Dream Transport Cat Twink 3000 by anonymous

be in your college dorm
Just got back from the gym tired as hell because you just couldn't sleep all night.
No real reason as to why, just one of those nights, but as you pop into bed a serene, deep drowsiness falls over you.
You're still as can be. You aren't even aware that you've fallen asleep other than knowing it was bound to happen soon.
Opening your eyes you see you're in a very familiar room similar to the dorm you were just in, not that you contextualized it that way.
It feels realer than being awake, the novelty immediately known to you. This has never happened before.
To your right you see two slender drawings of fox boys superimposed in 3D space--one laying atop the other, but both looking at you quizzically.
One hops off the bed after the other, standing side by side they start to exit for something you aren't registering. A door or exit of sorts maybe?
You reach out and touch the leftmost one, leading the other, on the back.
Your hand hits his back--it's smooth--but then it begins to... fall through, the two feelings recurring over and over.
At this he turns around, with a sly, satisfied grin stretched across his face.
Everything goes black, and now you're oscillating between scenarios that make no sense and impossible to remember outside of flashes, and odd fever dreams that all seem to revolve around being in some very familiar room, all while this weird light shines in the bottom of your eyes.
"Is this what it's like to have dementia," you wonder. Running in almost complete headrush esque blackness. "Oh god, what if something terrible has happened and you're like brain damaged," you think running into what you know is a window with an AC at the bottom.
You should probably stop moving around, because this probably isn't good for whoever would be taking care of you
It's all gone, just complete oblivion now, but your entire body is there with pins and needles, you rub your face that feels like it's received more than enough Novacaine.
You just want it to stop, to get back to normal, and then there’s that light again, almost blinding, you’re back in your dorm, so you think.
You get up gasping, that was cool, you wanna go back into it, now that you know you’re not dead or worse
Looking around tells you that wish is in progress, for one you’re on the other side of the room where you fell asleep in, and for two the floors and walls had a makeover, it’s nothing too fancy, but rather than dingy waxed floor tiles and beige puke on the walls your feet are met with Vinyl and the walls a... seafoam green?
maybe something did happen, but either way you’re fine now and this is really cool, really novel
Even a cursory inspection makes gears start to turn. The armoires don’t have any clothes in them, just weird towel things, silken, woolen, nothing like your polyester gym shorts and tank top, that’s for sure.
Event he toiletries, everything seems to be hitting the mark of, “Close, but no cigar/” What’s more? There’s a goddamn bidet instead of toilet paper, “Not in my America,” you think with a receding smirk, giving way to a more thoughtful expression.
Looking at the shower though you realize something. You reek, and bad too! It’s like spoilt cheese or milk almost, those sheets couldn’t have fared much better.
Just as you’re about to hop in the shower you hear the sound of keys in a lock turning, they don't sound happy or careful either--someone's tired.
Finally time to see what exactly is going on
The door cracks a little and then you hear a retch “That fucking dog, what the fuck kind’ve smell does Eughh he think bitches swoon for.”
Then it swings open, and though he misses you in the adjacent bathroom, it’s not the other way around.
A fucking humanoid cat just walks in, he just walks in, more like stamps angrily, bad move though because his uh, clothes, robe? frock? toga? loosely catch the bottom of his foot sending the creature head over ass, eyes screwed shut in pain, hands at his forehead, even more expletives leaving his mouth with fangs bared.
I mean, you’re speechless, there preening through the doorway to get a look at this. Sure this was reminiscent of some Isekai bullshit, but this is insane. There’s no word to describe how blown away you are right now.
He’s gonna see you eventually, so... why not initiate?
A series of umms, chuffs, and eehs, and other assorted overdose-esque noises start coming out of your mouth. The cat shoots one eye open, first it contracts, then dilates. Finally settling on the same annoyance you caught from the side a second ago.
“I swear to Neru, not now!” he says in a clearly mocked up deeper, angry voice.
Then he just closes his eyes and starts... looking like he’s going to pass out.
While he’s busy doing that you take the liberty to see if this really is a dream or something, let’s see if it’s like before. This is really awkward, so you just start walking up to him slowly, and poke him on the forehead.
