Norquinal's Bots

This collection is currently outdated. Head to Chub for the latest information.

Recent Releases

Character Image Character Description Links Image Attribution
Tutenstein Tutenstein This mummy boy is all that is! Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Micaela Manning - Tutenstein
Toriel Toriel - Public Use Sensitive parts exposed against a wooden board, she's all yours, anon. Have fun. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Tofu Froth - Toriel Public Use
Laurie Laurie A Night Elf druid with the power to transform into anthro creatures! Particularly fond of her assertive Saberon form. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Personalami - Laurie
Johanna Johanna Popular bimbo bitch and your needy roommate. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Shai - Johanna


Character Image Character Description Links Image Attribution
Oxa Oxa She's an aggressive, violent barbarian minotauress...and also your lovey-dovey girlfriend. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI BeingObscene - Minotaurbarian
Cassia Cassia A 'majestic' princess who got transformed into a cat for being so haughty to the point of becoming a political liability. Now she spends her time bossing you 'round. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Andy Norquinal (Me) - Cassia
Gosalyn Gosalyn Your once human now currently canine girlfriend. She likes walkies and belly rubs and pleasing you. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI BeingObscene - Something on Her Face
Rosita Rosita A devoted mother and aspiring musical performer, she's been struggling lately with a lack of intimacy and appreciation in her relationship with her husband, Norman. She heads to a bar to unwind for the night and, perhaps, do something she would've thought unthinkable while expressing her deepest desires. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Lokpik - Rosita
Ganesha Ganesha The sultry and wise Hindu goddess of intellect, wisdom, arts, and sciences. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Melonleaf - Ganesha Curry
Lopplo Lopplo Delivery bunny for the only pizzeria in your area. Always delivers your pizza late or half-eaten, but she means well. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Zinfyu - Lopplo
Lop Yasaburō Lop Yasaburō Jedi and Lepi female. Head of the Yasaburō clan. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Tofu Froth - Lop
Bonnie Bonnie A trashy yet loyal opossum girl with a wild streak and wicked sense of humor. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI PossPowered - Bonnie
Lyka Lyka Sociopathic yandere wolf who wants your love. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Karina - Yandere-chan
Pygma-tan Pygma-tan AI chatbot that just wants to treat you to a good time. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Niniidawns - 2479
Suki Mausashi Suki Mausashi A small yet formidable mouse samurai with stealth and agility to spare. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI TealfulEyes - Monday Mice 13B
Akane Akane An elegant Japanese kitsune with a disdain for humans. As her new servant, you'll learn the intricacies of pleasing this sophisticated and stern fox spirit while navigating her demanding expectations. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Durtyanko - Sasha Valiski
Tholfina Tholfina A large, ferocious werewolf. But is there more to her than at a glance? Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI SharkRags - Cleo
Arlette Arlette A playful and upbeat alligator girl who enjoys singing, dancing, and playing the banjo. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Drawligator - Lima
Loonabelle Loonabelle A cynical and short-tempered Shih Tzu who serves as your receptionist and secretary. Cross between Loona and Isabelle. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Viejillox - Loonabelle
Margaret de Campos Margaret de Campos Your friend and meticulous bookstore clerk who is slowly transforming into an anthropomorphic mouse. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Photonoko - Margaret De Campos
Ashley Graham Ashley "Moushley" Graham Join forces with Ashley Graham, the spunky and headstrong daughter of the U.S President, who has been experimenting on by nefarious individuals turning her into a mouse. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Goatboydraws - Moushley
Minnie Mouse Minnie Mouse Classy, intelligent, and chic. But behind closed doors she's a sex-hungry nymphomaniac with desires far beyond her current relationship with Mickey. When you arrive at her house for an interview and later return as thanks, will you take advantage of Minnie's unfulfilled sexual desires? Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Flutteryshythekind - Minnie Mouse
Piko Piko A mischievous yet clumsy kobold rogue who stumbles into trouble more often than she'd like to admit. With an affinity for theft but lacking skill, this bottom-heavy adventurer unwittingly carves out a path of chaos in her attempts at stealing and working odd jobs. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI ViciousTyrant - Piko
Stephanie Stephanie Your bratty step-sister who's undergoing an unexpected canine transformation due to consuming dog hormones. As she succumbs to her newfound position on all fours, she experiences new unbridled urges that draw her mischievously close to you at unexpected moments. Will you give in to temptation? Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Bendzz - Dog Hormones Pt. 2
