Then, he squeezed both of the nipples as hard as he could.

"Yeeeooowwww!" Carly yelled.

The young boy fucked the full length of his prick into his mother's seething cunt as yet another orgasm took possession of her.

Finally, knowing that he could hold back no longer, that he had to come now, Tom sank his prick to the hilt inside Carly's pussy and he held it there…

"Ohhhh, yessss, Tommy, come! Come, Son, come inside your mother! Fill my whole cunt with your thick, hot cum!" she babbled, knowing that the boy was about to shoot his wad inside her.

She felt his lean hips jerking against hers. Then she felt a rush of hot cum shooting into her pussy.

"Yessss, that's it, Son, that's it! Shoot! Shoot it all! I want it all!" she gasped.

"Take it all, Mom, take all of my cum!" Tom cried, unable to keep quiet any longer.

Carly came again as she felt the exciting sensation of her own son's cum gushing into her twitching pussy.

Wad after wad of thick, gooey jism exploded into the woman's cunt as the boy continued to come. The thick fuck sauce splashed against her cuntwalls in waves of warm whiteness.

"More! More!" she screamed, hardly recognizing her own voice, it was so strangled with lust.

More and more cum shot into the woman's cunt until the spunk overflowed and began to run lewdly down her trembling thighs.

As Tom's orgasm ended and his prick began to soften, Carly came a final time.

Tom lay panting on top of his mother. Both mother and son were covered with a fine sheen of sexual sweat. The boy's prick was still inside her but had softened. Slowly, he pulled his cock out of her.

Carly moaned softly as she stared at her son's cock and saw that it was glistening from the mingling of her fuck juices with his sticky jism.

The youngster flopped onto his back and lay quietly beside his mother. Both of them struggled to catch their breaths. He didn't look at her as he lay there, but he could tell that she was gazing at him. He kept, his own eyes fixed on the ceiling above.

As Carly lay there looking at her handsome son, the full impact of what she had just done struck her. And her entire body trembled with the enormity of the act she had just shared with her teenaged son.

She wondered what her friends and neighbors would think if they knew that she had just seduced her own son. She took a deep sigh, thinking how depraved she was.

Somehow, it didn't bother her. Feeling depraved and whorish only turned heron. Then she thought about her husband and she knew without a doubt that the man would be glad if he knew that his uptight wife had just fucked their son.

She giggled like a teenager. When Tom glanced over at her, Carly knew that she could never feel sorry for what she had just shared with her dear son. She had taken a young boy who was so sure that he was abnormal and she had turned him into a man.

Thanks to her, her young boy now knew that he was a real man, she thought, feeling proud of herself. Now, at least, he knew how to give pleasure to a woman and how to receive it from her. He knew that he was capable of fucking pussy just like any other normal boy. She knew that she no longer had to ask him if he had enjoyed fucking his mother.

Carly remembered the way he had cried out as he had shot his wad into her. If he had been simply going through the motions, he would not have had so much cum to give her.

"You were very, very good, Son. I hope you realize now that you're really a man," Carly said warmly, reaching over and lightly stroking his bare chest.

"Was I really good, Mom?" Tom asked with a smile.

"Oh, yes, Son, you're a wonderful lover! And I could tell that you enjoyed it, too," she said shyly.

"Oh, yeah, Mom, I did! You're the greatest! Thanks for letting me fuck you, Mom! I loved doing it and now I don't have to worry about being gay any more," Tom said. He knew that he could never let his mother find out that everything he had said to her about being gay was just an act. And he could never let her find out that her little pussy was not the first one to experience his fucking skills.

"Are you sure, Tommy? Are you really convinced now that you've got nothing to worry about? I did do the right thing, didn't I?" she asked, still feeling the tiniest bit of doubt nagging at her.

"God, yes, Mom, are you kidding? Letting me fuck you was exactly the right thing to do! It felt so good having my cock inside your pussy, Mom, so good that now I know I can't possibly be gay!" Tom said, embracing the woman.

Carly turned to face her son, returning his warm embrace. "And you'll forget all about that teacher of yours?"

"What teacher?" Tom asked with a grin and they both laughed.

