happened.
I was shot down and I saw all my friends die, so of course i could've gone crazy.
"Say something more!" the little fox urged me, as his sister meekly closed the distance between us.
What to do ? The werewolves shot us down, and there is yet another in front of me, although its a fox. Who knows how this werewolves things work.
"Let's go home Sammy" The girl seemed more scared than the boy.
Should I ask them for help? Should I tell them my name number and rank? Should I just shoot them? No, I should run, run as far away and try to find a working radio. I cannot be that far behind enemy lines.
Or could I ? I was shot down by werewolves, by a fricking werewolves. Are they part of the third reich? Is this the result of some genetic engineering?
I mean I heard all the propaganda about how hitler turns children into killing machines by using wicked chemicals and satanistic rituals! However seeing them like this is too much for me.
I should kill them before they report me to their local military and I'll get captured and interrogated.

But they are just children, or they appear so, they even have their own bestial cuteness to them, just like how would you find a baby tiger cute and fuzzy, even though you know the mother tiger is watching you.

"What are you?"

I decided to ask the most important question, even stressing the word "WHAT" to its limits. I refuse to acknowledge this reality, if he tells me something that doesn't make sense, I'll at least know that I have went bonkers.
"I? I'm Sammy and this is my sister Marie! Who are you? How come you are talking?" the boy asked me as he looked me from top to the bottom, clearly ignoring the fact that the question was more about race than his name., it was like he has never seen a man in his entire life, or maybe it was because i was still wearing the suit, i still had the breathing mask attached to helmet, although the tube was freely hanging, and was torn in one place. I didn't even check my bearings!
That's the second thing every single last soldier lost behind the enemy lines should've done!
I had my first aid kit, life preserver, service pistol with a spare magazine, my goggles, and slightly torn clothes, some blood on me and a clingy fox checking out my first aid kit... HEY!
"What is that?" He asked as he unzipped my first aid kit. The contents almost slipped out, but i quickly reached over and pulled the zip back up.

"Don't touch that."

Scolded kit folded his ears, he looked more endearing by the minute. The idea that this is Hitler's secret weapon was promptly blown away, its too obvious and too useless.

"Where am I ? Which way is the nearest city? Where can I find a radio or telephone?"

Basic questions, but i doubt the kit will have an access to telephone, especially in rural area such as this. However there is a possibility that he knows about someone who might have a radio.


This went against any and all regulations, I couldn't just blindly trust anyone, especially not the first person i meet, much less the kid. On the other hand there was no other choice, I didn't intended to try to radio for help, but first go into hiding and try to figure out if the Reich is behind this or not.
"You're in a Kian forest, dummy, are you from Kian city?" Sammy's ears regained their position as he basically walked around me, Marie was keeping her distance, however she didn't stay quiet.
"Our parents have telephone at home" Now that was some viable information, so these kids are from rich family, probably an industrialist. However the name of the city didn't ring a bell.
Thinking back, there was some talk about Mirandian Republic, but thats nowhere on our maps. So, considering that I'm basically left in the dark even after trying to remember every single last piece of info from the briefing, i decided to bite the bullet and asked the kids.

"Can you take me there?"

"No" was a strict answer from now frowning Sammy. "You didn't tell us why can you speak and what is your name!"
I knew it, its interrogation time. Let's go with not telling the whole truth and just go with:

"Richard, pleased to meet you."

Although the second part was a lie, and you need not to be a detective, Sammy smiled at me and re-introduced himself.
"I'm Sammy!" Neat. "But how come you can talk?" I beg you pardon?
I raised my eyebrows and tried to comprehend the question, but then i realized that even though i'm in surreal situation, talking with two foxes, I'm still a crewmember of a downed airplane, and I need to hide.

"Look, I'll tell you what I can but I need to hide."

I hoped that these two kids will understand the situation I'm in and help me. Even though it meant aiding an enemy combatant and thus I put their lives in danger.
"From who?" the female kit asked, but after i turned my eyes upon her, she took a step back.

"I just need to hide alright?"

