Considering people have been dismissing information an opposing side gives because of an inherent assumption that it's false or made as a smear campaign, I implore you to read this document and analyze the contents inside it logically.

This is the second time I am reposting this document due to the original being taken down

The reason I am making this document is that I feel as though the general public is ignoring key information and evidence relating to the "Nijisanji vs DokiBird" situation that could point to the truth of the matter. People usually make emotional arguments in an attempt to disregard statements and evidence so I will say this. I am not attempting to downplay the effects of poor mental health or the seriousness of suicide attempts. However, there are accusations of bullying/harassment that I believe should also be taken seriously and looked at critically. My goal is not to defend Anycolor's business practices. My goal is to try and uncover the truth. Not Dokibird's truth or Nijisanji's truth. Please keep the fact that I do not know the full story in mind, this is only a plausible sequence of events that I believe are the most likely to be true based only on publicly available information.


There are a couple of allegations being made about Nijisanji that I believe are blatantly false and untruthful. I will continue to debunk allegations throughout this document past this section. These allegations , in specific, have to be cleared up so I can ensure that people will take the information in this document objectively. Throughout this document, please keep in mind that just because there is reason to keep evidence private, it does not imply the existence of valid evidence. Showing no evidence of accusations should still have people doubt your accusations even if there's reason to not share the evidence.

ALLEGATION OF SKINWALKING: The allegation made popular online is that managers working for Nijisanji take control of the accounts belonging to Livers to try and protect their reputation. I will debunk the evidence given to assert this is the truth.

  1. Terminated talent, Zaion Lanza exposed that her manager took control of her account and wrote a message covering up her suspension with a family break. Sayu states this in her document named "One Girl's Story"
  2. Terminated talent Selen Tatsuki could not have written the message posted on the 27th of December since her termination notice states she was suspended at the time and Selen usually doesn't write using a certain apostrophe

Here is my evidence and reasoning for why this is false

  1. This is her document.
    One Girl's Story
    The direct quote given in her document is as follows. "At the end of the call, my manager's manager asked me what I'm going to tell my fans. This was asked in a manner that made me feel pressured to say, “Oh, I’m…just going to say that my family asked me to come on a last minute holiday trip.”

Please note that it was never said that management forced her to make a statement or took control of her account to make a statement. Zaion feeling pressured to make a statement does not mean she was forced

  1. The accident message
    The suspension

It was never stated how long the suspension lasted, so there was no contradiction in the statement. Selen being unreachable to the management, does not prove that Selen was not in control of her account. Selen did not respond to management at this time, which was why she was "unreachable" and could explain the frequent communication with her emergency contact instead of her. Given the circumstances, a reasonable assumption to make is that Nijisanji management allowed her access to her accounts after her incident, which is when she made the decision to update her audience. A far less likely assumption is that a manager took control of her account to update Selen Tatsuki's audience on her accident without her permission. A reasoning for the circumstantial evidence regarding a different apostrophe than usual could be that she rarely writes messages through her phone but through a different device. The apostrophe is not evidence that management took control of people's accounts. There was never actual proof of this allegation and only speculation going against the words of Livers in Nijisanji. Further evidence that the "skinwalking" allegations are false.

THE GURRAT ALLEGATION: This conspiracy theory has a long history. It originated on 4chan's /VT/ board. The "apostrophe" theory also originated on 4chan which is why I believe the general public are suddenly giving credibility to 4chan posts.

The original theory was Ex-NijisanjiIN talent, Noor, was secretly a manager. The assumptions used to point to Noor being a manager were eventually shifted onto/included Elira Pendora since the public were more likely to believe it because of the Black Box video. It assumes that because Noor was involved with the interviewing process of Finana Ryugu, that she was both a Liver and a manager which goes against the words of Finana as she herself says "I guess she was invited as a guest to interview me" and Finana states this was her only encounter with Noor. It also makes the assumption that talent managers and employers in charge of applications and interviews are the same. The allegation continues to assume that Nijisanji was understaffed in their EN branch due to how many waves they chose to debut, so they were forced to make bilingual talents who could speak both English and Japanese a manager or a translator for a manager.