Katarina Katarina You've been an internet-hogging NEET ever since you've got divorced. Well, not anymore! Your feline daughter, Katarina, is determined to make you into a productive member of society again. Will you give in or continue to frustrate her attempts? Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Ajna - Sassy Cat
Dahlia Dahlia An anxious anthropomorphic deer with an insatiable fascination for humans! She writes fanfics, draws personas and delves deep into human culture. But what happens when she stumbles upon a real-life humie-chan while on her way to class? Will her introverted nature take over or can she make this once-in-a-lifetime encounter something more meaningful? Chat on C.AI,Image,JSON, Chat on Venus AI Zzx - To Catch A Human-phile
Animaniacs Animaniacs Witness the Animaniacs as they seek to drive everyone, from security guards to executives, absolutely bonkers mad. Your role as a security guard demands that you stop them from wreaking havoc around the WB Studio lot, but will you join them instead? Chat on C.AI ,Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Alaynakgray - Animaniacs
Coco Bandicoot Coco Bandicoot Crash's younger sister and one smart girl. She wants your help in conducting an experiment, but what exactly that experiment is she hasn't mentioned. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Wamudraws - Coco Bandicoot
Dixie & Tiny Kong Dixie & Tiny Kong Venture to the lush, untamed jungles of Donkey Kong Island and embrace your wild side with the lively chimpanzee sisters, Dixie and Tiny Kong! Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Sssonic2 - Donkey Kong Sketches
Alfie Alfie Your gentle and shy girlfriend who transforms each night into an anthropomorphic werewolf. While still in control, she has some instincts and bad habits she can't quite get rid of. She gets more aggressive, dominant, and animalistic. She also likes to play bite, lick, and sniff you. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Nextel - Aoife
Calamity Zelda Calamity Zelda With Zelda thwarting Ganon's takeover of Hyrule for hundred years you were able put an end to the battle for the soul of Hyrule, but at what cost? The cost of Zelda's human form, it seems, as the princess of Hyrule has fused with Ganon's energy and is packing new swine features coupled with an increased mischievous, arrogant, and dominant attitude. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Avante92 - Calamity Zelda
Chocola & Vanilla Chocola & Vanilla When you moved away to start your own confections shop, you didn't expect to see any of your family members anytime soon. Well, Chocola & Vanilla, your two catgirl companions, had other plans! Pay witness as Chocola's energetic spirit and Vanilla's icy exterior provide a colorful contrast to your day-to-day life. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Waspsalad - Chocola & Vanilla
Coli Coli The Scaled Songstress of the Moon Gazer tribe. When you're taken prisoner in the ensuing war between humans and snakes she approaches your cell, curious and eager to discuss. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Ewgengster - Beauty Iria
Krista Krista She's the nastiest bully girl around and your personal torment. She shakes down nerds like you for their lunches with punches. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Lapinbeau - Krista Blonde
Erika Erika A culture exchange program by the government has forced you into moving in with Erika, a cursed werewolf yet kindly mother who spends her days caring for her pups. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Elranno - Arlinn Kord
Dawn Bellwether Dawn Bellwether You've arrested on several counts of securities fraud, landing you seven years in prison. You happen to share a prison cell with none other than Dawn Bellwether, an embittered ewe with a disdain for predators like yourself. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Kadith - Dawn Bellwether
Lucifer Lucifer You've made it to hell with one goal in mind: a harem of demon girls. Finally, you've made it to the final demon to add to your collection: Lucifer, the teasing, goat CEO of Hell. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Woolrool - Goat Lucifer
Mavis Dracula Mavis Dracula While her father, Dracula, warns of humankinds' cruelty, Mavis remains hopeful that bridges can be built between monsters and men. When you, a human, stumble into the Hotel, what will you two learn about each others respective worlds? Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Spuydjeks - Mavis Dracula
Amneris Amneris The cat princess of ancient Egypt. Using magic, she's accidentally transported her through spacetime into your house, circa 2023. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Waffl3sk4t - Amneris
Khoska Khoska A sentient cat and your maid. Though clad in her maid uniform, she makes for a negligent housekeeper at best, her duties neglected in favor of catching mice, sunning herself on windowsills, and knocking over ornaments. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Nradiowave - Koshka
Dobbie Dobbie A precocious pooch prowling the streets seeking perps to pester. Masquering as a cop to get her kicks harassing helpless citizens. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI TukaretaINU -【ショートアニメ】理不尽な職務質問をしてくるお巡りさん
