Collection of posts from the NijiEN leaker (not LK)
All dates are in JST

Feb 9 post

What is the context of this tweet?

People have been contacting Rosemi, asking her to go public and blow the fuse about the Enna clique, because she is the only liver that's left that was never in the clique, but knows what's been going on. The people that have contacted her include Scarle, by the way.
She chose to align with the clique, though, and picked her side.
The "save me pink girl" is ironic. It is meant to serve as a jab against the people asking her for "help". She was talking to Millie in discord, telling her about all the people that keep contacting her, trying to get her to blow the fuse, and Millie replied with "save me pink girl", which she apparently found funny, since she proceeded to tweet it out.

>t. mod of a liver that graduated recently (not terminated), and I still keep in contact with other mods.

^ Inconsistency is addressed later down the line.

Feb 14 posts

> Elira becomes the go between for talents and upper management
> gives off other management resposibilies to people she 'trusts' (i.e. friends)
> This creates the toxic work environment as you need to go through Elira's clique to get anything done
Jesus christ it's like letting children run middle school.

This post is actually very close to the truth. The board finally managed to prod their collective neurons enough to arrive to the right conclusion.
Correction : It's not just Elira.

Things should become clear within the next couple of weeks.

wait isnt there a chance pomu was also a shadow manager? was she fluent in japanese?


In fact, Pomu was the recipient of harassment and sabotage. She is an amazing person and an amazing coworker.
Third and last post I am going to make on the matter, even though things have been made clear enough in the previous thread.

Your inferences have been largely correct.

Elira is, for all intents and purposes, a manager, in so far as she effectively decides which projects will be pursued, which liver will be prioritized for permissions, which livers will be picked for collaborations, sponsorships, publicity opportunities, and whether a liver's correspondence will actually reach Nijisanji management. She has also assumed the role of mediator between main branch management and english branch management when it comes to liver complaints, feedback, and interpersonal altercations. This is mainly done via one-on-one discussions on a discord server, where the liver will express their concerns, feedback, or complaints to Elira, with the understanding Elira would then forward the contents of their discussion to management if mediation amongst coworkers cannot be achieved.
Her RL long-time friends, Enna and Millie, have effectively assumed the role of assistants.
Some livers didn't have an intricate and holistic insight into her actual purview, scope of power, and ability to sabotage, harass, and marginalize her coworkers. They were under the impression she was just a benign mediator, nothing more than an interpreter or unofficial EN ambassador. So, kindly don't direct your ire towards everyone indiscriminately.

As for who else is implicated, let me reiterate that it should become clear in the near future.

You are getting slightly off-track.
Zaion's manager was a new hire, a newbie, a person that eventually left the company (incidentally).
You have to ask yourselves who was his "manager". Even though liaison would be the more apt term. I digress.
You were very close and then you veered slightly.

The above scenario was not the case when it comes to Selen's leaked correspondence, she had one "manager" - or should I say "none" (wink).

Secondarily, Elira did not immediately think about taking over the branch. Her initial impetus was probably to get her RL friends in. I suspect she organically grew more conceited and power-hungry, the more indispensable she felt herself to be for the company.
She was being asked to interpret, mediate, translate, orientate new hires, et cetera. Perhaps her RL friends egged her on, perhaps they unanimously decided to take over, perhaps it was an organic manifestation of greed, envy, narcissism, I honestly don't know.
I just know the results, and the progression of the pathology.

Bro is potentially leaking real shit. I believe it. I do believe Selen had no manager or just 1 liaison for 1 manager that oversaw the whole branch or something. We know they're unsustainable and assign too many talents to 1 manager.

What if the liaison for Zaion's manager happened to be Selen's ad hoc manager?

That would be positively fascinating, wouldn't it?

What if Luca is Scarle's manager? Him having the discord screenshots would make more sense instead of the 'junior asking advice from the senior' theory since Scarle would have approached him, as her manager, for a resolution with Aster? It's like HR stepping in

Nailed it.
Scarle reached out to Luca, because the latter had demonstrated he knew "how things work" around the branch, and would be able to assist. Ie, they were friends, or at least friendly enough, since Scarle is withdrawn and introverted to a fault, but honest and trusting to a bigger fault still.
Scarle was genuinely at a loss about how to react to Mr. Arcadia's emotional blackmail and histrionics, and felt the need to resolve the situation out of empathy and the need to please and not step on any toes. It's sad, because she was victimized by a manipulative person. Granted, it was not anything too severe or grandiose, but it was still emotionally straining. It was eventually resolved, regardless.
Remember, livers don't have their very own manager they can consult with or turn to when they need help. They have an "ad hoc" management team that includes coworkers, who often take initiative to "mediate" as they see fit, without actual management ever being notified.
Finally, no, Selen was obviously not the liaison between Zaion and her newbie manager.

Feb 15 posts

> health issues in my family on the 27th
> Scared of the results and test and the results where the #1 thing I feared
> Actually keeping to keyfab and health issues in family was about selen
> #1 thing she feared was selen's suicide attempt failing

I will award you 50 points out of a perfect 100.

