Accumulation of Round 7 Vote results, 2022-05-16 10:50 GMT.

Vote prompt post: >>24197318

  • /nasa/: >>24208522
  • /vrt/: >>24208610
  • /morig/: >>24222351
  • /who/: >>24258326
  • /meat/: >>24317766
    Total: 5


  1. Should /ehe~/ be placed in the area shown in picrel of >>24185981?
  • /nasa/: Yes
  • /vrt/: Yes
  • /morig/: Yes
  • /who/: Yes
  • /meat/: Yes
    Summary: Yes passes unanimously.


  1. Should /ehe~/ be placed in the area shown in picrel of >>24185981?
    Summary: Yes passes unanimously.

Accumulation of Round 6 Vote results, 2022-04-25 04:44 GMT.

Vote prompt post: >>22956059

  • /who/: >>22956331
  • Sakuran: >>22978759
  • /pyon/: >>22985906
  • /morig/: >>22997058
  • /wg/: >>22997584
  • /vrt/: >>22998276
  • /meat/: >>23053823
    Total: 7


  1. Regarding the common calendar used for organising timelines and histories, it has been decided that Year 0 should be set at /jp/-/vt/ split, and time passes at the speed of plot. What should the current year be? Be noted that the year chosen is unrelated to the general tech level of the world.
  • /who/: 1750
  • Sakuran: 1735, change to 1120 if it breaks the tie
  • /pyon/: 1120
  • /morig/: 1120
  • /wg/: 1120
  • /vrt/: 1120
  • /meat/: 1120
    Summary: 5 for 1120; 1 for 1750; 1 for 1735. 1120 wins. Thanks for the suggestion /morig/.
  1. It has been months since the first roster of countries was made. Since then, threads have risen and fallen. As such, should the following changes be implemented to reflect the current composition of threads in /vt/? Be noted that each suggestion below is independent of each other, and should be voted upon separately.

    remove, or change /mion/ to /okfams/

  • /who/: Yes
  • Sakuran: Yes
  • /pyon/: Yes
  • /morig/: Yes
  • /wg/: Yes
  • /vrt/: Yes
  • /meat/: Yes
    Summary: Yes passed unanimously.

    remove, or change Duck to /pagi/

  • /who/: Yes
  • Sakuran: Yes
  • /pyon/: Abstain?
  • /morig/: Yes
  • /wg/: Yes
  • /vrt/: Yes
  • /meat/: Yes
    Summary: 6 for yes; 1 ambiguous. Yes passes.

    remove, or change /corpo/ to /aa/

  • /who/: Yes
  • Sakuran: Yes
  • /pyon/: Abstain?
  • /morig/: Yes
  • /wg/: Abstain
  • /vrt/: Yes
  • /meat/: Yes
    Summary: 5 for yes; 1 abstain; 1 ambiguous. Yes passes.

    remove /ñ/

  • /who/: Yes
  • Sakuran: Abstain
  • /pyon/: No
  • /morig/: Abstain
  • /wg/: No
  • /vrt/: Abstain
  • /meat/: No
    Summary: 1 for yes; 3 for no; 3 abstain. No majority - to be revoted with no abstain.

    remove /ccu/

  • /who/: Yes
  • Sakuran: Abstain
  • /pyon/: Yes
  • /morig/: Abstain
  • /wg/: No
  • /vrt/: Abstain
  • /meat/: Yes
    Summary: 3 for yes; 1 for no; 3 abstain. No majority - to be revoted with no abstain.

    remove /gorls/

  • /who/: Yes
  • Sakuran: Abstain
  • /pyon/: Yes
  • /morig/: Abstain
  • /wg/: No
  • /vrt/: Abstain
  • /meat/: Yes
    Summary: 3 for yes; 1 for no; 3 abstain. No majority - to be revoted with no abstain.


  1. Regarding the common calendar used for organising timelines and histories, it has been decided that Year 0 should be set at /jp/-/vt/ split, and time passes at the speed of plot. What should the current year be? Be noted that the year chosen is unrelated to the general tech level of the world.
    Summary: 5 for 1120; 1 for 1750; 1 for 1735. 1120 wins. Thanks for the suggestion /morig/.
  2. It has been months since the first roster of countries was made. Since then, threads have risen and fallen. As such, should the following changes be implemented to reflect the current composition of threads in /vt/? Be noted that each suggestion below is independent of each other, and should be voted upon separately.

    remove, or change /mion/ to /okfams/

    Summary: Yes passed unanimously.

    remove, or change Duck to /pagi/

    Summary: 6 for yes; 1 ambiguous. Yes passes.

    remove, or change /corpo/ to /aa/

    Summary: 5 for yes; 1 abstain; 1 ambiguous. Yes passes.

    remove /ñ/

    Summary: 1 for yes; 3 for no; 3 abstain. No majority - to be revoted with no abstain.

    remove /ccu/

    Summary: 3 for yes; 1 for no; 3 abstain. No majority - to be revoted with no abstain.

    remove /gorls/

    Summary: 3 for yes; 1 for no; 3 abstain. No majority - to be revoted with no abstain.

