Holo's forcibly acquired audience vs Niji's natural growth >>20457274
Luxiem/Noctyx earn as much as Holo JP
Council didn't do as well Luxiem
Holo management were mad about Nijis opening applications again so fast


building a sub-culture
slow and steady growth
merch sales (without evidence)
fortune telling
foreign audience bad, local Nips good
YouTube Japan
flexible creative freedom
Google trends
Holobubble is bursting
Niji is more popular than Holo in Japan
Niji is mainstream in Japan, which is more important than Holo's international dominance
Niji is solidifying their other markets while keeping their strong home market
Cover uses bots
Holo's restrictive management will cause them to eventually graduate


quality numbers
combined peak CCV
combined peak CCV from different times
dead cat bounce
fake numbers
each Twitch viewer is equivalent to about 1.5 Youtube viewers
VOD views don't count
views don't matter
deadsubs doesn't matter, what matters is dedication
68% of the top 50 vtubers is bad
combined SCs
SCs profit margin
accumulative CCV
500k in three months > 1 million in 1 month


tournaments don't count
outfit reveals don't count
relays don't count
Koshien is not an event
pre-recorded lives are technically premiers and shouldn't count
Square Enix doesn't count
Bookwalker doesn't count
Pokemon doesn't count
gacha rolling streams doesn't count
gen 3 shouldn't count so Nijis can be properly compared to Holos
debuts don't count
Holo 3d lives shouldn't count
unarchived does not count


number of merch determines popularity, not any other metric
Niji shilling makes games like Genshin successful in Japan
sponsorships are retarded
Holo's merch and sponsorship bad because companies underestimated them which means that they don't care about the cheap collab
Holo's main channel kneels to Niji main channel
Holo merch sells out quick only because of scalpers
20 Holo merch for fake scarcity
Bushiroad associating with Holo is toxic for their growth as it was making them lose the Chinese market in the long run
NijiEN's cheap merch is a better thing for a foreign branch since even poor people can afford to support him
merch is bought to support the liver with the high profit margins


stop picking on midgets! (they started the fight themselves)
no longer showing off their achievements on their page because they have shown more humility
trailers are ads
playing the victim
Holo EN was a desperate gambit
most vtubers are Niji-like and Niji is part of greater vtuber community
Nijifans are more passionate about their livers and will leave dislikes to show their engagement
Cover is just lucky to have clippers and algorithm on their side
Holo invented unicorns
watchalongs are POVs
Niji isn't a corporation, it's a family
honorary Niji
Niji have morals
moral victory
rightful sovereignty
five Mystas
bug in the algorithm
DLC is a gimmick
Holocope list
Holo is only popular because of chink clippers
Niji has a better following than Holo in the west
Selen delusion here
there are no Nijifans here, only falseflaggers trying to make Nijifans look bad
by promoting the main channel they create more general Niji fans which will then trickle down to the smaller livers down the line
only the west speaks english
Twitter interactions
everything that brings a big audience is a special event
Nijifans will only watch a stream and Holofans will watch 3-4 so the Niji refresh rate is higher
Nijifans tend to interact with the streams "properly"
Niji keeps failing but that's okay because they are rich
having shit mics pre-debut is tradition
Cover paid off the government to come down hard on their rivals
Management forced Mori to unfollow Nijis
at least Vox whores himself to his fans
indies will more likely go to NijiEN first, stay indie second and then choose HoloEN as their last resort
if they make fun of you, you win
Luxiem/Noctyx outearned HoloJP's top earners as a group
NijiEN drama is overshadowing a Hololive event here for once hence they are inclining
Niji is smart for not wasting their money on useless conventions or concerts, they know those events will bring in tiny profits and bankrupt a company
Luxiem is more profitable than Holofes
All NijiEN recruitment needs to do is repeat Luxiem
CCV average doesn't matter
every single soul that enjoys Holo is a numberfag
Apex is on the same level of pandering as horny ASMR
Hololive can't find a true knockout star which is why they rely on group image to thrive, while Nijisanji has multiple mainstream stars so it's easy to focus on popular members


watch streams
your favorite corp is so boring you would rather use your time to type this out instead (OP took like 5 minutes to write all of this down FYI)
rent free
this is sad/pathetic
free publicity
nip anti .note Deepl
links to # indicating it's some form of Holocope
calling out some form of mental illness and seeking medical help
just you wait, Cover will do the same, you'll see

Pub: 17 Mar 2022 06:09 UTC
Edit: 20 May 2022 05:13 UTC
Views: 461