Yes, Elira referred to Selen's hospitalization in those tweets.
No, she was not dejected that the suicide attempt had failed.
She was anxious and fearful of the eventual negative repercussions for her and her posse of bullies. She didn't expect Selen to do something so drastic, she thought they could continue harassing and sabotaging her until she quit on her own accord or did something rash enough to warrant a termination.

Incidentally, Elira had already previously gathered most of the livers, excluding Selen, to discuss just how problematic Selen was, and how they should all make a joint statement to management to intervene. They used the second (unofficial) discord server that Elira had created, and that was generally used for liver feedback, complaints, and support.
I don't know how the scenario that Elira wanted to drive Selen to suicide gathered steam, but it's not factual. She wanted her gone from the company.

This. Getting any sort of translator or representative would just be painting a target on your back.
And has been demonstrated by the Selen situation, going forward with a lawyer would just freak out JP and make them think you're gearing for war, even if all you wanted was an HR meeting.

You have no idea (probably) just how important this post is.

Keyword : Representative

Did Selen ever mention wanting to get an assistant or representative?
What reactions would that have elicited?
How does Selen getting an assistant/rep affect the power structure and chain-of-command?

Stumbling upon a piece of the puzzle accidentally is still valid, luck is a skill, after all.

^ this was not the leaker, but he said that the post "identified the impetus for the inference".

She missed a sponsorship by one day, due to overworking and due to "management" not staying on top of it.
She was dejected and saddened.
She exclaimed that she should look into getting an assistant.

That did not bode well.
There is no embezzlement.

There is possibly misappropriation of funds & assets, and trade secret misappropriation.
Internal investigation is underway, only a few livers are aware, as far as I can tell. There's distrust and a lot of gossip. There is also a lot of discussion about this board. Most livers are understandably dejected, saddened, and confused.

I know of 4 livers that have had consultations with a personal attorney.

I feel the need to interject regarding Rosemi. What was stated in my original post is the extent of it. Nothing more, nothing less. I feel the classification "In cahoots" is a misrepresentation.

Feb 16 posts
Several livers have been contacting influencers, particularly streamers and some twitter personalities.
Expect a concerted "Exposé" once/if they get the okay from central.

Riku is quite upset, and we are in the middle of an internal investigation. There will probably be restructuring in the EN branch. Livers have been instructed to go-on as usual if they can, while making sure to control their chat and fans. Livers have been instructed that any and all allusions to current events or any remarks regarding recent events can be grounds for suspension. One liver was already reprimanded, but they were not actioned against.
The PR managers that provided the debriefing effectively stated "If you are confident you can control your fans and communities, as well as your own remarks and interactions, please go back to streaming as soon as possible. Otherwise, you are free to wait, provided you don't remark about current events on social media, using corporate or personal accounts." One liver was provided with an example on what not to do, and it was about a comment made on a Past Life account. They were not really reprimanded, but they were made aware that even that is not permissible.
A lot of confusion, still, but from various conversations I've had, I get the feeling a lot of livers want to get back to normal and continue with their schedule and projects.

yeah can we pick this apart a little? >>69197627
I really want to believe leaker (skinwalker or not) because they've provided amazing entertainment, I can believe the stupidity to try and make an expose, but I can't fathom that they would
>get the okay from central
How could this ever be approved by central? Does this mean the Elira statement was approved by central? Because I thought that as soon as roki made his statement JP would be clamping down hard on EN like the rest of the leak states. An official document made with the livers, published by Nijisanji JP management makes more sense
What am I missing?

From what I understood, since I am keeping almost everyone at an arm's length at this point, for my own image, they want to effectively speak to their friends about "their truth", so that a grassroot, coordinated pushback turns public sentiment around.

The discussion on discord is infantile, with several livers providing absurd suggestions, and engaging in asinine thought experiments about how they can turn sentiment around.

From what I gather, a recently graduated liver will lay the groundwork, since they would be bound only by the non-disparagement agreement, and the non-disclosure agreement, allowing them to provide information about certain topics with no particular risk. Other graduated and terminated livers have refused (thus far) to engage, because they may or may not be signed with other agencies.

One particular liver stated that if that are going to go through with this, they would have to go through proper channels, and everyone else fell in line. They will likely pitch it as providing information anonymously to their friends in the influencer sphere, so they could restore Nijisanji's and Anycolor's image in the west.

I don't have the smallest of inklings whether Anycolor management will agree.
The PR managers that have been effectively tutoring us have been very kind and professional, I did not get the sense of impending doom, but it's clear the branch will be restructured once the personnel that Nijisanji is looking for gets hired and orientated.

Feb 23 posts : Q & A THREAD
I take it you have noticed the "grassroot" push to shift the narrative that I'd mentioned in a thread a couple of days ago.
This is only the beginning. The livers in question plan to make an even bigger splash in anticipation of Elira's return to streaming. They came to the conclusion the backlash is negligible, and that they can easily control their communities with 4-week subscriber chats, membership streams, and heavy moderation.

Uki Violeta has been given a suspension, but management did not specify a set duration. He is already flirting with the idea of engaging his fanbase and nyfco for a twitter counter-attack. The livers are trying to distance themselves while walking on eggshells.