"We'll take him home, but you'll tell us on the way!" Sammy happily suggested, and I had no other choice than to agree, if this was still third Reich, then they'll be combing the area soon. It is better to risk two confused parents than beligerent infantry.

"Alright, show me the way"

Sammy grabbed my hand and darted towards his sister, who seemed to be even more pale, however considering that she was a typical albino, it might've been just a trick of the light.
"So how come you can talk?" He asked after he successfully grabbed his sister's hand and attempted to drag us towards his presumed home.
Sometimes the easiest questions are the hardest, I could ask the bird how come he can fly, and if he could talk, he would tell me something along the lines of " I learned it" or "It's natural for me to fly"

"You first, I've never seen a talking fox"

I needed some time to prepare my answer, but then again, if i'm already in the rabbit hole, lets see how deep it goes.
"I learned it when i was a baby." Sammy seemed amused by the question and even Marie added her "Me too"

"It's same with me."

"You are lying, everyone knows humans don't talk." Marie frowned.
What the hell are you talking about? Of course we can talk, its the foxes that cannot talk! What the hell am I even doing, following two little (albeit cute) monsters to their den.

"How come I can talk then?"

Parents take heed, this is something I've learned from talking with my nephew. If you dont want to argue with them, outlogic them on their own level.
Marie looked up and then made a 'hmmmm' noise while we continued on our way
"Do you know any songs?" Sammy asked and i was once again surprised at this question.
If they were supposed to interrogate me, this was a very roundabout way about it, but then again, they are just kids... Little monstrous kids.

"Of course i do. I would rather not sing until i'm hidden though. They might still be chasing me"

"Who is chasing you ? Animal control? We can just say you belong to us." Sammy said and Marie immediately countered with "That would be lying! You know papa said you would get spanked if you keep lying!"
"But what if they are bad people? Like those on the 'Smart man' series." Sammy countered but then his eyes light up like a christmas tree covered in gasoline.
I still have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, why would animal control be upon me? saying I belong to them? Smart man series? Nothing makes sense anymore, but i cannot show my confusion.
"You are the Smart man!" Sammy exclaimed rather loudly.
While i appreciate the compliment, i don't think it was meant like one, and I would like to question the motives for calling me a smart man, even though I basically agree that I am one.

"A what now?"

"You are the Smart man, the smartest human, fighting for justice and helping all abandoned humans."
Okay, that is it, i quit trying to understand this situation and this world.

"I don't know about that, how far is your home?"

Was the only answer i managed to force myself to say. I had enough of trying to discuss if I'm some kind of unicorn equivalent of humans, so lets try to force this conversation elsewhere.
"It's very close. I can almost smell it already." Sammy said, once again proving that I'm in magical land of Tra-la-la and that I've probably went crazy.
However if it is not so, I will find a way to radio for help, or so help me god! I'm not staying here in the land of talking foxes and werewolf jet pilots.

End of current chapter

Pacific Pearl
Chapter 3

A cabin in the woods slowly appeared in front of us as we left the forest.
one story with an attic, slightly covered in snow. It seems that everything is getting crazier by the second. Snow, an actual snow in august.
"There it is" Sammy pointed towards it like it was not obvious enough that this was a singular building in a forest. Although it had a road leading to it, there was no vehicle in sight.
"Do you think Grandpa will like err... Ra..Ri." Marie seemed to have forgotten my name, but it was kind of endearing looking at the white foxy trying to figure it out.
"He'll be happy to meet Richard. Grandpa loves humans." Sammy happily exclaimed.
Now don't get me wrong, but the sentence "grandpa loves humans" rubbed me in the wrong way, and gave me the vibes of Little Red Riding hood, where I would suffer the fate of being eaten by a big bad... fox I guess.