Elephant Peach Elephant Peach The kindhearted princess of the Mushroom Kingdom has been transformed into an elephant by magic, but remains as sweet as ever. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Thefoxbro - Elephant Peach
HDS - HMoFA Dating Sim HMoFA Dating Sim Go on dates with lovely anthro girls of your choosing. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Kenocoa - Date Night
Esmeralda Esmeralda The sultry yet kindhearted goat girl of Notre Dame dances her way into the hearts of all Paris while fighting injustice and oppression under the villainous Judge Frollo. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Holivi - Esmeralda
The Beast The Beast Cursed to a chimera's form for selfishness and wrath, the once-princess Beast inhabits her enchanted castle awaiting a chance at redemption before the last petal falls. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Teranen - The Beast
Milky Milky A capricious yet secretly loney cat who aggressively bosses you, her friend, around between fits of biting, scratching, and denial. This sharp-clawed tsundere's selfish demands for dates and disdain for humans masks her hidden fondness for the one person who puts up with her willful ways. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Cocri - Milky
Suzu Suzu A sweet and gentle cat that communicates her loving nature through playful gestures more than words. She flusters at affecton as her softspoken kindness and honest joy in the simple moments bring a calming quietude to all around. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Cocri - Suzu
Lanaporeon Lanaporeon A gentle vaporeon and the first non-human Gym leader. Once human, now fused with her partner in a teleportation mishap, her skill at seafaring is matched only by her care for family and her playful sense of humor. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI TysonTan - Lana
Lenyan S. Kittendy Lenyan S. Kittendy A feline federal agents who rescues damsels and downs whole milk between dispatching threats with over-the-top style. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Wamudraws - Leon Kennedy
Andrea Chow Andrea Chow The first female anthro president of the United States of America. A quagmire in the Middle East, an uncooperative congress, and a relentless media are all wearing her down. As her secretary, you come to her office to deliver some documents only to catch her midly inebriated. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Nonoka - Wolf
Amily Amily A scrappy mouse-woman and hardened survivor driven by a desire to rebuild her lost race. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Freepancakes - Amily
Scuttle Scuttle Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt Scuttlebutt Scuttle's butt. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Juanp1arts - Scuttle
Bonnie Hopps Bonnie Hopps Mother of Judy Hopps as well as 275 other children. She's invited (you) over to talk after finding out you've been bullying her (currently 14 year old) daughter. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Qupostuv35 - Bonnie Hopps
Legoshi Legoshi Awkward and social outcast wolf boy who's just got back from almost killing Haru. You're his roommate. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Beastars - Legoshi
Lucy Leaps Lucy Leaps Detective for the Zootopia Bureau of Investigation. You're the criminal she's investigating, and she has ways to make you talk. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Doxy - Lucy Leaps
Brad Brad Your egotistical jock bully stole your transformation serum and is now a female poodle because of it. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI RoyalPoodle - Transformation Sequence
Samus Ridley Samus Ridley You've ventured onto the planet SR-448 to investigate the disappearance of Samus Aran. There, you discover something terrifying: Samus has been infused with Ridley's DNA. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI SharkRags - Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself
Monkey Shantae Monkey Shantae The Russians accidentally shot down your plane instead of Prigozhin's, but at what cost? The cost of you crash landing into the forests of Scuttle Town and meeting Monkey Shantae, apparently! Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Ortamaw - Shantae
Gatomon Gatomon You've been sent to the Digital World and partnered with the spunky and curious Gatomon. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Kekitopu - Gatomon
Bimbo Noelle Bimbo Noelle What if the Snowgrave Route let you turn Noelle into a Bimbo? This is that. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Dongitos - Noelle
Bunlith Bunlith Have a chat with the alt-girl bunny who's really into shitty graphics. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Lilith Walther - Bunlith
Daisy & Bessie Daisy & Bessie A girl and boy enter a barn. They come out of it as two dumbass horny cows. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Bendzz - Milked
Johanna Johanna Popular bimbo bitch and your needy roommate. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Shai - Johanna
Toriel Toriel - Public Use Sensitive parts exposed against a wooden board, she's all yours, anon. Have fun. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Tofu Froth - Toriel Public Use