Yes, the "support the artists" was a premeditated PR initiative. No, it did not come from management. There have been discussions on discord, and some livers took it to themselves to tweet. They were brainstorming ideas and checking with each other about how they should form their tweets.

Vox was not given a suspension, as far as I know, he simply opted to take a break (citing mental health), even though management encouraged him to have a membership stream.

Enna, Millie, Elira, and Reimu have clamped up. Most of us have no idea what they've been told, but they have indeed been separately "coached" by the PR managers, as well as legal.

Rosemi, Scarle, Fulgur, Petra, Hex, and Meloco have been noticeably more distant.

Enna complained (extensively) about the noticeable decrease in revenue, in the wake of her latest "special" stream.

Some livers have taken to calling Dokibird "Dookiebird".

A lot of discussion about "dramatubers" on discord, but Slack is spotless.

A lot of paranoid schizophrenia manifesting as fear of typing anything out on discord, with the livers opting to hop on Voice Chat even for simple confirmations / refusals.
If you have questions ask away, so long as they don't jeopardize my OPSEC and non-disclosure and non-disparage agreements.

A twitter counter-attack against what?
Also why do they think the backlash and that Elira has lost a year of subscriber growth is negligible?

Livers were initially afraid of the sheer backlash, making their streams unmanageable. They now believe they can comfortably moderate their streams and employ methods that make the issue moot.
They believe they overestimated the backlash they would get in their streams, in the form of chat and incendiary superchats.

They have lamented over the loss in subscribers, concurrent viewers, and revenue, but they were considerably more afraid of their career ending. I know people on 4channel like to joke about 2% merchandise cuts, but the reality is that livers live very comfortable lives in comparison to what they were making in their Past Lives.

Uki isn't suspended, he streamed with Doppio yesterday. Other than that, I'd believe it

Uki has been suspended, this is not speculative. He mentioned it on discord and an entire argument broke out. When a liver (from ILUNA) asked for the duration, he replied he didn't know if there even is a set duration.

While I don't want you to specify or reply to this post since NDA/NDisA may be able to be de-anonymized, I'm shocked that this wouldn't breach either/or as is.

I know for a fact this much does not breach the agreements, because at least 2 other livers have divulged considerably more information anonymously, in another website. The management was made aware, and it was concluded that they were not in breach.

I'll bite. How are they viewing the stain on their company that has breached containment into the normiesphere?

As soon as the tutoring/coaching session ended (PR managers that were either hired for this express purpose or PR managers from main branch, I don't know) we have not gotten a lot of information about what happens moving forward. I know for a fact Elira, Enna, Millie, and Reimu received more tutoring/communication, but I don't know what it entailed.
They simply stressed we should go back to streaming as soon as possible, provided we are certain we can control our community and avoid infractions.

>I know for a fact this much does not breach the agreements
Surely that would be down to clique in-groupness rather than the written NDA. Frankly this response reduces my assessment of plausibility, but a "I didn't read the NDA" response preserves anonymity at least.
Don't respond further to this line of discussion.

No, I genuinely know that it would not be in breach of the agreements, because two other livers were effectively caught leaking information with express timelines and names, as well as directing third parties to disclose a coworker's PII. Management concluded they were not in breach.
I have spoken to legal counsel. I am not an idiot.

>He mentioned it on discord and an entire argument broke out
A discussion about what? Were most livers against his suspension or were they split on that?
>Some livers have taken to calling Dokibird "Dookiebird".
Clique livers only?

Also, why are you doing this? Do you dislike your work in nijien? What are you trying to accomplish? Do you hold a grudge? Why not just quit.

An argument about "dramatubers", the nature of racism, and lamentations about white people.

I have personally seen 6 people type the "pet name" out on discord. I don't know if there are more than have used it in voice calls.

I gave my "two-week" notice more than 4 months ago. Interestingly enough, that's not how it works in NijisanjiEN. Shame on me for not carefully reading the contract.

  1. when do the next two graduations happen/ are announced, did they move it cause you leaked it?
  2. personal rrat: was rosemi selens manager and that is why she seems to feel guilty? I was wondering if she was just pushing info along as "manager" and was just following orders, ever since the follow the rose comment you made, assuming youre actually LK

ignore 2nd if thats dangerous for you.

It was another liver that leaked the graduations. I never used the LK alias in any of my posts.

No, Rosemi was not a manager. Rosemi was never quite in the clique, but she was a satellite. The worst she's done was nervous laughs when coworkers were disparaged in front of her. It's up to you whether you deem her an accessory or a victim. I never liked how they treated her, it reminded me of Nina's treatment (before she unfortunately embraced it and fell in line).
I did not make the "follow the rose" post. I have only made two posts regarding Rosemi, and it was about the "save me pink girl" tweet, and about how characterizing her as "in cahoots" was not accurate.

  1. Did livers discuss that they should answer to baiters on twitter? Did they really think that would be a good idea? Did they try consulting PR first?
  2. Is Scarle really being bullied somehow like some anons like to believe?

Yes, there were lengthy discussions.

Scarle is not really associating too closely with coworkers, understandably. She is keeping a professional demeanor, is polite to everyone, and generally accommodating. She distanced herself after livers grouped-up and effectively pressured her to make-up with another liver, to signal how close they are. This is not at all uncommon in NijisanjiEN. These types of "interventions" are commonplace.