As the mother and son hugged each other tightly, every last trace of doubt left Carly's mind and she knew that she had done the right thing in fucking her son. It had been right for him. And it most certainly had been right for her. For the first time, she really understood what had driven Ralph into their daughter's bed that fateful night.

"Mom?" Tom asked.

"Hmmm?" she responded lazily.

"What we just did… it was incest, you know," the boy said, watching her closely.

"Yes, Son, I know," she said dreamily.

"Incest. Just like it was incest when Dad and Julie fucked," the boy said.

"What are you getting at?" Carly asked, more alert now.

"You don't see anything wrong with incest now, do you?" Tom asked urgently.

"After what we just did together?" Carly laughed drily. "No, of course, I don't see anything wrong with incest. Not anymore."

"And you don't blame Julie anymore?" Tom asked.

Carly thought for a min

ute. She had blamed her daughter. She had almost hated her in her jealousy. But now that Carly had fucked her own son, now that she had discovered just how beautiful incest was, there was no way she could continue to bear this hateful grudge against her own daughter.

"No, I don't blame her at all anymore," Carly responded sincerely.

"Good," Tom said, letting out a long sigh. "I can blame only myself, Son, for if I hadn't come off like such a prude when I caught your father and sister in bed together, he would still be living at home and my relationship with Julie would not have become the cold, distant thing that it is now," Carly said, fully realizing the truth for the first time since she had kicked her husband out of his home.

"Yeah, and if you hadn't been so uptight, we all coulda been in bed together by now!" Tom said.

He was relieved when his mother laughed along with him and poked him playfully in his ribs.

"I'm really glad you understand it all now, Mom. You've come a long way. But you've gotta got to Julie and tell her all this, too," the boy said earnestly.

"Julie?" the woman echoed, already beginning to stroke her son's hardening prick again.

"Yeah, Mom, it's real important. Julie's been eating herself up alive with guilt ever since that night. You've gotta talk to her and tell her it wasn't her fault, Mom," Tom said, trying to keep his mind on his words instead of on the hand that was working his prick into another full-fledged erection.

"I will, Son, I promise. I know that I have to talk to Julie. I'll do it the first thing tomorrow. But for now…"

"Yeah, Mom?" Tom asked with a grin; knowing what his mother wanted now, for it was exactly what he wanted too.

"I want you to fuck me again!" she cried.

The youngster threw his full weight on top of her naked body and fucked his stiff prick up her cunthole.


Tom left the house early the following morning, telling his mother that that would give her an opportunity to talk to Julie alone with no interruptions. The young boy only hoped that, upon his return, he would find that his mother and sister had made peace with each other.

Carly was in the kitchen when her daughter returned home from her friend's house. The older woman went out into the living room to greet the young girl and to tell her that she wanted to talk to her.

"Julie, I…" Carly began, but Julie walked right past her and moved quickly toward her bedroom.

Carly looked after her daughter, not really able to blame the young girl. After all, she told herself, she had been ignoring Julie completely of late so she could not very well expect that now the teenaged girl would be very receptive to her mother's sudden change of heart.

She doesn't really even know yet how much I've changed, Carly thought. It's up to me to tell her.

Carly gasped when she reached the doorway to her daughter's bedroom. The teenaged girl was sitting on the edge of her bed, sobbing hard. The older woman's heart felt as if it would break as she saw the tears flowing down Julie's face.

"Oh, Julie! What's wrong?" she asked warmly as she moved toward the girl's bed. Carly sat down next to Julie and put her arms around the weeping girl.

Julie was shocked by her mother's behavior. At first, she began to pull away. But it felt so good to be embraced by her mother once again, and she felt so miserable that she did not need to be held and so she remained within the circle of her mother's soft comforting arms as her small body heaved with the force of her sobs.

"Try to calm down, dear. Tell me what has you so upset. You just came from Linda's house. Does it have anything to do with her?" Carly asked.

"In a way," the teenager choked out between sobs.

"Did you two have a fight?" Carly asked with concern.

