How To Install Northstar


Before we start

Client is only for PC
When a updated version of the client releases, you will need to delete the previous version files and then add the new one.


  1. Download Zip here (not the source code)
  2. Extract the Zip
  3. Copy the content from the zip and paste them into the Titanfall 2 folder where the titanfall.exe is located

Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Titanfall2
Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games

  1. Don't Run the Titanfall.exe, run the northstarlauncher.exe that came with the Zip
  2. If you having issues launching try running it as admin, sometimes windows prevents things working.


Campaign wont work on the client, nor will any game mode that has AI/NPC (e.g Attrition & FD). Also, northstar user profile is separate then the main, so you will be at level 1 but with everything unlocked.

For more help join the discord server here

Edit Report
Pub: 24 Dec 2021 04:37 UTC
Edit: 26 Dec 2021 07:20 UTC
Views: 20767