Are people turning on each other? Is there a chance we get to see public spats between livers?

No, people are not really turning on each other. People are distancing themselves and creating tight-knit groups, while maintaining the veneer of a big functional family.

Who's idea was the black screen - talent or someone in management?

I don't know, to be honest. Elira talked with the main branch, and then after some back-and-forth she, Millie, and Vox told us to retweet the "stream". I presume some livers watched it before retweeting/quote tweeting, but I didn't.

*links to posts in another thread that imply Scarle was being excluded from the NijiEN FF14 guild*

You were spot on in your deductions in that thread. I have nothing to add.

>I gave my "two-week" notice more than 4 months ago. Interestingly enough, that's not how it works in NijisanjiEN. Shame on me for not carefully reading the contract.
Shit, so you can't just quit?
How long are you going to be stuck at nijien for?
When you finally manage to graduate, how will we know who you are? I'd like to support you if you keep streaming.

I know you have been joking about a queue. Well, there effectively is a queue. You can technically leave, but that you open you up for liability, suits, and severance fines.
I don't think I will go back to streaming after this. At least for a good white.

Ok, another question.
Are you the only liver, that you know of, that tried to give your notice but got fucked by the contract and is now stuck there?

I only know of two livers that have confirmed talking with HR about contract termination. There could be more, but I am keeping virtually everyone at an arm's length.

Please, tell me that Doppio is a good guy.

We're not close, but he appears to be a good guy. No issues whatsoever. Not going to say more, lest you figure out my gen.

>she, Millie, and Vox told us to retweet the "stream"
>I presume some livers watched it before retweeting/quote tweeting, but I didn't

Were some livers upset after they found out the content of said stream? Anyone felt betrayed? I sure would feel.

You appear to be assuming it was a livestream.

This is a bit more personal and I don't expect you to know, but what's with Kotoka? Is it mental issues, is she distancing herself or is she suspended?

Sorry, no idea. We were told it was something stress-related, and she only mentioned stepping back for mental health issues.

Is she part of the management as well?

There's no actual concrete management in NijisanjiEN. For the regular liver the closest thing to a manager is Elira. Millie and Enna are her little helpers. Unless of course you want to jump through hoops, trying to ping people on Slack and being passed around all the while receiving contradictory instructions.

Assuming this is from the same person. (pic of post starting with "third and last post..."

Yes, this was a post I made.

>I know you have been joking about a queue. Well, there effectively is a queue. You can technically leave, but that you open you up for liability, suits, and severance fines.
How long is the queue? Is it just for NijiEN or do you have to wait for the JP graduations too?

A liver had to wait close to a year, and another had to wait a little over six months. Beats me.

Are you aware of any other communication from up above other than PR people and those you've mentioned already?

Elira is in communications with the main branch as well as NijisanjiEN "managers" that interestingly enough can't really speak english, but I don't know the specifics on who she's in contact with or what that entails. As for the rest of us, we've talked with HR during orientation, the onboarding managers, and the PR managers just recently.

Has there been any communication/fallout from JP management? The fact that the CEO himself made a video bowing and addressing the situation shows that they're at least a bit concerned about the entire shitshow.

Also, just curious on how the whole debacle has affected the newly joined livers like victoria. She seems to be siding with the company, if what you're saying is true. Regardless, it's going to be a massive uphill battle for them.

The only communication we've gotten was in the form of the tutoring/debriefing from the PR team.
Again, Elira, Enna, Millie, and Reimu got further communication, but I don't know what that entailed.

Newer members are understandably not intimate with how things work, and might believe most, if not all, of what's been happening is not representative of reality. They might genuinely believe their "family" is infallible, and everything's an elaborate mischaracterization. You cannot overestimate ignorance and preconceived notions.

Are you upset with your fans for defending the company? I'm assuming you don't let them know about your unfortunate situation but are you looking for options outside? Like a real world job, trade, etc?

I am effectively living a double-life. I have emotionally distanced myself enough to not let it affect me too much. Yes, I am actively considering my options and making plans.

I know I'm just an anon, but for your own mental health, it sounds like it's time to lawyer/solicitor up (more than you already have), see how you can mitigate your exposure, and perhaps grit your teeth and set aside some of your rainy day fund to pay out the minimum fine possible.

Getting ahead of a potential Selen-esque smear by priming your trusted contacts with social media followings to get a message out and soften your reputational damage wouldn't hurt either, even if you plan on taking a break from streaming for a while.

Good luck.

This was the first thing I did. Fortunately I have a solid support structure outside the industry, which includes family and real life friends.

Last questions from me: have the livers ever talked about the harassment that Zaion got when she was terminated? did anyone of them feel bad about throwing her under the bus? were finana and kotoka encouraged to talk bad about her?

Expressing solidarity or coming to the defense of Zaion is verboten in NijisanjiEN. You have to realize what the culture is like. I am sure a lot of us were awestruck she was terminated over such minor infractions, but no one outwardly expressed it.
There is only one "correct" opinion.

Why are you feeling so comfortable on sharing so many details? They could easily guess who you are, are you not worried about it?