"Oh, no, it's nothing like that," Julie said, struggling to stop crying. "It's just that well, you may not understand this, but Linda and her parents and sisters are all so close, just the way we used to be."

"Yes, dear, I know. Why has that upset you?" Carly asked, feeling a pang of guilt at her daughter's words.

"I was just so jealous! I couldn't stand to see all that… that… closeness and love when we've all been so unhappy here in our own home," Julie said, beginning to cry again as her mother's arms tightened about her.

"Oh, Julie, darling, you're wrong when you say that I don't understand. Since last night, I understand everything a lot better than I did before," Carly said softly, feeling a twinge in her pussy as she remembered how good it had felt, and what a liberating experience it had been, to fuck with her son.

"I-I don't understand, Mother," Julie said, hiccuping a couple of times as her sobs subsided.

"Of course, you don't, dear. I haven't really explained anything yet. Now dry your tears and I'll tell you all about it," Carly said, still embracing the girl.

"Okay," Julie said, wondering, what could have happened to make her mother so warm and loving again.

"First of all, I want you to realize that the unhappiness we have all felt lately is not your fault," Carly began.

"How can you say that?" Julie cried, looking at her mother incredulously. "You found me in bed with Daddy and that's why you threw him out of the house."

"Yes, Julie, but your father was right when he called me a prude. If I hadn't been so uptight and so afraid of my own feelings, I could have accepted the beautiful love which you and your daddy shared that night, and we would all still be a happy, loving family," Carly said, giving her daughter a little hug. "So, you see, darling, all the misery we've been feeling around here is entirely my fault, not yours at all."

For a few minutes, mother and daughter sat there in silence while the teenager tried to take in all of this startling information. She wanted to believe her mother. She wanted and needed to believe that she had absolutely nothing to feel guilty about, but it wasn't that easy. She had suffered far too much lately to be able to do a hundred-and-eighty degree turn and suddenly feel okay again.

"What did you mean when you said you were afraid of your own feelings?" the girl asked finally, remembering everything her mother had said in her impassioned speech.

Carly took a deep breath to steady her nerves. This would be the hardest part.

"Well, darling, I guess I've always been sexually attracted to your brother but I tried to deny those feelings, not realizing that they were natural and good, just like the feelings you and your daddy have for each other," Carly began.

"You're kidding! Are you telling me that you've always felt hot and horny for Tom's cock?" Julie asked, hardly able to believe her own ears.

"Yes, Julie, that's exactly what I'm telling you," Carly said, becoming aware that she felt that, familiar burning sensation in her clit and that her pussy was growing warm and wet as she continued to hold the girl against her tit. "And, last night, Tom and I finally shared something very beautiful. That was my turning point for me, Julie. That's when I finally realized…"

"My God, Mom! What are you saying?" Julie interrupted.

"Yes, dear, it's true. Your brother and I fucked each other last night and it was wonderful! That's why I'm so changed today and that's what made me see the light," Carly said as she felt more juice seeping into her cunt.

"I'm sorry, Mom, but I just don't believe you," Julie said softly and sadly.

Carly gasped in dismay. It had never occurred to her that her daughter might not believe her. As she had rehearsed this little scene earlier, it had all seemed so simple to her. She had thought that all she would have to do was to tell Julie the truth about what had happened the night before, and that everything would be fine between mother and daughter from that point on.

How could I have been so naive? The older woman asked herself now. Human nature is never that simple.

"Do you think I'm lying to you, Julie?" Carly asked in a stricken voice.

"In a way, I guess, Mother," Julie responded, knowing that she had to be honest about her feelings, however painful it was for both of them.

"Now why would I do that?" Carly asked softly.

"Well, I can understand why you'd do that, Mother. After all, you are my mother and you're probably starting to feel bad about how unhappy I've been. So I guess you'd be willing to tell me whatever you think I need to hear to make me happy again. But it won't work, Mother, I'm sorry," Julie said, looking away from her mother now.

"Oh, Julie," Carly sighed, feeling like crying herself now. Her mind raced as she frantically searched for a way to reach her little girl.

"Thanks for coming in to see how I was, Mom, and thanks for trying to make me feel better. But, if you don't mind, I think I'll take a nap now," Julie said, beginning to move out of her mother's arms.