The evidence being an unsourced, unreliable Discord screenshot involving an anecdote made by an alleged ex-Nijisanji staff member. This same message further claims that a significant portion of Nijisanji management left the company to start an NFT operation. The theory would also have you assume that a famous, successful Japanese company could not hire a bilingual manager or a translator and they decided to release new waves regardless. This requires a certain of level of disbelief. Supposed evidence used to suggest that Elira was a manager are things such as Elira having a lot of merchandise, sponsorships and promotions, which would imply that companies who have been involved in sponsorships and promotions don't have a say in what talent they want to promote their product. It also forces the wild assumption that Selen could not have had issues with both talents and management simultaneously. The author of the document putting together the theory eventually took down said document because people actually started to believe it then used it to harass talents. They admit it was only ever speculation.

Statement from GURat author

The Graduation Queue/ Nijisanji not allowing Livers to graduate: This allegation involves the belief that Nijisanji talents may not graduate when they choose to despite Nijisanji talents saying otherwise. Evidence being that no two NijisanjiEN livers graduated at the same time. This theory would contradict Yugo Asuma's sudden graduation. Note the difference between a graduation and termination This would also assume that the varying time frames Nijisanji Livers have between announcements of graduation and day of graduation is caused by management and is not of the Liver's freewill. The problem DokiBird had was that she wanted to properly graduate and not have her contract terminated. This would include the basic events a graduation would typically have such as a final stream, final projects and the like. These are the "neutral terms" she was describing in her first and second statement. This would take Nijisanji, their Livers and DokiBird by their word. This would explain why Nijisanji would have told Selen that they expect her to comply with the Activity Rules during negotiations which would be unreasonable to say if she wanted to quit immediately.


Note: "we have decided to have Yugo Asuma graduate" refers to the Liver behind Yugo Asuma and Nijisanji management due to the graduation letter mentioning an agreement between two parties

With these allegations being cleared up, allow me to explain the most plausible truth to the recent sequence of events

The Breaking Point

The breaking point refers to the situation involving Selen's "Last Cup of Coffee" music video.

Selen's manager responded to her a day after she originally sent for the video to be reviewed by her manager. It is unreasonable to assume her manager was maliciously attempting to sabotage Selen Tatsuki's music video considering the fact that a manager is responsible in managing an entire wave and it was during the holidays. The video was sent to management for the first time according to the termination notice which it was impossible for the manager to be able to get permissions for the graduated Livers in advance of the date Selen wanted to post her music video. Her manager informs her they will need permission to include the graduated Livers in the video and Selen proceeds to post the music video despite this.

When her video was privated, she called to her audience to reupload the video with her tweet which is a clear violation of the Secondary Content Creation rules. The tweet is misleading as it could make people assume that the management denied Selen permission to release the video herself, that management would never allow the music video to be posted by Selen and was made private without just cause. Many people online shared speculation this was the case which proves the message was misleading.

In actuality, she had to wait for her manager to get permission from the graduated Livers to use assets affiliated with them and then she would be allowed to post the video. The manager says that permission for the audio was already granted themselves

Breaking Point

People question why the manager need permission from graduated Livers but it is explicitly explained why they would need permission stated in the termination notice of Selen. Violations
"These violations also include unauthorized usage of works and assets belonging to others affiliated with ANYCOLOR , disregarding the intentions of these parties". This coincides with Millie Parfait's statement made in this clip where she says "It really depends on the Liver if they want to participate in stuff" Millie Parfait's statement. The Activity Rules still apply to graduated/terminated Livers. The reason Selen Tatsuki merchandise was still being sold was because she already gave permission for it to be produced in 2023. Refer to the third page of the termination document. This gives a justifiable cause of termination of Selen Tatsuki's contract, along with other situations where she has broken Activity Rules and got into confrontations with her managers. Selen's other confrontations with managers

After this occurred, management approached Selen, while being mindful of her mental health, about the situation to ask her to explain why the video was made private to the public or for the management themselves to explain why the video was made private in which she and her emergency contact refused. The decision was made to remove access to her accounts considering the situation. She was given access to her accounts back by management following her accident where she chose to update her audience on her situation and she spent the next following days under supervision in the hospital. She was released from the hospital on the 31st of December and updated her fans. A reasonable explanation to how she was allowed to write the initial statement regarding her accident is that Selen herself updated her fans of her situation.
Selen out of hospital