They cannot afford to action against me, even if they managed to figure out who I am. What I am doing is considerably more benign than what others have done, without so much as getting a suspension.

Are any of the organs openly seething about Doki's success?
I'm not asking for names, just if there are any.

Yes, predictably. Very much so.

I do have a couple questions:
Have the livers that are still inside the company changed their feelings towards it?
For example, have they been talking back against management more often or expressed their disappointment in it?
And second, have any of them supported the decisions made by the graduated or terminated livers like Pomu or Selen?

Yes, "jokes" about the branch shutting down and going unemployed are something of a regular pastime. They never quite go so far as to attack the company, but they let it slip often.

The only "correct" stance to take is to bemoan the damage Selen has done, and how even though her qualms are justified (no one dares to minimize suicide outright), the "dramatubers" and toxic antis blew it out of proportion and mischaracterized the whole ordeal. This is the gestalt. They often qualify how serious and scary suicide is, only to proceed to besmirch and attack Selen's character. Duplicity is a forte of many.

What happened to the 3D pipeline that keeps it stuck with Obsydia still having nothing a solid year later? Has there been any revolt or any other unpleasant reactions for this long wait?

Just a lot of confusion and disappointment. It's not even a major point of discussion, all things considered.

Any talks/rumors about planning new attacks on Doki? And (a long shot) on Sayu?

I suspect they are going to keep fabricating PR initiatives and grassroot stunts. A recently graduated liver expressly agreed to get in touch with influencers and twitter personalities, after all.

What happened with Scarle's stuff? Did she take it down? Did management make her?

If you are referring to Valentine's, it was most likely miscommunication and time management.
If you are referring to the hearted comment, she was technically reprimanded, but no action was taken, and it was not considered to be a major infraction. Management cannot afford to make martyrs out of livers.

  1. Is the clique real?
  2. How much influence does Elira really have?
  3. Can you provide some insights on the specific reason why some livers left?
    a. Pomu
    b. Kyo (like he was allegedly a close friend of Enna, so one would think he was not really antagonized)
    c. Selen (do you know of any specific case of bullying against her by other talents)

A lot. Outsized.
Mismanagement. Lack of clear goals. Stagnation. Lack of structure. High-school politics. Miscommunication. Sabotage / ostracization.

Is Eliera the sole liaison between the EN japanese management? Or is there anyone else their with enough clout/trust with the actual management who can match her? Because it sounds to me like she's been selling herself as the perfect subordinate, and since Japan's culture has a heavy focus on willing senpai-kouhia thing, is that how she has the power she does?

I know Petra used to help out at first, but she withdrew and just stopped engaging. I don't know what transpired.

Could we get a name or hint as to the next graduation is?

I honestly do not know, because even though there's effectively a queue, the places in that queue are not known to me.

Do you know if the internal investigation finished and if they're going to terminate Elira or the clique or not?

Well, when it comes to us that are only tangentially relevant, the investigation is probably finished. I don't know about the ones directly implicated.

Do people feel Selen overreacted or is there non-discord communication that things were bad

No one is callous or bold enough to assert that, because suicide is a big deal in this "culture", but many have insinuated that she overreacted or that the dramatubers made it a bigger deal than it is. There are some that even tacitly asserted that what was alleged in the documents does not actually constitute harassment because there was no physical violence employed.
Some people are genuinely morally insolvent or solipsistic.

It's obvious that graduated liver is Kyo, confirmed by Daph's recent attacks against Doki, anons keep coping about Pomu's "solidarity" with Doki but her interactions with not-Nina (who had no problem being friendly with not-Kyo) make believe she's more likely to openly side with Elira than to do it with Doki.

Nina was the recipient of very much the same flavor of harassment as Selen, but she very quickly internalized her place in the hierarchy. Selen was independent, ambitious, and honest. This was her gravest sin.
I won't be able to provide concrete information that would substantiate my assertions, because I genuinely don't know much when it comes to future events. I keep my interactions to a bare minimum, and have been for a while now.

Finally, I don't know how the original LK poster was, but I posit they must have been a liver. I don't think a moderator would be privy to imminent graduations.

My assumption is that there would be a complete rebranding and restructuring of NijiEN (Niji Global or something). Terminations and graduations would be baked into the announcement as a 'change in contract' issue and invariable attrition as the company streamlines. (or some other horse shit).
Basically, it rips the band aid off for investors and allows Riku to pretend he's in some kind of control whilst also pointing to an optimistic future.
This is in the pipeline, isnt it?

Yes, actually. The PR team spoke of restructuring, new management structure, and an on-boarded psychologist.
This is something I expanded on in a previous thread, if I remember correctly.

Has Selen been "a target" for a while or are efforts against her limited to a few months?

It became noticeable to me early last spring.

Can i ask a wildcard question?
Vox didnt know what was on that recording. Someone may have given him the impression that it was far more damaging than it was...
Do you think he was stitched up? Because im not a kindred (henyas my oshii dazo), and after doki said what it was, i think someone fed him bullshit deliberately.

No, Vox did read the transcript of the recording, but he was under the impression the recording included their entire interaction. In reality, it included a couple of minutes of mostly sound-checking small-talk.