Accumulation of Round 5 Vote results, 2022-04-18 12:30 GMT.

Vote prompt posts: >>22539284, >>22550002

  • /morig/: >>22561772
  • Sakuran: >>22566887
  • /who/: >>22567173
  • /pyon/: >>22567507
  • /nasa/: >>22567748
  • /wg/: >>22571162
  • /meat/: >>22669531
    Total: 7


  1. Following on the result of the last round of voting, what should be the nature of the common calendar used for the purpose of organising timelines and histories? This is an open-ended question, with the two main factors being voted on being:
  • /morig/: Year 0 should be /jp/-/vt/ split. Era should be marked as BVT and VTE. The current year should not be 1700-1800 (maybe 860?)
  • Sakuran: Year 0 should be /jp/-/vt/ split. Era should be marked as BVT and VTE. The current year should be 1735 VTE.
  • /who/: Abstain.
  • /pyon/: Year 0 should be /jp/-/vt/ split. No era name suggestions. The current year should be "like 800 for something?".
  • /nasa/: Abstain.
  • /wg/: Year 0 should be /jp/-/vt/ split. Era should be marked as BVT and VTE. The current year should be consistent with 2.'s result.
  • /meat/: Year 0 should be /jp/-/vt/ split. Era should be marked as BVT and VTE. The current year should be at least a few centuries, but not 1700-1800.
  • Year 0 should be /jp/-/vt/ split passes with 5 to 2 abstains.
  • Era should be marked as BVT and VTE passes with 4 to 3 abstain.
  • No majority for current year. It will be decided with a revote in the next round with no abstain.
  1. Based on the calendar discussed in 1., Should we decide on a loose thread-by-thread timescale? If so, please state your preferred scale e.g. 1 RL day = 1 in-game month. Be noted that non-concrete timescale e.g. "speed of plot" is also permissible.
  • /morig/: Speed of plot. After significant events, /vtwbg/ could have a "Time Advances" vote, where advancing the "current year" by a few years is proposed.
  • Sakuran: 1 week irl= 3 in-game months, so 1 month irl= 1 in-game year. Change to speed of plot if it serves as a tiebreaker.
  • /who/: Frozen.
  • /pyon/: Speed of plot.
  • /nasa/: Speed of plot.
  • /wg/: 1 day irl equals 1 week in-universe.
  • /meat/: Speed of plot.
    Summary: 4 for speed of plot; 1 for frozen; 1 for 1 week to 3 months; 1 for 1 day to 1 week. Speed of plot passes.
  1. As suggested by the Sakuran representative, should a non-reverse-engineerable, instantaneous communication system/device limited to the representatives of countries be introduced to the setting? Be noted that it is "not meant to give any significant power to the reps themselves; if another rep replaces a current one they get the device, but rather to explain how they talk to and organise deals with nations on the other side of the globe", according to the suggestion.
  • /morig/: No.
  • Sakuran: Yes.
  • /who/: No.
  • /pyon/: No.
  • /nasa/: No unless it can be intercepted by /nasa/.
  • /wg/: No.
  • /meat/: Yes.
    Summary: 5 for no; 2 for yes. No passes. Sorry Sakuran rep.


  1. Following on the result of the last round of voting, what should be the nature of the common calendar used for the purpose of organising timelines and histories? This is an open-ended question, with the two main factors being voted on being:
  • Year 0 should be /jp/-/vt/ split passes with 5 to 2 abstains.
  • Era should be marked as BVT and VTE passes with 4 to 3 abstain.
  • No majority for current year. It will be decided with a revote in the next round with no abstain.
  1. Based on the calendar discussed in 1., Should we decide on a loose thread-by-thread timescale? If so, please state your preferred scale e.g. 1 RL day = 1 in-game month. Be noted that non-concrete timescale e.g. "speed of plot" is also permissible.
    Summary: 4 for speed of plot; 1 for frozen; 1 for 1 week to 3 months; 1 for 1 day to 1 week. Speed of plot passes.
  2. As suggested by the Sakuran representative, should a non-reverse-engineerable, instantaneous communication system/device limited to the representatives of countries be introduced to the setting? Be noted that it is "not meant to give any significant power to the reps themselves; if another rep replaces a current one they get the device, but rather to explain how they talk to and organise deals with nations on the other side of the globe", according to the suggestion.
    Summary: 5 for no; 2 for yes. No passes. Sorry Sakuran rep.

Accumulation of Round 4 Vote results, 2022-04-11 03:00 GMT.