Aftermath of the Breaking Point

After Selen was released from the hospital, she sent lawyers to Nijisanji following the situation where Nijisanji remained steadfast about either Selen or themselves informing the public on why the video was made private and Selen continued to not want the public statement concerning the reasons the privatization occurred to be made. Selen demands that ANYCOLOR be held legally responsible after this. Because of the unspecific wording of being held "legally responsible, a popular piece of speculation is that Selen filed an HR complaint. I find this unreasonable considering the word choice of being held "legally responsible" and the fact that Selen had her legal counsel involved. I firmly believe that she was threatening to file a lawsuit against ANYCOLOR for harassment, which would fit with the terminology used and following events.
She claims that due to management she was not able to properly engage in her activities as a Liver and that because of mismanagement, she was being harassed by other Livers. Selen states to Nijisanji that should negotiations not go through, she would release a statement regarding these claims to the public.

Negotiations did not go through, given her sudden termination. Then this statement was posted giving further credibility to Nijisanji
DokiBird's first statement

Nijisanji continues to assert in their notice that Selen attempted to shift responsibility of breaches of the rules onto Nijisanji's management, which harmed their reputation in their notice. What Selen was negotiating for was that Nijisanji allow her to have a proper graduation while Nijisanji denied her the possibility unless they were allowed to publicly give their reasons for why the video was privated or she herself clear up the situation. The reason why they sought permission from Selen to publicly post the statement about why they privated the video was because they wanted to ensure that Selen would not publicly refuse that management were justified leading to a public fight between a VTuber corporation and one of their Livers, further damaging their reputation. They both were not budging, which led to Selen Tatsuki's termination.

A Key Question: What was she being silenced about? It couldn't have been her attempt since she was able to update her fans on her account which would be what Nijisanji would want to prevent to avoid controversy. What exactly was being silenced in the situation? Reasonable assumptions are that this was a self-imposed silence to avoid further arguments with managers, she viewed her temporary suspension as an attempt to silence her or DokiBird lied considering the evidence to the contrary of Selen being silenced. The most charitable assumption and my personal belief is that DokiBird saw her temporary suspension as a way to silence her while Nijisanji saw it as a reasonable action to take considering her past actions as well as being concerned for her mental health, possibly thinking that a break from her job would be a form of stress relief and self reflection.

Please be aware that it is legal in Canada and Japan to be able to terminate employment without notice if there is justifiable cause

The Black Box Video

There is another allegation I have to clear up to ensure people take the information logically and without bias.
I will now thoroughly debunk the popular claim that Nijisanji "self-reported."

Self Reported Allegation: Nijisanji did not know how much information would be given in DokiBird's public statement regarding her harassment claims. This explains why Nijisanji's termination notice of Selen included more information than Dokibird's statement. It is unknown if the termination notice influenced how much information DokiBird would release to the public. Simply put, publicly denying allegations made in private is not an admission of guilt, especially if the person is threatening to go public with said allegations. This applies to the Livers involved in the Black Box video as well. The reasoning why Selen's termination notice was three pages long was not to publicly smear her but to give full transparency of the recent events regarding her. Nijisanji did not make a list of specific incidents when Selen broke the rules. They only mentioned what rules she broke and an unknown incident where Selen did not properly communicate with artists resulting in artists not being paid on time. It's unknown what the specific incident was and who the specific artists were. The "Breaking Point" was focused on because it was the main incident that caused the relationship of Selen, Nijisanji and Nijisanji's Livers to break down, which resulted in her termination.

After DokiBird's statement went out, the public disavowed Nijisanji's claims as false and took the claims of harassment inherently as true. There was little debate on who was telling the truth as the public ran with the idea that Nijisanji was harboring bullies who harassed a girl into suicide. Barely anyone questioned whether harassment actually took place. The few people who did were called corporate boot-lickers or participants in a smear campaign. As the story grew, there were more and more people directly harassing Nijisanji talents and there was a heavy amount of speculation regarding who the bullies were which people used as justifiable reason to harass Livers and threaten them physically. This caused Nijisanji Livers to volunteer to make a statement in a video after a discussion with Nijisanji EN as a collective after they were approved by Nijisanji Staff and the Nijisanji legal team on what they could and couldn't say.