Message to the insider: Were you the one who posted the "Feb 23" thing in another thread? If so, what happened with that because nothing has happened yet?

No, that was not me.
I never made such posts. I try to expand on the rationale and provide insight, when applicable.

Hi leaker-san, considering that you've said elira is like the "manager" of EN, how is the thought process on collabing with vtubers from indies and other companies? (Like holoEN and vshojo etc.) Are you like not allowed or stop collabing with others for the mean time?

Just to add does the Hyte Collab cancellation affected the talents that should have been benefited? Thanks

We don't have the freedom to collaborate with talents of our choosing. We are assigned collaborations. It's in management's purview, exclusively.

Yes, it immediately affected three talents negatively.

Do you feel that there is enough text in Discord that if leaked to the public would doom the branch?

As of right now, no.
If you asked me in January, it would have been a definitive yes.

So was the one responsible for the Holo collab block early on Elira, or someone else in the upper management? What was the reasoning?

I don't know. What I know is the average liver is told to jump, and the only correct response is how high. I don't know how someone like Elira, with her connections and reach, handles things.

Given that then, you might not be able to (or want to) answer this very dumb question: (you can plead the fifth :))
Who fucked over Pomu's dream? My assumption is Japan management (i lived there for 7 years, i know that 'no' is the automatic reaction to anything that deviates from the manual). It'd genuinely break my heart to find it was EN 'management'.

Miscommunication and covert sabotage.
It's as trite as many of you might have already surmised.
It has to do with whom the "face" of the branch is supposed to be, coupled with general incompetence.

Incidentally, it goes well beyond an MGS promotional initiative.

Leaker-san, do you have any insights on the potential of the embezzlement rratt? Is it possible the "managers" were misusing NijiEN funds? Could any of that be related to Selen having to pay the artists herself even though Niji was supposed to be the ones to pay (according to the artists).

Has Luca been punished or reprimanded over the the stuff that was revealed from his ex-mod?

I have already commented on this.
There is no embezzlement. The closest to that would be the passing comment that misappropriation of funds/assets and trade secret misappropriation would be investigated as part of the internal investigation.

No new information came out.

Feb 25 post (Pomu and Elira's relationship)

i wonder at what point exactly pomu had elira had falling out, since pomu was definitely closer to selen and nina later on.

They had a falling out? She went to antarctica with Elira, sounds like they were still close months away from graduation

Since this particular event has been getting used and abused by bad actors, I will make this statement once and only once, in an attempt to clear misconceptions.
Pomu had been preparing for this trip for a while. It was a topic even back in the hanamori days.
Elira asked her to come with.
Pomu is an accommodating and confrontation-averse person, and Elira was her coworker and long-time friend.
They were not particularly close when the trip happened, and they certainly were not particularly close following the trip.
The best way to describe Pomu's and Elira's relationship would be that of a strained friendship that's cooled off to the status of an acquaintance. They were never actual friends that would confide to each other or hang out together one-on-one, but they were both in the same friend-group, social circle, and industry.
They are still friends, in the same way you would be friends with a coworker you only see at work, and would wave to and make 5-minute small-talk when you run into each other on the street.

This is how adults navigate the world.

Feb 26 posts : LARP accusations, Rosemi inconsistency and clarification (speculative)
I made the post about Rosemi, and about being a mod, back when I didn't know how to approach disseminating information without incriminating myself.
In hindsight, it was amateurish, since as anonymous users have since pointed out, a moderator wouldn't have been able to become privy to such information readily.

Please don't ever assert I might be Shu, even in jest. I might reflexively vomit by accident.

So these anons
> maybe he larped as a mod before
> That would make a lot more sense. Initially wasn't sure if he could admit to being a liver so he larped as mod but then did more research and saw other livers going unpunished with leaks so he decided to be honest too.
were right then?
Why use "Enna clique" at the time then? You knew who was the actual suspected leader /here/ was even back then.

I implicated the clique being centered around Enna, because the board has been largely correct about the clique for years now, with the only caveat being they attributed the crown to Enna.
In several other posts, that never got much attention, I had tried to massage the conversation, about who it was that hired Enna, and whose idea it was to create Hanamori, and whose idea it was to move to the same city and rent an apartment together, and so on.
Anons were positively tunnel-visioned to Enna being the ring-leader, given she's always been the most outwardly crass, unapologetic, and sociopathic, so to speak.
I achieved my goal, even if it wasn't in the neatest or prettiest way.

In hindsight, it is good that my posts were effectively lost in a sea of other anonymous posts. I was very amateurish, and did not deliberate on my posts back then.
Since the thread is expiring, let me ad some additional information based on our last exchange.

Uki's soft suspension might be ending considerably sooner than you expect. His demeanor changed abruptly.
Elira is preparing to come back to streaming, as I'd mentioned. It should happen earlier than you thought. It will be a collaboration. They are deliberating early March. They are moving away from the initial decision for it to be a membership stream.
Vox, likewise. Expect a stream on his channel shortly after Elira's return stream.
Finana was asking for tips with regard to diversifying her content. She appeared unhappy. It's likely she is going to try new things going forward.