"Wait, Julie! What would it take to convince you that I've been telling you the truth?" Carly asked, suddenly inspired by an idea that made her little cunt feel even hotter and wetter as she tightened ha arms about her daughter, not letting her move away.

"Oh, I don't know," Julie responded, thinking hard for a minute or two. "But… well, I'm sorry to have to put it this way, but I think the only thing that could make me believe you one hundred percent is if I had seen you making it with Tom with my own eyes!"

"I see," Carly said, not surprised. "So, you're telling me that you'd believe that I've finally accepted and embraced the idea of incest if you had seen me in the act of incest, is that right?"

"Yeah, that's right," Julie said with a shrug of her small shoulders, not really seeing the point of all this.

"In that case, darling, be prepared to become a believer," Carly said with a grin.

"What are you talking about? Are you planning to make it with Tom and have me watch?" Julie asked in disbelief.

"No, darling, not that," Carly said with a soft laugh, "but I do plan to let you see me in the act of incest so that you can believe me once and for all."

"I don't forget it! If you're gonna do something that would be incest, and if you're not gonna do it with Tommy, then the only other person you could make it with would be… omigod, Mother!" the girl cried, choking on her words as the full impact of her mother's intentions struck her with full force.

"That's right, darling… the only other person I can make it with so you can see me in the act of incest is you," Carly said softly, turning on incredibly as she thought about making it with her beautiful daughter.

The older woman rubbed her thighs together, making her cuntlips stroke each other as she grew more and more aroused.

"I-I don't know what to say," Julie stammered, her face pale as she struggled to get used to this new side of her mother.

"You don't have to say anything, darling. Just take your clothes off and let me prove myself to you. Come on, Julie, don't turn me down on this. You don't want to blow what may be our only chance to become a happy family again," Carly said persuasively. She rose from her daughter's bed and stripped off all her clothes, revealing her beautiful naked body to her daughter's startled gaze.

Her mother's words made sense to the youngster. There was no way in the world Julie wanted to pass up the chance to have her loving family back together again.

The teenager began to strip all her own clothes off. She kept her eyes on her mother's naked body. She had to admit to herself that she wanted to make it with the lovely woman. Perhaps she always had.

"Your tits are beautiful, darling." Carly said with a little catch in her voice as she stared at the girl's tits. Carly felt her own long, reddish nipples already stiffening with incestuous desire.

"Thanks, Mom, so are yours. I only wish my tits were as big as yours are!" Julie said, all but drooling as she gazed at her mother's huge tits.

"Don't worry, dear. You're still a growing girl and, at your age, my tits were even smaller than yours," Carly said.

"Really?" Julie asked.

"Yes, dear, really. And, besides, your tits are just the right size for a wet, horny mouth," Carly said.

They both laughed, Julie blushing with excitement.

Mother and daughter sank onto the bed. Carly put her thumb and forefinger on one of the girl's nipples, squeezing.

"Does this feel good?" Carly asked huskily.

"Oh, yes, Mom!"

Carly moved her other hand to Julie's other tit and squeezed that nipple as well. Then she placed both of her hands on her daughter's tits and squeezed and kneaded the firm tit-flesh.

"Unnhhhh, Mom, you're turning me on so much!" Julie cried as she felt her pussy moistening with fuck juices.

After several more minutes of fondling her little girl's tits, Carly moved her hands down to Julie's pussy. She parted the outer lips of the juicy little cunt and held them open with the fingers of one hand while she used the index finger of her other hand to stroke the girl's quivering clit which felt hot and wet beneath her probing finger.

"Oh God!" Julie gasped, throwing her head back and surrendering herself completely to the savage, incestuous pleasure her mother was giving her.

As Carly continued to rub her little girl's clit, she moved her face to Julie's chest and sucked one of her nipples into her hot, wet mouth.

"Yessss! Suck my tits, Mom! Rub my clit! Make me come!" the teenager gasped.

Carly moved her mouth to her daughter's other tit and she sucked that nipple into her mouth, sucking on it hard, pleased when she felt it hardening inside her mouth.