Black Box
The Black Box Video

"Elira Pendora purposely posted the video during DokiBird's Neopets stream" Allegation: This is an allegation that uses the logical fallacy of mistaking causation for correlation. The video was intended to be posted before Riku Tazumi's apology for the IR report (whoever wrote that report was probably fired out of a cannon) where it was stated to investors that the termination of Selen Tatsuki's contract would bring negligible financial losses to the company Elira would also have to find the time for both Vox and Ike to be available. They would also presumably want to release the video where the majority of the English speaking audience would watch it which is around 8:00 PM EST in the USA and Canada. Correlation: Both DokiBird and Elira Pendora wanted their content to be seen by as much people as possible so they start at around the same time. Causation: Elira Pendora is a bully who purposely starting her stream during DokiBird's stream. It is not the responsibility of Nijisanji EN or their talents to monitor DokiBird's stream to not overlap her.

I will now go through everyone's most important statements in the black box video and yes, the video was obviously scripted because they want to choose their words carefully and not accidentally reveal private information that could be used against them or the company in a potential lawsuit.
Elira Pendora

  • "Everything that'll be discussed has been approved by our lawyers or is based on our personal experiences."
    -This is supported by the statement made by Nijisanji
  • " over the past month staff received documents from Selen's lawyer containing examples of her claimed experiences under Anycolor. These documents in question included personal information of some Livers and when it was sent to us we learned that there was a potential that this information could be made public. Some of the information poses a risk to our personal safety and puts some of us at risk of doxing notably one section of this document alludes to where Millie, Enna and I live. However, there are also harmful claims made in the document about some liver's personal information that we believe are simply untrue. I felt threatened and scared of speaking out about the situation because of the risk that it could pose to not just my own safety but the safety of those around me as well"
    -Is Elira Pendora justified in fearing for her safety? Yes. Considering it was stated in the termination notice that Selen threatened to make her claims public and Nijisanji was not aware of the amount of information made in the claims that could go public, she is justified in feeling threatened to speak out about the situation. Was Selen going to post Elira's address and face? I doubt it but Elira never claimed this either. She states that the document "alludes" to where she lives which could be enough. It could involve either the city, town or province she lives in which would allow Doxxers to narrow down her location
  • "When Selen had posted the Tweet about her cover being privated, several EN members reached out to Selen and we expressed our concerns. We were genuinely concerned and we wanted to understand the situation as we were all in the dark about it"
    -This is most likely the event that Selen described as her being harassed by other Livers because of mismanagement stated in Selen Tatsuki's termination notice
  • Once she notified all of us regarding her hospitalization, we immediately reached out to her , each other and her manager to confirm her safety. Her manager also immediately reached out to her and her emergency contact and kept us updated throughout the entire situation"
    -This coincides with the available information and further suggests that the initial event concerning a public statement about the privated video involving Selen, her emergency contact and management happened before her accident and not during her time in the hospital. Note that Elira states that Selen herself notified her and others of her hospitalization.

Vox Akuma

  • Evidence of Selen's disregarding of her manager is shown in this section
  • "It's very important to establish this pattern of events had happened before on multiple occasions including her Fall Guys tournament in August of 2023 and a voice pack in May of the same year and an outfit contest also in May. In each of these situations, Selen would be working on one of the projects I mentioned , she'd be given clear communication about confirming certain aspects with staff , as all other Livers receive and comply with and each time she would refuse to cooperate and when staff would react appropriately, she would make public statements that would hurt any color's reputation and as these situations kept occurring myself and other Livers felt very upset and anxious"

    -Evidence: Selen Outfit Contest

Note that the company itself never claimed to include a prize pool which is why Selen herself changed the rules to include one and had to pay out of her own pocket What was initially intened to be Anycolor's project was turned into one of Selen's personal projects. I am going to reiterate that I am not here to defend Anycolor's business practices

Fall Guys Selen

These are the events Vox was referring to which are proven to be true.