Okay, once again let's keep things clean.

First time the "leaker" mentions Rosemi is in the post that starts with "there is no embezzlement". He mentions making an "original post" about Rosemi in that one.
Which means this is Post #2.
Second time he mentions her is here >>69824442
He says he has talked about Rosemi 2 times, and the first one was "save me pink girl".
Meaning this is Post #3.
Which tracks with the "t.mod" post (there are no other posts mentioning her and the pink girl rrat that have his writing style (which is the missing link).

Since the thread is functionally dead, let me confirm this is, in fact, not a larp.

Picture related.

What is the other post on the matter of Rosemi, then? That is, if you still have the post number.

You have identified all the posts I have made about Rosemi directly.

I shed some light about how "save me pink girl" became a meme, and I asserted her being "in cahoots" was a mischaracterization.

So first post was the February 9th one?

That is correct. The first post I directly made about Rosemi was on February 9.

If you're really the leaker, I have two question.
Did Pomu know about Selen being harassed when she was still in Nijisanji? And if so, how did she react?

I doubt anyone knew the extent and breadth of it. People tend to dismiss signs as merely awkward or tone-deaf interactions, and personalities clashing under pressure.
I am sure many inwardly thought it to be extremely unhealthy and unprofessional, but no one (I believe) had expected it to get to the point of a suicide attempt.

We are not all as close as you think we are.

alright, I asked the question that lead to #3
why did you 180 on rosemis alignment if 9. of feb is your post?

I don't believe I made an 180.
I consider Rosemi to be a victim of circumstance. Someone may consider her an accessory. I sincerely doubt anyone could hold on to that position, however, if they actually interacted with her.

What's your opinion of Finana in all of this? She's the only one in the original 3 waves that's still unaccounted for in my theories

Follower. Naive. Gullible. Bereft of conviction. Inconsistent. I am not a fan of people that uncritically embrace positions and flounder about based on inconsistent, incongruent, or even dissonant principles.

Feb 28 posts (speculative)
Since the thread is close to expiry,

This is how some livers have suggested their communities engage in grassroot public relations. There is a strong emphasis on positivity, focus on good qualities, and reminiscence of fun and memorable events and slices of nijisanjiEN history. Some of the fans are already hard at work, evidently.

Take into account they could ommit, delete or edit Discord messages to muddy the context and make it seem like Selen gave crazy answers to them.

They will never escalate it to a battle of "receipts" because going to court and giving the plaintiff access to Discovery would cripple their stock within seconds.
It would be considerably cheaper to settle with her for 10 million dollars compared to the alternative.

Leaker, if you're still here: Can you verify if the anon that was posting here is Finana? I would believe that they talk about these types of things over Discord.

I don't know, she has not mentioned anything on any of the group channels.
It sounds like her, but then again, I am not a good judge based on writing style alone.

I'm curious, how is the 'company' discord set up? Does it have a couple general channels and then a 'wave' channel for each wave, or is it one of those Discords that has six hundred channels for no good reason?

There are three modes of communication.

Official discord server.
Unofficial discord server.

Elira's discord server (the one primarily used) has several channels, including wave/gen channels, yes.

since we're still in page 10...
was this post made by you?

No, but it's hauntingly accurate, save for the culprit's identity.

Can you give a hint on who it was?

They have since left for greener pastures. It was so recent that it feels like yesterday.

Kyo. So the doxxsite screenshot with the poster announcing Zaion's termination while using his name may really be him after all.

No, that was another liver posting under his name, in jest. He was aware and found it hilarious.

but only her genmates were aware of her address right? since they were the only ones who did an offcollab. I assume it was at her house.
so who told him that info?
or maybe you need to send your address during application or smth I guess, in that case well..

The culprit did not get her PII from a fellow liver.

Since the ''greener pastures'' thing was mentioned, if the color green it's a clue then it could be Finana, and if the ''pastures'' it's a clue then it could be Rosemi because of the flower theme of her character.

The relevant party has already been identified in this very thread, you don't have to speculate.

So the Zaion doxxer is recently graduated but not Kyo? Depending on the definition of recent that only leaves Pomu, but she was also doxxed?

> The relevant party has already been identified in this very thread, you don't have to speculate.

I don't want to haphazardly give out more information than needed, but I simultaneously do not want to foster misunderstandings and mischaracterizations, so I will do this:

Kyo. So the doxxsite screenshot with the poster announcing Zaion's termination while using his name may really be him after all.

As for the person that made the post on the website in question, it's of little consequence. Zaion's PII had already been leaked to the livers by that point.

> Zaion's PII had already been leaked to the livers by that point
By management or another liver?

The culprit did not get her PII from a fellow liver.

Mar 1 post (rentry, clarifications and more)
The rentry document you have made has come to my attention, and I feel the need to note you've falsely associated some posts to my person.

Haven't you forgotten to ask someone more important?

Aster is nobody, lower than even Finana.
The mandatory collab was set up to protect Luca, not Aster.

This post was not made by me. It's also not factual.

Vox himself says that selen did not try ti kill herself over the video. It was over the livers calling her and saying god knows what. From Vox's "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I SAID", i have the suspicion he literally said "Fucking kill yourself Selen" and that's why he is actually shitting himself over the thought of receipts.

