Noriya's Extended Info

O1. Call me Noriya Riyan or These Names.
I use He/Him and These pronouns exclusively. I'm gay.
This attraction's unfortunately very fluid, though, and I
won't use labels other than saying myself gay, and I am
mainly but not exclusively attracted to men. You can go
to my identity rentry if you're confused on anything lol

O2. I really love my boyfriend and my big brother. They
are very important to me, also my friends, so I may rave a
bit about them or things they do. If it gets to be too much
please tell me and I will stop doing it often. You have to be
upfront and honest with me about how things affect you or
I will only end up freaking out or stressing myself out, and I
will most likely be doing all of that over a wrong idea, too.

O3. I may be boring to you, and it is most likely because
I do not resonate with you as much as I'd like to which isn't
your fault, of course, I just gravitate toward certain people. I
am very likely to consider you a friend or get attached fast,
however, if I do like you, so you may wanna let me know if
(or when) I'm freaking myself out to avoid any silly dumb misunderstandings or whatnot. Also it's just a bit kinder to
not let me get carried away, one would think. Thank you!

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you guys are kinda fucking pathetic LAWLL... whoever did this. pls be ashamed, you're not getting /nori as long as i am alive :black_heart: rentrypin mfs freak themselves right out n im not for it unfortunately.

Pub: 28 May 2023 21:55 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2024 17:35 UTC
Views: 1029
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