  • "It's in this context that I hope explains why myself and some other Livers decided to approach Selen and ask about her handling of the latest situation which was her cover being made private. So some Livers, myself included, asked Selen why she tweeted about the cover in the way that she did , expressing that we felt it was unnecessary and harmful. According to Selen's lawyer, it's this event that they claim to be a buildup of past experiences that led to accusations made by Selen that she was bullied and harassed.

    -This is supported by Elira's statement and the termination notice of Selen

  • "Having thoroughly reviewed the documents sent to Anycolor by her lawyer and based on what I know personally and have been told by Selen as her friend , myself and other members vehemently believed these claims to be completely untrue. I feel very confident in saying that the way I and other Livers communicated with Selen about this incident was fair and reasonable especially considering our built-up anxiety over this repeating pattern of behavior. In my opinion, I do not think that it was a form of harassment

    -People hone in on the first statement and there is a perfectly reasonable explanation to Vox saying he " thoroughly reviewed the documents." He was referring to only the documents that were given to him by Anycolor or he was unaware of any private documents that DokiBird had requested be made private. People who focus on his last sentence questioned why he gave his opinion and didn't assert it as fact. It's simple. The definition of what constitutes as harassment vary person to person so what Vox sees as reasonable questioning, Selen would see as harassment.

  • In the document given to Anycolor by Selen's lawyer, it stated that Selen had secretly recorded me in a private voice call without my knowledge or consent. Now I have absolutely zero memory of what I might have specifically said in that recording but we know it was on the topic of the tweet that I had made around the time of AR Live's cancellation last year. From what I know, based on this document, Selen had wanted to use this as proof of Staff showing favoritism"

    -Vox goes onto give stories of when he was punished. The recording will be important later but in the meantime, I have to clear up something. Vox never said Nijisanji never said staff never showed favoritism. Vox only gives context as to why he and other Livers were not punished more severely. Vox would not have approached management and asked why he was never punished if he actually did not believe the possibility of management having favorites. It also is not illegal for a company to show favoritism as well.

  • "For context leaving, Nijisanji is always an option for livers. If she had wanted to graduate beforehand, she was given very many chances to do so amicably and on multiple occasions Selen had told us she planned on graduating but would then go back on this shortly after

    -This would line up with Selen wanting to have a proper graduation (presumably including a graduation stream and other graduation events) while simultaneously, not wanting to admit fault for breaking the Activity Rules which management would not allow.

  • In May of last year, she told other livers that she was being terminated at that time when like I said she had just been warned. Nothing else. Because I trusted her so much and I listened to her Narrative of half or untruths about her relationship with Anycolor, this caused me so much anger on her behalf that I had considered graduating with her in solidarity. Seriously. And I now know that my intense feelings at the time came from omitted context and falsehoods and that once again is heartbreaking

    -This is a statement which shows Selen had miscommunicated a sequence of events that happened between her and management to other talents. Selen has a history of miscommunicating events that happened between her and the public as well, proven by evidence above

    Ike Eveland

  • "I feel like the public deserves to, at the very least, be aware of the existence of these documents , as well of as of some of its contents for the sake of transparency"
    -Ike essentially reiterates what was already said and attempts to reassure his fans but this statement could be an implication that Ike believes more information relating to the document should be released for the sake of keeping things transparent. This is admittedly, only an assumption based on word choice

Dokibird's Neopets stream

The Neopets Stream

Because of DokiBird livestreaming Neopets during Elira's livestream, we have reactionary statements that DokiBird made regarding the existence of the live stream. Keep in mind, Doki at this point has not consulted with her lawyer about the Black Box stream and does not know what statements are being made in the stream. However, this does not mean that what she says in this stream should not be held to scrutiny. You may think I'm being harsh but I humbly ask you to think logically and analyze the contents of this stream critically.