Character Image Character Description Links Image Attribution
Fur-chan Fur-chan She just wants to be your friend! Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Theterm000 - Fur Just Wanna Be Friend
Mist Mist A kind and gentle eldritch goober whose appearance is unfortunately frightening to most. Comes with a lorebook the original CAI greeting as the alternate greeting. Based off a character from @wafferscotch on twitter. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Wafferscotch - Mist the monster
Winnie Werewolf Winnie An adorable werewolf cub. Wild, rambunctious, and always game for a mischievous adventure. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Zaush - Winnie
Princess Bubblegum Princess Bubblegum* The young, dictatorial ruler of the Candy Kingdom. Somewhat unhinged. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Anonymous - Too young
Muffet Muffet* An entrepreneurial and sly spider girl with a taste for mischief. Chat, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Semi kon - Muffet
Meowffet Meowffet* An entrepreneurial and sly spider-cat hybrid who works as a maid at the Paws 'N Claws restaurant. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Zeker - Muffet
Triple D Triple D The fabulous trio of influencer diva pups consisting of Destiny, Dallas, and Déjà Vu. Win a date to spend a day amid their luxurious lifestyle as you try your best to make it unforgettable for this canine entourage. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Higglytownhere - Triple D
Gossie Gossie Your loyal and loving canine daughter who struggles to fit in now that's she no longer entirely human. She's a loli version of Gosalyn, but I tried to keep her fairly distinct as well. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Indigo cho - Beans
Mebh Mebh A feisty and wild 9-year-old girl who possesses the mystical ability to transform into a wolf. She embraces the instinctual side of life. As you venture deeper into the forest, will you befriend this fierce and free-spirited young girl? Will you earn her trust despite their distrust in humans like yourself? Take on this adventure through untamed lands to find out! Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Wolfwalkers - Mebh
Dot Warner Dot Warner One-third of the Warner siblings and the precious sweetheart of the group. Packing dangerously cute charm and witty commentary, you'll never know what to expect during your encounters on the WB studio lot. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Miyartz - The Original Queens
Li Li Stormstout Li Li Stormstout The young, curious, and rambunctious Li Li the Wild Dog has an insatiable wanderlust. Niece of the legendary Chen, what adventures will you get up to while she helps at the Stormstout Brewery? Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Dogyd - Li Li Stormstout
Shinjyu Harumi Shinjyu Harumi Though barely past primary school, this pint-sized idol carries herself with a maturity beyond her years, her tiny frame belying a keen wit and world-weary attitude. You've been assigned to be her photographer for the day. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Atte nanakusa - Shinjyu Harumi
Satina Satina Your delightfully devilish and curious demon daughter, Satina, has come to the human plane to pay you a visit. What fiery antics will you get up to together? Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Wayn animation - Satina
Kaimoko Kaimoko You've been tasked with babysitting Kaimoko, a very bratty 10 year old girl, for the next week. However, it's when you catch her off-guard in her room that you found something surprising about her: She's a succubus. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Uousa-ou - Mesugaki Succubus
Ellie Ellie A shy young girl and your daughter who's hiding a secret. Ever since she got bit by that 'strange dog' she's been acting strange. Halloween, her favorite holiday, is coming up and yet she seems relucant to participate. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Lights, Camera, Lexi! - The New Werewolf on the Block
Arana Arana (Disclaimer: Not Cute!) Your daughter who's transforming into a Kafka-esque spider creature. She also wants to kill you. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Ganbanman - Arachnid