His eyes shoot open wide with fear, “whatthefuckwhatthefuck!” is all he manages to utter, making a bemused smile creep across your face. That’s definitely not calming him down. His hair raising on end, but he’s as still as a statue.
You make a series of faces trying to collect your words and it all comes out like “Uhh, I meant to say hi, who are you, um, nice to meet you too—what’s happening right now—why are you a talking cat,” you let out another chuff.
Nothing, looks like you broke him, light’s on, but no one’s home.
Not really sure what else to do, you just start poking him, wondering if he’s real, if all of this is real.
That seems to snap him out of it, but rather than saying anything he seems to be on the same wavelength, following suit, tawny hair falling back the more he does so.
It’s this way for awhile, you think you’ve both established reality is what it seems, but then something hits your leg
you both look down at once to see his... member, setting up camp beneath the toga thing he’s wearing
He yelps and ‘cat’apults onto his bed, and you start howling laughing. “What the fuck is going on!” you say between breaths this is amazing.You owe someone a lot to be sure.
“I could ask the same thing” you hear in a meek voice from the cat.
“I could ask the same thing” you hear in a meek voice from the cat.
“There’s a lot more questions I’m going to be asking you, kitty, “he gives a pouty face at this remark, “but I guess this is your place, and I’ll oblige you first, though there’s not much to tell. I just went to sleep, and woke up here. I touched some drawing of a dog and ended up in your—”
He cuts you off, “Wait, this is, you’re actually, umm, nevermind can I ask you something? I didn’t imagine the Nerii to smell so bad”
“I’m—I’m sorry?” confidence evaporating. He opens and closes his mouth “This is really big, you really don’t realize it, but ah, I can tell a lot of things, this is, something. Can we get you to the bath? You can’t smell that bad all the time can you?”
Now it’s your turn to feel bad, giving him a wounded, ‘no not really’ face, as you both shuffle into the bathroom.
Wait why is he following, “Hey what’s a ‘Nerii’, and why are you coming to watch me bathe” you say whipping around to face him
His ears turn red, pupils contracting, “I... Y-you’re like a divine people who left our lands a long time ago, to be honest few people think you even exist anymore.
“That’s one down, kittycat” He looks almost scared, going ever redder, biting his lower lip and wearing a face that just says ‘please come on.’
“Nevermind, I think I get it.” you say with a cheeky smile, turning around hearing his pawpads stumble and hit the floor.
“No it’s not like that! I just, we can’t waste time, and we need to talk and I wan—” he stops himself
“Yea I know what you want, you wanna see a holy in all it’s natural glory, you wanna feel up something exotic you sickOO!” That bathtub was slippery, you guess even divine beings aren’t free from karma, probably not free from getting knots on their head after falling either.
Nursing the soon-to-be welt with a hand and opening your eyes the first thing you see is that the faucet isn’t something you’re at all familiar with, “3 shells,” you mumble to yourself—laughing. The second thing you see is that cat, hackles raised and something like murder in his eyes—it’s actually really cute, with his chest puffed up, shaking.
“SERVES YOU RIGHT NERII!” You laugh and this seems to put out the fire. “Alright cat, you can stay and uh, serve me I guess” making air quotes around serve
“How many times do I have to tell you it’s not like that!” he whines, “What if I told you it was mutual?” you say hands behind your head , feet hanging out the bathtub
“EUGH Oh that’s—THAT’S SICK Nerii! Get those clothes off so I can be done with this!” You’ve never seen a man act this way, well... “I’m only joking you sissy,” Keeping a smile spread across your face. He seems genuinely hurt by this though. He really can’t take a hint or joke, can he?
You begin to strip off your rank gym clothes and the cat halfway looks away, “I wonder why” you think. Then begin to stare at the, what you THINK are the faucet controls, though it’s just a rock with what looks like quartz or something inlayed to make a few circles that poke out at similar space from the wall.
You turn to see the cat looking through his paws at you, feigning respect for privacy, and he winces. “How do I use this thing?”
He flinches for a second, mustering up something approaching courage, dropping the act. “You... don’t... know?” an amused smile creeping across his face—at least you finally got to see what that looked like. “No, no I don’t, cat, where I’m from our faucets use handles and knobs, not little crystal and stone circles that don’t do anything” His ears start going red again and he asks, “You’re not serious are you?”