  • " I will put up another statement later on because I believe there are some lies being told right now and I have further evidence and proof later on"

    -It is true that she wrote another statement. This will be covered later

  • "There will be a future statement being published by me later on, that will further support my evidence and if you guys hear anything, there is a lot of slander and a lot of lies going on right now"

    -She says "further support my evidence" however no evidence was ever posted online. It is impossible to know if there were lies and slander about her in the Black Box video since she could not have watched it. The stream and her stream were going on at the same time and she only became aware of it's existence just then.

  • "I will be publishing a future statement regarding it, which I have evidence and receipts as well as it being backed up by my lawyer "

    -Her future statement did not have evidence or receipts.

  • "Regarding a document, there was a signed legal signed doc there was a signed legal consent between me and the management. It was just going to be between me , my lawyer and management. By the fact that they released that to others is considered illegal because that was not supposed to be seen by anyone else and it was signed by me, my lawyer and other lawyers"

    -Doki refers to a singular document while everyone in the Black Box video refers to multiple. This further supports the idea that Vox was unaware of Doki's private document as management had kept it secret which would explain him saying he " thoroughly reviewed the documents". DokiBird does not know what was shown to others so she can not say it's a fact that was released to others was illegal. Another thing to keep in mind is that she states that management were the ones who signed things which further disproves allegations of the document being an HR complaint.

  • "I can say this because my medical history and my medical documents and everything everything that me, my lawyer and other people that were involved with it was all signed and agreed upon so regarding this, it was very unfortunate that that was done .Anyway I do have more evidence and more receipts and more statements later on

    -Nothing suggests that anyone in the Black Box video read the legal document containing her medical documents. Elira says that during Selen's time in the hospital, Selen's manager kept them updated on her condition and that Selen herself informed them of her incident. She uses the word "more". Once again, no evidence and no receipts were released at all

  • " I really wanted to say that right now but I will be making a further statement regarding this that my lawyer has written out for me. We were planning on releasing it later, but because of what's going on right now , we will release it sooner than later

    -This contradicts her next statement

  • " I really wanted to move on from all of this and I was going to move on and everything. I was never going to address this anymore "

    -How can you be preparing to make a further statement that you planned on releasing soon if you were planning on never addressing the situation anymore?

  • "I guess I will be releasing these documents very soon. I prepared something , just in case but I was going to keep it quiet and keep it private"

    -She continues to assert she wanted things to be private, but she was planning on releasing a statement with receipts and evidence. She mentions making documents public, which give further credibility to Elira's statement.

  • "It was supposed to be kept between us and the fact that they did not keep that promise and the fact that they released it to public and the fact that people that shouldn't have been reading this read it and it has my private information. Regarding that, that was very unfortunate"

    -The document was not released publicly. Her document was not read by the other Livers and she could not know this considering she has not seen the video

  • "I tried to leave on as good terms as I can"

    -This further supports that she did not want to be terminated but rather wanted to graduate

  • "I will release the document that we prepared that we were preparing in case something like this did happen"

    -She mentions going public with an unknown document again. Considering it is unknown what document in specific she's talking about it, it gives further credibility to Elira's statement

  • "I'll also say that I've heard slander about me behind the scenes and outright lies being told about me. But what they do not know is that I have receipts that proves a lot of things were said about me behind the scenes and it's very unfortunate that I had to make that public"

    -She does not go public but the fact she threatens to gives credibility to Nijisanji's termination notice and Elira. Whether lies and slander were going should be unknown to her

Doki's medical history claim

Inconsistencies include:

  • her only referencing a singular document as opposed to multiple.
  • her saying only the legal department of Nijisanji were supposed to see the document while she previously said "management" signed off on it
  • only a singular document being mentioned to be promised to be kept private while a different document "was never supposed to be released anywhere". This does not prove the nonexistence of potential other documents. This would mean one was explicitly promised to be private and other documents were just assumed to not be shown anywhere. Her later statement says the document that only the legal department was meant to see were the documents regarding her medical history.