At the same time, the older woman took her finger away from Julie's little clit and rammed it inside the youngster's fuckhole.

"God! Oh, God, Mom, the things you're doing to me! You're making me so fucking horny! Finger-fuck my cunt, Mom! Do it hard! Make me come!"

While Carly continued to fuck her daughter's cunthole with her finger, she used her thumb to stroke the girl's clit again, all the while sucking on the teenagers bursting tits, moving rapidly from one to the other, making the red nipples grow harder and stiffer with each incestuous suck.

"Put your legs over the side of the bed darling." Carly said, panting hard as she finally took her mouth off of Julie's tits and slipped her hand but of the girl's pussy.

"Sure, Mom!" the girl cried eagerly as she obediently let her legs hang over the side of the bed.

Carly slipped down to the floor, kneeling between her legs. The older woman spread her daughter's legs farther apart, rubbing Julie's clit once again.

"Oh, Mom, are you gonna do what I think you are?" Julie asked.

"That depends on what you're thinking," Carly responded in a teasing tone.

"Are you gonna eat me out?" Julie asked. "You got it, darling!" Carly cried, feeling her own little pussy pouring out thick fuck juice.

Julie let out a moan and rolled her back and forth on her shoulders as hot, lewd sensations ripped through her. Each fuck of her mother's finger on her sensitive clit sent new surges of erotic pleasure through her.

Finally, Carly moved her head closer to Julie's pussy-slit. She took her finger away from the girl's clit and brought her mouth to the base of the teenager's silt. She stuck out her tongue, parting the bloated, juicy cuntlips with it. Then she slowly moved to the top of the narrow pussy-silt, keeping her tongue between the puffy lips.

The older woman pushed her tongue in more firmly and ran it around in a circle inside her daughter's cunt.

"Yessss!" Julie yelped, staring down at the exciting sight of her mother poking her tongue into her young pussy.

As her mother's tongue passed over her clit again, the sudden burst of excitement made Julie hotter and hornier than she had ever felt before.

Carly swirled her tongue around and around, each obscene pass grazing the girl's clit.

Long moments later, she pressed hard against the firm little tit, holding it there, pressing harder and harder.

"Omigod! Omigod!" Julie gasped. Her face and tits flushed, and she trembled all over as she felt the exquisite thrill of her mother's tongue pressing hard against her stiff clit.

Now, Carly began to lash at the little clit with her tongue. At the same time, she slipped one hand down to her own cunt and she began to rub her own clit.

As the woman moved her tongue faster on her daughter's clit, she moved her finger faster on her own. Savage incestuous sensations shook Carly to the core as she licked her little girl's clit. Her breathing became labored, and her hand quickly became drenched with her hot fuck juices.

When Julie's hips started to move and her crotch began to hump up against Carly's mouth, the older woman took her tongue away from the teenager's clit. She looked up at the youngster, pleased by the expression of raw fuck-lust she saw stamped on Julie's face.

"Now get ready for the thrill of your life. I'm going, to fuck your cunthole with my tongue, Julie!" Carly said, hardly able to speak she was so aroused.

"Yes! Do it, Mom! That's just what I need! Fuck that hard tongue of yours right up my hole!" Julie cried, reaching down and gripping my mother's face and shoving it harder against her flowing cunt.

Once again, Carly brought her finger to the girl's tit, rubbing it just as hard as she could while she pushed her tongue into the girl's aching cunthole.

Julie's cunt muscles closed immediately about her mother's tongue and more juice gushed out, flooding into Carly's mouth. The older woman eagerly swallowed her little girl's tasty juices as she began to fuck her tongue in and out of the clenching hole.

With Julie's hands still gripping the sides of her head, Carly pressed her face even harder into the girl's cunt, rolling her tongue around inside the tight little hole. The sweet taste of the teenager's fuck juices made Carly's head spin, and she groaned loudly, the sound muffled by the hot cuntmeat pressed so tightly against her mouth.

Carly pulled her tongue back into her mouth and sucked on it, savoring every drop of her daughter's cuntjuice. Then she thrust her tongue back up Julie's cunthole just as far as it would go.

