archive of the past one here

.co / noriyaki

Noriya's Extended Info

Noriaki  or  Riyan  He  None
Gay Demi-Cis  Male 、 7teen
AfroCarib Japanese Anglican

Masc  Terms  Only.  No  Neu
I Rarely / Never List Or Talk About Disorders
Phys. Disabled, Chronically Tired

Taken 04.14.24 @ 1:14 A.M.
I Fw Jamel, Nellais, Nas, 
Alex, Ryo, Leo, Rayvyn, 
Uzi, Lia, Jamal, Emi ++

Terms Names BYF / DNI URLs
Rentries Main Socials Blacklist
Yumes Kins Interests Lovemail

Pub: 28 May 2023 21:55 UTC
Edit: 19 Aug 2024 14:18 UTC
Views: 626