"Don't worry, he'll like you even though he's grumpy." Marie tried to calm me down, but I already felt like It was a huge mistake to get closer to this house.
However, not having anywhere to go, and a house in the woods with a telephone, this was my only possible choice. The Snow which was luckily just on the ground made me realize that spending the night under the roof is going to be the best solution.
The heating on the suit was already cold and I would welcome the chance of rest.
We arrived at the footsteps and I was nervous just like that time I went to introduce myself to my girlfriends' parents. I wonder how is Lilly now. I haven't seen her for almost half a year now.
"Grandpa, we're back! And we found something!" Now that was not the super polite way of saying that they've found me, but who am I to argue? I'm the one being led by werefoxes behind enemy lines.


Or am I actually behind enemy lines? Better not think about it.
"Oh? What did you..." an old rattly voice asked as somebody opened the front door.
In front of me was standing a red fox, a gray one at that, but that's to be expected, they called him grandpa. He had a pale orange face with gray fur on the muzzle.
He opened the doors and the kids rushed inside, and left me standing face to face with the dude.
I was just about to open my mouth and introduce myself to the old man when he tried the weirdest thing.
"Shoo" he said, making a dismissive gesture with hand. "Go home."
"Grandpa, Richard has no home" Marie tried to help me. I was still standing in the entryway.
"You gave the stray a name? Kids what did I tell you about bringing in strays?" He gave her 'the look'
You know the look a tired man gives the grandkids, whom he cannot discipline but he is going to openly show just how much he disagrees with them.
"No, he told us his name" Sammy joined the conversation. "He's a magical smart human"
"Nonsense" Grandpa said, while still standing in the door.

"Sir, if I may interrupt." I said, and oh the look of horror upon his face.

I thought that this would clear up the confusion about me being intelligent. However it cleared only one thing.
The old man was not prepared for this, and he promptly slammed the door in my face.
Literally in my face
I fell backwards and on my ass. holding my bleeding nose.
As I was rubbing my hurt face, I heard kids yelling from inside, but all I could discern was "No" and "Grandpa!"
Unfortunately, there was something I needed to do. I need to get a call through to our boys, request further orders, and or, find a route to the front lines.
I stood up, and I looked at the doors, the singular obstacle in my way. I considered kicking them in, which would be the most obvious choice.


However, we were not in the superman movies, like the secret agent, where he just goes through the doors. I wasn't really feeling all fancy, and I clearly needed to get inside.
So doing what right, I just opened the doors by using a handle, like any normal human would.
What greeted me was a crying kids on the couch. Just now I got to look at the interior, the entrance opened into a living room with a fireplace and a very thin television, probably a fake one, as it was too thin for it to function. Behind the sofa were two doors. Both of them open. There were also two windows, one right next to the fake screen and one next to the doors
In one I could see something resembling a kitchen counter and in the other one I could see an old fox.
More than see, I could hear him yell "HIDE!" and "Damn Aliens!" as he shoved something in
Oh crap!
I quickly hid behind the doorframe as the first shot from the double barrelled shotgun went wide.
Oh hell. what now?
"You will not take us!" He yelled, but I wasn't keen on discussing it with him, not anymore.
if he wants to shoot at each other then let us do just that. Pulling the M1911 service pistol, I bolted from my place to the side.
The plan was simple. I will take a look through the first window and then dash to the other one. If the kids are still on the sofa, the man would probably hesitate to shoot over them.
However, the second shot from the shotgun went right through the window I was going to look through. So I took the chance. and I peeked through the window.
If I was right, and the old man was not the fastest man on earth, he had to reload. I was not going to let him.
I took aim. "NO!" Marie yelled as she has seen me pointing my gun at her grandparent, but it was too late.


Well, it was more of a poof! but a little more louder. followed by "Argh!"
The old fox went down like a sack of potatoes.
"Grandpa!" Sammy yelled and went over the sofa to check on him.
Meanwhile I rushed through the open doors. Gun in hand, I quickly took control of the situation.

"Get BACK!" I yelled at the kids, not waiting for anything to happen, for example them trying to attack me.