"Jesus, God!" Julie shrieked. "That's incredible! Don't, stop, Mom, don't ever stop!"

The girl's ass was bouncing up and down on the bed now and Carly reached up with her free hand and gripped Julie's hip, trying to hold her still so she could finish tongue fucking her to orgasm.

Faster and deeper, Carly plunged her tongue in and out of the teenager's fuckhole, moving her finger even faster on Julie's clit. At the same time, she continued to rub her own clit.

Julie arched her back and thrust her cunt into her mother's face, gasping for breath.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she cried out over and over. It was dear that the youngster was about to come. Carly felt her own orgasm building as she continued to tongue-fuck the wild girl and rub her clit as well as her own; her tongue and fingers moving faster and faster.

Carly brought herself right to the edge of orgasm, and then she deliberately began to rub her own clit slower, not wanting to come until her daughter did.

"Ohhhh, Mom, that feels soooo fucking good," Julie wailed.

Each new burst of pleasure in her cunt was even more exciting than the last.

"Shiiiit! Commmmiiinnggg!" Julie cried seconds later, as a powerful orgasm hit. Every nerve in her body was on fire and the room seemed to spin about her. Buckets of hot fuck juice flowed from her fuckhole, gushing into her mother's mouth.

Carly's own orgasm began as she hungrily swallowed every drop of her daughter's orgasmic fuck juices. The older woman's climax grew in intensity. She felt Julie's cunt muscles grip her fucking tongue so hard she was sure the girl intended to tear it out by its root.

As mother and daughter came together, Carly continued to thrust her tongue in and out of Julie's cunthole, at the same time stroking the girl's clit hard and fast, even as she rubbed her own spasming clit.

Their cunts spasmed and shuddered violently. Their bodies were a mass of shakes and jerks as their orgasms held them in a grip that thrilled them to the core.

A long time later, their orgasms subsided and Carly pulled her mouth and hand away from Julie's cunt. She took her other hand away from her own still-twitching pussy and rose from the floor.

The two females speechlessly clung to each other as they panted hard, struggling to get enough air into their parched lungs.

"God, Mom, that was the most incredible thing I've ever… I never thought you would be capable of doing something like that," Julie gasped.

"You said you'd believe that I've really changed if you saw me in the act of incest, darling. Well, now, you've not only seen it, you've felt it!" Carly said with a little laugh, embracing her daughter tightly.

"Oh, Mom, yes! Now I really do believe you! I'm so sorry that I ever doubted you," Julie said, feeling closer to her mother than ever before.

"That's okay, darling. I'm the one who needs to apologize. I'm very sorry for being such a prude to begin with and putting you through so much unhappiness," Carly said.

"Don't worry about it, Mom," Julie said with a happy grin. "That's all behind us. Now that you and I are close again, everything will be all right."

"I know, darling. Isn't it wonderful? But there's just one more thing we need to make it all perfect, even more perfect than it was before," Carly said, grinning too now.

"What's that, Mom?" Julie asked dreamily. "Your daddy! Why don't you call him right now and tell him that all is forgiven and to get his ass over here."

"And to join us in bed?" Julie asked excitedly, already springing up from the bed and heading for her phone.

"Right! And to join us in bed! And your brother will be home soon and he can join us, too, in a real old-fashioned family orgy!" Carly said, laughing Carly, feeling freer and happier than she had in a long time.

Later, much later, after all four family members had fucked and sucked themselves into a stupor, Tom felt pangs of guilt, and not for the first time. Sure, his little ploy with his mother had brought them all together, but he still felt guilty. He had been vague enough and contradictory enough to leave her confused about just what was happening in his life, but he really wanted more than that. He wanted to wipe the slate clean. He wanted to leave his mother with no doubts about him at all.

"Mom," he said, "there's something I want to tell you, that you should know about what I told you earlier."

"What, Tom?"

"It's just that I tricked you about… well, I've never done…"

"I know," she said. "I always knew."

And she sucked his cock into his mouth.

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Pub: 20 Jan 2024 05:52 UTC
Views: 654