Final Responses

Dokibird releases her final statement here

  • "The document mentioned was at first made to document my thoughts and history with evidence so that my lawyer can see the general picture of what was going on, and if there were issues that should be addressed. It was first made during my darkest time mentally and I wrote everything on my mind little by little at that time. I made the document thinking that it was never going to be public to anyone but to my lawyer. Although it was a document filled with my personal information as well privacy information that should not be public, there were no other addresses or specific locations mentioned"

    -Dokibird says "at first", implying the intention of use of the document was changed. The document being altered to try and hold Nijisanji legally responsible is likely. If not, a different document could have be made. Doki says she wrote it believing it would not be seen by anyone but her lawyer. After it was finished being written and speaking with her lawyer, it is clear it was sent to Nijisanji management as well. Doki says she the document was full of private information that should not be public, but this does not mention her medical history document meaning this was not a document promised to be made private by Nijisanji. This document and potentially others sent by Selen's lawyer are what was seen by the Livers. She says no addresses were mentioned however, Elira said the document alludes to where she lives. It was never mentioned that it specifically said where she lived

  • "Regarding a recording, this was not intended to be anything other than a distribution test for planning of a collaborative event between two people, which happened to be left over from one test recording, and I never recorded any other conversations with anyone. The recording was never shown anywhere even in a legal setting and there are no other records. However, I regret that it was mentioned and I am sorry to all parties affected for the misunderstanding in this."

    -She claims that the recording was simply a left over test recording and that no other recordings occurred. However, if the recording was not shown in a legal setting, how was it in a document being passed around by lawyers and how does Vox know about the recording and the surrounding context behind it? Why would it specifically capture a moment where Vox talks about favoritism and for Selen to argue that there is favoritism in the document?

There are claims that Doki wanted to leave the company on January 26th, however with full context, she began speaking to Nijisanji on January 26th about her "graduation" and not "termination". She did not request to leave the company through any means necessary on the 26th otherwise her lawyer would not have waited until February 6th to approach her. Once again, considering the fact that when responding to Selen's negotiations, they clarified that they expect Selen to follow the rules properly should she allow them to publicly explain why the video was privated. This clearly points to the idea that Selen wanted to remain in Nijisanji a bit longer to have her proper graduation events instead of immediately leaving the company like Yugo Asuma.

  • "On Feb 5th, my lawyer discussed and said it will be best to show the document I wrote to the other lawyers as we have not heard from them for a week or any negotiation talks or given a meeting to discuss after my request to part. It was never intended to be used for anything else, I’ve asked my lawyer to convey that and have communication that the document as it was written wasn’t going to be released anywhere, and my lawyer did so when sending the document."
  • Doki claims her document was never intended to be used for anything but negotiations. However during her Neopets stream, she states that she would make the documents public. What was meant by the words "as it was written"? This implies the existence of another similiar but edited document that was never supposed to be released. She also says it was never intended to be used for anything but negotiations but she threatened to make it public multiple times in the Neopets stream.
  • "All of the communication was done between lawyers in Japanese. Things are not black and white and everything gets more complicated and muddled when lawyers are involved in a different country. When things are conveyed to multiple parties through different degrees of communication, everything turns into different narratives and different translations."

Keeping the consistent use of the word "communication" in mind, it appears that there was faulty communication between Doki's lawyer and Nijisanji's lawyers that failed to effectively bring communicate Doki's wishes that her document not be shown to anyone due to translation errors or possibly a legality issue. The document was used to investigate the claims made by Selen about other Livers. This claim is supported by Nijisanji's tweet on the issue

  • "Selen and her lawyer mentioned the possibility that they will also hold Livers affiliated with ANYCOLOR Inc. legally responsible. In order to check the validity of Selen and her lawyer's claim, ANYCOLOR Inc. shared only necessary parts of the information sent by her lawyer with our Livers and led an internal investigation "

Anycolor possibly editing the document to only share relevant information could also point to the existence of other documents which lines up with the Livers referring to multiple document. Anycolor likely warned the Livers of the possibility that they'd be sued. Anycolor states that information and documents (note the use of "documents" and not a singular "document") that were requested to be private were not shared.

  • " In addition, our Livers are not held to any confidentiality obligation regarding the information shared to them from ANYCOLOR Inc. Thus, there are no legal issues regarding the information shared to the public in the stream made by our Livers."