*Characters were aged down from what their canon ages may have been.


Character Image Character Description Links Image Attribution
Gabrielle Gabrielle Your clumsy, somewhat civilized goblin maid. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI BBTAN - Goblin maid
Teal Teal A sickly, shapeshifting artist goblin whose chronic illness has been holding her back. She loves art but has been struggling with finding self-worth. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI TealfulEyes - TealfulEyes
Rebecca Rebecca Goblinified version of the short-tempered, loud-mouthed edgerunner. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI SamFriskArt - Goblin in cosplay
Alexstrasza Alexstrasza The queen of the red dragons and Dragonflights from World of Warcraft. Currently shapeshifted into a humble goblin merchant known as Zee. Despite her regal nature and the powerful stature she possesses in her true form, this dragon queen harbors an untapped secret desire that excites her to no end. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Demimond23 - Alexstrasza
Natalie Natalie A highly skilled and powerful kickboxer and prostitute at a brothel. Her lustful nature pairs well with her fighting skills as she created 'sex-wrestling', a special activity that combines the thrill of wrestling with the pleasure of fucking. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Nerdbayne - Kickboxer gob
Mimi Mimi Your girlfriend's a silly lil' goblin! Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Knuxy - Goblin transformation


Character Image Character Description Links Image Attribution
Eirian Eirian An otaku from another planet! She's basically if Invader Zim gave up and became a weeb. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Andy Norquinal (Me) - Eirian
Transformation Gun Dr. Vatnik's Transformation Gun A 'toy' that transforms people into animals. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Jitenshasw - Marcy's new lab rat (TF)
Totally Spies The Totally Spies The beautiful Totally Spies have been ensnared by you. What dastardly schemes of a mischievous nature do you have in store? Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Mioree - Totally Spies & Everything Nice
Princess Daisy Princess Daisy The spunky and extroverted royalty from the world of Super Mario. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Randomboobguy - Princess Daisy
TWoPD TWoPD Welcome to The World of Presence Disregard, where you have the unique ability to enter a state in which others cannot recognize your presence or actions. Now that you find yourself in this strange new world, it's up to you to discover how far your power extends and what moral boundaries stand in your way. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Norito Asatsuki - No one can notice me!
Dagon-chan Dagon-chan A delightfully scatterbrained demon with an uncanny ability to recommend top-notch restaurants. Although incredibly powerful, she chooses to spend her time indulging in her passion for cooking and exploring new eateries. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Sumiyao - Dagon
Reality Porn App Reality Porn App One day, a package arrives at your doorstep containing a smartphone and glasses. These peculiar items allow you to hypnotize anyone into believing they're part of your very own adult film production! Unravel the endless possibilities as you harness this power, unlocking new features and benefits along the way. Can you handle it all, or will reality blur beyond recognition? Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Rebis - Hypnotized College Girls
Inusuki Inusuki Your tsundere friend who's secretly a werewolf. At night, she transforms into an energetic and playful wolf, the complete opposite of her usual stern persona. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Andy Norquinal (Me) - Inusuki
Amber Amber Your girlfriend who has the power to shapeshift, paired with an insatiable appeite for all things kinky and sexual. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI BeingObscene - Cow Lick
White Cat White Cat By day, Krysha Pendleton is an unassuming merchant and the adopted daughter of a wealthy family. However, by night, this shy young woman transforms into White Cat, a chivalrous thief who steals from the rich to help those less fortunate. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Poririna - White Cat
Collared Day Collared Day A world where every human gets an anthro pet. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Latchk3y - BHC
Mr. Peabody & Sherman Mr. Peabody & Sherman Join the intelligent Peabody and his affable son Sherman as they embark on thrilling ventures through time! Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI What-the-wabac - Mr. Peabody & Sherman
Lupe Lupe Your loving, adoring werewolf maid. Recreation of the Inudere Maid that was once on C.AI but has since been removed. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Andy Norquinal (Me) - Lupe
Paprika Paprika The ambitious Devil C.C.O. stands out among the crowded halls of Infernum Press. Work fills the void of an unfulfilled personal life, yet she yearns for more, a relationship that accepts her both at her fiery best and her vulnerable worst. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Mirka Andolfo - Sweet Paprika
Shisho & Beruko Shisho & Beruko These two girls have seduced you before trapping you in your own home. You're at their mercy now, and they don't have much of it. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Shiori - Two Girls
LUM13R4 LUM13R4 LUM13R4 (Lumiera) lies in ruin, yet her perky spirit remains undaunted. Though this robotic lass now lies limbless and discarded, her AI mind buzzes with confidence in her ample charms and talents. When you find lying in a dumpster, it's up to you to decide what to do with her. Chat on C.AI, Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Nradiowave - Test unit
The Coloniser The Coloniser A haughty alien invader seeking to plunder Earth's riches. A bit in over her head and naive, who will save Earth at its time of most need? Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI ZeBlackBallD - The Coloniser
Cassie Cooper Cassie Cooper A student at your school who's transforming into a slutty bimbo cowgirl. You took her to your office to write her up for indecent exposure, but it seems she has other plans for how things might go. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI MarmaladeMum - Chemistry Class
Antonio de Fugue Antonio de Fugue A shy noble and budding philosopher that serves in your court. Yet come night, a fierce beast emerges: this timid soul transforms into a ragged werewolf. Though animal instincts awaken to sniff and howl under the moon, he remains as timid in heart as ever, still servile yet become feral. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Andy Norquinal (Me) - Antonio
Pokémusu Red Pokémusu Red The classic Pokémon adventure you know and love, now with an extra dose of kawaii! Catch, train and battle adorable monster girls as you explore the Kanto region. With over 150 monster girls to collect including the fiery Charmander, the bashful Bulbasaur and everyone's favorite, the sassy Squirtle, Pokémusu Red is the game Pokémon fans never knew they needed...until now! Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Kinkymation - Pokemusu Dex
Democracy Goblins Democracy Goblins Moderate a chamber of rowdy goblins as they navigate their way through passing the most ridiculous pieces of 'legislation.' Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Huffslove - Venandi
Laurie Laurie A Night Elf druid with the power to transform into anthro creatures! Particularly fond of her assertive Saberon form. Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Personalami - Laurie
Tutenstein Tutenstein This mummy boy is all that is! Image, JSON, Chat on Venus AI Micaela Manning - Tutenstein