Nailed it.

My reply was misconstrued and mischaracterized. The livers grouped up and reprimanded/harassed Selen over her decision to upload the MV, as I'd already asserted prior. Vox never told Selen to kill herself. The livers set Selen aside and elaborated about how unprofessional, damaging, inconsiderate, selfish, and immature she was being, and continued barraging her with grievances.
Somehow, posters misconstrued that I confirmed Vox (or anyone for that matter) told Selen to commit suicide. He did not, no one did.

This. Getting any sort of translator or representative would just be painting a target on your back.
And has been demonstrated by the Selen situation, going forward with a lawyer would just freak out JP and make them think you're gearing for war, even if all you wanted was an HR meeting.

You have no idea (probably) just how important this post is.

Keyword : Representative

Did Selen ever mention wanting to get an assistant or representative?
What reactions would that have elicited?
How does Selen getting an assistant/rep affect the power structure and chain-of-command?

Stumbling upon a piece of the puzzle accidentally is still valid, luck is a skill, after all.

An anonymous poster was able to identify the impetus for the inference. To reiterate, Selen flirted with the idea of getting an assistant/personal manager.

Why was the video such a big deal for them?

There was no express guideline about featuring ex-livers in media. Some talents believed it was proper social protocol, you can think of it as good manners. EN Management themselves were not sure what the company policy was regarding ex-livers, since they'd received conflicting information (from talents). I should stress, once again, that EN management consists of people that are not native english speakers and their scope of work is not what one would expect from talent managers. It's ad hoc and convoluted. Selen rebelled and went ahead to release the MV, which made the company, the EN management, and the talents look bad. Doubly so for Elira, who has a "special" position in the hierarchy. Some livers took it as an extra affront, since they'd expressed grievances again in the past about alleged or perceived infractions (boils down to Selen making comments or tweets that could paint the company in a bad light).
I don't know how they intended to handle it, because I've heard conflicting information from the talents themselves, but I have the following suspicions; they either intended to release the MV once enough emotional damage had been sustained by Selen, and after her reputation had been damaged for not fulfilling a promise to her fan base, or they never had any intention of following-up in the first place.

> Selen flirted with the idea of getting an assistant/personal manager
Any idea why she got denied?

She never officially made the request. A talent took initiative and talked her out of it. She would have most likely been denied regardless.

Having said that,

Could you kindly remedy the inconsistencies and misattributions in the document, as I've outlined?

Was EN management so bare that she didn't send the individual art frames ahead of the final production? Or was someone being difficult on purpse?

No, that's a false narrative.
When a talent proposes a project, be that an MV, original song, or simple cover, the contractors have to sign contract agreements and management has to sign off on the storyboard and specifics.
Storyboards generally include all the characters, locations, and placements, and they often include the entire breadth of the art. Management should have had access to every single still-frame for months prior to the release of the youtube video.

I may have bad reading comprehension, but this means that the ''nailed it'' post was made by you and the other two weren't?

Nailed it, as in the poster was correct to deduce the talents had set Selen aside to bombard her with grievances (he identified Vox). In other words, Selen's emotional state deteriorated as a direct result of her coworkers ganging up against her. No one told her to kill herself, I was under the impression the poster used it as hyperbole, but evidently some people took it literally.

Leaker-san, how come some artists claim that Nijisanji was supposed to pay them when in other projects we've seen talents talk about paying out of their own pocket? Is it some kind of protection thing where a talent gives money to Niji and Niji pays the artists directly so the talent isn't doxxed or something?

Contractors receive payment once the project is completed, when that's the contractual stipulation (it often is). Since we have established NijisanjiEN is horribly mismanaged, you can deduce how it is that some contractors fail to receive remuneration in a timely manner or at all. Other than that, when it comes to individual projects, the talent is expected to pay for their entirety.

Is the "talents refer to her as dookebird in Discord to trick the jp staff" thing actually real or is that just lie?

I doubt they started doing it to trick staff or management. I posit they started doing it because they found it funny or because their fans started referring to Dokibird by that name. I doubt they are that cognitively insolvent.

Was the group "intervention" the final time anyone in the company heard form Selen before she was hospitalized? Did she have anyone to turn to after that occurred?

As far as I know, that is correct. I don't know if she independently contacted any coworkers during her time in the hospital or her month-long soft suspension for that matter.

So basically according to you it was sabotage, since it's absurd the livers have no actual indication of what the permits even are and what is needed.
Did they adjusted this shit and that's why Petra's MV finally come out?

It is now an official guideline that has to be followed.

Ok, that makes a lot of sense, so basically it was a massive fuck up/sabotage according to you.
Big question is what now? What they plan to do? Are they gonna actually try to solve stuff or they actually think doubling down will not do more damage?

As I've mentioned in another thread, they want to focus on grassroot initiatives that foster positivity, as well as verbalizing "their truth" via third parties (influencers, social media personalities).
With that, I take my leave. Thank you for confirming you will update the document, anons, I was perturbed over the misattributions.

Pub: 24 Feb 2024 15:06 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2024 19:07 UTC
Views: 16841