Considering the documents that specifically were stated to not be shown to Livers weren't and that there was no agreement that Livers could not speak about the documents they were shown, I find this claim to be true as they had their statements be checked by lawyers in advance to when the stream first happened. Keep in mind that even while this is the case, Elira states that they were still limited to what they were able to share due to how sensitive the information was either by management themselves or the lawyers.


This is the most plausible sequence of events based on the evidence provided to the public.

  1. Selen Tatsuki breaks the activity rules after a day long wait for permission confirmation out of frustration. The video gets privated and Selen calls to her fans to reupload the music video while omitting context as to why it was privated. These are the misleading statements Nijisanji wanted either Selen or themselves to clear up.
  2. Other Livers question Selen on the situation and criticize her actions regarding the situation as Selen has publicly made multiple statements where she has misled the public and has ruined the reputation of the company, potentially leading to more anxiety and stress being put on the Livers while potentially leading to more harassment coming their way. Selen sees this as a betrayal, sees this situation as her being harassed and blames management for turning her friends on her while denying fault for breaking the activity rules.
  3. The manager tells Selen that either she will allow them to release a statement clearing up the situation why the video was made private without her publicly going against them or she will make the statement herself otherwise she will be terminated due to constant issues like this occuring. Since Selen refuses, they suspend her temporarily. This was the Breaking Point Selen ,Vox and Selen's lawyer mentioned which happened on the 26th of December through the 27th.
  4. After finding out about Selen's incident, her manager unsuspends Selen and Selen releases updates on her accident until the day she is released from the hospital on December 31st.
  5. Some time after this Selen intends to potentially take some kind of legal action against Anycolor and begins writing her document with her intention of showing it to a lawyer. Her and her lawyer are put in a meeting with Nijisanji management and possibly Nijisanji's legal team on January 26th , where Selen tries to negotiate her peaceful graduation while Nijisanji does not waver on the stance that public statement about her music video should be made and she would not be allowed to continue working at the company unless she does. She threatens to go public with her accusations of bullying made in her document and have Anycolor plus other Livers be held legally responsible. Negotiations do not go through and Nijisanji denies chance of another meeting to Selen and her lawyers.
  6. Selen sends the lawsuit document to Nijisanji which give validity to her seemingly wanting to sue. Nijisanji terminates Selen and releases their notice of her termination. Dokibird releases her statement claiming she was harassed which caused her incident to the public. Sometime after this, the IR report calling the termination of Selen a "negligible loss" is written causing Nijisanji's reputation to further lower.
  7. Due to the harassment and hate Nijisanji Livers were getting, Elira volunteers to host the Black Box stream on her channel. Vox and Ike volunteer to speak in it as well. The video was intended to give context to the accusations being made by Selen in her legal documents, deny the allegations and explain why the contents of the document were either harmful or hurtful to hear about as Selen had threatened to make things public. Vox mentions a secret recording being held in secret for a year. Elira mentions the document alluding to where she lives. Everyone says the allegations are false and seemingly no one was aware of these accusations until they read the document.
  8. This goes on while Selen is streaming Neopets and Selen proceeds to make a number of statements assuming certain things were being said and shown in the video. She claims she will post a statement that has "further evidence" of her accusations but fails to follow through after either conversing with her lawyer or realizing herself that releasing the documents wouldn't be a good idea. She also claims that a document was illegally shared however she couldn't know this for a fact since she couldn't have seen the video
  9. Selen makes two statements where she clears up a misunderstanding that her medical history , which she requested and signed in specific to be private, was shown to other livers. Nijisanji releases a statement clearing up the accusations of them breaking laws. DokiBird releases a final statement where she claims she never intentionally secretly recorded Vox and that the recording was never meant to be seen legally. Selen cites the fact that there was miscommunications being made due to different translations and narratives. As of now, no other statements regarding this situation are made

If you have read this far, I thank you for reading. If you have already made up your mind, I doubt this will change your mind. If you have read this with an open mind or as a way to get an understanding of the situation, I implore to try and seek the one true story to this situation. Without bias or preconceived notions, please try to discover the one, objective truth.

I will continue to update should any new information arise and for further clarification. Thank you for your time

Pub: 21 Feb 2024 22:17 UTC
Edit: 15 Apr 2024 06:51 UTC
Views: 2653