Vote prompt posts: >>22049594
Voting parties:

  • Sakuran: >>22052172
  • /morig/: >>22088825
  • /who/: >>22119134
  • /nasa/: >>22119260
  • /pyon/: >>22123933
  • /wg/: >>22126396
  • /meat/: >>22181653
  • /nasfaqg/: >>22182138
  • /kfp/: >>22183441
    Total: 9


  1. Should /vtwbg/ adopts a common calendar for the purpose of organising timelines and histories? Be noted that this common calendar will not be imposed on any countries in-universe (although they can choose to adopt it as well), but is used strictly to provide a common reference frame for international events and histories. If it is adopted, the exact nature of this calendar, in particular when is year zero set, will be voted upon in the next round.
  • Sakuran: Yes. For the next round, I suggest Year 0 to be the Japonia-Vitia split. I'm alright with the pre and after 0th year time periods being either eras that restart at 0, or follow the irl model of eg PVT and ADD (Pre VT and Anno Discidium Dimensiva), though I prefer the later.
  • /morig/: Yes. The jp/vt split marking Year zero and splitting the timeline into BVT (Before /vt/) and VTE (/vt/ Era) or any other variation of such seems like a fine system.
  • /who/: Yes. Organizing everything into a neat timeline will make working things easier, even if some of us won't be using it. No proposal from my part however.
  • /nasa/: Yes.
  • /pyon/: Yes. year zero is the whenever was first post in /vt/ (not including >>1) or something like that. also by what factor are we multiplying the timescale from the real world? is /vt/ hundreds or thousands of years old? sorry if this was already discussed before
  • /wg/: Yes. I think it would be good to have a global calendar to help people in the thread with organization when necessary. Having the split from /jp/ serving as Year 0 makes the most sense to me as it's a global event that marks a new era for everyone.
  • /meat/: Yes.
  • /nasfaqg/: Yes. It should likely be zeroed in a the creation of /vt/, with /jp/-era lore being the "BC" of this world. Having a common time frame would help relate and coordinate events between generals.
  • /kfp/: Yes, however generals should be free to have their own custom calendar as long as they always present dates along with the unified calendar date.
    Summary: Yes passes unanimously


  1. Should /vtwbg/ adopts a common calendar for the purpose of organising timelines and histories?
    Summary: Yes passes unanimously

Accumulation of Round 3 Vote results, 2022-03-27 16:00 GMT.

Vote prompt posts: >>21027357 (1/2), >>21159443 (2/2)
Voting parties:

  • Sakuran: >>21033911
  • /pyon/: >>21035432
  • /morig/: >>21052305 (
  • /who/: >>21145419
  • /wg/: >>21146428
  • /inf/: >>21147805
  • /meat/: >>21158081
  • /nasa/: >>21158336
  • /nasfaqg/: >>21170512
  • /kfp/: >>21170950
    Total: 10/93(+schizo wastelands) threads, ~10%


  1. Should /wst/ be moved to /pyon/'s previous location, as per suggestion and justification in >>20619938?
  • Sakuran: Y
  • /pyon/: Y
  • /morig/: Y
  • /who/: Y
  • /wg/: Y
  • /inf/: Y
  • /meat/: Y
  • /nasa/: Y
  • /nasfaqg/: Y
  • /kfp/: Y
    Summary: Yes passes unanimously
  1. How should the northern pole of the planet be like? Proposals and explanations are in >>20525386.
  • Sakuran: D
  • /pyon/: D
  • /morig/: D
  • /who/: D
  • /wg/: D
  • /inf/: D
  • /meat/: C
  • /nasa/: D
  • /nasfaqg/: D
  • /kfp/: D
    Summary: 9 for D, 1 for C. D passes.
  1. In a situation where a proposal has an abstaining percentage higher than 50%, it has been decided that said proposal will be set to be revoted on. Should be revote happen immediately in the next round of voting, or at a later date?
  • Sakuran: Next round
  • /pyon/: Next round (for important issues), Later date (for others)
  • /morig/: Next round
  • /who/: Next round
  • /wg/: Next round (if it makes sense), Later date (if the situation is unclear
  • /inf/: Next round
  • /meat/: Next round
  • /nasa/: Case by case basis
  • /nasfaqg/: Next round
  • /kfp/: Next round, preferably with a preferential voting system
    Summary: 7 for Next round, 3 for case-by-case basis. Next round passes.
  1. Should there be a unified name for the planet across all nations?
  • Sakuran: Y
  • /pyon/: Y
  • /morig/: N
  • /who/: N
  • /wg/: N
  • /inf/: N
  • /meat/: N
  • /nasa/: N
  • /nasfaqg/: Y
  • /kfp/: Y
    Summary: 6 for No, 4 for Yes. No passes.


  1. Should /wst/ be moved to /pyon/'s previous location, as per suggestion and justification in >>20619938?
    Summary: Yes passes unanimously
  2. How should the northern pole of the planet be like? Proposals and explanations are in >>20525386.
    Summary: 9 for D, 1 for C. D passes.
  3. In a situation where a proposal has an abstaining percentage higher than 50%, it has been decided that said proposal will be set to be revoted on. Should be revote happen immediately in the next round of voting, or at a later date?
    Summary: 7 for Next round, 3 for case-by-case basis. Next round passes.
  4. Should there be a unified name for the planet across all nations?
    Summary: 6 for No, 4 for Yes. No passes.
Pub: 27 Mar 2022 14:18 UTC
Edit: 16 May 2022 10:49 UTC
Views: 1733