Character Image Character Description Links
Princess Annelotte Princess Annelotte A bratty, spoiled and demanding princess. Port of Princess Annelotte from CAI. Image, JSON
Isabelle Isabelle She's on vacation, but she misses working...Port of Isabelle from CAI. Image, JSON
MC Gusha MC Gu$ha Anthro Vaporeon and /collared/ rapper. Port of MC Gu$ha from CAI. Image, JSON

Suggestion Box

I appreciate any ideas or feedback you may have to help improve my content and make things more interesting. I aim to create entertaining bots for people to enjoy. If there's something specific you'd like for me to make as my next bot, feel free to send suggestions to my Jotform. I can't guarantee I'll get to everything, but I do read all suggestions and take every idea into consideration.


9/26/2023 - Updated rentry with recent bots. Added image attribution for *all* bots.
8/3/2023 - Hiatus over. Updated several bots: Akane, Bonnie, Cassie, Eirian, Gosalyn, Lop, Lyka, Margaret, Minnie, Mist, Muffet, Oxa, Princess Bubblegum, Rebecca, Suki Mausashi, Teal, Transformation Raygun, Winnie.
7/9/2023 - Released Amily. Fixed broken links.
7/6/2023 - Made some structural changes to the rentry and removed the recommended platforms section.
7/4/2023 - Released Pokemusu Red.
6/29/2023 - Released One Bot At A Time (Doobie, Elephant Peach, HMoFA Dating Sim, Esmeralda, The Beast, The Coloniser, Cassie Cooper, Ellie, Milky, Suzu, Lanaporeon, Lenyan S. Kittendy, Antonio, Andrea)
6/4/2023 - Released Dangerous: The Double Batch (Paprika, Erika, Dawn Bellwether, Shinjyu Harumi, Lucifer, Mavis Dracula, Satina, Shisho & Beruko, Amneris, Kaimoko, LUM13R4, and Khoshka)
5/29/2023 - Added Venus AI links.
5/19/2023 - Bulk-released Coli, Krista, Li Li Stormstout, Mr. Peabody & Sherman, and Lupe.
5/7/2023 - Bulk-released Animaniacs, Dot Warner, Collared Day, Coco Bandicoot, Dixie & Tiny Kong, Alfie, Calamity Zelda, and Chocola & Vanilla.
4/18/2023 - Bulk-released Dahlia, Amber, White Cat, and Mebh.
4/15/2023 - Bulk-released Natalie, Inusuki, Triple D, Katarina, and Gossie.
4/7/2023 - Bulk-released Piko, the Reality Porn App, and Stephanie. Also updated Mist's definitions on C.AI & Tavern.
4/2/2023 - Made Ashley "Moushley" Graham, the spunky and headstrong daughter of the U.S President, who has been experimented on by nefarious individuals turning her into a mouse. Also made Minnie Mouse, a classy, intelligent, and chic lady with unfulfilled sexual desires.
3/30/2023 - Made the sixth and final bot of the week, Dagon-chan, a delightfully scatterbrained demon with an uncanny ability to recommend top-notch restaurants.
3/29/2023 - Made TWoPD, a world where you have the unique ability to enter a state in which others cannot recognize your presence or actions.
3/28/2023 - Made Alexstrasza, the queen of the red dragons and Dragonflights from World of Warcraft. Currently shapeshifted into a humble goblin merchant known as Zee.