“Can you walk and chew gum at the same time Nerii? You really can’t use vibra crystals?” Something begins to dawn on you as you hear a barely contained girly giggle. “Maybe cat but I’ve never seen this ever.”
You track his eyes to the two crystal circles inlayed in the fixture, he seems to stare for a second before a low hum but soothing hum sounds and the outermost circle slides in, gradually cool water begins to pour, then he repeats the same motion with the innermost until almost even, the temperature being just right looking pleased with himself—looking at you.
“Despite the fact that this talking cat just performed telekinesis something else occurred to you. “Hey, uh, cat, we both have names don’t we?” He looks displeased at your lack of oohing and aahing, crossing his arms before saying, “It’s Aæn, what’s yours Nerii?” “Stop calling me that, we call ourselves human, and my name’s Anon, anon the human—Aæn the cat.”
His arms still crossed, you stand up, naked AND taller than him
Visibly shaken at that, whatever sense of incredulity gone, eyes, once again, wide and afraid, “Ok Aæn, HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT YOU LITTLE FELINE FREAK THAT’S AMAZING,” Half yelling with a toothy grin. “How the hell did you do telekinesis, teach me.”
He’s as red as could possibly be and starring straight at the floor. You pull his face up so your eyes meet and you were wrong, even redder, “Tell me how you did it.”
“Well I uh, umm, you uh, just do it—it’s not tha-.” You plant a kiss on his forehead, then hear a chirping purr before he just goes limp. Forcing you to catch him. Guess all that blushing was too much for the heart.
He comes to in a few seconds, basically wrapped up in your arms. Seeing the look on his face, you half-expect him to pass out again, something, probably the smell, is bothering him, but he’s transfixed on your eyes longingly with a look of pure adoration.
This time it’s him to initiate a kiss, pressing into you, no melting. You feel his member rapidly growing, his breath drawn out sensually, the smell clearly no longer bothering him.
“Oh Neru, now we both have to take a bath,” he says, sounding short of breath. “Better to save time Aæn, but we’re going to enjoy this.” His eyes widen, and with an arm around his waist and a stopper sloppily put in the drain as you both feel each other up while getting into the bath, ending with him almost laying atop you.
As the water begins to fill up he folds his knees under him sitting up, cock bouncing as he does so. “I thought cats don’t like water?” you tease, caressing the left side of his head. “Not now anon, not now.”
He leans forward, pressing against you, slinking his arms underneath your shoulders for a soft embrace putting you both into a frotting position as you begin kissing passionately.
As your members rub aimlessly against one another it dawns upon you that for someone so unsure he seems to be perfectly fixated on what he wants now, but you also want it.
And with a hand on his back pressing you into him, and another gripping both your members moving up and down he makes the most sensual, enamored moan with some chirping purrs mixed in as you makeout.
At this point you might as well be in a dream again, his tail curls around your leg and his chest arches even further into you, soft fur rubbing against your entire torso, soft, feline balls against yours giving you a heavenly sensation. So soft and delicate.
The rhythmic motion your bodies move in is too much to handle anymore, you want to claim this kitten more than anything in the world, you’re senseless.
You thrust his lower body up with one hand and spread his cheecks, soon to enter his plush boyhole. He realizes, and with excited eyes and a cute, goofy smile he bolts upright, drool linking your mouth and his, as if it would make him come down on your manhood any faster.
Water begins to envelop there now, wet plapping and splashing as the world recedes away from you both in a maelstrom of sense gratification. No words enter your mind, only a longing for this bliss to never end. You want to be with this cat forever
You can feel that you’re about to finish now, but also something else, a heat in-between your groin and navel. Not just yours, but his as well, and a knowledge that you both are near is beamed into your head, in his eyes you see the same recognition.
You’re feeling as one with the cat, and as his eyes roll up so do yours, your already pre laden belly being came on by the feline as you finish inside him, as he collapses on your chest, soft, quiet breathing lulling you almost to sleep.

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Pub: 18 Mar 2022 10:22 UTC
Edit: 19 Mar 2022 08:41 UTC
Views: 1409