Kids are usually very emotional, so I did take a precaution of pointing my gun at them to emphasize the importance of obeying my orders.
Marie was crying on sofa, and Sammy was glaring daggers at me with his teary eyes. "Don't hurt grandpa!" He wailed.
I took one look at the old man, and I was pretty sure, he was in deep trouble. He got hit in the shoulder. but he was bleeding like there was no end and the bullet was still inside.
I however knew from Bobby, who was my drinking buddy and a medic, to not get the bullet out. However, as our times together were mostly spent by drinking, I do not remember much of from what he told me.
"We have to call an ambulance!" Marie shrieked as she looked at the bleeding gramps on the floor.
That's right, this house is supposed to have a telephone here.
However, I couldn't leave him laying down here, So I opened my first aid pouch. Considering for a second what to do.
"you bastard!" the grandpa was unsurprisingly still on the floor, clutching his bleeding shoulder.
I fished out the wound tablets and a tourniquet. Leaving me with only dressings, and a morphine syrette, oh and scissors.

"Swallow this" I put the first wound tablet into the old man's muzzle. but he spat it at me.
"It'll help" I tried to convince him but he retorted with "Fuck you"

So I tried a little less subtle approach, I straddled him and I punched him in the face, not full force but enough to force compliance.
"STOP!" kids yelled.

"Swallow this" I fished yet another tablet and this time I held his mouth close so he couldn't spit it again.

Then after forcing his hand from his wound, I applied tourniquet.

"Sammy Come here!" I barked an order and he gave me 'the look'. I didn't have time to argue with the kid.
"If you want to save him, come here!" but that helped.
"hold his hand up in the air, and don't let him move. Where is the phone?"

Marie came to me and handed me a smooth brick, which was not that heavy but I certainly didn't need it.

"What's that?" I asked.

"A phone!" Marie said, and I was once again reminded that these are just kids, and this thing with a paw print on the back is going to be a toy.
"No I mean a real phone, landline." I was running out of time.
She looked at the brick and did something, and the brick started to shine. with a screen.

"what's that?" It seemed too thin, but it had a moving picture of a cat on it. telling me to slide to unlock

"A phone! I told you!" Marie insisted
"Don't help the alien!" Man grumbled.

"Okay, I need you to call this number" and I dictated her a number of a British special operations officer, whom we were supposed to contact in the event of being stranded behind enemy lines.

I half expected this not to work, because let us be honest. Why would you tell your own men about an undercover agent and give them a phone number to call in case you get stranded in enemy territory. That would be suicidal for the agent, let alone calling him a special operations officer. Not to mention that knowing from back home, it was very easy to listen in on a phone conversation
she turned the 'phone' and touched the display several times, making me wonder if the shock was too much for her, and she was now suffering from insanity.
then she turned the brick to me with number I just told her on the screen."Is it correct?" I just accepted that as a some sort of miracle. You know, you get much better at accepting new ideas when you spend hour or so with talking foxes.


After confirming it, it started to make a repetitive tone. I tried to remember the code phrases I was supposed to say.
She handed me the brick and I put it to my ear like I would do with a head set.
after a few moments somebody picked up the phone on the other side.
"Hello, Swan's Pizzeria, how may I help you?"
I don't remember anything about pizzeria in the code message, but I tried it anyway.

" Du weißt, Hans hat eine Gans erschossen?" I spoke the code for telling the Brit ,who had thick Italian accent, that I was shot down. The code response was supposed to be ' Glücklicher Hans, er sollte mir ein bisschen geben' with an address where should I go.

Instead I got "Dude, fuck off" and then a different repetitive tone.
This was rather vexing, as I realized that the Brit was openly talking English into the phone, and I tried the code phrase in German. However, if the Nazi's were listening, it should seem like a normal conversation.
That means, I'm bummed, and I'll need to get home on my own.

"Damn it all back to hell" I yelled.

Then after a few moments, I knew what I needed to do. Even though I treated the gunshot wound, I need to decide the course of action, I need to go, I cannot stay here, but should I kill them to prevent anyone else from knowing I was here? Or should I leave them and risk Nazi werewolves hunting me down? Can I shoot two kids and injured elderly man?
Are those mutants even kids?

End of current chapter

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 12:37 UTC
Views: 163