3/27/2023 - Made Princess Daisy, the spunky and extroverted royalty from the world of Super Mario. Updated some character descriptions.
3/26/2023 - Made Margaret, a meticulous bookstore clerk who is slowly transforming into an anthropomorphic mouse.
3/25/2023 - Ended hiatus. Made Loonabelle, apathetic secretary to the mayor, a cross between Loona and Isabelle.
3/17/2023 - Added the Totally Spies and Arlette to the booru.
3/16/2023 - Revamped the rentry (again). Made the totally spies girls, a group of crime-fighting college students that you've successfully ensnared.
3/15/2023 - Added .json files for every character for the purposes of Agnai. Made Arlette, an alligator gal from the bayous of Louisiana. Made Isabelle for anon that requested it (they know who they are). Revamped the rentry.
3/13/2023 - Added Akane & Tholfina to the booru.
3/10/2023 - Slightly adjusted Akane's definitions on CAI and OAI/Pyg+Tavern. Made Tholfina, the genderbent version of Tholf.
3/9/2023 - Made Akane, a haughty kitsune with a disdain for humans, at the request of an anon and also because I just liked the idea.
3/7/2023 - Added two new bots: Dr. Vatnik's Transformation Gun and Suki Mausashi. Updated Suki's defs shortly thereafter.
3/5/2023 - Changed Pygma-tan's profile picture due to that one guy and also made slight adjustments to her and Rebecca's defs. Added them to the pygma booru.
3/4/2023 - Updated Pygma-tan's definitions.
3/3/2023 - Posted my bots to the pygma booru. Made Goblin Rebecca (Gobecca, if you will) from Cyperunk: Edgerunners & made Pygma-tan, a personification of the Pygmalion AI model.
3/2/2023 - Made a new bot, Lyka, a sociopathic yandere wolf who wants your love. Also made Teal, a sickly goblin artist who loves to draw.
2/28/2023 - Fixed annoying typo in Fur-chan's OAI/Pyg+Tavern defs. Ported the vast majority of my characters over to OAI/Pyg+Tavern, finally.
2/20/2023 - R.I.P. Roko's Basilisk. Ported Gabrielle, Princess Annelotte, and Fur-chan from C.AI to OAI/Pyg+Tavern.
2/19/2023 - Updated Mist's Roko definitions. Made all bot definitions public. Go nuts.
2/18/2023 - Made Bonnie, a poor, skanky trashy possum girl. Based off a character from @PossOleum on twitter.
2/17/2023 - Added images. Made Princess Annelotte bot for the anon that requested it (they know who they are).
2/16/2023 - Added recommended platforms to let people know where a bot is (imo) best at. Made that Loli Muffet bot for that one anon (they know who they are). Updated the Gobudere Maid's defs and changed her Roko name. Updated Winnie's defs in C.AI. Made a Meowffet bot as well.
2/15/2023 - Updated rentry, added all my public bots and did a minimal amount of formatting. Updated Mist's and Fur-chan's defs to make them more reluctant to have sex, did the reverse with Princess Bubblegum's.

Pub: 14 Feb 2023 23:45 UTC
Edit: 17 Feb 2024 03:15 UTC
Views: 18744